— andi zeisler (@andizeisler) May 5, 2020
im losing my mind. there is no way you're going to be able to predict what this ad is trying to sell you
finally, now more than ever, women can buy our product
— bara godzilla (@baraGodzilla) May 8, 2020
The mini-thread below crossed my path while I was doing the nightly corona-update search. I’m sure it’s correct about the ‘startup economy’ market, but I think it may also be true when it comes to targeting the Very Serious Pundits:
To understand the startup economy, you need to look at it as a form of performance art, targeted at a very small market of idiosyncratic art collectors. Part of the culture of this art market is not breaking kayfabe, and pretending that everything has a real world growth story.
— Pinboard ?? (@Pinboard) May 6, 2020
This is the part people misunderstand about the tech economy. The Juicebro was laughable as a mechanism for extracting juice from chopped vegetables, but as a mechanism for extracting money from flattery-prone investors, it has rarely been excelled. The product was a side effect
— Pinboard ?? (@Pinboard) May 6, 2020
Because you're targeting art collectors, the important thing is to tell them stories about the world that *they* find credible, whether or not they're real. And they want to live in an exciting sci-fi world of tomorrow, or at the very least, be admired for their mental daring
— Pinboard ?? (@Pinboard) May 6, 2020
“An exciting sci-fi world of tomorrow” where they will “be admired for their mental daring”… Bet you could get ten billion clicks for a TED talk on that topic!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@rikyrah: Wow. The whole place is crawling with COVID.
Gin & Tonic
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I’m shocked.
Gin & Tonic
And, anyway, for the guitar fans (or Zappa fans) among you, here’s a newly-unearthed “Portuguese Fenders,” from an upcoming 4-CD set from the vault, of the 1970 edition of The Mothers (Ian Underwood, Aynsley Dunbar, George Duke, Flo & Eddie, et al.)
You people who are pre-ordering it, you know who you are.
@rikyrah: Maybe someone should slip a copy of Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death into Trump’s briefing notes. It’s short; even with his attention span, I’m sure he could get through it in a week or so.
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: Neato. Thanks for the pointer.
Mary G
OMG…he says it didnt’ happen, she claims it did, but the burden of proof is on him.
That’s bullshit…basically trying to force him to prove a negative. Her and her ratfuckers know he likely can’t unless there is some smoking gun. But hey, the purpose of thise is to cause enough grief or discomfort enough to suppress voting cause folks like this really don’t care if Chump is re-elected, long as Dem party pays for not choosing their savior…smh
I’m at a loss to figure out what a “Ms.” version of Monopoly has to do with women inventing things, unless it teaches you how to get a patent (which it doesn’t). This is the kind of ad that pisses me off: takes a very worthy cause to sell me something that has nothing to do with the worthy cause.
Another Scott
Interesting Reuters headline: For cops who kill, special Supreme Court protection.
(On the main page, the headline is, “How the Supreme Court protects cops who kill”.)
Gut-wrenching stories that we’ve heard before, but we need to keep hearing until things are corrected. :-(
Mary G
We’re going to have to fumigate the whole government before Uncle Joe takes over in January:
Another Scott
Via Bill McBride’s Percent Job Losses in Post WWII Recessions.
So much winning we’ll get sick of it!!1
Eyes on the prizes.
Hang in there, everyone.
OMG…to get a first time license to work as CLS in Cali cost $230!!! First time licensure in Louisiana is $90! That’s not even counting transcripts.
Damnit. But if there is any chance that Chump may be re-elected, I’d rather be in Cali than any red state…but ugh. I’m holding off just yet…cause ugh.
some sad news
Not in the headline, but apparenty is was from COVID-19 complications
zhena gogolia
On that good news, I’m going to bed.
I hope the country has the wisdom to get rid of the Evil One.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: The White House needs to shut down for cleaning.
New Biden ad???
@Duane: At this rate, it’s going to need the sort of ‘cleaning’ that was done during the Truman administration.
