Based on most recent testing numbers, today way more Americans were diagnosed with #COVID19 than attended Trump’s campaign rally.
Would’ve still been true if the arena was completely full…
And the spillover area too…
And the Cox Business Convention Center in Tulsa as well.
— Craig Spencer MD MPH (@Craig_A_Spencer) June 21, 2020
Speed up the testing.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 21, 2020
Our daily update is published. We’ve now tracked 26.5 million tests, up a whopping 584k from yesterday, an all-time high.
And for the first time, the 7-day average has crossed the 500k minimum daily tests recommended by @HarvardGH. Really good news at the national level.
— The COVID Tracking Project (@COVID19Tracking) June 20, 2020
Since last Sunday, 20% of the reported tests in Arizona have come back positive.
Right next door in New Mexico, only 2.5% of tests are coming back positive.
— The COVID Tracking Project (@COVID19Tracking) June 20, 2020
Florida surpasses 4,000 new coronavirus cases, over 19,000 in a week
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) June 21, 2020
We're reopening before we have our contact tracing system ready to stop cases from becoming clusters and clusters from becoming outbreaks. This is not good—we must urgently act to ramp up capacity and box in the virus.
— Dr. Tom Frieden (@DrTomFrieden) June 20, 2020
New op-ed compares U.S. response to other countries: "Our delay in action was devastating.'' How many needless #COVID19 deaths were caused by delays in responding? Most of them. via @statnews
— Rick Berke (@rickberke) June 19, 2020
The #COVID19 pandemic is accelerating. Over 150K new cases were reported to @WHO yesterday – the most in a single day so far. The virus is still spreading fast & deadly. Most people are still susceptible. We call on all countries & all people to exercise extreme vigilance.
— Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) June 20, 2020
Is it possible to fight the #COVID19 pandemic through massive, coordinated testing? via @medical_xpress
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) June 21, 2020
.@chrislhayes: "You can see how the European Union, like us, peaked around 30k new cases per day, right around the same time we did. Now, the whole EU is averaging around 4k cases per day. The US hasn't broken below 20k new cases."
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) June 21, 2020
@ the media: just wondering when you are planning to release your reports outlining that there have been 0 known community transmissions of COVID-19 thus far related to any of the BLM rallies that were held all across Australia over 2 weeks ago? Can you tag me when you do? kthnx
— Celeste Liddle (@Utopiana) June 21, 2020
China's capital reports 22 new cases of the coronavirus after a mass testing effort that has collected more than two million samples in a race to contain a new outbreak
— AFP news agency (@AFP) June 21, 2020
In April, China lifted lockdown in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus pandemic began
Two months on, 11 million people are still trying to restart their lives
How has Wuhan changed?
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 20, 2020
New Zealand beat back the coronavirus, but families were left divided and migrant workers stranded in the process
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 21, 2020
Five-day Covid-19 quarantine measure reversed in Delhi, India, hours after it was announced, despite record infection spike
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 20, 2020
Saudi Arabia to lift coronavirus curfew
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 20, 2020
Iran's #coronavirus death toll tops 9,500 via @medical_xpress
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) June 20, 2020
#Coronavirus cases exceed 2.5 million in Europe via @medical_xpress
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) June 21, 2020
#Greece extended its #COVID19 lockdown on its teeming migrant camps,hours after protesters rallied in central Athens to mark World #RefugeeDay and denounce the government’s treatment of #migrants
— AFP news agency (@AFP) June 20, 2020
Coronavirus cases at German meat plant rise above 1,000
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 20, 2020
Coronavirus: Spain welcomes tourists back as emergency ends
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 21, 2020
VIDEO: Artists in Kinshasa are painting frescoes across hundreds of metres to raise awareness against the COVID-19 pandemic
— AFP news agency (@AFP) June 21, 2020
Novel #coronavirus cases and deaths rose in several Latin American countries, with particularly alarming figures reported from Chile, where the death toll nearly doubled to more than 7,000 under a revised tallying method, and passed 20,000 in Mexico
— AFP news agency (@AFP) June 20, 2020
Chile has 5-6 thousand new patients daily. System can't handle it. We will soon be in the Italian scenario.
