BunkerBoy emerged to tell us that he’s going to send the military if governors won’t shut down protests in their states. As with all Trump statements, it’s worth waiting to see how this plays out, but there’s danger in his words and actions so far.
The governors are primarily responsible for law and order in their states, but Trump has been urged by some of his courtiers to invoke the Insurrection Act to override the Posse Comitatus Act and allow him to send the military in. He has not done that yet.
A selection of tweets:
Open thread!
Anyone else now pleased when a picture of the war criminals assembled as above reveals few wearing a mask? Coronavirus doesn’t care if they posture as tough guys.
Tale of two different 2020 candidates! One tear-gassed peaceful protestors just to have a photo-op holding up a bible in front of a closed church…the other one sitting inside the sanctuary listening to parishioners and having a dialogue…THE DAMN CHOICE IS CLEAR in November ya’ll!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
god that whole thing is so gross, watching him strike a pose with a fucking bible– how the hell did they keep Kellyanne out of that photo op?
Also, I’m pretty sure that’s Mr Beaver from Narnia
He’s not going to do shit. Just like normal. He’s just crying for attention. Frustrates the hell out of me that the media doesn’t relegate this stuff to the backpage where it belongs.
That no lightning rained down on that gaggle of useless, feckless, soulless ghouls posturing outside that church serves as an illustration of the loss of my childhood faith.
Omnes Omnibus
Hope Hicks went back to the White House? She had gotten out. I guess she is a true believer.
Also, wrt, Hicks. Why does a Connecticut WASP chose SMU?
How fake, to use St. John’s as a prop like that. Trump, who is almost the AntiChrist although I think Satan and the demons are way smarter than our Bunker Buffoon.
For shame. Pandering to evangelicals, who — along with white supremacists and the “success cult” types that Kay spoke of — might be his only base at this point. And that might be an absurdly overlapping Venn Diagram.
I speculated last night that Trump’s people would cook up something to make him look tough. He is definitely sucking up to the law and order crowd.
But because he is a weasel, it’s not exactly clear what he intends to do. And once again, he is treating governors as though they are assistant managers reporting to Trump.
I think a state government can request assistance, but I don’t think that a president can simply take over and send troops if he doesn’t like how a state is handling things.
Either way, his base will applaud the posturing.
Did anyone else notice the 2nd amendment mention?
Besides Putin, did he also speak to Théoneste Bagosora on the phone today?
Speaking of the second amendment, there has been a remarkably low amount of non-police shooting throughout this thing.
Adam L Silverman
What lahm36 said.
How many boxes does this craven stunt check anyway: evangelicals, law- -order, whites who seek cover for their racist votes, weak men who see having to wear a mask as emasculating, gun humpers, the base who may have been worried about his hiding out with no public statements. This stunt stinks of Jared. What a clusterfail of shite-baggery that he has to create a crowd out of the hired help. Just fucking sad and way to dangerous to the lives of my fellow men and women exercising their Rights.
@Adam L Silverman:
If it were holy ground, Trump would have burst into flames.
Cheryl Rofer
@oopzwtf: He’s still trying to call up his MAGAs for help
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I guess Trump is going to keep pushing things (i.e. turning this country into an authoritarian state) until some group stops him. It won’t be the senate, so it’s either the supreme court, the military or citizens.
@Ninerdave: because when someone who has the power to declare martial law starts talking about using that power, you can’t just ignore it and hope he’s joking in case he’s not.
TS (the original)
Jesus would have thrown him out of the Church
Ten minutes later the same book is returned to its use steadying a wobbly side table in the Oval Office.
Hell, I’m surprised the hand holding up the Bible didn’t burst into flames.
Cheryl Rofer
And the photoshops begin –
Worried about how things will be tonight. Just saw a group of people run down 6th Avenue, knocking over stuff and shooting flares in the middle of the street.
You can’t spell Bible without l-i-e.
@Baud: That’s because they’re cowards despite their big words.
@Brachiator: Trump was trying to treat the governors the way Putin treats him.
@PsiFighter37: Can you suggest they head up to 5th and 57th?
Galahad Threepwood
I dunno guys. On one hand, Trump is all talk and probably won’t do shit. On the other hand, if he does invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy the military, this is gonna get way uglier.
And yeah, Jesus Christ, the choice could not be more clear in November.
Cheryl Rofer
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@PsiFighter37: Chris Jansing on MSNBC said there was a small group of young men trying to start some shit right outside the NBC building at Rockefeller Center (I don’t know NYC at all, really). The knocked over a bunch of barriers, and the other protesters started putting them back
@Cheryl Rofer: good for her, I hope more clergy speak out
Sloane Ranger
Trump can use the military and cancel police leave to control the streets for a while but it can’t be sustained for any length of time. In the meantime the anger and frustration among the people grows. It will come out in other, more difficult to control ways. I notice that he talked about protecting 2nd Amendment rights during his rant. A nudge nudge wink wink to the RWGN’s?
Also senior US officers standing with Trump. Have they thrown in their lot with him?
It’s like watching a State in the process of failing. Feeling bad about being British but grateful I’m not American at the moment.
Was out all day. Did you guys discuss George Will’s WaPost op ed today? He was lit.
The gloves are so off. I wonder if there will be an attempt to remove Trump, and soon. He is doing too much damage, to the country and even to the Republicans (and damn every one of them that enables him). He is dangerous chaos that we cannot afford.
WaPost: Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers.
First sentence describes Trump as “Crybaby in Chief.” Take it away, George Will:
… Since then, this weak person’s idea of a strong person, this chest-pounding advertisement of his own gnawing insecurities, this low-rent Lear raging on his Twitter-heath has proven that the phrase malignant buffoon is not an oxymoron.
…. The president’s provocations — his coarsening of public discourse that [inspires to action] people as mentally crippled as he — do not excuse the violent few. They must be punished. He must be removed.
… The measures necessary for restoration of national equilibrium are many and will be protracted far beyond his removal. One such measure must be the removal of those in Congress who, unlike the sycophantic mediocrities who cosset him in the White House, will not disappear “magically,” as Eric Trump said the coronavirus would. Voters must dispatch his congressional enablers, especially the senators who still gambol around his ankles with a canine hunger for petting.
In life’s unforgiving arithmetic, we are the sum of our choices. Congressional Republicans have made theirs for more than 1,200 days. … we know the first step: Senate Republicans must be routed, as condign punishment for their Vichyite collaboration, leaving the Republican remnant to wonder: Was it sensible to sacrifice dignity [DIGNITY WRAITH!], such as it ever was, and to shed principles … for . . . what? Praying people should pray, and all others should hope: May I never crave anything as much as these people crave membership in the world’s most risible deliberative body.
