There were protests outside the White House last night, and they scared the shit out of Trump, who reports that he was peeping out the window at the action. We got a “sir” story on Twitter a while ago to confirm Trump’s pants-soiling terror, the “sir” thing being an infallible indication of a big fat whopper:
The “most vicious dogs” and the “most ominous weapons,” plus strapping young agents vying for the privilege of protecting Trump’s cowardly orange hide, probably with tears in their eyes from an excess of devotion. Bullshit. They protected the building and the current resident, which is indeed their job.
I wonder where Trump got the information about the DC cops standing down, and if it’s true? That’s probably a lie too.
Anyhoo, Trump was never in any danger, of course. But he’s a coward, and as a chickenshit, yellow-bellied, sniveling punk, he got a tiny glimpse last night of what it was like to be Nicolae Ceaușescu of Romania in the run-up to Christmas in 1989. It scared the shit out of him.
I say it’s good because fear for his own personal safety is probably the only thing that might give Trump pause as he pours gasoline on the flames of rage and despair that are engulfing the country. Trump feeds on that sorrow and anger. He uses it to stoke division, which he regards as potential deliverance from the trap in which he finds himself ensnared, thanks to his own towering incompetence and fathomless malice.
Here’s hoping fear will serve as a restraining force. Compassion, empathy and intelligence certainly won’t.
UPDATE: Well, there goes my hopeful theory:
The professionally managed so-called “protesters” at the White House had little to do with the memory of George Floyd. They were just there to cause trouble. The @SecretService handled them easily. Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 30, 2020
So, Trump is summoning the MAGA choads to the White House so they can clash with protesters. In the middle of a pandemic.
Thank you, Betty! I just wanted to see that again.
Roger Moore
There may be a tiny kernel of truth he’s embellishing, e.g. the police were mostly elsewhere because the protests weren’t limited to the White House and the DC police chief figured the Secret Service could handle things around the White House.
Today he’s suppose to fly down to your home state Betty. I hope the launch is postponed again.
Eric U.
I saw people on twitter comparing him to other deposed leaders, but Ceaușescu was the first one I thought of. I think a big enough mob is one problem the secret service probably has, but you would hope they have planned for that. OTOH, the way the Trump administration throws away plans, maybe they have forgotten.
I would have really enjoyed it if Muriel Bowser had said, “I don’t take responsibility at all”.
Betty Cracker
Well friends, I was wrong. In another tweet, Trump summoned MAGA hordes to the White House tonight. What could possibly go wrong?
DC police do not have jurisdiction on Lafayette Park and White House. That’s Secret Service and Park Police. But DC officers did render assistance. Trump’s just lying.
It would be unfortunate if one of the dogs turned on him. He’s got a big enough ass to take a chunk out of.
Hope his weekend golf plans are roughed up.
@Betty Cracker: They will be surprised to find out, he really didn’t mean the White House, but just the street in front of the White House.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Not gonna read Trump tweets.
@JPL: Maybe the SS can convince him he needs to be encased in carbonite when transported, for his own protection against germs and mobs.
Just a random thought. A little darker than I usually go, but I’m getting seriously worried about the mental health of all of us. My wife and I are pretty cheerful folk and try to enforce a pact to keep his name off our lips till after lunch. But more and more we wake up, exchange terrible stories we heard the day before, and start breakfast nauseated and enraged.
I don’t actually wish bodily harm on him. I do wish him to be aware of the depth and widespread nature of the hatred and rage directed at him. I want him to live the rest of his life being fully aware of that.
I have been fluctuating between feeling despondent and an incredible rage. I am not a protest kinda of a person (except when my parents used to drag me and my brothers to the anti-war protests during W’s time) because I don’t like crowds. I feel claustrophobic and anxious so I avoid crowded places as much as possible. But I was tempted to join and if nothing else raise my fist at the injustice and this fucking government. Everything is fucking bleak. Kids are still in cages and we don’t even know if they’re alive or what happened to them. Cities are burning, police continues to sumarily execute black men for the crime of being black and not much we can do.
We’re really are on our own.
Anyway, the only thing I can do is donate so I’ve been donating to few organizations.
@Betty Cracker: It’s never wrong to hope!
That’s an incredibly disturbing set of tweets. He really wants a race war.
The odd thing is that in all the coverage of nationwide protests, I’d read virtually nothing about any at the White House. Even a google search, shows a small, pretty calm group, well separated from the fence line. So where does he get this “breaching” nonsense, as though they were only held back by his awesome display of power?
Seriously this is the crowd he’s talking about?
:: groan ::
The words used seem too complex to be Trump, but the phrasing is full of inane clichés and entitlement.
He has been in the White House for how many years and talks about the Secret Service that protects him in such a dehumanizing way. No concern for them or their families, they are nameless faceless agents at his service as if he is watching a movie.
Now he is summoning the MAGA hoards to start a race riot because a race riot would be good for his ratings because white people who cannot cope with the concept of racism will get out and vote for him.