— Crawford Kilian (@Crof) June 21, 2020
Mexico reports 4,717 new coronavirus infections, 387 deaths: health ministry
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 21, 2020
Clearly, #SARSCoV2 has become a nosocomial infection in nursing homes because their residents represent more than 1 in 4 #COVID19 deaths: via @AOL
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) June 21, 2020
From Oxford to an Italian lab, one race for coronavirus vaccine is gaining backers
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 21, 2020
“It would be wise to take advantage of the summertime to “crush this virus as close to out-of-existence as possible,” says Jeffrey Shaman… “That way when it comes into the wintertime and it’s more transmissible you’re starting for a lower setpoint.””
— Dr Kathleen Bachynski (@bachyns) June 18, 2020
Would you wear a mobile, plastic shield like this?
— BBC Business (@BBCBusiness) June 20, 2020
Volunteer sleuths are tracking down people who break Hawaii's mandatory two-week quarantine order on arriving travelers. The state continues to get hundreds of new visitors every day.
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 20, 2020
President Donald Trump suggested at a campaign rally in Oklahoma, that the U.S. should slow down its coronavirus testing effort because robust testing turns up more cases of infection.
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 21, 2020
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s daily numbers. 16 new cases: 13 from local infection comprising four Malaysians and nine non-Malaysians, three cases of imported infection in two Malaysians and a permanent resident returning from abroad. Total 8,572 cases.
10 more patients recovered and were discharged from hospital, total 8,156 recovered or 95.1% of all cases. The number of active cases rose slightly to 295. Three patients are in ICU with no one on a ventilator.
We’ve now had another week with no deaths. The total is still 121 deaths. Infection fatality rate is 1.41% and the case fatality rate is 1.46%.
Amir Khalid
The Tube Tube is open at the top. You’d still be vulnerable to droplets drifting down from above.
from the Statnews article:
It’s strange. Although right wing pundits want to insist on turning response to the pandemic into an ideological “both sides” issue, I do not see any coherent conservative perspective.
It comes down to some perverse “the left is for killing the economy” vs “individual responsibility.” This is nonsense since pretty much every country in the world, with a few exceptions, went for some variation of lockdown. And Sweden is not a right wing country.
And in the US, Trump has simply lost interest in the pandemic and, like a sullen child, just wants to move on. However, red states that simply follow his lead cannot show that they are handling the pandemic well. It just comes down to them ignoring the increase in cases and deaths.
It is just strange to see the right furiously defend their right to be killed by the virus as a result of official neglect of public health duties.
Watching Florida news on PBS (recorded Friday). New state budget year starts July 1st, and DeSantis has line’item veto power before he approves a $93 billion budget the legislature passed.
“DeSantis compared the looming budget cuts to the “Red Wedding” scene from the HBO series “Game of Thrones”…”
He’s particularly focused on cutting healthcare allocations he says we can no longer afford. We are so screwed.
Also over 4000 new cases, worst day ever.
Anne Laurie
I figure I’d drape mine with a jaunty fabric covering, possibly sprayed with a pleasantly scented disinfectant, and decorated with tassels or crochet lace. Like an antimacassar (which my Irish grannies used all their lives).
Anybody tried to talk to me, I could point at my tube & mime that I couldn’t hear them!
The mention of Hawaii is somewhat misleading as “hundreds” may technically be true but it represents a 95%+ plus drop from the same time last year. Data (.pdf)
@Amir Khalid:
Pop a giant foam cowboy hat on top and you’re good.
@Amir Khalid: The tubes and plastic face shields both allow droplet inhalation. In hospitals the face shields are used with full mask, gowns and gloves; but non-medical people are wearing the shields because they don’t want to wear masks. People are idiots.
Chyron HR
Do Republicans just not understand popular media?
Amir Khalid
Sweden’s herd immunity approach was popular among libertarians and the right because it eschewed enforced lockdown and was thus more liberty-friendly. We’ve seen since that that approach just leads to needlessly many deaths without yielding much herd immunity. The Sweden fans have been quiet lately.
the economy will not come back until people like me are willing to participate in it.
to work.
and home.
