Joe Biden meets black community leaders, promises to create a police oversight board within his first 100 days in the White House
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 2, 2020
Joe Biden is meeting with community leaders at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware this morning. There are 14 leaders, including Delaware Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, spread out across the church.
— Tyler Pager (@tylerpager) June 1, 2020
.@JoeBiden takes a knee
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) June 1, 2020
At a fundraiser tonight, @JoeBiden shared more about his convo with Floyd family. Said his brother “told him to promise him that he would bring justice” by holding accountable all responsible. Added: “I don’t want my brother to be a hashtag on a sweatshirt.”
— Mike Memoli (@mikememoli) June 2, 2020
.@JoeBiden will leave his home state and head to Philadelphia Tuesday, where he will deliver remarks "on the civil unrest facing communities across America," his campaign has advised. Notably, his trip to Pennsylvania comes on the state's primary day.
— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) June 2, 2020
"Let’s do this another way. Let's stop thinking our voice don’t matter and vote. Not just for the president…educate yourself and know who you’re voting for. And that’s how we're going to hit 'em."
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 1, 2020
Along with the civilised world I was horrified by the racist murder of George Floyd.
This type of brutality needs to be confronted directly, with justice clearly seen to be done whenever & wherever it occurs. (1/3)#BlackLivesMatter#TheShowMustBePaused#BlackOutTuesday— Peter Gabriel (@itspetergabriel) June 1, 2020
Do NOT white wash #BlackOutTuesday. Do NOT think this is a day off if you're not Black and work in the industry. However you may feel, this is a form of activism from and by the Black music industry and that's not to be forgotten. #TheShowMustBePaused
— Erin Ashley (@ellhah) June 1, 2020
Good morning, early folks! Can’t sleep again.
Jay C
Amazing! Joe Biden was able to stage a photo op in a church without having to use tear gas or rubber bullets on anybody!
An unfortunately low bar for Presidential qualifications these days…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That Black Out no business thing might more better than the protests with the pandemic since the elite is so desperate to reopen the economy.
Two related stories.
Floyd’s brother knows what’s up.
Mustang Bobby
1968: “Riots, Nixon, assassinations, Mayor Daley.”
2020: “Hold my beer.”
@Mustang Bobby:
The white backlash era ends the way it began.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Mustang Bobby: More like 1918 Woodrow Wilson, Border War with Mexico, Spanish Flue, Red Summer of Race Riots.
I hope Biden’s events get some news coverage today.
That Shitgibbon photo op with the Bible yesterday after tear gassing peaceful protestors feels like a new low point. Every time I think he can’t get any lower he goes and does it
And she votes…
Really? Did you just now figure that out? What took you so long?
At EVERY SINGLE DAWGDAMNED ABORTION CLINIC EVERY SINGLE DAWGDAMNED DAY SINCE Roe v Wade and every time an LGBTQ person tries to live with dignity, never mind having a simple civil commitment ceremony between 2 loving people, otherwise known as same sex marraige which is their right to have.
Only a dummy wouldn’t.
@Baud: But she’s a dummy.
Tells you something about the people who don’t vote.
Lots of looting in Manhattan overnight. Lots of stores with window fronts smashed in an organized manner. It needs to stop. Given how coordinated it seemed – lots of people running from place to place – I am worried that this is going to start overshadowing the message of the protests.
Pity no one called out for Trump to read his favorite passage from Two Corinthians. //
And he did it without a golf cart!
@debbie: Impressive!
Seriously though, I love how the people who call it “genius optics” ignore the reactions of church leaders who felt blindsided and resented being used as props.
How do you make them cover Trump’s opponent, though? They seem determined not to. In many ways I’m relieved – will it really matter in the scheme of things if they ignore him until September? People hate the 6 month campaigns- “normies”- so most voters. I used to think they were just feigning sophisticated boredom but when you canvass enough they convince you that they sincerely and deeply loathe it and want nothing more than for it to stop. He’ll be a fresh face after Labor Day! :)
I recall a kinder, gentler time, when the president was merely suggesting that Americans should inject themselves with bleach, instead of threatening to turn the army on them…
Not generally one to go out of my way to push a company but in this case was so impressed with the quality and consistency of the product ordered (rye flour, in my case via Amazon) and the speed of receipt that am including a direct link to them for those who are into grains, oatmeal and such.
@Shrillhouse: but her emails.