@Betty Cracker: Of course they’ll be allowed to bring machine guns because they’re freedom loving patriots unlike the Black Lives Matter protestors.
mad citizen
I’ve got nothing. I responded to a few of the orange one’s tweets this week, but am feeling too lazy today. Aside from just the general assholishness of trump and republicans, between the virus mishandling and the Minneapolis event, if people aren’t motivated to get off their ass and vote I don’t what it will take.
I voted early yesterday, primary style. Indiana moved it from May 5 to June 2. Many presidential candidates on the ballot (but not Kamala). I voted for Biden. Aside from that the only choice on the D side in my one-party county was for congress. The Dems are throwing money into this district as the incumbent (moderate R woman) is retiring, but the margin last time was 70,000 votes. There are some real wingnuts running on the R side. One is a woman from the Ukraine/USSR, whose commercial starts with “Born in the Soviet Union” and all about how she saw the socialism up close, etc.
It seems like just last week he was praising the right of heavily armed protesters to wander through the halls of government, shouting down tyranny.
To quote a …. well I won’t say wise man:
“These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.”
Felanius Kootea
How would the secret service react if armed MAGAts showed up to the White House with AR-15s, etc.?
TaMara (HFG)
Mayor Bowser sets him straight:
Paul T
Donald Trump does not write these tweets. I wish everyone would stop giving him credit. Who is really responsible for this organized hate?
Who writes Trump’s tweets?
Betty Cracker
@TaMara (HFG): Well done, Mayor Bowser! That’ll leave a mark.
Eric U.
“Congratulations to Trump for finally drawing a bigger crowd to Washington DC than Obama’s inauguration.”
I laughed.
I didn’t hear about this until a couple of minutes ago when I was unloading my car after my weekly foray to the stores (rubbing alcohol: SCORED!). I let out a “Motherfucking Asshole!” loud enough that a couple of neighbors turned around. Tough.
This bastard has got to go.
@Aleta: I can just picture it, Trump abandoning the White House as though it was the embassy during the fall of Saigon. Only to land 20 miles away at the safety of his personal golf course.
@TaMara (HFG): DC Mayor Bowser is an adult.
ETA: And Trump’s personal cowardice is one of those actual Trump-facts that everyone knows but doesn’t mention.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
If he got his ass beat in a prison riot, I have to admit that I would enjoy some sweet, sweet sips of schadenfreude.
@Jinchi: A warning (Lara Trump on Youtube autoplay) would have been appreciated.
@Felanius Kootea: Good question. I hope we never get the answer.
@Sab: Yikes. That wasn’t there when I posted it. The Trump campaign must have bought up ad space.
@Felanius Kootea: I presume like any other LEA, as long as its white guys brandishing the weapons, it’s cool.
All Trump wants is literal hippie punching on Fox News.
It won’t be MAGA night outside the WH gates until a neo-Nazi plows through a crowd of blacks, in a car.
So, fat bastard did not stroke out overnight? Pity.
The Moar You Know
@Anya: No they won’t. DC’s got some of the sanest gun laws in the US and they will enforce them. And I doubt the Secret Service is going to take the time to ask about your MAGA hat if you show up on Pennsylvania Avenue with your AR-15 – they’re just going to take the gun, kick the shit out of you, and toss your dumb ass in jail.
I have no doubt several thousand Trumpanzees will be at the White House, and that they’re hoping for a nice big riot. They’ll get one. But there won’t be any open carry motherfuckers there.
OT, but is anyone else listening to the governor’s press conference? The facial expressions of the interpreter for the hard of hearing are just fascinating. I can hardly listen to the speakers for watching her.
Trump definitely wrote those tweets. You can tell by the fantasizing of what would happen to people who tried to breach the line, the vicious dogs and ominous weapons. Trump’s tiny fingers were doing double time between tapping and fapping while he wrote those messages.
Betty Cracker
Seeing lots of reports about “outside agitators” infiltrating the protests. I’ve personally seen a number of protests (anti-war, 2012 RNC, etc.), and the only one that WASN’T visibly infiltrated by anarchist jagoffs and their ilk was the Women’s March.
@Betty Cracker: The mayor of Minneapolis stated that everyone who was arrested was from out of state.
Amir Khalid
I guess he spooks easily. Which wouldn’t surprise any of us here one bit.
Another day at “work” for the Trump Administration.
Just amazing. Wouldn’t you think there would be some federal role in reopening the country? FEMA, the Dept of Labor, the Dept of Education, Transportation, something?
They’re all full time reality tv show stars. They perform no useful function at all. There goes the last conservative myth they tell themselves – their alleged “work ethic”.
The COVID press conferences stopped, and as it turns out they were the sum total of the federal response to the pandemic. Everyone is going to take another 6 months off.
I’m with Greg Sargent: Saying Trump is “stoking flames” and “lighting a tinderbox” is actually euphemizing the situation. He’s calling for racist white people to commit violence for his political benefit.
