You gotta watch 98 (!!) year old Carl Reiner and friends call Congress to ensure older Americans can vote by mail this Fall. "Although we're dying to vote, we'd much rather just vote and not die.??" @robreiner
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) May 15, 2020
People should live in the present and not be obsessing about when the next president will be sworn in.
Which is 35 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes, and 27 seconds from now.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 17, 2020
High quality state polling (15k interviews & 20+ polls) since April 1 suggests Biden leads by 7-8 pts nationally, is ahead in states totaling a majority of electoral votes, & said lead is wide enough to withstand a 2016 like error were election held today.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) May 17, 2020
Biden White House would yank Keystone XL permit
…would effectively kill the controversial project via @politico
— Ariana Pekary (@arianapekary) May 18, 2020
Ducklo is Biden’s National Press Secretary, so…
"Twitter has only two gears: cynicism and outrage…The media spaces occupied by journalists and pundits often feel immune to what Bengtson called Biden’s 'superpower'—relating to people, being warm, and caring about people."
Must read from @PeterHamby
— TJ Ducklo (@TDucklo) May 18, 2020
That’s a tactful way to refer to Comey.
I believe we will witness just how much “likability” matters, because we’ve got opposite poles shaping up here.
Controlled for variables, even! Both older white men with long public shadows. Both pushing policies dear to their respective bases. Both with known associates who have their own public imprint.
With help like that . . .
I’m also cautiously optimistic that Jaime Harrison will ride Joe’s coattails into the Senate here in SC, sending Lindsey Graham into what one hopes is an ignominious retirement.
In local news, our board selected a new Superintendent last night. She’s a current administrator in the district and knows our strengths and our weaknesses, and has the energy and will to get things done.
I’d love to hear Trump’s response to the question Hillary got about her likableness.
That article is not kind to the youngs.
The thing about Biden is that everyone basically believes they know him, and, except for Sady Doyle, they mostly like him. Trump is going to have a hard time redefining him. At best Hunter/Burisma will innoculate the Trump kids a little; it isn’t going to change how people view Biden himself. The Reade story has imploded. Biden has the benefit Trump had in 2016. Hillary could say what she liked about him, bu everyone said, yeah, we know, he’s been in our living room once a week for years, so what, he’s a little crude.
First of all, it wasn’t a goddamn error; it was active Republican and Russian fuckery. Second: it isn’t being held today, and there’s still plenty of time for additional Republican/Russian fuckery.
I get REALLY tired of the happy-happy-joy-joy “hot takes” like this. I generally think Enten does a decent job, but he should eschew this type of comment
Good morning everyone! Additional thanks for all the good wishes yesterday. I ended up finding a lost dog and locating her family, though it took a couple of hours, and wasn’t able to thank everyone individually.
Update on the mask vendors for the people who asked me to get them some. The vendor with the more fitted mask will not be at the market today but she will on Thursday. She’s home sewing like a maniac. I gave her the orders though, so I’m picking them up and sending them out Thursday. I’ll follow up with you individually, and anyone still looking can email me at my store in my nym if you want me to get you some too.
@Baud: link, or did I miss it?
@satby: It’s the article linked to in the last tweet.
@Baud: ?
@SFAW: As of now, Biden is ahead. If the election was today, Biden would almost surely win. Why is that a “hot take”? It’s Enten saying what he thinks the available information is telling him. Everybody knows it’s not November and that data can and probably will change.
FTA. An important reminder for Juicers.
She is likeable but also, she’s a policy wonk. I’m a liberal: I don’t hate, loathe, and fear intellect.
But it’s generally admitted she does not possess the retail politics magnetism her husband has in abundance. Charisma matters: and we must admit Trump has it for his Deplorables.
In this instance, Joe Biden has it for Democrats. That’s why this element really is an equal matchup.
I admit I was skeptical about Joe when Obama first announced it, but I’m a radical. It’s so hard not to like Joe he did perform the important “coattails” to reassure the less-rad.
