Okay, serious question for Arizonans…
I’m watching the parade of clips from unbearably stupid kids at Trump’s Phoenix event.
How representative are they of the Arizona student pop?
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) June 24, 2020
In my estimation, as a semi-major young adult author who spends much time with teens around the country, not representative at all. The vast majority of young people give a shit about their future. The brainwashed sect is half actually brainwashed, half looking for attention.
— Ellen Hopkins (@EllenHopkinsLit) June 24, 2020
The Squatter-in-Chief wanted some balm for his chafed ego after the Tulsa ‘No REALLY?’ Rally, so his loyalest supporters found him a safe space at a rented megachurch in deepest Denialvania, and stocked it with prime specimens of the Next GOP Generation. The kids were pumped, and primed, and pampered. And they were dumb. Boy howdy, were they dumb. Proudly, deliberately dumb. Aunt-Jemima-was-a-real-person-who-is-being-cancelled dumb. Having a semi-famous dad makes me inherently better dumb. The clips I saw made it look like a livestock parade, or a canine conformation show: Glossy specimens bred over generations for maximum appeal to a very particular standard, raised on a rigorous routine of diet, exercise, and training.
It must be a certain consolation to all the not-Repub kids suffering these morons every day that these Prime Specimens are gonna be very little competition in any circumstance where Do you know who my dad is? doesn’t… trump. Times ain’t now buddy like they used to be… and the utility of being an upper-middle-class inheritor of a local car dealership or a five-store restaurant chain is unlikely to remain a lifelong sinecure. (Of course, the brightest of these Repub dim bulbs always have the fallback of stealing from their elders… )
NEW: For a day in Arizona, President Trump got exactly what he wanted: a chance to show off his border wall and a packed crowd cheering him on.
But fears of the virus, surging in the battleground state, shadowed the president on this sweltering day https://t.co/aExaiACHrH
— Jonathan Lemire (@JonLemire) June 24, 2020
It wasn’t quite one of his signature big-stadium rallies.
But President Donald Trump drew something closer to the jam-packed audience of political supporters he’s been craving as hundreds of young conservatives filled a Phoenix megachurch Tuesday to hear his call for them to get behind his reelection effort.
The crowded Dream City Church for the gathering of Students for Trump offered a starkly different feel compared to Trump’s weekend rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, his first of the coronavirus era, which drew sparser attendance…
With the Phoenix event, which was organized by Turning Point Action, a group chaired by Trump ally Charlie Kirk, the president hoped to turn attention — at least momentarily — away from his slumping poll numbers, surging coronavirus infections in huge swaths of the South and West, and a virus-ravaged economy.
His address was chock-full of typical Trump lines — boasts about television ratings, ridicule of his likely Democratic presidential opponent Joe Biden and sharply worded resentments over China’s handling of the coronavirus crisis. As he did in Oklahoma over the weekend, Trump referred to the virus as “kung flu,” a pejorative term that Asian-Americans say is racist…
But throughout his daylong trip to Arizona, which included a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, the COVID-19 pandemic shadowed Trump.
The Democratic mayor of Phoenix made clear she did not believe Trump’s speech could be safely held in her city — and urged the president to wear a face mask.
But Trump has adamantly refused to wear a mask in public, instead turning it into a red-vs.-blue cultural issue. Polling suggests Republicans are far less likely to wear face coverings than Democrats despite health experts’ warnings that it dramatically reduces the risk of transmitting the virus. Few in the crowd at the Students for Trump event donned masks.
Since late May, Arizona has emerged as one of the nation’s most active hot spots for the spread of COVID-19…
Campaign officials stressed that rallies would remain a staple of the president’s reelection strategy but allowed that they may, in certain states, need to change slightly. Discussions were under way about having them in more modest venues or outdoors, perhaps in airplane hangars and amphitheaters, or in smaller cities away from likely protesters…
Gotta bug the Oval Office Occupant that one-hit novelty acts like his typically don’t fill arenas on their farewell tour.
The scene of President Trump’s appearance at a Phoenix mega-church.
