If the coronavirus had had its epicenter in Dallas instead of NYC and Trump had worn a mask and said people should, Republicans would be shooting people for not wearing a mask and citing stand your ground laws.
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glory b
Down that hypothetical road lies madness
Wait until there aren’t enough vaccines to go around on day one
You’re not wrong.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Brit Hume tried to mock Joe Biden for wearing a mask
Brian Schatz told the bitter old man from Fox to the shut the fuck up
That I truly believe.
If Trump had come from outer space and landed on the WH lawn and said “Take me I’m your leader,” he’d already be locked up.
Well, sure, assume the impossible (Trump’s vanity seems to be the immovable obstacle in this case) and you can prove anything.
Joe Falco
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hume and the others will try to make Biden wearing a mask into Dukakis wearing a helmet. It’s not going to stick.
@Joe Falco:
Pretty much this. It’s their attempt at creating a meme.
Trump is too self-obsessed to be able to see what even my dog A/C knew:
The man disgusts me.
Monsters. Ghouls. Traitors.
Going to fire up the grill, drink a beer, throw some darts on the back porch.
Poe Larity
Objectively, a Full Monty RNC Convention might be the best thing for world civilzation.
And…..if pigs had wings, they’d be airplanes!
Brit Hume is a dumb piece of crap and I hope, as I have for a long time, that Brian Schatz runs for something National, so I can vote for him. Same with Gretchen Whitmer. I love remembering Barack at the 2004 Convention. Luv at first sight…..Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. Was, and still is, true! And sad….
@Poe Larity: I keep telling the Lord he can get me back to Church real easy…..
Yes, well, Republican hypocrisy, which when challenged is followed by anger. Also sun rises in east, water still wet, etc.
Emotion and tribal loyalty. Facts and logic, by contrast, just ain’t their strong suits.
They’ll probably do it anyway.
Joe Biden looks cooler, and more Presidential, in a mask than tRump would look under any circumstances. Class elevates the measure of the man
@Joe Falco: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’ll stick with the scared-little-boys-in-tree-forts voters. After all, Trump himself is a scared little boy in a tree fort.
Mike in NC
Jared is going to work with Martin Shkreli (good buddy, maybe even a former classmate?) to set the pricing for the coronavirus vaccine. It’ll be available to all members of the Trump crime family and to any Republican politicians willing to outbid one another for it.
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Lurch Hume is a humorless hobgoblin.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There are a lot of good replies to that tweet!
@West of the Rockies: That is insulting to Lurch, who was cool AF.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
If we’re going into hypotheticals, I wonder what would’ve happened if COVID-19 had appeared in say, the 1980s, 70s, 60s, 50s, or the 40s?
It’s been commented that modern medicine has what has saved so many people who have gotten seriously ill. During the 1918 flu pandemic, many people died from secondary bacteria infections. With the development of antibiotics, deaths from secondary infections have largely subsided, at least in the developed world
Ah, the vision of all the big burly muscled men, the strong silent types, the Leaders! the Brave! the Heroic! all running together to the mens room before striding out in public and whispering to each other anxiously “Does this item of face-ware make me look whimpy?”
I keep wanting to tell them that REAL men don’t wear steel toed boots: it makes them look frightened of widdle stubbed toes. REAL men on construction sites wear sandals.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Today was a good day. I was running our daughter around town and while going through the downtown (such as it is) part of our town we passed by about twenty dumb fuckers yelling and waving flags and signs saying OPEN UP! and rooting for the Orange Plague in 2020. I started laughing out loud as I passed by, shaking my head NO and loudly saying “FUCK NO!” over and over again, looking the last moron in line in the eye and emphatically saying it as I passed by.
