We’re past the six months since we last rattled the cup for the server costs, and I had hoped ad revenue would cover most of it, but, you know, global pandemic. So if you are in a position to donate, please hit the paypal.
I promise pet pics as soon as we cover them.
That’s right. I am prostituting my animals. Don’t judge.
Update: To make it easier on mobile, I just added the BJ PayPal link as the top item in the hamburger menu. (WG)
Where do I find the PayPal link?
Silly update on my hair cut- I tried to trim an inch or so off the bottom and ended up giving myself a Rachel. ??♀️
D Gardner
Glad to help, and don’t ever feel bad about asking. The quality of this blog, the intelligence of the writers and the commenters, along with the “family” that I’ve adopted on here, make this the best experience of the day. Fantastic job to all, and belated thanks for all you do.
Amir Khalid
I always thought the Rachel was an iconic cut.
Cheryl Rofer
While Cole is getting some photos,
“Support Our Site,” to the right on the desktop site, below the comment box on the mobile version.
@Amir Khalid:
It’s quite fetching as my grandad used to say. I just can’t figure out how I did it.
Set up a recurring payment. I thought I did that last time, but apparently not. This site is worth it.
@MomSense: @Amir Khalid:
Better a Rachel than a Farah flip, the malls aren’t open yet.
randy khan
Steve will demand a cut of the proceeds.
Done. Now make with the pet pics. :-D
When I clicked in the phone number box a number showed up. No idea if that was Cole’s number or some random jackal.
Done & done!
@MomSense: when last I got a cut-n-color, I told my stylist fuck the haters, let’s Rachel this thing! And so it was done. That was back on march 13 in the before times. Its significantly mangier now sadly.
@JCJ: Call it and find out.
Also set up a monthly donation. Hope we raise what’s needed plus a bit extra for a rainy day.
Mary G
Put some in, let me know if you don’t get enough. The new website is so great now that I’ve figured it out.
It’s my way.
ETA: dropped some coin in anyway.
Donated a small amount. Will do a bit more later.
I set up a monthly donation, and if you don’t get enough, i’m happy to throw some extra on top of that.
Kay (not the front-pager)
@Cheryl Rofer: I swear, Cheryl, I thought that was a lamb under the covers! ;-)
Orange is the New Red
Done. Will be more once I have a job again.
I’ve been wanting to do this in forever. Been coming here since the first Obama campaign mostly lurking but really enjoying the whole vibe. Set up a monthly PayPal so I don’t have to think about it.
Done and I also set up a small monthly donation. I love this blog so much. TY TY TY
Done. Thanks for this site. It’s my sanity.
Kay (not the front-pager)
I set up a relatively small monthly amount, and will do a larger donation in a couple of weeks. I’m finally getting a handle on my different cash flow in the plague times, but I don’t like to make unexpected outlays until the end of the month, when I know that the money in my bank account doesn’t need to cover something I’ve forgotten about! ;-)
Good timing as I am currently doling out my COVID stimulus payment to worthy causes. I am fortunate enough to still have a job and really not suffering any economic effects so it felt wrong to just put the money in my savings account.
Rep. Katie Porter Interview DESUS & MER
Pretty good. A breath of fresh air these days.
Just Chuck
Sending you a pittance, but it’s monthly. Don’t spend it all in one place you fat bastard zoopimp.
Snarki, child of Loki
“I am prostituting my animals.”
They’re all friction-sluts anyway, amirite?
Done. I will set up recurring once my new credit card arrives.
Appreciate this place immensely (although don’t even want to think what else I could have been doing with the time spent here — maybe nothing good …)
Where’s my Cole pet picture? (Have you ever thought of sending out photos of your pets?? As who is sponsored?)
Any jackals who are not presently employed should feel free to stand down for now and let those of us with incomes step up…we are all in this together and can carry eachother when needed.
Steeplejack (phone)
I’m still employed and very unlikely to lose that in the next year or so. I’m in.
The monthly donation is a good idea. Maybe this will help keep Steve in steaks and fine, artisinally milked cream.
Using an ad blocker now, so contributing is not optional any more. I’ll think up a budget category for this, eventually.
@JCJ: that 555 exchange probably means it’s not a real number.
Sent some in. If our local NPR station asked so tersely instead of weeks of begging, I’d be more inclined to support them more.
@thruppence: Eh. NPR are still “both sides!” weasels.
I take pleasure in not supporting them. Nice Polite Republicans.
@Scuffletuffle: What if we are retired?
