Longmire has kept me company on the treadmill since the pandemic started.
I am on Season 6, and I am halfway through episode 8. Season 6 is the last season, and there are 10 episodes. So I only have about 90 minutes of Longmire left.
I HATE walking on the treadmill, so I need something really engaging to keep me company. Even when I was only walking 15 minutes at a time, to start, there was always something going on that made me want to find out what happened next. Always. Walt or Vic or Ferg or Cady always has something going on, and I care about the characters. I even think Jacob Nighthorse might not be a bad guy, but I guess I’ll find out soon!
So I’m looking for a show that will grab me like Longmire did. Keep me going on my treadmill routine. I also really like Stumptown, if that helps to know what kind of stuff I like.
Netflix only.
Action, but not crazy violent like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad.
No subtitles.
Characters I can care about.
No comedies.
Anyone willing to help me out with suggestions?
James E Powell
Heartland, Hell on Wheels, Hinterland
Frontier, Ozark, Travelers, Mindhunter, Turn, Person of Interest, Dead to Me
Ugh. I have the same problem with my elliptical. I went with comedy – Better Off Ted, Community, and Brooklyn 99 on Hulu. But I’ve got some recommendations on Netflix you might like:
Tom Levenson
Longmire is a favorite–I’ve been dipping back into it after watching the entire series. Favorite episodes now.
I’ve enjoyed the Last Kingdom, though the death by edged weapons may be too much.
Unorthodox is only four episodes–but it’s great. Just amazing. Shira Hass utterly commands the scene. (Difficult subject matter, and more of a suspense frame rather than action.)
Lucifer. Fun, not particularly violent. Completely mindless.
patrick II
The first year of Marvel’s Daredevil scored a 92 with both critics and fans at Rotten Tomatoes. it has some great action sequences, (the hallway fight scene modeled after Korea’s Oldboy is spectacular) a conflicted hero, and a great bad guy (Vincent D’Onofrio). It might be a little rougher than you would like, but nothing like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. The great Rosario Dawson is the girlfriend for awhile.
Mike in NC
I read good things about “Dark”, a German sci-fi series. Netflix recently streamed Season 3.
Tom Levenson
@MisterForkbeard: Ha! Good list. I hate watched Wu Assassins–so badly acted (IMHO) but campy fun.
Liked the Witcher a lot. Really enjoyed Altered Carbon season one, having trouble finishing 2. Gotta get back to season 2 of Daredevil.
Dark Matter is good, especially the first couple of seasons.
Also–Into the Badlands is just spectacular, at least for the first 2 seasons. (Haven’t started 3 yet)
Avatar: The Last Airbender. I am not kidding. (The cartoon, obv).
Dead To Me makes you care about characters who should all, objectively, be in prison.
patrick II
Altered Carbon has some pretty rough torture scenes that I mostly fast forwarded through.
I love Longmire, Lou Diamond Phillips was outstanding in that show. Just great all around acting. I introduce that show to my mother who got hooked on it.
Ozark is soooo dark. I stopped after the first episode.
Highly recommend Jessica Jones – Marvel Netflix. It’s very relatable to women – and it isn’t that violent but a lot of mind games with a psycho villain. You’ll love it. I don’t know anyone who didn’t get hooked on it.
I would say the same for Luke Cage. Just an amazing all black show.
I like Riverdale as well. That’s all I can think of right now. It’s been awhile since I’ve binge watched.
If you have Amazon prime, Silent Witness is awesome!
@Tom Levenson:
Yeah first season of Altered Carbon was good.. I haven’t finished Witcher, but I really really loved the game.. just amazing stuff.
zhena gogolia
I wish my house could accommodate a treadmill. I’m taking walks in the broiling sun. Not fun.
I doubt I can give you any good recommendations. I’m nearing the end of the third Mansfield Park adaptation I’ve watched this summer.
If you like murder mysteries at all, we just watched the first episode of Jonathan Creek, a show I remembered liking a lot, and I still like it a lot. Very clever and great comic acting from Alan Davies and whoever plays his sidekick, Caroline Quentin, I think.
@cain: I don’t do well with creepy, and I have gotten the impression from commercials that Riverdale is kind of spooky/creepy.
Am I right or totally off base?
@zhena gogolia: I really like mysteries, but I’m not great with devil/vampire/evil stuff.
patrick II
Me. But I watched the whole thing anyway. It bothered me through the whole season the obvious answer to beating the guy which Jessica’s sister finally figured out in the last episode’s showdown.
But, yeah, her struggle with guilt and the responsibility of power were interesting themes through the first season.
@patrick II:
All of the marvel shows are amazing – except I guess Iron Fist, but I found it entertaining – but Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Punisher were some amazing stuff.
I was super sad when it got all canceled and Disney decided to just do their own stuff on their service. But Netflix did some magic with the people who worked on those series. I’m not sure if it can be duplicated.
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat
West Wing (you’ll be surprised how much you don’t remember)
p.s. Prime and Hulu have a lot of good TV, should you be interested, can expand recs
Not sure about Netflix as we have a number of subscriptions. Hey, might as well binge during the pandemic, eight?
Ozark is excellent, though the 3 seasons are not consistent. Jason Bateman’s facial expressions should be enshrined in the Library of Congress. He can make me laugh no matter what he does. Holy shit, is he funny – especially in situations where he shouldn’t be (and those are always the funniest).
Another nice, weird one is a German series called Babylon Berlin. LOVED it.
Having watched Outlander (mostly Scotland), we’re now watching Poldark (Cornwall). Poldark is basically Outlander with less porn.
Another one we loved was a short British series (10 episodes) called The Five. If you like guessing, and suspecting the person is hiding in plain sight, you will love The Five.
We also watched the British version of The Office – which was almost entirely cringeworthy, but worth watching just to get to a specific scene in the Christmas episode. I won’t spoil it, but you will definitely know it when you see it. I laughed so hard and rewound the scene so much that my wife got up and went to bed.
Also, if you’re a Ricky Gervais fan, check out Afterlife, which is more a tragicomedy than anything else. Some scenes are hysterically funny and others are quite disgusting.
There are many more, but that’s a good start.
What I’ve watched lately… Watched the first episode of Wynonna Earp yesterday— sort of a Vampire Slayer/Western hybrid. Also, Babylon Berlin, set in pre-Hitler Berlin. Also The Witcher (engaging but confusing) and V for Vendetta.
I’d second this. For a kid’s show, it’s surprisingly adult-watchable.
Seconding Person of Interest. For a change of pace Legends of Tomorrow, but skip season 1. The show reinvented itself in season 2 and you don’t really need any of the information from season 1 to enjoy the rest of the show.
A dear friend who’s opinion on culture I almost always like recently suggested Korean Dramas and gave us a whole list.
So far we’ve watched Romance Is A Bonus Book and just Friday night finished Crash Landing On You. We thoroughly enjoyed both. The shows are almost all 16 episodes and either an hour or an hour and a half long. Frequently romances but not always. You need to pay extra attention unless you speak Korean.
We limited ourselves to an episode an evening so it’s taken us a while to get through them. Netflix has tons.
