The Belgian VP was clowning.
Now I get why Pence didn’t want to wear a mask.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) May 2, 2020
The American ‘VP’ is clownish:
people always say that pets and their owners start to resemble each other eventually
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) April 29, 2020
Dave Barry, back in the day, had some great routines about dog owners who claimed their beloved pets were ‘loyal’ as a euphemism for ‘extremely, egregiously stupid’. Vice President Pence is that joke, in almost-human form.
Why does the patient here have the same yellow arm band and the same ID as the Vice President's staffers?
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) April 28, 2020
Most complete explanation (plus additional patient behind).
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) April 28, 2020
It’s by far the best job Pence will ever have, and even he’s aware he never deserved it. Per Vanity Fair:
…Trump tweeted on February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA….Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” The market plunged nearly 900 points the next day. Trump called Azar and screamed that the CDC was alarming people. “It’s a little bit like the flu,” Trump assured reporters at the White House.
The same day, Trump finally pushed Azar aside and put vice president Mike Pence in charge of the White House’s coronavirus task force. According to a source, Trump had considered other candidates—former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Birx, and former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb—but he told people that bringing in a credentialed outsider would signal a larger concern about the virus. “It’s going to make the issue bigger than it needs to be,” he said to an adviser. He also knew that Pence could be controlled. “Trump trusts Pence almost more than anyone,” a former White House official said. In the West Wing, Trump often belittles Pence in front of others. “Pence lives in mortal fear of being booted off the ticket. Trump constantly reminds Mike that he almost didn’t choose him,” a Republican that heard Trump make the comments told me…
All of us who traveled with him were notified by the office of @VP the day before the trip that wearing of masks was required by the @MayoClinic and to prepare accordingly.
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) April 30, 2020
Mayo Clinic employee:
1/ To be clear, there is no “He said, she said.”
There is only “He lied.”
A very brief thread with receipts
Disclaimer: I had no involvement with this event whatsoever. I’m not an official spokesperson, but I believe in correcting lies with facts. I am an employee.
— Nusheen Ameenuddin MD MPH MPA FAAP??????????? (@namd4kids) April 30, 2020
UPDATE: Voice of America eporter who called B.S. on Mike Pence’s mask explanation is banned from making further trips with @VP.
Veep’s office said ban might be lifted if news organization apologizes.— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) May 2, 2020
To reiterate: Mike Pence is an idiot. A dangerous idiot, like the man he serves.
“Pence is a law-abiding and rule-obeying type of person.”
— Justin Tiehen (@jttiehen) April 28, 2020
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read
Krope, the Formerly Dope
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I don’t know, this was pretty pathetic.
Patricia Kayden
Mary G
When he was in Congress, I think it was Dave Weigel who called him “Mike Dense the stupidest man on the hill.” You know Trump told him not to go near any actual patients for fear of being it into the WH.
This is why Manafort picked Pence. Not because Pence works for Russia directly, but because Pence is the kind of stupid where he follows the party line exactly, with no improvisation. He does what his handlers tell him to do and doesn’t ask questions. There is no immorality that could ever be a step too far for him. I have known this since the VP debate where he spent the whole time saying Trump’s positions were the exact opposite of Trump’s actual positions, with no sign of being aware he was lying. Pence sticks to the script, which makes him an invaluable patsy.
@Mary G: I believe it was his Republican colleagues that coined the nickname Mike Dense.
@Patricia Kayden: At this point, I don’t even think they are hypocrites. It’s about winning. Reade is a means to an end. Jane Mayer recently wrote a piece about Mitch McConnell, basically saying that he was unprincipled except about acquiring power. Depressing.
Everytime that I see this????
They were all big and bad until Mama came in???
“I am sorry the vice president is an idiot. Is that the kind of apology you were looking for?”
But, we already knew this about Moscow Mitch ??
@Patricia Kayden: What is that timestamp on the tweet? Is it from the origin location, your location, or gmt? It couldn’t be that hard to identify a troll, but it confuses me.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m probably not the first to say this, but Pence is only “law-abiding” and “rule-obeying” when the rules come from a man that he thinks of as his superior. If the rules come from his inferiors, then he sees no reason why he should have to follow them. Because he’s an insufferable, self-important Dunning-Kruger prick.
The Post has a long article up about the clusterfuck that has been Trump’s response to this crisis. No huge revelations, but putting the last month or so all in one place is sobering.
34 days of pandemic: Inside Trump’s desperate attempts to reopen America
This has been the longest fucking month in history.