My husband, who used to be a prosecutor and then switched sides in horror so is not an unbiased observer, saw photos of NY police standing around watching the looting and he thinks the inaction is deliberate. That they know the looting harms the protesters cause so they’re allowing that go on while hauling in non-looting protesters. It is a little odd that they’re just watching it, frankly.
@PsiFighter37: If you were an organized criminal you would see this as an opportunity. There is no question that some looting, of course not all, is just parasitic in nature.
There have been enough videos of white guys fomenting property destruction that it seems to be organized on that front as well, even if loosely in different regions.
But what really gets to me is that Trump is practically gleeful at the prospect of turning his cool toys on his perceived domestic enemies. That is not going to improve the economy, so maybe his advisers will be able to hold him back.
The looting is awful. Surprisingly, the number of non-police deaths has been really low. Like, it’s not even a mass shooting event.
Regardless of the causes, it’s a situation legitimate protestors have to figure out a response to.
“No one can ignore a Black woman on a horse”
Meet Brianna Noble, horse trainer, Olympic hopeful, and Black Lives Matter demonstrator.
Super quick to descend upon looters at Macy’s.
Paco and Maria’s bodega, not so much.
@Barbara: In Manhattan, it is becoming widespread, and it is organized. Hundreds of people blew down 25th Street breaking stuff along the way, onto who knows where next. I agree that the NYPD’s inaction is likely deliberate – they know people here hate de Blasio. There were a stream of cop cars going up Sixth Avenue last night…and they paused(!!!) to let looters run through the intersection.
@germy: It couldn’t have been too powerful because he is staging a do over at a different denomination today, presumably minus the tear gas.
All part of an unspoken conspiracy. Cops, goofy-named groups of fascists, the GOP. How else to account for pepper-spraying people without giving any warning?
And that his glee became so public after a phone call with Putin.
@germy: They never resented being used as props before. Fuck ’em.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
“That’s just filler, for the rubes.”
@Baud: Many are just canceling, which under the circumstances is probably justified.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@germy: reads like she works in sales and marketing like Scot Adams; Trump does all the sale’s rituals so the hail him as some genius.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Yep. It’s just a propaganda machine.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Barbara: That’s why the Black Out strike might work better, harder for the proud boys to co-up for their Ramdo LARP.
Yeah, or morning protests only while the violent people are still sleeping.
Ohio Mom
Germy: Clarissa can’t get past the ways she was warped by growing up in the USSR. That’s her reference point. Trump’s approach to um, governing feels familiar to her. My impression is that most of her commentators also grew up behind the Iron Curtain and share this quirk.
I don’t think she has had any formal education in American history or civics. She’s quite shallow intellectually. She’s enamoured with writing about what she calls “liquid capital” and the erosion of the nation state but adds nothing to that conversation that other writers have already explored.
Plus, she has a streak of narcissism that prevents true reflection. She’s very smart and is able to camouflage the narcissism though.
Yes, I hate read her on occasion, why do you ask?
News says Minneapolis was quiet last night. And Today show just did a story on the outside groups that are hijacking the protest movement.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Propaganda is mostly just telling your sides versions of events and only works if it’s based on the truth, see the BBC.
Sales is more like cargo cult thinking; someone performs a ritual and people buy things, don’t ask why and don’t question if it works at all.
@germy: Rose or MAGA? Who is this woman and why should I care.
@OzarkHillbilly: Fr. Martin has been saying that kind of thing for a long time. He has also written a book trying to get his church to welcome LGBTQ people. It’s called Building A Bridge. Check him out before you judge.
@germy: Are we supposed to know who this woman is? Because her argument makes no sense, other than as a bad form of Trump fanfiction.
Trump needed to a military show of force in order to muster the courage to cross the street from his house and spend a few minutes outside his bunker. That is not good branding.
@Ohio Mom: That’s an excellent analysis.
She seems to be an example of the Fox Effect in real time. She’s become a fan of Tucker Carlson (or “Tucker” as she calls him) and basically repeats his talking points.
Out of curiosity, I check sometimes to see what she’s saying about various current events. Predictably, she’s skeptical about social distancing and masks.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Scot Adams! He’s really gone down a rabbit hole.
Ohio Mom
Schrodingers _cat: Clarissa is a Spanish professor at an Illinois State college outside of St. Louis, who thinks she is a political scientist, with a personal blog documenting her political shift ever more rightward.
That’s all. You don’t have to care.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques
“Christ, we’re hip deep in crates of canned tuna. How do we turn it off?”