Ryan Grim (see his Twitter feed ) seems to be admitting those Twitter posts of Tara Reade’s criminal filings are true
So the timeline is
August 2 1993 : Check fraud case filed against Reade
August 6 1993 : Reade terminated
August 11 1993 : Reade’s mother calls into Larry King saying her daughter had left because of unspecified problems
Seems she told this harassment story to explain being fired and embellished it later
@CaseyL: Was the first monopoly board game invented by a woman?
Chyron HR
If Bernie had hair, he’d be tearing it out.
@rikyrah: pretty good.
@rikyrah: Are Biden’s ads being aired on TV? I never see them.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: She was terminated by Biden’s office four days after being charged in San Louis Obispo with check fraud.
@dmsilev: once you get the trash out, probably best to burn it.
@Adam L Silverman: Ah…see this is more than just the tweets that were going round before without much substantiation.
I hope the Biden camp or someone in the media not beholden to Bernie investigates further and get Ms Reade to answer questions about it!
Course that would depend on certain segments in the media actually caring about investigating rather than just unsubstantiated garbage.
Yeah, sure, I’ll wait., sure, I’ll wait.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I would not hold your breath.
@Adam L Silverman: right
@lamh36: I’d throw in to defray the costs in a California Minute!
Bill Arnold
Exclusive: 1996 court document confirms Tara Reade told of harassment in Biden’s office (Matt Fountain, May 07)
Am I a bad person for immediately wondering whether the problem was that she had had somebody complain about her committing sexual harassment? Because the language is ambiguous. Has anybody read through all those documents? (Projection, a Republican tool/flaw.)
I’m reminded of sci-fi and fantasy acting, wherein someone once said the goal about horcruxes or tachyon pulse emissions is to not explain the actual (imaginary) process, but to convince the viewer that the character finds it compelling and real.
@lamh36: @Adam L Silverman:
I wonder if that means no one will ask Biden about this anymore, because he can with perfect truth say that records indicate Reade was fired because the office found out about her criminal record; and then add “more in sorrow than anger” that she must then have made up the whole thing in order to hide having been fired for cause.
BernieBros also didn’t much care that Reade had defrauded a horse rescue operation, but now that she has a history of fraud preceding that, all signs point to her being a habitual liar/fraudster.
And that IS relevant.
@rikyrah: Negative for what -souls, human decency, not being traitorous trash who are Putin’s bitch?
@lamh36: Prove that something didn’t happen? ?
As a commenter said:
@CaseyL: We haven’t established yet that Reade was fired because of this, only that she was charged 3 days before she took off. We’re not there yet.
Carts before horses, etc. There is documentary evidence that she was telling people she encountered some kind of harassment at the office, though I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t Biden and she’s said so herself on numerous occasions.
Adam L Silverman
@CaseyL: My guess is he has no idea why she was fired. She was a very junior level staffer. She was there one week, she was gone the next. He might not even have known she was gone for weeks.
@Adam L Silverman: I think Reade has even said that Biden probably had no idea why she was let go/left.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Sepulchral-voiced narrator: “The Virus … is coming … from inside the HOUSE.”
Adam L Silverman
@HumboldtBlue: Actually when paired with the abolitionist lyrics/variant of My Country Tis of Thee it is a haunting lament.
Bill Arnold
The Masque of the Red Death (Edgar Allan Poe, 1842)
The red death had long devastated the country.
@Adam L Silverman:
Now that’s why we show the hell up in this joint.
Adam L Silverman
@MisterForkbeard: The reality is that as soon as either Biden’s office found out about the criminal charge, or the Senate personnel office did, she would have been terminated. There was a major investigation going on in Congress at that time, specifically focusing on a different senator than Biden’s sexual harassment. They had a special investigator with his own personnel running that. So there was zero tolerance at that point in time in 1993 for anything funky.
Adam L Silverman
@HumboldtBlue: I’ve posted it a few times on the front page for Independence Day.
specifically says:
“Notably, it mentions “sexual harassment” rather than “sexual assault,” and it doesn’t specifically accuse Biden of misconduct.
the complaint only mentions Biden’s office & doesn’t implicate Biden directly.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Well you know, that place has those people, you know?
The virus appears to be unimpressed with Trump’s reopening plans.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@rikyrah: So far; Trump’s valet and personal hamburgerler, Pence’s press secretary and wife of rat boy himself, Ivanka personal assistant and 11 secret service agents. All in one day.
