“N45 Mask” pic.twitter.com/Zf7yuYYVKt
— Edel Rodriguez (@edelstudio) April 20, 2020
there’s now a case to be made that if trump had done *absolutely nothing* in response to the crisis except enter a cone of silence and let people do their jobs we’d have this halfway under control already and be cruising towards resumption of most normal activities https://t.co/YVBTSf3O1R
— kilgore trout, compulsory consumer (@KT_So_It_Goes) April 22, 2020
was it jared and ivanka https://t.co/SOmWaHX3AA
— darth™ (@darth) April 20, 2020
And also idiots. Idiots can be monsters, too!
He's going to suggest that everyone buy rakes, isn't he? https://t.co/kVjJDwOOzT
— Dr. Tara C. Smith (@aetiology) April 21, 2020
Speaking of idiots — Visit Las Vegas, if the slots don’t get ya the coronavirus might!
Keep in mind that this assumed ignorance is a common ploy. It's the old, "if I didn't know I couldn't have done anything about it." It's CYA and implausible deniability. https://t.co/iyIZ4lCAuo
— Mig Greengard (@chessninja) April 21, 2020
None of this have it both ways, who knows for sure, everybody dies sometime, blah blah. "Experts say this will kill people and the economy will still tank. So why are you doing it?"
— Mig Greengard (@chessninja) April 21, 2020
Going full Leroy Jenkins on a contagious disease is bonkers, and the only reason to do it is if you're sure you can't do test and trace. Or if you don't want to, for hidden motives.
— Mig Greengard (@chessninja) April 21, 2020
As an election ploy, maybe not the best…
So you're telling me Operation Sacrifice the Elders isn't exactly clicking with FoxNews's core demographic? https://t.co/y8jHHhMpaF
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) April 21, 2020
Despite scattered protests, most Americans support shelter-in-place, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows https://t.co/6yJjMkgCH7 pic.twitter.com/2VmsRhehpd
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 22, 2020
Hungry Joe
New motto: “Live free AND die!”
Ohio’s Director of Health Amy Acton is Jewish and there have been a couple of anti-Semitic incidents since the protests began. The wife of an Ohio State Senator implied Acton was acting like a Nazi in a FB post. She eventually removed it, but accused leftists of turning her remark into something it wasn’t.
So, same old, same old.
Programming note before immersing in the latest outrages (reposted from the Earth Day thread):
Tonight at 8 Central time radio station WFMT Chicago will broadcast a performance of a new work, Terra Nostra (Our Earth) by composer Stacy Garrop. It’s an oratorio setting of ancient and modern poetry around the themes Creation of the World, The Rise of Humanity, and Searching for Balance. There’s a link to excerpts of the text and score at that post. I think this will show up tomorrow and for a couple of weeks thereafter at the WFMT podcast page.
Two pieces of good news I see here:
One, majority of population, from vast to just big enough, have the common sense to know that this kind of disease epidemic is very serious stuff and they resist falling for BS.
Two, Trumpster/GOP is still rapidly, in the space of a few minutes, cycling through A/B/C testing of propaganda and swindler sales lines in desperate attempt to find one that will work. So far they haven’t found one that even remotely works, except with a small minority of nutcases. Which makes sense, because their position is patently, obviously, thoroughly, indefensible. There is a lot unknown about the disease, but if you look at the research literature, the basic outlines of the problem, and what new problems needed to be tackled for control, were known since late Jan early February. And US had example of three or four countries in effective response. US fed govt sat there doing nothing and fumbling.
Longer the Trumpster/GOP cycles through incoherent and self-contradictory BS swindler sales pitches for CYA, the more they discredit themselves in the eyes of the public.
The bottom line is we are fucked; these mass murdering asswipes will cause many thousands of preventable deaths all because they are stupid assholes. Thanks to all the asswipes who either voted for this pile of shit or refuse to vote for purity reasons. Just hope no BJ’ers pay the ulimate price for these imbeciles.
Well Orange has signed the EO for the total immigration ban.
There go two miscreants
I have been re-reading an excellent book about the 1918 Pandemic, “The Great Influenza” by John Barry (it has been mentioned not long ago by some other commenters here). The parallels with the present are just chilling, but the one thing that just LEAPS from the pages is the deadly effect of people travelling (because the Wilson administration would NOT brook any interference with war mobilization) and crowding together (in troop quarters, the Philadelphia War Bond parade, etc). It was quite clear that people, especially servicemen being moved from post to post, were rapidly spreading the virus.
Captain C
Jared and Ivanka remind me of the Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillippe characters in Cruel Intentions, but with less class.
I couldn’t find any details.
Major Major Major Major
What? No there isn’t.
I haven’t heard, has COVID-19 reached The Villages yet? That would certainly dampen Trump’s polling.
I read that Trump threw Kemp under the bus.
Roger Moore
The Trumpers’ biggest problem is that they aren’t just dealing with people who they can hope to bamboozle with their latest line of bullshit. The coronavirus doesn’t give a damn about their latest argument, and even Trump’s loyal followers will start doubting him when people they know are hospitalized or dead. They’ve finally encountered a situation that can’t just be backed out of and papered over by pretending that was their strategy all along.
