I don’t trust Never Trumpers any farther than I can throw a fully occupied hot tub, but I’m glad they’re cranking out ads like this:
If nothing else, The Lincoln Project drives Trump round the bend in self-destructive ways. Open thread.
by Betty Cracker| 187 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Politics, Republican Stupidity
I don’t trust Never Trumpers any farther than I can throw a fully occupied hot tub, but I’m glad they’re cranking out ads like this:
If nothing else, The Lincoln Project drives Trump round the bend in self-destructive ways. Open thread.
Comments are closed.
That’s a good one!
Yoiks! That was a little terrifying.
So basically…great ad, Lincoln Project! Keep ‘em coming!
Mike in NC
Jennifer Rubin writes today about why Fat Bastard is attacking Obama again: because he’s a lazy racist turd whose bottle of snake oil is now empty, so he has to fall back on what his massive ‘gut’ tells him, namely try to keep the base riled up about Those Terrible People.
Roger Moore
There must be a lot of empty space in Trump’s head, given the number of people who can live there rent-free.
That’s a good ad. Says right up front: Trump will lie. This week and next week and next week …
Gives cover to embarrassed Republicans and “independents” who think Democrats are icky. Go for it, Lincoln Project.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Bruce K
“If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.” – Winston Churchill
zhena gogolia
Yep. I find myself reading never-Trumpers like Jennifer Rubin, Tom Nichols, George Conway, etc., more than anyone else these days. They didn’t bite on the Tara Reade story, for one thing. They are keeping their eyes on the prize.
@Mike in NC: Jennifer Rubin
Of course stuff like this doesn’t faze Trump’s cultists in the least — they’re all convinced it’s all 5-G waves and Chinese voodoo or something. But if we can peel away enough independents and former-GOPers who voted for Trump in 16 and who now have buyers remorse, esp in states like Michigan and Wisconsin, the Lincoln Project could have a real impact. Remember, all Trump’s and Parscale’s shennanigans and faux scandal-mongering are designed to do one thing and one thing only: hold on to Trump’s 2016 voters and depress Dem turnout. They don’t care about expanding their base one bit and that’s where they’re most vulnerable.
Great ad. Always good to see the lie word used. My question is who will see it? I know the first one only showed on Fox News and I think only in DC. Targeted one person and it worked. They said they had more coming.
Bruce K
Honestly, I think it’s too late to save the GOP. Hopefully it’s not too late to save America.
@zhena gogolia: Trump’s purge just got much more corrupt. Here’s what’s coming next.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: a lot of people I like on twitter (Brian Beutler, Mike Grunwald, Jamelle Bouie) are falling into old tropes about do-nothing Democrats because (for example) it took Elliot Engel a few hours to announce he was going to investigate the latest IG firing. A lot snark about the lack of oversight– from the party that impeached a president, for the third time in history, less than four months ago. The never-trumpers focus on the real enemy, the real problem.
Gin & Tonic
Why is it that we have to count on Republicans to make this kind of ad?
That is good. It captures the relentless nature of the horror. “And the next…”
I hate to admit it because I think liberals pride themselves on their creativity (not me- not that creative) but their ads are better than ours :)
zhena gogolia
@Bruce K:
Here’s what they have in mind. Good luck with that.
Betty Cracker
@japa21: Yep, all they have to do is get Trump to react, and the ad gets millions in “earned media.” It’s a smart way to weaponize his own big fat ego against him.
I read the title “Allies of Convenience Store A Hit.”
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Joy in FL
I like that the narrator is female. Usually it’s a male voice.
@zhena gogolia: Would love to hear ol’ Heath’s ideas about what policies would bring together “conservatives, libertarians, and Biden Rs” into a winning coalition.
My guess is the ‘magical thinking’ quotient of said policies would be, oh, roughly 90%.
I feel like these ads are targeted to the voters that are Republican but not hard core tRumpers. The hard core tRumpers are never likely to leave him because he has them so conned and they have so much invested in him and those that are that invested can never give it up because their whole world would come tumbling down around them and that can’t be allowed to happen.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: Unprepared.
Laughed at.
@Joy in FL: It’s a damn shame they can’t get Michelle Obama to narrate a few. I’d settle for Stacey Abrams.
“A hit! A fine hit!” (Treebeard voice). They really are all Orcs.
Seriously, I don’t even care who’s actually putting out these ads. This one, like the last one they put out, are about as expertly crafted as you’ll ever find. If the Lincoln Project wants to keep making them I’ll gladly put my support behind them and worry about our policy disagreements once Trump’s malignancy is in the history books
@jeffreyw: And I hate to say it, because it says a lot about our country, but I feel like one of the strengths of this campaign is that it doesn’t rely on Democratic voices. The second it did a large chunk of the intended audience would simply tune it out.