:) //
Matt McIrvin
@germy: Scott Adams has been a crank for at least 30 years. Probably from the beginning; it just wasn’t immediately obvious until he decided he was an opinion leader.
Just a blogger (like John Cole, Betty Cracker, etc) but with a tinier audience.
It’s fine not to care what she thinks, but it’s helpful to see what folks outside our bubble* are thinking, because they’ll be voting in November.
*Our bubble being another name for common sense. I was shocked when trump won, because I’d spent so much time only reading people I agreed with that I thought HRC would win in a landslide.
I remember after 9/11 the stories of how helpful everyone in Manhattan was, as well as the great blackout of 2003.
No looting, no vandalism, etc.
Part of me thinks the coordination for the looting, and property destruction is coming from the NYPD.
They want to be some sort of unaccountable force, which governs itself, and dictates terms to the rest of city government.
EDIT: If there is accountability and reform after Mr. Floyd’s murder, than they lose a lot of power.
Tony Jay
So is today the day political journalists bite the bullet and start asking Mitch McConnell when he’s going to bring impeachment charges against the President for violating the First Amendment rights of U.S. Citizens exercising their right to peaceful protest? Surely that would sell newspapers?
And while they’re at it, when are their colleagues on the metro beat going to start asking Police Chiefs in places like NYC about claims that their officers are colluding with organised crime to turn a blind eye to industrial scale looting and vandalism so the can blame it on peaceful protestors? It’s a legitimate question, and there must be video evidence out there. Seems like that would sell newspapers too.
I thought these organisations were businesses. They should act
It’s not mysterious enough to be a conspiracy. It’s just that there’s a lot of more subtle variations of the “blue flu” that police engage in. They have a lot more agency than most workers- they’re not directly supervised most of the time.
Ours here got chastised for not going out to residences at the height of the covid 19 stay at home. They simply didn’t want to go so they chose to ignore “keep the peace” calls- minor disturbances that people should probably be handling themselves. It was noticed and they were called out for it.
Ohio Mom
Germy: She’s a genuine language savant who has mistaken her atypical neurology for genius.
@Tony Jay:
They would have to take reporters off the Tara Reade story to do all that.
@Ohio Mom:
Like Dr. Ben Carson!
Tony Jay
Good point. Priorities.
@Kay: Biden doesn’t have to be in the news every day, but I think there are key points in time where it’s important. This is one of those times.
Just seeing the contrast of Biden walking among the people in a time of crisis while Trump can’t go outside without a massive armed escort to clear the streets is worth it.
@Matt McIrvin: I always thought he was funniest when he was outsourcing the actual work of his strip to members of his audience who actually… worked for a living.
@Baud: The ends of the horse shoe have merged
Atlanta mayor sounds solid on Today show. Not getting caught up in Trump’s antics.
Chyron HR
How many lives do you think were saved by the cops NOT inserting themselves into nonviolent disputes?
Seth Moulton, member of Congress and former Marine (Bronze Star)”
Song of the day (if this doesn’t violate the Blackout):
Betty Cracker
Here’s the presidential daily briefing:
So, we can expect more tear-gassing of law-abiding protesters and clergy as happened yesterday to clear a path for Trump’s photo-op and should brace ourselves to see armored personnel carriers on more American streets.
Butter Emails
How? Lots of the looting takes place after curfew when the legitimate protesters have gone home or in other parts of the city. How are protesters supposed to police people when and where they are not present? Maybe we could create some sort of organization under the control of local governments that could protect people and businesses.
Paul Krugman:
@Butter Emails:
I don’t know. But the protests and the looting can’t exist side by side forever.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
NYC 1965, the ‘good’ blackout.
The people they were frantic
Although they didn’t panic
They kept on singin’ songs
Until the lights came on
@Ohio Mom: I agree. You cracked the Clarissa code!
This reminds me of what Edna Ferber said to the pompous Alec Woollcott. She called him a “New Jersey Nero who mistook his pinafore for a toga.”
Unfortunately I have a very direct view into the minds of people outside our bubble. Too many in my own family are out there, and they aren’t shy about telling me their views. But her “branding” argument is still BS that is only convincing to people in her own small bubble. This is her explaining her own post:
Except Biden has been out and about for days. Speaking directly to people in the streets, while Trump was literally hiding in the basement of a well fortified mansion.
So we’re now at the point of these protests where people are tired of being on the streets and the cries for calm are working. This time we get to find out what happens if the president tries to escalate instead of defusing. Looks like it’s giving the anger a new wave. Who could have guessed that.
