the west built an economy so amazingly optimised that it tricked itself into thinking it was robust
— hal ?? (@halhod) April 17, 2020
As entire countries shut down to prevent the spread of coronavirus, "essential" services remain open
In some places that's gun shops, for others it's chocolate stores
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 16, 2020
WHO unsure antibodies protect against COVID, little sign of herd immunity
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 18, 2020
Global coronavirus death toll hits 150,000: Reuters tally
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 18, 2020
Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders. Oklahoma saw a 53% increase in cases over the past week; a 60% jump in Arkansas, 74% in Nebraska, 82% in Iowa. and a 205% spike in South Dakota
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) April 17, 2020
Federal agencies and 16 companies — including some of the biggest players in the pharmaceutical industry — will collaborate on potential treatment options and a vaccine for COVID-19, the head of the NIH says.
— NPR (@NPR) April 18, 2020
Santa Clara Co survey ests actual prevalence #COVID19 in that #SiliconValley area is 2.5% to 4.6%. If that were true in NYC — where test+ total now = 123,146 — we have between 220,000 to 404,800 cumulative infections in the City.
So either a gap of 96,854 or of 281,654, if true— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) April 17, 2020
A pattern is emerging among COVID-19 patients arriving at hospitals in New York: Beyond fever, cough and shortness of breath, some are deeply disoriented to the point of not knowing where they are or what year it is
— AFP news agency (@AFP) April 18, 2020
Big brother…is in your pocket: survey of principal apps and technology being deployed in East Asian countries for COVID-19 surveillance, contact tracing and quarantine enforcement @AFP
— AFPgraphics (@AFPgraphics) April 17, 2020
The costs of PPEs (personal protective equipment for hospital personnel) have skyrocketed >1,000-fold since the #COVID19 #pandemic began.
Somebody is making a hell of a lot of money.— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) April 18, 2020
#UPDATE Criticism is mounting against China over its management of the #coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 145,000 people worldwide and hammered the global economy since it first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan
— AFP news agency (@AFP) April 17, 2020
For centuries Guangzhou has been distinguished by its openness, to merchants and migrant workers. This story by ?@aliceysu? is important and disturbing.
— Sewell Chan (@sewellchan) April 17, 2020
China has gagged hospital staff in Wuhan from speaking to foreign journalists. This is a memo from a hospital to all staff banning them from speaking to any foreign media. They are also been banned from posting on social media about their experience during the outbreak. #wuhan
— Michael Smith (@MikeSmithAFR) April 17, 2020
the story in singapore is both less and more depressing than this tweet makes it out to be
the virus isn't running rampant across the island. those cases have been relatively steady, like 40 a day for the last week
it *is* running rampant in the segregated migrant worker dorms
— Gerry Doyle (@mgerrydoyle) April 17, 2020
Singapore is assessing whether migrant workers who have recovered from the coronavirus might be safer on cruise ships than back in dormitories that have become infection hotbeds
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 17, 2020
we had a story last week about how medical staff are, behind the scenes, extremely concerned about being overrun. the numbers have increased since then
— Gerry Doyle (@mgerrydoyle) April 17, 2020
For India’s poor, hunger is the enemy amid the world’s largest lockdown, maybe even more than COVID-19.
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 18, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic will likely kill at least 300,000 Africans and risks pushing 29 million into extreme poverty, a U.N. agency said
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 18, 2020
The French navy is investigating how the coronavirus infected more than 900 sailors aboard the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. A navy spokesman says it's "very difficult to apply social distancing measures" on a combat vessel.
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) April 17, 2020
“We will not go to our villages, we will not roast in our yards, we will not go to our churches." In Greece, Orthodox Christians are facing an Easter like no other because of the coronavirus pandemic. Full story:
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) April 17, 2020
VIDEO: Italy's bookshops are allowed to reopen from today, as the government slowly eases the coronavirus lockdown, but many remain wary. In Rome, where the bookshops are still ordered to remain closed, owners are trying to keep their businesses afloat by offering home deliveries
— AFP news agency (@AFP) April 17, 2020
Coronavirus lockdowns have played a role in causing pollution levels to drop significantly across Europe over the past month, the European Space Agency has said.
Nitrogen dioxide levels are down around 50% in some cities.
— CNN International (@cnni) April 18, 2020
The Prime Minister has ruled out forcing Australians to sign up for the government's coronavirus tracking app. @KerrieYaxley #9News
— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) April 18, 2020
Factbox: IMF, World Bank disburse funds to help countries battle pandemic
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 18, 2020
The UN lowered its flag at NYC Headquarters in a gesture of solidarity and in honour of those who have lost their lives to #COVID19.