I have watched a couple of really good Korean shows which last about 16 – 18 episodes. Both involved elements of time travel or communication across time. “The Voice” and “The Tunnel”. Both on Netflix. Both were well written, interesting characters, lots of insight into Korean culture, and suspenseful to the very end. If you like historical period pieces, also Korean, “Rookie Historian.” Fascinating period piece about the historians, who are a special caste who sit in and record EVERYTHING said by the king on down for the history archives. Four young women are selected to be the first women historians.
zhena gogolia
Oh, then this should be good for you. Jonathan Creek designs illusions for magic shows, and he gets drawn into solving murders with an investigative reporter. It’s very witty and their banter is wonderful. Alan Davies is dreamy in a hippie-nerdy way.
Try it… I would not say Jessica Jones is creepy.. you will LOVE her character. But what she struggles with is what women struggle with and she is very relatable. The villain is a guy who has the power make you do whatever he says. Jessica is hte only person who escaped his control. It isn’t creepy.. when she kicks his ass.. you’re pumping your fist.
Riverdale is not particularly creepy.. but maybe that’s me. It’s basically a detective show – but it keeps you guessing who is the villain – lots of twists, turns, and backstabbing. It has atmospheric music and stuff, but dunno.
Oh! I know another one you’d love – Broadchurch!
Kid is found dead on the beach, and two detectives are trying to figure out who did it.. and it seems like EVERYONE is guilty. I’ve yelled at the screen so many times.. haha :) That was entertaining. :D
@zhena gogolia: Which version of Mansfield Park do you like best?
patrick II
I am mostly with you. The Punisher was too rough for me. “The Fist” had to be the dumbest hero ever, save for The Tick. Was it played ironically in the comics? But the smaller scale and series format of these Marvel shows gave space to much more interesting character development than any of the movies.
Keith P.
Anyone watch “ZeroZeroZero”? I watched the whole thing (8 hours) in one night and have seen it a few more times since. There’s a lot of murder, but not a lot of it is particularly graphic onscreen, and that last episode is about as perfect an hour as it gets.
@Lavocat: With the sidecar? Very, very funny.
zhena gogolia
And if you like lusty pre-Raphaelite artists, satby recommended Desperate Romantics to me and we LOVED it.
I really liked Glitch, an Australian returned from the dead, but not zombies drama. For laughs, the IT Crowd.
Of the choices already mentioned, I’ll second Person of Interest and the Marvel series. I’d have recommended Luther, but apparently that’s gone from Netflix. If action isn’t a hard requirement, then I’ll put in a word for Midsomer Murders, which is kind of addictive.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
oooh, a thread in which I get to plug the Chinese Xianxia series the Untamed, now available on Netflix, which I found through this Vox story: https://www.vox.com/2020/3/27/21192718/the-untamed-netflix-review-rec-mdzs-cql
As one of the other reviews noted, it is being referred to as a “pyramid scheme,” i.e. it spreads in a manner similar to a pyramid scheme, since everyone recruits their friends to watch it. I can attest to being guilty!
Anyhow it goes on for a long time and IMHO it’s so well done that when I finished I went back & rewatched the first 10 episodes or so to catch details that I had missed and sure enough just about EVERYTHING was set up to unspool later. The plot is melodramatic and someday “Honest Trailers” will drive a truck through the Disney version, but the characterization is amazing and the acting ranges from servicable to first rate.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I third this. It was an amazing show that balanced comedy and heavier elements fairly well. I can’t remember a bad episode.
It’s a common misconception that animation is strictly for kids and that animation aimed at kids can only be enjoyed kids
@MazeDancer: I need to stick with Netflix because that’s my best option with my iPad. Simplest interface, remembers where I am, etc.
The first two seasons of Arrow were.. AMAZING. Especially the 2nd season. It kinda got shaky after that.
Flash has been consistently good for the most part.
Psych, the West Wing , Leverage (not sure if it’s streaming anywhere though ), Community, Brooklyn 99, Limitless (only 1 season , following the Bradley Cooper movie)… We watched Longmire recently and are currently working through Cheers/Frasier, but those are very different, thematically.
@Lavocat: I can’t tell – are all your recs on Netflix?
patrick II
Pay for Prime Video for a month and watch six seasons of “Bosch”. Best and most interesting character driven cop show since Hill Street Blues. It will be worth it.
My wife even ordered all the Longmire books and read those too.
A great similar show is DCI Banks, on Netflix a non-violent BBC detective procedural. Also about 6 seasons so worth the investment. Always interested in how Bobbies execute a search warrant without any firearms.
@Percysowner: I’ve seen Person of Interest – when it was on TV, but it was good.
Loved Longmire…such a good show. Broadchurch was excellent. I can highly recommend Happy Valley.
@patrick II:
Yeah, Punisher was hyper violent. But a good anti-hero movie. I have not yet watched the last season of Daredevil. I’m having trouble watching intense movies these days.
Better Things on Hulu is really good. It’s in the 4the season and watching the kids grow up is a trip. Mrs America was also really good and getting to see Schalfly get screwed by Reagan at the end it worth the whole show!
zhena gogolia
Oh, man, we’ll need a bigger blog. First I re-read Mansfield Park as the pandemic started. I adore the book. I remembered liking the 1999 movie, so I watched it. It’s TERRIBLE, except for Alessandro Nivola as Henry Crawford, who is wonderful. Then I watched the 1983 miniseries. It’s extremely faithful, to the point of mind-numbing. BUT Sylvestra Le Touzel comes the closest of anyone to capturing Fanny Price’s character. At least she tries! But it’s pretty boring unless you’re a completist. Now I’m watching the 2007 version, which I also sort of liked when it was first on. But it’s terrible, except for Blake Ritson as Edmund (he’s the best Edmund I’ve seen) and Hayley Attwell as Mary Crawford (she’s terrific in everything). None of the three adaptations is really very good, except for some of the performances. It’s very sad — they just don’t seem to be able to cope with who Fanny really is. Sylvestra gives it the old college try. The character who fares the best in all three is Mary Crawford, because she’s so modern and cynical that contemporary filmmakers understand her pretty well.
Keith P.
@patrick II: I’m gonna have to give it another try. I’ve watched about half the first episode 3 different times but never got into it. I did watch all of “Sneaky Pete” and the first two seasons of “Goliath”, and I liked both of them
Psych and Frasier I believe are on Amazon Prime.
@Tom Levenson: Oh yeah. Wu Assassins has some real issues and I feel like it ends suboptimally. But I enjoyed it, particularly with some of the main characters very campy acting. :)
Grey’s Anatomy. There’s blood if that bothers you but it’s sort of barely over acted drama. Has it’s moments. Good cast that changes, so it’s not always the same people.
I second West Wing. Seen it before and had refused to watch this entire presidency, too much politics, but comparing even a made up story about a made up decent president is a bazillion times better than the shit show we see on the news every day.
Last Tango in Halifax is on Netflix.
@patrick II: Good point. So did I, I forgot about those. Luckily you don’t actually need to watch them – you can just know they’re there.
zhena gogolia
I have no idea if my recommendations are on Netflix because it’s the one service I don’t have.
I will also plug Blacklist which is on Netflix. I’ve enjoyed that show .. although the latter season it was losing its luster. But still a decent show.
I have added two more up top:
No subtitles for the treadmill.
Grey’s Anatomy – the show is STILL running.. and I think it is what 15 years now? I’m not sure who is longer Simpsons or Grey’s Anatomy. That crew has gone through just about everything now.