@Chyron HR:
Oh, I agree. I get on them about it. “WHO called the police?” – they get all stammery because the answer is…”I did”
My favorite are calls on “unruly juveniles”. That went well. Now he’s not just unruly he’s on probation until he’s 21 so will be in front of a judge every 3 months. WTF are they thinking? Does this call EVER end well?
@gene108: The NYPD isn’t coordinating looting. But I sure think that they are deliberately not being strategic in addressing the situation (which was happening while the sun was still out, around 7PM). They will be around long after de Blasio checks out next year, and this is a way for them to instill a ‘law-and-order’ mentality in limousine liberals.
In NYC, the tide will turn to the looting and destruction very quickly if the now-8PM curfew does not quell things. I would hope that protestors here speak out against the senseless destruction that is occurring with more frequency…it is their message that is being hijacked, and with a police force that is incentivized to look the other way, and a city government led by a lazy dolt, we need them to protect and preserve the message they are trying to send.
@Bex: Insert emergency “Not All”. Excuse me for not fully researching this one good Christian so that I could know the difference between him and all his hypocritical fellow travelers. I grew up in the Catholic Church. I knew a few good and kind priests and nuns there. But when I was getting my *daily beating* none of them nor any lay person appeared to stop it. They all became deaf. So if my hatred of organized religion in general and of the Catholic Church in particular seems unrestrained on occasion know whence it comes.
** Hyperbole, more like every 2nd or 3rd day
@OzarkHillbilly: As an atheist I also love how little many people using the Bible as a prop actually know about it. Have they actually READ the Old Testament?!?? They cherry-pick the parts they want.
@germy: I see a Russian influenced crackpot on my TV everyday. As for not being in a bubble, I have Balloon Juice. There are many issues on which I don’t see eye to eye with many front pagers and commenters
@zzyzx: It’s too soon to predict how the rest of the week will play out.
My apartment (in Hell’s Kitchen) faces the back so I can’t see the street, but I could hear the protests yesterday, and last night it was constant sirens (which had been more mercifully infrequent as we passed the peak on COVID) and helicopters. I have to go out for groceries shortly so I will see how it looks. Even the birds are quiet this morning.
@Chyron HR:
That might just be a white criminal thing- I don’t know. Because it’s baffling. “You called the police over the dispute about the motorcycle when there’s no title and your whole household is on probation” – you can’t help people like that. They’re doomed.
Humping the baptismal font?
@Kay: I lived in Long Beach during the trial of the police abusers of Rodney King. No one in my apartment complex called the police. Help the neighbors push the on-fire dumpsters away from the building and find a garden hose and buckets, yes. Call the cops No. The one time I have ever called the (military) police it ended very badly…for me. Never again. And can we make people stop calling regular citizens “civilians” like the cops are part of the military? They are public servants.
Crude comment on how sexy Jesus’s mom was.
yeah but yesterday definitely had a defined before and after. The local Seattle news was on regular programming because the protests were just being protests. CNN and MSNBC were talking about what had happened and were switching to the uplifting videos of cops and protestors getting along that usually signify the shift to the calmer stage.
After Trump’s stunt, it all blew up again. Well done!
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’ve been thinking about that one man in Tienanmen Square who faced down the tanks. Is that what we’re coming to? Do I need to put on my black pants and white shirt, pick up two plastic shopping bags, and hit the streets?
Governor Pritzker announced we didn’t want the military invading Illinois, so I’m probably not going to see that here. But with Trump, who knows?
The thing is we’ve seen effective policing in some of these cities- reading Twitter I counted Camden NJ, Newark NJ and Flint MI. I’m sure there are more. So we have a model of good work. It’s not impossible. The police who are encountering huge problems or escalations should have to explain why their approach is failing, because not everyone is failing.
“An 8 at best. Two points deducted for the stretch marks.”
– Dolt 45
I’m still seeing that this morning. I think and hope this backfires on Trump. As Kay has pointed out often, Trump has built up no goodwill to fall back on. Yesterday’s “photo op” is being portrayed as such outside of right-wing media, which is quite a change from W’s “Mission Accomplished” photo op.
Dorothy A. Winsor
If you haven’t read Angie Thomas’s THE HATE YOU GIVE, I recommend it strongly. Among the event are a police shooting of a young black man and a riot. It’s a nuanced book. It will leave you sadder and wiser.
ETA: The writing/publishing folks on twitter are promoting Black writers today. Feel free to join in.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I prefer to be happier and dumber.
