Boy, that escalated quickly.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) May 6, 2020
you want to not have tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and I want passive eugenics so I can go to the zoo, who can say which is better, this website is toxic that you’re misinterpreting me
— kilgore trout, multiyear slanderer (@KT_So_It_Goes) May 7, 2020
Prominent RW ‘thoughtleader’ Bethany Mandel is married to Washington Examiner Executive Editor Seth Mandel. She has a full-time job raising their four kids, so she doesn’t need a second job (not even in the got-to-keep-my-networking-up-to-date sense), if she becomes too toxic for her usual media outlets to use her services for a few years.
This makes her, like Megan McArdle, the perfect spokesperson for marketing the latest ‘conservative’ arguments in favor of kakistocracy. It doesn’t hurt, IMO, that she’s a sloppy writer and quite possibly a stupid person; her defenders can claim She never meant it like that, and besides, only a horrible person would attack four little kids’ MOMMY!!!…
"I'm getting out of this lockdown and going BACK TO WORK!" says Twitter personality whose bio is "stay-at-home mom."
— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) May 6, 2020
today I learned the luxurious indulgence of not putting my mom and dad into the ICU is “keeping them comfortable”, would like to apologize to society for such a lavish demand
— kilgore trout, multiyear slanderer (@KT_So_It_Goes) May 6, 2020
You think I’m exaggerating? Check out her earlier work:
I’m shocked how many people didn’t know who Bethany “Grandma Killer” Mandel was
— GI Joey Joe Joe (@GIJoeyJoeJoe) May 6, 2020
I mean if you're out there befriending Nazis and then you pop up with "let's kill the weak and elderly for the good of our culture" it's kind of an argument against befriending Nazis
— Eric Rauchway (@rauchway) May 6, 2020
She’s peddling what she’s paid to peddle, full stop. C.R.E.A.M., especially when I can also hurt innocent people is the whole of their Law; all else is commentary.
I’m so confused. How is Grandma Killer both a SAHM who is home schooling all 4 kiddos, but also worried about all her kids’ teachers.
I think Grandma Killer is also a bit of a bullshit artist!
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) May 7, 2020
It took 7 weeks without Cracker Barrel to break these people.
— Jeni's of Cold Stones (@agraybee) May 6, 2020
I’m enjoying these blue-check folks bragging about their willingness to be called “grandma killers” because they’re tired of having to do their part to keep others safe. This grandma is collecting screenshots. After this deadly crisis is over, we’ll see who’s not aging well.
— Connie Schultz (@ConnieSchultz) May 6, 2020
They’re BOOOORRRRED! And besides, it’s not as though they, personally, will be required to show up to work in the restaurants (or the overcrowded ICUs… )
seems like a lot of people don't want me to have the freedom to kill grandmothers. I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA
— James "Stay In. Make Masks. Test People" Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) May 6, 2020
Kushner sees Stephen Miller smothering people in their beds. 'Wow, Stephen, you had the same idea?'
Miller, confused: "Idea about what? This is every Thursday night for me."
— James "Stay In. Make Masks. Test People" Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) May 6, 2020
National Review writer contributes his mite –
Realism means acknowledging that “re-opening” is well underway even in states that haven’t authorized as much. The people succeeded in saving the hospital system from the crush. The government failed to stand up a sufficient test and trace system. That’s where we are.
— Michael Brendan Dougherty (@michaelbd) May 6, 2020
I’m sorry it’s simply fascinating that you’d stay at home for seven weeks so the federal government could do its job, they blow seven weeks shitposting about ratings and doling out no-show gigs to cronies, and now you’re mad at people who want them to do their goddamn job
— kilgore trout, multiyear slanderer (@KT_So_It_Goes) May 7, 2020
Roger Moore
Just remember, when they say “we need to go back to work” what they really mean is “you need to be forced back to work”. They’ve just moved up in sophistication from overseers with whips.
Hoo-boy, what a haul. Somebody please kill Twitter. Just do it.
@Roger Moore:
It’s so much more quippish in the original German and yes, I did so go there three comments in.
Gin & Tonic
Up until today I had literally never heard of Seth or Bethany Mandel.
What an innocent time – can I go back?
@Gin & Tonic: Same.
Speaking of pining for the good old days, Rep. Schiff has released a load/lode of declassified transcripts and documents from the Russia investigation.
@Gin & Tonic: I hadn’t heard of them until yesterday.