They might as well team up with Marvel or DC and add superheroes.
BTW some of the korean shows are pretty good too. They have some quality stuff there out in the hinterlands. I love netflix.
Shall resist temptation give a lengthy list.
Subtitles okay? Couple of Spanish series:
Grand Hotel
El Ministerio de Tiempo
Subtitles a problem?
Action tempered with humor?
The New Legends of Monkey
@cain: Broadchurch would be perfect except I have seen it already.
@Mousebumples: Pluto TV has a Leverage channel.
One more (ain’t there always?):
London Spy
Falling Diphthong
Dark Matter, sci-fi show in which six people wake up on a spaceship with no memory of their pasts. It’s a nice combination of whiz-bang action and some background meditations on what makes us who we are.
Seconding the totally serious recommendation of Avatar, the cartoon. Watching with my husband now, and we had forgotten a lot from its first run when my kids were little. Wonderfully detailed world; characters with depth who change and grow. Sokka’s exasperated pragmatism speaks to me so much now.
patrick II
I just rewatched “Casablanca”, which I haven’t seen in years. For those of you (mostly younger people) who haven’t seen it — it is the greatest film of all time. Bogart and Ingrid Bergman are unbelievable — watch their reaction shots. The themes of patriotism, lost love found again, and an America blind to fascism: ” I’ll bet they’re sleeping in New York. I’d bet they’re asleep all over America…”
It has to be the most quoted movie of all time:
Here’s looking at you kid.
I am shocked, shocked that there is gambling in the establishment! (Here’s your winnings sir)
We’ll always have Paris.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
Round up the usual suspects..
And a bunch more. I had recorded it on TCM. I think HBO has it. It is a remarkable movie.
Auntie Beak
@James E Powell: Oh, Hinterland is dark. But very cool. I watched it before I went to Wales. I was at Devils Bridge!
The 4 I rec’d are all Netflix. As per your request.
Anyone who hasn’t seen Pose, because it was on FX, get to Netflix tonight. Just great. And ground breaking as hyped.
Asked because Prime has all the PBS Series, like I just finished Forsyte Saga. And rewatched Downtown Abbey.
patrick II
@Falling Diphthong:
I’ll second Dark Matter, although I have to admit Melissa O’Neill in a catsuit carrying two holstered space guns prejudices me in its favor.
@zhena gogolia: For me on the treadmill, the #1 thing is that it needs to be compelling and engrossing. Not just interesting or fun.
On Longmire, I am yelling at Henry to not go in the house! That level of compelling. :-)
edit: No one ever listens to me!
@RSA: I really liked Luther, but have seen them all. Gone from Netflix, though, that sucks just on principle.
@patrick II: Not to mention what’s arguably the most famous quote-never-actually-spoken-in-film: ‘Play it again, Sam’
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: Subtitles?
@Mousebumples: Love a lot of those shows! But comedy doesn’t work for me on the treadmill.
@patrick II: I have Prime video, but I think the interface sucks, so I almost never watch it.
@Chris: I read the Longmire books before the series came out. Vic looks/acts nothing like the Vic in the books, but I eventually got over that.
Auntie Beak
@patrick II: Oh, yeah, absolutely second this one!!! Loved it! Always like 5 or 6 plots going on at once, you gotta pay attention. But really, really compelling. Good stuff!
@Mercuria: What is Happy Valley about? If it’s comedy or sitcom like it’s a no go.
Would assign Garbo’s “I vant to be alone” the most famous, but that’s a purely subjective judgment.
Auntie Beak
@Mercuria: Oh yes! Happy Valley. But turn on subtitles… that Northern accent is impenetrable!
@cain: Comedies are fun, but not compelling enough to entertain me on the treadmill.
Grim British police series. Really grim. AFAIK it is not available on Netflix any longer at this time.
@Ruckus: I have seen both of those. I think anything political would be too distressing these days.
Cheryl from Maryland
@James E Powell: Yes, Hinterland. Beautiful, Beautiful Wales. Each episode is self-contained. Also Valhalla (Icelandic Nordic Noir).
I do Amazon Prime, not Netflix, but am curious. I hear that Netflix has a trove of Korean films and maybe comedies, and a good selection of Indian films.
Does Netflix have any Japanese TV historical dramas? A local station here in Southern California used to run these regularly, but the station was shut down and sold some years ago.
@raven: I loved that show.
Matt Smith
I second Luke Cage. Seriously bummed when it was canceled. Part of what I loved is, it felt unapologetically Black-centric.
For anyone reading this who’s ok with subtitles, House of Flowers is a campy send-up of telenovelas, and I absolutely adored season 1. Haven’t tried season 2 yet.
@cain: Yeah, I watched Blacklist when it was on TV. Then I dumped it when they ditched my favorite character.
patrick II
I agree, the interface sucks. I especially wish they had a “continue watching” category. But if you have only one show in “My Stuff” it’s manageable. From how you describe your tastes give Bosch a one show trial. I think you’ll love it.
@NotMax: Is Rake the same Rake that was on network TV for awhile? I tried watching that and if I recall correctly, he was a sexist pig so I gave up just a few episodes in.
ix-nay on subtiles on the treadmill.
@NotMax: What is london spy about?
Shetland: this is basically Scottish Longmire. I liked it a lot.
Hap & Leonard: Two Texas buddies solving problems.
Travelers: time traveling science fiction with some characters that you end up liking.
Get Shorty: the tv show. It was surprisingly good.
Person of Interest: You might like it.
Wind River: It’s a movie but it has has some of that Longmire vibe. I liked it.
Stranger: Korean mystery/drama. Only one season but it’s pretty tasty with good characters.
Godless: limited series Western. I dug it. Some cool characters.
GLOW: series about lady’s wrestling. Didn’t think it would be my thing but the acting and characters are pretty great. Good stuff.
Auntie Beak
@WaterGirl: Police procedural starring Sarah Lancashire, who was also in Last Tango in Halifax. She’s very good in this.
@MazeDancer: What is Pose about?
@patrick II: I guess she is your Idris Elba?
@patrick II: How does one watch Bosch on an iPad?
Can I say how blown away I was by the Dark Crystal series on Netflix? It may be the only prequel that’s ever been worth anything.
Phenomenal production values, compelling characters, thorough world-building, and intricate plotting. It helps if you’re familiar with the original movie, but I think that’s on Netflix as well.
@NotMax: I’m not that into grim. :-) Plus, no Netflix.
For this viewer, have found easily ten times as many intriguing things on Prime as compared to Netflix. If you’ve watched something and liked it, Prime’s “Customers Also Watched” option has been a great way to come across other titles I might not otherwise have known were there.
As far as subtitles on Netflix go, many of their offerings offer a dubbed version in the audio options. The dubbing ranges, though, from painful to acceptable so it’s a toss of the dice.
@Matt Smith: So Luke Cage is a superhero show? Like Arrow or The Flash? I watched both of those for years and then they kind of lost me.
How to watch Amazon Prime videos on iPhone and iPad
@patrick II: I would probably love it, but if it won’t remember where I was, that’s not gonna work for the treadmill. Darn it!
@patrick II: Casablanca is one of the best movies made. There will never be another Bogie
The Good Place – 3 of the 4 seasons are up.
And, of course, Storybots! TAAAAA
@raven: Patrick II just said that Prime doesn’t remember where you are, and since I will only watch this show on the treadmill, it needs to be really simple to pick up where I left off.