A political party’s primary function is … proclaiming: This is who we are. In 2016, the Republican Party gave its principal nomination to a vulgarian and then toiled to elect him. And to stock Congress with invertebrates whose unswerving abjectness has enabled his institutional vandalism, who have voiced no serious objections to his Niagara of lies, and whom T.S. Eliot anticipated:
… Those who think our unhinged president’s recent mania about [ Joe Scarborough aide’s death] represents his moral nadir have missed the lesson of his life: There is no such thing as rock bottom. So, assume that the worst is yet to come.
Cheryl Rofer
@Sloane Ranger:
We’ll find out who the good Germans are, soon enough.
Of course.
@Omnes Omnibus:
SMU is in the old-money part of Dallas. She probably felt right at home.
@Adam L Silverman: Hope they can obtain industrial quantities of holy water to re-sanctify the place.
Da fuq’n audacity!!!
This is Trump’s Hitler moment.
Jesus to gathering: “I died for all your sins.” Points at DT: “Except you. You’re an asshole.”
He’s basically telling peaceful protesters that they should bring guns if they want to be heard. Rightwingers feel comfortable doing this only because they assume the left will never take them up on the offer.
Schiff gave them the chance in Jan. Warned them about this very scenario. They declined. If the GOP want to impeach him, they’ll have to write the articles this time.
A cornered rat eating its own shit is all that orange fat fart cloud is but then, he still is no cheney. Almost charma, the way the deaths pile up here like we did to the Iraqi’s – of course, the innocent in both countries paid (and are continuing to pay) the price for 44% of the amerikan voters being racist or greedy pieces of shit.
It feels like a State in the process of failing for those of us in the middle of it.
Nothing makes you look more like a coward than laying siege to your own capital city.
Cheryl Rofer
Holy shit!
It’s official, City of Sacramento is under nightly curfew from 8 to 5 until further notice. Some question whether that includes driving, but probably so unless they state otherwise.
We’re in the strangest of times.
I think we have to stop pretending that the GOP are horrified by Trump. Goetz and Cotton are both calling for military action against US citizens. None of the federal Republicans have spoken out against this. Susan Collins hasn’t even seen fit to furrow her brow.
I was reflecting on his very special Bible photo op moment (including the embarrassing video of him sort of looking at the book like an oddity, as he sorted out which way to hold it) for a bit.
His fervent followers will love it. But.
Evangelicalism and religiosity in general are in fairly fast decline in America. This symbolism isn’t nearly as powerful as it would have been in, say, Reagan’s time.
And while Reagan was in big ways a phony, he seemed like a man who’d bothered to actually peruse a page or two, and probably fell asleep during any number of sermons over the years.
For someone who is often lauded as having such a gift for mastering propaganda, he’s stunningly lazy and stupid, and that photo just reminds sentient beings of that.
@trollhattan: During the LA riots, you could travel on the freeways but not surface streets. So you could drive through, but you couldn’t get on and off.
@Jinchi: “Nothing makes you look more like a coward than laying siege to your own capital city.”
I’m worried about Trump’s reaction to the polls. It won’t be good. Probably the very hard core Trump base will like it. It will scare and enrage the shit out of many more.
Under martial law, will we be able to get haircuts and go to the golden corral?
I’ve seen chaos in federal and state government as a child and as an adult on a few occasions. JFK’s shooting and the follow up. Watts. Vietnam. Nixon. Rodney King. GWB, the election, 9/11, the war. The election of shitforbrains. A pandemic. And now the utter decimation of anything like or close to normalcy of our country, our laws, human rights, freedom, sanity.
He needs to be impeached. moscow mitch needs to actually ask for that from the house and give them 100% assurance of a yes vote and he needs to do that this week. dense may be worse but I’d be willing to take that chance. I doubt any of this will happen, but in a sane world it would have already been done. shitforbrains is, as I’ve said before, all five of the worst presidents all by himself. No one else has been this bad, and we have a couple of runner’s up that are very bad, and they don’t challenge him at all for the title, worst ever. Worst president. No contest. Worst human being. OK he has competition there. But he’s in the running for sure for at least one of the overall 5 worst humans. Make up your own lists and we’ll compare.
@Martin: I was caught in the middle of the Rodney King riots. What we have seen are not riots. Look back at the riots after MLK was assassinated.
What we’ve seen are mostly peaceful protests with some violence. And very poor police behavior has been responsible for a lot of the escalation.
I think the vast majority of the population will recoil at anyone, any faction, which inflames rather than soothes the situation. Trump went and put himself front and center of inflaming today.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: And there it is.
@oopzwtf: Yes, if “we” are good rural god-fearin’ folk. Everyone else is getting firebombed.
@Jinchi: Oh, they don’t give a shit. But electoral strategy is electoral strategy. Cotton and Gaetz would only say it out loud if they thought it helped with reelection. That so few republicans are jumping on Trumps bandwagon (which they are all naturally inclined to do) suggests the rest think it’s a bad strategy. They can’t exactly vocally oppose it or Trump will try and destroy them. So they’re boxed in. It’s up to them to get themselves out of it, and nobody is the least bit sympathetic to their situation.
@lamh36: There are those who’ve claimed he’s not as bad as Rupert. Hell, he might even believe some of the words written there. But if he really wanted to put them to practice, he’d shutter Fox News and related cable outlets immediately, terminating all on air staff. Let the propaganda come from somewhere else.
I have noted before that authoritarians are rarely masterminds. And Trump’s base don’t require much persuasion to buy what he is selling.
@Adam L Silverman: How much of the military and federal law enforcement agencies, besides ICE and CBP will want to go down this road to disaster?
I heard on news that the CBP was the force that cleared the park. Why those people? Did Trump reach to them naturally because he think so of them as his personal force? Or others found reasons to not be able to do it? Does CBP has some jurisdiction there? If not, how many laws did Trump break today?
The cops are ready to fuck people up. And that’s the Park Police, Feds, not DC city.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: Not going to happen.
Future campaign commercial: Always remember, he wanted to bring in the full force of the US military to kill you, in the name of political purity.
Roger Moore
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
God is really off his smiting game.
@jl: Yeah, my sense is that the violence coming around the protests really isn’t that bad by historical standards, but I’m pretty far removed from it. I don’t consider dumpster fires to be worthy of concern.
Little comfort if your family business burned down, but we can fix that.