Just like they do in the countries he likes better than this one.
Trump is racist AF, and he should definitely STFU. But he can’t help himself, he always thinks he has something important to say, but it pretty much always turns out he’s wrong about that. The tragedy is that there are 60 million of our fellow citizens who can’t tell the difference.
Penzey’s email from this morning. Haven’t checked but the full thing is probably on FB. Select excerpts:
He went on and discussed an interaction he had with a police officer from St, Louis a couple years ago. Worth the read.
Ohio’s interpreter has become similarly famous for her expressiveness while interpreting. She’s even got her own bobblehead! Proceeds going to good places, so I man need to break down and get one of my own.
What will be truly amazing will be watching the low quality hires in the Trump Administration fail to address a pandemic TWICE. That’s literally what we’re watching right now- when they did nothing from December to March? They’re doing that again.
Well, this will be a test of my theories, but I don’t think that will go well for Trump. The MAGA protestors have a solid history of avoiding confrontation where they aren’t absolutely sure they have an overwhelming upper hand. From the sounds of it, the DC police are not on their side.
@Paul T:
Certainly he does some of his tweets personally and some has has no involvement in. I think a lot of them, like this, are in-betweens. He dictates and a staffer cleans up grammar as much as he’ll let them.
@Kay: Not so amazing, really. Horribly depressing though.
The Moar You Know
@Paul T: Donald Trump and Dan Scavino. There was one other guy who had access to the Trump Twitter account but not sure if that’s still the case. Adam Silverman broke it down not too long ago.
Trump writes a lot of them, and as far as I’m concerned is responsible for all of them.
I’ll be practicing my sad, sympathetic face until then.
@The Moar You Know:
They wouldn’t dare not get approval before posting them.
@Betty Cracker: They probably didn’t take the Women’s March seriously, before it happened.
Practice for what?
A national crisis in the Trump Administration means it’s another 3 month vacation where they all stand around and gape at the disaster unfolding. It’s their cue to stop working completely. There’s this odd lack of agency – they’re a group of people who are used to being taken care of so they really see no role for themselves other than as critics. Its like they’re seated at a banquet and the kitchen is on fire and they’re bitching that the appetizers aren’t appearing in front of them. An odd REMOVE from even the idea of productive work or assistance.
The President watched as the country went up in flames and the idea that he could be helpful or of some practical use is so foreign to him that he proudly tweets out his observations.
“towering incompetence and fathomless malice”. Beautifully said!
The Moar You Know
@Betty Cracker: The Huntington Beach “reopen riot” we had a couple of weeks ago here in CA was almost 100% out of staters. All the parking lots down by the beaches were full of cars from Arizona and Utah. No locals.
You go, Bill!
Amir Khalid
As I understand, facial expressions are not just an individual quirk of any sign language interpreter, but a meaningful part of the message being communicated.
I dunno. “I knew he was an asshole but I am getting the fuck out now that I know he’s a murderer” is a pretty believable statement.
@germy: This is total speculation on my part, because abusive people abuse everywhere, but this is what I imagine the soon to be -ex wife is thinking.
@germy: Oh, ugh. I hope that’s not the case.
The Moar You Know
@debbie: I’d have thought that, but apparently Scavino, at least, has carte blanche on the account.
Note the truth in his lie? That is, the orange gas cloud thinks its a outside controled protest (like 99% of all thug protests) instead of the spontanious protest it is which is true of 99% of all liberal protest.
@Kay: Trump staff have to deal with his short attention span— and the easy way to do that is to hire people with the same problem. There’s never a follow-up because… ‘follow-up… follow-up, what??’
@germy: I am seeing lots of supposition that she is divorcing him to protect assets. But I’m also seeing some potential info that she is a Hmong refugee who was placed into an arranged marriage that was abusive, and she left that, and that Chauvin abused her, too. So it would make sense that she may have been too scared to leave until he was behind bars.
Ha! I’m laughing at you and your neighbors. I do the same thing all the time. The other day I was sitting in my car just so I could hear the end of an NPR piece that had me swearing at my dashboard. I didn’t realize my neighbor was in his garage and heard the whole thing. At least he finds it amusing and had a good laugh about it.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Not gonna happen, unfortunately. Sociopaths are not prone to epiphanies and shame does not exist within them.
@WaterGirl: Except minorities are the ones most fucked over by student loans. Especially these shitty for-profit colleges that left people with debt and no degree worth anything.
@Amir Khalid:
If you can find clips of her, you’ll see she’s one of the more expressive interpreters.
I knew you’d relate! In fact, i just realized I haven’t yelled at my car radio in quite a while. Of course, I’ve driven less than 100 miles since this all started.
I should note that Biden’s plan to eliminate student loan debt kind of sucks, because it only applies to those who attended public universities and doesn’t do anything for those who went to private institutions, especially the for-profits that preyed on minority borrowers.
