The New York Times decides that there are not two sides on injecting bleach.
The difficult thing about the Times is that they actually do a good job – even an excellent job – on a lot of things. Like this:
How New Mexico, One of the Poorest States, Averted a Steep Death Toll
Open Thread!
Cheryl Rofer
Keith P.
Today’s Trump Q&A is going to be a fun one.
Oh, fuck the NYT. Anyone still subscribing is enabling this bullshit.
zhena gogolia
He needs to be removed from office and given medical treatment immediately. You would think that his own family would recognize this. Can you imagine letting your own father / husband continue like this?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
His “opinion” reads like a press release from the NRA or the GOA. I guess simple background checks are just too radical for this Dubya appointed judge.
I love the self-importance and pomposity of the “background check experiment” phrasing as if by him simply writing those words down invalidates the entire concept of background checks for firearm/ammo purchases
Edmund Dantes
No fuck that change.
Implied is doing a lot of heavy lifting. So even in fixing it they are still trying to shirk their own complicity.
They did no implying.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Unfortunately, that’s a lot of people and the NYT is still making tons of money through online subscriptions, according to their quarterly earnings reports. Too many people trust them. I still find it hard to believe that so many liberals recommended getting an NYT sub once Trump was elected after what the NYT did to Hillary Clinton
That “difficult thing” you refer to is the gulf between the reporters (with a few notable exceptions) doing excellent work and the editors, specifically the EIC, keeping their thumbs firmly on the scale. If it comes out that Haberman has been on the take (likely, IMO, given her mother’s employment), I hope that Baquet also loses his job.
Reposting this from the below thread; still relevant to this one. It shows that we shouldn’t assume his off the cuff remarks are only passing remarks:
FYI, I have the screen-shot as Cheryl requested. Pretty sure I wasn’t alone
Yep. Saying “yeah, but the NYT has a lot of good news coverage too” is like saying “yeah but he only pees in the other end of the pool.”
The thing is, if people quit paying the NYT to propagandize them they’d shape up well before they went broke. As it is, they know that liberals will continue to support them no matter how hard they chase after conservatives who are always going to hate them anyway.
The NYT consistently sucks at domestic political coverage, to the detriment of the nation. You can decide for yourself whether their coverage of other issues is worth the cost.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Journalists and the public should ask every politician the question:
“Is a person that publicly suggests injecting disinfectants to treat the virus mentally fit to be a school teacher? ”
Put everybody on the record.
Cheryl Rofer
ETA: Jim beat me to it!
@Cheryl Rofer: Just to clarify, Mike Ricci, who is Republican Governor Larry Hogan’s spokesman, was not snarking on NYT, but subtweeting an announcement from the Maryland Department of Health that says as follows:
Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MDMEMA)
: We have received several calls regarding questions about disinfectant use and #COVID19. This is a reminder that under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.
12:24 PM · Apr 24, 2020·Twitter Web App
Cheryl Rofer
@sherparick: Yes! In the comments attached to that tweet, he says yes, really, they received something like 100 calls asking about this.
@sherparick: So “some experts” include all State and Municipal Departments of Health in the known world.
@Cheryl Rofer: does this mean the White House was wrong when they said dickless was misquoted?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Cheryl Rofer:
Fuck. Him.
No he wasn’t, he was dead serious. Even if he was, which he wasn’t, he still acted irresponsibly. So that’s not any better of an explanation.
He encouraged people to basically kill themselves. End of story
“You liberals have no sense of humor” would be a better defense for stupid things that Trump says if comedies and comedians weren’t dominated by liberals.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: From now on, every journalist should ask a follow-up question: “President Trump, do you really mean what you just said, or are you being sarcastic?”
Dorothy A. Winsor
I suspect that they’re all jumpier after the fish tank cleaner incident.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
I’m liking this NFLTG Anderson Cooper.
MoCA Ace
@zhena gogolia: Exactly. If this were grandpa we would be hiding his keys and making an appointment with the neurologist.
@MoCA Ace: if we liked him.
Roger Moore
@zhena gogolia:
They don’t give a damn about him as a person, just as a source of money, and he’s still doing well at that. It’s fair, I guess; he doesn’t give a damn about any of them as people, either.
Not even alcohol laced enemas. I am disappoint.
Surely, this time will spark some self-reflection at the NYT.
I was curious to see how far the wackadoodles at Red State would go to prop up the Orange one – they are saying, “But this was all in the context of the doctor saying UV light and bleach were effective. The lame stream is taking his sage musings out of context!”