Mai naem mobile
I think locally Dems need to connect the total national death toll to a size of a local town. If you’re in Pennsylvania you say you’ve wiped out the population size of Reading. In Florida you say you’ve wiped out the size of Boca Raton etc. People get a better idea than just a big number which is unfathomable to a lot of people. As the number gets bigger add a town or change towns or whatever. Unfortunately the number now is big enough to use some big city suburbs.
Amir Khalid
The WaPo wants money (it says, subscribe) to let me read the story. What does it say?
@HumboldtBlue: pay wall
Just Chuck
@japa21: It’s also on the Internet. “Airtime” is something you only microtarget nowadays, and they targeted it at one guy in DC.
@PenAndKey: I think the intended audience is Trump.
@Amir Khalid:
Uncle Cosmo
FTFY. (Cf. Soviet Socialist Republics, Union Of,
711 Dec 1941 – 2 Sep 1945. [Germany did not declare war on the USA until the 11th, and the US Congress returned the favor the same day. The USSR was not at war with the Empire of Japan until 9 Aug 1945.])There oughtt to be a place in the American political discussion for conservatives, & I for one would have no problem duking it out with our current co-belligerents should they, upon the rout of our mutual enemies, return to loyal and responsible opposition. But only with those qualifications.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thank you.
“But Democrats never do anything!!!11!1!”
@Gin & Tonic: Actually the Biden ad team has been equally good.
@Jeffro: Deficit scolding. It’s about all they will have that could move needles. And you know it’s coming. It’s already started.
@Gin & Tonic: The usual reason is because Democrats can’t just be anti-Trump; they need to present a positive reason to vote for them. Never Trumpers, on the other hand, don’t have that concern.
Amir Khalid
From The Guardian‘s liveblog, the school reopening in France has run into a problem:
@Amir Khalid: @Immanentize:
Sorry folks, I get around the paywall by using the Firefox reader tag.
Rubin was solely about Trump and RWNJ racism and to expect a lot more in the coming months.
Greg Sargent excerpt:
@HumboldtBlue: From your WaPost item, so others can read beyond the paywall:
Yes, reporters have glommed onto Linick investigations of personal corruption by Pompeo: use of aides for personal errands, possibly too many taxpayer-funded trips back to Kansas. But: fast tracking arms to the Saudis. That is a whole ‘nother level, and likely implicates Prince Jared and Trump.
@PenAndKey: I agree with your second point. Just like Trump’s gameplan, the more we can get former Trump voters to just not pull the lever for that guy, the bigger our win. AND, we actually have people moving from R to D this year.
Rick Wilson probably wrote it.
Amir Khalid
Vielen Dank.
GOP-allied ad teams have been very good for years: they go for the gut-punch and don’t trouble themselves with trifles like nuance – or, often, truth. GOP ads have been the bane of Democrats for decades.
It’s nice to see them aimed at T* but, like you said, the instant T* is gone most of them will revert to trashing Democrats.
I keep that in mind, even as I cheer them on.
I read they only run these spots in the DC marketplace late night on FOX. Their target is one individual. They don’t want to change anything except Republican Presidents.
zhena gogolia
@Librarian:See Rick Wilson video in this tweet:
Roger Moore
Those people are the natural targets for a group of Never Trump Republicans, and it’s important to make a strong attempt to get their votes, or at least to convince them not to vote for Trump. That said, I don’t think this is an especially effective at at energizing Democrats who might be less than enthusiastic about Biden, which is something the Democrats are better suited to creating.
Mai naem mobile
@Gin & Tonic: because we listen to people who tell us we have to be positive and happy clappy and OMG if you attack a (GOP) POTUS you’re being unpatriotic.
Betty Cracker
There was an analysis piece at WaPo this weekend about the Biden campaign deliberately ignoring most of Trump’s personal attacks. We’re getting a preview of the scorched earth to come with Eric Trump basically calling Biden a pedophile and Don Jr. on the “Biden is senile” beat full time. After you’ve said that, what else is there to say?
Biden staffers who commented for the article said you can’t get in the mud with Trump because that’s letting him dictate the terms. Another said it draws a contrast they welcome — Trump & Co. ranting about conspiracy theories and making absurdly over the top attacks and Biden mostly ignoring that and talking about the future in positive terms.
At first I questioned that logic because despite post-election criticism, Clinton really did let some of that shit from Trump go by in 2016 and mostly focused on her own qualifications and plans. But I’m not sure there’s anything to learn from 2016 anyway because this is a different situation. Trump is the incumbent, not an “outsider” running against an incumbent’s successor. And Biden isn’t a woman.
