satby, aka Grandma Sharon, sent these this morning.
Too awesome not to share.
Kannon had one of those art projects for school where they recreate a famous painting. This was his. Great job, Kannon! Another Artist in Our Midst?
If we’re lucky, Kannon and Pat and Holly might join us and tell us how they made the costume and how they got the pup to sit still long enough to take the pictures.
Open Thread.
So proud of Kannon, he did such a great job! No idea how they got their pup to pose so well!
Major Major Major Major
That’s quite a name! And a neat picture, I hope the marker wears off in a timely fashion.
@satby: Well-trained? Cheese under the hat?
Tenar Arha
Bravo ? chef’s kiss ? ?
GOOD Dog!! Good sitter!
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
Took 50 photos and only shared the one that looks good?
Very nice!
Very sweet! Hope he likes the beard ’cause it looks like it’s indelible.
West of the Cascades
Fabulous!! Thank you!
@debbie: Another 5 years and Kannon can grow a real one to cover it? :-)
@Roger Moore: close, according to mom Holly. Took about two days of training and several outtakes.
That’s the puppy that Holly found tied to a tree about a month (?) ago. WaterGirl shared his sweet “just rescued in the car” picture on a pet thread.
That’s wonderful! Thanks!
I wrote the lyrics to a song called The Ronavirus Blues. Have sent the text to my country-rock musician brother to come up with a tune for it, or at least some chords.
@SiubhanDuinne: Love it!
You have put your excessive free time to good use there.
@satby: We are going to need to see that photo too.
Great reinterpretation by Kannon and rescued pup.
Bartolomeo Passarotti really had a way of painting dogs. They seem so alive.
@debbie: Holly tells me it’s Crayola washable marker, so it came right off.
I love this. Too cute.
@SiubhanDuinne: I mentally hear that in John Prine’s voice.
Thank you!
It was SO hard to get that pic…
From the morning thread. Irrfan Khan died of complications due to cancer, he was 54.
Irrfan Khan had great comedic timing too. Here he is hamming it up in a parody of the “party songs” of masala Hindi movies.
OT: Our metroparks levy passed 3 to 1. Also, the crazy lady in the reopen zomby picture at the Ohio Statehouse lost to her more normal Republican competitor. She was the challenger. He was the incumbent. She had to go over the top to win but it failed. Hope she didn’t bring virus back to her county.
Laura Too
@satby: This is so awesome! What a day brightener. Thanks!
@Kannon: We’ll see if WaterGirl can share some of the outtakes.
Laura Too
@SiubhanDuinne: This is soooooo awesome! Thanks!
@satby: @Kannon: Outtakes would be so fun! Please send them to me.
@SiubhanDuinne: That is truly awesome. Front page-worthy one might say. Perhaps Saturday night?
edit: that gives your country-rock musician brother 3 days to come up with a tune, record it, and post it on YouTube so we can link to it here, with the lyrics. I hope he’s not a slacker like you! :-)
Laura Too
@SiubhanDuinne: Second Elizabelle’s sentiment, what a great use of your time! Thanks for sharing.
Kay (not the front-pager)
@SiubhanDuinne: I was eating almonds! Do you know how hard chewed up almonds are to clean off my monitor???
Seriously, I hope you get that set to music, cuz I really want to hear it. That’s even funnier than the sweet young music teacher who wrote a song that consisted of a scream.
This is Odie – did I get his name right – just after the rescue.
@schrodingers_cat: Saw that overnight. Top story on BBC.
A shame. He was one of my favorite actors. So handsome, and just had presence. Too young.
@debbie: is photoshopping permitted? That was my first thought.
Mary G
@satby: Great job by Kannon and the pup! Also love the neck ruff.
@WaterGirl: Now that’s what I would expect to see from a young pup! I bet that was half the fun.
@WaterGirl: Little head. Big big feet. Very young?
@WaterGirl: Now that is one photogenic doggo!
Kay (not the front-pager)
Young Man with a Dog 2020 has a very knowing, Mona Lisa-like gaze and smile. I’m sure he and his pup are up to something… ;-)
I use those washable Crayola markers to mark fabric in sewing because they really do wash out. Great use of materials.
@Elizabelle: Thanks!
@Yutsano: I know! How does anyone tie a dog like that (or any dog) to a tree and leave them there with a sign???
But we won’t dwell on that, since Odie got himself a good home.
@satby: Yes, John Prine would be perfect. Good catch.
@Kay (not the front-pager): Yeah, I thought the eyes were perfect. And thanks for noticing the titles; I thought the new pic was just as worth of a title as the original. :-)
This came in my email this morning. Borowitz is a treasure.