That’s why I asked about Netflix shows.
@WaterGirl: Happy Valley is wonderful but wrenching. James Norton from Granchester is pure evil.
@zhena gogolia: Thanks for the input. I think my favorite filmed Austen is still the movie of Persuasion. Don’t remember who the actors are but they’re both so good. IMO.
@mrmoshpotato: Seen it! Plus, it’s fun and interesting, but it’s not compelling enough for me for the treadmill.
I know I’m being picky, but I’m looking for something that will really make walking on the treadmill tolerable, like Longmire has.
@WaterGirl: It’s easy to use the scroll on the timeline at the bottom.
@raven: Is that the one that NotMax said is really grim?
What is the premise of Happy Valley? Are there characters I would like, or are these characters you love to hate?
Omnes Omnibus
I get your reasons for it, but the no subtitles rule cuts out a lot of thing I would recommend like Occupied and Babylon Berlin.
@raven: As in, I would have to remember that i was at minute 18 when I stopped the last time, and I could scroll to minute 18?
Would it remember which show, which season and which episode? Or not even any of those?
Trailer. Ben Whishaw is surpassingly outstanding. Wraps up in 5 episodes, so not a long-term commitment.
patrick II
From my point of view a lot hotter than Idris Elba. She can also sing, (she won Canadian Idol), speak mandarin and kick ass. And fly a space ship — what’s not to like?
SIgh. Bad linky at #110. Fix.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, I’m right in front of the door to the porch, and I can look out into the yard if I feel like it. That pretty much rules out subtitles, as you guessed.
@WaterGirl: It is, but the superheroics take a big backseat to the actual conflict. Daredevil is similar – those sequences are there, but it’s more about people and how their society acts around them.
Very worth watching.
patrick II
Download Prime Video from the Apple app store.
Omnes Omnibus
I am hearing really good things about the Hulu series, The Great. I do not have Hulu so I can’t confirm.
Prime consistently and correctly remembers where I was when I hit the back button to leave a program and picks up at that point on its own the next time I click to continue watching.
patrick II
No, Prime remembers where you were if you bring the show up. What it doesn’t do is have a separate list of shows you were in the middle of. For instance, I’ll try something out late at night, not finish and wish to pick up again where I left off — but I can’t remember the name because I fell asleep.
But, if you know the name of the show and put it in favorites, “my stuff” in Prime, you can pick right up where you left off.
@WaterGirl: Sarah Lancashire is a police detective and it is a series of crimes. Sally Wainwright is the writer/director and she did Gentleman Jack, Last Tango and Scott and Bailey. They are all very much feminist shows and most of the men are total dolts at best. Lancashire and Surrane Jones are both great.
@cain: @cain:
I tried counting how many times the line “I get it” was used in all of the Marvel series, but I gave up after passing 150…
@Omnes Omnibus: We watched it and enjoyed it but it is fucking nasty.
@WaterGirl: Wainwrights is British and the shows are set in West Yorkshire so we do use the subtitles but you might not have to.
Have not seen in mentioned yet. But I would highly recommend the series Justified. Walter Coggins as the redneck villain Boyd Crowder and Margo Martindale as the family mob boss Mags Bennett in seasons 2 or 3 just absolutely chew up the scenery.
Not sure if it is on Netlix, but worth tracking down.
EDIT: It is apparently free on Hulu and for purchase on Amazon but not available on Neflix. But worth watching for anyone on Hulu.
Chief Oshkosh
Not sure if it’s Netflix or Amazon, but The Expanse is decent sci-fi. First half of season 1 is almost too dystopia for me, but then the series hits a much more interesting rhythm.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Luke Cage, Powerman, is a super hero. Loved him in the 70s when I was a kid, because he seemed *real* to me in a way that regular costumed super heroes didn’t. Haven’t seen the TV series yet, hope to.
I wasn’t able to make it through two episodes of Longmire when I tried Season One. I guess it gets better?
Not a Netflix gal, so take these recommendations with a grain of salt:
Mad Men – even if you’ve already seen it, it’s time for a rewatch. it does have a few shocking/grotesque moments, but it’s not ultraviolent.
Justified – ditto (I guess I should give Longmire another try, because I almost gave up on Justified in the first season, too, and ended up loving it)
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell – a mini-series, weird and magical and a *little* creepy but not nightmarish by any means – think a pre-Victorian Harry Potter for grown-ups.
She was fired by Emmerdale, injected some much-needed grit into Coronation Street and struck gold with Last Tango in Halifax and Happy Valley. Now Sally Wainwright is going international
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: My understanding of the Russian court at the time is that it was fucking nasty.
Sort of on topic.
Currently working through a Serbian noir series set in 1920s Belgrade, on Prime, Black Sun.
First episode way overpadded, introducing a very crowded and confusing cast of characters. Following ones thus far disjointed in pacing (part of that may be attributed to stuff lost in translation via the closed captioning) but have been pulled in enough, plot-wise and stylistically, to stick around and see where the ride ends up.
Miss Bianca
@patrick II: No one is hotter than Idris Elba.
Have you watched Stranger Things yet?
Also not mentioned so far (I don’t think).
The HBO Series Succession. Truly good.
They have all the Star Treks (except CBS) if you feel like a marathon. DS 9 is good for a rewatch.
Loved Broadchurch.
The Frankenstein Chronicles
The first couple of seasons of Ripper Street (it kind of goes off the rails after a while)
The Colony is a great SciFi show about an alien invasion (spoiler: it’s really about people under stress).
Find the original “Oldboy”. (2003) Korean movie that was remade in english at some point… The Korean version is much better. Well worth watching…
@Lavocat: ooh, i like Harlan Coben.
The Last Kingdom series
Saxons, Angles, Danes, Normans. Yeah some brute strength battles with swords, axes and shield walls. But good character development.
20th century Nurse gets dropped into 18th century Scotland. Pretty good character development
Period drama in 18th century Wales and England. Engaging
Currently wading my way through subtitled films. I have found several excellent movies. Even older ones are fascinating. I never knew the the Magnificent Seven was based on a Japanese 1950’s black and white film called the Seven Samurai. The characters and the plot pretty well match up.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Oddly, he tends to just not do it for straight guys.
@RSA: Midsommer Murders doesn’t appear to be on Netflix.
@Mousebumples: I loved Limitless and was so sorry when they ended it.
Marcella and River. And if you have never seen them Broadchurch and Peaky Blinders
@Chris: I couldn’t find DCI Banks on Netflix.
Tunnel was an unusual take on time travel/policing. Both the original Koren series and the Thai remake might still be on Netflix. Personally preferred the Thai one.
@patrick II: thank you!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@WaterGirl: unfortunately yes. Unless you speak Mandarin
@patrick II: oh, that’s helpful. I will check that out.
It’s on Prime. Multiple seasons.
You might like Drover’s Gold, also on Prime. Centers on a mid-19th century cattle drive from Wales to London, but includes so much more. Also too, the Aussie 19th century ‘western,’ Wild Boys.
@Kent: Justified was such an excellent show! Why do they take good shows off the air and leave the dreck?
Auntie Beak
@Miss Bianca: True dat. Mahershala Ali comes close, but no cigar.
@Kent: The mags season(s) were so great.