The sycophant chorus is just stunning to behold.
Steeplejack (phone)
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was painfully obvious he was NOT being sarcastic, but I’m glad he feels the need to lie about it.
zhena gogolia
@Roger Moore:
Even Fyodor Karamazov had one son who loved him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ninedragonspot: “Don’t be a cutie-pie”
(Yet another statement that makes me want to just look at the collective Lumpenmittel and say, “Do you fucking get it now? Do you still think ‘they’re all alike’?”
Critiquing the NY Times all too frequently involves giving them credit for the nice things when discussing the abominable ones.
It’s kind of like saying Jim Jones served absolutely delicious Koolaide to his followers just prior to many of their untimely deaths.
I have been informed by insane Trump Facebook groups that vaping is better than injecting bleach directly into your lungs.
mary s
Yeah, someone on Slate (I think?) put it pretty well the other day. To paraphrase badly, the NYT is doing a good job of investigating the corruption in the Trump administration and also many of the deleterious effects that Republican policies (for lack of a better word) are having, but they can’t seem to stop covering the administration, and Trump himself, as if everything is “normal.” The NYT has been having covering politics lopsidedly for decades in the name of “balance.” But it’s just too ridiculous at this point.
I saw that last night and immediate tweeted that “SOME.” They lost the human decency thread years ago.
That vanity Fair piece is interesting but not surprising.
OT: My fiancée’s promotion got last minute delayed by a month so they could make her a (1 of 4) covid patient lead at the prison. She has high blood pressure meds and is middle aged. So a month (one hopes, as their word is in question) of that, and, if she survives, I will be a married lady eventually. I am getting beyond frustrated with the quality of leadership by those in big and little power.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No he wasn’t being sarcastic, and he did say it no matter how many conservatives or supposedly “nonpartisan” people claim he didn’t or that liberals are the real monsters for pointing out what an idiot he is. Accurately quoting him is the real crime.
Did the president offer any guidance on whether he was recommending skin popping, or mainlining, the bleach?
@zhena gogolia: Trump? Why on earth does he need medical treatment?
He’s been taught, for over four years now, that he can say any old bullshit that comes to mind, regardless of whether it’s meaningful or sensible, and people will quote him, clean up his meandering speech, and make his words sound defensible.
So he does, because it pays off for him.
Don’t assume he’s developmentally disabled, or showing signs of dementia; he’s always been dumb as a post, and quite arrogant about being right, regardless of accuracy or truth.
The problem is not him; he is, as many people say, as dumb as the sort of Fox News fan who thinks only Fox can be trusted. The problem is, the Republican Party has locked itself in to the point that it must listen to such complete morons, and act interested, and even defend their baseless BS.
What enrages me about this sort of mealy-mouthed coverage of Trump stupidities, is that organizations like the NYT could actually EXPLAIN why Trump is a complete idiot rather than just citing “experts” without explanation. As a biology teacher, just off the top of my head it would go something like this:
“The coronavirus is not a stomach or intestinal infection like e-coli or cholera so drinking bleach is not going to reach the virus or do anything at all. It is also not a blood-borne disease like HIV or Malaria so injecting disinfectant into your bloodstream isn’t going to do cure it. It is a respiratory disease which attacks the lungs. So logically, to even get disinfectant close to the virus in your body, you’d have to fill your lungs with bleach, not your stomach or veins. We call that “drowning”. If you want to try drowning yourself in bleach, go ahead.
But, more importantly, viruses don’t live on their own on the surfaces of your lungs or in your bloodstream. They actually replicate themselves inside your own cells. So to physically attack a virus in your body you would have to destroy your own cells. In other words, poison yourself. THAT is why we don’t try to disinfect ourselves from the inside. Instead, we rely on our body’s own defenses and immune system to fight off viruses. And we supplement our immune systems as we can with vaccines.”
I have not seen a single news report on Trump actually EXPLAIN in plain language why he is such a fucking idiot who knows nothing about science. All they do is trot out experts to say “don’t do that!”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Steeplejack (phone):
Just wanted to say, in case you didn’t see it last night, sorry about your cat passing away, Steeplejack
Roger Moore
@mary s:
The bigger thing is that while FTFNYT may be doing a good job of investigative journalism, they’re by no means the only media organization doing that. Those other good sources of investigative journalism aren’t doing nearly as bad a job as FTFNYT is at their political coverage. So stop supporting the bad actor and start supporting one of their competitors.