I started something yesterday and then didn’t get back to it until late, so to repeat the cleanup, the original quote heard at a recent tech conference was,
The colloquy to which I returned hours later:
Thanks for your patience.
Joe doesn’t have more charisma among Democrats than Hillary did. Joe has a penis, and that unfortunately still matters with some elements of the party.
Hillary does not have Obama or Bill level of charisma.
If the election had been held in May, 2016, Hillary would have almost surely won.
I expect more from Enten than a “if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride” regurgitation of six-months-out polling numbers. Who gives a rat’s ass about them? And why is Enten wasting his/our time on them? There are only about 500 “pundits” who are already doing the “lemme quote today’s 10 AM polls” thing. [And his “2016 like error” comment makes me wonder if I’ve been giving him more credit than he deserves.]
‘Yeah, I’m in trouble’: man who rescued whale calf caught in Queensland nets faces $27,000 fine
Something tells me a GoFundMe page will take care of the fine.
coin operated
This. They weren’t called Berniebros by accident. If we still had a woman candidate in the lead, Sanders would still be front-n-center in the news (and grift) cycle.
Image of the FNYT editorial spaces and ongoing drill:
Altogether now! With feeling this time!
Dems In Disarray!
Thank you.
@coin operated:
To be fair, the Bros were sexist but they weren’t the only sexist faction within the party.
Why does that orange shit not rub off on his collar. Quality makeup. Had to say it
eta trump obvs not Biden. But it was an open thread.
Gin & Tonic
“If you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made.”
@Phylllis: I accidentally donated to Jaime Harrison monthly. My one time donation is now a monthly contribution and I can’t figure out how to cancel it. Financial stretch for me, but otherwise I am not that upset. Really like the guy
But it makes me EXTREMELY wary of ActBlue. Will never donate thru them again.
@Baud: Isn’t that called “Act Blue?”
I recently saw a TV ad for some product — from Crayola, I think, but … — where the kids were using colored markers, but those markers only work on a whiteboard-like thingy, not on fabrics, walls, etc.
Maybe the Toddler-in-Chief was/is a beta site for that product?
@Gin & Tonic: One of my three favorite fortune cookie fortunes
The article explains the difference. It’s basically an attempt to be more targeted than ActBlue has been. I believe ActBlue is just a platform.
@Gin & Tonic:
I vaguely recall someone using “Oozing sincerity” as his byline/motto. [This is in the pre-blog Before Time, when DECcies used VAXNotes, so it was not a nom/nym.]
Some good news.
@Baud: As a female who worked in male dominated jobs most of my life, I have a sharp instinct for sexism, and that played a part in the primaries. But I disagree that it was the main part, and as a Harris or Warren fan it sort of pains me to say so, because it’s an easy answer. I think the endless chaos and meanness of the Trump years just made the majority of Democratic primary voters want a known quantity, legendarily nice guy as a antidote to the endless hell we’ve been put through. Especially for minority voters, this wasn’t the year to try an unknown, they crave stability and a return to the Obama years and Joe brings that.
edited to add: but for a lot of the Sanders fans, yes sexism was the main driver IMO.
And the other two?
My favorite was something akin to “It’s 5 o’clock, and I’m done writing pithy sayings for today”
New pandemic project for everyone. Write your own fortune cookie aphorisms.
Call the bank/creditcard company and cancel it on your end.
@satby: I totally agree.
I visited my local supermarket early this morning. Sign on the door says Masks Required. Went inside and saw a maskless customer – old white guy pushing his cart down the aisle. Of course, I encountered two shoppers ignoring the “one way” signs in the aisles, coming towards me as I obeyed the rules. Saw one grocery stocker maskless. And at checkout, one of the cashiers had his mask down over his mouth with his nose uncovered.
