In the first task force briefing since who cares when since they don’t do shit, Pence came out and told a bunch of lies while Fauci tried to keep from vomiting into his mask. The remarkable progress is that younger people are getting sick, not older ones! Jesus Christ on a cracker.
Meanwhile, a bunch of Republicans (Dick and Liz Cheney, fuck them I’m not linking, and some others) posted on social media encouraging mask wearing.
If those fuckers think they’re going to get a dispensation for being in the anti-mask death cult with a couple of tweets, they better have another thing coming from our so-called free press. Every one of these useless death eating Republican fucks should be getting hammered on the Sunday shows if they dare to show their faces there. Their party is killing people all over the nation. If Toddler, Snuffy and the rest can’t fucking ask them tough questions and keep drilling in, those overpaid, weak “reporters” ought to fly to Houston or Phoenix, head to the nearest bar, and take a few deep breaths.
I agree with what John said below about Republicans surrendering. For year, after year, after year we’ve had to listen to Republicans who read five pages of WW II history compare Democrats to Chamberlain at Munich, calling us surrender monkeys and wimps because we didn’t want to fight the war du jour. Now Democrats are the only ones who’ve shown any real grit and fight in this war against this shitty virus, and will we get any credit? Almost certainly not. Jesus, even this idiot knows the score:
I’m so god damned disgusted I can’t even write any more.
Open thread.
hells littlest angel
Remarkable progression, maybe.
McArsle* would have said, “give Trump a mulligan,” but her dictionary was broken.
I decided not to correct this mis-spelling.
Why on earth should Trump get a gimme on the first three months? Never mind the first month, THE FIRST FUCKIN’ WEEK WAS CRITICAL.
Mike Pence and the Do It Yourself Rapture Tour 2020!
@different-church-lady: Exactly what I was going to write. OK, I was going to start with “Why the fuck”, but close enough.
OK, having subjected myself to McArbleGarble’s prose, her point is basically that for the first three months, the US did more or less about as poorly as a bunch of other countries. But that, while true, skirts around the fact that that was despite, not because of, Trump. What lockdowns and other measures we took were over his kicking and screaming objections.
Evangelicals are an odd bunch. They say they love Jesus yet they prefer the Old Testament to the New.
download my app in the app store mistermix
@different-church-lady: Agreed but as far as I’m concerned that moron deciding that Trump screwed the pooch is good enough for me.
Aw, up pops Megan McArgle and her pink Himalayan salt crusted black little heart to weigh in on things. How quaint. I hope she doesn’t see her shadow and it’s another 6 to 8 months before puts in an appearance.
Following suit: spelling not corrected.
@download my app in the app store mistermix: McArdle finds a nut,
Darth VaderCheney and McConnell come down on the right side of the mask divide… lions and lambs sleeping together must be just around the corner…hells littlest angel
Looks like the Post has changed the headline on McArsle’s column to this bit of gibberish:
Trump will richly deserve his fate.
But he won’t pay the heaviest cost.
@cope: I don’t have the energy to drone on about it, but Brooks coming up right on 4 out of 5, and then completely copulating with a canine on #5 in today’s NYTs was quite a sight.
hells littlest angel
@download my app in the app store mistermix:
Hmm. Your interpretation of that headline is puzzling.
Forgive Trump for the first three months, when he actively denied any threat and derailed any response? Yeah, fuck that noise right in the ear.
Hunter Gathers
I’m starting to think that Evangelicals believe that basic competence makes Baby Jeebus cry.
@different-church-lady: I’ll take your word on that.
Sorry, Megan, no. No, I will not forgive him for enabling and emboldening the haters and the cultists to send death threats to the people trying to save us from ourselves. And that’s just one tiny example of the world of hurt Preznit Shitwhistle and his enablers have loosed on this world.
We are where we are BECAUSE OF THEM. No forgiveness, no quarter.
Emma from FL
I was reading through John’s thread below and now this and I.Can’t.Even. All of us sane folk forced to live through this disaster must really take care of our mental as well as our physical health.