No social distancing. And the only masks I am seeing are being worn by the White House travel pool pic.twitter.com/WYBRjAiDJp
— Jonathan Lemire (@JonLemire) June 23, 2020
Arizona ER doctor:
On the WORST day of the pandemic in #Arizona with 58,179 cases and single-day records of ??3,593 new cases and ??42 new deaths, these unmasked #Trump supporters at Dream City Church, Phoenix Arizona are breathing #COVID in and out. pic.twitter.com/EI1Oy4gUiZ
— ????Cleavon Gilman, MD?? (@Cleavon_MD) June 23, 2020
.@PhoenixPolice Spox Sgt. Ann Justus:
“The Phoenix PD will continue to lead with education. We will remind everyone at the event, including officers, the importance of the Mayor’s order in helping stop the spread. Please remind your viewers of the importance of #maskupAZ.” https://t.co/rS8jMIKmwj
— Vaughn Hillyard (@VaughnHillyard) June 23, 2020
Let’s keep an eye on the statistics, see how much ‘leading with education’ spikes ER admissions and distributed infections over the next 21 days.
With his body writhing, Trump’s electric shock slurring happens. His involuntary movements are out of control here- torso, arms & head. His degenerative neurological disease- Frontotemporal dementia combined w/ abuse of drugs like Levodopa has created a neurological nightmare https://t.co/dpgYgSGO6v
— Tom Joseph (@TomJChicago) June 24, 2020
Arizona ‘s ICU’s are approaching full capacity quite rapidly.??
@rikyrah: It didn’t have to be that way.
@rikyrah: Good thing that the consulates are canceling previously scheduled visa interviews with doctors in the light of the Orange One’s EO.
Considering the spread of COVID among that age range right now, and the fact this particular group would consider masks and social distancing anathema, I wouldn’t be surprised if 1000 cases come out of this event.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Meghan McCain?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d be very happy if Barr went down as the only AG ever impeached, even if McConnell refused to take it up in the Senate. Leaving him hanging might even be the preferable outcome to acquittal.
I don’t think the Aunt Jemima brat was dumb. Her profile says she’s an ‘ambassador’ for Turning Point USA.
So she’s a micro-influencer on social media. She likely gets paid based on social media engagement. So she went with the take likeliest to get her clicks and shares.
She’s a grifter.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And we hammer him for refusing to take up his impeachment. It would take the thing we suck at which is message discipline but I think we can all agree that this obstruction gotta stop. It probably won’t be enough to make him lose but until we try we’ll never know.
@schrodingers_cat: We don’t need no stinking doctors, I have this magic orange rock.
How can this be? Trump assures us that the virus is either a hoax or will disappear if you do not test for it. Or squirt that virus with bleach or sunlight.
It astounds me that Trump’s base is willing to die for him. Or kill their grandparents.
Well… not all of AZ is a mirror of the heartfelt desires of Mr Kirk and while there are a goodly number that are sympathetic… we did elect Sinema and Kelly is kicking McSally’s patootie. Plus we’re turning over congressional districts yet the state lege is gerrymandered to a fare the well. Things are changing here… steadily.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Who could have known
@Brachiator: Everyone knows the virus will go away when it gets warm…
(checks temp in Phoenix)
…guess 109 isn’t warm enough.
Ohio Mom
schrodingers_cat: I have an off-topic favor to ask. My niece’s husband, Nimish, just received his citizenship. Can you type up something in Hindi I can cut and paste into a congratulations email?
He applied right after Trump was elected. I hadn’t heard anything so I assumed he was in limbo. The email my sister just sent out was a very happy surprise.
Roger Moore
I think somebody crushed it to use as makeup.
@sanjeevs: The Aunt Jemima brat said that statues of Jesus are being torn down. Trump repeated this today. I unfortunately saw some of the speech last night and could have sworn Trump said something along the lines of “tomorrow belongs to us.” Couldn’t find the quote today, but assuming I heard right, they’re just not hiding it anymore are they?
@Roger Moore:
Oh Crap!
J R in WV
@Ohio Mom:
That’s great news, wish I could help with the Hindi congrats message. Best of luck to your niece and her family!!!
Don’t forget:
He’s not deteriorating fast enough for my taste, but this is great…great to see him twitching and slurring and sweating.
It’s not a hundredth of what he deserves. Not a thousandth.