@HumboldtBlue: Is that right? News guy said it was some CBP. Park police makes more sense.
Trump’s “get tough” message is the same one Derek Chauvin sent throughout his career.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Because C&BP’s union went all in for the President during the 2016 election and stayed there. And also because the other Federal law enforcement agencies don’t have either the numbers of personnel, nor the force structure, for lack of a better term, to provide this resource. ATF, Marshalls, FBI all have rapid response tactical units – basically SWAT. But there aren’t a lot of them. But Border Patrol has large numbers of bodies and lots and lots of tactical gear.
For someone who ran on convincing people that our cities were on fire, he certainly hasn’t been successful in 3 years in putting any of them out. If I remember Summer of 2016, we had a riot in Charlotte, NC, and protests stopping traffic in Minneapolis…and for the most part everyone felt safe enough to go outside and play pokemon pretty much everywhere. No fires to be found. Now, we have them everywhere.
God, I bet Steve Bannon is soiling himself. The idea of chipping away at and liberal resistance in the military so he could send it to destroy LA is way beyond a wet dream for him. Its what he thinks about when he’s awake.
@Martin: I don’t know about other areas, but news reports on SF Bay is that most of the senseless property destruction is by young white dudes, seem to be mostly the confused mess of white supremacists and more confused so left they are right anarchists.
People have been calling the police on them and they have been scattering as soon as they can figure out they’ve been spotted and the police are coming.
The big property crime seems to be straight up organized crime, driving up in vans and carrying off a ton or so of auto parts, building supplies, car batteries, whatever can be loaded in mass quantities quickly enough for a fast job and getaway.
Seems like Barr was going for that angle to exert control (because Barr knows how to manage things), getting the cover of interstate illegal activity as a plausible excuse to get feds involved. But Trump has gone completely out of control. He’s not even reacting to events, he is reacting to fantasies rumbling around in his head.
Buzzcuts and all you can eat sh*t on a shingle only.
Adam L Silverman
@HumboldtBlue: Australian TV. Broadcasting live. Two different angles, one from the Aussie’s and one from another station.
First George Will, now Tucker Carlson…
Is a backlash imminent
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: OK, thanks. A commenter above said it was park police. Which makes more sense. But I’ll watch for reliable news on who they were.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: A veteran is running against Gaetz as the Democrat in FL District 1 this November. I expect it’ll be in an ad. I don’t know if Cotton has a serious challenger, but I doubt it.
Roger Moore
It’s not “until further notice”, but all of LA County is under a 6 to 6 curfew, except for a few cities that have extended it even more than that.
Cheryl Rofer
@lamh36: What pissed him off? The fact Jared was wearing a mask during the
perp walkjaunt to the church photo op?Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: No.
I don’t know what the best use of my election-year dollars is, but if The Lincoln Project seeks funds to do an ad about tonight’s festivities, I’m ready to toss in what I have.
Trump orders police to clear peaceful crowd so he could have a photo op in front of a church.
“When did the Bible become a prop?” — Valerie Jarret.
@trollhattan: I just got our robocall – state of emergency declared curfew 8pm to 6am. The stench of fascism is heavy in the air. It smells like flopsweat and axe body spray. I caught some inside skinny that the stores of non-lethal are running low. If for no other reason, I’m okay with the curfew.
Roger Moore
I remember somebody saying a lot of leadership is finding a parade and maneuvering to be at the head of it. That’s the only form of leadership Trump understands.
The Pale Scot
Well, he fucked up with that, he went to an Episcopalian church. To evangelicals Episcopalians are almost pagans, the only thing worse are Catholics
@lamh36: We must watch that. It will be a balm.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: National Park Police would make sense.
I find it ironic that the man who fought so hard to reopen the country suddenly has us all ordered under curfew and is trying to enforce martial law.
Hope everyone in DC stays safe. The man is dangerously unhinged.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that may be true, trump himself probably comes in second to Jared in this regard, I bet he has a sneer an 18th century British lordling would envy when one of them gets to close
Is it too much to ask the networks to cover it live?
@Jinchi: Won’t be much shopping with US occupied by US troops and under open ended curfew. The corporate sponsors of the GOP won’t be happy. They have more money than anyone around. I wonder what they’ll say to their hired staff in DC.
@The Pale Scot: You do have a point. LOL. Although it’s kind of the “Presidential” church, as much as anything …
So proud of the Episcopal Bishop. No mincing words there. No accident the priest’s views get out to media.
@Adam L Silverman:
Absolutely agree.
I said it needs to happen.
My expectations are zero. Or less.
shitforbrains isn’t going to give up and 12 poor slobs will probably have to drag his fat ass out in cuffs.
@BBA: Incendiaries! Cool. Finally the government does something about emerald ash borers.
The cameraman and reporter that DC police beat up this afternoon were Australian and live on their most popular morning how. Looks like we have a bit of an international incident as a result of Trump wanting to be tough.
Not sure why it was necessary to charge the crowd.
Adam L Silverman
Rachel Maddow should not make declarations on what the US military will or will not do if ordered to do so by the President. To be blunt, if the President invokes the Insurrection Act, then the US military will do what it is ordered to do.
The Pale Scot
@Adam L Silverman: Some of the Polish priests from my childhood would have locked him in alone and exorcismed the fuck out him by beating his head in with a Chalice
Isn’t a curfew a little bit like a stay at home order?
I thought they were against those.
Adam L Silverman
@The Pale Scot: As per tradition…//
I’m actually okay with that outcome.
When did the bible become a prop?
How long do you have for the answer, as this could take quite a while?
Do you need the exact answer, because it’s always changing.
The first answer is about the time the ink dried.
Wherever Cole’s at, because I’m not on Twitter, he re-tweeted Stonekettle responding to a tweet by Cuomo–it’s showing in my sidebar. Just a note that Stonekettle stands corrected that the police he was referring to were actually DeBlasio’s, that this isn’t on Cuomo and thus the standard “dog licking it’s own asshole in public” doesn’t apply… Says he would have deleted the tweet but doing so seemed “Republican”. SO Cole, you need to correct that thanks.
Patricia Kayden
@hueyplong: actually they never really want to see blacks and Latinos walking around anywhere where they can been seen even the peaceful times.
Trump’s knowledge of the Bible starts (and ends) with “II Corinthians walk into a bar…”
Not limited to just those spheres but they’ll serve of an example of entire swaths of the population who have
been taughthad it pounded into their skulls that life is simple.Life is complex. Life is messy. Life is varied. Life can be unpredictable.