John Revolta
What the Blue Fuck does “Finally, now more than ever” even mean??
The Dark Avenger
@ThresherK: You mean I can’t reverse the polarity of the neutron flow?
Well, if Jared contracts the virus I will certainly be sending him my thoughts and prayers.
I will also have to finally admit that poetic justice is a thing after all
@Adam L Silverman: Never heard the minor key version or the abolitionist lyrics. Awe inspiring, thanks.
@Adam L Silverman: One of the things I found very disappointing about some of the earlier reporting was Rebecca Traister (who I seem to recall being a decent journalist) saying she considered it corroboration that she talked to then-interns who confirmed that Reade had been removed from supervising them without explanation.
I’m thinking, wtf? When are employees ever told anything when a supervisor is demoted or canned? It’s just not suspicious at all.
Adam L Silverman
@frosty: Why do I even post stuff on the front page for Independence Day?
Adam L Silverman
@Redshift: Sometimes they are, sometimes they’re not. In 1993, especially if this was because of the check fraud charge, they wouldn’t have said anything. Traister was 18 in 1993 and while I think she’s a great journalist and commenter, I’m not she has the historical context on what working in that type of environment was like in 1993 or how quickly things started to change by the end of the decade.
@The Dark Avenger:
I’ve done that, for real. Spin-polarized neutron beams are available at several sources, in the US most notably at NIST and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
@Adam L Silverman:
Maybe, just maybe, we are somewhere else celebrating with lots of music, water gun fights, Boston Pops, and finally 10 pm fireworks, and by the time we checked back in the top post was Cole shaving an animal or in some other fashion pickling a thing.
@Adam L Silverman: I think that’s pretty clearly what happened, but if we want to put this thing to bed some additional evidence would be nice.
The startup/VC thread reminds me of my days working for startups. I couldn’t understand why our executives would both pay consultants like Gartner to write reports about how our products were prime candidates to make it big, and also read with great interest Gartner reports about competitors and other companies.
I mean, you literally just paid them a bundle to say nice things about us, why are you treating them as a source of objective information? (Or maybe they were just comparing who got better marketing BS, but it didn’t seem like it.)
J R in WV
I have to hope that the Covid-19 virus doesn’t just attack people who work for the government and just happen to get assigned to the White House, but also gets around to the Nazis who have taken the place over.
So much tragedy in the White House in one day. //
@Adam L Silverman: Okay, so it’s not like it never happens, but it’s not commonplace. It’s certainly the case that underlings not being told anything is completely unremarkable.
I’ve seen a few, but not recently.
OT – The Trouble of ‘Working From Home’ With Cats
@HumboldtBlue: do you know of the abolitionist version of that song? This recording of it is stunning.
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t think it’s that much different today. I know of a few people that got fired for cause, and the only one I know what the cause was was because it was a security incident.
Unsurprisingly, I’m going to defend the startup culture because it’s part and parcel of what makes CA work well.
Yeah, there are dumb ideas. And yeah, they get a lot of funding. But that doesn’t really matter. Adam talks about stochastic terrorism. Basically, just sewing chaos without needing a lot of centralized planning. VCs have a similar approach. They don’t pretend to recognize every good idea, so they fund every reasonable idea, and understand that with benefits such as zero marginal cost markets (the internet) they can fund 100 Juiceros for every Facebook, without needing to know whether Facebook or Juicero will succeed, just that odds are one of them will, and the gains from that success will easily pay for all of the failures.
Apple and Genentech were early successes of venture capital, as was DEC. The alternatives to VC was to go to a bank, and present an idea that a bunch of bankers could understand. They could understand opening a drug store and the risks a drug store would encounter, but not a computer company. The VC folks are the primary funders of small business in CA. Virtually all renewable energy businesses in the US exist thanks to VC, because no investment bank is going to risk their relationship with Exxon. Food products like meat substitutes and lab-grown meat are all VC funded for similar reasons. A lot of restaurants and food services exist thanks to VC money. We’re sending two people to the ISS thanks to a VC backed space launch company that everyone thought was a joke when it launched. We would have approximately zero electric cars without the VC bets. Virtually every layer of technology that allows this community to exist from your phone to your computer to the servers and routers and software layers are all thanks to VC, and almost none of it would have gotten funded without VC.