@Major Major Major Major: More like: There’s a solid case to be made that Trump has actively made things worse – made outbreaks larger, made the sick more likely to die, and funneled money towards corporate friends and supplies to loyal Republicans.
I mean, we know he did those things.
And if he’d just nominated someone to oversee the whole and shut up we’d be in a much better space… but we’d still be pretty fucked. :/
My son’s fiance is an essential worker at a BP gas station/ convenience store. She has worked there since she was sixteen, when her mother died. Her bosses treat her like cheap help, although she has basically been managment forever. If she dies, they have a serious staffing issue.
If she dies, my stepson has no reason for living.
I wish I had enough money to get her to quit. But she has supported herself since forever.
We are home alone. But we are terrified for those we love who are forced to be out in the world.
@germy: I think my favorite part of that interview was when she suggested that Vegas be the control group in a ‘does social distancing work?’ study.
I posted this in a different thread below, but in case anyone needs some election-related comedy, Biden “announced” his VP pick to James Corden and it’s hilarious.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I see Las Vegas’s mayor wants to possibly be in the dock at the American Nuremberg trials too.
Good for her! Asshole.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: ‘I’ve never heard of him’ is probably true, but every bit as damning.
@schrodingers_cat: Don’t want a lot of immigrants diluting the worlds largest concentration of COVID patients.
@mrmoshpotato: Look, she just wants to promote games of Russian Roulette; is that so wrong?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: I’m more of this school of thought
The Moar You Know
hahahahaha go to a Vegas casino? NOW? I don’t know what that mayor is thinking but nobody’s coming back to Vegas. Not now and possibly not ever; like cruise ships.
@dmsilev: Because walls of slot machines, gaming tables and buffets are ideal environments for “social distancing”. Fucking homicidal morons.
Well yes, but it was a very nice, beautiful bus. Some people told me they couldn’t believe how beautiful that bus was. It was a bus like you wouldn’t believe.
@Achrachno: Most of those immigrants are already in the United States. Or at least if we’re talking about stopping the processing of Green Card applications. The majority of those are people upgrading from work visa to permanent residency.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
huh, seems he’s extra-racially resentful tonight– “the Obamas”…. I wonder if that plural was trump or Rupar
There are four parts Chris posted here:
@germy: And for a bonus, a bit of casual racism thrown in towards a significant consumer base of Las Vegas.
We’ll see if the Beijing-Las Vegas flights start up again in the future or whether they will be going to Macau instead.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I almost wish I were watching
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
A girl I went to high school with lives in Vegas and works in the trade show industry, and she was told by management that the earliest they could expect to resume shows would be next year.
I personally wouldn’t go within 100 miles of Vegas or a cruise ship even after all this is said and done.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It is just maddening that the next question wasn’t ‘Why don’t you know who he is, asshole”
Roger Moore
I looked her up online and noticed she left the Democratic Party to become an independent in 2009. Make of that what you will.
For me personally, the racist, fascist, pussy-grabbing, Soviet shitpile, mobster conman discredited himself with his campaign announcement in June 2015.
Patricia Kayden
Cruelty is the point.
Doesn’t know who the Dr is? So he inadvertently fired the Dr?
Does that mean the Dr will now be reinstated or would that constitute the unacceptable reversal of a Trump decision?
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: much better!
@Roger Moore: Her husband was the mayor before her, and apparently was well-liked.
@Captain C: Good comparison. And now I want to listen to Counting Crows.
Wait it all comes out that Jared and trumpov slow-walked the “response” not just ’cause they’re stupid, but because they wanted to get in position to profit off of PPE, hydroxywhatever, tests, and more. To say nothing of shorting the stock market and tipping off their big-donor buddies to do the same.
And then even when the pandemic became clear, made organized attempts to hijack PPE, testing equipment, and more in order to reward “friends” (ie, trumpov loyalist governors) and punish enemies*.
*I know there has already been reporting on this…I’m talking about evidence and witnesses.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dr. Scarf assumed the hands folded head bowed position when she had to (slightly) disagree with the Messiah.
@Roger Moore: wait…did something big happen in America in early 2009? Politically speaking?
@Roger Moore: I’ll take She’s A Racist POS for $600.
@Baud: May it serve as an object lesson to all potential trumpov ring-kissers.
It won’t, but whew it sure should.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: that thread was epic. Most people have no idea that the payouts for the 1%, .1%, .01% are that ridiculous, or that big corporations screw their “cast members” so egregiously. Ok maybe the latter (and then they just hope they don’t end up getting screwed as badly) but definitely not the former.
What’s that Chris Rock quote again, about “if people only knew…”?
No Republican can stand against the God of White Entitlement.
@Achrachno: I’m not sure he should have been well-liked but I gather he was. LV is the core of Democratic strength in NV and should be doing better in who they select for mayor.
@Roger Moore:
It also doesn’t care if it’s called a “Total loser! SAD!” on Twitter. It has no pussy to grab. And, Cohen, could threaten to sue it from home confinement but…
Heck of a job, doodle.
Poe Larity
See, the problem here is the more successful progressive thinking in govt is, the more people in a few months will say “see, Trump was right, one big nothingburger.”