The revelation that the foundation upon which they’ve been regimented to plant their feet is made of tissue paper can be ignored but cannot be eternally dismissed.
Columbus Ohio is on curfew again from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. My son-in-law works for the state legislature and was supposed to go into work today, even though they have been WFH for over a month. He got the call last night that everyone will continue to WFH until the situation calms down.
The Pale Scot
@Sloane Ranger:
We might be needing a General Pavel Leonidovich Alekseyev soon
@The Pale Scot: Didn’t know that. Trump even f’s that up.
Wow. That seemed to come out of nowhere. Didn’t hear the police telling anyone to disperse. It’s as though someone told them ‘at 6:05 we bash heads’ and that was that.
Not sure why Trump thinks the photo op is going to be of him standing with a bible in front of a church when you’ve got live footage of policemen assaulting a peaceful protest.
(Was this DC police? The mayor describes it as federal police.)
@Martin: Next shift change, sergeant in charge will remind everyone to check for passports before busting heads. Of course, that might be counterproductive. Since if they ain’t Murrican, they get double truncheon lovin’.
Some people were even kneeling (per Joy Reid tweet up top)
But as we all know, only some people are allowed to kneel.
Who wrote that and what has he done with George Will?
I know you’re right, but fuck that. “Just following orders” wasn’t an acceptable excuse for the Nazis either.
I am really worried. T* has no limits, and neither do his courtiers or the oligarchs who support him. I am genuinely worried what will happen when his own personal ruin stares him in the face and he does decide to call out the US Armed Forces to occupy American cities.
I know the GOP will support him even then. (What did Putin promise them for betraying their country: Their own personal fiefdoms? The lure of total power?)
I’m not too confident about SCOTUS, either, assuming anyone can bring suit against the action. SCOTUS could refuse to hear the case on the basis of standing. But if it does hear the case… Kavanaugh, Alito, and Thomas are sure things; Gorsuch a probable; Roberts may convince himself that a military occupation is needed to preserve the wealthy class. And there are the five votes T* will need.
And If the Armed Forces do say no, does he then call Erik Prince and his mercs?
I know this is all a stunt on T*’s part. But there are the American oligarchs behind T* who would like to see it happen. Putin would like to see it happen.
Talk me down, someone.
Just to clarify something – non-lethal has been shown to never supplant lethal force, only to enable police to perform some violence without fear of being accused of trying to kill people. It’s an expansion of violence, not a reduction of it. Worse, it often serves to escalate more rapidly – you taze a guy, then accuse him of not following orders (because he’s effectively paralyzed) and then you can escalate violence.
Fair Economist
@Martin: The violence is definitely not bad by historical standards, but the agitators parachuting into wealthy areas to incite looting there is unusual. The Rodney King riots resulted in 63 deaths, and nationwide I think there have been 3 so far.
Stable genius he is not.
If/when baseball starts up again Will’s ire will evaporate faster than spit in the Sahara.
A Ghost to Most
I tried to warn y’all, but you were having a time, grasshoppers pretending to be butterflies.
I predicted this to my Nazi brother in 2002, based on the progression I’d seen in his kind. I thought it would take 15 years, and have steered my life accordingly. It sucks to be right.
Good luck, grasshoppers. Plans take preparation, and most here have been militantly unwilling to even consider it.
Patricia Kayden
It feels like the country is disintegrating before our very eyes. Putin has to be thrilled with how well his 2016 interference project went.
I don’t think it’s the country. It’s the president.
@CaseyL: OK, I’ll try even though my heart isn’t in it. The big corporate funders can’t make money off of going down this road. As I said, not a lot of shopping will happen under open ended curfews and military wandering around the countryside.
Adam says the military will obey orders, but I cannot imagine that they would want to. There is no insurrection. The vast majority of the country understands that.
@Ruckus: I could imagine Mitch cutting a deal with Schumer for some kind of immunity or limited liability from prosecution – something along those lines. There are some true believers like Cotton or idiot hangers-on like Gaetz, but I think some of the others just wanted power and things got out of hand. I think they are more afraid of the investigations that will occur when Trump is out of office. All idle speculation, but other than that hard to imagine the senate deciding that now enough is enough.
@danielx: I know. And if that’s what they’re saying in public — oh, to be a bee on the wall.
We knew it was G. Will. For inserting “heath.”
@Adam L Silverman: Maddow should know better…smh
Gin & Tonic
I think I’m going to recommend to my son that he delay his return to the US until after he knows the outcome of the election.
@trollhattan: We’re under curfew here in Glendale, 5pm to 6am.
Madame sent me a text that our older niece’s restaurant was looted over the weekend.
Roger Moore
I don’t think putting them out is the goal.
@Jinchi: Probably park police. It’s part of the national park system, so it’s federal.
BTW, so is Central Park. Awaiting federal park police lobbing teargas down from the fountain to 57th street to disperse people from Trump tower. Can you get 550′ out of a teargas canister?
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: My guess is that the Australian ambassador will be issuing a de marche over this to the Secretary of State tomorrow.
Roger Moore
Many, many years ago. It’s been primarily a prop at least since the days of the “Moral Majority”.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@A Ghost to Most: Then this is the lamest coup ever, we are already in a nation wide strike,
Oh, she furrowed, but it was the same meaningless bleating that always vomits forth from her maw.
Adam L Silverman
@PenAndKey: As long as they’re lawful orders, then they’ll follow them. Also, GEN Milley has little to no control over this. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs he basically administers the other Service chiefs, serves as the President’s principal military advisor, and oversees the National Defense University. That’s it. He’s not really in charge of much of anything.
@lamh36: OK, so they were local police on loan to DC? Seems like you have a reliable source. Thanks for info.
Trump needs some powerful base of national support to get very far, and with some incentive for gain from going along with his madness. I can’t see it.
How is McConnell’s side hustles going to fare going down this road? The big corporate interests play the long game, they can wait for the right time for a productive investment.
This may go very very badly, but it will disorganized chaos and churning. I just don’t see a powerful interest group that would gain from it. Maybe the war party, but how will be military occupy a country of 340 million people and go off to fight Iran at the same time? Maybe Tom Cotton has it figured out.
Jen Rubin — who has become George Will’s spirit animal. WaPost: We saw it with our own eyes: Trump wants to go to war against America
Adam L Silverman
@Martin: The more accurate terminology is less lethal.
@trnc: “I mean, at this point I’d have to die like, sixteen or seventeen times just to cover all your sins. Fuck that shit.”
Adam L Silverman
@A Ghost to Most: Well aren’t you a little ray of sunshine!