@Miss Bianca: Here, here! or is it Hear, hear?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Justified completed its story arc. It was the time and place to finish it. Before it became dreck.
The Kaminsky Method
Raising Dion
@Omnes Omnibus: Okay, you’re right. But I still miss it.
I am surprised we haven’t seen more shows with him. I have no idea what he’s doing now.
Just One More Canuck
Murdoch Mysteries – Canadian steampunkish murder mystery show set in turn of 20th century Toronto. Maybe called Artful Detective in the US
Ivan X
I can’t believe I’m the first to mention Better Call Saul. Compelling and engaging all the way. Maybe the best TV narrative TV show I’ve ever seen. (Also, I disliked Breaking Bad, so it’s not a prerequisite.)
Also, first two seasons of House of Cards, but I assume you’ve seen that.
@Just One More Canuck: Not on netflix, but I watch that.
@WaterGirl: I had loved James Norton in Grantchester (another British mystery series with the great Robson Green), but I couldn’t watch Happy Valley, where he is a psycho killer.
I don’t understand these shows where the name is I guess super ironic. Euphoria was another one. If I was a parent of a teenager that show would terrify me.
Shall mention, especially for SF fans, that the 1980 version shown on PBS of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Lathe of Heaven is available on YouTube. Video quality is not Netflix-like but mostly adequate.
Lots of great suggestions! In case anyone is interested, I have added these to my list as possibilities. I’ll have to check them out further and narrow things down. Only 90 minutes left of Longmire. :-(
@WaterGirl: Midsomer Murders is great, relatively lighthearted, no gore, little violence, and more than 11 seasons, so won’t run out too soon. It’s Brit, of course, and on Netflix DVD. Not so character driven as Longmire, however…
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Have you seen Elementary yet? I’ve only caught two seasons, cuz I’m so antediluvian that I watch things on DVDs borrowed from the library system, but I’ve really enjoyed those two seasons!
@Mohagan: I loved him in Grantchester!
I am not really into psycho killers. Except for Luther. I am willing to expand my horizons for Idris Elba. :-)
@Miss Bianca: Love Elementary!
Has anyone mentioned Deadwood? Absolutely wonderful. Shakespearean language with lots of fucks added, and lots of compelling characters. Ian McShane is a force of nature. It has violence, but it is always treated as violence, not like a comic book show.
@WaterGirl: Midsommer Murders is on Pluto TV
Babaylon Berlin. Three seasons. German production. It’s dubbed. About the police in Germany in 1929.
A production number from the club a lot of the story takes place.
James E Powell
@Cheryl from Maryland:
Hinterland made Wales look bleak at times but I still want to go there.
The Wire
@Mohagan: Have never seen The Wire, but I don’t find it on Netflix. :-(
edit: but it is on HBO, and I get that. I wonder if HBO keeps track of where you are if you’re watching a series. Does anybody know?
zhena gogolia
My Prime remembers where I was.
zhena gogolia
Amanda Root and Ciáran Hinds. It’s perfection. Corin Redgrave as Sir Walter is amazing.
The 1995 Pride and Prejudice is the only adaptation that equals it.
patrick II
It’s on HBO. Earlier I said Bosch was the best cop show since NYPD Blue. That was wrong. The Wire was the best ever. Justified was also great, I was an Elmore Leonard fan before the show.
Oliphant was on a cable series “The Santa Clara Diet”. It was a comedy about being married to a zombie. I passed.
Since you said you liked mysteries, is Endeavour on Netflix these days? Or Vera?
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Wow, I heard it sucked. Peter III goes around killing Catherine’s pet bears, that kind of tripe.
@Ivan X: Oh yes. Better Call Saul is flat out awesome. And yes, no need to watch Breaking Bad first. It is a completely separate story arc.
@zhena gogolia
Needs moar zombies.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, if you’re looking for historical versimilitude, forget it, from what I hear (and from the reviews).
zhena gogolia
One m in Midsomer?
Poe Larity
+1 on Peaky Blinders and +eleventy billion on The Wire
zhena gogolia
James Norton is the star of a film that just came “out” (on streaming), Mr. Jones. It sounds good but very grim (kholodomor in Ukraine).
You might like Sinner. Two seasons with two sort of mysteries. The who is known from the beginning, so it’s about an investigator delving into the why of the killing. A bit dark but mostly two psychological studies. Bill Pullmann is the investigator and the first season has Jessica Biel as killer. Don’t usually like her much but she was decent in this.
Endeavour is on PBS Passport (name?), either subscribed through your local station or via an Amazon Prime channel.
Vera is on Acorn and BritBox, last I checked. Different seasons on each, which is inconvenient. But it’s a good series.
Prometheus Shrugged
@patrick II: I will second the recommendation of Bosch. I’m drawn to it, because the main character has an encyclopedic knowledge of jazz and is always playing LPs from the late fifties (Coltrane, Rollins, Dexter Gordon, Art Pepper). But it’s a bit like the Los Angeles version of Shetland (which also hooked me.)
@zhena gogolia: Thanks! I tried several spellings, and even searched for “murder” and it didn’t come up, Sounds like it’s not on Netflix.
@Chris: Did the books have different storylines? I’d love to read them if they’re different.
patrick II
@Prometheus Shrugged:
I liked Shetland too, but then they moved to Hulu along with the later seasons.
Okay, so I just downloaded the Prime Video app so I can confirm that it really will remember where I am. And I found several things in “My Stuff”.
Unforgotten Seasons 1 and 2
Ordeal by Innocence
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan
ABC Murders
They must be from years ago when I first looked at Prime years ago. Does anyone know anything about those shows? Are any of them any good?
@TaraT: As I recall, some of the books have the same storylines, and some are different.
I would say they are worth reading.
If you’re not sure and you have a tablet, you could get a feel for the books with a SAMPLE. They have that for iBooks. ? I am guessing there is something similar for android
zhena gogolia
Ordeal by Innocence is an Agatha Christie. Good cast, but I guess it’s not too faithful to the book. It has Matthew Goode and Eleanor Tomlinson and Anna Chancellor and I think Bill Nighy. We enjoyed it but it’s fairly silly.
zhena gogolia
The thing about Midsomer Murders is that you can’t possibly understand Hot Fuzz without it.
@WaterGirl: The Unforgotten is very good with Nicola Walker from Last Tango.
@zhena gogolia: Thanks! In the right mood, silly is good. But silly is not treadmill material for me. I’ll take that one off the list for sure.
As we’re talking about TV/film, and the second episode is coming on in a bit, I’ll reiterate what I said last week: the HBO Perry Mason is in no way a “reboot” of the old series. They borrowed some names and the Los Angeles locale (moving it to 1931), and that’s it. In terms of a reboot, it feels like one for J.J. Gittes, the sleazy P.I. from Chinatown.
That said, the first episode last week was fairly promising. Good production values, lots of atmosphere. Worth going on with. But they need to pick up the pace a bit. And it has warning signs of what I think of as True Detective syndrome: lots of atmosphere and promise of things to come, then a rather scanty payoff in the end. I hope they avoid that.
No comedies????
Ivan X
@WaterGirl: Yes, HBO keeps your place in a series and individual show, for sure.
@Steeplejack: For what it’s worth, I am still expecting Perry to be a good guy.
I was thinking I would put up a Perry Mason thread next Sunday, early evening. After two episodes, I thought it would be interesting to see what we all think of it.