THAT is all I have energy for. Nothing extra.
The cons are using the ‘throw shit against the wall’ approach, as always: numbers overstated (underlying cause deaths shouldn’t count), cure-worse-than-disease theme, no-worse-than-flu theme (for the truly pig-ignorant*, numerically incompetent) combined at time with it’s an attack on tRump theme…
*apologies to all actual pigs
New Deal democrat
Arizona now has exponential spread. New daily cases per million have nearly doubled from 180 to 300 in just 5 days. At this rate Arizona’s outbreak will equal NY at its worst with over 500 per day (1 in every 2000 people infected each day) in just 5 more days.
Utah and the entire rest of the Confederacy ex-VA are in the 80 to 160 range, and rising.
The States of the Northeast megalopolis and upper Midwest seriously need to consider forcing all interstate travelers from the South to go into quarantine for at least 7 days upon entry to the State – and yes I do mean posting police at the VA-NC border and at the Ohio and upper Mississippi River crossings. Otherwise new outbreaks will be seeded, undoing much of the responsible States’ hard work.
The only bright spot is that deaths continue to decline. It may just be a lag in the data, but it probably also involves better hospital treatment and even more importantly shutting down nursing home spread.
@Amir Khalid:
Take Sweden’s five closest neighbors.
Add up their COVID-19 DEATHS.
TRIPLE that number.
THAT is Sweden ‘s death toll -ALONE???
Matt McIrvin
“Doing anything visible to avoid spreading COVID-19 makes you a pussy.” That’s the entire perspective. It’s the macho perspective of the school kids who’ll laugh at you if you wear a coat in freezing weather.
@Brachiator: Trump has now given the official response: ignore it and it will go away. I for one am fully prepared to choke to death with lungs full of crap if it makes Donald MFing Trump’s numbers look better.
@New Deal democrat:
I wonder if it’s statistically discernible if RI’s hold on NY travellers when it was a basket case had any effect. Hard to judge cause/effect of what did not/may not have happened.
Chief Oshkosh
So the estimate is that 70-99% of US Covid deaths would’ve been prevented if Trump was competent. Deaths have topped 120,000. That’s 84,000 to 119,000 killed Americans that Trump is directly responsible for. And getting worse. The only way out is to enact the confirmed strategies of mask wearing, social distancing, testing, and contact tracing. With his little, tiny get-together last night, Trump broadcast, yet again, that he is against any of that.
Shouldn’t the mainstream media be calling for Trump to resign? Shouldn’t we all?
@Amir Khalid:
I think the Swedish example did enormous harm to the US. At a critical time, huge numbers of lockdown opponents were *relentlessly* using Sweden to muddy the policy waters. That surely had some effect on when those lockdowns got implemented, or how strict they were. Now they’re all really quiet, and would probably deny ever having even mentioned Sweden.
They know they were conclusively proven wrong. (Even Anders Tegnell came as close as someone like him ever will to admitting error.) They know they’re guilty of making an argument that led to harm. They’re hoping everyone will have forgotten, the next time they trot out their tired old arguments about we’d all be better off if we eliminated government from every part of our lives.
@Shalimar: But I’ve been told only blue states run by Democrats have budget problems because of the pandemic *rolleyes* It’s amazing to me that even in the face of so many red states having dire budget problems Mitch refuses to do anything. Do they think people in those states just won’t notice?
Aziz, light!
I don’t buy this at all. Had President Hillary Clinton launched a timely, prudent, thorough, expert-driven nationwide response to the virus, a great many freedumb-loving Americans would have refused to cooperate, just as they are doing now. They and their rethug leaders would be braying that she is a constitution-hating dictator.
My stepson sent us pictures of the completely empty beaches where he lives in Maui. I cannot imagine the damage the economy in Hawaii is enduring right now. Even if it results in some good things long-term, it’s gotta be bad right now. I think their only advantage is that it’s easier for them to keep people from other places in quarantine, and there are relatively few people coming there from other places. Who wants to pay $400 a day to sit in a hotel room for 2 weeks?