Fauci isn’t getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Jared is.
@Baud: Biden really is an excellent “figurehead for a coalition of interests”, aka the 2020 Democratic coalition (the Obama coalition of voting blocs + a more progressive policy agenda than 2008.)
Usually everyone seems to focus on the individual in question. And not to take anything away from Uncle Joe, but this time it’s like at least some of the focus is on our various ‘wings’ and issues, and the most prominent figures for each wing/issue are weighing in saying “Joe’s our guy”.
I confess, I did not see that coming. But it’s working quite well.
Come to Las Vegas, Gamble With Your Lives… you know you want to.
Man, the marketing possibilities.
Except for Bernie, it’s no different than what Hillary achieved. The difference is that Biden isn’t some sort of larger than life figure like Obama and Hillary were.
Derek Lowe, the guy I go to for a knowledgeable perspective on drugs, vaccines, immunology, etc., has lost his cool.
@germy: You wrote it before I could!
So true though…with trumpublicans, you get dog-breeders and horse-breeders in charge of your vital governmental functions.
But then again…mustard, arugula, tan suits…
@lamh36: Kamala is still my favorite Democrat. Love her.
I wish I could do something more than send you a virtual hug.
Roger Moore
Getting a horse guy to run disaster response is so 2005.
@The Moar You Know: I think you’re right (I sure hope you are).
Two industries that 2120 American civics students will study (not!) and wonder, “WTF?”
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@VOR: It has absolutely reached the villages. The Republican governor has been doing his utmost to keep that information from the press. I listened to a great Slate podcast on this very thing. Here’s the link: https://slate.com/podcasts/what-next/2020/04/florida-nursing-homes-coronavirus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dr. Coffee Boy?
Fuck these traitorous shitstains.
@dmsilev: You earned this! ?
@germy: I’m pretty sure a labradoodle would be an improvement over Jared Kushner.
@Baud: yes – good call. Obama did it well, with hope and change and dreams of a new era in many ways. Hillz also did it well, but was sandbagged by 3+ decades of the Republican Noise Machine (and the Russians, and Comey).
This time it just feels like there is a lot more unity, early, and a lot more recognition that none of our single issues will matter if we don’t win this time. This time more than ever.
H/t to all three of them (and the entire DJL) – they fought, and are fighting, the good fight and then some.
@dexwood: I never understood the appeal of pulling on a slot machine for days on end anyways…I’m trying to imagine how folks will “enjoy” themselves with masks on, gloves on, the nearest person 6+ feet away, conversation muffled, every cough causing folks’ heart to skip…
…OMG three 7s!! I just made back 10% of my losses this weekend!!
May we get to a new paradigm, and soon…
? I guess tuna salad wasn’t big growing up. Would’ve been funnier if he’d used tuna packed in vegetable oil.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Yeah, Vegas is like a yuge, landlocked cruise ship. Believe they’re still the largest convention spot in the States and so, books the biggest, yugest conventions that would basically need to be in contract negotiations right now for…let’s say 2023 or ’24.
Poe Larity
This is what happens when you refuse his parades: Trump plans air shows around country
We could start a Corona Chemtrails Meme…
I think that could actually be their sales pitch.
@There go two miscreants: Grossly unsanitary “wet markets”, superstitious wild-animal consumption (aka Traditional Chinese Medicine), and cheap air travel got humanity into this mess.
We may not be able to do anything about Chinese food preferences and TCM, but cheap (and crowded) air travel has to got to go. It’s just too damned dangerous with all the potential zoonotic viruses out there.
I’m seriously wondering if the only viable form of air travel might be individual small cabins with 2 to 4 seats each, at premium prices, and known-safe airflows. Anything else is just rolling the dice for the next pandemic.
@Jeffro: And all of the horseshit and dogshit that comes with it.
@Baud: From Greg Siskind’s summary
I can actually see Biden being a better president than Obama because I think he may be more likely than Obama was to bring top people into the government and then empower them. There was a little bit of cult of Obama in the Obama White House and some very mediocre cabinet picks (Arne Duncan, Robert Gates, Ray LaHood, and, of course, James Comey )
@Poe Larity: love that this is his idea of ‘doing something’ about fighting the pandemic.
Right in line with gun-toting “very fine people” marching in front of statehouses and blocking ambulances. Yes, very helpful, very helpful…
Roger Moore
The problem with air travel and epidemics isn’t the risk of people catching the disease on the plane; it’s that it allows the virus to get all over the world quickly. Coronavirus had no trouble spreading once it got to the USA (or Italy, France, etc.), so there’s no reason to think changing the layout of airplane cabins would have done a thing to stop it.
@germy: Ruh roh, there’s that pesky Inspector General position again. We know how Trump just hates those people. Well, he actually hates everyone not him, but that’s neither here not there.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
some good news:
I thought I had seen Biden up by 8, or at least more than 4, in FL, but I look at these and move on
and more surprising (to me) good news:
This race has had me nervous for a while. I relax when the polls close
Somebody must have used a forest fire analogy to try to explain disease propagation to him and now he thinks he’s talking like a professor of epidemiology
Edit: the “we’ve learned a lot” is the tell.