The Pale Scot
It grieves me to see a good Celtic name sullied by putting a Murdoch after it
Central Planning
I started to read his letter and stopped at the point where he mentions the “Inclusion Team.” WTF is that for? To make sure employees are 100% white and natural blondes?
I would really be interesting to know what Putin had to say to Trump earlier today. Don’t suppose there are any Vindemans left in the building.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Yes, Just two weeks ago the Elite were desperately trying to force people out of hiding from the virus and spend money again. How is anarchy in the streets going going to get the economy going again? This is grandpa duggie pants on the ground lasting out because the kids said mean things to him.
All of LA County is under that same order. Except for some places, like Santa Monica, which are more stringent.
@Adam L Silverman:
Hi Adam. What’s that?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: “This is grandpa duggie pants on the ground lasting out because the kids said mean things to him.”
As I noted above, Trump is decompensating faster than actual real world events can catch up. He’s reacting to his own internal demons, which seem to be legion.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
That’s some bullshit.
@laura: Jesus, now I can’t go to my favorite bar… oh, wait…
@Omnes Omnibus: Soccer.
Surprised the fat bastard didn’t use a golf cart to ride to the photo-op.
This what the wounds look like from the less-than-lethal rounds police are firing at protestors.
Sorry, I just confused a clip with a magazine and I still haven’t defined what an assault rifle is.
“kinetic impact munitions” is the proper term to use.
Say what now? Central Park is a National Historic Landmark, not a national park. Law enforcement is conducted by its own precinct of NYC police as well as the NYC Parks Enforcement Patrol, a division of the city’s parks department.
@Adam L Silverman: My objection is to even using the term lethal. It suggests that an officer will turn to a tazer rather than a gun, but they don’t – they turn to a tazer rather than talking. And if they kill someone, well, it was non- or less-lethal, so how could the officer know? They go for the gun just as readily as before, if not more so.
Barack Obama: How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change
@Martin: Central Park is owned by New York City. It is a National Historic Landmark, which is something very different from a National Park. Wouldn’t put it past Trump to try something, but it’s not federally owned.
ETA: I see NotMax beat me to it. Curses! Foiled again!
@Ascap_scab: thank you, that gave a sorely needed chuckle.
Miss Bianca
However, how the fuck did the pastor of St John’s not know about this? Did Trump and his courtiers just suddenly show up with no warning and blindside them?
ETA: Ah, I see that that’s *exactly* what happened. But of course. How can I even be shocked by this, but somehow, I still am. MotherFUCKER.
@Elizabelle: Diplomat-speak for several forms of official communication between governments, in this case undoubtedly a protest.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: A démarche (to use the correct spelling this time) is a diplomatic tool. Basically one country’s diplomatic officials issue a formal diplomatic correspondence that details and delineates whatever the subject of the correspondence is to the appropriate government officials of the country that they are officially communicating with.
In this case the démarche would indicate that it is unacceptable that Australian nationals in the US for professional reasons, which is journalism, were attacked by law enforcement acting under the President’s orders and authorities in clear violations of the US Constitution, international agreements the US is party, and the bilateral agreements between the US and Australia. And then demanding a damned good explanation.
@Feathers: I do think the military would love to take back the officers club, and the golf course, in the Presidio. That’s in the SF Bay National Recreational Area. Trump could send some people there.
Anne Laurie
To the evangelicals I’ve known, the Episcopalians are Catholics.
To be fair, some of the Catholics in my life feel the same way… and so did Pope John Paul II, IIRC.
@Adam L Silverman: If we didn’t have enough troops to pacify Iraq, there sure aren’t enough to pacify the U.S.
Adam L Silverman
@Martin: As my brigade combat team’s Command Sergeant Major once remarked to me in Iraq: “I’d rather be shot than tased”.
Roger Moore
@Fair Economist:
The thing about the Rodney King riots is that most of the violence was between groups in the community rather than between the police and the community. There was some completely random violence, like the beating of Reginald Denny, but a lot of it was settling scores within the community. It was a completely different event from what we’re seeing now.
@Feathers: I think DeBlasio and Cuomo will have something to say about that.
@Adam L Silverman: Gen Milley is scoping out the situation:
“General Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, walking the streets of Washington DC right now. Briefly spoke to say he is observing the situation.”
(I know there’s a way to embed tweets, but I don’t know what it is.)
So, looks like Milley will be a willing tool for a military crackdown.
Adam L Silverman
@HumboldtBlue: I’m pretty sure that’s not where the wishbone is.
Anne Laurie
That’s what the St John’s reps are saying. As the offender-in-chief would say, When you’re the ‘President’, they have to let you do it!
J R in WV
@Gin & Tonic:
Hail, yes!!! I would rather me be almost anywhere but here until next election happens.
Emma from FL
@Adam L Silverman: So if I understand correctly, United States citizens cannot trust their police OR their military?
Latin American dictators dream of such power.
@Miss Bianca: They wanted the footage of the shooting and tear gas in the park to run alongside the speech. The treasonous priests would undoubtedly have warned the miscreants.
I think that’s exactly what happened.
smedley the uncertain
@jl: CBP wear Brown Shirts.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Yep, they didn’t go in. They didn’t want to see the smoke damage to the basement of the residence (the actual church was not on fire, though it was a worry for many). Just to walk up to the front and pose for the cameras and then head back to the White House. Most of the church’s clergy were actually with the protestors in Lafayette Park.
Don’t most incumbents try to run on peace and prosperity?
Adam L Silverman
@jl: I had a former student from USAWC whose post graduation colonel rank command assignment was to be the commander for the Presidio.
If the military did occupy some cities, they could give the local police courses on civilian affairs.
@Cheryl Rofer: I left a message with my state Gov., who’s a Republican, that I hoped he would follow Pritzker’s line, that I hoped his oath was to the Constitution and the citizens of the state and not to the President. They all need to hear from us.
Trump is dangerous, craven, monumentally self-absorbed, impulsive. What worries me is the sense that on one hand he’s all excited by the idea of being the strongman, it puffs up his ego. On the other he’s a coward and really not all that bright, has screwed up so many times in his life, always to be bailed out or lie, cheat, or claw his way out. He think’s it’s his God-given due always to come out on top. Yet–he’s finally unleashed forces that he can’t whistle back, that are beyond his control, and that have no interest whatsoever in his survival.