As for the House and Barr, I hope they impeach him and drag the whole thing out across the rest of the summer. Remind the country what the stakes are here: you can have the rule of law, or you can have trumpov and Barr. You can have a democracy, or a pathetic banana republic. Keep pulling the curtain back and showing every last possible voter exactly what this Keystone Krime Syndicate is all about.
@Ohio Mom: बधाई हो निमीश (Congratulations Nimish!)
Orange Concealer is melting in the heat.
patrick II
Those young people were encouraged to sit maskless and shoulder to shoulder. Yet when two students were brought onto the stage because they were the head of the Republican youth organization that sponsored the rally they were kept standing twenty feet away from the president.
There is just a murderous cynicism about that. No, kids, it’s alright, you don’t need a mask or social distancing. You won’t get sick and die, trust me. Trump shows he knows better and keeps himself far away.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Only the best bananas!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: One of the yutes who spoke (idiotically) is the son of the asshole who wrote the bathroom law in NC.
That’s some low-grade celebrity.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@germy: His next
griftjob will be as Dean of Trump Universitygermy
His next job will be as Dean of Bovine University.
“If I’d known you were coming I’d have baked a urinal cake.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That would be one of the best upgrades in TV news history.
@schrodingers_cat: This really is a full service blog!
Ohio Mom
Schrodingers_cat: many thanks!
and thanks for the good wishes JR in WV!
Fill out your Florida Woman bingo card all at once:
Omnes Omnibus
@frosty: Then what doesn’t it deliver cheesecake?
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I’m going to go plug that into the “270 to Win” EV calculator, just before I go to bed tonight.
Ahhhhhh….zzzzzzz….. ;
ETA: I couldn’t wait…it puts Biden 2020 a dozen EVs ahead of Obama 2008(!) =
ETA2: oh wait…I didn’t reset it from last time…carry the 2…refibrulate the denominator…put Texas back in the red column…my bad. But it’s CLOSE to Obama 2008!
@Ohio Mom:
कनाडाई बनने में बहुत देर नहीं हुई है।
“Everything will be fine after all the old boomers die out.”
Kamala Harris impresses more every day I can’t see Biden choosing anyone else — or the party accepting it — because Harris could be in an impact position in 2024.
@Ohio Mom:
Congrats, pass along some heart well wishes.
Tinfoil hat trick.
SO: Devin Nunes’ cow: 1 Devin Nunes 0
WaPost: Devin Nunes cannot sue Twitter over fake cow parody account, judge rules
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
A tweet points this out:
and links to the Texas Medical Center’s Total ICU Bed Occupancy for the Greater Houston Are
I’d worry more about Arizona than Texas, tbh
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This is wonderful news.
Amir Khalid
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Quoting a single number, as in “Candidate A leads nationally by X% of voters” is meaningless. It would be nice if media who insist on reporting the horse race would state it in terms of how many states each candidate is leading in, and by how many presumed electoral college votes. I know all of that won’t fit in a headline, but at least it gives a better picture of each candidate’s real position.
The party of tort reform.
@Elizabelle: To shamelessly steal from someone on Twitter: FAKE MOOS!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I’ll say this for Tweety: He went quietly, and has stayed quiet. A bit surprised there hasn’t been some attempt to turn him into a wise elder statesman on Morning Joe, at the very least. I wonder if his family didn’t tell him it was time to give up the Tee-Vee.
Ohio Mom
Thanks Baud!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Good. He had to have known this was a frivolous lawsuit. He’s a public figure
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That’s good to hear. Maybe he’s decided the best thing for him is to cash out on the speaking circuit.
OMG, I’m in tears here. ?
@dmsilev: There is a woman up the street just like that. She has all these weird signs in her yard and she was tacking stuff up on phone poles for a while. This is dead in the middle of the bluest area of Athens.
Oh, for fucks’ sake:
Trump is headlining fireworks at Mount Rushmore. Experts worry two things could spread: virus and wildfire.
@WaterGirl: The GOP is an existential threat to the USA. Start treating it like that. I’m writing letters to every editor I can.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think he now has a podcast.
I will have to laugh if he brings down Mt. Rushmore himself.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: OT: For Fathers Day, I got my dad the “Bull Cook” book that you bring up every once in a while. He seems entertained by it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, I had to get my own at Costco, stupid blog.