I would have flipped them off but not on Memorial Day. I got my message across without it. :)
@scav: Yeah! And what’s with those pu&&y hard-hats? Are they wearing’ em just cuz some gummint guy tells them to? And the widdle glovie-wuvvies, for their delicate little pinkies? Hell, REAL men don’t even bother with TOOLS! They use their bare fists and their TEETH!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Never ceases to amaze me how grown “men” confuse machismo with actual strength, which means being secure enough in yourself to not let the perceptions of others control you
@Mike in NC: And while they’re squabbling about pricing, China will donate five billion doses to every country on Earth.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I remember in 2008 when I was flipping through the radio dial and caught some right wing radio show trying to portray Obama as effeminate.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
There was a serious flu outbreak in 1957. Cannot easily provide a link on the fly, but you can easily search for it.
A fair amount of stupidity, but the world got lucky when a vaccine was developed.
I didn’t know about this either, but ran across a good article about past pandemics.
West of the Rockies
Lurch did have it goin’ on.
I’m just so sick of the stupid.
I’m doing the best I can.
Except Dallas is a liberal city full of minorities.
But we won’t have to wait very long. As in other states, it spreading out from Dallas, through the suburbs like mine, and into the countryside.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I used email Maureen Dowd when she would write about “Obambi” and “Hillary the Dominatrix”, that I was sorry no one loved her enough to tell her to stop, but she really needed to take a sabbatical. She never responded to my well-intentioned, caring advice. She finally wore me down to the point that I quit reading her stuff.
I think she called him “Barry” for most of his presidency. Charlie Pierce used to call her out for the “pink-washing”. She apparently didn’t care about his opinion either.
You could never be stupid.
West of the Rockies
Damn straight! And they open their beer bottles with a spare eye socket or their teeth, then eat the bottles for roughage!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She knows what she gets paid for.
@MomSense: Sounds like a dare.
Mary G
I also like the comparison between wreath sizes. Joe’s is small and classy and Twitler’s is gigantic. Like trucks with giant wheels, we know when something is being compensated for.
Maureen Dowd has been terrible, and to any close reader a person in serious need of psychological help, for 30 years. That’s what the Times, and by the paper I mean the Sulzberger family, wants from her and always has wanted from her. Hating the Clintons got her a life sinecure.
FYI, a historical snippet.
105 years.
@zhena gogolia:
People are dunking all over Brit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
White & Gold Purgatorian
This, exactly. Hell, I’ve seriously thought of shooting people for not wearing a mask, citing stand your ground. And I don’t even own a gun. But the no mask, wrong way on a one way supermarket aisle idiots just get all over my last nerve.
@White & Gold Purgatorian
Maybe the aisles are narrower at the markets where you are but I don’t grasp what the purpose behind one way aisles is.
No prob keeping distance in the both direction aisles here. Folks encountered here (can’t enter the market sans mask, and number of shoppers inside at any one time is controlled) are sticklers about that.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
A sociology book I read some years back had a section on whether society was literally enculturating men into an early grave, via cultural norms. The examples they gave were behaviors like aggression, work-obsessiveness, being emotionally closed off (especially re: showing vulnerability), competitiveness- Type A, manly behaviors, which are also coronary-inducing behaviors.
Covid 19 just seems to be doing it faster for some men, who equate wearing a mask with showing vulnerability.
Toxic masculinity! Bad for men, too!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yeah, I’ve heard of the 1957 flu pandemic, called the Asian Flu. Killed 1 million worldwide. From Wiki:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Was a particularly nasty flu season in the later 1960s (forget exactly which year). Wife of my math teacher died of it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
See that’s bizarre because Obama never struck me as “effeminate”, which is a problematic term. He just wasn’t a walking masculinity stereotype
Mary G
@NotMax: I don’t know about Maui, but one of my pet peeves as a disabled person here in California is that the aisles are plenty wide enough for a cart and a wheelchair/scooter to pass, except that there are so many freestanding exhibits that markets get paid big bucks to add that it’s often gridlock many times waiting for some idiot to read every label and price tag or look up from their phone convo to see you can’t get by them. I’ve even backed up and gone up the next aisle to come down.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
If you didn’t find right wing thinking bizarre, you probably wouldn’t be blogging here.