I was talking to a colleague about this the other day. How could Trump be so arrogant, so stupid as to think that he could simply declare the Covid-19 virus to be a minor issue, and that nature would oblige him?
And his enablers and co-conspirators, from the GOP leadership to Fox News and compliant right wing pundits. They eagerly back Trump and simply pivot from lie to lie as the virus went from a mere piffle to the Invisible Enemy. And most of all, they had faith in their base, faith that these suckers would gulp up every lie, even at the risk of their own lives.
But is Pence more than a craven lickspittle, afraid of being dumped from the ticket? Obviously, he understands that he would be mercilessly kicked around if he ever disagreed with or defied Trump. In return, he is always there to whisper suggestions in Trump’s ear that will further the religious nutcase agenda.
But does Pence also have an eye on a larger prize? Does he see himself, come defeat or re-election, as Trump’s successor? He might be willing to put up with all kinds of abuse to make sure that he gets a shot at running for president.
Another Scott
@egorelick: Twitter’s timestamps are often broken. If one clicks on it, it says 40 some-odd minutes ago (here anyway) and changes the date to May 2 (ET).
It used to be that most of the time stamps that I saw seemed to be California time. That one presumably was posted (at some point) from somewhere in Europe or farther east.
HTH a little.
He was thought to be the stupidest member of the House until Louis Gohmert came along to challenge for the title.
Mallard Filmore
Open thread and also Off Topic! PBS is showing a piece about Covid dreams. You can share your dream here:
@Patricia Kayden:
The wheels have really been coming off the wagon today, and her story has been changing every few hours. There’s a reason why she couldn’t get any reputable journalists to run her story and had to go with hacks like Halper, Robinson, and Grim.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It was supposed to be a warning :(
At the risk of boring everyone with the repetition: he’s a narcissist. He genuinely thinks that reality is whatever he says it is, and he becomes enraged if anyone tries to tell him that a virus doesn’t work that way.
The reason it’s called a personality disorder and not a mental illness is that it can’t be helped or mitigated with medication or therapy. He is what he is, and we’re all stuck with him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and yet…
I think it was the night after the election he went to one of the most expensive restaurants in the country and told the richest people in the country he was gonna cut their taxes, and he did. And a lot of white people still think he’s an outsider fighting for them. There are a whole lot of voters who are at least as dumb as Pence.
I needed that laugh ☺
@dmsilev: Ditto!
‘Isn’t ready’?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Republicans since George W Bush have gotten used to creating their own reality and gaslighting the rest of the country into believing it or going along with it. It really started with the run-up to the Iraq war and then “Mission Accomplished” and then continued with the first 3 years of the Trump Administration with all the endless lies like “Repeal and Replace Obamacare with something better” and “Middle class tax cuts” and “Russia didn’t meddle in the election” and so forth.
But every one of those past lies were basically lies about policy. That could be vaguely supported by various pieces of evidence. Covid-19 is an entirely new type of crisis. It is remorseless and doesn’t watch Fox News. When there are refrigerator trucks lining up with corpses and people’s family members are dying in nursing homes it is pretty hard to lie. And when you lie about factual issues that everyone can verify on their own, like “we have enough testing” the usual right wing wurlitzer can’t penetrate what people are seeing with their own eyes.
They don’t know how to deal with it because this is something they have never actually had to do. Lead the country through an actual crisis without lying about it.
Moscow Mitch is certainly unprincipled about acquiring power. He is equally unprincipled about using it.
Mayer recently spoke with NPR’s Terry Gross about how he became Trump’s enabler-in-chief. A transcript and audio is available here.
27 years isn’t enough time to get your story straight?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m no Biblical scholar, but when they sent Mother out there to say the Mayo Clinic never said anything about masks, wasn’t she bearing false witness against the staff there?
Another Scott
@dmsilev: It’s the middle of the night at Putin’s out-sourced IRA in Ghana.
@Baud: Let’s see. Pa., Fla., Mich., Wisc., N.H., N.C., Nev., Minn., those were the closest states last time. So for swing, they must be including Ohio, Ia., Ga., Va., Ariz., and hell, that’s 13, what’s left? Maine’s 2nd district? Texas? Really, I’m running out of states here. My guess is the poll included not-really swing red states so the topline number wouldn’t make Trump feel so bad.
I can totally see Trump snapping at Pence, “Get a longer tie.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: good point, not much clarity provided in the article, speculation in the replies to Dawsey that they’re including places like GA, TX, OH and IA.
also from the article:
What are the odds Parscale or even Kellyanne Conway (I think she’s probably the smartest person in his circle, if also one of the most vicious, along with Barr) had given a thought to those papers a week ago?