Yes, they fund flops. They know they fund flops. Funding flops is part of the plan, because there are a lot of good ideas out there, but almost nobody can tell the good ones from the bad, because the challenge with whether a good idea succeeds or fails is really the timing. Good ideas too early will fail. Good ideas too late will be overshadowed. Good ideas at just the right time make the founder a billionaire. And that shit is hard to figure out. So, just fund all the ones that seem to have their shit together and a reasonable plan. Otherwise, you get a world of Jared Kushners who only get funded because they’re connected to the right people, and fuck that shit.
@Adam L Silverman: I just linked to this. I’ve learned the words and have sung at my bluegrass jam. Gives me goosebumps every time.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: The profit-sharing and and ski chalet in Gstaad aren’t enough?
@MisterForkbeard: There may never be, which is why they are placing the burden of proof on Biden. Biden says it didn’t happen. What exactly can he give to prove that. she says it did and but her sorry changes with the wind.
Biden will never be able to prove anything without a shadow of a doubt unless someone come forward from Reade arena and she outright.
The question then becomes which would you rather believe, and that’s where this will all end up. Tara Reade has allegations real or fake have totally balance out the attack in Chump for his numerous credible allegations.
That is the only real thing they will come out of this entire thing without any real smoking gun.
And seems to me and Reade and her enablers see nothing wrong with that. She essentially said in her MK it’s politics ??♀️
This is looking more and more like Tara Reade was terminated for the criminal charges, and needed a good cover story for why she left a prestigious job. So: she lies. And keeps lying. And Biden’s office keeps quiet at the time as to the reason she was let go. Because the problem was her check fraud charges. Which is why there is no recollection of any sexual harassment charges brought to more senior staff, and no paper trail.
It’s entirely possible that her mother believed her, and that her neighbors believed her. Does not make her story or allegations true.
It’s also possible that Reade could not get another Capitol Hill job because of the check fraud charges against her. Not because Biden’s office blackballed her. But she cannot say that. So: she lies again.
Also: FYI: she has published some essays under the name Alexandra McCabe. She mentions Biden in the lead-in to a 2009 essay. In a sentence that can be taken at least two ways. In full WRT Biden, she writes:
And then spends the rest of the article detailing her own domestic abuse at the hands of Tate, Congressional staffer, abusive fiance and later, husband. Will leave you to read that yourself; no paywall.
Among other tidbits, as a Congressional staffer he won’t volunteer for a Kennedy family-related event that would require a “compulsory 3-day FBI background check.” He has her rehome their puppy so he won’t kill it, begs her to abort because he is likely to kill their child — this is while they’re engaged. She marries him anyway. She leaves him, but returns because the child should have a father (!) She alleges he has previously killed a cat (and possibly kills another once they have a child in the house; it’s unclear), admits freely to having shaken their infant.
From The WIP, online news site for The Women’s International Perspective
Defying the Rule of Thumb: A Domestic Violence Survivor’s Story
Published February 13, 2009
by Alexandra McCabe
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: What’s worse is that none of these fuckers wear masks. One of them just attended an event for WWII veterans, 100 year old soldiers, but no mask for the trump toady.
@Jackie: Nary one have I seen and I see a lot of tv. Last evening There was this nauseating new Trump Ad on some non political cable channel and I switched to HGTV and in a couple of minutes it was also there. Biden needs to get some real exposure. T
@J R in WV: The Pence assistant is Mrs. Stephen Miller. I did Nazi that coming!
@RedDirtGirl: LOL.
I wish someone who knows Reade would get her to see that all the crap being dredged up about her is not worth whatever her motive is regarding Biden. Watching this is like poking a bruise over and over. Just make it stop.
@lamh36: No argument with any of that.
@Adam L Silverman: As a person in management in a branch of a national firm at that very time, we had rules and guidance that prevented us from disclosing the reasons for a person’s firing. It was done to protect the employee and the firm. Privacy and liability issues.