@Amir Khalid: “You’ll Never Walk Alone” Virtual Choir/Orchestra 15 Countries: 300 People
@Beatrice: Same here – less the $$ spent for a root canal, I’m contributing to the local food bank with some of the leftovers to this blog and a few political campaigns. Feels good
Bend your head, brush all the hair forward, and cut straight across. Voila Rachel!
I’ve been doing the monthly thing since the site upgrade. I hope that the total monthly is getting closer to the costs. When this fund drive is over, let us know how close we are to supporting the blog monthly. And thanks to you and everyone here.
Just glad I’m still working (even though I now know I despise working from home). Dropped some in the bucket.
Done. This place has saved my sanity more than once, and is without question a home away from home.
Wish it could be monthly, but the permanent job I was hoping to move into when my current limited-duration one ends in August just became a victim of the financial crunch in Washington state. UW has frozen all non-essential new hires.
mad citizen
A bargain at twice the price! Thanks to all involved. This site is truly a festivus for the rest of us.
Kent in NYC
I don’t care how crusty John Cole gets over the years,
I love the man and love this place.
@MomSense: I got help from my husband last weekend, and this happened to me too.
Just sent along my contribution. Don’t know what I would do without everyone here.
mad citizen
Balloon Juice: What is YOUR sanity worth?
Done donated.
I’ll donate when I get back from our walk. I give a small monthly to Wonkette. Considering the time I spend here and the benefit to sanity it will be more than that.
Lurker here who appreciates all of you. Donated, with love.
Another Scott
I too have been giving monthly to Balloon Juice Intergalactic Industries for a while to make up for running an ad blocker, and because I enjoy spending so much time here.
Do let us know if you need more. Things are very different from the Before Times and those of us fortunate enough to not be seriously impacted (yet) can do more.
Thanks JC, WG and all of the rest of the team. You’re a treasure.
James E Powell
@Amir Khalid:
It was. There was a time when nearly every Karen had the Rachel.
I’m in.
Done. I’ve been making a small non-automated monthly donation, but here’s a bit extra. Like many others, I regard this blog as my oasis of curmudgeonly sanity.
Miss Bianca
I signed up last month for a monthly donation. ‘Tain’t much, but it’s what I can afford. Thanks for this blog, Cole.
zhena gogolia
I kicked in. I’m so lazy from shutdown that I’m not even asking if I can send a check.
Just kicked in a bit, don’t dare do monthly right now because employment situation very iffy. However, I’m about to cash that check with Trump’s obnoxious signature on it, so this and a couple of other donations will help cleanse the cooties.
Eighth Cousin
Just put in a down payment for long time lurking. More to come after checking the sofa and other accounts.
It’s a good way to put the stimulus to work.
My work contract expires end of August and will likely not be renewed in the light of current circumstances so I have made a one-off contribution. But if things pan out better I will set up a regular payment. Could not agree more with those who say that this place has kept me sane during this crisis, indeed the 3+ years rolling catastrophe. Cole, the front-pagers and the jackals are hidden world of joy, snark, revelation and kindness, and I am grateful to be able to participate (if mostly passively).
Thank you. You too, Steeplejack.
Im off work, but with the extra $600 I’m ok. Since Im not buying gas or the snacks we seem to need throughout the work day, I tossed in a bit.
You all keep me semi- sane. ?
coin operated
Don’t comment much, but drop by every day. Threw some coin in the bucket…
I sended the money.
To make it easier on mobile, I just added the BJ PayPal link as the top item in the hamburger menu.
@Steeplejack (phone): And thirded.
Donation made. Out with the pix, Cole.
Laura Too
I donated as much as I could. For all who have left us, and all of us left. I love this place!
@Laura Too:
That’s lovely.
@WaterGirl: Good move! You should change your nym to WaterGlue for everything you’ve done to hold the site together. Thanks!
Just chipped in. Going to try the Rachel this weekend, thanks MomSense!
I’m in for a monthly bit. Have missed seeing those beasts of yours. I think we’ve only seen Steve recently.
Miss Bianca
@eclare: Just curious…does “the Rachel” refer to Rachel Maddow? Or some other Rachel? Or is Rachel the new Karen/Becky?
Amir Khalid
@Miss Bianca:
The Rachel is the cut Jennifer Aniston wore when she was playing Rachel Green in Friends.
@WaterGirl: when I click on the bj paypal donations link, it gives me a “your donation was already completed” message. I don’t see that’s happened to anyone else. Suggestion?
