Folks, Biden's going nowhere if a. he is continuing to beat Trump in the polls, which so far he is. b. Dem voters/elected officials are sticking by him, which so far they are.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) May 4, 2020
Voters understood their choice as Bernie or Not Bernie, and overwhelmingly chose the latter. The clear majority of them have given Bernie a democratic anti-mandate. And as Bernie supporters were telling us in February, the will of the primary voters must be respected.
— poorly hidden account (@poorlyhidden) May 4, 2020
“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”
A hedgehog is a ridiculous little animal that seems to have been designed by a toymaker with a mean streak. The species has survived for some 15 million years, as all around them bigger / stronger / smarter / better-looking mammals evolved and flourished and died out in their turns.
I’ll admit I gave Biden small credit when this Democratic primary started, but by Murphy the Trickster God the old boy is proving (so far) unkillable!…
Biden will come out of this stronger. He already is. The Dem base is energized now. This pissed people off. And not against Biden, but in his defense.
— A.J. Delgado (@AJDelgado13) May 3, 2020
one thing that's been uncanny about Biden so far is that all of his opponents' attacks have been just complete Wile E. Coyote flubs to a degree I haven't seen in any other candidate (even trump)
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) May 3, 2020
– trumpworld says he's hiding during the pandemic: aside from reminding everyone whose fault the pandemic actually was it allows the Biden campaign to point to an op-ed from *January* that showed he was thinking about this a month before trump was
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) May 3, 2020
– Parscale goes all-in on Tara Reade: "hey, Biden said he welcomed the relevant authorities releasing any documents because he knows there aren't any, how come trump hasn't done the same thing"
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) May 3, 2020
bernie dead-enders boost 2008 Gridiron Dinner remarks: story fell apart so quickly and easily that people will start assuming that future accusations are made up too
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) May 3, 2020
I’d ride my unicorn naked through Narnia to alert the people of the forest.
See, I have a vivid imagination too.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 3, 2020
The idea that electing Biden stops both Trump and the insane-left Bernie holdouts is a selling point. It's a feature, not a bug.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) May 1, 2020
Man, when did Peter Daou go so nuts?
RBG is in the hospital with some kind of infection. ?
At this point in time, under the circumstances we are all in and cannot escape, if you descibe yourself as being anywhere on the the left and you are trying to kneecap Biden you are a FUCKING MORON full stop.
@different-church-lady: This.
If you want to chase stories about sexual harassment there are about 23 so far related to Trump. How many of these folks are calling for Trump to step off the ballot so someone with better behavior can take his place?
One of the reasons I would love to have Harris as Biden’s running mate is that she has a similar ability to drive her enemies insane, as demonstrated by her (Democratic!) opponent when she ran for Senate. She couldn’t cut through the bullshit in a crowded primary, but the folks who thought “Kamala is a cop!” was the best possible attack are going to be awfully surprised when it turns out that suburban wine moms don’t actually hate cops.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I said earlier that Rose Twitter is going to turn me into Evan Bayh. I later saw on the twitter that Cole is in a similar space
Peter Daou…. funny how many of the looniest Berners are ex-Clintonites, or at least were fairly conventional Democrats before 2016: I believe Nina Turner courted– and got– both Clintons’ endorsement for her face-plant run for Ohio SoS, and I think Krystal Ball was pretty centrist during her brief career as a politician, and I don’t remember any radicalism when she was on MSNBC
The horseshoe is real. They genuinely would prefer to have Trump for another 4 years so they can say, “I told you so, MOM!” than to have a rational, sensible Democratic president who will give them 95 percent of what they claim to want.
Miss Bianca
Oh, dear God, how can it be that I’m agreeing more with the likes of Tom Fucking Nichols and Jennifer Rubin these days than with my Bernie-loving dear old friends?
*sob* *headdesk
Omnes Omnibus
@MisterForkbeard: 2008. Obama winning the primary broke something in his brain and he ain’t been right in the head since.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
And that’s that real tragedy of all this: they’re actually hurting all rape/sexual assault victims but they don’t care because power is the only thing that matters to them
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m right with Cole on this one. I was happy enough with Biden but really wanted someone else to win.
Seeing Biden get attacked for a ton of complete bullshit and him handling it gracefully makes me like him a lot more.
@MisterForkbeard: When it became profitable.
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: Calm down. It’s not Covid. She’ll be taking part in in conferences by video tomorrow.
or your self described leftism is a lie. Always an option.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Seems like a lot of white people, on the right *and* on the left, lost their damn minds when Obama became President. I’m starting to think of them not in terms of right or left-wing anymore so much as “white wing”.
James E Powell
These are tweets that got into my timeline because somebody I follow retweeted them. None of these people are bots. I just cannot believe anyone can say this stuff in 2020.
I suggested that the fact that one party has to constantly promote racial and religious bigotry to maintain power should be enough of a difference, but I no longer have the words or the patience to argue with such people.
@Miss Bianca: I’ve got Jennifer Rubin in the ‘conservative pundit most likely to pull a full John Cole ideological u-turn’ betting pool. Seriously, she’s most of the way there already and the only real question is whether she reverts to her old self once a D is in the White House.
Edit: And speaking of pundits who seem to have had an awakening, check out Dana Milbank. It seems to have dawned on him that politics isn’t actually a game and about the only thing that would keep him from fitting in with the commenters here is that apparently the Post style guidelines frown on using ‘fuck’ in op ed columns.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Must resist making a Sonic the Hedgehog reference
@Mnemosyne: Nach Trump, uns. They obviously don’t read history.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
Anybody that uses “globalist” outside of it’s original political science meaning is not to be taken seriously. A lot like “SJW”.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
From the tone of the tweets I’ve seen, a whole lot of them think damaging the believability of rape accusations is a major plus. There’s a big “HA ha you said you believe women!” streak.