@Baud: Did he become Canadian? Because that’s what you are congratulating him for!
@Baud: I’m pretty sure he’s perpetually miffed that his profile isn’t up there as well.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Do a lot of people live near Mt. Rushmore? If his little fireworks display causes a massive fire, a lot of people might die.
I fucking hate this asshole. None of the networks (aside from Fox and OANN, of course), including PBS, better carry this.
Google translate may have failed me.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
A rounding error for Trump at this point.
John Revolta
Dayum. A finer pack of TrumpfJugend I ain’t never seen.
@Amir Khalid:
More detailed state polls are expensive. The campaigns may be doing this, but the results are probably preliminary and not worth revealing to the public. And of course the Republicans are not going to release bad news.
But the news media loves to publish this stuff because it is traditional, even though it doesn’t really mean anything.
And of course people will talk about the numbers and give them far more attention than they deserve because that’s what people do.
I believe his post was about new polls in those swing states that were published today. (At least, I know the Marquette/Wisconsin poll came out this afternoon.) And, frankly, since the election is months away, even knowing the “real position” in all/multiple states right now is mostly pointless since things can possible change a bunch between now and November.
But I know seeing the Wisconsin poll gave me a little extra spring in my step today.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He was suing for 250 million over the possibility of losing a job that pays 174k, sure that seems fair.
@Omnes Omnibus: Cool!
Public service announcement Da 5Blood is really bad and I love Clark Peters and Spike.
Patricia Kayden
More bad apples (aka racist cops).
Sunset in South Dakota in early july is like 9 p.m.
Which is 11 at night on the east coast, so can pretty much write off any audience in that time zone.
Don’t laugh. If Trump destroys it, he will have it rebuilt, and every head will be his.
He will have it spray painted orange and renamed Mount Trumpmore.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The biggest population center near Rushmore is Rapid City, there’s not many folk living that close. It’s been 45 years since I visited, there weren’t even small towns within 10 miles or so.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Pretty sure Phillip Vandamm had a house near Mt Rushmore in about 1959, but not sure who lives there now.
Talk about praising with faint damns – almost all people who think about racism will say it was racist, and almost all the remainder will be saying “well, if you used it once, as a punchline, see, then it might be edgy and funny, and not *quite* over the line, but… oh, it was *TRUMP*? Never mind, yeah, it was racist as… uh… AH! As racist as TRUMP!”
It’s the kind of “joke” that you can see a comic make in the 1970s and get lots of laughs. Trump’s base is nostalgic for those days.
Lotta lily white faces in that crowd. Just say’n
@Ohio Mom: Um … did you run it through Google Translate? Baud is being a very silly boy indeed!
Apparently the person who called for Jesus statues to be taken down is noted Bernie enthusiast Shaun King, because apparently he hasn’t been getting enough attention lately. In wingnut world, that’s the same as it actually happening.
@namekarB: duh
“Welcome to the Enwhitenment!”
joel hanes
@Omnes Omnibus:
the “Bull Cook” book that you bring up every once in a while
The one by George L. Herter?
God, I miss Herter’s. Especially the catalog.
Bob Uecker tells a tale
We got an invitation from some kids to a dog birthday party that said “bring your own dog’!
@joel hanes: There is another????
@Brachiator: Mount Trumpmore. Because Mount Trashmore is already taken.
True. It’s a hill over a former landfill in Virginia Beach.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
looks like a really bad Maine poll slipped past the Jared-Ivanka-Kellyanne defensive force-field
I have a dream– a small one, not every night– that William Cohen and Olympia Snowe call Collins and tell her, ‘you know, retirement isn’t so bad… don’t make us force the issue”
@raven: Did you rsvp? Mask your honorable dogs. //
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Couple of things:
1. Talked to a potential client today about a car wreck case. Turns out her hubs has it, and she’s quarantined while he’s intubated. She said the hospital is out of ICU beds, and they’ve shuffled him to CCU and are asking about moving his intubated body to a nursing home. Also, her daughter, her hubs and all of her kids (except the O neg newborn) have it, but are asymptomatic.