MoCA Ace
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Doing that would require effort and many journalists are science-illiterate. But I feel your pain.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Roger Moore:
I nominate the WaPo and ProPublica. Oh and TPM
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
It’s a QAnon thing, because of course it fucking is. Here’s an article about it from the Daily Beast that they published in JANUARY.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Imagine the hysteria and ridicule at the Vichy Times if Biden or Warren implored the public to inject Clorox.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
OT – kinda:
One of my most interesting lifetime acquaintances/working colleagues is a lawyer/hobby farmer from South Central KY who happens to be the sister of the current UN Ambassador (she actually commutes over an hour and a half from her home on a daily basis). Her Trump hate is visceral, and with each new post, the bile is more evident.
Micah is a conservative woman from a conservative part of the more conservative portions of KY.
It is pretty fun to watch.
@Shalimar: Speaking of vaping, I have been wondering if the higher-than-expected issues with COVIDS in the young might be related to vaping, which has a very negative impact on your lungs.
I HAVE to believe Trump was just being a troll and attempting to be sarcastic in the middle of a global crisis.
The “he was actually being serious” , would imply a level of derangement from Trump that is too dark a road for me to contemplate.
pacem appellant
NYT delenda est
The FTFNYT has an advanced case of abused newspaper syndrome.
If the cleaning agent needs to get into the lungs, they could huff chlorine gas, like 1915.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
By the way – “implied?” Hell, no – they came right out and said it.
I’d like a list of the “experts” who think it isn’t dangerous. I’m sure “Dr.” Oz will be at the top.
Huh. So “sarcastically” daring people to harm themselves at a presidential briefing on a pandemic is, uh, okay now?
These “new rules for presidents” are hard for me to keep up with.
Roger Moore
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I personally subscribe to WaPo, LA Times (my local paper), and TPM.
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s Health Minister, a physician, said that drinking warm water would flush the coronavirus from your mouth and into your stomach, bye bye virus. Which is of course nonsense; the virus isn’t food-borne. I think this is why we haven’t heard a single word from him since, and the daily media briefings are given by the Director-General whom the public finds very credible.
See the story I linked to at #50 above. It’s a QAnon claim that he was pushing quite seriously.
@Betty Cracker:
I’ve never heard him say anything sarcastic. He doesn’t have any idea what sarcasm is. His people probably had to tell him what sarcasm means when they thought up this excuse for him to use.
So… some people have to ASK about drinking disinfectant?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If memory serves, Robert George is an alumnus of the Bush II administration, several campaigns and a few wingnut-welfare sinecures, none of which is part of his twitter bio
Steeplejack (phone)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Thanks. Much appreciated.
@sherparick: NYT wasn’t about to say “all experts” until Dr. Cleanton Peroxide, the Clorox Chair of Bleachological Studies weighed in.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@tomtofa: Yes, well these people are that dumb. Remember Trump’s quack doctor? Talk about shades of Theodor Gilbert Morell (Hitler’s doctor, who specialty was cocaine injections) I am positive it will come out that Trump is on all kinds of weird shit he claims is medicine.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid:
Reminds me of the old saw about what you call the guy who graduated last in his class from medical school.
If you opt for the mustard gas cure, make damn sure it’s not that elitist Dijon stuff.
@Geoboy: I’m willing to bet they didn’t actually ask any experts if injecting bleach into one’s body was safe/
@eric: True, you gotta care, at least a little. I’d take his keys and forget where he lives. I, also, find the wee garden where my fucks grow completely empty.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Cheryl Rofer: I’ve seen video of Trump saying it, that was one of the few times he didn’t sound like he was lying or just lashing out. He really did come across like he though he was a genius for saying that.
@Betty Cracker:
Other examples of Trump being sarcastic:
Vote for me, what have you got to lose?
I’m a stable genius.
Beautiful, clean coal.
Mike Pence will be a great vice president.
Senator Roy Moore.
Fine people on both sides.
My daughter is hot.*
*Psych! Obviously does not belong on a list of utterances he didn’t actually believe.
Cheryl Rofer
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: He was obviously quite serious in sharing his scientific musings.
Mary G
@Steeplejack (phone): I got to that thread late and want to add my condolences to Goku’s on your loss of Stella. I always enjoyed the thought of her at her work station.