He certainly has a sense of self-preservation, but apparently no common sense telling him it’s time to back down. This is my definition of insanity. I can’t imagine what his endocrine system is doing. This isn’t a kid sitting in the cockpit of a 747 making zoom-zoom noises and pushing buttons, wearing a too-big pilot’s hat, as some have suggested. This is an engineer in a runaway train throwing coal on the fire as fast as he can. With too many passengers just rockin’ along thinking ain’t this great fun.
@MP: I was deeply opposed to the Iraq war, but did not realize the utter stupidity of it until I learned that Baghdad had the same size and density as Los Angeles. Who the fuck would try to invade and hold Los Angeles? It couldn’t really be done without the cooperation of the population. Crazy.
Adam L Silverman
@MP: There aren’t. Even if you pulled everyone who isn’t combat arms out of their offices and put them on the lines, we don’t have enough. Human geography issue. Too many people, too much actual land mass, too many states and/or state legislatures run by Democrats, far too many firearms in civilian hands.
Oh my God. You’re right. I thought Trump was an idiot for stepping on his own “law and order” photo-op with the police bashing heads in the background. But he’s a completely different idiot, who thinks “law and order” and police bashing heads are synonymous.
@Adam L Silverman:
Hah! I saw it but didn’t make the connection.
Omnes Omnibus
@A Ghost to Most: As I have said before, you are the bravest commenter here. In words, at least.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: We don’t have enough Civil Affairs personnel (38 MOS).
Miss Bianca
@trnc: “You’re going straight to Hell, buddy.”
Roger Moore
Apparently not. All of LA County is under a 6 to 6 curfew. For some reason, the 5 to 6 curfew in Glendale was broadcast county-wide, sparking a lot of confusion when people got messages giving both schedules.
Adam L Silverman
@Feathers: Donald Rumsfeld.
@Adam L Silverman: Civil Affairs, not Civilian Affairs? Sorry about my slip up.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
Re the following orders thing, don’t orders have to be legal?
These motherfuckers never learn decent people will punch a fucking Nazi.
@Amir Khalid:
You’ll enjoy this.
Anne Laurie
He can call, but Prince won’t pick up. Cash up front is Erik’s mantra — he knows Trump doesn’t have it, and the DoD won’t authorize it.
Remember — Lord Smallgloves called upon his MAGAts to show up at the White House Saturday night, and few if any actually did. Trump’s got the luzer stink on him, bigly now. Erik, his sister Betsy and the rest of the Repub plutocracy will smash’n’grab whatever they can for the next six months, but its seems clear they’ve decided Trump and the Trump ‘administration’ are lost causes.
@Miss Bianca: It’s directly across the street from the White House.
@Adam L Silverman: Adam, have you done Black Psyops post on the infiltration of White Supremacists and other groups trying to ratfuck peaceful protests? If not, fingers crossed that there’s one in the works :)
The Dangerman
Sure, I take a few weeks (months?) off (including two ER visits!), but the fucking MD’s kept me alive so I could witness this shit. Fuckers. I should sue for malpractice.
As for Bubble Boy calling in the Army … I don’t think the Dude has the balls. I could be wrong.
Sorry to post and run … just wanted to share that I remain among the living.
@Adam L Silverman: Doubtful, ghosts usually don’t show up in the daylight.
Patricia Kayden
Adam L Silverman
@HumboldtBlue: I don’t mean to make light of her injuries. She’s going to be sore for a long time. And no one should have that done to them. But if we can’t keep a sense of humor, then we’re in worse shape than we know.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Almost? A constant liar who sows dissension and chaos? Someone who has gotten the most hardcore Christians to cheer as he violates their deepest held beliefs (family values, the sacredness of life, fidelity in marriage)? Sounds very AntiChrist-like to me.
Amir Khalid
Alas, and also a lack-a-day, for I did not.
@dmsilev: I believe it’s 6pm to 6am in the county, so we’re getting an early start here in Glendale.
They’re such a bizarre collection of people on this outing.
Melania took along an expensive handbag to go watch protestors get gassed.
Another Scott
Adam L Silverman
@jl: That’s not the issue. The issue is we don’t have enough of them and the majority, about 90%, are in the Reserve Army, not the Active component. And of those a significant number work as cops, EMTs, paramedics, nurses, veterinarians, etc. Mobilizing them would pull them out of their essential day jobs.
Uncle Cosmo
@HumboldtBlue: If those wounds were inflicted by “rubber bullets,” the kindest possible construction is that whoever fired them had never been trained in their proper use – IIRC they are supposed to be fired at the feet of the forward elements of the crowd, at a glancing angle to the street, so that they ricochet off the hard surface & among the crowd members to cause painful but not life-threatening injuries. Aim them directly at someone and they can kill. (I remember this from the Troubles in Northern Ireland, where the riot-control detachments either didn’t know how to employ the rubber bullets they were issued, or just went berserk.)
Anne Laurie
If this isn’t sarcasm, whatever you do, don’t look up the roots of the ‘Murdoch’ patronym…
Miss Bianca
@The Pale Scot: Yeah, right. Why did he have to soil *my* denomination of birth with his presence? Probably because it’s just about the most liberal mainstream Protestant church out there, and somewhere in his lizard brain he thinks he’ll be able to own the libs *and* get churchy street cred at the same time.
I don’t see Jay Inslee letting soldiers take over any part of Washington state – trouble is, we’ve got more military bases here than Carter has little liver pills. He might not be able to do much about it.
Only the best people.
@Adam L Silverman:
I chuckled.
@Amir Khalid:
It’s and NBC sports production if that helps at all, it looks at the Reds season so far.
Amir Khalid
But did you see this? It makes as proud of Liverpool FC as does any trophy they’ve ever won.
The Pale Scot
@Anne Laurie: Religious Americans are notoriously ignorant of their own catechisms and doctrines along with everyone else’
They’re Prods you don’t mind having about at the Highlander games :)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Hmm. I got notices from the County saying 6 and then ‘rescheduled to start at 5’ just a few minutes later. Checking the county’s Twitter feed, looks like the latter was wrong. Here’s the list of more-stringent places:
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: They do. If he invokes the Insurrection Act, they’ll be legal.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: OT: Did you get any of the follow on emails I sent you?
@lamh36: What are we supposed to be seeing in the lower left? I am not seeing it.
@Adam L. Silverman
Much as it pains me to say it,
are probably receiving death threats as we speak.
No humiliation is too much for them. No one keeps their dignity or integrity intact when they brush up against the sleazy Trump family. No one but the strongest people can or will stand up to them- most of them have failed, been brought down to the Trump level.