“palmed his face like a basketball”
Good. Bastard deserved it.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
ET nails it in comment #23. The target audience is Republicans who are not part of Trump’s Deplorable base. If they hear this message from Democrats, it will sound like the usual partisanship. If they hear fellow Republicans say it, they might be more receptive.
hells littlest angel
More and more I think the only thing that can save us — because a corrupt government needn’t enforce its laws, including election laws — is a massive stroke or heart attack. So good job, Lincoln project. Keep it up.
@Betty Cracker: I have said that Trump pulls everyone into the gutter because that is where he is King. Ignoring his gutter talk, I think, is smart. Let surrogates just point out how much Trump and his dirty family are in the gutter.
I have to say, I feel much better about the Never-Trumpers personally than I did before Trump. I’m pretty sure they aren’t hypocrites now. At least not totally. I can listen to somebody who understands what Trump is. I can’t to somebody who doesn’t or pretends not to.
@Betty Cracker:
The rest was true but this deserves to be repeated.
I remember when Al Franken with his comedian knowledge of getting to the punch lines commented about democratic messaging in 2010, “Our bumper sticker has…just too many words. And it says Continued on next bumper sticker”. The never trumpers ads are short and punchy. Dems need to tighten up their messages and not go over long or too many issues per ad. Franken also said, “We have to stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the merely very good.”
Another Scott
@Jeffro: I’d like to see them talk in specifics about all their failed policies that got us here, starting with (but not ending with) Reagan’s tax cuts. Do they still think that tax cuts fix everything? If so, there’s really not much to talk about because they’re not serious. They’re just making mouth noises to try to find some incantation to get back into power.
Mai naem mobile
@zhena gogolia: Al Franken had Steve Schmidt on his last podcast. I kind of heard 75 % of it while driving around but the gist of what I heard him saying was he’ll vote for Dems but never become a registered Dem and he’ll join a right of center party if one shows up. He decried the anti – science philosophy of the current GOP. BTW he mentioned that Schwarzenegger was the only governor who has ever passed climate change legislation. I didn’t think that was true. I thought Jerry Brown and Jay Inslee had passed stuff.
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
I think there’s a difference between the attacks on Biden and the ones on Clinton. The attacks on Clinton had been very well set up. People have been making attacks on Clinton corruption for decades, so they’re well seeded in the public, and the specific attacks they used were prepared for by years of public hearings. Even their targets of opportunity were based on something remotely real, like Hillary actually getting sick.
In contrast the weird conspiracy stuff about Biden doesn’t have the same kind of preparation. They were obviously hoping to make some hay from the Burisma stuff, but that seems to have fallen through. And some of the other conspiracy stuff has been circulating for a while, but only in the fever swamps among committed right wing wackos. Instead of trying to set stuff up, they’re jumping straight to broadcasting those weird conspiracy theories to people who just don’t understand enough of the backstory to make heads or tails of it.
It’s like telling just the punchline of a joke. To your friends who have heard the same joke a thousand times, it may be funnier to just repeat the punchline, since it lets you skip over the boring setup and jump straight to the good part. To someone who has never heard the joke, it’s just mystifying.
@bemused: Bumper sticker heaven:. Black background, white block letters:
It you wanted to be verbose:
Ramiah Ariya
I am reading the Financial Times article on the Covid-19 Trump response and I want to say a few things as a long time observer of US politics:
First, criticising Trump on the US leadership angle is no good. It is very easy for a libertarian /Trumpite to shout “America First” at you and walk away. The world was certainly not looking for American leadership, so it seems a strange concern.
Secondly, the comparisons to South Korea constantly are also not useful. Most people would tune it out (as would I, if India was compared to South Korea). That does not come across as reasonable criticism to me.
I think the easiest criticism of Trump is that he contradicted his own statements and his administration’s guidelines every few weeks. You know what, recommending hydroxychloroquine is fine – provided it was consistent govt policy. If it was not, that seems like the correct place to hammer him. What happened to all the “investigations” of injecting disinfectants that that Homeland Security officer promised on the stage with Trump? Are they still testing if that is possible?
It is fine not to believe in expert opinion, provided your own opinions and stands are consistent. Those inconsistency and contradictions are the ones that I hope the American press and ads highlight.
Doug R
Decent ad, but I think it pulls its punch with “almost 10,000 more dead”.
I know they’re trying to be cautious, but they could say “almost 2,000 more dead EVERY day after day after day”.
Just trying to help.
Betty Cracker
@Roger Moore: Great point, and I like the joke analogy.
@Betty Cracker: ..And even more specifically and importantly, Biden’s not Hillary “The AntiChrist” Clinton.
@Roger Moore:
Tara Reade!
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: It’s more than mildly alarming to me that I’m finding the attitude of Never-Trumpers more palatable to me these days than my alleged ideological allies on the left. I don’t expect it to last – I don’t WANT it to last – but it’s something of a relief to see at least SOME right-wingers making a case for good government.