@James E Powell:
Huh, what the fuck does this mean?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: I have that same bet, but I put Nicolle Wallace a couple of lengths ahead of Rubin. John Weaver, a less media-present never-trumper than Wilson or Nichols, also seems to tweet a lot of support for environmental issues and other things that I don’t think he advocated while working for Kasich or McCain.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The thing that really sucks about Reid’s allegations: if she’s telling the truth it horrible and depressing; and if she’s lying it’s also horrible and depressing.
Peter Daou has always been an obsessive stan. I didn’t like him when he was nutty for Clinton but there are few Bernie Bros that surprised me. I am puzzled about their recently acquired lunacy. Krystal Ball, Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Grim were always left but they were never the crazy left. What happened to them? Or was I not paying close attention to them? I definitely paid attention to Scahill. I’ve read his books and attended his talks. Despite his association with Greenwald, he was always reasonable and a great investigative journalist. Why does Bernie cause people to lose their minds?
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: You’ll note that a lot of the Never Trumpers are neocons. The older ones started out in the left, and none of them really care about domestic policy. They sided with the GOP over foreign policy. Now, the Trumpies are both isolationist and incompetent on foreign policy plus their domestic incompetence is making neocon foreign policy ambitions a
popepipe dream. They have to side with us just to get the country back on a footing where they can fight with us again.dmsilev
@Omnes Omnibus:
Can I just say how much I love that typo?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think there’s a reason Bernie’s hard-core base is young. And naiveté is that reason.
Biden’s “accuser” is a lying sack of shit. Anybody who utters a single fucking word to perpetuate the non-issue of her “accusation” can fucking die in a fire while being fucked by rusted pitchforks.
Any questions?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I see this phenomenon in fandom a lot too. The Star Wars and now Star Trek fandoms are infamous for this. Never ever visit r/saltierthancrait on reddit. They’re the types who like to pretend their discussions are “rational and logic-based” when in reality their criticisms of the current Sequel Trilogy are nitpicky and often reveal their racism/misogyny.
The same shit is happening with ST: Discovery and now ST: Picard. “Not my Star Trek.! This isn’t Gene’s vision! Patrick Stewart is an SJW trying to shove his politics down my throat! It wasn’t about politics then, just universal values! Kurtzman hates the fans! All of the swearing is cringy AF and covers up bad writing1!1!”, etc.
The funny thing is, this isn’t new. People said the same thing about TNG, DS9, TMP, VOY, and ENT. People are fools if they think they’re going to get TNG Season 8. Times have changed.
@Omnes Omnibus: There’s also the thing that quite a few of the neocon’s moved to the Republicans over support for Israel. The whole “Jews will not replace us” doesn’t go over well with them.
uh….haven’t been around much, but I thought this was still a reality based community
Omnes Omnibus
I think it is pretty safe to say that none us will.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Whenever I see “globalist” used outside its original political science meaning I just assume what it’s really being used to mean is “Jewish.”
Anne Laurie
To my admittedly jaded ear, Mom says she won’t use rent money to buy the Gear Setup that would let me be High King of Esports. Capitalism SUXX!!!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): ‘ST:TNG wasn’t about politics or society’ is a viewpoint, that’s for sure. A remarkably stupid viewpoint.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Christ almighty, the amount of energy people invest in fighting over made-up worlds…
@MisterForkbeard: Political factions are like fandoms. Most fan groups are reasonable and come together to enjoy the shows or characters they like but there are always some who take their affection too far. Peter Daou is a representative of the worst of stan culture. He’s obsessive, passionate and tends to be singularly focused not the person he likes.
I know some might think I am trivializing politics but it’s the only way I can explain Peter D, and the Bernie Bros.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: There is that as well.
It means that Sanders Dead Enders live in a bizarre fantasy world where they think Democrats believe in deregulation and lowering taxes on the rich. They don’t see Democratic policies and think they’re insufficient. They are shown Democratic policies and blindly imagine a strawman instead. The standard version is that everything Republicans do, Democrats must have wanted or it wouldn’t have happened. If (and there always is, because that’s how life works) there was an imaginable better result, then that is proof that Democrats are against good solutions like that, or they would have made it happen.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: that is such a Slytherin thing to say….
@eemom: It’s a hypothetical construction.
@dmsilev: Classic Trek was, um, rather political too…
Especially about race and gender roles. It’s just tame compared to how far we’ve come today.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I remember being young and using terms I didn’t understand.
I was a fucking moron when I did that shit. But I didn’t have a bunch of media types telling the world I was the future of everything back then.
The thing about Biden is that he is an old school politician, and that has handicapped him a bit in previous runs at the Presidency and with the media generally. The whole thing with touching people offends younger media personalities (and I didn’t like it when strangers did it to me when I was a kid), but, having been raised in a certain kind of Irish Catholic household, and when television (or the internet) didn’t dominate every part of political life, he connects to people the way politicians used to, by making personal gestures, whether it’s by actual physical contact, or calling them up, or writing them a letter. (The whole “kissing babies” stereotype was a real thing, once upon a time.)
He is not particularly smart (though not stupid), and certainly not clever, but he has a good sense for where his constituents are – what is possible, and what constituents are ready for at a particular time – thus, his coming out for marriage equality while Obama was still laying the groundwork. This does him no favors with the media – he is no “visionary”, and there is absolutely nothing exciting or controversial about him (ginned up scandals aside), so the media, particularly young media people, can’t stand him. His bold vision is one of simple decency. There is a profile of him by Kitty Kelley from 1974 floating around (from the Washingtonian), and many of his comments would surely make any young journalist cringe (many of them made me cringe), but one of the things that stood out for me is that he had no qualms about asserting then that health care was a human right.
