On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
I was sure that Albatrossity was treating us to a green-themed On the Road this morning, but then I got to the last two photos, and I decided that Albatrossity was just messing with us, instead. Totally worth it, though, because the last two pictures? Wow! And I kind of have a crush on the Warbling Vireo. I know birds aren’t for snuggling, but I don’t care. For some reason, I just want to give that one a big hug. ~WaterGirl
Spring has been slow to come to much of the country, but surely it is here by now, and summer can’t be far behind. This images were shot during the first week or two of May, and although migration continues, our local birds are settling in to build nests, lay eggs, and raise babies.

The prairies are greening up nicely after the spring burning season. These two images were taken about a month apart; the upper one on April 7 and the lower one on May 6. Yellow flowers of the Plains Wild Indigo can be seen in the lower image, and other wildflowers are making their appearance every week now.

One of the most abundant migrants, and now a rare but regular over-wintering species, is this Orange-crowned Warbler. They are here for a good part of the migration season both spring and fall, and their sweet song is a common accompaniment for any birding activities here right now.

My part of Flyover Country is right on the western edge of the breeding range for this charmer, the Yellow-throated Vireo. They build a cute little cup-shaped nest in the fork of a tree, and sometimes even sing while on the nest, which seems not particularly brilliant…

Another vireo which is abundant here is the Warbling Vireo. This very vocal species is hard to miss auditorially, but hard to find visually. And when you do find it, it’s sorta disappointing since it really is not colorful or strikingly marked at all. The best description I have heard is that this is the only North American bird without any field marks, so it is pretty easy to identify by default. But birders will enjoy this picture, because these birds are usually in the tops of trees, singing incessantly, and are rather difficult to actually see well!

Baltimore Orioles return to this part of the country in mid-late April, and also are easy to find if you know what to listen for. This is a male, hatched last summer, and he is very striking in his orange and black finery.

Female Baltimore Oriole. She is less striking, but on this overcast day the even lighting shows her off very well. She was gathering nesting material in a low shrub, and obligingly paused for this portrait.

One of our summer-resident sparrows also returns to Flyover Country in late April. Lark Sparrows are beautifully decorated, especially for a member of the sparrow clan, and are already nesting in short-grass fields and pastures now.

Summer Tanagers are one of our more gorgeous summer residents, and this male was especially bright. They are often very accommodating for photography, and he was focused on eating lots more crane flies rather than bothering to pay attention to me.
Great shots.
With any luck later this morning I’ll see a Summer Tanager at one of the very few regular locations in my county.
eta sleepily: those are all gorgeous pictures!!
Van Buren
So that one tree had all those different kinds of birds in it?
@Van Buren: It’s a magical tree.
Birds are pretty.
I share Water Girl’s views about the Vireo. What a sweetie bird that is.
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
I love warbling vireos and often hear them singing in the lowlands along riviers in my area. But seeing them takes a lot of patience and some luck. Thanks for all these lovlies Albitrossity.
Oh so beautiful! I love that female oriole.
Thank you for this Memorial Day gift.
I was surprised in April to see some bright red small birds fly under the roof of the patio. I was hoping they were going to nest but they were evidently passing through. They looked like a finch to me with bright red on the breast all the way to the head. I googled and found the red headed finch. I will be watching for them next spring.
Just One More Canuck
Here in suburban Toronto, we back onto green space, and in the time we’ve lived here, the pines and walnuts have grown considerably and we are now getting a different variety of birds. Last week we saw our first Baltimore Oriole as well as a raven (not Raven, though he would be welcome too)
Here in Ca everything is already drying out and turning golden (brown/tan really) unless you head up into the mountains. There you can watch spring still occuring so long as you follow it father and farther up the hill the later you go.
Uh oh, I forgot to ask Albatrossity if he wanted to take the day off for the holiday! It’s a Monday, so I just went ahead and published as usual. :-)
@WaterGirl: Ha!
I’m retired, so every day is a holiday!
Mike in Oly
These are so beautiful! I love the little birds best, and they so rarely are willing to sit for a photo for me.
@Albatrossity: I think I’m going to have to find a place in my house for the Warbling Vireo printed on metal like the others I bought from you.
I have no idea why, but I tear up every time I look at that photo. He just speaks to me.
Incredible photos!
@WaterGirl: Well, we don’t need you to be teary-eyed. But he is a cutie, and as I said, that is actually a hard bird to photograph, so I am proud of that image. Glad you like it too! And if you find a spot to hang a print, let me know!
How do you think that one would look with my Greater Roadrunner? I’m not sure they would coordinate very well.
@WaterGirl: That is probably not a good pairing, I agree. Need more time to ponder. In the meantime, I’m getting a new batch ready that has an adorable Bell’s Vireo included. Hope you all like him too!