Doug R
@Doug R: I see it’s down to just under 1,000 dead a day.
@Roger Moore:
This is so true. It’s like Kay says, they are just entirely lazy. They see attacks in the past that worked and say, “Let’s attack” with no careful groundwork or seeding. Bush and Cheney were masters at this — getting a rumor to start somewhere (Drudge) have it move to a paper in the UK (owned by Murdock mostly) then picked up in the US by Fox which forced papers like the NYTimes to write an article about “some are concerned….” Then and only then, Cheney would go on TV and only talk about the NYTimes article. Rather evil/brilliant.
Even with Kerry, there were a whole lot of people who hated him with a right wing passion for his stance on Vietnam. Two purple hearts? Fuck you. Avoid service, drink and whore around? You are our man!
@Amir Khalid: Andrew Sullivan’s opinion pieces CARRIED A LOT OF WEIGHT with Republicans re: Barack Obama in 2007.
The Aristocrats!
@hells littlest angel: I actually think that’s the worst thing that could happen. Decent people who tend vote Republican are hopefully appalled by Trump. They could vote for Biden, or stay home.
If Trump drops dead, then they will vote for the Republican, no matter who it is. And that will hurt us down-ballot, as well.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Roger Moore:
and the Professional Left was only too happy to join its bellowing support
Yes, great way to explain it.
@Doug R: Where do you see that?
You do realize that reporting generally stops over the weekends in many places, but then hits its high point every Wednesday and Thursday every week, right?
That is not because of the virus, that is just people who are bureaucrats reporting when they are at work.
I’ve been seeing this beautiful commercial a lot:
Reassuring to women who are pregnant or nursing babies. Basic message is “I was born in times like this. And now I’m 100!”
Some hope for people who are worried for their babies
“you just take care of that little miracle”
@Another Scott: you are a jackal that I respect and admire and with whom I never disagree; until this comment. Wilson, Schmidt, Rubin, Boot, Kristol, Nichols, Conway, etc. are allies during a period of existential peril for the US as we knew it. I don’t think mea culpas are at all necessary.
Betty Cracker
@Ramiah Ariya: Good insights, and I mostly agree with those observations. One possible contradictory data point: the guys who run the Pod Save America podcast (former Obama admin staff) have been doing focus groups among swing voters in Wisconsin and other places for a while, and they were surprised to find Trump’s beclowning America on the world stage is a real sore spot with unaffiliated voters. I think you’re right about hardcore libertarian/America First types, but a lot of ordinary citizens with loose political affiliations are embarrassed by Trump’s antics and loss of American prestige abroad, so it may be worth highlighting.
This is insane. I mean it’s one thing to take a quote out of context, explain what it “really” means, and then fight against that. That’s a standard trick. It’s another to outright announce in advance that that is your plan.
@Betty Cracker: I think we just need to show him in the golf cart when all of the world’s leaders are walking to get that point across. It was so gross — like Cleopatra on a pallet.
Ok. I am steeling myself to go into my office. My class starts tomorrow and I need notes and materials. I have not been there since late March. Wish me a no-Covid experience.
“Truthiness” as an explicit campaign strategy now. Must be Kelly-Anne Conway’s input.
@Montanareddog: I can understand doing it, but I don’t get why you’d admit to it.
@zzyzx: Umm… whut?? I had to blink [blink blink] and then re-read that. They could be more subtle and call it ‘Bullshit Just For You.’
@Yutsano: Maybe. I think that would unify about 20% of the country at this point and actually motivate an even smaller percentage to actually do something (much less form the basis for a new party), but we’ll see.
Truth over facts, they’re mocking and taking out of context something Biden said. Here’s the predictably nasty commercial:
The incident at a summit I found more appalling was when he shoved the president or prime minister of, I think, Montenegro to get to the front of the stage. That was status panic and arrogance manifest.
I gotta wonder if maybe we are getting a bit of Streisand Effect here. Trump’s firing of IGs is actually providing the House with a giant flashing red sign saying “LOOK HERE! AND FIND THE SCANDAL” Had they just ignored the State IG they probably could have just brushed it all under the rug give everything else that is happening. They could have just kept the IG in place, classified his reports, bottled them up in bureaucratic process and no one would have been the wiser. The press would have been uncurious about yet another Trump scandal.
Now we have a front page scandal. And a soon to be unemployed IG who will no doubt be happy and free to go testify in front of Congress and the TV cameras about every thing he knows.
I know this is really a power play on Trump’s part and the real audience is all the other IGs and potential whistleblowers out there. But still. They are being really stupid about it. You don’t fire someone in the Federal government to silence them. That is amateur hour.