Sorry about the naked url.Pence Starts Wearing Mask After Fauci Says It Will Protect Him from Women
@Laura Too: It was fun! Thanks.
Louise B.
@SiubhanDuinne: OMG, this is awesome.
Since this is an open thread, the next time someone brings up a certain attack on Biden, show them this. Apparently Boris and Natasha were hired to write Tara’s tweets. No one will notice if they all are missing articles, right?
“Only thing worse than Biden is moose and squirrel.”
Kay (not the front-pager)
@WaterGirl: Aw, what a cutie! I’m no dog person, but he looks like some kind of terrier mix? A good dog for a young man anyway, and the by look he’s giving he clearly adores him.
@WaterGirl: We’re doing a Zoom family reunion tomorrow night. I’ll ask if he thinks he can cobble something together by the weekend.
@Kay (not the front-pager):
Somehow I missed that! Is it on YouTube?
Talented family!
So good!
Prine’s thing was he thought there should be a syllable sung for each note played. And that there should be a note played for each syllable sung. He discussed it on his interview with CBS.
@SWMBO: His link, to satirist Andy Borowitz:
@Louise B.: Thank you!
@WaterGirl: yes, Odie. Like the dog in the Garfield comic.
TikTok. It’s amazing.
And while I’m pasting ridiculous things…. HOLY FUCK. A Presidential commemorative Covid19 coin!?!?
Who is the market for this? At least it’s on sale today!
@SiubhanDuinne: That would be truly wonderful.
@Zzyzx: Kannon, please cover your ears. Or your eyes. Or something.
@WaterGirl: if that face does say please love me I’ll eat a bug. That portrait is so beautiful and probably going to be a cherished family memory of a terrible time made better by love and art.
Kay (not the front-pager)
@SiubhanDuinne: Twitter Actually I guess it’s TikTok but I saw it on Twitter so that’s where I linked to.
ETA I see someone already added a link to the Tik Tok original. I’m slow today (as I am every day).
Oh Odie you sweet pup, landed on your paws, didn’t you. So glad for you and your new and loving family.
@Zzyzx: That’s hilarious! Even though I knew what was coming, I laughed like a solitary fool.
Major Major Major Major
RWNJ twitter is flipping out over this De Blasio tweet, which rightly puts the ultra-orthodox community in Brooklyn on blast for continuing to have huge gatherings. Each funeral creates more funerals.
I’ve seen it dozens of times and it is never not funny.
A wonderful recreation. Super dog, super young man, super photographer.
@SWMBO: I did not know that, but it makes so much sense. Why his songs stick in my head.
@SWMBO: @Elizabelle:
Hilarious! Right up there with last week’s declaring that Fauci is placing high priority for a narcissist personality disorder vaccine.
Just watched the season finale of Prodigal Son on the DVR?
I was shocked.
” My Girl”???
O. Felix Culpa
@Kannon: Great recreation! Congrats to you, your mom and Odie.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Zzyzx: It occurs to me that for some reason Trump hasn’t yet written an Executive Order for a statue of himself on the Mall. Maybe replacing Lincoln’s in the Lincoln Memorial.
@Zzyzx: OMG I did not see that coming. How could she do that to a ukelele?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Lock-in deep thoughts: Today I learned that being beaten in the head with a wagging tail is a very strange sensation.
My frequent hangout these days is the living room sofa, and the dog has adopted as his hangout the top of the sofa behind my head, where he can look out the front windows and keep us safe from arriving packages, people walking by, squirrels on the porch, etc.
He’s usually snoozing up there or barking hysterically (preferably within a couple of inches of my now-deaf left ear), but today my wife came in and started talking to him, which triggered the above-mentioned furious tail wagging.
As I said, very odd sensation.
On John Prine – I have had “Summer’s End” stuck in my head for days now. I’m OK with that.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I think he’s holding out for his face on Mt. Rushmore.
@Zzyzx: OMFG I hate this stupid timeline! AUGH!!! Sorry… for screaming
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Please do not give him any ideas!
Major Major Major Major
@Zzyzx: He’s so fucking trashy.
Hilarious, harmless oops = good.
I know! At any rate, he already has a post office named after himself-even though he had to buy it. or more accurately, finance it.
Coming late to the thread…
Great job!
A fun bit of whimsy to start the day.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Zzyzx: What the fuck?
In other news, got the “Hey I sent you munnies!” letter from Fat Bastard. Right to the recycle bin.
In happier comments, lurv Kannon and pup!