Twitter says it’s from one hour ago.
One of the few things that people credit W’s otherwise disastrous reign for was his preparation for epidemics. Even he seemed to realize that a pandemic would be something that would be really, really hard to lie about, so instead he created a pandemic office (and also did a lot of worldwide AIDS funding, to boot).
Looks like none of the other Republicans were smart enough to learn the same lesson, and now we’re all paying for it. ?
joel hanes
Here is the late, much-missed Indiana blogger Doghouse Riley, in 2013, on Pence
I suspect that getting access to the U of D archive to find some risotto recipes is the real prize that they’ve been aiming for. Tara Reade is just the tool to get them there. You can tell that’s the plan because the NYT editorial board is calling for Biden to let reporters access the archive.
And it’s pretty much a dead heat for absolute last place.
Dense and Gohmert, making the 3 stooges look like Nobel prize winners.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Also, too, Josh Marshall had some pithy words on the subject:
Maybe needs another 20-25 years.
That seems to be the most likely scenario. If you include states like OK, UT, TN, KY, and MO as “swing states” then the numbers don’t look so bad for Trump.
@egorelick: Pretty sure that tweet refers to the women who’ve accused Assange of sexual assault/rape. It’s the reason he went into exile in the first place.
He also set aside more marine protected areas than any other president through executive orders. Maybe that was the Kennebunkport yachtie Bush leaking out. But as a marine biologist it is the only thing I give him credit for.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
looks like Matt Gertz of Media Matters is taking the day off, so I don’t know how his tweeting is tracking with what he’s watching on TV up at Camp David. He reportedly hates Camp David. From the pictures I’ve seen, if I were president I’d be there every freakin’ weekend.
@Mnemosyne: The NYT reporters would be out of there after one box. My boss back when I was working for Satan had a good story about discovery. Two female paralegals were sent to a mine to look at records. The mine foreman said the records were in an old shack. The first paralegal opened a box and found a scorpion, her co-worker opened her box and found a rattlesnake.
I always assumed he was dressed by “mother”
Another Scott
One for Adam:
(via Popehat)
I absolutely believe Pence is dumb enough to think that’ll happen.
Hell, maybe they aren’t lying. Maybe Trump is actually turning GA, TX, OH, and IA into swing states. That would be incredibly good news.
Mike in NC
Lest we forget, Dan Quayle was another utterly worthless VP who quickly faded back into well deserved obscurity.
RE: How could Trump be so arrogant, so stupid as to think that he could simply declare the Covid-19 virus to be a minor issue, and that nature would oblige him?
I naturally tend to resist attempts at long-distance mental diagnoses of people, but more than that I don’t think this adequately gets to the root of Trump’s delusional behavior.
He denied that the virus was a problem, but then exhibited supreme ignorance and incompetence in dealing with the subsequent pandemic. He ran away from responsibility, but continued to fall back on his standard play, fighting with governors, but demanding that he be praised for pretending to deal with the crisis. And he may be involved in kickback schemes set up by his minion Young Jared.
If Trump were even one percent competent, and able to provide real leadership, we might be looking at an entirely different response to the pandemic. Trump continually backs himself into a corner, but then bites through the walls and scurries to find another corner.
One of the reasons that this is insufficient is because even if you define Trump as a narcissist, you also have to acknowledge that he is a successful narcissist. So, are you talking about a personality disorder, or just his shitty personality? His bullshit works for him.
In leaping from the world of junkie tv personality to the presidency, he has achieved a position in which he can force people to obey him, to kiss up to him and to practically worship him. And a sick core of people are more than willing to line up to be the next toady, lickspittle or faithful minion.
And this still does not get to the heart of the issue. We not only have an incompetent and deranged Trump, we have a craven GOP infrastructure willing to follow Trump into defeat and disgrace, and totally committed to the con.
This also reminds me of Rupert Murdoch and other right wing media moguls who published lies about the extent of the Australia wild fires even as that country was burning out of control. They don’t care whether they are caught lying.
Weird how the multiple people in the running for stupidest member of Congress are always white male Republicans…
@Redshift: I’m still of the opinion that Pence won’t be on the ticket in 2020.
@JMG: Wow, that’s the first time in a long while that I’ve seen the old state abbreviations. I always liked Penna for PA.
Members of Congress? Maybe. But if we are talking GOP politicians writ large, then I’ll raise you a Sara Palin and that crazy lady from Las Vegas who wanted to use her city as the “control group”
Thanks for info on the PBS reporter Steve Herman. I wondered whether he was banned because he ‘reported’ fake news Deep State lie that for covid-19 we don’t use face masks to cover our eyes, or reporting the confidential long form tip top super secret that the Mayo Clinic was yelling to any member of the public entering their clinic that they had to wear a mask.