I wanted to use self checkout, but it wasn’t open yet. So I picked a cashier with a mask, and at the end of the transaction he said “Stay safe!”
“Thank you, you too!” I replied.
Part of me wanted to complain about what I saw, but I didn’t want to hassle this employee who was following the rules, and there were no managers visible.
I’m at a point now where I’ve given up speaking up for myself. I’m just tired of the bullshit.
I mean, I almost forgot my mask this morning. And if I’d driven all the way to the store and then realized I’d left it home, I would have turned around and driven back home to get it. The people who ignore rules, I just find them enervating.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Trump’s “stewardship”? What might that be?
Frankly, I don’t believe that’s the reason they stick with him. It’s the partisanship of their voters. There is no reason.
@OzarkHillbilly: Tried that. It don’t work. They work for them not me.
@SFAW: That was number two. Number three was:
Tru dat!
And by far the all time best was:
@Sab: Then cancel the card or change banks and let them know “FUCK YOU!”
@Baud: That is interesting that you see this article as not kind to the youngs. I saw it as pretty good overall, but when I got to this phrase “Before memes were a thing,” I wanted to throw it across the room.
Memes have always been a thing on the internet, and this person needs to get off my lawn.
I wonder how old the author is. I just looked it up out of curiosity, and he is a couple of years younger than me, clearly not aware of all internet traditions. ??
This is behind the paywall at Daily Beast:
Those were of course our tax dollars at work on the purchase side. Hoped it gets picked up elsewhere in a day or two.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@SFAW: You do know writing about the polls and analyzing them is Enten’s JOB, right? It’s how he earns a living. He can’t make the calendar go any faster, which seems to be your wish here, any more than you or I can.
Ten Bears
I warned y’awl last go-’round, don’t count chickens before they’re hatched. Or lain.
Cassandra’s Grandson. Not only does no one listen, they’re arrogant assholes about it.
Which makes it – regardless how distasteful – that much sweeter when I’m right.
Don’t count chickens before they hatch.
I’m still not a fan of Twitter. It can be cute but more often it’s a mouthpiece reinforcing crap.
Mild weather. Windows open. My cats are so fucking happy. I never realized cats had issues with their lives.
“You know, it’s funny how Obama hides his insults, almost like he doesn’t want to get in trouble with Michelle for going low.”
-Trevor Noah
@Ten Bears: Heard you.
@Ten Bears: There is so much wrong in your comment.
First — and most importantly, no one writes “y’awl.” Fake southern fakity crap. As one who thinks “y’all” is one of the most useful contractions available,* I hate it when idgits try to pretend-southern by acting even dumber than they actually might be. Y’all.
* I should add that I am no fan of “all y’all” although I understand opinions vary.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I swore to stop reading the fool’s tweets, and it’s been weeks since I did. But today I looked. He’s very upset at Neil Cavuto for saying don’t take that drug! It will kill you!
@Immanentize: Good point. True Southerners will fight over y’all, ya’ll all day long, but no one will ever use y’awl.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Good, hope he takes more of it then.
@rikyrah: Good morning rikyrah ?
Sunny thoughts, though of course it’s ☔ here. SICK of rain.
@Sab: Send ham. -SUETheTRex
@Sab: This happened to me, I meant to make a one-time donation and did a monthly by mistake. I emailed Act Blue somehow and they stopped it immediately. See if you can find contact information on the website.
Cheryl from Maryland
@SFAW: My favorite: There is shoe shopping in your near future.” I still have that one.
It’s only part of Enten’s job. And: any moron can write “if the election were held today” stupidity; I expect that level of “analysis” from Brooks or similar. And: not every comment or “hot take” that a pundit comes up with needs to be published.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@Sab: Obviously you’re not a golfer.
@Starfish: “Heeeey you guuuuuuuys?” for the win.
I didn’t say sexism was the main driver in the outcome of the 2020 primary. I’m saying that sexism is the primary driver in how Hillary was treated compared to Joe.