@hedgehog the occasional commenter:
I was thinking of saving mine for emergency toilet paper?
Damn, the self-aggrandizing SOB doesn’t let any opportunity slip for an ego-stroke.
Great picture, so cute and so well done.
@Brachiator: Mail it back after you use it for toilet paper.
The guy in the original painting looks like a total start up tech bro. Just need to add a macbook somewhere nearby.
Great job by Kannon ! :)
Another Scott
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I learned today that our mutt Ellie has a distinctive bark when she finds a snake. (There was a ~ 5-foot long rat snake under out deck, and she didn’t like it one bit!!)
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@SiubhanDuinne: Brilliant!
When I see the reconstructed pictures — and this is a really good effort on Kannon’s part — I am usually struck by how amazing the original was. The expression on both the dog’s and the human’s face in the original are striking, and what really comes through is the bond between the two. My dentist had copies of original Vargas and Lempicka pictures, side by side with “reconstructions” to show the effect of various cosmetic enhancements. The originals were just so much better at depicting the personality of their subjects.
Fair Economist
A modern masterpiece!
As I noted in another thread, I did not know his work well, and have a couple of his films on my watch list.
I note how respected and loved he was by many of his colleagues. This message really stood out.
A great loss, but it is good to see the degree to which his memory is treasured by so many people.
Steeplejack (phone)
The White House Gift Shop is a private, for-profit company based in Lancaster County, PA. It has no connection to the White House, the Secret Service or any part of the U.S. government. It’s somewhere between the Franklin mint and a scam.
J R in WV
Great job, the set up, costumery, makeup, good dog, nice photo.
If any of the out-takes are funny, please send them in as well, humor is the best defense against our situation.
I looked at the IHME stats, and on April 27, they predicted that “the COVID-19 epidemic’s first wave could cause 74,073 cumulative deaths (estimate range 56,563 to 130,666) in the US. The total from today’s release is higher than average predictions published on April 22 (67,641, with an estimate range of 48,058 to 123,157), though the uncertainty intervals still overlap considerably.”
The lower range of 56,563 was exceeded by the day on which they changed the estimate. I don’t understand what data they are relying on.
@J R in WV: WaterGirl posted some outtakes at #31@WaterGirl:
Very cool. I do like the various recreations of paintings I’ve seen on the tubes.
I hope this doesn’t mean we have to make Balloon Juice safe for minors.
@Baud: Kannon has heard me talk. And my son Pat, though I think Pat makes an effort to be a good role model. Unlike me.
Another Scott
The BBC tells me that BoJo and his fiancee have a new baby boy today.
But Number 10 won’t say how many children in total BoJo has now…
“Oh that Boris, he’s such a loveable rake!!”
Turns out that that site is not actually associated with the White House.
And I see I was beaten to that…
Fuck no!Hell no!Gosh, no, not at all!Baud
Oh my.
That’s swell.
@Baud: I haven’t read the morning thread yet but I heard you have the weird foot thing that can be part of COVID. Quite distressing! But I’m very glad to know that you don’t seem to have the other symptoms. As always, I ?Baud.
@Another Scott: I was expecting the birth of the Moonchild to be accompanied by more fanfare.
eddie blake
oy. will read the other comments inna bit.
just gotta vent. sandernista dead-enders are ALL over facebook pushing the reade allegation, despite oh, pretty much ALL the facts in the matter, and if you push BACK?
you’re a ‘rape-apologist’.
ok, not ‘you’. me.
@WaterGirl: Thanks! My doctor says they are seeing an uptick in that particular reaction. I may get an antibody test at some point to confirm whether I’ve had the virus, but I’m not going to make an unnecessary trip to the lab since I’ve being doing well otherwise.
Laura Too
@WaterGirl: @100 Oh my, I haven’t yet either. Please Baud be safe! You are definitely hearted!
The next picture after this is “I’m going to lick that stuff of his face, it’s got to be food….”
Very cool!
eddie blake
ok.. yeah. on thread.
that’s pretty awesome. and a VERY good dog.
Laura Too
@Baud: Oh good! My last comment came in after this not sure how I missed it.
@Baud: Plus, at this point none of the tests are reliable enough to truly trust the results, so what’s the point.
Be safe.
MoCA Ace
Is there any non-overlapping area on that particular Venn diagram?
Crayola to the rescue, again!
@schrodingers_cat: One of my favorite actors, whom I first saw in the series, “In Treatment, Series 3,” then “The Lunch…” and found him captivating and stealing the spotlight from anyone else when he was performing. That a loss!
I’d like to know which of his films you’d recommend?