@Another Scott: Hey, look, we’re new to this banana republic stuff…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Obama tweets out video of Terence’s Floyd’s remarks from earlier today
@The Pale Scot: Lol. I am an Episcopalian, and white evangelicans don’t really consider us Christians. Plus we have women priests and bishops.
Adam L Silverman
@UncleEbeneezer: I haven’t. That’s not really a Black PSYOP. But provided I’m feeling up to it, I’ll try to do one tomorrow.
I agree. But it doesn’t take all of them what is it 8 or more go along and bam it’s done. What dense would do with that is anyone’s guess, but I’m imagine that if mother told him to suck it up and be president he’d do as he’s told.
But as Adam wrote, and I fully agree, it won’t happen.
Anne Laurie
As with everything else the Squatter-in-Chief does: It was the most convenient. Right across from the White House. No motorcade, so the pastor didn’t have enough warning to lock the gates before the Secret Service hustled in.
I caught a couple minutes of NPR’s Marra Lie-asson “reporting” on todays events since my wife was half-listening to it while doing something else. First, she summarized all of the shit Dump has vomited out of head rectum or tiny thumbs into something resembling Presidential. Then she literally said that BunkerBoy is “clearly” the “law and order candidate”, that it’s his “lane”, and it’s “where he’s comfortable”. I was starting to scream, so my wife turned it off.
I stopped listening to NPR about 10 years ago for just this reason. My goodness, the political coverage is just awful.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman: Um, I tend to be lazy about checking my email. Sorry about that. I’ll go look now.
The Pale Scot
@Adam L Silverman: An Army couldn’t do it when there were only 13 colonies. As Wellington pointed out
@The Dangerman: Good to hear you’re still here.
Roger Moore
Apparently there was some kind of screw up and the one for Glendale got broadcast county-wide.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: No one ever sent an email about it to Secretary Clinton.
Central Planning
@WaterGirl: It’s the graffiti between the guy and Dolt 45. It says “Fuck Trump”
@Roger Moore:
Long, long before that. As I said above, the first time was about the time the ink dried on the very first copy.
I knew it. Now we get the predictable, weak expressions of “discomfort”. For God’s sake stand up to him.
That ragtag band of protestors could stand up to him, and just did, but no one in the Pentagon has the balls to oppose him? They should write an op ed. That’ll work. Make sure not to sign it.
@WaterGirl: F*ck Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Most likely.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
he was so startled by the question, he sort of told the truth
As so often, I wonder how the people who are so ham-fistedly targeted by this badly staged and obvious ploy aren’t offended. But I guess they meet in total sincerity where it really counts: In their shared hatreds.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Dear God, that’s even more infuriating than I had imagined.
Damn it, this shit has made me want to go to my Episcopal Church in solidarity here on Sunday, altho’ I haven’t voluntarily gone to church in years! Fucking Trump!
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Thanks.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
Okay, I’ve seen them. Gimme some time to get back to you.
@different-church-lady: Donald is not an “incumbent– currently holding office”, which would suggest that he might be voted out or something. He’s just alternately bewildered, shocked and pissed that we haven’t realized that he’s It, God’s Selected Foreverandever One. So he doesn’t need to try to run on anything. Obvs.
That’s why he advanced all the way up to O3, when 90+% of his class got to O4, he’s the smart one…….
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Thanks.
Since the police and the military have decided to stand with Donald Trump against the citizenry, am I still obligated to pay them?
I don’t want to pay Donald Trump’s employees. That wasn’t the deal.
Miss Bianca
@The Dangerman: Oh, wow! Good to hear from you!
@Amir Khalid:
Oh hell yes. Sports and athletics have been a key player in evening the playing field and we’re now seeing some of that pay off.
@different-church-lady: There were many questions not asked of candidate Trump, like the 31 women that accused him of assault; the press was busy with important topics like email management practices.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Racking my brain trying to recall the geography of midtown Manhattan… FAO Schwarz?
Or is that a Trump property?
@sdhays: All I see is FTP (along with the words Fuck it above that.
I’m surprised he didn’t answer “It is now.”
The Pale Scot
@Anne Laurie:
Scoffs! Mongrel Anglicized low land Scot, lots of them went to Aus. in cuffs. Hurrump, Hurrump
Miss Bianca
@Anne Laurie: Ugh. Yeah, I see that now. Occam’s Razor *should* have suggested that to me.
@Central Planning: @sdhays:
For some reason, I was looking lower right. sigh. Thank you both!
I’ve only read the first 50 comments, and am wondering if the “president” actually referenced in words the book he was holding, or the building he was posing in front of.
Please don’t make me listen to him to find out!
Everyone who doesn’t oppose them is complicit. It’s as simple as that. He knows it too- he knows if gets them to behave immorally and abusively he owns them.
Focus on the black letters Fuck Trump
And here’s a road map for America.
expressions of “discomfort”. For ”
Is that the same as ‘concerned?’
Ivanka accessorized with a 1500 hundred dollar handbag to go watch protestors get beaten.
I don’t recognize this country anymore. It’s an awful place.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Two hot Corinthians walk into a lesbian bar.
@Adam L Silverman: When I joined the Army, I would have loved to been stationed at the Presidio. Because it was a popular base to be stationed at it was not open to a newbie. So I ended up at Ft Lewis, WA.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym
You know who’s Tower.
FAO Schwarz was a block north and the store at that location (seen in the movie Big) has been but a memory for some time now.
@Anne Laurie: My husband calls Episcopalians “Catholic Lite.”
A brave person! Someone who is not afraid of them and has some self respect! We need 10,000 more of her than we have.
Did Donald Trump write this headline? Someone should inform the NYTimes that journalists are being beaten. Maybe they could look out the window.
The plum de la plum assignment might be Fort DeRussy in Honolulu.
@Kay: C’mon, she just grabbed whichever one was on the dresser.
It occurs to me that he views a strong and “manly” response to protests to be a good way of pivoting from the ongoing disaster that is the COVID-19 pandemic and his utterly inept efforts at containing it. Maybe someone can whisper in his ear that curfews and threats of military terror aren’t good for the economy.
@Jinchi: did it say placed by the Gideons in it?
Adam L Silverman
@SFBayAreaGal: Sorry bout that.
@Adam L Silverman:
Rather difficult to keep a sense of humor when you’ve spent your whole life watching a conservative shit circus, only to see it end up with the worst clown in the world thinking he’s the star of the show and he’s going to burn down the tent because he’s managed to accidentally become that clown in charge, all the while having hypnotized a ton of morons with guns to follow his stupidity and quite likely it will end up with you inside the fucking tent. It is after all a rather big tent.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFBayAreaGal: You didn’t go to Polk. Be content.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
I don’t think those are their actual values. They claim they are but they don’t ever act like they are.