2. RWNJ mom had a hip replacement Saturday, and in a first, she’s bitter that my dad isn’t sucking up to her in recovery – had a lengthy talk with the Countess to complain about him, which hasn’t happened in 30+ years. She’s also super upset with the state of the COVID 19 and protest closures along with her stock account. Just as well that she didn’t talk to me -I’d have said something pithy about her getting everything she has ever voted for, so she should be super happy.
@dexwood: They walk/scoot by about 10 times a day so we just said hell yes! Their little doggie loves me because of cookies!
That’s adorable.
Patricia Kayden
@sanjeevs: She can be dumb and a grifter at the same time. See Donald J Trump.
@raven: Hell, man, I’d love you for cookies. Have fun.
@Patricia Kayden:
Yes, with these people, it’s always why not both!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I put this fun little bit on Facebook today as a point on the “Muh Heritage” Confederacy arguments:
Mediocre things which lasted longer than the Confederacy:
1. Nickelback
2. Three’s Company
3. Petticoat Junction
4. I Dream of Jeannie
5. Gomer Pyle
6. Curly Joe DeRita’s role on The Three Stooges
7. My undergraduate academic career
8. My 1989 Hyundai hatchback
9. The production lines for the Chrysler K car
10. My cheap push mower
11. My car door lock remote.
Ohio Mom
Schrodingers_cat, Baud and SiubhanDuinne;
As luck would have it, I’d already sent my congratulations and received this response — धन्यवाद!
(thank you!) — before I saw Baud’s offering.
I still appreciate Baud’s effort. And feel vindicated in going to an expert jackal rather than Google Translate.
All’s well that ends well!
Another Scott
@sanjeevs: +1
LOLGOP’s previous tagline was: “Republicans don’t lie to be believed. They lie to be repeated.”
It’s all about getting and maintaining tribal identity, and keeping the rubes from looking outside for information.
We should resist giving these monsters oxygen.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Patricia Kayden:
Sarah Palin had a good ten year run. I wonder how much she gets paid to open supermarkets or whatever she’s doing now
now that’s a shocker
I admit I’m going to go “not all men” here, but I’m a boomer (late boomer born 1953). I phone banked, registered voters and knocked on doors for Kerry and Obama. I phone banked and registered voters for Hillary. I voted for Warren, before she dropped out. Many of the phone bankers for Clinton were my age. A married couple came in from Massachusetts to help with the campaign.
Boomers were never as liberal as they were thought to be in the 60s and are not uniformly as conservative as they are perceived now. It’s really a huge group that has always been more diverse than people give credit for.
On a totally different note, this week it was announced that some of the Children’s Hospitals in Texas will now be taking adult COVID patients. I had to tell my son-in-law that his sister dodged a bullet here in Ohio. She’s a pediatric nurse who ended up being furloughed due to DeWine’s quick response to the pandemic. At least she’s not being exposed to COVID. As my SIL said in regard to DeWine, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
@Baud: Amen.
Let’s all try to spend at least an hour or two each week getting friends and relatives registered, reminding people on social media that they need to get registered, and um everything else.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He really does think he’s this weird beneficial “distributor” of good things and economic fortune…all good things flow from trumpov…all hail me!
I notice he’s getting bolder about taking shots at President Obama too. That should work out well (eyeroll)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: When I was 5 or so, The Three Stooges made a live appearance at Gynn Oaks Amusement Park in Baltimore. My parents took this Stooges freak and I was fired up. The disappointment I felt at seeing “fake Curly” remains to this day.
Eric U.
My son wants to learn Hindi. I can’t really help, all I know is stuff you don’t want to say in polite company.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: I laugh, but I also cringe. I am sorry to have to report that an acquaintance of mine – a great photographer in Belfast who gave me a personal tour of the Troubles hotspots when I was over there – has gone full Bill Gates chip-embedding vaccine argle-bargle wingnut on us, according to a mutual friend. And I *never* would have pegged him as a conspiracy theorist.
I think the COVID-19 quarantine has done scrambled some peoples’ brains. : (
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
There is a statue dedicated to actor Frank Sutton, who played the sergeant in “Gomer Pyle.” It’s located in Clarksville, TN
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: 104 right now, libtard. With 7% humidity! It’s a dehydrating heat!
Also, checkmate! SAD!