@Ivan X: Oh, yay!
I just tried HBO Now, and they said I had to upgrade to the HBO Max app. I did that, and then they told me I have to update my iOS version in order to get it.
Poe Larity
And for something out of the box now on Netflix: Death Note
It’s an anime, but somewhere around episode 30 you’ll snap out of it and wonder wtf, I haven’t eaten.
Midsomer Murders is off Netflix and now on Acorn and BritBox. Dunno if both have all seasons or if it’s split up.
zhena gogolia
Well, I meant silly in that it has a lot of gimmicks. It’s not comedic.
Unforgotten is very good. Stately British series ab9ut cold cases. Nicola Walker and the rest of the cast are great.
Grace and Frankie
It’s sorta billed as a comedy but it takes on so many serious things that that’s misleading.
Mike in NC
@patrick II: We loved ‘Shetland’ and were able to get the last two seasons (series) on DVD from Netflix.
In that case will add recommendations for two Amazon original series Goliath (ostensibly a lawyer series featuring Billy Bob Thornton) and Patriot (espionage with a sardonic twist, not to be confused with other items with the same name).
If you get your Amazon Prime thing going, I think River is still on there: very good British miniseries (six episodes) from 2015 with Stellan Skarsgård and Nicola Walker. Skarsgård is a troubled cop. ’Nuff said.
You guys are awesome. So many favorites, plus new titles to explore! Never gave much thought to Better Call Saul, gonna cue that up next.
Out of all of them, Peaky Blinders was the biggest surprise. What a great story.
Leverage, Person of Interest, Justified, Altered Carbon, The Expanse, The Witcher, I will watch again and again. The latter three have new eps planned. Nice to see so many like-minded jackals!
Excellent little series. Troubled is a word and a half for his, um, condition.
@WaterGirl: Jack Ryan was moderately engaging.
Eta, if you are going for Amazon, Goliath all the way.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Poldark on Prime is fantastic.
Kevin the Hen
@Mike in NC: I love Dark but it’s best in German with English subtitles. I heard the dubbing is pretty bad. Just about to start season 3
Pose is a sort of “Paris is Burning” turned into a TV series. With memorable, compelling characters. Landmark acting. (The unsurpassed Billy Porter won an Emmy. And all the gorgeous trans characters are played by gorgeous trans actors)
Plus a soap opera level addictive story line.
It is set in the NYC club scene of the ’80’s where Houses competed walking at Balls.
The Kaminsky Method is fabulous. Describing it makes one think, no, thanks. And terrible tittle.
But someone forced me to watch it, thank heavens. So much good acting. Such great characters.
@patrick II
Best cop show I’ve seen in a lo-o-ong time is the French series Spiral. Was once upon a time on Netflix; I think most of the seasons may still be on Prime. Urge to binge it was strong.
Uncle Omar
@WaterGirl: I think that Justified just ran out of gas and the actors had other committments. If you like Raylin Givens, Elmore Leonard did several books with him as the lead character. The first is Pronto and the final scene in the book is the intro to the Justified series. As someone who spent many years dealing with crooks and low-lifes, I can say that no writer captures the crook mind the way that Leonard did. Of course he said that writing about criminals was easy because they are so stupid.
@Steeplejack: Thank you! I’ll keep that one, then.
Blood Line
Jack Ryan 1 was surprisingly good.
Jack Ryan 2 was not.
Prime means PBS. Search PBS or Masterpiece and have a great time.
After Life.
Agents of Shield (if you like Marvel shows) – I think it is still on Netflix, maybe Prime?
I like many of the shows on Prime – Defiance, Grimm, The Man in the High Castle, Bosch – plus there are some Prime original shows I haven’t got around to watching. I watch while I’m sewing, lol!
Definitely try Leverage if you’re into revenge porn against corrupt 1% white collar criminals (and it’s being rebooted with much of the same cast and some of the same producers). I’m also more than a little interested in the Korean version….
The Netflix Marvel series are decent; only season 1 of Iron Fist kinda reeks, because the Showrunner did it as a favor to meet a deadline.
The Expanse is for folks who love fairly realistic science in their SF; also lots of nice world building in the societies the characters inhabit
(And I AM partial to Agents of SHIELD, if only for the notion of a mid-50s woman becoming an action martial artist star).
@Steeplejack: River added. Though it made me sign in for the 2nd time; surely it won’t make me sign in every time?
patrick II
It’s still on prime. Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Deborah Rose
Try and watch “The Following” starring Kevin Bacon. Its like Longmire, it will keep you coming back to watch it.
@MazeDancer: So Season 1 was good and Season 2 was not? just want to be sure we’ve not talking about the Jack Ryan movies.
So there’s a:
PBS masterpiece on amazon prime
PBS masterpiece on amazon prime free
Wow, they have a lot of PBS stuff.
Do you happen to know… does that mean that some of them cost money and some don’t? Or that lots of people have searched for that with the word free after it?
All of Amazon has been having sporadic and geographically diverse sign in glitches this weekend.
Is The Americans on Netflix? If it is than watch it. There is violence but it is a good show. The second last season was kind of a dud but otherwise a great show.
patrick II
@Uncle Omar:
It is too bad Elmore is gone. I would love to see him write a book about a small time criminal who becomes president.
@Deborah Rose: The following is not on Netflix. Maybe Amazon Prime?
I see that it’s on Prime, but it’s marked Free with Ads. ugh. I won’t watch anything that makes me watch ads. Tivo has spoiled me.
Gotta go with Yellowstone with Kevin Costner. Set in Montana. Developers vs old school land owners.
@patrick II: I would add on Amazon is the two season show “Counterpart”, JK Simmons is amazing playing Howard Alpha and Howard Prime. A compelling but sadly short (two seasons).
It can be confusing. there’s a Masterpiece channel available through Prime which carries its own additional subscription fee. Anything free on Prime has a Prime banner running diagonally across the top left corner of the program image.
@BruceFromOhio: I will see how Amazon behaves, but you guys talked me out of ruling it out completely. :-)
@Chief Oshkosh: The Expanse is Amazon, who picked it up and made new season after SyFy dropped it … as tthey do to great shows all.the.time. Worth switching for if only to hear Shoreh Agdashloo throw F bombs and swear up a storm.
Some of the PBS stuff is free; other stuff you have to pay for the “PBS Passport” channel (I think that’s the name) on Prime to get access to it.
I have been unable to find out whether it’s better to subscribe through Prime or get PBS Passport by donating to my local PBS station (WETA). Anyone know? I wonder if the local option has more lesser shows available that don’t show up on the national PBS feed.
The Stranger on Netflix is really good. The lead actor is also a voice actor on Castlevania on Netflix. My kids got me to watch it and it was very good.
@navigator: They call Marcella dark and unsettling.
Can you say a little more about it?
@MomSense: Sounds interesting.
@Delk: thanks!
We have passport because my mom has been donating to our local PBS station forever. It’s the best service. Not only can you watch every show they’ve ever aired, but all the Austin City Limits and Great Performances are available as well.
Miss Bianca
@clay: Damn it, am *I* going to have to get Netflix now??
@NotMax: @zhena gogolia:
That gives me hope.
It’s not a series, but Knives Out on Prime was great.