@Sab: It will be burned on my retinas forever! Aargh!
Mallard Filmore
I am not a legal expert so am puzzled by what lawsuits would be allowed against a policeman, as opposed to the actions allowed against his department and the city.
Aren’t policemen shielded from these things?
@WaterGirl: TBH, I had never thought of it that way, but he makes sense.
TaMara (HFG)
@Betty Cracker: Joy Reid has a good thread on it.
The whitewashing has begun …underlying health conditions …no traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.
Deja vu all over again..
The criminal complaint concludes with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner noting there were “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”
“Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease,” the complaint said. “The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.”
We’ve gotten a bit of a preview of that in Wisconsin. They’ve now had three peaks, each higher than the last, without ever coming down from the first wave. They passed their original peak April 6th, just before their Supreme Court decision forced thousands to vote in-person despite the fact that most polling places had been shuttered because of the pandemic.
The second wave hit almost exactly 2 weeks later.
They’d finally starting coming down from that peak, just in time for the same court to strike down the Stay-at-Home order and drive numbers up again.
Peak 1: maxed at 170 cases/day
Peak 2: maxed at 340 cases/day
We don’t know where peak three will max out. But it’s currently at 470 cases/day.
WaPo online this a.m., still up: “….Without evidence, the president accused D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) of not allowing the city’s law enforcement to get involved, although D.C. police — as well as U.S. Park Police and uniformed Secret Service officers — all appeared to be on the scene pushing protesters through Lafayette Square Park outside of the White House well into early Saturday morning.”
@japa21: All six of the right wing protestors arrested after the disastrous Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville were from out of state. Leaving aside the murderer who got life, Judge Moore gave 2-3 years penitentiary time to 4 of them for aggravated assault, and the man who fired a shot as the demonstration was dispersed got 7-8 years. Moore was going for deterrence. Virginia is an open carry state, but as of July 1 localities will be able to prohibit firearms at demonstrations. As bad as the outcome of the Charlottesville was, it would have been a bloodbath had the one shot set off a firefight. The militias had scores of AR-15 type rifles, and there were a dozen or so members of a left militia with the same type of weapons, with hundreds of other people in a small square.
I’m back in the office now several days a week. I’m also the only one wearing a mask. Yay. I’m a donkey on the edge!
@Kay: I’m stealing this quote, if you don’t mind. It’s perfect.
Aziz, light!
A few weeks ago I was mildly rebuked here for suggesting that trump can use people’s economic woes to steer votes into his column (getting them to blame Democrats for preventing them from earning a living). Now he can parlay the black demonstrations into votes by exacerbating the irrational fears that many white people have. This worked in 2016, when white “independents” outraged by the existence of the Black Lives Matter movement went mostly to Trump. Now he has a golden opportunity to sway the same fools, which is exactly what he is doing. Going beyond his base to pick up racist independents was his key to getting elected, and could well be again.
Meanwhile Americans have decided that the pandemic is over and they will not be prevented by Democratic scolds from having lots of summer fun.
@Aziz, light!:
The pandemic does not care if people think it is over, and we have months left for it to make that fact clear to them. Meanwhile, these riots are unlikely to last, and for the first time in my memory the mainstream white reaction seems to be “Okay, but you have to admit, this is fucked and the blacks have a point” with some “Gasp! The violence is being caused by police and white people infiltrating the protests!”
Cheryl from Maryland
Total lie by Trump (no surprise) — a local TV/radio reporter was there in Lafayette Park; the station published a video of the crowd showing the DC police. More ominously, the reporter remarked that the first instance of violence was when a Secret Service Agent tackled a protestor.
I also echo TaMara (HFG) regarding Joy Reid’s thread. There’s a video of obviously white protestors dressed in black with walkie talkies trashing a 5 Guys. Ditto in Detroit where someone drove up in a Durango and fired shots into the crowd, killing a young man. Police in Detroit say many of those arrested are not local. All this suggests MAGAts coming to add serious violence to explode the situation.
@germy: A white man using his skateboard was bashing in windows in Atlanta last night.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JPL: is that this video? It’s like the stereotype of the would-be revolutionary suburban punk I would conjure in my head
zhena gogolia
So you have no state guidelines? We’re going to have to wear masks when I return — state guidelines.
There’s probably a secret tunnel out of the White House. Trump will no doubt blab about it. If they’ve told him.
@Jinchi: Actually, according to the FYNYT, Thursday & Friday were more than 600 cases/day, I think–basically double what it was the day the rethugs overturned Evers’ order. And it’s continuing to increase.
@Kay: It’s obviously something in their culture. I mean, where were their parents when they were growing up? We should have the police come by and crack their heads every once in a while. You know, just to keep them in line. better safe than sorry.
And aren’t they instilling this criminal lack of work ethic in their kids? Better re-house the children.
@Cheryl from Maryland: I’m also seeing rumors flying around that the first looter in Minneapolis was an undercover cop (and white). I don’t want to link because I don’t know if anyone knows the truth yet. But it does not seem unlikely that terrible people are stirring this up.