TL; DR: One of the reasons Biden won the primary was, over 48 years, making personal connections with people, and, for those he’d never met, creating a sense that he would do the right thing when the time came, but not throw everything away by trying for something impossible.
Anne Laurie
They realized there was more money in being anti-Democratic-Party than in being merely pro-Left.
You hang around with violent-fantasy idiots long enough, your mind’s Overton Window shifts. If you wanna hang with the Kewl Kidz, ya gotta up yur game. IMO, the same thing is currently happening to Chris Hayes.
You may be confusing the fever (Bernie) for the virus (‘anti-establishmentarianism‘). People whose interior world is built around ‘My guy is GOD, your guy is THE DEVIL’ will naturally sort themselves out to the ends of the political bell curve, like iron filings around a… horse-shoe shaped magnet.
Think of all the formerly-sane mildly conservative people you know who’ve gone full MAGAt. And the ones who haven’t. Politicians don’t make people rabid, unless those people were looking for a reason to be rabid before their Chosen Leader showed up.
@dmsilev: Add Nicole Wallace to the group.
@dmsilev: Back in the Oughts, Milbank and Cillizza had a “comedy” routine where they would make videos together for the Post, and they both came across as smug, moronic asses celebrating their superiority to the “both sides” of politics they passed judgment on. Who would’ve thunk that one of them might actually wise up.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
God, that’s disgusting. I don’t think “believe all women” meant that all accusations should be automatically believed, just investigated seriously and objectively.
Yes. It wouldn’t surprise me if something did happen to her, and she’s being manipulated by bad faith actors
@Omnes Omnibus:
STC is the worst, but honestly a lot of the main SW subs can be pretty fucking toxic. r/STC is good for a laugh at how ridiculous they are when filtered through r/moviescirclejerk
That’s exactly it.
Same thing with female characters. Any lead action female character that isn’t Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, etc is “forced” and “SJW”. I think a lot of it comes down to is part nostalgia and the fact that a lot of the politics of Berman/Braga Trek has become mainstream in the decades since.
@Anne Laurie:
I think Sanders fans seek him out because he’s angry and they’re angry. Sanders’ specific schtick is that the rich are evil. That is a seductive, downright obvious conclusion to young idealists, and only Sanders is supplying that sentiment. Once you get there, everything you described sets in.
@Anne Laurie: Again: the thing Bernie and Trump have in common is a talent for leveraging resentment. It’s the aspect their bases have in common. At the extremes the crazy is the same, but the polarity flipped.
Anne Laurie
Hell, you may be old enough to remember the people who violently objected to ‘pretending everything was political’ in the original Star Trek series… even while Gene Rodenberry was explicitly discussing his tactics for getting ‘hippie stuff’ past the network suits!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anne Laurie:
I’m a fan, but he really made an ass of himself last week
@PJ: I wonder if Milbank ever thinks about “Mad Bitch Beer” and wonders what role he played in The Debacle. I don’t wonder at all about his little sidekick.
@PJ: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking re: pre-awakening Milbank. Of course, Cilizza has if anything gotten worse since then.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Mm-hm. Discussion about fiction can be very fun. Headcanons can be very interesting. But this constant pissing and moaning for years on end is obnoxious. It’s worse when fans attack the cast and crew of these movies/shows when they don’t get exactly what they want.
People are entitled to their opinions, but their comes a point when you say your piece, you conclude this isn’t for you, and move on. Not go on obsessive diatribes years later or harass actors and directors. The old movies and tv shows are still there. Watch those instead. Stop whining about how “Ruin” Johnson, “Jar Jar” Abrams, and Kathleen Kennedy ruined your childhoods
West of the Cascades
@PJ: having Cillizza leave the Post was apparently a very healthy thing for Milbank.
@Anne Laurie: That was before my time. I saw Original Trek as a kid when it was syndicated on one of the local UHF stations. TNG I saw first-run.
FDR has been described this way too. Biden won’t have FDR’s majorities, but I think there’s potential for real parallels. The big question for a lot of us is: will he be willing to stick the knife in all the way into the Republican Party when the opportunity arrives?
Good to see Anne is now boosting AJ Delgado, who actually worked to elect Trump in 2016. And only left the movement because the other Trump campaign operative she was sleeping with (who was married) ended up being a total creep.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@cokane: this blog is run by someone who voted for George W Bush, twice
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Anne Laurie:
It’s actually disheartening and scary watching this process happen to people you liked. I remember a few atheist Youtubers I followed going down this route in 2014. They were lefties and they began to lose their minds when it came to feminism
@Jackie: *cough* Bill Kristol has made the full heel turn *cough*
His boss was a black man for 8 years. In all that time, he never worked to undermine or denigrate the man above him. He had been involved in the politics of African-American communities for decades. Once this primary was out of the hands of mostly white people (and someone like Harris wasn’t going to be viable) this primary was over. Never ever EVER underestimate the person who put the work in.
@sdhays: God, I hope he’s got someone on his staff sharpening the knife now.
@sdhays: I should also add that Biden is aware that he is not the smartest guy in the room, which is an advantage when dealing with other politicians or journalists who are certain they are the smartest guy in the room.
Omnes Omnibus
@PJ: One of the things that Biden has in common with Obama (and it is rare in politicians) is that they are both comfortable in their own skins. Biden knows who he is and who he isn’t and is okay with it.
You guys see the latest shit Rose Twitter is trying to start against Biden?