This is funny
TRUMP: I was looking at you yesterday when I was being sarcastic about disinfectants
JEFF MASON: I wasn’t there yesterday
ANOTHER REPORTER: You were looking at Dr Birx
TRUMP: I was looking at Bill, the doctor, I was looking at some of the reporters
It wasn’t sarcasm, facetiousness, or any other form of non-serious communication. He had his “I’m a serious problem solver” intonation and facial expressions.
He was in deadly earnest. Had there been no blowback, Trump would be ripping that doctor on stage with him for failure already to have started the testing/investigation.
I’ll look for everyone’s accounts today. No way I’m watching it.
The Times is completely in the tank for Republicans. Don’t support them.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Check out Noel Casler’s Twitter feed and comedy routine on YouTube. He was his handler/producer for years on the Apprentice. Trump is on some weird shit alright. Lots of tea being spilled even about a Melania double. Interesting to note that trump never threatens to sue him.
I read tweets.
btw Anderson Cooper is not holding back and said the president just lied.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Yup, just look at how he prefaced it:
(and I swear he realized a second too late that he was making a coo-coo gesture about himself as he stumbled to find the word “brain”)
@WereBear: don’t google “Miracle Mineral Solution” unless you want to get mad. Some chucklefucks feed it to their kids to “cure” autism and it’s fuckin’ bleach.
@trollhattan: AND WE HAVE A WINNER! Fucking geniusI
Has he also walked back irradiating everyone’s innards with UV?
Up next: Peter Popoff’s Miracle Water.
Even the backtracking correction was mealy mouthed, and carefully worded to be unclear, despite their claim to the contrary:
That is not clear at all. It is waffle, and says nothing about whether ingestion is dangerous or not. It just states there is no debate. Given that many people believe whatever Trump says, I’m hardly nitpicking.
Their correction should have stated “Experts unanimously agree that President Trump’s suggestion to ingest household disinfectants is very dangerous“.
Now THAT would have been clear, but it would also have been a bridge too far for the NYT, because access.
Stephen S.
Talking Points Memo was on the New Mexico story two weeks ago:
Looks like the NYT once again decided to steal quality journalism instead of trying to accomplish it.
Jesus. You don’t need a freaking expert to know that Trump was spouting dangerous bullshit.
Maggie, her editors and the Times publisher should never, in any universe, let this nonsense slide.
Yeah, the Times does good reporting, but that good reporting does not make up for, or excuse this nonsense in any way.
ETA. Unsurprisingly, this morning I heard local talk radio personalities attempt to give Trump some credit for his ridiculous claims.
@HalfAssedHomesteader: That will never happen. And don’t call me Shirley.
It’s been a circuitous road downhill ever since they dropped the period from the masthead.
All of the Trumpers I know have gone to the “out of context” defense. When I asked a couple of them in what context it would be a good idea to suggest injecting cleaning products into the body to cure COVID-19, I got crickets for an answer. That’s their go-to answer whenever Trump says something dumb or insane. It’s also their weakness, because that makes it easy to call them cult members. They aren’t willing to criticize anything he says, no matter how crazy or ridiculous it sounds. That’s how a cult members acts.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He’s doubling down. Eighty seconds of the Presidnent talking science.
“incredible lab, by the way”. When he brags about just finding out something that would be obvious to a middle-school student….
AFAIK that is the first time anyone in the mainstream media has directly used the “L” word.
But maybe now the genie is finally out of the bottle?
MoCA Ace
This jiggled the memory banks…
In the before times my 3 yo grandson was sitting on the floor spinning our globe around and 7 yo grandson said “you know grandpa, some people think the world is flat”. I asked what he thought about that and he said they were dumb because it would be easy to prove… just go up to the edge and take a picture.
I told him “you should be proud, you are smarter than all those people”.
Same grandson walked through the room when trump was on TV and without breaking stride said “he’s and idiot” as he exited. My daughter laughed and I explained, in my defense, I try really hard to keep my political commentary PG when he’s around.
Loved this Twitter response
And pigs MIGHT have wings, too.
“Yeah, maybe we pushed the “both sides, opinions vary” thing a little too far in this instance.”
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Trending on Twitter
@zhena gogolia: That assumes they value him for any other reason than the big fat inheritance. They absolutely recognize this. The minute it stops enriching them is the minute you see “concern.”
@Kent: I don’t think the problem is that people are scientifically illiterate. I think too many people are willing to give ridiculous statements credence because they don’t question authority. “The President said it so there must be something to it” is in the same realm as “Daddy knows everything!” Authoritarians aren’t known for critically evaluating statements from people they follow.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: just watched it again, and he’s bragging about how hard his hands are, isn’t he? again with the hands….