Back in college, I knew one of these anarchists who infiltrate protests to turn them into riots. I didn’t know that about him until one day he explained he was packing to go to the WTO protests and bringing his gas mask because he hoped to get tear gassed.
@MomSense: That’s horrible. Adding even more stress right now instead of reducing it is immoral in itself.
Matt McIrvin
I also wonder if the stories of white out-of-town infiltrators are themselves being manipulated for various ends. Some I saw going around were initially spread by Trump supporters (possibly black Trump supporters) with commentary about how “you can’t trust these white liberals”, trying to drive a wedge between black people and white Democrats. And the authorities find them convenient as an excuse for giving the cops free rein.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I hadn’t seen that image.. The Atlanta protest was peaceful until seven or eight o’clock. I wish the police would put out pictures of the ones with skateboards.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@MomSense: Holy hell. I am back in once a week; however, we have to wear masks any time we are out of our offices (corridors, bathrooms, kitchen); no using the communal dishes/utensils; sanitize any time you use a copier; etc. (Bring your own water container/coffee cup.) The building requires a mask; the office is in Denver which has a mask order. Sadly, it’s not universally followed; last week I saw a lot of mostly 20somethings not masked. Sigh.
Marvin Gaye topical still
Will be very surprised to see a MAGA swarm at the White House, considering open carry ain’t happening in D.C. and they’d have to confront “scary people” on their terms.
Poor, poor Donny. Nobody loves him.
“vicious dogs”? Jesus, he IS fuckin’ Mr. Burns.
Any evidence you need that he is a coward; the way he practically ran from the podium at his ‘news’ conference yesterday.
Ramiah Ariya
My best bet is that Trump, Fox News and the entire Republican party “strategists” think these riots are good for him; and that it will increase his chances of re-election. In fact, they are thinking that this is a God-send in the middle of the pandemic response to turn the tables on the Democrats. So Trump will increase his poison and so will the Republican party. The party will come up with “All lives matter” and Trump/Fox will push more dog-whistles.
However, I think this is good for the Democrats if Trump goes that route – I think the overall climate in the US is against this mess, and these guys are going to screw up again.
@jeffreyw: Of course there is. I saw it in Dave.
Mike in NC
MAGA Night at the White House should include lots of hamberders and wrap up with a necktie party for Fat Bastard.
@zhena gogolia:
Are masks required even outside?
They’re going to have to come up with a new motto, since they’ve spent the last several months telling us that “There are more important things than living”.
@zhena gogolia:
We have a State order to wear masks in public places. The problem is the middle aged white dudes who run our office don’t like to wear masks because they make them feel too hot or unable to breath. I swear to god they remind me of the white guys growing up with their attitudes about condoms.
I’m going to move my desk space down one floor where there aren’t as many people.
I’d quit but I wouldn’t get unemployment so I have to tough it out and keep my distance from my mom. Two of my kids are safely 60 miles away – and having the time of their lives. I’m so happy for them.
My middle son is in CT and I’m terribly worried about him because he has asthma and works for trumpers. He’s trying to be safe, but I’m scared for him.
So if Inskeep keeps up with his fucking bullshit everyone is going to hear a lot of profanity!
Oh, FFS! King 5 in Seattle is showing the cops outside a police station downtown, and the feed is marked “Live”, but the pavement is dry and the windshield and hood of a car in the foreground are dry, and right now it is raining like the end of the world, plus thunder and lightning. That “live” feed has to be from yesterday early evening.
It’s a Sinclair station.
So that’s why Dave is not here, man.
In CA you’re supposed to wear them if you can’t maintain social distancing, like in a crowd at a protest or on a busy city street. But if you’re out jogging or biking and can keep more than 6 feet apart, you don’t need to wear one.
randy khan
Citizen Alan
@Suzanne: I don’t think it’s helpful to “pay off” loans to predatory online colleges. A better solution would be to investigate them and, where appropriate, issue a federal declaration that the loans were given through fraudulent conduct and can be voided outright through bankruptcy or other means. Tackling the non-dischargeability of student loans and especially private student loans is more important to me than paying off bad actors. YMMV.
Bring it.
Sloane Ranger
@Thaddeu: I loved the bit about the “potential intoxicants” that apparently contributed to Mr Floyd’s death. We don’t know whether or not he had anything in his system but, hey, all African American men are permanently drunk, stoned or both so, these intoxicants, which we don’t even know exist at the moment are clearly causal factors in his death! (Snark).
Seriously, how can any pathologist put speculation like that in a formal report!
It wasn’t an arranged marriage.
Omnes Omnibus
@germy: Stop it. To the best of our knowledge, Chauvin’s wfe had nothing to do with his actions and does not need to have her life put under a microscope.