Excellent fortunes, thanks for that!
The writing style is vaguely reminiscent of poleaxed (I think it was).
@Immanentize: @Starfish:
Bless all y’all’s hearts.
@SFAW: not the same guy.
@Baud: ok, I didn’t get the specifically Hillary connotation. I thought it was about this year’s primary.
@OzarkHillbilly: It is too early to be so rude. ?
@Sab: It is an extreme measure, but close account, or report card as stolen and a new one with different numbers will be issued. However, screws up all auto pay on that account.
@satby: Understood. The meaning wasn’t discernible without following the train of comments.
Act Blue contact information page is below. Stopping a recurring payment is one of the options on the drop down menu for sending them an e-mail.
Betty Cracker
Pelosi called Trump “morbidly obese” on CNN last night when Anderson Cooper asked her if she thought it was a good idea for Trump to take hydroxychloroquine. I guess he doesn’t know about it yet because there’s no tweet. He spent the evening trying to get Neil Cavuto fired from his Fox News gig for saying it’s dangerous for Trump to be taking the drug, even retweeting The Hoarse Whisperer because he (Trump) doesn’t understand irony.
And just got the flash notice that the river overtopped the bank on the low side and the parks and roads north of me are flooded. One of them is the road on one side of the market, though that’s a couple of feet higher.
@satby: I agree, definitely not the same guy. This person is by his/her own admission just out to pwn the libs. Given the very fake southern crap, I suspect his implied native credentials.
I went to the office yesterday to pick up some items. I have to teach a new class this evening so I need to change out my camera and keyboard, make some new slides, and practice my Zoom whiteboard drawing skills. The latter skills are poor.
But so, generally, are muy drawing skills.
So I bes jes mosey on don that-ther fakey ol’ trail….
Catch y’all later!
Patricia Kayden
Uncle Cosmo
@Immanentize: My favorite fortune cookie message:
@Starfish: But I only have 2 settings: Rude and sarcastic. Wait a minute, that’s the same setting. My bad.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@prostratedragon: Maybe somebody brought this up in the previous discussion, but slang is a thing that gets even native Spanish speakers in trouble. There are many Spanish-speaking countries and slang varies widely among them. A perfectly innocent word in one country can be very dirty in another.
@Betty Cracker: I’m really surprised at people trying to tell us the phrase “morbidly obese” is fat-shaming. It’s what every BMI calculator tells you you are if your BMI is at a certain level (I think 30). And I’m sure plenty of pundits have experience with reading that phrase on the BMI calculator.
Memes have always been a thing. Where’s the beef? Knights fighting snails.
Southerner here, from the lands of Lordy and Warsh and Spec. I’ve never seen or heard Y’awl. I agree, highly suspicious.
at the very least, force the GOP to spend money in places they are not used to.
@Baud: What is FTA? Even google wouldn’t tell me.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I always blinked when a visiting prof from England offered to knock me up.
I thought you lived north of the Pike? So the south-of-the-Pike schtick … well, I don’ know.
A quick question from the hopelessly naive. I’m not in the inner circle and when someone says, contact me by nym, how to do that? I suspect many of you are connected otherwise (Facebook?) but I truly only know you here by your nyms.
Exclusive: Police tried to tase Ahmaud Arbery in 2017 incident, video shows
@WaterGirl: From the article.
he hasn’t had a 30 year NEGATIVE campaign against him.
That, and being a White man, are the two big differences from 2016.
@Betty Cracker: I like to think Trump saw the comment, but, as his weight is quite possibly the only thing he is actually ashamed of, he’s not saying anything. There’s no good reaction for him- he IS morbidly obese. If he attacks her for fat shaming him, he’s acknowledging that he’s fat, which he doesn’t want to do. If he denies that he’s fat, he looks foolish. He may eventually come up with something, but it’ll be weak sauce, whatever it is.