@schrodingers_cat: Thanks. It’s so irrational. Hopefully, the courts strike it down.
Kemp got out too far over his skis and was hogging too much TV time.
Well, if they repeal the child labor laws…
zhena gogolia
Couldn’t Trump just disappear from the face of the earth? Please?
@Roger Moore:
No one is going to redesign airplanes over this. They’ll probably just make passengers wear masks if nothing else.
Air travel isn’t remotely the biggest problem. Crowded shopping malls, football stadiums, basketball arenas, crowded high schools, big suburban churches, even crowded subways and buses all have much more potential for contact with many more people than air travel does when you just sit there buckled into a seat.
The answer is to get a vaccine for covid-19 and then do a much better job in the future of pandemic management worldwide.
Good point. What is unfortunate is that the GOP is backing Trump just to placate him, even though his suggestions and actions are clearly wrongheaded and harmful. They continue to play politics when it is pointless to do so.
The mainline GOP are not just as bad as Trump. They have been so entirely roped into his con that they cannot back out or try to rein him in. He would only lash out and attack them. He has suckered them into believing his bullshit. The perfect con.
Fortunately, the smarter governors are ignoring Trump, or playing up to him just enough to get what they need from him. Sad thing, this still puts too many lives at risk. But this is where we are.
The other thing is that Trump has abandoned any pretense that he is the leader of the free world. The only other leaders who pay any attention to him at all are fellow idiot authoritarians.
No. We don’t need Asshat Jones hoarsely screaming about that and gay lizard people.
@Baud: It makes perfect sense for the Orange Ogre in the WH, its red meat to his base. Immigrants even naturalized citizens are not people deserving of the same rights as naturalized citizens. We are either a revenue stream (see David Anderson’s post on international students) or labor required to do the work that Americans won’t do ( a frequent talking point of even the pro-immigration people) so who the fuck gives a damn about our siblings or parents especially if they are outside the United States.
Orange gets extra points with his base for tweeting about this on Hitler’s birthday for the first time.
I am hoping that the courts strike it down.
West of the Rockies
Arrogance and ignorance form a deadly combination.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Is there an option? I had not been informed of any. I blame my education.
Citizen Alan
Thank, I nearly puked from just thinking of that.
@Jeffro: Me neither. I live in a state that’s had Native casinos for many years. I’ve been three times, only to their concert areas for music. Walking through the gambling areas to get to the music venues was Aversion Therapy.
@zhena gogolia: Back in August of ’46? Yes please!
Citizen Alan
@Kent: My single biggest fear about President Biden is that he really will try to reach across the aisle to the Republicans. There should not be a single Republican holding an office of any importance whatsoever in a Biden Administration. Just as there should be no judicial appointments for anyone who so much as went to a Federalist Society meeting just to score some free appetizers.
@zhena gogolia:
That’s apparently what happened to President Lindbergh. (Plot Against America reference).
@Citizen Alan: ?
@Achrachno: There’s a book about the current mayor’s husband:
Being Oscar: From Mob Lawyer to Mayor of Las Vegas
Roger Moore
Air travel is a big problem. It’s how the virus got from Wuhan to the United States within weeks of the start of the outbreak. It’s not the way it spreads within a community, but it does allow it to spread between communities much faster than if we were limited to slower forms of travel.
Yeah, I remember how the Great Plague and the Spanish Flu were spread by air travel. Curious ideas here, but you can’t seriously want to ban air travel.
Air travel only for the super rich. I imagine that Trump would love this, if only as another way to keep immigrants out.
But I wonder whether the larger practical problem is dealing with recirculation of air on flights.
Aside from this, any form of mass travel may need to include some degree of health screening.
@dmsilev: Your money AND your life!
Or maybe airlines could increase seat pitch somewhat to improve distancing.
Crazy talk, I know.
BTW Kushner’s scam GCs (E#B-5) for “investors” are exempt from this EO . This has zero to do with the pandemic but this what the immigration restrictionists have wanted for a long time.
@Citizen Alan:
Doesn’t really matter. The biggest problem will always be the GOP policy of complete and total obstruction.
I would hope that Biden would be smart enough to talk bipartisanship, but to recognize reality when dealing with the GOP.
Roger Moore
Or when there’s a pandemic brewing, we could quarantine people who travel between countries.
@lamh36: I’m sorry. I couldn’t make it through part 1.
@Roger Moore: I read that airlines had, mainly for cost reasons, pushed back on various initiative to systematize contact tracing of all passengers in the event of an outbreak. That’s something which could (should) become not-optional once air travel recovers to above where it was in 1954.
It took tens of thousands of deaths, but apparently the media is finally waking up and pushing back against the relentless half-assed gaslighting attempts nearly every member of the GOP has adopted.
@Roger Moore: Definitely an option. At a bare minimum, screening for anyone who is obviously symptomatic (showing a fever, in this case) and requiring them to quarantine.
‘Open the Economy’ Is the New ‘White Lives Matter’ https://www.theroot.com/open-the-economy-is-the-new-white-lives-matter-1842987034/amp
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: Read his blog and still have no idea how my son and DIL are affected. He’s a citizen, she isn’t, they got married last August and filed for a green card, then left the US and are abroad for at least another 4-5 months.
zhena gogolia
I was going to say, she’s the “sez who” lady, but she isn’t. But she does occasionally push back with people, more than most of them do.