@patrick II: Sounds like we like the same shows. Assuming you also liked Homicide: Life on the Streets.
And our violence/creepy/dark tolerance may be similar, too.
Watch Ugly Delicious on Netflix. Amazing series.
@CatFacts: I think it might actually be on Amazon Prime. But I have been watching those on TV as they come out.
Thanks. I’ve been leaning that way but wasn’t sure. I want to support the local station but also want to get the best selection.
@Kent: I watched Better Call Saul for a few seasons, then I quit watching. I wish I could remember why.
@l3000: I was intrigued by that show when it first came out, but I got the impression that it was pretty scary/creepy so I never watched. Did I get that wrong?
James E Powell
One of my problems when people ask for recommendations for shows or movies is that I forget which streaming service I’m watching.
Miss Bianca
@gwangung: I would almost classify Leverage as comedy, though, mostly because Aldis Hodge is so fucking hilarious. Plus some of the stunts become so ridiculous that it might as well be comedy.
But plenty of drama too, and definitely one of the few series out there that grapples with the theme of white collar crime, even if it’s just to say: “look, our entire judicial system is so bad at dealing with white collar criminals that you have to hire a bunch of crooks to get justice!”
ETA: There’s a Korean version? Is this the reboot people are talking about?
patrick II
many of non Amazon channels have 7 day free trials. I just did cb s all-access for a week and caught up on The Good Fight and Picard.
it’s easy to turn off the trial on the payments page.
i am obviously retired and isolating.
@Prometheus Shrugged: Shetland is on prime but costs $$.
@patrick II: Ah, I see it’s on Hulu, too.
@zhena gogolia: I took your silly to me that it was kind of lame. Was i wrong?
what happened to Prime Suspect: Tennison – was there only a season 1?
I’ve lost track of what’s on Netflix vs. Prime, but here are my req’s:
Person of Interest (superb!)
Lucifer (for the sheer fun of it)
Killjoys (megafun)
Bosch (also superb, but sometimes slower than I’m in the mood for)
Dead to me (loved season 1; about to start season 2)
Designated Survivor (clichéd, but decent thriller; a guilty pleasure for me at the moment)
Leverage (also lighthearted fun, plus Christian Kane is hot)
Battle Creek (with “Mayham” actor Winters; witty and fun, should have gotten another season)
I like the show, I was a pre-med in college, so the show has personal interest to me. It is somewhat like a daytime soap, without so much made up drama. Sure it’s not really all that realistic but it shows both sides of people, which is good it’s just that if this much shit happened to this few people, the world would have melted long ago. Also a lot of the scenes, especially the early ones were filmed at the VA clinic where I went for a number of years. Some of the cables were run along the outside of the building and stayed during the week, filming was only done on the weekends. I didn’t find out at first, even though a lot of elements looked very familiar. They hid the real building rather well, especially the inside. For example the show elevator shows 5 floors but the VA building only has 3
And BTW it’s 16 seasons on Netflix now, as of just a month or so ago.
@MazeDancer: I added The Kaminsky Method to the list. thanks.
@WaterGirl: There were at least four, maybe more. They were all pretty chilling, and Helen Mirren was outstanding throughout.
@Uncle Omar: Interesting info!
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: If you liked Luther and you started this other one, you might also see if The Fall is on Netflix. Also one of those creepy-crawly procedurals about a serial killer in Northern Ireland and the detective who’s tracking him down. Not much explicit violence, but plenty of suspense, even tho’ you find out who the killer is almost immediately, it’s watching Gillian Anderson trying to figure out how to catch him and *prove* it that makes it gripping. The guy who played Christian Grey in the 50 Shades movie is the killer – his name escapes me right now, James Something? – and he does an amazing job of making him seem like almost a normal family man.
I’ve seen two seasons, I think there’s a third, but it was hard to find through the library system, so I’m waiting till things are back to almost normal before trying.
patrick II
i loved Homicide… The entire cast was great, Braugher deserved a few Emmys for his interrogation room scenes alone.
Just the one season.
Prime comes out to about a sawbuck a month (and of course includes other perqs besides the videos). And one can add another adult to the same Prime account through the Amazon Household option, so could theoretically split the cost with them (it functions as two discrete accounts – they don’t see what you’re watching, nor they your choices).
Mom in NY watches Prime stuff on her TV through her own Roku box without it costing her a dime, as I added her to my account.
Sloane Ranger
Don’t know if they’re on Netflix but I echo recs for Person of Interest and Leverage.
Recs. not mentioned above,
Hustle- kind of like a British Leverage.
The Brokenwood Mysteries- like Midsomer Murders but set in a small town in New Zealand. Engaging middle aged Country and Western loving detective plus lots of slightly eccentric recurring characters.
The Avengers- 1960s black and white British version. Early example of strong women main characters and great repartee between John Steed and Cathy Gale or Emma Peel.
The Champions- another 1960s British series but in colour. Fantasy about 3 secret agents given special powers by a mysterious lost Tibetan civilisation.
I loved Battle Creek and was crushed when it was canceled.
I think that was the same year that Backstrom met the same fate. Quirky cop show with Rainn Wilson and a good supporting cast.
Bummer year.
@Quiltingfool: I watch that, though I am a couple of season behind. The episodes are waiting for me on Tivo. They had one season that seemed really odd and depressing to me – it started with all of them being in a diner and then ending up in a place with blue faces?
Did it get better after that?
Brooklyn Dodger
Check out Strange Empire if you can on Amazon. Canadian show – a western with great female leads, compelling storylines, sadly cancelled after only one season. First caught it on Netflix but they don’t have it on their list anymore.
@gwangung: Which character are you referring to? Melinda May?
patrick II
I liked Battle Creek too. The droll pairing of straight arrow with the rough edges guy hasn’t been done so well since Due South.
I think she’s talking about the prequel set in the ’60s.
@NotMax: Huh. Who knew? (besides you)
I thought that as well. Resisted watching it again after years ago. Then last week I said what the hell, it’s mostly reasonable politics, not the crap we have in real life. I mean I’d overwhelmingly want to live under Jed Bartlett than shitforbrains any day, month or year. Of course, watch an episode or two of WW and then read BJ or twitter and yeah the world starts sucking donkey balls again, being reminded that we don’t have a president, we have a toddler in distress. I’ve held a jacket with wrap around sleeves in my hands and even as overweight as he is it would fit fine. (we had one on the destroyer I was stationed on, why or how it got where it did I’ll never know but we did talk a kid into trying it on. He didn’t particularly like it. And yes we let him out of it.)
@patrick II:
Did you ever see The Good Guys? Another one-season wonder with Colin Hanks as a young straight-arrow cop partnered with almost-has-been veteran Bradley Whitford. Played for laughs and very well done after a couple of shaky first episodes.
@Steeplejack: I’ll have to check out Backstrom–never heard of it before. Thanks!
@Jess: I forgot about Battle Creek! I was so disapponted when that was cancelled.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Poe Larity: thank you. I love anime, I first started watching the untamed in the anime version on youtube, and thought, wow, this is really subtle & good …
@Ruckus: Yep. This year was going to be the last season, but the season got cut short so they gave it another season next year. I guess they also figured that with the pandemic, they might have some new story lines.
I’m just hoping when we get TV back again, all the shows don’t have people wearing masks all the time. I want our old world back, at least on TV. if that means no TV this year, then so be it.