I do NOT support fat shaming- or, in fact, any comment whatsoever on someone’s body; people are individuals and the size they are and the only person’s body weight I have any business having an opinion about is my own- but in Pelosi’s case it was brilliant. She didn’t express a moral judgment; she used a clinical term in connection with why something unrelated to weight he claims to be doing (taking a medication) is a poor idea. She just happened to call him out for being something he has insulted other people (particularly women) for being. It’s his prejudice she used against him, not hers.
@Nelle: Some folks have contact info at their nyms. Those who do, have their names highlighted in blue. Click on it and the info will come up.
ETA to clarify, they have websites/blogs with contact info
@Ten Bears: You still think early 20 c. Jewish Zionists combined forces with Christian Zionists to write “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”?
Uncle Cosmo
I became a fan of Howard the Duck (in the comics, not the atrociously awful flick) 30-odd years ago at a SF convention, when I saw a stack of HtD comix on a dealer’s table & flipped the top one open: In the opening panel Howard, in jacket, tie & hat (bowler?) with a cigar in his handsyfeathers, walking down a city sidewalk with a disgusted look on his face. In his speech balloon:
(Paraphrased from memory, of course. :^D)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I believe truly that the News Corp lawyers must have had a little sitdown with the on-air talent ??
@Immanentize: Check out the movie Slay the Dragon – it’s about gerrymandering and it lays out EXACTLY how the Republicans took the house in 2010. It wasn’t an accident, or good luck, it was targeting – and it cost them relatively little money because of that.
Something like 30 million dollars to pretty much guarantee Republican wins for a decade, and beyond.
Watch it. It will get you pissed off, and fired up: Slay the Dragon
Once you watch that, you will see the difference between what Act Blue does and a much more targeted approach.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Nelle: I don’t think we peons can do that. You can contact the front-pagers via the “Contact Us” link on the top banner.
If anybody’s nym is a hyperlink, that means they have provided a web page to link to, and there might be contact info there.
But for most people, myself included, there’s no way to reach them through their comments.
@germy: The video I have linked to is a police cam video.
Dorothy A. Winsor
That occurred to me too. Maybe Mitch McConnell can give them immunity from liability while he’s handing it out to meat plants.
TS (the original)
Not so many GoFundMes in this part of the world but there will be a massive outcry if he gets fined – so the more likely outcome will be no fine.
Uncle Cosmo
@Immanentize: @Starfish: Given that this blog hails from within Steeler-lovin’ range of Ketchup Field and the Three Sewers, I would think the appropriate collective form of the second person here would be “yinz.” (And ain’t nuffin’ wrong with that – brings back good childhood memories of my godmother & favorite aunt in Fairmont WV, who used it continually as a contraction of “you’uns.” She was also partial to the term “shit-ass,” which I do believe has a brilliant new career awaiting it as a descriptor of the God-Emperor Tang®.)
O. Felix Culpa
@Sab: I’ve cancelled monthly charges on ActBlue. Takes a little work but it’s doable:
ActBlue is a useful platform for local party and candidate fundraising, by the way, and charges less than the credit card companies do, which means more of your support actually goes to its intended purpose.
@Nelle: if the nym is blue like mine, it’s a link to a blog or in my case my Etsy storefront.
@Sab: @OzarkHillbilly:
I did some googling, and it appears that it’s more likely that the campaign itself, rather than ActBlue, set the default to be recurring. Either that, or you accidentally clicked a wrong button.
How do I change or cancel my recurring contribution?
In this article:
1. Using your receipt to change or cancel a contribution
2. If you can’t find your monthly receipt in your email
3. If you made a recurring contribution using your ActBlue Express account
Every month we send a receipt for your recurring contribution via email. The easiest way to change or cancel your recurring contribution is by clicking the “Edit payment details” link we include in that receipt. Here’s what the email receipt for your recurring contribution might look like (this receipt is for a donation made on the 7th day of a month):
Helpful link:
Yawl is a two masted ship (the way to remember is the second mast is yawl the way back behind the rudder post). I am leaving before someone starts the ship versus boat argument.