@Yutsano: Right. One advantage Biden had over candidates like Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Warren, and Sanders is that Delaware is over 20% black. You cannot win the Democratic nomination for a statewide office in Delaware without the support of the African-American community. Knowing that that is key to winning, and making those relationships, is something that someone coming from Vermont or even Massachusetts would not necessarily prioritize.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Chris Hayes quickly became unbearable for me to listen to. A few minutes in and he sounds condescending and pompous. I am only mildly surprised at his flirt with darkness. Maddow takes a bit longer to get on my nerves, but her build up to the point is unbearably long for me, but I think her heart is in the right place.
@clay: I’m glad they all adopted that Red Rose branding. Makes for a good warning label.
James E Powell
The voters chose Not Bernie twice and by a larger margin the second time, perhaps believing the point was not made the first time. Sanders supporters refuse to acknowledge the significance.
I’ve got a Bernie-supporting friend who posted a story on Facebook purporting to be a former Secret Service agent saying they had to protect women from Biden “at an Epstein-type level”. I commented “Ah, c’mon”, and she said we have to listen to everyone. I said no, it’s bullshit and I don’t believe it. They’re trying to sell Biden as an “Epstein level” abuser. The Bernie dead-enders are something to behold. They are so, so desparate.
Anyone who tries to tell you that any iteration of Star Trek wasn’t political is an idiot.
@dmsilev: It may be the vilest thing that I’ve seen in politics. At least, the vilest thing that people have done out in the open.
These people are sociopaths.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Racism. Racism broke Daou’s brain, and he doesn’t even realize that’s what it was.
@Anne Laurie: I don’t much care about the rest but I am really sad about Scahill. He’s smart and he’s a legit investigative reporter not just an agitator like Greenwald.
@Anne Laurie: As an 11 year old kid in 1966 i could see how political the original Star Trek was and that along with so much else was why I loved it. It was an intelligent, thoughtful Tv show when so much of what was on Tv at the time was drivel.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: That is the undercurrent of what I said.
I think that Biden pushes enough of Rubin’s Big Daddy buttons that she’ll stick around long enough to get the full conversion special. Some of the other Never Trumpers are starting to pull back, but she’s continuing on towards the left, full steam ahead.
Anne Laurie
To quote the many arguments I had with Kirk stans, back when we were inventing fanfic*: SHUT UP, HIPPIE.
(*Yes, I am eternally grateful to the Trickster God that the Internet, as we know it, had not yet been invented. There are probably still a few paper copies of those double-digit-circulation ‘zines squirreled away in specialist archives, but finding them would be harder than finding the Trump family’s tax records, and for much less reward.)
@dmsilev: The Prime Directive is a political statement in of itself.
@PJ:Milbank is way smarter than Cillizza. They are not in the same league.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know. I’m just sick of pussyfooting around it right now. People on the “left” are racisting all over the place and no one seems willing to call them on it.
Disgusting. I got about ten relies in and they are speculating that Biden actually killed them. Horrible, ugly people.
Anne Laurie
Yes, to all this.
I think what I missed, back in 2019, was that Biden is so ‘retro’ he’s come around to being cool again, like vinyl records and mid-century modern home accessories.
Yup. This is revenge for Kavanaugh for at least half of the morons on Twitter, which is why they keep dragging Christine Blasey Ford into it despite the glaring differences in the cases.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Hey Mnem, remember the epic arguments you would have about The Last Jedi with TenguPhule?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Obsessing over fiction and dissecting characters and going meta has been my saving grace during the stay at home.
James E Powell
My friends and I have been arguing about baseball & rock n roll history.
I think some people are still allowing for the possibility that she’s delusional, which would mean that she’s technically not lying since she would believe what she says even though it would all be false.
I think she’s consciously lying because she’s been way too careful to not get herself into legal trouble by, say, filing a false police report with Biden’s name on it.
I don’t really participate in the circles Bernie’s true believers do although I know a few. Bernie isn’t the one. The one’s who think monkeywrenching the whole thing to usher in Bernie are showing too much of their hand. That whole tearing stuff down thing I mean. They did it with Hillary and I guess they think it’s fine if they do it again. It’s their plan for the country. Those people are not Democrats.
From now on I hope the Democratic party mandates that only a member of the Democratic Party can run for the party’s nomination. Screw Bernie & his cult. Now…. bring on the Trump.
Anne Laurie
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Back in the mid-1970s, Rodenberry did a bunch of speaking tours, mostly at colleges. One of his standing jokes was about re-casting the original ensemble between the pilot he shopped around (the core of what eventually became ‘The Menagerie’ double-episode) and the show after the network bought it. ‘They said I could have either a female co-captain, or an alien. So I married the woman and kept Mr. Spock, because in California it’s illegal to do it the other way around.’
Just imagine how very CANCELLED!!! old Gene would be if he were still around to care. (And, yes, the man was more than a bit of a sexist pig & a hypocrite, but he *still* moved the genre forward, and will forever be remembered fondly by a lot of us who were nascent young feminists at the time.)
One of the reasons I have little to say around here anymore is I never watch, listen to, nor read any of these assholes y’all are obsessed with. Reality is bad enough. Enjoy.
@Soprano2: The Obama team vetted Biden to within an inch of his life. Do they honestly believe something like this wouldn’t have come up before?
Also: I just ripped Cenk a new one on Twitter. My prediction is he blocks me for it. But calling him out for stealing part of his own history felt right.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Except they are right about Enterprise.
I’ve been explaining this to people on Facebook who are disappointed their first choices (usually Warren or Klobuchar) didn’t get the nod. They tend to be receptive once I explain it that way.
And I, of course, am only parroting the things that lamh36 and rikyrah have been telling all of us for, like, forever and a day.
Anne Laurie
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This may be me eliding in retrospect, but when those Cillizza / Milbank videos first appeared, I got the impressions Milbank was somewhat embarrassed / resentful about ‘pandering’. (But you remember, those were the ‘pivot to video’ days, when hate-clicks were just being invented.)