Roger Moore
I don’t know how much of their stuff is straight laziness and how much is that the media is just less receptive to their techniques than it used to be. I think Burisma could have been a big deal, but the news media actually investigated and figured out the real story rather than just repeating the Republican talking points. Similarly, Tara Reade was apparently trying to tell her story for a while, but the news was unwilling to bite on it because they couldn’t substantiate anything. I don’t know how much of this is the Republicans losing their touch, how much is the media being generally savvier and more careful, and how much was the media being specifically vulnerable when it came to attacks on Hillary Clinton.
@Montanareddog: The guy from Montenegro had expressed some criticism of Putin, from what I understand.
The clip reminded me of 7th grade.
@Amir Khalid:
Let’s go, House – hearings and witnesses and impeachment. Roll all the IG firings into one investigation, knock it out, and impeach the MF again.
Yes, yes, yes!
You can run this ad every week, with no alterations, and it will still sting.
@Montanareddog: Colbert should sue.
As long as the surrogates do in fact hit back and point out what trash the trumpovs are, I’m good with this. Uncle Joe stays positive while everyone else fires for effect = winning combo
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
I think you could make a good ad along those lines by explicitly comparing South Korea’s response to ours. Don’t just say that Korea had its first case on the same day as us but they were able to fight it successfully. Show how they went straight from finding a case to doing something about it, while Trump was actively impeding our response.
Please tell me you’re not holding your breath! =)
Truth. Actually, if they want to show they’re serious, then at a minimum I need to hear them earnestly talking about raising taxes on the wealthy.
@Kent: Yes, great way to explain it.
Rand Careaga
@Roger Moore:
You’re not really here for the hunting, are you?
Betty Cracker
@germy: Can’t help but think the Trumpsters are really overplaying their hand on the “Biden is senile and inarticulate” thing. They’re ratcheting expectations down so low, which is never a good idea, but subtlety isn’t in their wheelhouse.
@Immanentize: Crossing my fingers for you, which makes typing very difficult. So come back soon!
The kid whose parents paid his “friends” to come to his party.
West of the Cascades
@Doug R: Just wait three weeks, it will be back above 2,000 a day.
@Ramiah Ariya:
Some conservatives view Trump as leader of the free world, and see narrow America First jingoism as a betrayal.
Fair point. But it is useful to compare successful and unsuccessful efforts at dealing with the virus.
No. Trump’s nonsense about malaria pills was just the assertion of his ignorance because he disagreed with expert opinion.
Again, no. A leader can follow expert opinion and still have problems. But ignoring expert opinion again and again will always lead to disaster.
@HumboldtBlue: It is especially stupid on their part if they were trying to groom Pompeo for a Senate run. Because now the Dems have free licence to hold hearings about corruption in Pompeo’s State Department when they get back to business in the fall.
I gotta wonder if the total hollowing out of the White House staff under Trump is leading to more of these sorts of mistakes. There is no one left there who has a fucking clue.
@Gin & Tonic: Republicans have never had a problem with fighting hard, if not downright dirty. They also have a lot of experience in playing on voter’s fears to influence their votes. They know the electorate they created, and if they can peel away even a few Trump supporters, the zeal of ex-Trump-supporters for spreading the word will likely be on par with the zeal of former smokers or recent religious converts.
Barr will find a way to comply or he will be out of a job.
hells littlest angel
@WaterGirl: My point is that I fear there won’t be a fair election — or any election at all — if Trump stays alive.
Matt McIrvin
That’s the Kerry 2004 strategy, isn’t it?
@Betty Cracker:
Biden doesn’t have a legacy of being demonized for 25 years
zhena gogolia
I’m about to do the same thing!!!! I haven’t been there since March 13. I am sick to my stomach.
Genuine question: was there some reporting that this may have been a motivating factor, or was it just a coincidence that a Putin critic happened to be standing between a play-acting POTUS and a photo op?
zhena gogolia
Hard to believe it was just a coincidence.
Thing is, Trump and his people are flat out saying that they are willing to sacrifice this group to the pandemic if it will boost the economy and rescue Trump’s presidency.
There is a nice political ad just waiting to be made to hammer this point home.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: I hope the never-trumpers turn their fire on Rove a little bit
and maybe start pointing out that George W Bush is, once again, ignoring a threat to the country
@Ramiah Ariya:
The best angle is to hold up the 69 page PANDEMICS FOR DUMMIES GUIDE that 44 created.
There should be an ad that the Democrats should run NOW
opening with Dolt45 saying that nobody knew this could happen…
then show the Pandemic For Dummies manual….
and the list of, I think, it was 38-44 people set up across the government….
and say, that Dolt45 fired them
make an extra point of the office IN CHINA that he got rid of..
bottom line…Dolt45’s incompetence has cost all these American lives.