Stanley Tucci, Atlantic: Cooking Your Way Through the Pandemic
An hour-by-hour account—with recipes
@OzarkHillbilly: Yes, I saw it on CBS this morning.
They use The War On Drugs™ to hassle minorities. “There’s been drug activity in this neighborhood, which is why we’re stopping and searching you. Also we’d like to search your car.”
Nixon admitted it privately when he began The War On Drugs™ – “We need something to target teh blacks without actually seeming to target teh blacks.” etc.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Rusty: I used to work for a Navy contractor. They straightened us out on that terminology pretty quickly.
The submariners use a different terminology. Vessels at sea are classified as either “submarines” or “targets”.
@Baud: So now I have to read the article in order to understand three comments? Sir, I must protest! :-)
Uncle Cosmo
@Dorothy A. Winsor: There’s a charming brief passage in RIck Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door** wherein he describes his unsettling conversation, as a neophyte Yank traveler innocent of British English, with the owners of the British B&B where he had just engaged a room. “What time shall we knock you up?” etc.
** At least in the older editions that I keep on the rack.
Emma from FL
@Immanentize: My very first Southern friend explained the rules: y’all is useful; all y’all is not grammatically correct and is not used; and drawling y’all is a vulgar insult.
@WaterGirl: Twitter attention-span has ruined us all.
@Baud: what did you say?
Uncle Cosmo
@Dorothy A. Winsor: For a reverse take on that, are you aware that our innocent F-word for human hindquarters is quite rude in the Aisles, as it refers to the female genitalia?
@OzarkHillbilly: My son keeps trying to charge us money for delivering sarcast-o-grams. We ask him why we would pay for a service that he is already providing for free.
@Baud: I even tried to find the link after your not very illuminating response to my query, opening 2 links and searching for FTA. No luck. I shouldn’t have to work that hard!
See, they have their terminology wrong. “Bedwetting” assumes they’re in bed with the Democrats. Since they aren’t, the correct term would be “pissing on”.
Betty Cracker
@Nicole: Agreed. Pelosi knows exactly who she’s dealing with . Trump will probably say something creepy/awful about her age or reference cosmetic surgery because that’s how he rolls. It would surprise me if he’s capable of ignoring an insult from a high-profile opponent, especially a woman.
@Emma from FL: Well, to really southern things up, I just finished the last of my sausage gravy with a nice biscuit I mAde Sunday.
Full disclosure — the biscuits I make are part whole wheat, so not strictly authentic. But the sausage gravy is as heart-stoppingly as original and wonderful as it sounds.
@Immanentize: I don’t remember.
Dorothy A. Winsor
From The Article maybe? There are a lot of choices, even Free Trade Agreement but that seems unlikely.
Being a Policeman While Black ???
He had on his muthaphuckin’ uniform!!?
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: I have never understood the appeal of biscuits and gravy. Nor grits.
I think the “error” he’s referring to is the polling error. They oversampled college grads in state polls which exaggerated Clinton’s strength, especially in Great Lakes states. They have corrected for that, mostly, but he is allowing for the possibility that they will make another, different error. The risk is small but obviously it’s one of those risks that if it DOES happen it doesn’t matter if it’s small.
Often the method is to use a front-page writer as safe intermediary. The nym gives permission to the FP to send the nym’s contact email to another commenter. (Usually it’s not general permission to send their email to any commenter who asks.) The nym might say it’s OK to send the nym’s contact to a specific commenter, or to a few who write the FPer for certain information like a cat adoption. It’s a very generous act on the part of the FP person who takes time to help.
@Immanentize: My personal all-time favorite fortune cookie fortune is, “42.7 percent of statistics are made up on the spot.”