Linda Stansberry is pretty fucking sharp.
Patricia Kayden
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
When that topic came by on Twitter, I thought it was excellent trolling, but it did make me think – the “heritage” they’re nostalgic for isn’t just the period of the Confederacy, it’s for a world of aristocracy where “those people” knew their place.
Amir Khalid
@Eric U.:
You can teach him the profanities when/if he’s old enough — about 12, say. One doesn’t really know a language, does one, until one is familiar with its doity woids.
Archibald Leach and his common law wife, Eve Kendall.
Sorry ma’am, we need you to be specific about these pedos.
@joel hanes: My uncle, the farmer, got the Herter’s catalog. I used to pore over it when we visited. Looks like he went bankrupt around 1980 and the brand is owned by Cabelas. I’d like to thumb through a copy to see how it matches my memories.
@Amir Khalid: Did you watch the Palace game? Damn Liverpool were good.
zhena gogolia
I assume real Curly was dead by then, so you got off easy.
zhena gogolia
That was a great house.
There are two things I love to hear James Mason say: “Rapid City, South Dakota,” and “Thunderbird. It has a really unusual taste.”
Doug R
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Hey, Nickelback SOLD OUT BOK Center in Tulsa-TWICE.
There is a group of teens that go to every Trump rally. They are called “Trumped-Up Teens” and they follow some sketchy former youth pastor. I bet they were at the Phoenix rally.
@zhena gogolia: The Thunderbird ad is still freaking me out.
Mason stars in a fairly obscure movie “Five Fingers” that I really like.
No problem. They will rise up again on the third day.
@Doug R: So you’re helping Le Comte with his next Facebook posting: Things Trump never did.
Patricia Kayden
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Amir Khalid
Liverpool were a bit rusty at Goodison Park, and they were missing Mo Salah and Andy Robertson. But they were in cracking form at home to Palace, and Mo and Robo were back. If Chelsea manage to take points off Manchester City, Liverpool will arrive at City’s Etihad Stadium next week as champions.
@Amir Khalid: GO CITY!
@NotMax: He’s doing it for a campaign photo op, nothing else.
Amir Khalid
Hush yo’ mouth.
You should be off searching for how to properly stage a guard of honor and trust me, there are more than 23 things to do.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Photo enlarged 4x for detail.
John Revolta
@dexwood: Parenting is complicated. Did they at least tell you that Curly was on a farm in the country where he got to run and play with his dogs every day?
Omnes Omnibus
@joel hanes: Yep, that one.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I’m sure that 725 Security, Inc.(a subsidiary of the Trump Organization) will be there to cover the slack.
the mention that Ohio went for Obama twice and seems to be out of range due to political shift is interesting to me.
Also NC and Indiana went for Obama and I have heard very little about either of them.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
ROFL, they just found a smaller venue. This is like the scene in Spinal Tap were they end up playing church dances.
Trump really comes across like he has serious back problems with the way he walks and stands.
@John Revolta: How did you know? Shemp would have made me happier.
A) They were just there for their pre-honeymoon. They ended up taking an Amtrak to parts unknown.
B) She’s still with us, amazingly enough.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I grew up in the Black Hills. I’d prefer they not get burned down for Trump.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
You sure it’s not from the lifts in his shoes?
Rocky? Is that you? How’s “Nancy”? [a/k/a Betty Jo Bialosky.]
Amir Khalid
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
You just hit on something: Trump’s campaign is going exactly as well as the disastrous American tour in that movie. Trump truly is the Spinal Tap* of Presidents.
*It’s a damn shame that FYWP’s special character set doesn’t include an umlauted n.
@SFAW: Every one knows her name was McGill, but she called herself Lil.
@zhena gogolia: If only it were real.
From Wikipedia: Vandamm’s house, set on a cliff atop Mount Rushmore, was not a real structure. Hitchcock asked the set designers to make the house in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright, the most popular architect in America at the time, using the materials, form and interiors associated with him.[32] Set designer Robert F. Boyle planned the house, which featured a cantilevered living room and made extensive use of limestone. Exterior shots were done using matte paintings,[33] while interior shots were filmed using a set built in Culver City, California, where MGM’s studios were located.