Details on how the UN is supporting the #coronavirus response around the world:
— United Nations (@UN) April 18, 2020
Facts on #H1N1: Within 2 wks of the id of the outbreak,@FDA approved CDC-created test kits. By September 2009 FDA had approved 4 influenza vaccines. During the crisis @CDCgov released 11 million treatment courses of Tamiflu & Relenza. #Obama led & USG agencies saved lives.
— Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) April 17, 2020
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
I haven’t owned a gun in years, but thanks to the idiocy on display in MI & KY, I’m thinking of using part of my stimulus check to buy a used Mossberg 500 shotgun.
Amir Khalid
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
There are too many idiots. You could never hope to fight them all off.
It is shocking, but I guess to be expected, to see the disease take hold across the south and mid-west. Off in my EU bubble I had not realized the amount of denial. We got terrified by what happened in Italy, now we have been locked down for 5 weeks, and starting to phase out of it. You can’t say people were not warned!
where do they expect to find medical supplies and ventilators now?
@Xenos: There are literally thousands of tons of unused medical supplies and ventilators in NY because Cuomo panicked and horded a bunch of stuff when there was no real reason to worry. It’s just like the flu! Besides, trump will ride to the rescue if they really do need anything.
Just in case, s//.
There’s plenty to criticize about the economy, but no one is ever going to create an economy that doesn’t take a hit from something like this.
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s DG of Health is announcing today’s numbers: 54 new cases in Malaysia, running total 5,305; 2 deaths, total 88. 135 more recoveries, total 3,102. Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah reminds Malaysians not to think these positive trends mean the war is already won. He also says Malaysia’s PPE supplies are adequate for now.
In other news, the National Security Council says, don’t even think about going back to your hometown for Eid with your peeps. There will be more cops on the highway to prevent non-essential travel.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): Good luck finding one.
I’m worried about the immunity. There are no vaccines for other types of coronavirus and there are 4 common coronavirus strains that run through the populace that don’t confer any real immunity over time (common colds).
I worry that this will just keep blasting through the population until it reaches a point that those who can survive the first infection more or less shrug off subsequent infections as we do a cold.
@Baud: The fact that we paid the cost to lay off a quarter of the population, put them all on unemployment while also bailing out every industry, and then will again pay the cost to rehire them all is astonishingly stupid.
Hawaii beaches and waters are closed. Except when they’re not.
@Martin: What should we have done or do?
That’s not the”economy.” That’s policy and politics.
TS (the original)
He will if he can – he has a couple of offsiders who would like nothing more than to be able to trace what people are doing on their phones. It’s ruled out today – wait for tomorrow.
I’m glad the idea of coronavirus parties never took off.
I doubt very much they will be able to “shrug off subsequent infections as we do a cold”. Time has it’s way with all of us and the insults to our bodies accumulate. We become weaker as we age. Eventually, everybody will become more susceptible to succumbing. Just as with cancer, or heart disease, it will become a leading cause of death.
low-tech cyclist
I’m very much against capital punishment, but I’m willing to make this one exception:
Anyone found to have been profiteering wrt PPE or other needed medical supplies during this crisis should swing by the neck from a lamppost on Pennsylvania Avenue.
And if Democrats aren’t pissed as hell about this profiteering, they should damn well at least publicly pretend to be.
@NotMax: Has anyone told the big water, ocean water, that it needs to practice social distancing too?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
History did not begin in 1936, this is hardly the first pandemic this culture faced and quarantines have been going on since friking Middle Ages, god damn ignorant media twats.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Silly EVT. Everyone knows Greece is still a babe.
@low-tech cyclist: I’ll settle for tarring and feathering.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: The media does this all the time; a few years ago when a fire burned though the Santa Monicas all the way to the coast, they were saying this had never happened before. I’ve lived in Southern California for most of my life and I can remember this happening a number of times.
@OzarkHillbilly: …and then hanging.
Come on people. If you’re going to insist on trying home-made coronavirus cures, why not just eat a bar of soap instead?
We laughed at the people eating Tide Pods. Who’s laughing now?
Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement today on President Trump’s comments around “liberating” parts of the country.
@Martin: This is a logical endgame since don’t a lot of viruses mutate into less lethality? Since that gives them wider spread?
And speaking of profiteers:
WaPo via Scott Lemieux.
The AFP article “Confusion, seizure, strokes: How COVID-19 may affect the brain”
is really frightening.
Not that this article is any more comforting
@WereBear: It already has a wider spread. We are just now coming to realize how many infections are completely asymptomatic.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Trump “slowly” read his script.
Nice dig.
Lacuna Synechdoche
NPR via Anne Laurie @ Top:
Until Combover Caligula attacks the NIH, or the pharmaceutical companies, or finds some other way to sidetrack and blow up efforts to prevent and treat the spread of CoViD-19.
Uncle Cosmo
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Justinian is holding on the royal-purple courtesy phone….