Good to know which one it was.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Redshift: maybe Pence is as surprised as I am that The Beast hasn’t stroked out on a gold-plated crapper by now
@Kent: a couple of recent polls showing TX is tight. I’ll believe it when I see it, but…
Another Scott
@Kent: My brother’s rep, Virginia Foxx, is no prize either:
Etc., etc.
It’s (as Charlie Pierce says) the GOP prion disease.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: “Swing low, Sweet Chariot….”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Redshift: well, there is always Marsha Blackburn, who ended the years long struggle between Ron Johnson and Jon Cornyn for dumbest Senator
@Kent: Actually you can go back to Nixon
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I have to stand up for my state and say that, in my opinion, Johnson still deserves the title.
Well yeah. I guess the entire Vietnam War was one just fucking gas lighting exercise. “Domino Theory?” “We are winning” But that started with Johnson, not Nixon. So it was a bipartisan effort.
And I somehow blanked Reagan entirely out of my mind.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think he’d be gone already if Nikki Haley would take the job. I think she and Christie are (from a Republican POV) successfully navigating the close-but-not-too-close model that hold actual office impossible for the dignity wraiths
Gin & Tonic
@DMcK: “Exile”?
If you were Nikki Haley, would YOU take the job and have your credibility destroyed for all time? Because everything and everyone Trump touches is destroyed.
Or would you bide your time until 2024?
I’ve said this before, but that shit from Karen Dense is just unbelievable. I mean, her useless husband is supposedly in charge of the Federal Task Force in charge of combatting COVID-19. Someone in that position should be reading reports about what’s going on in hospitals every fucking day. He shouldn’t have to be told (although he absolutely was told) to wear a fucking mask when going to a hospital with COVID-19 patients. He should have been able to figure that shit out himself. Did they need to instruct him not to lick door knobs as well?
Also, Karen, your fucking shit husband should be wearing a fucking mask all the time now, if no other reason then to be a fucking leader, like just about all of the minimally decent world leaders are doing now.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Nope, Ivanka.
@dmsilev: Reade is saving her rebuttal for sweeps week.
I sure as hell am no lawyer but this explanation of contract law as it pertains to contracts was an interesting read particularly as the pandemic impacts every aspect of life — business, personal, social.
The Coronavirus and Force Majeure Clauses in Contracts
The GOP has been trying this off and on since Senator Robert Taft in the 1940s, on to Goldwater, and side trips with Newt Gingrich and his Contract on America. Also, Trump is not a Republican, but he knows how to play them as part of a larger con game.
Not for Trump.
Trump has clearly gone to far for some of his supporters, but sadly the lunatic fringe will never give him up. And his enablers have held firm, at least in public.
@Krope, the Formerly Dope: Dick Cheney got the fucking victim to apologize for putting his face in front the the drunk bastard’s shotgun. This is SOP for the cult.
@Mary G: I remember him touring Baghdad and saying it was safe than Detroit, or was it Chicago?
Pretty much knew he was a putz then.
@dmsilev: Reade has to coordinate her new story with her ‘corroboraters’.
Which will be tricky now we know her brother’s original story matched what she told AP (harassment, no sexual assault) and then Nathan Robinson got him to change it to the sexual assault story
J R in WV
Steve Herman is a top reporter for Voice of America, not NPR, at least the last I knew. Steve is a good guy who taught me a lot about Sushi and Japanese food and culture. He spent years reporting on Asia, from Asia.
Not surprised the Trump machine is trying to put him in his place, anyone honest is vulnerable to liars.
He invited us to attend a Pink Floyd concert with him and his girlfriend in the long ago. Great times!
Wow: Mississippi Guv Has Second Thoughts About Stay-At-Home Order Lift After Sharp Rise In COVID-19 Cases:
Tate Reeves should be the nation’s stupidest governor, but apparently he’s not.
Sm*t Cl*de
“Surrender / declare bankruptcy, walk away, stick other people with the bill and declare victory” is Trump’s strategy in Afghanistan, and his strategy for Covid, because it has always been his business strategy.
Not when you are making it up out of thin air and bullshit and forgot what you said longer than 2 hrs before.
@Gin & Tonic: Well, fled to avoid prosecution/extradition, whatever. He was formally charged with rape in Sweden, IIRC.