Daugherty quote:
I think the unwritten conclusion is: “So, we’ve decided we’re finished with lockdown, because reasons.”
The WWII version of this is “Well, we’ve taken back most of Italy and I’m tired, so let’s quit.
The Great Depression had 25% unemployment and millions of people lost their life savings when the banks failed; WWII lead to four years of rationing, and enormous upheavals in the US.
These people are losing their shit and stomping around with their guns threatening to KILL EVERYONE IF THEY DON’T GET THEIR WAY after EIGHT WEEKS of a Pandemic. They call US snowflakes!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@catclub: we’re pretty much going for herd immunity with hope for a medical miracle, as far as I can tell
Folks lit that heifer up…and well, they should.
of this will be forgotten.
@catclub: A better analogy is “Well we’re at 800 feet, and the parachute has slowed our descent enormously! Time to take it off!”
Grandma Killer
Qu’est-ce que c’est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away oh oh oh
Granny Killer
Qu’est-ce que c’est…
@BruceJ: Look, they got to have their free iced tea refills. //
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Being that we’re not doing widespread testing and contact tracing, yeah.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My fridge gives me unlimited free ice tea refills. It must be magic!
Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Sometimes the irony, well it writes itself.
West of the Rockies
Do these people hope to socialize after Trump is crushed? Do they expect to show their self-satisfied faces in public and expect other people to, like, smile and day hello? They’re cut from the same cloth as the Tennessee guy who bought up all the Purell.
I keep saying, approximately 40% of our fellow (mostly, but not exclusively white) Americans are repulsive CHUDs.*
*80’s terrible film reference
West of the Rockies
Oh, I see the Georgia father and son murderers were arrested. How long before obese pig-man Barr steps in to ruin matters?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hoped for by a bunch of people who don’t understand how herd immunity works, too. Ugh.
I wish the parents of people like this had done a better job pretending to love them when they were children. We might have all been spared this.
The good news is, if everything goes really bad and we have to hold some of these people under siege, then they will collapse in a couple of months. Citizens of Leningrad they are not.
Love it. She is going to be especially scrutinized going forward, and she brought this on herself.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Steve Hasty of Murfreesboro, a/k/a the Duke of Arby’s.
Never going to let people forget the free refils or death guy.
In what way is she sacrificing her kids’ teachers by staying home? My pediatrician has been open, trying to do telemedicine, but available for appointments. They take everybody’s temperature and whisk you back to a room quickly. Everybody is wearing face masks. Sure, their volume is down, but even when other health professionals reopen they are going to be a lot more cautious. I don’t Mandel is a murderer, just a dull wited narcissist like Trump.
She has now changed her bio to say that she is, in fact, a neo-nazi.
Perhaps we should let her husband’s paper’s advertisers know that they’re one degree of separation from that extreme anti-semitism.
I’m sure since she also says the granny-killer part that she’ll say “oh I’m joking” but no one should ever joke that they’ve joined that group. Neo-nazism is a real thing. And never, ever funny.
Ma Barker had four children, too.
Just sayin’.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Tea?
Watch this about iced tea-like substance, and you’ll shake your head.
And to think there was a time when people thought letting everyone have a voice on the internet was a good thing.
Gin & Tonic
@Raoul: Not sure what’s “neo” about it, frankly.
@Gin & Tonic
Fewer beer halls. That stuff is fattening.
@ThresherK: No, not shaking my head, my jaw fell to the floor in disbelief.
@Gin & Tonic: Does anyone else wish for them to Struggle Together over neo-Nazi and Nazi like the People’s Front of Judea and the Judean People’s Front?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Sounds like what we called “Russian tea” when I was growing up in the South.
She is murder adjacent.
Trump has become King Farquad from Shrek: “Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
It was a joke but
The Paramount Leader is Ready for Sacrifice: Your Sacrifice
1+ Vietnam Units of death and counting.
@Raoul: this is exactly right – each and every time they throw insane shit out there, we should rally and hit the advertisers. I’m being completely serious. It seems to be the only thing that they understand, and it works.
Just ask Bill O! ;)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: as did the Borgia pope, as I recall
as does trump, if the rumors about that Tiffany’s security guard are true
I’m not saying they are, I have no idea, but many people, many bigly knowledgeable people they’ve taken a strong look at those stories, and it’s very interesting, very interesting, what they’re saying, people who would know
Another Scott
@Jeffro: Yes, as long as they keep making money from this crap, they’ll keep doing it. Boycott their advertisers, use an ad blocker if you have to visit their sites, make noise. Don’t let them keep making money on this stuff with no consequences.