Emma from FL
@Immanentize: I miss biscuits and gravy. My doctor would surely have a conniption if I ate it, but I miss it. As I do sun-brewed sweetened tea.
Damn. I think my first trip after travel is majorly safe will have to be to Kentucky.
Still haven’t gotten your stimulus money? IRS is now sending prepaid debit cards
MAY 19, 2020 09:34 AM
The Internal Revenue Department is sending out 4 million prepaid debit cards loaded with coronavirus relief funds, the Treasury Department said.
The debit cards will go to people who do not have bank account information listed with the IRS, the department said. The Economic Impact Payment cards will start going out this week.
Returning student registration! Our school district is operating on most likely opening, staying closed a remote possibility. I think that makes the most sense, and yes, I saw the opening/partial close in France but opening w/out planning is worse. They have to go back to school. They’ll be permanently set back unless we figure this out and there’s no leadership. You’re on your own. Good luck! :)
I was trying to figure that out myself! Probably implies more than one ‘error’ though!
I’ll take my chances on the dark web.
@germy: I just wasn’t sure what you were trying to say by linking to those 2 stories in reply. As for the guy who taped the Arbery chase/kill, my money is he was roped into it by the McMicheals and was a willing participant. If true I would consider him to be an accessory to murder. I don’t know if that is legally true or not, and I doubt very much it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt tho the subject will most definitely come up in the McMs trials (assuming there are trials).
Robert Sneddon
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: The fights in Portsmouth pubs usually break out when a submariner says “Glug glug glug”.
IIRC US subs were built in the aptly-named Electric Boat Yards at Google Google… Groton so boats they are.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
As we’ve all noticed, Trump’s favourite of his limited repertoire of moves is projection. Thus, he calls Obama incompetent. But he can’t call Nancy Pelosi morbidly obese, now can he?
@Starfish: Heh.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: From the article! Of course!
When Baud answered “From the article” I thought he was saying he got the acronym from the article and I should look for it myself. Seemed like an out of character response from Baud, but okay. :: sniff sniff ::
Now I see that I had it completely wrong! thank you
@Betty Cracker:
And she will not give a flying fuck, because she doesn’t care what he thinks about her.
As incredibly sad as I am about misogyny stopping us from having had someone who would have been an excellent President, I am comforted sometimes thinking that I’m getting to see one of history’s great Speakers of the House in real time. Pelosi will be remembered as a giant in American politics and any time a woman politician shows a thimbleful of her talent, the media will be comparing her to Nancy Pelosi.
I agree. He didn’t randomly catch it on his phone. He was with them.
I think the reason he’s terrified is because if he testifies against his buddies, he’ll be a marked man.
@rikyrah: Un-fucking-believable! What is wrong with these women???
Gin & Tonic
@Robert Sneddon: Electric Boat has several facilities in this area and is a major employer; I always liked the New England understatedness of the name.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: No, he can’t. Maybe he’ll call her “nervous and skinny,” which was something he said about Warren a time or two. I’m looking forward to having a president someday who doesn’t reflexively objectify women.
@Omnes Omnibus: Say WHAT???? That is sacrilege! Kill the heathen!! ;-)
That would make a fine Abbott & Costello routine.
“FTA. Here’s the link.”
“I checked the link. What is FTA?”
“From the article”
“I checked the article!! What does it mean?”
“Who’s on first?”
Dorothy A. Winsor
One of Pelosi’s strengths against Trump is how little she cares about what he says about her. Most politicians jump, at least a little. She’s genuinely indifferent. She always has her eyes on a goal.
Gin & Tonic
@Taken4Granite: That number is way too low. In actuality, it is 83%.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker:
Omnes Omnibus
@OzarkHillbilly: Do you want me to start in on my opinion of sweet tea?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I assume that question was rhetorical.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Thank you!
@Baud: I’m an idiot. When I asked what FTA meant, and you replied “From the article” I thought you were blowing me off and telling me to go read the article to find out! Seemed off-brand for you, but hey, everyone has a bad day now and again.