@MomSense: Claiming you can’t breath when a cop does not have his knee on your neck isn’t really a good look right now.
randy khan
Luckily Pennsylvania Avenue is closed to traffic in front of the White House and the neo-Nazis aren’t smart enough to improvise.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: The cash from the loans has already gone to the college. That is the whole point of loans.
@MomSense: I’m so sorry and hope that you continue to stay healthy.
@Aziz, light!:
I agree and it’s this kind of unspoken understanding in Democratic political circles here, but people don’t feel comfortable saying it. Nevertheless. I think it was true in 2016. It worked.
But there’s no guarantee it will work again and if it hadn’t have been this it would have been something else racist and mean spirited, perhaps completely invented, so if they have to do it better they do it with a just cause.
randy khan
I don’t think it works that way. If they got divorced two years before Chauvin killed Floyd, then, yeah, whatever she got would be beyond the reach of a lawsuit. But you can’t get divorced overnight, so there’s time to file a suit before the marital property is divided.
I’d also consider the possibility that she’s telling the truth about why she’s filing for divorce.
@Aziz, light!:
I think he’s already squeezed all the blood he can out of that stone.
Citizen Alan
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re right. I’m stupid. It’s too early and I’m too hungover. /i’ll shut up now.
@germy: Her first marriage was arranged, it says so right in that clip.
But it’s an infinity stone.
@Suzanne: Yes, but not her second marriage to Thug Cop, which was the conjecture here.
That was True Love.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: We all know the dangers of drunk posting, but who among was aware that hungover posting could have pitfalls as well. You, sir, have provided a valuable public service.
@Citizen Alan: You don’t pay student loans back to the school. You pay them to the US Department of Education (via a servicer) or a bank. The schools have the money already. The borrowers need to be let off the hook. And not via bankruptcy. I don’t want to make anyone’s credit shitty for seven years. Just erase the debt for anyone making under, say, $100K and taper it off after that.
Trump is certainly a coward. He has been a coward entire life. But he knows how to do cowardice. And as president, he has got a coward’s ultimate defense to soothe his bruised psyche: he can order people to sacrifice their lives for him. And they will not refuse or turn away, because of their dedication to their duty.
The next thing he will probably do is to hastily arrange some event so that he can bring out his toadies to praise him for something, or just being.
And then he will look for someone to hurt. That really gets him going.
@randy khan:
Today the attack dogs, tomorrow the cattle prods.
@germy: Hmmm, not really. It is also common for women who are abused in one relationship to fall into subsequent abusive relationships.
I’m holding off on making any judgments about her until we know more. We already know all we need to know about her soon-to-be-ex.
@Betty Cracker: The 2017 Science March in DC had some strangely dressed people with their own agenda. No highjacking occurred and it went smoothly though. The dreary cold, drizzly day might have put a damper on it too.
So basically, no reason to be looking into this woman’s life.
zhena gogolia
Not if you can social distance.
This situation was a good example of the fearful response of white people to BLM.
Gliniewicz was corrupt and his corruption was about to be exposed so he killed himself but set it up to look like an ambush. The response was INSANE. Police forces from all over Illinois descended on the scene, there were “blue lives matter” rallies and yard signs, ect. because it was right at the height of the ’15-’16 BLM protests. The whole subtext was “black people came to our white town and ambushed a white cop because of BLM”. All a lie. All of it.
Roger Moore
@Mallard Filmore:
IANAL, but I think that shield only covers actions that are legally part of their job. If he is convicted of killing Mr. Floyd, he would be personally responsible for wrongful death in any lawsuit.
Omnes Omnibus
@germy: Let’s do his kids next. Or maybe his mom or brother. I’m sure he has a cousin who did something bad at some point. Fuck, there is a reason the Constitution outlaws bills of attainder.
The “Live” might have been on the feed yesterday and became part of the recording. Hard to take it out after the fact. But, yeah, misleading.
May he be found cowering scared not only in the White House, but in every house, suite, apartment, room, suite or palace, however colored, from now until the crack of doom. Offer applies equally to all enclosed, semi-enclosed or exterior spaces.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This video is from yesterday in Minneapolis, I’m taking a break from TV news, but I hope this and clips of the skateboard looters are getting airplay.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I saw those same guys at the Rodney King riots, trying to break the door on a department store.
Roger Moore
@hedgehog the occasional commenter:
My employer is a hospital, so they’re very serious about precautions even among people with no patient contact. We are required to wear masks at all times except when eating, and each department is supposed to have safety wardens who enforce the mask order. Before we were allowed to bring people back in to work, we had to have a plan that involved mapping our work space to ensure there was adequate space to avoid crowding, and work schedules that make sure we never have more than the maximum number of people in the facility at any time. We’re also supposed to track everyone we come into contact with at work so they can to contact tracing if anyone gets sick.
Not sure this is correct since the claim against the assets would have arisen before any divorce decree. But I’m not a family lawyer.
Or cell.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: A cell is a room. Just saying.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It was Le Compte, wasn’t it?