@West of the Rockies: Yes, Mrs. Addams.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
I’m not in a wheelchair, but I know what you mean. Those things were annoying before the pandemic.
The Shiatgibbon could still do a 180, start wearing a mask and telling his followers to copy him, and they would. And yes, they’d be chasing people down in the street and forcibly stapling masks to their face.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Was it 1968-1969? That was the “Hong Kong Flu” pandemic that killed 100,000 Americans, mainly the elderly and immunocompromised. Some people have tried to use the 1968 pandemic and the fact that Woodstock took place in the summer of 1969 as evidence that the lockdowns and current restrictions are unnecessary.
According to the Wiki article:
It doesn’t explain why there were no lockdowns then or social distancing restrictions in 1968-1970 or the 1957-1958 flu pandemics. Why weren’t hospitals overwhelmed then, I wonder? I do realize that COVID-19 and those flu viruses are from different families
Trapped Lurker
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I was 7 yrs old in October of 1957; my 10-year old sister, my mother, and I all were quite sick. I remember my mom hanging onto walls trying to care for us when she could barley stand herself. Dad was an army doctor at Walter Reed and must have been working around the clock. He’s not in the memory at all. After recovering from the flu I developed encephalitis as a “complication “ and nearly died. It was a nasty epidemic.
ETA: I don’t remember if they closed he schools; I don’t think so
White & Gold Purgatorian
@NotMax: The aisles are fairly narrow. Definitely closer than 6 feet to pass someone. Masks are not being required and most of the folks going the wrong way are not wearing masks. I suspect they are making a statement, on both counts.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He was James Bond (photo)
@White & Gold Purgatorian
Still fail to understand what purpose is being served by making them one way. Maybe am dense but seems like security theater to this observer.
@NotMax: You are face-to-face with someone, just inches apart when you are going one way and they are going another.
If you are all going the same way, no one at least is coughing sneezing or talking to you FACE-TO-FACE as they pass.
One-way lanes is not security theater.
White & Gold Purgatorian
Even more importantly, if everyone is traveling east on aisle 5, for example, no one has to pass at all. Those in a hurry may choose to do so, but most people seem to just hang back and follow the shoppers ahead of them. Much better spacing when all are facing the same direction.
You are on point, Cole??
@White & Gold Purgatorian: Good point. Your peeps must be better behaved than the ones here.
We’ll have to agree to disagree. I think it an unnecessary overcorrection on the part of the stores. YMMV.
Bill Arnold
The anti-masking movement (influence operation, really, with multiple players) is basically advocating for the personal right to kill random people, sometimes including oneself.
So, yeah. Spree killers are dealt with harshly in the US gunlands.
Short story, made into a twilight zone episode:
Button, Button, RICHARD MATHESON, 1970
I think we as a civilization are becoming much less violent than in previous centuries. Being big and violent has less evident payoffs.
I am reminded of the guys breeding wild foxes to docility. It takes very few generations (with strong selection). Even weak selection is working on us now.
@Bill Arnold
See also The Third Man.
Bill Arnold
That works too; thanks!
[i’m wrestling with this on another level, when utilitarian calculations are involved on both short and long timescales. Mortality goes down/life expectancy up during economic downturns. Reduced air pollution kills fewer people. Reduced auto traffic kills fewer people. GHG emissions down means 10s of millions fewer deaths. etc.]
James E Powell
So, it’s true! Men are the real victims here. I knew it!
Uncle Cosmo
Security theater, virtue signaling, potayto, potahto. “We’re doing our part!” – yeah, bullshit.
The tell of unseriousness is that the idiotic 1-way signs are plastered to the floor. No one in a supermarket looks at the floor – their eyes are scanning the shelves. If the stores really cared about customers observing the posted direction of traffic, they would attach the directions to the displays as thin banners on either side, hung from above the top shelf & running down maybe 2′ and 5-6″ wide. But they don’t – they want to keep those buying eyes firmly on the merchandise.