Cillizza was wallowing as happily as a pig in a mudhole, and of course he’s done very well professionally by embracing his natural piggishness.
Wasn’t it a Secret Service agent who was peddling the nutty “Clinton Christmas tree” story back in the 1990s where he claimed they decorated their White House tree with condoms and crack pipes?
Twitterville was very amused by this and I believe this person has won the internets today:
Anne Laurie
I read the complete Gulliver’s Travels at an early age. The Laputans prepared me for both sf/fantasy and political fandom.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Yes, and he was wrong about all of it. ?
I don’t know if you saw “Knives Out,” but Johnson put some pretty funny suck it haters moments into it. He doesn’t seem to care much what the TLJ-hating incels think.
@Mnemosyne: Millions of selfish, shithead children gave us Dump.
“I can’t vote for Dump, but fuck Hillary. I’m not voting! That’ll show ’em!”
Anne Laurie
‘A second-rate intellect, but a first-class temperament’ is… not a bad description of Joe Biden, actually.
One advantage Joe has over Franklin: The racists (& sexists) have mostly self-selected out of the Democratic party. So Biden won’t have FDR’s landslide support behind him… but he won’t have to fight nearly as hard against the proto-Dixicrats, either.
@Anne Laurie
A Houyhnhnm-American candidate for veep.
@Mnemosyne: I admit to being in a bit of a panic before South Carolina. I was extremely worried we would be stuck with Bloomberg. But I decided to hold back and let the core of the party have their say. I’m very happy I did. Warren didn’t spark with me as much as Harris did, but in the end I can more than live with Unca Joe. Handsy personality and all.
Anne Laurie
@cokane: “Retweets are not endorsements.”
Also remember, our Blogmaster used to be a hardcore ‘winger.
There were so many factors, including James fucking Comey.
I will also go to my grave believing that votes were deliberately switched from Clinton to Stein in Michigan.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): SEGA!
@Mnemosyne: Didn’t Comey have to mention that or Chaffetz was going to scream like a stuck pig? I vaguely remember that being mentioned around then.
ETA – Not that I don’t think Comey can get fucked.
Since CA was a Super Tuesday state this year, I held back and didn’t fill my ballot out until the South Carolina results came in.
G is still hoping Warren will be VP since he stans her (and voted for her in the primary), but I want Kamala. We’ll see how it goes. ?
@Mnemosyne: You cannot tell me that the Democrats swept EVERYWHERE in 2016…except the President and Senate. In one county. In Pennsylvania. I have yet to hear how that statistical anomaly came about. No one has given anything resembling a satisfactory explanation for it.
Mary G
@Mnemosyne: Jennifer Rubin went to Berkeley for both undergraduate and J.D. degrees and I have a theory that her conservatism started out as a rebellion. She also cares about Israel a lot, but has realized that Bibi is hurting more than he is helping. I don’t see her giving up on Democrats, because she approves of their choice of candidate.
I don’t watch politics TV, but Chris Hayes has been really nutso on Twitter. I stopped following him, then blocked him.
The Never-Trumper I predict will go back to being a right wing operative as soon as it makes him money again is Rick Wilson.
He didn’t have to mention it in July, but decided to do it against all previous policy and custom. If he hadn’t done that, then the October Surprise wouldn’t have happened, either.
@eemom: How many years of rust are on these pitchforks? How hot is the fire? :)
Anne Laurie
@clay: Reminding people that Biden lost his wife and baby daughter to a tragic accident, and spent the following months commuting between his new DC job and his young son in the ICU… is just the kind of ‘brillant, game-changing AHA moment’ we expect from the Red Rose Bros, in their quest to reelect Trump. They don’t understand how normal people perceive the world, any more than the Oval Office Squatter does — which is one reason they find themselves agreeing with him, so often.
@Mary G:
Hayes seems to have bought into the Reade thing hook, line, and sinker, and he’s PISSED that it’s falling apart around him.
I agree with you about Wilson, but I’m willing to treat him like Joe Stalin: allies until the war against our common enemy is done, and then back to fighting against him.
Poe Larity
The Berners are going to whine no matter the VP choice, so might as well make it Hillary. Let them go pound sand while driving Trump crazy rambling about emails while the country burns.
Anne Laurie
Congruent with their not-so-secret belief that it’s all a game, really. Gitcher program here! Can’t tell the players without a program!
@Anne Laurie:
They’ve convinced themselves that Biden is an out-and-out liar when he’s more of a serial exaggerator who has a bad habit of embellishing stories.
One example: he was briefly detained in South Africa, not arrested, and turned that into a more colorful story than it was. The Bros basically act like Biden was never in South Africa at all.
Anne Laurie
@Anya: I was never much of a Scahill reader, but IIRC, he’s young enough to ‘deprogram’ himself once the Very Online ‘Progressive’ juggernaut roles over the cliff. Which I assume it will, one way or another, no later than November 2021.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Dammit! Where did my eyes roll to now?
Possibly unpopular opinion – I fucking hate the show Seinfeld. My best friend who I’ve known for 25+ years loves it. Who gives a shit?
Also, I love Jaws. I have no interest in seeing Jaws 2 through 19. But I can still love the first movie. Same thing with Jurassic Park.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I have not, but I’ve heard it’s very good. What’s particuarly sad about all of the “Ruin Johnson killed my childhood with the candlestick in the study” shit is that Johnson is apparently a very big SW fan.
@Anne Laurie:
Yeah he was a character. I’ve read that it was on those 70s speaking tours that he absorbed a lot of the ideas behind the utoptic, post-scarcity vision of the Federation we’d see in early TNG.