I know that I bring this up… I honestly believe that this is about grandparents not being able to see their grandchildren
@Mai naem mobile:
I will have to listen to this podcast episode. I wonder what this guy is afraid of. That he will catch cooties from the Democrats?
Another wedge to be exploited.
Roger Moore
Barr cares a lot about guaranteeing protection from prosecution once out of office.
Want to see a motivational speaker who talks of motivation rather than what you might be able to accomplish or earn or be lauded for? Admiral McRaven.
Roger Moore
I think it’s about more than just grandparents seeing their grandkids. The whole thing is awful for older people. Even people who are trying hard to be responsible about staging a return to normal life have been saying that older people are going to have to stay home for their own protection for the indefinite future. And the people who are being irresponsible are being pretty forthright in saying that it’s OK to sacrifice the olds on the altar of restarting the economy.
@Amir Khalid: why is anyone surprised? This was pretty much on the cards for any country that had a lock down, once they started to open up, unless a very strict social distancing regime was put into place. And especially for primary school kids, getting them to stay at least 1.8 meters/6 feet from each other, keep their masks on, AND sanitizing anything before each individual touches it is difficult.
Yep. I think you’re right. This makes it very personal for some people, and also not just about their fear for survival.
Great point.
@Miss Bianca:
Their idea of good government may not be the same as we think.
But yes it is far better than what we are seeing now.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thank you. I find the so called Right so much savvier and insightful than our “friends on the Left”. I’ve had it with the 3 clowns you cited. This “How The Dems Disappointed Me Today Too Kewel For Skewel” cottage industry is perceived by many so called journos as a lucrative gig. I’m sick of it.
This thread????
Cause we all need a pick me up
The Lodger
@Roger Moore: It’s just another one of those famous Trump low-occupancy properties.
Mai naem mobile
@Betty Cracker: I’ve framed the COVID mismanagement by mentioning Doctors Without Borders coming to the Navajo reservation to help out like we are a third world country and gotten agreement from non political people. Maybe it’s because it truly embarrasses me and I sound shrill about it.
Pre-COVID I used to frame the loss of US prestige in having money come here to be invested and how that made buying a car(and getting other credit) relatively easy in this country. You can’t put this in an ad but one on one it’s a direct effect on their lives that people can grasp.
@Roger Moore:
I think you are right. I’m an old but I have no family and have for a good part of my life, learned to live alone. That’s not the norm for most people, including me. But I can accept it because I’m used to it. Most older people are not, I believe that they see the ending segment of their lives as being wasted. And that’s a difficult thing to accept.
@zzyzx: If I remember right, ‘Truth Over Facts’ was something Biden said over a year ago when answering a question. He was clearly trying to say that there’s context to facts and all, but it’s easily pilloried. It was also forgotten quickly, because it was pretty obvious what it was about.
So I guess this is where we’re going. Trump’s strategy is to take nothingburgers and ‘bring in experts’ to explain what this is all REALLY about, which will always be: dementia/senility/babykilling/helping black people or mexicans, etc.
@Roger Moore:
True, but grandparents have a very personal stake in this, and grandparents vote. Funny, this also reminds me of a West Wing clip that I recently saw where the president talked about the tenacity and power of grandparents. A senator who was also a grandfather was trying to get support for a bill which would help his autistic grandchild.
Here is a larger question. Some people have been talking about getting back to normal. But what does this really mean in a post pandemic world?
Do we make accommodation in social spaces for people who might be most at risk? Or do we simply expect that older people and people with health issues stay out of society? Or worse, nervously take their chances?
ETA. I note that I am someone with health issues that put me in a high risk group.
@bemused: I’ve settled on “Your president is a whiny little bitch.’
“The Aristocrats.”
For Peanut, her life since Mid-March has been Monday thru Friday morning, over with her father and grandmother.
Friday afternoon- get in the car and come over here for the weekend, so that she can see me and her other grandmother.
Her mother is in healthcare, and they talk through facetime :(
My sister in Minneapolis is an essential worker. She sees her grandbaby through the car window. She just turned 1, and doesn’t get why she doesn’t get to come in and spend her time with Nana.
The other grandmother is a snowbird stuck in Florida, who would have been on her way back from Florida when COVID-19 struck.
@rikyrah: THIS!
@Roger Moore:
I know that it’s more than that. But, in a way, it’s not. Because wrapped up in that is so much.
Their lives are at risk. The highest risk group. And, in order to keep them safe, they have to be away from family.
Then, you have a political party, which, has said, OUT LOUD, that they should just be ready to sacrifice themselves for the ‘economy’.
They also know that these nursing homes are literal possible deathtraps. And , some seniors are stuck there.
It’s a whole lot wrapped up in that statement.
And, now, we have Dolt45 saying, ‘open the schools’.