But her e-mails.
dr. luba
So our governor (Whitmer) has extended our lockdown, while loosening some restrictions (golf and boats with motors allowed, garden centers can open) while tightening up others (masks mandatory in enclosed areas with other people).
The Trumpkins are whining, of course, because golf carts are still not allowed.
Cheryl Rofer
Looks like this is where he got it
@Kent: Who needs an expert to know not to drink bleach? The FNYT could ask a 5- year old, or read the label on the bottle. The entire company should die from shame and embarrassment.
Thanks so much for helping during a huge national crisis, trumpov!
pacem appellant
@Archon: That’s his current tact. Juck his gaslighting. He meant it. He doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.
The belief that the New York Times is a reliable source for news is unproven and potentially dangerous, some experts assert.
@ab_normal: Yes, it is awful. Part of keeping tabs on wingnuts is being baffled by the stuff they fall for. Over and over.
@Steeplejack (phone): Ok, that’s hysterical…thanks for sharing! =)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Absolutely. Like he thinks of himself as part of the brain trust who can solve this problem. I am pretty certain that I have, in fact, never before hear Trump sound sincere, yet he sounded very earnest and sincere when he walk talking about UV light and bleach as solutions INSIDE OUR BODIES.
Sloane Ranger
@WaterGirl: It might depend on what they’re vaping. Raw Story had a piece up yesterday of a French clinical trial to see if nicotine prevents or lessens the severity of coronavirus.
Apparently, medical staff in both China and France noted that smokers were presenting with serious symptoms in much lower numbers than their percentages in the general population would suggest.
@Cheryl Rofer: Somehow I knew it had to be there — read through, and there it is, Alan Keyes is promoting the same cure by the same outfit. The crazification factor lives.
you assholes didn’t ‘imply’ it. you straight up said it. why would you say ‘…that some experts would consider dangerous’ if you meant that literally everybody would consider it fucking dangerous??
@Mnemosyne: It’s also something quacks have been peddling online for years as “cure” for autism, and sometime cancer or HIV. Parents are poisoning their children with bleach
Probably both things at work here. Science illiteracy and appeal to authority. Some people assume, and want to assume that a president is telling them the truth.
Also, some people have a deep need to believe in, and to justify their belief in a leader when they have a vested interest in that person. They love Trump, so he must be right in some way.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
right. trump doesn’t do sarcasm. he doesn’t understand sarcasm. he’s too simple to grasp it.
besides which, even if he was joking around, we’re in the middle of a goddamn deadly viral pandemic and he’s joking about shooting up bleach? what in the actual fuck?
John Revolta
Imagine, if you will, if President Obama had sarcastically suggested that we inject cleaning fluids into our bodies to cure stuff………………that would be okay, right?
I have really come to enjoy Bess Levin’s takes.
@Sloane Ranger: Interesting!
Van Buren
@Cheryl Rofer: This is my shocked face.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What Trump really reminded me of this was of some stoner rambling about the sun is really the eye of God while on some acid trip or something equally dumb. He’s probably loaded to the gills of anti-depressants going into those briefing and the “Oh, I was joking is when he comes down the next day”
I was talking about the NYT which is most definitely NOT scientifically illiterate. They have done a lot of competent science reporting over the years.
I was talking about their reflective tendency to run a story about drinking bleach as a “he-said but the experts disagree type story.” when what they should actually be doing is running a Trump is completely full if shit and here is WHY in simple understandable terms” sort of story Give us the SCIENTIFIC explanation as to why he is a complete moron. Don’t quote me 3 experts saying it is a bad idea without explaining why.
@Brachiator: Yummy, she has the method down solid!
@Sloane Ranger: Could be that smokers die of Covid-19 before they even get to a hospital. There are a lot more deaths than in previous years than just the ones that have been officially assigned to Covid-19.
So the defense by the shitgibbon is that it is appropriate to make sarcastic remarks during a press conference about a disease that is killing 2,000 people a day in the country.
I guess we all remember the sarcasm of G.W. Bush after 9/11 and of Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor, right?
patrick II
Yeah, and the look on Dr. Birx’s face was a sarcastic look of horror, not a real one.
Not being able to contemplate how horrible he is has been a huge advantage to him. The media treats him like a nearly regular president instead of the sociopathic fascist bent on the destruction of democracy that he is. Face up to it Archon, it’s necessary for change.