And on the coattails of Mr. Swift’s Proposal I suggest we triage the sick. If you’re one of the anti-vaxxers or one of the “conshtitutionah rights” people, you’re at the bottom of the list. Children, of course excepted
So I assumed that trump canceled the trip to Bedminster cuz of weather, some pointed out that if he went, he would be asked to quarantine. We were all wrong. He’s staying in DC to protect confederate monuments.
@kindness: Evangelicals have always been about power, money and control of all the people that they do not like. That’s their actual trinity.
I’m so glad Trump is the one running his own reelection campaign.
Hell, I’m happy to give him a mulligan for the past three months and judge his entire presidency and legacy on the NEXT three months. Fine. That really what you want?
They don’t really want a do-over because they know that he and they are utterly and criminally incompetent. And will just fuck things up even worse the second time around. What they really want is just a PASS. Because judges and tax cuts and progressive cooties.
dr. bloor
Kind of a shame the criterion isn’t “sees herself in a mirror.” We’d never have to deal with her again.
What month is she starting her count from?
Mary G
It’s long past time Fauci turned in his resignation, then give interviews to every single news place that wants him, and tell the unvarnished truth about how screwed we are and whose fault it is. He’s starting to rival Susie Collins in the race for most furrowed brow.
@lollipopguild: Prosperity Bible.
@different-church-lady: Tomorrow he’ll have to protect us from the anarchists on his golf course.
@Kent: They don’t want just a pass, they want an award. It’s psychotic.
I want the Democrats to make note of Pence and this “remarkable progress” stuff and use it to crush him during any VP debate.
And McArdle is largely wrong, but I want to see conservatives debate Trump’s culpability.
@different-church-lady: I’ve been simmering all day about that column. Utterly dishonest.
Fuck Megan McArdle. I’m not forgiving Trump for a goddamned fucking thing. And I’m not going to read her stupid vapid blathering, either.
Cheryl Rofer
We interrupt this thread to bring you the latest from Sarah Cooper
@scav: Suicide is a mortal sin. Voting for Republicans is a form of suicide. Logically, therefore…
Omnes Omnibus
@kindness: There is a lot of fearing Jesus going on too. With good reason.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
So if those first 3 months are Dec, Jan, & Feb.. OK. I can see that. By the first of March, however, you’d have to be a complete idiot not to know this wasn’t going well.
hells littlest angel
@Baud: Impossible to say. Her calculator is broken.
I can’t believe that after what’s happened the past 3 months, were functionally back to square one with the Coronovirus.
This is a national catastrophe.
@Cheryl Rofer: I’m actually sort of pleased that Trump was incapable of focussing on the actual question.
Fair Economist
Unsurprisingly, we’ve already set yet another new record today according to Worldometer, at 41,302 cases, and not all the reporting is in. LA county isn’t in, and a number of other states are typically not complete yet (notably TX, GA, and WA).
Numbers will drop over the weekend, from delayed reporting, then set even more new records early next week. After that depends on whether people take enough of the proper precautions starting now. I am not optimistic.
Joe Falco
No forgiveness and no quarter given!
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G: There is, of course, a difference between a civil servant and a senator.
Cheryl Rofer
@MattF: I thought that was good too
hells littlest angel
@Mary G: Fauci should then immediately join Biden’s shadow cabinet.
Omnes Omnibus
@hells littlest angel: Didn’t she get treated for her gastritis yet?
I’ll recommend again looking at the World Health Organization European Health Observatory on Health Systems and Policy. That has a whole section on detailed descriptions and timelines of different countries’ policies. Then play around with the cool graphics at the Our World in Data covid-19 section.
Tell your friends and family what you see. Other countries doing an order of magnitude better than we are and opening up without disaster, and being able to continue being an order of magnitude better at handling the disease.
Read a news story about how Australia kept it’s schools more or less open, and teaching, all the way through the initial attack of the disease, and it is doing two orders of magnitude better.
Ask why can’t we do something similar.
As I noted in the previous thread, even from otherwise seemingly reasonable people, I hear excuses ‘well that will never work in the US’. It is some kind of dysfunctional American exceptionalism that holds that the US cannot do anything in the public sector anymore. It’s like a learned helplessness after decades of ruthless and successful attacks on the public sector in this country (all for the sake of stuffing more cash down the throats of the very rich) that has resulted in a deep sick defeatism and despair at solving any problem that requires public action.