And, if you’re a grandparent, you’re like,’ that muthaphucka wants my baby to sacrifice for his phucking re-election?’
@Roger Moore:
The West Wing clip about grandfathers.
Similarly, decisions about the pandemic is about simple, direct things. Like family and never seeing your grandkids again because Trump screwed things up.
We have to make the political personal, not just about number of active cases or the rules of social distancing.
Start with the Lt. Governor of Texas, and just keep on putting GOPers and Fox personalities saying that shyt OUT LOUD.
A sample political ad. “Grandparents”
Narrator reading a graphic. “President Trump doesn’t care about you.”
Clip of Trump talking about how CoronaVirus deaths are acceptable
Narrator. “Trump doesn’t care if you can never play with your grandkids again. ”
Clip of couple at a house, holding their children up to a window, where the grandparents can only wave to them from the other side of the glass
Narrator. “Trump doesn’t care if you die.”
Clip of a person in an ICU on a ventilator
Clip of Trump babbling about the beautiful economy.
Narrator. “Trump doesn’t care.”
@Brachiator: Make it so.
A judge in Baker County, OR has invalidated our coronavirus safety rules. Baker County is far eastern Oregon adjacent to Idaho physically and politically. Unlike Wisconsin this a lower court judge so the Oregon Supreme Court could overrule. Failing that the legislature could convene and fix this.
I couldn’t imagine anyone who didn’t vote for Trump being inclined to vote for him before COVID-19. The events since then make me more hopeful that we turn a few thousand here & there (at least!). We need to keep one of the absolutely worst human beings alive out of a second term.
@Mai naem mobile: That is a great idea. How do we get it out there? I’ll suggest it to my council member here in Brooklyn.
Yes! The power of simplicity!
@rikyrah: Serious question.
I have always considered myself progressive. Does Progressive now = Bernie? Have the Bernie-bots taken over the term progressive?
They really have taken over progressive.
So, just call me liberal. Not a nasty word in my book.
Yes. I think it was TBogg who was posted, “I’m not a progressive, I’m a liberal Democrat.”
OT. Ken Osmond, who played the oily little weasel Eddie Haskell on “Leave It To Beaver,” has passed away at age 76.
He really nailed that role. He was the kid you loved to hate.
Sure Lurkalot
@zhena gogolia @immanentize
Tomorrow my architect partner has an inspection/meeting at a downtown apartment building recently completed.
Of course, I’m a nervous wreck about it. We’ve tried to be so careful and have been in public indoors only like 2 or 3 times for the past 2 months.
I feel for you and let’s hope everyone gets their tasks done efficiently!
zhena gogolia
So I’m at my office for the first time since March 13. There are construction guys on the first floor in a conference room, without masks. I’m discovering that I get extremely claustrophobic in a mask. And since when I left my office I didn’t realize I wasn’t coming back for two months, I didn’t clean up. So they’ve thrown out pretty much everything that was on my desk, including souvenirs. It’s very weird and upsetting.
zhena gogolia
Oh, no, I loved him!
A person who is 55 today came of age when Ronald Reagan was the cheery, ascendant face of the Republican party. That’s my only explanation for why so many people that age +/- five years identify as Republican and are still unwilling to change their minds.
Even with trump destroying everything in reach.
It’s going to be something if that demo abandons him next fall.
@zhena gogolia:
That’s dreadful, who would clear off someone’s desk?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
really bugs me the way they’ve taken over/been given that term
zhena gogolia
the cleaning people, I suppose. They left the bottle of computer cleaner but threw out the cloth that goes with it.
From the Guardian. Cellphone data suggests that lockdown protestors may be spreading the virus widely.
And bring in a bunch of older, yet popular, actors like Betty White (98), Ed Asner (92), Morgan Freeman (82), Jack Nicholson (83), James Earl Jones (89), Mel Brooks (94), Bob Barker (96), and Carl Reiner (98) to read the ad copy. “Trump wants all of us to die to help his fat-cat pals.” I’m pretty sure all of them are staunch Democrats.
@rikyrah: The Great White Hope is a nope.
The concluding paragraph.
For sure. Also:
It’s funny, because olds (like me) generally have gone thru enough to realize that shit happens, and you figure it out. But THIS is shit happening on such a grand goddamn scale — and with so little coherent leadership — that it’s both scary and enraging.
That should be the graduation theme for every person who expected to participate in an important social milestone this year.
The Lodger
@Kelly: Unless the Oregon Supreme Court has speeded up its workflow substantially, that Baker County ruling is going to stand for about five years.
The weird thing is that some of these people care more about Trump’s wants than their own needs. From the Guardian, a Trump supporter who has lost people to the virus.
Elsewhere, people jump through all kinds of mental hoops to defend Trump. Even when it contradicts the facts. They forget that Trump fought with governors and see him as supporting them.