I thought her name was Melanie Haber. Or maybe Audrey Farber? Or maybe Susan Underhill?
Villago Delenda Est
The Trumpjugend are doing what they’re supposed to do: put their lives at risk for the Dear Leader.
@Ohio Mom:
@Amir Khalid: No, no, no. Spinal Tap were good-natured idiots who actually had some talent for playing their instruments if not necessarily for staging or lyrics. They shall not be libeled by a comparison to Trump.
@Ohio Mom:
How did the hubby ‘s trip to Vegas go?
Just Chuck
@Amir Khalid:
Villago Delenda Est
@Elizabelle: Nunes has no character to slander. Or libel, for that matter.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Had an ER doctor on Newshour tonight, or yesterday? oh, we are handling things, it didn’t go like the experts said at first so we rescued the economy and we are handling the rise in patients….
Many doctors and nurses in Texas are full on Trump GOP idiots.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He was suing for 250 million over the possibility of losing a job that pays 174k, sure that seems fair.
Worth noting that the job in question isn’t something he has, or owns, or can claim any right to keep. A congressional seat can’t and doesn’t belong to anyone, so it makes no sense to suggest he’s somehow injured by losing it.
Meanwhile, this is a guy who will fight tooth and nail to make sure I can never sue anybody if I lose my job.
@LongHairedWeirdo: Trump using Kung Flu is just so messed up racist. The man knows he can’t tell jokes, he can belittle or bully people and he finds THAT funny. Putting someone down makes him smirk, which is his version of laugh and smile.
You’re not taking his grifting into account. I would bet a beer that he makes a ton more from his grifting than from his salary.
Very very true. We lived in TX for over a decade and my wife was a doctor. I knew many many rabid Republican doctors and nurses.
The doctors tend to be good ole boy types who have never left Texas. Grew up in some middling conservative town or suburb, went to A&M and got into med school. Basically never been anywhere else. California is the only other state where people tend to stay put like that. I knew a ton of these good ole boy Baptist Republican doctors who were rapidly against Obama (this was pre-Trump).
A lot of nurses tend to be married to white working class asshole husbands like truck drivers, ranchers, factory foremen, etc. So they pick up the MAGA from their husbands and Fox news. The single nurses tend to be younger and smarter. I know I’m very much generalizing, but it’s what I’ve observed. I saw a lot of female teachers who were like that too Married some blue collar asshole with a big truck and they go hunting or fishing every weekend and curse Obama.
@theturtlemoves: If we want a fictional band that’s synonymous with failure, how about the Sultans of Swing?
@moops: the weird thing is that the king flu bit is sort of shaped like a joke. There’s the “they call it a lot of things” setup, toss out a couple names to build dramatic tension, a beat for timing… then the transgressive punchline.
I don’t watch enough Trump to know how much of his shtick works like this, but I wonder to what degree his audience is experiencing all of it as a “stuff you’re not supposed to say” comedy routine. But since they completely lack self awareness and critical thinking skills, they attribute the catharsis to epiphany rather than to mediocre catch-phrase humor.
Never mind.
Poe Larity
What if we just offered Donald the biggest parade ever to leave early? Even Spinal Tap will appear.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I’m a strong supporter for replacing every confederate statue with a suitable Pokemon statue. I can’t imagine the people of Charleston wouldn’t be better served by the comfort of having wooloo or snorlax sitting over their city.
joel hanes
The “good” Herter’s catalogs are from about 1960 to 1968, IMHO. You can find them on ebay. Gotta love the product names.
(from memory): Herter’s World Famous Chrome Fiberglass Duck, Goose, Fishing, and Cartop 17-foot Boat
I grew up in North Iowa, and we used to visit the showroom. Herter’s had superb goosedown sleeping bags and parkas before almost anyone else, better than Bauer or Bean IMHO, and long before North Face or Marmot existed, and was an amazing source of raw materials for serious gunsmiths and fly-tying afficionados. In 1970 I bought an absolutely bulletproof Lowe frame backpack there that lasted me until 1992.
There are some Herter’s products I wish I could still buy, like the heavy glass storage jars with the figured lids, and the Hudson’s Bay style blankets.