Omnes Omnibus
Neither am I. One has to take joy in the little things in life. There but for a brace of cod….
Same here. I want his wig ripped off first, though.
@Aziz, light!: The virus approves of summer fun…
@Steeplejack: The commenter said, “Here’s a look at the scene this morning…” etc.
So no, it looks like they did it on purpose. I didn’t hear them say that this was footage from last night, they were talking about how the cops were ready for tonight’s protests, and pointed out a “tag” on the side of the building.
@zhena gogolia:
It’s more or less the same here. The GOP politicians, though, are being jerks about masks, etc. in the Statehouse. One woman rep refused to let them take her temperature. “First Amendment freedoms!” The Speaker refuses to enforce the governor’s orders. I so hope there is vast public shaming when one of these idiots succumbs.
@Suzanne: Well there’s clear footage that the guy methodically breaking windows was white. Who he was and whether he is a cop or simply acting as an agitator for his own ends remains unconfirmed at present.
@Jinchi: Ms. B went for a bike ride this morning while wearing a mask. A guy in a pickup pulled up next to her at a light, rolled down the window and yelled at her, “why are you wearing a mask bitch”.
Later while on a bike path, another guy on a bike also yelling at her for wearing a mask.
This is not typical but was not the only harassment incident. I got harassed for wearing a mask while jogging about a month ago. Guy sped away when I turned toward him. I was a lot bigger. Another magat white trash coward.
This is a very red area, rural white and of course very trumper. I’ve seen several vehicles with III%-er or oath keeper insignia on them. Trump and the riots have stirred them up.
Trump is going to continue to foment race riots. It energizes his base and triggers the racist white fence-straddlers.
He is doing nothing an enemy agent plant wouldn’t be doing.
@MomSense: dragged through the streets with Melanoma and hung upside down…. Sweet
Did you see his updated plan, which I think is not reflected on his website.
@WaterGirl: It’s more difficult for white bros to hijack a protest when they are surrounded by more than half a million women.
@ballerat: your wife should carry mace…
Dorothy A. Winsor
Holy cow. I’ve never been harassed for wearing a mask. I live in a Chicago suburb.
A normal presidential twitter account like Obamas? I would agree, written by staff. But Trump? His twitter stream has been exactly the same and insanely vile since long long before he became president. He’s been tweeting up a shitstorm of garbage for what…10 years?
I honestly think it has to be him because they are so randomly incoherent, vile, and idiotic, and so often wrong that I don’t think any sort of staff member could actually do such a deliberately bad job. Any normal staffer would at least attempt to get facts and spelling right. Not that he has great staff. But at least all have college degrees.
Also the government treats his tweets as official communications. Like when he tweets something about the Kurds or something about transgender troops or other insane shit. They all fall in line.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
God almighty. Who does this? Who thinks like this? He probably bragged about it when he got home.
@Omnes Omnibus: Depends on what version of the building code you’re under. ;)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yeah, I just repeated that quote to Mr DAW who was shocked.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Wow. You really let that pun flounder…
Actually, a nice bit of humor.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: I am far too into a weekend mode to go all lawyer v. architect pedantry battle royale. Thank you very much.
It still leaves out anyone who went to a for-profit, which is a lot of PoC. And it leaves out graduate students and people who went for certificates. So I think it’s about half of a good plan.
Fair Economist
@Suzanne: Right. She could be a domestic abuse victim getting out when she can. She might be a co-conspirator hiding assets. Or she might just be trying to get off the Titanic before it goes down. We have no way of knowing, and neither does anybody gossiping on Twitter.
@Roger Moore: Yesterday my son’s boss ordered him to return to the workplace on Monday. The guy is a RWNJ as is his business partner (the asshole son of a sci-fi writer that everyone has heard of), and neither they or the one other employee (a Trump fan) who continued to come in are using masks or taking any other precaution. My son has been working at home since this started and all of his work can be done online. But they want to see his pretty face, or something.
This is in Orange County, CA, which was experiencing a surge of new cases yesterday.
He’s very upset and so are his housemates.
Paul T
@The Moar You Know:
Why wouldn’t having multiple actors on one account be a violation of Twitter’s terms of service?
A good friend of mine who took martial arts said,
@ballerat: That’s terrible! I’m not sure what she could have done.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Pickup v. bicycle will elicit such greetings, even lacking a mask (ask me how I know). As to the other cyclist…who can guess?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as Mollly Ivins used to say about the second-worst, this is the only president we’ve got.
These dumbass pandemic deniers are playing with fire. From a recent news story
Basic link, posting with my phone on the fly
@opiejeanne: ugh. so wrong.
@Brachiator: As my mom used to say: it’s gonna get worse before it get’s better.
NO! Say it isn’t so…..
The president, lying? How can that be, whatever will we do……
The SS is just servants to him. They are beneath him and he gives them no mind unless he’s in need of their services. I’d bet he doesn’t even know the names of the people who directly physically protect him when necessary. Poor bastards, have to be there, willing to physically protect him, take a bullet for him. Now that’s a lot of duty right there.