They simply refuse to acknowledge his failures.
Trump couldn’t ask for a better bunch of suckers for his grift.
@WaterGirl: I’m not and have never been a progressive, I’m a liberal and proud to own the demonized term.
Miss Bianca
@hitchhiker: I came of age then and I loathed Ronald Reagan. Viscerally loathed him from the very beginning. Maybe because I was already a Drama Kid, I always had trouble believing that grown-ass people could fall for his shit. “He’s an ACTOR! He’s just reciting his lines!”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I always thought progressive was more liberal than liberal.
Oh well. I am apparently back to being a liberal-liberal.
Uncle Cosmo
@mrmoshpotato: Should’ve kicked the fucker. Accidentally, of course…
Um I believe the orange moron just said he’s taking hydroxywhatever on live TV…for REALZ!
Please proceed
governorMr. president.Hope he quadruples the dose.
We’re going to need to redefine “intelligence.” Turtle is plopping little Marco into Burr’s seat on the Intelligence Committee.
@trollhattan: The House already had them beat on that with Devin Nunes at chair of Intelligence before Schiff.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: I find this entirely plausible, too
I can’t quite make up my mind whether it’s more likely that he would be more afraid of the side-effects, or whether he’s more scared, personally and politically, of getting the bug
@trollhattan: Doctor gave him a placebo?
mad citizen
@tokyokie: Great idea for a commercial. I’d love it if Larry David took it on as a personal project to make some anti-Trump commercials–just going on and on about what a moron trump is. He could certainly afford to play it in DC on Fox just to get under trump’s skin.
mad citizen
@Miss Bianca: Gosh yes, all of this! I’m 59 and never got what people saw in Reagan at all. Of course Republicans will take anyone to lead them.
Biden being our guy is so genius. I was thinking about bad it would be if the nomination was still in doubt–what if Bloomberg, say, had gained enough traction? Got to thank Warren for that takedown.
Probably. But it doesn’t matter. Between this and the promise of a vaccine, Trump is doing everything he can to undermine health authorities, bring everything back to normal, and try to nail re-election. The blatant duplicity is breathtaking, but Trump clearly believes his supporters will eat his bullshit. And he may well be right.
Another Scott
@Montanareddog: I was referring to Jethro’s pointer to the Heath Mayo tweet about some “new” coalition of conservatives, etc. Is Mayo a “never Trumper”? It looks like he isn’t.
Yeah, it’s the No True Irishman defense.
Is he going to vote for Democrats? Sure doesn’t sound like it. It sounds like he’s going to vote for every Republican not named “Trump”. It’s all about minimizing the obvious damage that Donnie is doing to the brand, not the damage he’s doing to the country and to real people.
No thanks. YMMV.
Another Scott
@Ruckus: He’s the Make Your Bed guy? Yeah, he’s very good. :-)
Just Chuck
@trnc: I think the joke needs to be revised.
“The Trumps!”
That has a nice ring to it.
Mai naem mobile
@RedDirtGirl: Doctors Without Borders did send a group a couple of weeks ago to the Navajo Reservation because we’ve become a failed state like the DRC or something and can’t take care of our own.
@hitchhiker: I dealt with an older guy at work who was a small time homebuilder who was a straight line Republican until Reagan. There was some legislation passed under Reagan that hurt small builders and benefitted big builders. He said it took him till Reagan to figure out that the GOP was only out there for the very wealthy.
J R in WV
@Roger Moore:
I think I fixed this for you. The media was vulnerable with regard to Secretary Clinton, because they were joyfully attacking her right along with Republican lies about her.
I think she and her campaign were not prepared to believe most Americans would actually believe the bull shit shoveled out by Trump and his minions and the Republican establishment.
Thus they had a really hard time defending her as they couldn’t believe she needed to be defended. After all, Secretary Clinton was the most popular woman in the nation just weeks before she started her presidential campaign!
@Ruckus: My husband kind of feels that way, but he is certainly not willing to risk his grand-daughters life or health to see her. She is only six and autistic, but she can work a smart phone and her mother sends videos. His staying at home so visibly is meant to be an example to them to be serious about this.
I still go to the grocery, and the bank drive thru, with gloves and mask. Husband used to send daughter to the store for him until we found out she would go to six different stores to get everything on his list.
@WaterGirl: My grandmother was born in Wisconsin in 1895. Her father and paternal uncles were sons of an Irish immigrant laborer and his Irish wife. The boys all went to land grant college. Three went on to medical careers, and one to law . Her uncle ( dad’s youngest brother, the lawyer) became a progressive Republican governor of Wisconsin, and signed a Workers’ compenation law and child labor law.
It has been a long, long time, but Republicans weren’t always monsters. In his day, there were Progressive Republicans and then the Taft type Republicans.