Eh, Enterprise wasn’t that bad. I liked the premise, anyway. And the theme song. You can’t beat Faith of the Heart. It definitely encapsulated the themes of the franchise as well as Enterprise itself.
The same people who hate DISC and PIC now, say ENT wasn’t so bad in comparison. Same thing with the Terminator franchise. Terminator: Dark Fate gets called “Woke Fate” and people say Rise of the Machines and Salvation weren’t so bad in comparison to DF and Genysis
Remember Crazy Taxi?
Day after day your home life’s a wreck
The powers that be just
Breathe down your neck
You get no respect
You get no relief
Anne Laurie
Remember, what made All the the Family such a success was that so many viewers thought Archie was the *hero*. But that, it was averred, wasn’t ‘politics’ — it was just Good Sense!
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: Hey, Jaws XVII (Return of Son of Jaws) was pretty okay.
@cokane: I knew I remember her as being a scumbag.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I have to admit, I did laugh mordantly when RoS turned out to be a big incoherent bundle of fanservice and the toxic fans got pissed off that they got what they’d been claiming they wanted. ?
@Omnes Omnibus: Dude, seriously? Jaws 17 was Fifty Scales of Grey. :)
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: SHARKS DON’T HAVE SCALES!!!!1!!
Is Delgado wrong, though? I don’t think she is. Turns out a whole lot of Black women — the backbone of the party — get pretty pissed about false rape allegations being weaponized, for solid historical reasons.
Anne Laurie
There are people on twitter stanning for Tammy Duckworth. I wouldn’t mind that at all — but, given her daughter is so young, I can understand why Duckworth would figure she’d given enough for her country already.
@Anne Laurie: I actually still have a lot of mine.?
@MisterForkbeard: 2008 PUMA
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Heh. Used to videotape it for later watching. Not only to zip through the commercials but most especially to fast forward past that sappy, nauseating theme song.
Diff’rent strokes and all that.
@Anne Laurie
Adjusted my view of Roddenberry somewhat after his borderline creepy stalking of me incidents at the first Star Trek convention.
@Omnes Omnibus:
G just finished reading a nonfiction book called “Why Fish Don’t Exist” that he said was really good:
(Short version: fish are so genetically diverse that it’s hard to claim that even the ones that look similar to one another are the same genus, let alone species.)
Anne Laurie
Give Wilson this small credit: He’s up front about his motivation. As he sees it, Trump and his camp followers have stolen Rick’s very profitable career; he wants to ‘purge *his* party’ of the ‘crazies’, so he can go back to making only semi-dishonest propaganda for mostly-well-meaning ‘conservative’ Republican candidates.
If Wilson shook my hand, I’d count my fingers afterwards; but he’d look back to see me doing so, and I suspect laugh about it.
Stable genus.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: If fish don’t exist, how did I have sushi on Sunday? Ha, libtard!
@Omnes Omnibus: Many NeoCons are Jewish or have Jewish heritage and are appalled at the anti-Semitism of the GOP that has become front and center.
@Anne Laurie:
There’s a lot to stan with Duckworth, to be sure.
I want Kamala because then the campaign will be FUN. Have you seen her Instagram cooking shows? She and Joe would be two happy warriors on the campaign trail and that would make me very happy indeed.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s an unpopular opinion. Seinfeld has funny moments but is honestly boring a lot of the time imo. And pretentious with the whole “It’s a show about nothing” thing.
I have always disliked Big Bang Theory. Never really thought it was funny and the Sheldon character is ableist. They’re a bunch of nerd stereotypes from the 1980s who reference and like the most mainstream “nerd” stuff imaginable. I mean, superheroes? Star Trek/Star Wars? Doctor Who? Where’s the broader “nerd” representation? Why no references to anime or manga? Or video games besides WOW? Or hell, actual female nerds? I mean Christ, Lore, I know this show premiered in 2007 but “nerdy” things progressively became more mainstream over the course of the show. Try to keep up, hack.
Literally, all of the jokes boil down to pop culture references like “I like comic books” or dumb science “jokes” where a character describes a science concept. Want a good science joke? Watch a Simpsons episode instead.
I also don’t like how practically all of the smart/scientist characters on the show all liked “nerdy” things and were socially awkward. It just strikes me as anti-intellectualism.
Jurassic Park I’ve heard is very good. It was with Jaws and Planet of the Apes that sequelitis really began
@Omnes Omnibus:
Damn it, you’ve got me there. ?
Anne Laurie
@emrys: Truth be told, I remember the few stories I got published as mildly embarrassing, not seriously cringe-worthy. So I’ve got that going for me, as they say.
@Frankensteinbeck: The Bernie bros et al are kin with the 1930 German Left and the French Jacobins. They reviled and destroyed the moderate centre, only to see their countries taken over by Hitler and Bonaparte.
Anne Laurie
@NotMax: Now you’re just showing off :}
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
If you really want, sappy, formulaic, manipulative trash, watch the Robin Williams Patch Adams movie. It’s really bad
@Anne Laurie: I only wrote a few stories myself but have friends who were quite prolific back in the early days.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I heard that! Be careful what you wish for manbabies, you just might get it.
Any opinions on John Boyega? Dude tends to shit talk a lot about the franchise. I guess he got shafted by Disney because they wanted to appeal to China since China is super racist? I think his character got downgraded to a supporting character or something
Anne Laurie
Trust me — from the early-season episodes we’ve watched, those of us who were out’n’proud nerds in the 1970s/1980s found it hilarious. And I suspect it was aimed, at the beginning, at late-Boomer / Gen X nerds like us, who had the same reference points (first-gen ST/SW and hex-based RPGs).