@TaMara (HFG):
I like Mayor Bowser.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: We live on the western slope in colorado.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ms. B called the police dispatch line and reported the incidents. Actually, incident, because she wasn’t given a chance to report the 2nd one before the dispatcher cut her off and told her the guy in the truck can say what ever he wants, it’s his right to free speech blah blah blah.
Miss Bianca
@ballerat: Shit, where? I used to live in Paonia. Still hankering to go back. So far, down here in my little redneck town in the central mountains, we’ve had some performative whinging about MAH CIVIL RIGHTS, but no overt hostility to mask-wearing. Yet.
@Ruckus: I remember reading some cringing puff pieces back in 2017 about how the SS was so excited to be guarding Trump, who had such a blue-collar, just-folks relationship with his detail — unlike the snooty, distant Obamas who used walk around like they owned the place or something.
@TaMara (HFG): Wow. That is NICE!
Way to go Mayor Bowser!!
In some ways, though, this kind of thing just reinforces the notion in many peoples’ minds that immigrants all live in unsanitary conditions and are disease-prone, so we need moar walls, not shut-downs. It’s an attitude as old as immigration itself, but until an entire congregation of conservative, upper-middle-class, white evangelicals at some megachurch comes down with Covid with dozens of deaths that get all sorts of media attention, they’re not going to be disabused of the notion that all this is a big nothingburger, or at most a minority/POC issue they shouldn’t be tasked with caring about.
J R in WV
I too can relate. I drive 100 miles each time I go to Kroger’s to shop, of course I also do stops at a local bakery, the farmer’s market where there is a wine shop, the Fish shop, Drug Emporium, etc. But we live nearly 40 miles from town. I make a trip every couple of weeks.
I get emails from the auto dealership begging me to get my “overdue” service completed, which is funny, my car’s dash tells me I have 4,000 miles to go before I need the next service done.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
According to my niece the young ones are mighty infuriated by their Floyd thing. The line is “if you aren’t protesting this, you support racism”.
J R in WV
I understand your frustration… and I in no way would tell anyone to “trust” news on a Sinclair station. But probably a not-very-good tech recorded their news feed with the “LIVE” label on it yesterday, and now it’s all the video of the events they have to run with.
Normally an assistant director would record video feeds as they come, without titles or chyrons, for future use. Obviously, that takes training in real news coverage, and KING 5 doesn’t bother to do that. Probably an in-law of some manager with a “degree” in “business” and not in TV production or news.
@Kay: they do look for opportunities to profit from the disaster though.
@J R in WV:
The last leased car I turned in was at 13,000 miles after 3 years. They all ran out to take photos of the speedometer. I can’t imagine what they’ll think when it’s time to turn my current car in next March.
J R in WV
Replying to my dumb-ass thought about King5 news:
@J R in WV:
OK, I’m just wrong about Sinclair King 5 news. Sorry, I leaped to the conclusion that they were incompetent rather than doing crooked propaganda. My bad, sorry! Obviously need more cynicism implanted~!!~
Miss Bianca
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I fervently hope the young ones take note of Biden’s speech and vote accordingly.
@Miss Bianca: Perhaps because some of the central mountains counties have had more covid cases and deaths than most of the western counties.
Here, they apparently think the mountains keeps the virus out, keeps them safe. A neighbor actually told me that. She ignored how it got to the ski resort areas.
Also, they don’t care much about how many people die in Denver. Or Chicago. Beyond the mountains. Too far away. It’s what you get for living there. They hate those places. And it’s mostly killing the right kinds of people there, so it’s all good.
@Frankensteinbeck: I don’t know if you’ll see this (late looking at comments today) but I look forward to reading your comments. Thank you!
J R in WV
I have a 2011 sport sedan with 28,000 miles on it, and my Dad’s roadster which is either a 1989 or a 1990 model with 32,000 miles on it. We mostly drive a fairly new Mazda SUV because it has the most ground clearance and AWD. The other cars get rolled out for fun drives, not errands to the lumber yard or grocery.
When we both worked we put at least 15K a year on each of two cars, between my regular 45 minute commute and wife driving all over the state for her work. No more! Retirement made the biggest difference, Trump Plague cut it down even more.
@jonas: That’s exactly how they will see that.
@randy khan: I was thinking more Ramsay Bolton; But he’s much smarter than Trump.
Miss Bianca
@ballerat: Weird, because in my county there’s only been two recorded cases, while there have been way more than that in Delta, Montrose, and Mesa counties (not sure where you are). So that level of D-U-M dumb is kind of mind-boggling to me, considering.
Dead thread but:
There were protests outside the White House last night, and they scared the shit out of Trump, who reports that he was peeping out the window at the action.
I swear to God I read it as:
There were protests outside the White House last night, and they scared the shit out of Trump, who reports that he was peeing out the window at the action.
Which would also have worked.