Biden has been out and about 4 times, I think, this past week including Memorial Day. All were good looks. I think 2-3 times a week is plenty until Labor Day. And interviews where he counter punches, like he did when he called trump “a fool,” are great. But Kay is right, I think, about the many people who vote but do not especially relish the debate. I am a poltical junky and spend too much time on politics. But my friend Stephanie will watch the worst ball game before any political show, and I think the are more people similar to her than me. And she always votes and votes Democratic. But Covid-19 scares Stephanie (she has lupus and her partner is diabetic), and I did notice an higher level of engagement a couple weeks ago, when we were talking about Trump’s response to the pandemic. She was pissed!
I’m just pissed, and dejected. Police may not have started the looting, but the looting is very out of character for how Manhattanites, NYC’ers in general, have handled a crisis (9/11, 2003 blackout, Sandy) or other large scale protests (Women’s March, anti-Iraq War demonstrations) over the last twenty years.
Mayor Says St. Louis Will Distribute Face Masks at Protests
Dorothy A. Winsor
Don’t we all!
@OzarkHillbilly: I hear you. The Catholic church has plenty of problems as do Protestant denominations and organized religions of all stripes. I’m sorry you were on the receiving end of that. It’s just good to see, every once in a while, people who are trying to change things.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It’s on my list. Maybe it’s time to move it to the top.
It’s really easy to give ordinary people moral “permission” to engage in bad acts. The modem conservative movement is built upon the idea that that impulse can be controlled and harnessed to political ends.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Sure, but only a select few like me are capable of it.
Biden campaign really, really needs to find a way to break through into non-online media.
Have been in touch with several people who do not get their info from phones or computers expressing their disappointment over how “invisible” he is.
@Bex: I’m an atheist but I follow Pavlovitz on a semi regular basis, so I know they are out there and speaking. Right now I am just so dawgdamned pissed off… That anger and the accompanying violence inside never goes away.
I think I need a break from everything for a week or 2.
Biden’s job is to win the election. People will always complain. I remember when people complained about Obama not handing out yard signs. In November, no one is going to remember how much they saw Biden in the news in early June.
And speaking of Pavlovitz, You’re Damn Right I’m Angry
I’m gonna check out for a bit.
@NotMax: You mean it’s just like how Hillary gave speeches and discussions of her actual policies and what she would do as President and the MSM chose to play live video of an empty podium, or yet another one of his Carnival Barker/Lets Stomp the Opposition Hitler Youth rallies? Biden is not “Exciting” and does not have the potential for lovely full color video of protesters getting their heads smashed so the MSM does not consider it “news-worthy”. I’m not mad at you, But what do you suggest he do?
@Baud: Oh I think it will backfire on Trump, but I think it’s likely we’ll have a few extra nights of stupidity before we get to the other side that we weren’t going to have.
It’s more that he was set up for success. If he had come out and said, “We understand your anger, and while the looting must stop, let’s find a way to come together to prevent events like this from happening again,” just as things were naturally calming down, he could have portrayed himself as the unifying figure we’d need in these times.
Of course, that would require a personality transplant for him to understand that as an approach.
So of course Glenn Beck’s first move is to dismiss BLM and the Blackout. ?
Had I a ready strategy to part the postmodern curtain I’d provide it, gladly and gratis.
@Kay: LOL happens all the time in my county….domestic dispute (girlfriend locked boyfriend out of the house and he wants his stuff!!) and both end up arrested on prior warrants outstanding or drugs in the house AND the car. One of our druggie tenants went to southern Ohio knocking on doors looking for odd jobs, and picked the house of a cop to do so. Hilarity ensued, as he had an outstanding warrant for child support, and went straight to jail. Well, in his defense, he was not very bright …
@NotMax: Well, Biden’s Memorial Day outing made the evening news, and the “he’s a fool” comment made the lead in the 8am CBS radio news the next day. Don’t know about the other appearances. If I were all in on politics I’d get satellite TV just see what so many other people see on the evening news. But then I’d get sucked into the cable shows and never get any work done. Maybe October.
More like this, please: Remove trumpov Now
I hope Dems step it up and call for him to resign. He won’t, so I hope that they also launch quick investigations of…well, anything, frankly. The Saudi arms deal. The lying about Flynn. The constant threats against states and state governors. This tear-gassing of peaceful protestors and calls for our military to shoot our citizens. Whatever. Tee it up and impeach him again. Let the GOP continue to defend his descent into madness, all summer long.