I tell them that every country has to adapt policies for its own setting, and other countries have their own problems that they have to solve. They can do it, and we could too, we need to figure out how to muster the resources to get the job done. But, sadly, the big resources probably have to wait until he current oligarchs and con people thrown out of office.
It’s on a smaller scale, but still worth entering into the Annals of “That Fucking Guy”,
Co-founder of ReOpen Maryland says he has tested positive for coronavirus
So, let’s count the “I am a shithead” items in just 4 short sentences.
@Hunter Gathers: More or less, yes. I’ve run into a few who literally think that everything happens magically because of Jesus (and I can’t emphasize “magically” enough here). So I assume they think that admiring competence means that you are denying the glory to Jesus, who in their minds really is responsible for all successes. Therefore talking about competence is evil, because it denies faith.
@hells littlest angel:
We should start a GoFundMe to get her a new one.
Only when viewed both numerically and nationally. The early outbreaks have been contained. What’s wrong is not the national numbers: it’s that the later-breaking states utterly refused to learn from the early states. Instead of peaking now, they could have minimized their peaks.
This is a big country, it’s going to take a long time to sweep all the way across.
@Baud: We should start a GoFundMe to buy out her contract with the condition that she never write anything ever again.
@Gravenstone: Seconded like all hell here. Screw that nonsense: he left us completely unprepared and then ignored every single warning and bit of scientific advice from Day 1.
Even Kevin McCarthy is sounding the alarm about the GOP losing the Senate.
Even McConnell and Dick Cheney(!) are promoting mask-wearing.
Could be a blowout of historic proportions. Let’s ‘play’ like we’re four touchdowns behind.
@Joe Falco: “No prisoners!!!” Peter O’Toole, Lawrence of Arabia.
@dmsilev: Fortunately, Hogan— although a Republican— has been quite rational.
@dmsilev: I hope Mr. Walters hospital stay will be short and that he won’t need any further care when he is no longer in the hospital.
Chief Oshkosh
This seems important. Is this why Trump is skipping play golf at Bedminster?
Russia reportedly paid Taliban-linked militants bounty money to kill American troops
@Calouste: Like, God gave us brains merely as a temptation to do evil by using them. We are supposed to resist that temptation.
@Geoboy: Considering how that scene ends, probably not good quote selection.
Auntie Anne
@Joe Falco: one of the WaPo commenters said: “Forgive, no. BLAME, yes.”
It’s pure pleasure to think about how panicked they are.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Is it wrong of me to hope he has symptoms for the next 3 months? I mean, my motives aren’t entirely spite, it would keep him from continuing his evil campaign.
Racism has realy fucked them over.. they need teh punishment part of the old testment to fight the liberals because well the new testament is everything the liberal wanted.
@Jeffro: I mused in a recent thread that there is a possibility that Trump might just give up on working hard to get reelected. Doing that now would require focus and hard work, and since when has he been capable of mustering that? And if every time he faces a campaign disappointment he tries to solve it by firing people and then badmouthing them, even better.
I’ve seen some news stories that he may do just that. Apparently musing in front of people about losing. Read that his new campaign pitch seems to be ‘I didn’t have any connections in DC, hardly ever went there, I didn’t know what I was doing. Maybe give me another shot…’
What approach Trump will take is very unpredictable. But I hope just giving up on working for reelection is one possibility. I mean, if every single rally is not a world historical bigly ego blast for him, then why bother, right? I hope he feels that way.
CNN or MSNBC should give him a 1-hour show every evening just to comment on the criminal insanity of the day and interview guests who are actually public health experts. I’m sure he would be well worth his existing salary x 2 and would get huge ratings.
hells littlest angel
@dmsilev: He willfully exposes himself to a virus and gets infected, and he thinks it’s the virus that’s capricious.
@Kay: If the GOP has to fight in Georgia, they’ve already lost Florida, and winning without Florida is close to impossible. The only rational reason to spend money in Georgia is to prop up the Senate campaigns, but since when does the shitgibbon care for anyone else?