A narcissist is also a bully and a lier. A narcissist lives in their own world, not in the real world. The lies don’t have to make sense or have a pace of reality because the narcissist works every minute to make their own reality that they are the center of attention. Making a high level narcissist with a rather limited intellect president, defies all logic. But then our very far right conservative party doesn’t run on logic, just on thievery and bullshit. And they have been doing this for a lot longer than any of us have been alive.
@Another Scott:
Excellent thread by that guy from 2018:
Bill Arnold
This site will parse a tweet url, pulling out the time embedded in the id. Useful.
Good lord there is sure some competition for that title.
Bill Arnold
Also, is helpful. it’s an opaque machine learning model but can be helpful. Better though to look at the past month’s activity on the account (or more if suspicious.)
This thread might be dead, but there’s a fascinating (though terrifying) book called “The Narcissist Next Door” that explains all of this. It sounds crazy until you actually encounter it because normal people have inner lives and assume that everyone else does, too. Narcissists do not have inner lives the same way the rest of us do and do not react to life events the way normal people do.
Narcissists are often successful in the US because our society admires their rule-breaking ways and their disdain for others, but now we can see how dangerous that admiration is.
Also, keep in mind that Trump’s “success” is a façade. He has been boosted his entire life, first by his father, and later by an assortment of business partners and associates. He’s been involved with the Russian mob for years — that’s the world that Michael Cohen came from. He’s a hollow man propped up by powerful interests who find him useful. That’s not “success,” except to Americans who can’t see past the façade.
ETA book link
Trump is a coward. He talks tough, but ran away from trying to deal with the pandemic, even as he tried to sabotage the efforts of the governors in getting down and really dealing with things. Trump did everything he could to avoid having the federal government provide clear direction. But he still wanted to be given credit for handling the crisis.
As president, Trump can force people to at least publicly pretend that his lies represent the real world. And he also has a phalanx of people who will willingly lie for him. Again, even if you want to label Trump as a narcissist, he successfully uses the power and authority of the president to force people to assent to his fantasies.
I agree that Trump must be the center of attention. And once again, as president, he can naturally exploit the office to support his ego needs.
He also has been insulated with money. You can fuck up in a lot of ways over a long period of time if you’ve got a big pile of money to burn (preferably other people’s).
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Could you oblige by providing name of female tv host that Trump labelled a dog? Presumably she wasn’t on Fox?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dww44: Nicole Wallace– he said she was “fired from the View like a dog…”
I know Nichole Wallace was fired from The View cause I’ve heard her talk about it on her MSNBC show. I wonder how/from when trump knows. I imagine it was big news on Page Six of the NY Post
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks. I didn’t know about the View firing, a show I’ve never really watched. But she gets the last laugh at her 4 p.m. MSNBC perch where she holds forth against Trump with real fire and passion. I’ve noted that the Never Trumpers and mostly now former Republicans have been the most effective anti Trump pundits.
Well, sure. That’s why it was a really, really, REALLY bad idea to hand the power of the presidency to a toxic narcissist. This is exactly what Hillary warned us would happen but, like a modern-day Cassandra, she gets scorned and disbelieved even when it’s happening in front of everyone’s eyes.
The main reason to accept that Trump is a narcissist is to brace yourself for the reality that he will never get better at his job. He will only get worse. This is because any attempt to correct or restrain him leads to him doubling down on the exact behavior he was just told not to do. Because he’s a toxic narcissist, and that’s what they do.
Another Scott
@Steeplejack: That is a good, thought-provoking, thread.
Thanks for the pointer.
Pence and i were in a study group for the Senior history study group back in 81. We called him Mike Dense even then. I still remember thinking “This guy is a moron.”
@Steeplejack: thread no longer available???
@cliosfanboy: Besides being a moron, what else do you remember?
@JPL: that he was painfully self righteous and that he thought he was a lot smarter than he really was. He applied to a bunch of high powered law schools, all of which rejected him.
TBF, his GPA was better than mine, but i spent my first two years having fun away from a restrictive home for the first time, and spent the next two trying to resurrect my GPA.
@cliosfanboy: Thanks.
@cliosfanboy: I get the same error message, in two different browsers.
Another Scott
@cliosfanboy: Still works here:
The Shaun King tweet he was replying to is what’s no longer available. His thread is still there, as replies to his first post. It’s 12 comments long, with some subsequent back and forth with other people.
ETA: You don’t click on the link right after “prone to violence. (1/12).” That’s what the poster is replying to or referencing (which may or may not still exist). You always click the link after the poster’s name (“Darth Bader Ginsburg”) to get the content from that person.