Heck, several of us remember saying something along the lines of I’m not crazy — my mama had me tested! at some point during our mutual finding-each-other college days…
Can’t speak to the later seasons, but with the Young Sheldon spinoff, it’s clear that at some point the show runners fully embraced the concept that the success of the show wasn’t about nerds, it was about nostalgia for a time before ‘nerds’ became ‘cool’.
Anne Laurie
@emrys: If you were in the Midwest then, we might’ve crossed paths!
(But if we did, we’d almost certainly have hated each other, because I was unbelievably annoying then. I mean, even more so.)
And apparently The Offspring too. :) Smash, you excellent album – except for Killboy Powerhead.
God, so true.
@Anne Laurie: I wasn’t personally but fell in with the Illinois Mafia and always hung out with them at the conventions.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Frankly, every character got shafted in RoS. It was partly not anyone’s fault (who knew that Carrie Fisher was going to die on a transatlantic flight?) but partly because Abrams and Co. felt like they needed to erase as much of TLJ as possible and made some REALLY dumb choices that weakened all of the characters.
The one thing that sorta saved it in parts is that Abrams is brilliant at casting, so Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver came thisclose to pulling it off on acting chops alone.
I don’t think Boyega got screwed because of the Chinese film markets. I think he got screwed because the filmmakers decided to write Rose Tico out of the movie as much as possible, so it killed off an entire Finn storyline from the previous movie. They barely seemed to recognize each other in this one.
@Omnes Omnibus: Not my fault :)
@NotMax: Someone doesn’t think he’s stalkable apparently. Sounds like a self-esteem issue. :)
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: Okay. Fine.
When did we get a bag of Sea Lion Chow in the pie filter?
G noticed that Rian Johnson, the writer/director who made it in Hollywood without any nepotism connections, made a movie where the underlying theme is The Force Is For Everyone, while son-of-a-Hollywood-agent JJ Abrams changed it back to … As Long As You’re From The Right Family, That Is. ?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You’ve never seen the original Jurassic Park?
WaterGirl had Avalune draw it a couple of weeks ago when a troll showed up. I love it. ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Anne Laurie:
That’s fine. I just don’t think it’s funny. The jokes aren’t really jokes half the time. And there’s some problematic elements in BBT besides the ableism of Sheldon.
BBT turns into a typical run-of-the-mill sitcom later on with pretty much all of the guys getting into relationships. It actually became a little more tolerable to me. I also prefer Young Sheldon to BBT.
Lore’s shows, such as BBT and Two and Half Men, are all mean-spirited shows and I don’t find that funny unless the characters are complete assholes. As flawed as a character as Alan Harper is, you can’t help feeling sorry for him when his divorce lawyer in an episode completely fucks over his case because his brother had a one night stand with her years earlier. That’s just not funny to me.
@Mnemosyne: I also love it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I have not.
Funny you should mention Fisher. There’s a crazy conspiracy theory that Johnson caused Fisher’s death with a demanding filming schedule which caused her to relapse on her drug addiction.
Oh my god, I feel so sorry for’s Rose’s actress. So many asshole creeps would call her fat, but then claim “Character, not actress”. How the fuck does that work with a live-action movie? Anyway, that makes sense. Disney paid too much attention to the toxic fan backlash
Rick Wilson gets credit from me for not making bank on any Republican candidates this cycle. He could be doing that. He could be running this nevertrump stuff AND propping up Joe Q Senate Candidate, but instead he’s all in on burning shit to the ground on the R side.
He’s interesting when he talks about what his old friends really think, and how right wing media works. I don’t know that he has ideological positions at all — he worked for Rs because they paid him a lot of jack to be a knife fighter on their behalf. He bitches about Ds for not having enough brutal killer in their DNA. I think he’s just a guy with a gift for fucking with others in public who has figured out a way to get paid to do it.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Surprising. If you do, hold on to your butts.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Yeah, pretty much anyone who read or saw anything that Fisher herself said about her past struggles with both bipolar disorder and drug addiction knows that’s total bullshit, but online bros gotta have their conspiracy theories to be happy.
If I blame Disney, Kennedy, and Abrams for anything, it was taking the noise from a bunch of Internet whiners way too seriously and trying to cater to them. I hope they’ve learned their lesson now — those assholes will never be happy with anything, ever, so you may as well ignore them and make a good movie instead.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
We owe this primary season a debt of gratitude. It proved large crowds don’t matter, fundraising totals don’t matter, and more importantly, twitter doesn’t matter.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Fuck Chris Hayes.
I’ll never watch his show again. Period.
70,869 people died in the past 30 days and he’s aiding and abetting another 4 years of Dump with his disgusting Bernie Dead-Enderism.
@Anne Laurie:
Biden as “retro”
Hmmmm… ??
Hayes…phuck him.
Wilson will SO be a GOP operative again….and, that’s fine?
Ideally, if Biden goes, Democrats should choose the nominee by having an all-state, write-in primary — all on the same day. If Bernie wins, there’s nothing we can do except accept the fact that the average Democratic voter is stupid. Then, we can watch Bernie lose to Trump.
@Miss Bianca: Boom. Brilliant.
@mdblanche: I wish someone would revive “imperialist lackey”. That was big in the 60’s.
A post about a hedgehog, 172 (as of this moment) comments, and NOBODY brought up Nanny Ogg’s (of Pratchett’s Discworld) favorite song, “The Hedgehog Never Gets Buggered At All”? ::shakes head sadly, goes off in search of this house’s Greebo::
Sloane Ranger
@Anne Laurie:
I still have a few copies of ST and Doctor Who ‘zines squirreled away in a box in my back bedroom but they’re all from the late 70’s, early 80s. Ah, the nostalgia!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Sorry I came late to this thread. Lots of interesting stuff.