@dmsilev: It’s Vegas: I’m not seeing a downside.
Kirk Spencer
@Roger Moore: So here’s the deal – we are not getting rid of air travel. To me the cornerstone of /why/, and hence the source of the heavy subsidization of the industry, is the Civil Reserve Air Fleet.
Basically, the military strategic thinkers believe(d) that wars are going to happen on other continents, and our obligations and necessities would require shuttling a lot of people into that/those theaters. Some fairly bright people realized that given that requirement, it was a heck of a lot cheaper for the US to make a deal with civilian air carriers to keep up trained personnel and well-maintained aircraft vs the US having a military only seldom-used fleet for the express purpose.
So we get cheap air travel. Any ‘cures’ that start with ending air travel that don’t deal with the underlying cause are as useful as discussing paint schemes to cover the mildewed walls of the house.
@Gin & Tonic: Spouses of American citizens are not affected. This will be challenged in the courts. He is treating GC holders worse than temporary visa holders in this EO.
Yep. Human beings as social animals makes us vulnerable. We’re gonna need a vaccine for this.
Mike in NC
If Fat Bastard insists on digging a deeper hole, let’s keep throwing him more shovels.
Maddow is going over the nursing home deaths
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: Except her visa expired and her GC application is who-knows-where, so she currently has no legal entry.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Yes, I was on a Zoom yesterday with an events company, and their man-in-Vegas said the same thing. The pipeline for these things can be years long. You don’t just “start things back up”. Even if you start planning things right now they won’t happen in the blink of an eye.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s Trump, it’s quite possible he doesn’t know and he senses that he doesn’t want you to know the answer ether. Trump, prince of darkness.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Politics of white male mid life crises. That’s why there are people showing up to the “protests” dressed as ninja’s with assault rifles.
Plus also beating anti-vaxxers over the head, but yes, you nailed it.
@Gin & Tonic: Has her I-130 has been approved?
@Brachiator: test, test, test the world…however many times it takes.
test, trace, isolate until we have a vaccine.
knock the anti-vaxxers senseless
and then invest* so that this never happens again
*I have a good idea where to find the money…let’s just say it was all accumulated over the past 40 years…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Obama endorsement of Biden (Obama bin Biden? sorry, erm my sense of humor….erm) gave Biden 5pt bump in the polls over Stable Genius, so knowing Trump, Trump is pissed that Obama didn’t endorse Trump for a second term.
I’m not sure if that was due to a “cult of Obama” or if they felt they needed to try and appease the Republicans with picks that they couldn’t object to (except for Arne Duncan, who was a terrible pick by everyone’s standards).
Biden won’t need to publicly appease the Republicans because their failure will be completely obvious to everyone by the time November rolls around.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know.
@dexwood: apologies to the gamblers out there, but yeah, it’s like “is this the best thing you could be doing with your time and resources? Are you that bad at probability/math?”
I mean, if I just want to stare at a screen and randomly throw stuff out there to no effect…I’ve got Ballon Juice, and (for now) it’s free ;)
@Baud: That’s good to see. The numbers on white voters Rikyrah posted a couple of days ago scared the shit out of me.
@Gin & Tonic: That is the application for intent to immigrate for a relative which your son must have filed when they filed for her GC. You can travel and return to the country provided that you are not out of the country for more than 6 months on the basis of an approved I-130 or I-140
You get provisional travel permission and a work permit on the basis of an approved 1-140 or 1-130
I wish your son and DIL good luck. I hope they are in touch with their immigration lawyer.
@Brachiator: per your last line…add on-the-spot temperature-taking to the list of things that air travelers will have to subject themselves to in the future when they arrive at the airport.
which is fine, but the complaining about it will be unbearable.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The vaccine testing blocking is one thing that makes utterly no sense to me. Beyond if we had a vaccine for this crap this would make this go away like a bad dream and turn into a two quarter mess, not a three year mess, England today announced it’s started clinical tries on a vaccine. So we will be paying England for it, and it’s going to come out we could have had the cure ourselves and Trump blocked it. How does that work? I suppose it’s another example about utterly inept the Trump admin is.
Well done.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]: The Villages are not nursing homes. The Villages is a very large set of suburbs aimed at moderately well off retirees who are not yet in need of nursing homes. They buy an amazing number of golf carts and socialize with each other. Tend conservative and a lot of sexually transmitted diseases.
Yes, the corona virus has hit them, but so far it hasn’t been catastrophe like predictions.
the nursing home thing is all over the state, not the villages.
This is absolutely the time for Nancy Pelosi or Barak Obama to go on television and say: “Under no circumstances is anyone to try the totally untested orally administered liquid bleach. It’s an unvetted anti-coronovirus treatment, and absolutely not a miracle cure that could get Donald Trump off the hook for his failures.
“Do not take a chance. And, yes, I’m looking down at you in an elitist way as I order you not to drink that bleach, you gun-totin’, Bible-clutching, flyover country rubes.”
@different-church-lady: this is all they have left…this is what trumpov has either led them to or is their logical endpoint of where they were going anyway.