To be clear, there is no debate on which party is the cause of congressional dysfunction, which is the party of lies, which is the party that has abandoned democracy, and which party poses an existential threat to our system of government.
If only they would print that statement.
@Steeplejack (phone):
I missed you saying this — I’m so sorry. She had a good long life and was happy with you, but we always wish we had even more time with them.
@MomSense: LINK!!!!!! If this Twitter feed with into trumps apprentice follies is so noteworthy, please be so kind as to provide the link…. Otherwise don’t bother me.
You may want to google “copy and paste”.
@Cheryl Rofer: But all of those calls were sarcastic!
@zhena gogolia:
Or we could just skip the medical treatment. That’s an option too.
@Mary G:
Thanks. I don’t know which one you saw. WaterGirl posted a couple of pictures yesterday, which was nice, and here’s my original post from Wednesday. ?
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, I’m not being sarcastic at all when I say his feeling the need to lie about it is a great improvement over his usual mode of lying about things just because.
Yep, I saw that, too. I’m assuming that’s where the QAnon idiots got it from since there are huge overlaps between them and the anti-vaxxers/anti-autism assholes. Ugh.
@MoCA Ace: Rule 34 doesn’t give a shit, Rule 34 just takes what it wants.
Amir Khalid
The Guardian’s coronavirus liveblog has this Reuters story saying … well, here it is:
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: Relatedly, USNI News:
(Emphasis added.)
Capt. Crozier should get his ship back. He saved the lives of his crew, and forced the Pentagon to take COVID-19 on ships seriously.
@dopey-o: Tere are several things. Google this:
Ex-Apprentice Staffer Noel Casler Speaks Out: ‘Trump’s A Raging Drug Addict’
@dopey-o: I used “copy & paste” of this phrase from MomSense’s comment:
Noel Casler’s Twitter
And I got this!
Trumpov has announced that the USPS has to raise its rates before he’ll help them. Great campaign material. Do gas taxes next.
Another Scott
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Oh, in case people are wondering why Bank of China is #9 in that trending list, Liz Dye at Wonkette is on the case:
Recall that the Steele Dossier said that Donnie was happy to have everyone be distracted by his dealings with Russia, because it was actually China that has him where they want him…
@Another Scott: Dollars to donuts that the repayments of that loan are not on schedule.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and you might want to google “fuck right the fuck off”
@Kent: Who then, would this proposed article reach? What do you expect the effect of such an article, “Why Drinking Bleach Will Kill You and Not Cure Covid-19” would be?
Certainly such an article would make me feel better and possibly help people who are willing to learn, like curious children. It would also not give abusers cover under “malicious neutrality” or “spitballing.” (Which is what might have happened with the guy and his wife who ingested fish tank cleaner. The wife survived;he didn’t.)
I don’t think it’ll work on members of Cult 45 who distrust “experts” and claim the “lamestream media is just trying to make him look bad.” I spent way too much time thinking that if I just told Shrub supporters the truth and presented facts they’d see the light.
@John Revolta: Jesus, do you remember how we used to joke that Obama should go on TV and tell people not to drink bleach?
Patricia Kayden
@Amir Khalid:
Esper is now between a rock and a hard place, since he fully supported the firing of Crozier:
Esper is going to look like a jackass if he reinstates Crozier, and a scumbag if he doesn’t. It’s a win-win.
@Shakti: Imagine how many people would be drinking bleach and huffing Lysol spray if they could somehow find some.
John Revolta
@Searcher: Seems like it was just the other day!
Oh wait, it was just the other day! Wheeeee!
TS (the original)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He or his media person – have no idea as to the meaning of sarcastic viz
given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.
This in no way related to what trump said – unless he was conveying contempt towards the deplorables who believe every word he says.
Captain C
@Roger Moore: When he’s no longer President*, the money and influence spigot turns off, no one will want to do business with their incompetent and now toxic asses, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were indictments coming for at least some of Ivana’s kids.
Late comment.
RE: Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday defended the firing of the Navy captain who sounded the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak aboard an aircraft carrier, characterizing the commanding officer’s ouster as an “example of how we hold leaders accountable.”
The Trump administration will look for some kind of “We support the military” bullshit to deflect from their initial fuck-up.
And Trump will deny that he was ever involved with any of this.
@Another Scott
If memory serves, Vornado Realty also the ones who bailed out Jared’s 666 Fifth Avenue debacle.
Another Scott
Absolutely nothing to see here, move along, move along…