This kind of crap is disgusting, and is an insult to Fisher’s memory by “fans” who think they are expressing love and admiration.
This was just despicable. It’s crazy. There are Star Trek and Star Wars fans who claim to love the positive values of each franchise, and how much the shows and movies meant to them and how much it taught them. And then these creeps go own to wallow in the most putrid bigotry and infantile, Trumpian anger over petty nonsense.
BTW: I absolutely hated The Last Jedi,” but not for any of the reasons spewed by idiot haters. But I also thought that “Rise of Skywalker” was a soggy mess that was so ill-conceived that it made me wish that Rian Johnson had directed both films so that at least there would have been some coherent vision guiding the story.
Also, anyone who has not seen “Knives Out,” should give it a shot. A fun movie, and in some ways an unexpected delight. Rian Johnson does a great job here, no matter what one might think of his work with the Star Wars franchise.
Anne Laurie
@Bruuuuce: With respect, sir — that should read “The Hedgie Can Never Be Buggered At All”.
The hedgehog, like Joe Biden, has agency!
@Anne Laurie: Oops. That was from memory while on a quick break working the overnight shift from home. Mea culpa.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): more like ruin a good story. i sit in theater thinking “thats awesome” then leave my brain turns back on and think “wait that made no sense THATS STUPID!”
@Brachiator: I grew up on the original trilogy and the EU novels, so while I liked Rogue One, Rebels and The Mandalorian I actually can’t stand the prequels or new movies. The prequels were horrible because Lucas managed to show he was horrible director (anyone that makes Portman and Jackson look that bad must be) and holy hell could the Trade Federation (imperial Japan) and Jar-Jar (blackface) GET any more racist? The new movies? They’re disjointed, but I mostly wrote the franchise off after Lucas and Disney made it clear the HUNDREDS of Star Wars EU novels I read growing up “weren’t canon”. I get it, that’s their prerogative, but as far as I’m concerned Kylo and Daisy were nothing but poorly done bastardizations of Jacen and Jaina Solo. And don’t even get me started with the “bitter hermit” version of Luke.
Uncle Cosmo
I know that in your heart of hearts you strongly suspectt that if those clowns ever lucked their way into office & the opposition didn’t immediately hand them everything they wanted on a silver platter, it wouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of frustration for them to say, Aaah, fuck it, just kill ’em all.
Uncle Cosmo
Might be that they do read history – they just don’t read past the headline.
“After Hitler” it was indeed “us” where “us” = German Communists. After 12 years of Nazi tyranny, ~40 million human lives (including the textbook definition of decimation – 10% reduction – of their own people) and the wreckage of most of a continent. In the eastern half of their country. And they made it such a socialist paradise that they had to build walls with guard towers & shoot-to-kill Grenzpolizei to keep the working class from fleeing from it. And it collapsed like a house of cards once the Soviets abandoned it.
Uncle Cosmo
Preach it, sister – I didn’t just know guys like that, I was one of them, and BBT got it prezackly correct, at least early on.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
You won’t but I will. Biden aka “Sonic the Hedgehog.” Makes me smile. Did I prefer Biden,? Nope. But given I would have voted for a ham sandwich without cheese … and crawled over broken glass to do it.
Oh, by the way 70k deaths = 1.2 Vietnam Units. :(
Another Scott
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I haven’t watched anything on MSNBC in ages. Maybe the network will improve with Andrew Lack finally being shown the door, but I’m not counting on it.
J R in WV
@Anne Laurie:
We love the Big Bang Theory too, Sheldon is infuriating and his friends try to keep him grounded.
I know people like all those characters — hell, I am one of those characters! Science geek, nerd, tech worker database designer, the big difference is my friends and I are more outdoor oriented than Sheldon and his geeky buddies, and being a horny guy I did my best to include women in all our activities, always.
Now I’m working on 70 y o and still a nerdy geek, with neighbors who are also nerdy geek scientists, all of us. And we still laugh at the show when we come across reruns on TV. Which isn’t that often once you’ve watched them all a couple of times. Like MASH back in the day, eventually a show you have never seen before (!) will pop up in the reruns, and you’re all shocked because you were so sure you’ve seen them all. Of course, there are a lot more Big Bang episodes because it’s been on a lot longer than MASH was.
I think Goku is just too young for Big Bang to hit his memories the way it does older nerds. We were nerds back when it was absolutely rejected by everyone else to enjoy being a nerd, whereas now it’s common place and nerds have conventions to enjoy being nerds together. Big difference, and Goku, I’m not trying to diss you, just pointing out how the culture is so very different today than it was in the 1950s and ’60s…
J R in WV
OK, that’s what that is… I couldn’t read it being with a new pair of glasses that don’t really have the proper prescription. That said, now that I know what it is, that’s hilarious. It took me a while to pick up on Sea Lion trolling, and now that I’ve seen it for what it is, holy cow, in the pie safe instantly.
I went from like 2 people pied to quite a few more now. I take people out who just irritated me that one time so bad, and rarely put one of those types of folk back in. But Sea Lion trolls, those folks are never coming out of the pie safe. Never! So you want to know why? So sad, I don’t care what evidence you want!!!
J R in WV
And now I’m wondering ( fearing !! ) that we’ll whiz past our first WW II Unit. Let’s see, plus 140,000 in May gives us 210,000 total, if it doubles in a month — it may happen more quickly than that…
Plus another 280,000 in June gives us 390,000, and any amount like that in July puts us way over the 405,000 death toll for WW II.
We are so screwed by the “Reopen the Country” movement at exactly the wrong moment in the epidemic flow. Fucked, is what we are over the next 8-10 weeks. I read the Feds (probably FEMA) just ordered another 100,000 body bags — that won’t be nearly enough with Trump in charge!