When are we going to see tens of thousands of peaceful protesters surround the White House, and stay there until Fat Nixon takes his last ride in the presidential chopper?
I’m thinking Fall of Saigon visuals. I’m thinking Last Flight to Merde-a-Lago. I’m thinking Back in the USSR as Trump picks up the keys to his new dascha in Sochi. Only Nixon can go to China? Why not Fail Nixon?
I phoned my R-Senate Lackey this morning and told him today was his Goldwater moment.
@OzarkHillbilly: St. John’s is an Episcopal church. The Episcopal Church in the US has been all-in on social justice for a while now, including getting kicked out of the Anglican Communion because they refused to stop treating LGBTQ+ people like actual fully human and equal members of the church. Several of the priests were gassed as they were working with a BLM medical team, handing out snacks and water to protesters.
Emma from FL
@OzarkHillbilly: The Church of the BunkerBoy’s Photo Op has had a reciprocal respectful relationship (and say that three times fast) with the presidency since, IIRC, James Madison. They are also part of a largely reliably liberal institution, the Episcopalians. Trust me, they are truly pissed.
@germy: I don’t get that. Is it snark? Or is that for real?
@WaterGirl: It’s a real blog.
If you don’t know the person to begin with, and there’s almost no context or explanation included, or posted without comment, it can get very frustrating at times.
Yes. It is difficult to accept when your cause is righteous and your message is needed that through no fault of your own further protest is counterproductive. The peaceful demonstrations have become cover for simple looting miles away. Here in Chicago, the pharmacy departments of drugstores all over town are being hit, when nothing around them is touched, because ordinary police response isn’t possible. I also fear that good mayors in big cities, including a number of African American women that would have been inconceivable half a generation ago, are facing “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” choices that will send some of these cities back into the hands of the usual suspects down the line. I have found it remarkable in Chicago how little criticism I have heard up to now of Mayor Lightfoot, who has been doing a terrific job with challenges expected (money) and unexpected (pandemic). But suddenly I hear complaints from those whose local shopping centers and commercial districts are getting hit while the police and national guard are trying to keep a lid on in the Loop. It’s tough to see mayors like her and Muriel Bowser and Keisha Bottoms taking the fall for the parasitic, opportunistic crime wave that is using the protests as a shield. I’m glad to see the Floyd murder in the hands of Keith Ellison now, and I don’t see how further protests in cities across the country can get the message across more strongly than it has been made.
J R in WV
I too thought someone who was the most popular woman in the nation was a shoo-in for the Presidency. That was before RWNJ tide of perverted publicity and lies landed. It was also before I started phone banking for Hillary.
That was so depressing. I had to stop around the weekend before the election. Election night I knew we were screwed early, went to bed about 10 pm, really early for an election night. With application of bourbon. Didn’t help much, either.
J R in WV
They are supposed to be
arepublic servants.Fix’d’ for you. Are not actually public servants, work for their own best interests always!
J R in WV
I checked out Clarissa’s Blog. That woman is a typical RWNJ !
Can’t see the blue sky for the Red Sky she imagines. Knows nothing, can’t learn anything from observation. Like a Randian economist, kinda. Sad, if she has other real talents invisible on her blog.
Will never be back to “Clarissa’s Blog”, ever.
@Darkrose: The Episcopal Church in the US is a member of the Anglican Communion. A splinter group, the Anglican Church in America, has not been accepted.
I just hope that Biden and other Democratic officials and party leaders are working on an agenda that can be presented on January 21. That includes damn near everything, and some things are going to have to be back-burnered, but the list of most important topics is getting way too long. Virtually everything in American society needs reform if not re-do, and the more people we get working on it now the better. Even if the worst happens, the Democrats could show America what they would have done, given the chance. But if they do win, they need to show that they can act and govern and better the country and not waste more than half a day in doing it. Calling a special session of congress to immediately follow the first dance at the Inaugural ball might be a good idea.
Our sleepy little (>10k) town was going to have a protest today (9am-11am, masks and distancing required) in solidarity with BLM. The organizer is from one of families who have lived here for 150 years or more. It was cancelled last night, because he was getting “credible” death threats and threats to destroy his property. That, and the fact that he is white and the local non-whites weren’t included in the planning were the reasons given for cancellation.
That is so disappointing for so many reasons.
Bishop Bag
@JaneE: Hey! Hey! Jane E!
Do you live in the Bishop, California area? My Daughter told me last night that she was going to a BLM Protest this morning But when I got up at 6:30 she told me that it had been cancelled due to threats. She was so disappointed…