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry!! Consider it your Sisyphusian rock to roll up a hill.
Forgive me, Tara’s abusive husband shook their toddler daughter. Who was old enough to talk. No allegation of infant-shaking. In this essay.
And she writes that Cleo the Siamese cat has accompanied her throughout all of this (right down to flying to DC for the Biden job), and is purring in the last paragraph. So, not killed. Just alleged gaslighting by the husband
Whose DNA, allegedly, makes him a “person of interest” in the disappearance of two other women.
So the next move will be to try to convince us that everyone around Trump and Pence have it, but Trump and Pence and none of the other cabinet members — absolutely NONE — have it. Nor will any of them ever get it, because reasons.
That whopper ought to last, what, eight hours at the most?
Chetan Murthy
@dww44: I was never in mgmt, but my large corp former employer had a policy of only confirming dates of employment. That’s it . Nothing else. B/c yanno, getting sued is a thing. Even if the former employee was fired for cause.
Chetan Murthy
I work in the tech biz. As in: I spent spring/summer/fall 2008 fixing Twitter’s tech problems. And …. well, yes, startups can create great things. But in the biz, we have this saying about “smart money” and “dumb money”. Smart money funds things based on vetting and technical/business acumen. Dumb money funds things based on a lemming effect. And lately, there’s been too much dumb money sloshing around Sili Valley. It’s actually degraded the quality of work and workers. A culling is necessary.
@Chetan Murthy: Yes, employers routinely do that now and have for the last 15 years or so – but were they that liability-shy and uncommunicative in 1993? I honestly don’t remember.
@Chetan Murthy: That’s true.
It brought down a Continental Airlines jet at one point. 1987. The copilot’s previous employers would not divulge he was terminated for being a terrible pilot. Could not pass three flight exams. Confidentiality
An LA Times article from 1988 with more details. Continental’s at fault too, though. This guy was pilot in command with 36 — count it — 36 hours of jet experience. In a snowstorm. He did not survive to try his luck at a third airline.
Pilot in Denver Air Crash Had Failed 3 Flight Exams
Chetan Murthy
@CaseyL: I was told this about my employer (big, big company) in 1995.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I have no idea what you’re talking about…
Chetan Murthy
@Elizabelle: It makes perfect sense from a Prisoner’s Dilemma perspective: you (the former employer) gain *nothing* from telling the next employer about this shitbird you just canned. Hell, you might gain if they actually -hired- his sorry ass, right?
@Chetan Murthy: I believe that was discussed at the time. And it’s terrible, from a public safety standpoint.
Another Scott
@dww44: I’ve seen that ad twice (with the sound off) on HGTV. It’s laughable. Our God-Emperor will defeat the monsters in November and America will have its Greatest Recovery Ever because our God-Emperor is loved by everyone, including Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Newsom.
Only the already committed will be persuaded. Everyone else can look outside and say, NOPE. Let them waste their money.
Biden will be announcing his VP selection team soon. He’ll be in the news again – for good reasons – soon enough.
Chetan Murthy
100% agree. But then, that’s why we can’t count on “the market” to solve collective action problems. Like the market for lemons. It’s why we need government.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I just figure that one day one of you is going to cop to the actual benefits of being a Front Pager on this blog.
@CaseyL: Yes they were. I was there in 1993.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: They’ve already announced the VP selection team. It is headed by former Senator Chris Dodd, who many Sanders’ supporters pointed out was a problem because of Senator Dodd’s own problems with sexual harassment and assault allegations.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I just figure that one day there might actually be a benefit of being a front pager on this blog.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Now, we know why they are testing so much
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: Huh. Missed that.
(Dodd’s another old white dude…. :-/)
Thanks. I’ll check it out tomorrow.
[edit:] I lied, I had to check tonight.
Ok, that sounds better.
@Another Scott: via Politico:
I will tell this to the children of the future:
I the time of the pandemic depression, we couldn’t find toilet paper. But Ham? Ham was plentiful and cheap. So we sliced it thin and used it to wipe our ass*s. And thet is where the word fat*ss comes from.