@hells littlest angel: Well, this guy, he plays on a railroad bridge, hears a few whistles getting closer, and he whiles away the time playing some more. Sooner or later the train will arrive and he’s on the bridge. It’s not the train that’s capricious. ‘Capricious’ is probably not the right word for it.
@jl: Biden campaign is worried about that.
@Mary G: That’s where I’m at, too. When I said that a few days ago, several people explained why they believe it’s best for Fauci to stay in place.
If we say “he has to stay, he will pick someone worse” – to me that fells like the Generals AND EVERYONE ELSE all over again.
“I had to stay to mitigate the damages”. Well, if what we’ve been seeing are the mitigated damages, then we are in some deep shit. Which we are. It feels like Fauci and others are just like Anonymous who published that op ed.
I think they should have all shown some dignity and stood up to Trump. He silences all of them.
They are all failing us, except for the few who have come forward.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
What a patriot, fighting to the very end!
@WaterGirl: Dahlia Lithwick has made that point about Bolton.
@dmsilev: He also completely failed to prepare anything that might be needed after the lockdown, and lead the charge to re-open early that caused so many issues.
And you know what? We could have done a lot better during those three months if he’d done any of his fucking job. But he didn’t, so literally every state and county had to pick up the slack for him.
@RepubAnon: But, Heaven Forfend! interfering with God’s Little Breathing System, let alone God’s Little Dying-19 (onky the flu) System!
Don K
Mmmm, yeah, pretty much. After Capt. Sullenberger landed the plane on the Hudson, there were lots of people crediting it to Jesus holding the plane in his hand and placing it on the river, and not to years of training by the pilots.
Hooray, assholes! Europe has built a wall to keep US out!
But Hillary’s not President, shitheads.
@Gravenstone: +1 Bajillion
Don K
Mmmm… not me. Considering the danger he’s put other people into, I wish him great suffering, followed by a slow and painful death alone, choking on the pieces of what once were his lungs. But that’s just how I roll.
Capricious? I don’t think he is using the right word.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That “dysfunctional American exceptionalism” definitely exists. I was talking with my uncle last Christmas and it was something about education. I suggested looking at how other countries that perform better on universal measures and adapting their policies to the US. The first word out of his mouth was “why”. I couldn’t believe it, but then he and my aunt are both Trump supporters.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: How far down the civil service ladder would you go?
@Don K: So if Jesus is responsible for saving Sully’s plane, isn’t he also responsible for all the planes that do crash? Why do I even ask?
Poe Larity
Is there an award for worst Task Force ever? Surely Pences would qualify.
Predestination…er, I mean The Aristocrats!
@MisterForkbeard: Or if he’d gotten the hell out of the way.
“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”
@Omnes Omnibus: Only as far down as it would take to get people to sit up and take notice. I do agree with lower level people keeping their heads down. But high level people should have stepped forward.
Preet can’t have been the only person to see the writing on the wall.
@Chief Oshkosh:
Arose just now from a nap to see this. Sheds some light on the reasons for the abysmal failure that’s the subject of this post. Chickenshitler he is.
I’ve lost all confidence in Fauci. Early on, Birx sold out completely, choosing Full Toady over honest professional. Fauci is a diplomat, but time and again he has chosen to avoid upsetting Trump over openly disagreeing with the complete garbage emanating from the Criminal-in-Chief. Yes, he’s worried about losing his job, but allowing Trump and Pence to feed the country dangerous nonsense is an abdication of Fauci’s responsibility. He serves no purpose if he allows the administration to serve up misleading and dangerous lies.
There doesn’t seem to be any evidence that he’s doing any behind-the-scenes good. His response the other day about masks was half-baked. Yes, there was a legitimate reason to be concerned that the immature and ignorant American people would hoard masks. But they did anyway and weeks (months?) were lost in getting the American people a supply of homemade masks, while N-95s were allocated for medical professionals and first responders. Fauci and the CDC failed to think through the problem.
If Fauci hoped to escape service to Trump with his reputation untarnished, I think he may be disappointed. He could have resigned and found his own national platform from which to offer real scientific information, rather than the Trump-filtered, administration-approved, job-protecting diplomatic dispatches he has provided.