Miss Bianca
@Amir Khalid: You’re in Malaysia and you know more about American pop culture than I do!
That said, thanks for that! I never watched “Friends” – the only thing I remember seeing Jennifer Aniston in was “Office Space”. (She was great in that.)
That’s so funny! I don’t think I could have done it if I had tried to.
The pay pal link at the top of the page gave me a “you’ve already donated message” so I used the link at the bottom and it worked fine.
The housecat’s will is still in probate, but, based on what I have been assured by her attorneys will be a sizable inheritance, I have kicked in a little extra in her memory. We spent many an hour surfing the threads here together. Also, she always stood—okay, dozed—in solidarity with Steve and the rest of the menagerie. ✊
Aww, I miss house cat.
Omnes Omnibus
I get twinges. I still have a tendency to sleep on “my” side of the bed, and I briefly felt like a monster last week when I started to repurpose her tasteful 5" Corelle food bowls for other uses.
Catherine D.
Tossed in some while I have it. Also recently donated to two local food sources, the local SPCA, and Planned Parenthood of Greater NY. Libtard, present!
I’m in. We (spousal unit + moi) are spending less than we used to — hardly use gas, don’t go out to dinner, no concerts, no travel (a big one for us) etc. — and neither of us is in danger of losing our jobs. So I’m glad to help.
Joy in FL
Donated. Like so many others have said, this place is mostly what helps me hold on to hope for a decent future for everyone. BJ matters to me every day, and the sense of community I see makes a difference in how I process news and life.
There is something so comforting about the routines we settle into with our beloved pets. It takes a long time to adjust.
I couldn’t do a monthly because I don’t have a PayPal account. But I’ll try to remember to chip in on a more regular basis. This is my home on the internet and my sanity preserver.
@Steeplejack: I miss The House Cat too.
I’m almost a daily lurker, rarely comment and this place is great. Lucky enough to have my job so pitched in a monthly thank you.
Contributed- with appreciation
James E Powell
Since I got my $1200 I’m swimmin’ in dough like Scrooge McDuck. I tossed some in to keep the fires burning. I was just going to waste it on another effects pedal.
@BRyan: Is that from a computer or mobile?
@BRyan: Can you try again and let me know how it goes?
@MomSense: sadly, the gray comes in at the other end. Not since I was 5 have I been brave enough to cut my hair. Nope. Nope. Nope.
O. Felix Culpa
Resuscitated my monthly pittance, which perished for reasons unknown in March.
Been lurking since mid 08…but I am here every day and even though I rarely comment. I tell my friends..”Hey I read this over at MY blog…” Funny how that works…Tossed in a few shekels..thanks for all you FPers and commenters.
J R in WV
@Catherine D.:
We have kicked in to the B J fund. Have joined SPLC and ACLU as of the day after the Nov 2016 election. Ran into my only remaining cousin locally just a few days later, he too had joined both SPLC and ACLU, a pleasant way to meet up!
We’ve been Planned Parenthood supporters for a very long time.
Card Carrying members of the ACLU !!!
Done. Thank you all for making this the best blog ever.
Semi-Annual fund-raiser.
Semi-Annual comment.
I’m in.
Late to the party. Who drank all the beer? Done. Thanks for all you’ve given us, Cole.
@WaterGirl: same issue (using the hamburger link on ipad), tells me my donation is complete. But I saw another commenter said that a different link would work, so I will try to find that route. Or just move to my computer. Thank you!
I’ve been lurking here for years. Finally donated a widow’s mite – but hope to be able to make it a monthly donation if all the planets and stars align… Just wanted to let all the jackals know that without being able to read the pithy, bitchy and witty comments here, my day just isn’t complete. Carry on!
And bring on the pet pics now Mr. Cole! I can say that now without feeling like I’m making an unreasonable demand…
Gave a donation, Cole?
Try the regular “Support Our Site” link—on the right on the desktop site, under the comment box on the mobile site. Worked fine for me earlier.
Donated and happy to do it!
Happy to donate. Lurker since Steve gilliard days… I need help. How to explain to trumpet family that Rand Paul is an idiot? Trying not to damage fragile family ties. Thank you.
Another Scott
@drunkenhausfrau: https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/627976/truthiness-rand-paul
(paywalled) has a quote:
(“I still love your ‘nym!”)
Didn’t see this until now, sorry, but donation completed through Paypal. Thanks.
Tossed some money into the hat. Still in the “Viewers like you” level of support, however.
The animals need their own Patreon accounts so they can be fully self-pimping.