Mai naem mobile
I was listening to some show and they had Rick Ungar on. I had been wondering about this myself – he mentioned his skepticism about Biden pulling this stuff on Reade in a Senate hallway. I have a couple of extended family members who’ve done internships at the Capitol. The way they’ve described the place is hallways like you see on CSPAN. I don’t see Biden risking his career for this in a freaking public hallway where anybody can walk by. Also this was not that long after Anita Hill so Biden was a well known senator not some back bencher.
BTW people lie. Women lie. Men lie. It doesn’t make every other sexual harrasment/crime a lie. Jeezus. Why is it so hard to believe when you’ve had cops lie and change their stories or be proven as liars after a video shows up. It doesn’t mean that most crimes weren’t committed.
Mai naem mobile
@dww44: I’ve seen that ad on HGTV as well. I haven’t been watching a whole lot of HGTV so I am guessing it was on Love It or List It which I honestly don’t really see as a GOP watching show. The woman wins way too much for chauvinists and there’s way too many colored homeowners on the show spending way too much money for colored folks. I wonder if Parscale is throwing money at wherever he gets a bigger percent of it.
patrick II
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
They know this because they test every day. If they didn’t those people would have been around Trump and Pence until they showed symptoms, if that happened.
The only reason, besides sheer luck, that Trump and Pence are not stricken is because of a strick testing regimen, which they don’t seem too interested in providing the rest of the country.
Interesting that by Reade’s own account she struck a deal to leave Biden’s office. Given her apparent legal issues related to financial dishonesty shortly before she left, I suspect we can guess what the terms of the actual deal were.
@Morzer: Tara Reade should request release of her personnel records. That would answer lots of questions.
@lamh36: I am sorry to hear. I’m not a fan of keeping wild animals as pets, but they did it right, and loved them.
zhena gogolia
That’s why she won’t do it.
@JPL: I have a feeling that Hell will be at a sub-zero temperature before Tara Reade makes any such request.
Thanks for the link. I am left wondering and honestly confused. Is this a fictional account?
Does she have a daughter Molly? Cleo the cat lives even though the Nordic Barbaric Tate Theodore Dronen want to or kills everything else but lives in San Luis County still to this day? His DNA missing persons cases, FBI profiles, court filing from 1996?
The links from Adam about the check fraud are from 1993. I am little confused by all the timelines.
Uncle Cosmo
@Chetan Murthy: Worked for a major US technical corp in the 80s and early 90s. When anyone vetting one of our former employees called, corporate policy was to confirm employment & start/end dates and say nothing more. Not one word about job performance or reason(s) they left – anything more was considered to risk lawsuits either from the new employer (if you said something positive & they turned out to be less than perfect) or the former employee (if you said something negative & they were turned down for the new job).
Anne Laurie
@Uncle Cosmo: Yeah, in the mid-1990s I was the lowest-level minion answering requests about former (fellow) employees. The rule was iron-clad: Only the fact that they’d been employed by OurSmallUnit at ThisHugeCo, and the dates of such employment. (Was told, probably incorrectly, that going beyond that might result in my own termination.)
And, yes, this involved both those employees our SVP gnashed his teeth at losing, and those who… well, charges were never pressed, and in most cases the separation was mutual, so…
@HumboldtBlue: I thought the use of that tune in that way was very effective.
@HumboldtBlue: But never pickling shaved animals – that would be cruel.
Adding some thots to dead thread:
In 1993, Biden had been Senator from Delaware for almost twenty years.
As a former Delaware resident, will say it’s a pretty small place. About 800,000 people, you can drive from Claymont to Fenwick Island (one end of state to other) in three hours. Rumor gets around. Number of Delawareans more than one handshake away from Joe Biden very small.
Delaware was swing state thru first decade of 21st century. Republican party still rational moderates. Indeed, Chris Coons was nominated for Senate in 2009 to ‘take one for team’; everyone thought Mike Castle was shoo-in for nomination and election.
When judging this matter, I have to ask “has anything happened in intervening quarter-century to make one version or another of the story more or less likely?”
If you are going to live in California, you’ll have to stop calling it “Cali”. We hate that.