@Cheryl Rofer:
And also Janey Godley, channeling Scottish First Minister Sturgeon.
One metre plus and Boris
Neither of these people can operate independent of the president. And given the political environment and Trump’s nastiness, if either of these two tried to be independent voices, they would be belittled as sour grape losers. And the official health advisors would always be given the most attention.
Come sit by me.
@Don K: You might want to parse my post again. Notice for example that I say “when he is no longer in the hospital” not “after he has been discharged from the hospital”.
I disagree. And maybe you’ve never seen Birx mindlessly praising the president’s grossly irresponsible behavior.
And belittled by whom? The Republican Party? Wow, what a shock that would be.
As others have pointed out, when the well-being of the country is at stake holding onto one’s job may not be the highest calling. Fauci is 79 years old. Retirement wouldn’t be the end of the world. COVID-19 is the end of the world for about 125,000 Americans and counting. I don’t think Fauci should have resigned immediately, but it’s been obvious for months that Trump represents a catastrophic threat to this country.
What Fauci doesn’t say is often more important that what he does say.
Miss Bianca
@Cheryl Rofer:
She kills me. Sarah Cooper just flat out kills me.
In the good way. In the way that we like.
Miss Bianca
@Calouste: Evidently these people have either never heard, or having heard, never listened to, the wise old saw that goes: “God helps them that help themselves.”
Or maybe they think that just refers to stealing from the collection plate.
People seem to be noticing. What exactly are you looking for?
I don’t know what Fauci is doing inside the government that makes him think that staying in his job is worth it, but I also don’t know exactly what his resignation would give us at this point.
Of course, I’m pretty terrible at figuring out what may be a watershed moment.
Early on I assumed that putting Pence in charge of the Federal Covid-19 task for was deliberately setting him up to fail so that he could be swapped out with someone like Nikki Haley.
Apparently there was no strategic reason for it. They really just wanted a dumbass in charge for no good reason.
@Kent: Looking for strategy is always a fools errand with these people. They don’t play 11-dimensional chess, or even 2-dimensional chess. They play 1-dimensional tic tac toe.
There go two miscreants
@Calouste: That was nicely ambiguous! As a Maryland resident, I approve (and wish the same, but harsher)!
@Archon: Don’t exaggerate. We’re not at square one. There’s now 120,000 Americans who can’t catch Covid. It’s slow progress, but it’s progress.
I am looking for people to have started doing this 3 years ago when it was obvious that Trump was unfit for office and was doing major damage every single day.
And who else should they have chosen? It’s dumbasses all the way down. Their Crayola 64 box has orange and 63 dumbass in it.
Continuity. If Biden wins in November, he needs someone inside the WH who knows all of the fuckups and all of the opportunities so he can get on this ASAP. Without Fauci they’re going to wander into a big white box with shit smeared on the walls and not a scrap of paper or a plan in sight. Biden is going to have to run this government like he just invented it 10 minutes before.
The problem with what Megan McArdle said (well apart from it being Megan McArdle saying it) is that the main actions that saved Australia and NZ were mandatory quarantine of everyone entering the country, and getting tests available quickly. The speed of response is probably more important than, say, the exact level of lockdown. NZ’s full lockdown has worked well for them, but Australia hasn’t done much worse so far and Vietnam’s done better than both.
@Mary G:
yeah three months from now that shitbird’ll be all “give trump the first six months, the rest is his fault”
Wait, Megan gives Trump a waiver on the first 3 months of the pandemic?
Nope. He wasn’t just caught flatfooted. He deliberately undermined the response across the country every step of the way.
ArgleBargle has known problems with decimal points, maybe she meant 0.3 months, or maybe 30, something with a 3 in it, it’s all the same ultimately. Anyway as I recall he got the word in November/December 2019 (or, technically, early 2017, and at least annually since then).
Well, if he were more organized, his friends would be richer – he would be a lot richer, solvent even – and a lot more of us would be dead now, so there’s that. Just be glad he’s forgotten there’s a pandemic.
You don’t really need to follow the news to spoil your mood, you can just reread
from time to time.
Anyway there was a wildcat video up there somewhere, that was nice. And the Stonewall Inn is at least temporarily saved from bankruptcy.