Just lie outright and then fight it out…claim “both sides”…blame the media…trust on a low-info, low-standards public…
Hell, Josh Hawley was trying to get rid of the ACA and its protections for pre-existing conditions when he was Missouri’s AG at. the. same. time. he was telling campaign crowds that he would “always protect those with pre-existing conditions”.
He won.
The GOP is like, “so we didn’t have to finesse this stuff all along? We could have just been outright lying and still win??1!?”
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
We returned to MIA from Roatan (Honduras) on 3/14/2020. We’ve both traveled through temp screening checks in Asia and Africa in the past – typically, masked, gloved teams have checked temps quickly with handheld devices, quarantine teams standing by.
At MIA on 3/14, there was nothing – we were completely shocked. No spacing at Global Entry, no fluid or wipes for the machines, and the TSA guy at precheck on connecting flights was handling all the IDs.
joel hanes
Vegas mayor was married to a mob lawyer who defended Meyer Lansky, among others.
joel hanes
Sec. Clinton did not set out to be a larger-than-life figure. She tried to counter that, to no avail.
It was done to her, At great expense.
@different-church-lady: There’s an annual conference I go to, not huge by convention-hall standards (maybe 11 or 12 thousand people). The organizers generally book a venue 4 years in advance.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’ll be happy to go to Las Vegas next year, after there is either a complete burnout of this pig or a vaccine.
I’m speaking in the more general sense that it seems that getting Obama in office was the final and highest objective of a lot the Obama administration and they did very little to build bench in state and local areas. They had built the best grass roots organization ever built by far, and just let it atrophy after the election. It was a little bit Sanders-esque in that way.
I was and still am a huge Obama fan. But if I had to criticize him and his administration, it was that the took their feet off the gas pedal and didn’t really do what they needed to do to continue building a durable Democratic majority. They sort of just crouched and watched the tea party happen. Republicans don’t do that.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: They will have been out of the country for more than 6 months by the time his work is done.
I know they’re in touch with their attorney, and I try not to ask a lot of questions, but he’s stressed by this and therefore so am I.
Thanks for expressing what I was thinking.
Cue Fox citing this as proof that the whole debacle is Messonnier’s fault. If she hadn’t gotten him so angry, he would have acted sooner.
@Gin & Tonic: IANAL but she should return before the 6 months are up. Falling out of status when your GC is in process is bad even in normal circumstances and with these cray cray people in charge that’s a risk not worth taking.
As I understand it, filings within the United States are not affected by this order. So she will have more options once she is back.
People better be going to jail when we get the white house and the senate. I mean, a full disclosure of everything – and there will be jail time. It’s completely indefensible.
I don’t want to hear any kind of kumbaya nonsense.. these people do not believe we are one country.. they want to claim it for themselves – we don’t have to do anything to make them happy. Giving them the nod only extends their political power.
Are any of you reading the front-line-dispatch type articles printed in the New Yorker or the NYT? I mean the ones written by ER doctors and floor nurses and ICU staff. They’re monumentally disturbing, as in, Susan Collins would never come out from under her bed again if she knew these details.
And trump would shit himself if he had to walk around one of these hospitals, even for half an hour. It’s pathetic that all that news juice is getting drained with dumb brag fests, and huge swaths of the USA are oblivious.
@Mnemosyne: As far as I’m concerned, the only outreach We Democrats need to do to the GOP maggots is extending our arms as we lift them onto tumbrels
@schrodingers_cat: They can turn you away at the border for nearly any damn reason unless you hold a US passport. Seems like playing with fire to do that these days. But people have to make their own decisions I guess.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: The only Labradoodle breeder I know is a Democrat and very sensible, and I’d trust her over a thousand Jared Kushners. No – a million.
(I did send the Twitter link to her – could not resist).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
While passing the Stimulus and the ACA, most of which involved arguing with, while carefully not alienating, other elected Democrats (Max Baucus didn’t want to damage his working friendship with Chuck Grassley; Joe Lieberman wanted revenge for… everything), in the face of well-financed and often border-line pathological opposition, with “allies” like Ed Rendell and James Carville trolling Obama for not being Bill Clinton, and people like Jane Hamsher and Ed Schultz (remember poor old addle-pated Ed?) and much if not most of the liberal blogosphere (as we used to say) trolling him for not being the benign dictator of their foot-stampy dreams (that’s how I wound up here, I found out not all lefties were as nuts as the ones at Eschaton).
Republicans have: A) limitless cash B) party discipline C) rabidly committed grass-roots activists, C and B being not unrelated to A. We have an army of tweeters who have spent the last week in a frothy-mouthed rage over Nancy Pelosi’s freezer
joel hanes
They had built the best grass roots organization ever built by far, and just let it atrophy after the election.
I have always blamed Rahm Emmanuel for this — Emmanuel’s behavior in the years after being replaced as chief of staff have amply demonstrated his burning hatred of leaving any agency in grassroots Democratic organizations. It’s clear he thinks that he should have total control from the top.
Of course, Obama chose Rahm, and bears responsibility for the consequences.
Miss Bianca
@ColoradoGuy: Ahem…ColoradoGuy…this ColoradoGal eats wild game. It’s not really that exotic a habit.