@Another Scott: And don’t quietly boycott them – let them know why you’re boycotting, and let your friends and family and social media contacts know, too.
@West of the Rockies: Um, with regard to C.H.U.D., I beg to differ. It is the Citizen Kane of cannibalistic, humanoid, underground-dweller movies.
How the fuck? That song’s been in my head for the last three fucking hours.
Yes, Soledad, but a bit of a bullshit artist? This trash only works with bullshit.
Watercolors? No. Painting with bullshit.
Clay? Nope! Bullshit sculptures!
Photography? Of bulls taking shits!
Anne Laurie
@rikyrah: Mandel: I am *not* a heifer! I have four kids! FOUR!
Call her a behayma, and see if she knows enough Yiddish to resent *that* implication.
Anne Laurie
They’ll still have each other to socialize with… and they never cared about the rest of us anyway. Except as serfs, or meatsack robotniks.
Another Scott
Speaking of professionals, a couple of threads via Popehat (sparked by Flynn and Barr’s DOJ today):
Prosecutors have tremendous power in our system. Too few seem to take that power as seriously as they should.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Kellyan Conway is a pollster. Just sayin’.
J R in WV
I’m expecting now that we’ll be around a WW II Unit of Death by election day. Obvously Trump’s minions will attempt to keep that number out of the media. County boards of health will be taken over by the corpse police!
No one will be counted as dead by Coronavirus-19 unless approved by President Trump personally!!!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
It’s amazing Madel doesn’t get her and her family are just an accidental brush with a stranger away from a visit from Mss Corona. It’s amazing they think their whiteness and wealth is going to project them over three years.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Mandel homeschools her kids so they don’t get Libertard virus. She is just lying.
Except for not having any idea what he meant by “the government failed to stand up a sufficient test and trace system” — I think he meant to write “set up” — I read Daugherty as saying “the citizenry did its part, the fed had seven weeks, why TF didn’t they set it up?”
Of course, I’ll be dipped in shit before I go read a NatRev “thought leader,” so maybe my take is worng.
@Gin & Tonic:
They all dress like Keanu Reeves?
Another Scott
@SFAW: “Stand-up capability” is DoD jargon for things like (usually quickly) deploying the infrastructure needed to do an important job. Picture it as something like dropping a building-in-a-box somewhere and getting the building rapidly assembled to be a hospital, or something. They have “stand-up capability” to get a hospital there and operating quickly.
Here, the government didn’t stand-up the capability for rapid testing, tracing, PPE, and on and on.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as opposed to 90% of it weaponized like that, Bill?
Though, god help me, he’s doing more than a lot of people who could and should be speaking up
@BruceJ: Hey, that’s what John Roberts said about the Voting Rights Act.
Remember the lesson of the babelfish!
Wasn’t she outraged about not doing enough about Ebola? And now she’s outraged about doing too much about covid. This is just someone who likes to be outraged. She jumped off one bandwagon and onto another one going the opposite direction. Why does anyone pay attention to someone like this?
I’ve been familiar with B. Mandel’s awfulness for quite a while. So when I saw her trending earlier I just went Noooooope, not today Satan! Glad to see here that she got deservedly piled on.
Kellyanne Conway is the best troll I have ever seen. She’s the only person in the entire trump retinue who is good at anything.
@lumpkin: William Barr would like an evil word.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I’ve seen that brand of home “schooling”, and it looks disturbingly like Traceuy Ullman’s character Birdie Godsen’s version…
Amir Khalid
It’s Lord Farquaad, not King.
Anne Laurie
Never forget: Unlike all the #failsons and legacy daughters now cluttering the White House, Conway is genuinely self-made. Her single mother was an Atlantic City casino worker, which I strongly suspect is how she learned to deal with guys like Trump & his dipshit entourage.
She’s out there working, every damned day. Working for chaotic evil, of course… but working.
MoCA Ace
@ThresherK: Fuck the People’s Front of Judea… splitters!
@lumpkin: You misunderstand…the Ebola outbreak was dealt with by a….black guy…who, of course, was to blame for it decimating our country….The Covid thing is being dealt with by the whitest, most competent President ever, so there….
@Anne Laurie: I was thinking Miskyte.