From the Australian Dept of Health:
‘As at 3:00pm on 21 June 2020, a total of 7,461 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, including 102 deaths and 6,896 have been reported as recovered from COVID-19.
25 new cases today, 19 from Victoria. The other 6 cases were travellers in quarantine, as were 4 Victorian cases. There are 15 cases in hospital, with 2 in ICU.
As for the situation in Sweden, it was a shitshow from the start and only gets worse. If there were justice in this world, Anders Tegnell’s head would be on a pike. He is living proof that the safest place to be in a pandemic is as far away from an epidemiologist as possible.
Another Scott
@Soprano2: I was listening to Marketplace on the radio on Friday and heard a couple of reporters (WSJ, WaPo, I think) discussing the national COVID-19 response with Kai. The WSJ reporter, I think, was saying that she didn’t know if there would be another stimulus/rescue bill because “Congress can’t agree” on the numbers.
Made me almost have a screaming fit, it did.
No mention that the House passed a $3T bill on May 15 and that Moscow Mitch has been sitting on it ever since.
Every time I think that maybe I’m too hard on Marketplace and maybe it does has some value, I listen briefly and remember why I turn it off.
I attribute New Mexico’s results to mask wearing. In my limited outings, mask wearing in Albuquerque is nearly 100% .
@Soprano2: DeSantis wants these cuts. This is an excuse for him to gut things he doesn’t like. He even bragged that by doing it now they won’t have to talk about the budget again until after the election.
Their strategy is to do all the damage now and hope people forget by November 3rd. And in and other year, that depressingly might work. They are so fucked this year. Everything will be even worse in 4 1/2 months. No one is forgetting.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced that Yakima County is now under orders to wear masks. That county is in “red” Washington, east of the Cascades, and they’ve had a recent surge in new cases. They have moved into second place behind King County and ahead of Snohomish and Pierce, and their numbers are approximately the sum of those in Snohomish and Pierce.
@Soprano2: (re Hawaii’s economy) there is no ” the economy.” There’s “an economy.” The real function of any economy is to provision society. Right now the people of Hawaii need to be kept fed and healthy until it’s safe to start doing tourist things. If Hawaiians are being kept fed and healthy then the economy is doing its job.
Chief Oshkosh
@Aziz, light!: There would be some resistance, as there was all over Europe. But most US cities/urban/suburban areas participated heavily in the lockdowns, even in red states. High-density areas are key. People rose to the occasion when asked by leaders to do so. Unfortunately, and mainly because of Trump, leaders in red states dropped all of that.
So here we are.
@Aziz, light!: it says “if Trump we’re competent”. Maybe if he’d have responded competently, those same ignoramuses would have listened to him and would have stopped the exponential growth
we know they wouldn’t listen to a Dem but they probably would have embraced wearing masks etc if he told them to
@Amir Khalid: I never got the “herd immunity” argument. Every epidemiologist I’ve listened to has said that you need about 60-70% of the population to be “innoculated” (i.e. infected and recovered or vaccinated) to achieve herd immunity. In Sweden, that would mean about 6-8 million people getting infected and around 200,000 deaths. That’s insane. No responsible government would let that happen. Their intention was to keep infections/hospitalizations *below* a level that would overwhelm the public health system, but *above* a level requiring a complete economic shutdown. In a sense, it worked. But at a terrible human price. Now it could be if there is a horrible second wave later this year that carries off a bunch of Germans and Danes and forces an even worse lockdown to contain it in those places, Sweden’s approach may be vindicated because it’s better position to ride things out. But if there isn’t, then the early/stringent lockdown with ongoing test/trace approach will have been vindicated.
They understand it. They just have a different opinion of who the bad guys are.
I think the theory was that we were all going to catch this anyway, better to get it over with quickly. That way they wouldn’t have to worry 6 months later and the economy could recover. But their theory was wrong. If handled correctly, most of us will never catch coronavirus. Sweden won’t be any better off than other Europeans, because, despite letting the pandemic run free, they’re still far below the percentage needed to establish herd immunity.