What you catch in Las Vegas.. oh wait.. never mind.
Miss Bianca
Speaking of which…I wonder what the latest is on Kim Jong Il? Anyone seen Adam in the comments this eve?
@mrmoshpotato: August of ’46? So you’re giving baby Donald 2 months? You’re getting soft.
(Trump’s b-day is Flag Day.)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: All of that is true.
That doesn’t negate my point that I think Biden has less of an ego than Obama and that a Biden administration would be more about getting shit done and less about worshiping Biden or making sure he gets credit. That’s just my sense of the guy.
I thought Obama was a great president, the favorite in my lifetime for sure. But I don’t think he did all he could have done to build the party and lay out a future beyond his presidency.
Guess I’m safe then, since I’m antisocial.
The categories of Green Cards that this executive order takes aim at are the categories the Orange Person has been wanting to get rid of since 2017.
1. siblings of citizens
2. parents of citizens
3. spouses and children of GC holders
4. Diversity visa
TS (the original)
Probably save more lives if he stopped people leaving.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Fuck, it’s been a while since I read that name.
And those of us old timers can’t help but remember our blog host talking about the “Jane Hamshers of the left” . :-)
I used to have to go to LV every year for my job. One year I had to make 3 trips in one month. A trade show, a sporting event and our awards banquet. I don’t use this word lightly but I fucking HATE Las Vegas. With unbridled passion HATE. At least the glass work at the Bellagio is amazing to see and there are a number of actually good restaurants around town.
James E Powell
Please. Let’s not forget that in the Obama years, the Democrats in the senate and house still included a rather large contingent of Blue Dogs, many of whom were key senate chairs.
People talk about how the party has moved to the left. The cause for the big change is that it’s no longer dragged to the right by the Blue Dogs.
James E Powell
All this figurative speech! What happened?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kent: without denying that Obama has an ego, I’d argue that Biden just expresses his differently, from his inability to admit error or apologize– remember “Cory should apologize to me!”– to his (to me, disturbing) cult of his own family– “my word as a Biden”, picking up the clan flag from his fallen son, etc.
that said, this
the implications here are baffling. You were watching a different presidency than I.
Whelp here it is ! – https://balloon-juice.com/2006/03/24/who-needs-ann-coulter/#comment-147679
@James E Powell:
The rage we had with the blue dogs who are just moderate republicans in disguise. Now of course they would be left wing paramilitary zealots.
@James E Powell: I read that Trump nutmegged Kemp. And that he threw him a high hard one. I heard that he aced him with a can-opener, and left him holding the bag…
TS (the original)
@MattF: from your link
Defines trump & co rather well.
Only about 1% of the people would be able to fly, given the economics of flying like that. And they have/can afford their own planes.
A Ghost to Most
Among the things I learned today, along with how to safely produce ethanol from a still:
A gathering of covidiots is called a covfefe.
Trump outright said that he strongly disagreed with Kemp’s reopening of some businesses. Because he wasn’t following the Trump Administration’s guidelines for re-opening.
Bill Arnold
House usually wins.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I know someone who got married on Flag Day.
Dammit. I really respect him too. I’m pretty sure he had no idea. Of course he was also eloping so…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Jimmy Carter seems to me to be one of the very few presidents without an oversized ego. And some were actually deserving of a bit of ego. And at least in my lifetime President Obama seemed to have his ego in better control than the rest I’ve seen. How could you stand up in front of an audience and ask people to vote for you without an ego of some substance? So under my premise, yes Joe Biden has an ego. trump has about 12 of them and they are all completely fucked up. Hell I have an ego, it’s allowed me to stand up at a podium and give a speech to 500 people without notes, being laughed at or booed off stage, to talk on a PA to thousands of people, to be on live TV. We all have egos, some have egos that makes them think they are better than everyone else, with a lifetime career batting average that only exists to the far right of the decimal point.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I was in education for the entire Obama Administration so my perspective may be somewhat distorted by the Obama Administration’s utter fuckup with public education. From the worshiping of the charter school grifters, to the Race to the Top nonsense, to going all-in on standardized testing and the Common Core, as well as their science counterpart, the “Next Generation Science Standards” or NGSS. The Obama folks basically bought the elite narrative on public education hook, line, and sinker. Public education was probably more fucked up when he left office than when he entered. But a lot of that was state cuts during the 2008 recession that were never completely restored.
But he was in an incredibly tough spot as the first black president. And had to put up with endless media-driven bullshit like that famous beer summit with the racist cop. Perhaps he did as much as he could have given the sideboards imposed by our racist society.
I’m just trying to be hopeful about the prospects of a Biden presidency.
James E Powell
Apparently Kemp’s mouth was writing checks his ass couldn’t cash.
This should go to a respite thread.
Fair Economist
@Roger Moore: This outbreak has shown what a problem air travel creates spreading an epidemic. When the first sequences came out of the Netherlands they were spread all over the SARS2 tree – every major lineage had multiple representatives, and almost every one of the 20 or so sequences in that one small country was a separate introduction. Just horrifying.
Vegas casinos are human Petri dishes ????