Trump will go down as a great hero in Russian history. The lead contender for their best foreign asset ever.
@NotMax: My uncle wouldn’t agree. He was in the Air Force. He was stationed on Oahu. After some time he was bored. He said once you’ve been around the island what else is there to do, lol.
Or “Property of Russian Orthodox Church.”
@Adam L Silverman: Ft. Lewis and the surrounding area remind me of home here in the Bay Area.
Ft. Lewis wasn’t too far from skiing, not too far from Seattle, and not too far from the coast.
@Adam L Silverman: So a President can invoke the Insurrection Act if he’s having a bad day, and the military will say “Yes, Sir!”?
Is this another one of those unspoken conventions that have been shattered left and right?
Trump can issue what amounts to a military takeover of the country, and it’s legal?
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.
-Robert Frost
Mary G
Irony is dead.
In other news, I took a nap this afternoon because I was tired, but otherwise feeling fine. Woke up with a putrid sore throat and a low grade fever. Pulse ox is fine at 97. Going back to bed after chicken noodle soup with a fresh albuterol inhaler, lemon honey throat drops, and Tylenol.
@Anne Laurie: In fact, they forced the folks (seminarians, BLM medics, etc) staffing a relief center set up on the St. John’s patio off that patio for the photo up. The FB account of a seminarian I just read said Trump would have had to step over the supplies they had to abandon to get that picture taken.
Where do you see these notices? I live in LA county I’ve not seen one. I heard about it on twitter though so official as peanut butter.
@Anne Laurie:
Great minds and all that – I’ve been thinking for the last few months that we’re in the smash and grab period, in which Repubs are going to loot everything they can while the looting is good. Followed by fucking things up as much as possible on the way out the door, which includes trying to cram as many judges as possible into the pipe before January 3rd, handing the National Park Service over to Trump International, okaying oil rigs in San Francisco Bay, handing the Social Security Trust Fund to Goldman Sachs and the US military to Erik Prince. Okay, as much as possible.
Note: McConnell doesn’t give a shit about election results, he’ll try to put Federalist Society assholes in place for all seven weeks following the election up to Inauguration Day if he has to keep the Senate in session seven days a week to do it.
“Money well spent.”
@Omnes Omnibus: I did go to Ft. McClellan, AL, and Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. After being at those two bases I was very happy when I arrived at Ft. Lewis, WA
@Ruckus: As far as Glendale was concerned, they called, texted, and sent an email.
Adam L Silverman
@SFBayAreaGal: I’m familiar with it. Had it not been for the sequester, I would have gone there in early 2015 as the Cultural Advisor and Director of Cultural Operations for the Commanding General of I Corps.
Adam L Silverman
@CaseyL: You’ll have to ask Omnes or one of the other lawyers. There has to be certain actual real events, but once they exist he can invoke the act.
Fuck that. The GOP Convention is coming up. The GOP can toss Trump out and nominate someone else. Nothing is stopping them from doing that. I know he is all of our problem right now. But he is THEIR problem to solve.
Tom Cotton is unopposed in the Primary and General.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’ve read Bob before. It’s not actually helping all that much.
It’s bad enough that I have a few comorbidities for this wonderful virus going around and a rather large percentage of the citizens are already insane and about as smart as a pile of 2 yr old dog shit in trying to survive past tomorrow and I’m stuck with needing/having to work, now
peoplemorons seem to have decided that killing off a fewthousandmillion of us might just be fine. I’m failing to find the humor, after living/serving through a war I didn’t want to be involved in, along with all the other fun normal stuff that tries to kill one as age goes by. Maybe tomorrow will be a bit brighter and my bubbly laughable self will appear. Hey, it’s just a shit sandwich. Enjoy.dogwood
@Sab: We Catholics called them “country club” Catholics.
Marine embassy guards someplace in the Caribbean like say Saint Lucia or Barbados. When I was in the Peace Corps in Guatemala we sometimes went to parties at the Marine compound for the embassy guards there. They had a monster gated estate in a rich part of Guatemala with manicured grounds, huge pool, weight room, personal chef, etc. They through great parties and tried to get all the female volunteers to come.
No text, no email, no notifications, no nothing. Of course I’ve heard about it here and on twitter but other than that nothing. I’d think that something that important should be a cellular service wide notification at the least.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: A high school classmate of mine was an embassy guard in El Salvador. He was the first one in my graduating class to die.
I think the most grueling tasks at DeRussy on Oahu could be trimming the lawn and raking the beach.
Nah. Throw your dollars to democrats.
The instant Trump is gone, the nevertrumpers are gonna take your cash and that contact list they’re building and use ’em to burn their uniforms outside Appomattox before the bluejackets show up.
I hope so.
I will have that shit on loop for a month.
@A Ghost to Most:
Pull my finger.
Are you sure she wasn’t just describing how he was trying to portray himself? I’ve heard quite a bit of Liasson the last few years, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say anything positive about DT.
Matt McIrvin
@Adam L Silverman:
Yeah? How broadly do you think they’ll interpret the Insurrection Act, particularly the part about acting without state consent? I know that while it’s supposed to be mandatory to violate illegal orders, it’s a really difficult thing to manage.
Uppity bitch lady who remind me of mom have badbad email server. That why.
Lol city burn now. This am fun.
That said, and as much as I loathe them, the folks at CNN seem genuinely appalled today at what they helped unleash on us. Like, they were flat ripping on this. Even Dana Bash weren’t having it.
Matt McIrvin
He can, but it’s supposed to be a bit more than that:
Hey now. We’re the fun Catholics!
(And I’m one to talk. I haven’t been in decades. :p)
@NotMax: Heh. A friend of mine graduated college after going ROTC all five years. He got Hickam. The lucky schlub.
@Kay: Beating=drama=clicks/views=ad revenue.
You think Sulzberger gives a fuck if his people get offed? Ratings alone’d be the best thing that ever happened to that shit-smeared little haemonculus.
Bill Arnold
Just to write this down, tear gas makes people cough (or so I understand; never been gassed); this means that any SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals who were tear gassed started coughing. Some probably became superspreaders. That gas attack may well have spread SARS-CoV-2 and may end up killing people. The various other tear gas attacks by police around the country almost certainly caused some SARS-CoV-2 spread, perhaps a lot of spread, and will kill people.
low-tech cyclist
Wicked snakes inside a place you thought was dignified…