If you want old-fashioned high-quality wool blankets, take a look at the products of Faribault Woolen Mills, which is not that far from Waseca. (Checking their site, I’m disappointed to learn that they’ve apparently discontinued their National Park series, some of which were gorgeous)
ETA: I was confused. The National Park blankets are from Pendleton, are still made, and are still gorgeous.
joel hanes
Betty Jo Bialaski
@dirge: so set up, then transgressive punchline. Like an Andrew Dice Clay routine, but without any of the skill his meager comedy could bring to the stage. I mean, even Clay could make himself the butt of half his jokes, and his audience was often the butt of his jokes. Since Trump can never ever make fun of himself, or his cult members he can’t ever really do comedy.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Hahhahaah, that would be hilarious if Trump is constant back pain because he has to wear high-heels.
Doug R
@Amir Khalid: Try alt 165: Ñ
@Doug R:
That’s a tilde, not an umlaut.
And it seems wrong that the word umlaut does not contain an umlaut. Ümlaut: so much more satisfying.
Mom moved us to Phoenix from Chicago, IL in 1979. I was almost 9 then. In 1988, most of my high school graduating class and I fled for schools out of state, humiliated by the (thankfully short) tenure of Evan Mecham and the roiling racism & homophobia revealed by those that supported him. I had to return in 2006 for the lower cost of living, with a sick mother in tow who shortly dropped through the trapdoor of Alzheimer’s, and found that the festering bigotry was suppurating. I didn’t keep tabs on the teenagers, but I remembered hoping that when I left again in 2011, any high school graduates with brains and heart would do as my generation did and run.
It’s not snobbery or mere dislike. The longer you stay in Phoenix, the likelier you are to be surrounded by people who do not believe anyone but whites should have any civil rights, or that the poor and sick are entitled to mercy. It’s a vicious sickness, and it’s deliberately cultivated by the moneyed interests who want to keep grabbing all the land, minerals, and resources they can; they know they can only do it if they give the masses a bone to chew. Racism is it. Trump is not the cause of the sickness; he’s merely the rash that’s come out, a symptom of the untreated cause.
@moops: Yeah, not saying it’s good comedy. Not really sure it qualifies as comedy at all. But it’s structurally similar, and the audience is reacting like a standup audience, but with racism and hate swapped in where the humor and laughter are supposed to go.
Deeply weird stuff. I just grasp at any thread that gives my analytical purchase, however feeble, because it’s all so disturbing and alien.
@HumboldtBlue: I did not know Bob Uecker was still living. I’ve often thought of him lately while looking at pictures of the “crowds” at the COVID Roadshow rallies.
I think you nailed it. I watched a clip of this on Seth Meyer’s late night show, and it was strange how Trump was once again acting like a second rate night club comedian who was exactly as dumb as his audience. This is why he goes over so well.
In addition to the racist punch line, he had this routine about “Covid-19. Why do they call it that?” As though the liberal elite was making up things to confuse the righteous masses. His audience laughed and laughed. But I kept wondering, why is a president of the United States pretending to be stupid? Or wallowing in it?
Obviously, he would have been told what Covid-19 meant in a briefing. But he slept through it, or was not paying attention. He is the president of people who are proud to be stupid.
@dmsilev: Given Trump’s, and 2020’s, track record, what can I invest in that will pay off when most of the Dakotas are on fire? Seems like a sure bet.
Ohio Mom
rikyrah @149: Hubby is still there :^(
That’s why I am up at this ungodly hour, I roll over in my sleep and he is missing.
@Ohio Mom:
????? for his safe return
Uncle Cosmo
@dexwood: I think I was there in the crowd at Gwyn Oak with you (though 5-6 years older)!
There are only two things I remember from that day & both have to do with Moe. One is how much silver had sifted into his classic bowl cut. The other was something he said at a pause in the slapstick. He stepped forward to the microphone and…it went something like this:
It was a really sweet moment.
Jay Noble
@joel hanes: Alas, Herter’s is one of the brands Bass Pro swallowed after the takeover of Cabela’s. When I was doing the Cabela’s catalogs, Herter’s took up a lot of pages in the Waterfowl section. Just checked and only 22 items with the Herter’s name – mostly ammo and game bags. Bass Pro rebranded so much stuff and eliminated a great deal of Cabela’s higher end offerings