@Patricia Kayden:
@There go two miscreants:
In graphic story form: A Once-in-a-Century Pandemic
by Joyce Rice, Eleri Harris and Sarah Mirk
Contrasts the actions taken by St. Louis and (not taken by) Philadelphia
J R in WV
Brilliant! Morally wrong, industrially wrong, indefensible in so many ways!
Who will harvest the fruits and vegetables?
Who will be the resident doctors in rural hospitals?
Who will be staff in residential nursing homes?
Who will write the code for government projects?
No one will~!!~
I only kinda skimmed the thread so I don’t know if anyone else answered, but this shit has been a bit of a bugaboo of mine since I saw a bunch of jackasses in The Villages say they were more worried about their investments than their lives last month. The virus is starting to blow through the area like a hurricane now.
@J R in WV: Veggies and fruits are already getting plowed under. We’re already getting screwed food wise. Might as well ruin a bunch of other sectors of the economy at the same time.
@Jinchi: The Messonier story came out today in a big story in the WSJ which was an attempt by the Trump administration to put all the blame on Azar
Amir Khalid
I just googled Dr Messonnier and learned that she is Rod Rosenstein’s sister. Could that have been a contributing factor in her silencing?
@Amir Khalid: Maybe. Here’s what the WSJ says
@Amir Khalid: We know he’s that petty. But that’s assuming knowledge on his part that I don’t think he has the interest to retain. Simplest answer is she made him look bad. The relationship deal is just gravy.
@Amir Khalid:
I believe It (It being the orange one) raised that point.
Huh! It all started with an argument about whether Ben Domenech is a racist.
Did we ever figure that one out?
I have to say I don’t really don’t want to hear any of that “look forward and not back” bullshit this time around. It didn’t buy Obama anything last time around, it never does – it just leads to the continued belief on the part of corrupt rich assholes that there are no consequences for anything they do. I want to see some people doing some time in prison, and not any Club Fed resorts either. I’d love to see William Barr’s fat ass doing the perp walk, just to name one example. I want to see video of FBI agents breaking down the door to Betsy DeVos’ house and marching her out in her nightgown and robe. I want to see Stephen Miller in the dock at the Hague.
joel hanes
Went to Vegas once, for a game-bird breeders’ convention. (My wife was interested.)
Never never never again.
smedley the uncertain
@hueyplong: Actually, the Dr. is being reassigned to a lesser position in the HHR medical hierarchy. Two stories floating out there. One, he was not a team player, and took too long making decisions, and “was all about himself”. But, according to him he got crosswise on the Malaria Pill debacle saying it wouldn’t be effective. Ya pays your money and you takes your choice.
And I didn’t even say “fuck Donald Trump with a rusty garden tool”, not once.
I dont know.. he is a dick though. Who would have thought we were fighting about the future Mr. Meghan McCain!
Yeah, that was a pretty epic thread.. the people there are a completely different mix of people than now.. it used to be a mix of conservatives and progressives. During the 2008 election most of the conservatives left.
@Kent: A great president who destroyed the party who assembled a mediocre government. Wow…
Guess I lived through a different Obama era.
There’s your problem.
@Amir Khalid: It shouldn’t be because being Rosenstein’s sister won’t matter to Rosenstein. He’ll betray his sister and throw her under the bus in a New York minute just like he did to the country and the DOJ.
Am I the only one who never saw this guy before: Ticked Off Vic : A Message to the Government. The O’Reilly of the left? Antidote to David Brooks commentary? NSFW.
patrick II
@Amir Khalid:
Perhaps, but Mitt Romney’s daughter Ronna McDaniel is RNC chair. She had been calling herself Ronna Romney McDaniel, but that has changed.
patrick II
You don’t get moderated for that, you get to be a front-pager.
@patrick II: She’s his niece not daughter and she sided with Trump against her uncle. Family gatherings must be super awkward.
Mary G
@patrick II: She’s Mitt’s niece.
@Roger Moore:
Do you really believe that? I absolutely do not.
@Suzanne: If only the Czar knew.
Yes. It is.
Another Scott
One for Steve in the ATL:
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So apparently Trump whole game is what ever the governors do, it’s wrong.
Last Sunday it was “oh the social distancing is just PC, we should get back to work” and when one of Trump’s boot lickers takes Trump up on it…
@debbie: She should have known it’s politically incorrect to ever compare a Jewish person to a Nazi. Should have compared her to Rehoboam. Trouble is most of the mainstream Protestants don’t have any idea who Rehoboam was nor why the tribes of Judah rose up in revolt against him. “My father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.” Great slogan to subdue social unrest.
Did anyone follow up with, “Since you didn’t know who he was or that he was fired, now that you know he had an important role, why haven’t you hired him back?”
There go two miscreants
@Aleta: Yes, that is a good presentation in graphic form! There _is_ still some debate about where it originated, but Barry cites what seems to be good evidence that it actually started in Kansas, and spread first to a large, newly-constructed Army camp nearby. He does note that there is a debate on the point (which really is a bit moot anyway).
@There go two miscreants:
one thing that really helped spanish flu along was governments like the US lying about it and censoring information. never thought we’d repeat the exact same mistake a hundred years later but here we are.