What is the legal definition of a domestic terrorist? Just asking for a friend. Could tweets designed to encourage action against local governmental orders be considered such an act by way of some elderly person with lots of hate to spew and time on their hands. This is intolerable. Perhaps in states with no stay at home orders a tweet such as this would have no order to violate. Gov. Inslee was clear in the harm that could result but no actions that could protect the population from this was mentioned. Are there any protective responses available?
These states could potentially impose more modest lock downs if they also undertook aggressive testing and tracking. I wish Trump would just go away. Anyone else including the idiot Pence would have figured out the need for aggressive testing. Trump doesn’t want people to get tested. He wants people to die. I think I better stay offline today.
randy khan
Let me just say that chocolate seems more essential to me than guns.
YY_Sima Qian
The transmission chain in Harbin continues to grow, 7 new confirmed and 1 new asymptomatic domestic cases yesterday, for a total of 50 domestic cases in the cluster to date. More case report information have been released: the young returnee from the US never met the members of the family living downstairs in the same unit face to face. The current hypothesis is that the vector is the share spaces, such as stairwell or elevator. The returnee must have violated self-quarantine at points to pick up delivery or go grocery shopping. The residential property management must also have done a poor job of regularly disinfect the common spaces. So everyone should be extremely mindful of potential infection from shared spaces and surfaces. This also illustrates why China has been mandating centralized quarantine for any at risk group, especially returnees from overseas since late Mar.
The Harbin “super spreader“ who caused sub-clusters in two hospitals apparently was staying in a single occupancy room at the first hospital. It is extremely unlike for one person to infect so many other patients, their families and caretakers, and medical staff. More likely, the super spreader infected some of the nurses and doctors, who in turn infected other people in the ward, including colleagues. When he was transferred to the second hospital with fever symptoms, the second hospital failed to place him in isolation until three days later, upon confirmation. The delay created another chain of transmission. Finally, one of the infected cases visited the fever clinic at a third hospital, as designated COVID-19 hospital, but was not admitted and placed into medical quarantine, despite showing symptoms.
Unsurprisingly, top administrators at all three hospitals have been relieved or disciplined, and procedures and protocols will be improved, likely to be aligned with best practices in Wuhan. For example, there was a doctor in working in the gastroenterology buffer ward I stayed at during my hospital stay who ended up being confirmed, but he did not cause a transmission chain (because there were no new confirmed cases afterward).
Two new confirmed domestic cases in Guangdong Province yesterday, one connected to a foreign imported case, and one imported from Wuhan. Another new confirmed domestic case in Sichuan Province, also imported from Wuhan. Both cases imported from Wuhan presumably tested negative before leaving Wuhan, but tested positive when screened immediately upon reaching their destinations. Again illustrates the necessity of multiple PCR screens spaces days apart, to catch infected cases, after societies start to relax the restrictions.
The good news is that Taiwan has not reported new cases in a few days, and Hong Kong is in low single digits. The reduced flights, to refusal of entry to all non-residents, and the mandatory quarantined, are working for these places.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): same here
Sloane Ranger
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: To be fair, the germ theory of disease is very much a product of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Before then we trialled, at various times, the wrath of God, bad smells and God knows what else.
This is the first time Churches and other religious establishments have voluntarily closed down due to a pandemic. In previous times, they would have been crowded as people tried to pray the plague away (although they might have upped the incense level to keep the miasma away).
if immunity works like it does with milder coronaviruses, then likely immunity is strong enough but fades after a year or two. in which case any vaccine developed for sars-cov-2 is going to have to be given every year or two, like a flu shot.
I clicked that Reuters tweet about covid-19 antibodies and read the thread. Either there are a ton of bots trying to help Trump or there are armies of Russian trolls trying to help Trump or Trump’s misinformation campaign and blame shifting (wrt the World Health Organization) is working among stupid ass Americans who will end up helping Trump.
It really is disappointing to see so many stupid tweets blaming WHO. When karma does come around a lot of people will be surprised.
@chopper: We need a new flu shot every year because flu mutates/recombines and we face a new pathogen every year.
Pertussis is a closer analog – weak immunity and a weak vaccine, but we can stay on top of it.
@Sloane Ranger:
I think the Mongols had a pretty good idea of germ theory when they were launching plague-ridden cadavers into cities under siege.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Because today’s media punditry has the historical perspective of a goldfish…
This is one reason why I was a strong supporter of Warren. She wants to investigate this administration, and I’m afraid Biden is just a bit too much “let’s get back to normal”.
If people don’t end up named, shamed, and given long prison sentences where justified (and I confess, I believe there will be plenty of justification for plenty of people). The best way to flush this country down the toilet would be to forgive or forget the blatant corruption of this administration – that would prove that Republicans can commit *any* crime and skate.
(Yes, I’m assuming that the high prices are due to corruption and price gouging. I confess, I might be wrong, but does any reasonable person think I am? Yes, I know, Trump supporting Republicans; I said any *reasonable* person.)