Turns out that Baud today is still regular Baud, and I was missing the point. In a very public way. Go me!?
Amir Khalid
Trump’s threatening letter to WHO cites a nonexistent Lancet article. So The Lancet called him a liar. From CNN’s liveblog:
@germy: Exactly!
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, and I truly am off my game this morning because I didn’t say “What THE FUCK is wrong with these women?”
If I weren’t enlightened enough to know that using the word ‘bitch’ in the pejorative sense is considered politically incorrect, I might have been tempted to describe them as entitled bitches.
@Nelle: If someone’s BJ nym is in blue, that’s a link to a web page. If someone with a nym in blue says “contact me at my nym”, they mean that if you click their nym you will either find an email address or some sort of “contact me” form.
Otherwise, you can ask a front pager to send your email address to another commenter. That works, as long as the other commenter has entered a real email address, not a fake one.
@Robert Sneddon:
The folklore I heard was that submarines were originally carried by or launched from ships, and were therefore considered “boats.” Whatever the reason, the nomenclature seems to have stuck, I guess.
I don’t know?
The internets does not recognize these as legitimate people.
I am eternal and unchanging.
The internets does not like corporate Democrats.
I wouldn’t have thought so, but I know better than to argue with you. [I mean that as a compliment, not snark.]
It’s also not clear to me that there was polling error, except as regards the Rethug-induced-error from disenfranchising minorities and students, and the amount of disenfranchisement was incorrectly calculated. Although, frankly, I’m not sure how one could (reasonably) calculate it. But voter suppression was a clear factor — probably the main factor — in WI, and probably in MI and PA as well.
@Omnes Omnibus: No, I prefer to not have my ass handed to me before noon. :-)
(oh sorry, early Catholic upbringing kicked in on autopilot, even after all these years.)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Things are about to get much more interesting around the Whisperer household.
Just sent you a message on Etsy.
@gene108: I did try that already. Doesn’t work, because I don’t have “the date”, because it is recurring so there are many dates most of which I don’t know.
Doc Sardonic
@Emma from FL: You understand of course that the Commonwealth of Kentucky is NOT a Southern state. While they allowed slavery they did not secede and tried to remain neutral, but leaned decidedly unionist.
James E Powell
Neither does anyone in the American press/media.
James E Powell
@Doc Sardonic:
I understand that history, but the confederate flags all over the state tell a different story.
J R in WV
I have used ActBlue to contribute to liberal candidates for many years. They have and email [ [email protected] ] where you can contact them if you make a mistake. I think they are completely trustworthy.
Many times when you do a one-time contribution there is an opportunity to make it monthly, and you need to not click on the monthly option before finalizing your contribution. It has never in my experience been pre-selected, but it may have been in your case.
I always receive an email receipt for every contribution, including regular monthly donations, and on that receipt there are options to click to change or end a monthly contribution. There are links to :
1) cancel future payments
2) unsure about this charge
3) edit payment details
4) view you contribution history
You should have all these options on every receipt for every charge they make. Did you read the receipt or just go off angry instantly?
I can’t see how this isn’t easily repairable for you, and I kind of resent your accusation of this valuable fund-raising organization of dishonesty. You need to find your ActBlue receipt emails and take care of this.
I imagine they will be happy to refund any contributions you did not intend to make immediately if you email them with enough detail for them to ID the contributions you are concerned about. They seem totally honest to me!
Mary Ellen Sandahl
That’s just silly. Without entering into any boomer-vs-yute stuff or getting in any way scholarly or obscure, all one needs is a cursory glance at the Beatles’ catalog to see how silly it is..
@OzarkHillbilly: Late to this party, but from what I understand from canceling network security credit renewals, you can get great effect without going through retention by looking for the contact telephone number listed on you credit card statement for the company that is billing you. They really don’t want to be hit with the disputed billing fallout.