@Uncle Omar: The Tall T (1957) is a decent western based on Elmore Leonard’s short story “The Captives.” Richard Boone plays the leader of a small murderous gang. Maureen O’ Sullivan and Randolph Scott play his captives. I always liked Randolph Scott; he said of himself, “I can’t act and I have 35 movies to prove it.”
@Barbara: I think there were 6 Prime Suspects, but i googled and they cancelled Tennison after the first season, I thought Tennison was great, so of course they cancelled it.
Same thing as Battle Creek and The Good Guys: couple of bumpy episodes at first, then it got better and better, and I was really looking forward to the second season that never came.
@Miss Bianca: I didn’t actually start the one with Jessica Biel (sp?) and it was probably only Idris that kept me watching Luther. Loved the show but serial killer stuff isn’t my style. I get creeped out / wigged out too easily.
@patrick II: That one is
probably worth watching again.At some point when the show had finished its run, I saw the first few episodes again. (where, how, who knows?)
It was so interesting to see those first 2 or 3 episodes and notice how they taught us about the white board, and how cases were handed out, etc.
@NotMax: Does that work for shipping, too, or just for prime?
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: The Fall is not as intense as Luther. That one – even tho’ it’s fabulous, and of course Idris Elba! – was almost too much for me. I won’t say I was watching it through my fingers, but close, sometimes.
Yeah, I don’t like serial killer stuff at all, usually, I made an exception for this series.
@Miss Bianca: No, the Korean one is separate. Intrigued by it.
BUt the reboot is bringing back Aldis Hodge, Gina Bellman, Christian Kane and Beth Riesgraf (and adding a young Asian American gal hacker who’s a literal social justice warrior).
@WaterGirl: Yup. Doesn’t hurt that she DID NOT AGE (she and her hobby obviously have painted portraits in one of their attics…)/
@patrick II: LOVED LOVED LOVED Due South.
A few years ago I tried hard to find it again but couldn’t find it anywhere. You and I could definitely watch TV together.
Everything across the board, AFAIK. The other person does have to provide their own credit card info though, in order to be added.
@Steeplejack: That was well done!
I’m not sure if they figured it out after a couple of episodes, or if I adjusted to the show.
Happy Valley is off Netflix.
Get Shorty, Dead to Me and Better Call Saul are still on Netflix.
Spinoza Is My Co-Pilot
@WaterGirl: As Ivan X at 196 indicated, yes, HBO keeps track of where you are watching a TV series. Definitely watch The Wire, it is, I think, the best show of any listed in this thread, and arguably the very best TV show of all time (some days I’d make that argument, others I would just say it’s for sure in the top 5, no matter what other shows anyone wants to put up for “best all time”).
And I know you said “no subtitles”, and I get that (sort of; I’ve never had any trouble watching foreign language films or TV with subtitles) but since these are such great shows on Netflix (produced for Netflix) and no one has mentioned them yet I’m going to give a full shout out to Narcos and Narcos: Mexico.
Narcos is a “mostly based on true stories, with some things fictionalized for dramatic effect” series chronicling the Colombian cocaine narco-trafficking, starting with Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel, and moving to the Cali cartel. Fantastic writing and characterization (excellent actors in every role, and there are many) from start to finish. Awesome and compelling television giving perspectives from a number of angles on the unfortunate “War on Drugs” and its effects on Colombia. Narcos: Mexico is equally good, and follows the rise of narco-trafficking cartels in Mexico in roughly the same time period (late 70s into the 90s) as Narcos (starting in Sinaloa with some of the original sinsemilla marijuana, then moving into cocaine with the Colombians).
@Steeplejack: I thought Castle was really lame for the first 5 or so episodes, then it clicked
Same thing with Burn Notice – I watched 2 or 3, gave up on it, then a good friend said it was their favorite show, so I gave it another shot. Really liked Burn Notice.
@NotMax: Huh. I may have to look into that.
@WaterGirl: Peaky Blinders is excellent. I watched it concurrently with Babylon Berlin, which came dubbed for me, which I eventually got used to. Both set between the World Wars. One from the POV of the Berlin police, and the other from a Birmingham gang – often hard to tell the difference! Same issues, same historical setting, made both of them even more interesting to me at least. I was riveted and husband couldn’t stand either! I believe PB is going right through to the Second World War. I think there is to be at least one more season of BB.
What a psycho thriller Happy Valley was. So many great recommendations on this thread.
@Spinoza Is My Co-Pilot: Narcos was very good. Though disturbing, and definitely at the edge/past the edge of my usual tolerance for violence.
But the main detective was a great actor!
I just can’t do subtitles when I am on the treadmill. I wasn’t to be able to look out the window occasionally or look down at my feet to check my gait, etc.
Much as I liked Happy Valley my working theory is there was a standing order to fine any cast member £100 any time they were caught smiling.
Miss Bianca
@gwangung: So, no Timothy Dalton, eh?
zhena gogolia
I don’t know, it just didn’t seem very Agatha Christie.
patrick II
I am watching tape delayed BET Awards from earlier tonight. My god, Jennifer Hudson.
@Sally: Interesting perspective watching both shows at once.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Does Due South have Paul Gross in it? It sounds familiar. Loved PG in Slings and Arrows, which of course is another dramedy of limited availability.
@Miss Bianca: Yes it does!
Leverage, Bosch and The Fall are not on Netflix.
It is about surgeons so one is going to see a lot of masks.
patrick Il
@WaterGirl: Due South was great. The partner was less angry and more befuddled by the hero’s unlikely success than in Battle Creek. Though I certainly like Battle Creek. The Forensic doctors unrequited lust for the oblivious ( every woman treated him similarly) hero was hilarious.
@Lavocat: We enjoyed all 5 seasons of Outlander. We are waiting for the 6th season to start on STARZ.
Just searching titles now to see if shows are still on Netflix or not.
Never have seen Happy Valley but I’m guessing the title is a play on words.
@WaterGirl: Yes, Jack Ryan series made by Amazon was good Season 1, not Season 2.
Some PBS stuff is free on Prime. Some is not. Like Forsyte Saga Season 1 is free. Highly rec. Season 2 costs $6.99.
Also what’s free seems to change. So you can wait and see.
@Miss Bianca:
Due South not on Netflix
@Sally: So many great Nordic Noirs, but, subtitles! Trapped, Occupied, The Bridge, The Killing, just for starters. And the now old and not noir, Borgen, which I think is great, and so much better than West Wing (IMHO!). It deeply explores all sorts of issues, including prostitution, sovereignty, ethics and compromise, along with the ever present gender and family issues. The added benefit was that by the time I finished watching all the Danish shows, I didn’t need the subtitles! I can’t remember whether the movie The Twelfth Man was dubbed or sub titled, it was excellent. Oh, Made in Dagenham, not noir or sub titled. And I enjoyed Afterlife, mentioned upthread, and I’m not really a Gervais fan. Not riveting though.
Late to the discussion, but check out the Wachowski’s Sense8. Two seasons.
@Ruckus: Most of the time, they are in the hallways talking about surgery or talking about life. They are free to wear the masks in the operating room. :-)
@patrick Il: I liked Ray, the partner, a lot, and I loved their interactions, but the constable was what made it so charming, I think. The Google says all the episodes are available on YouTube now. But i don’t know if you have to subscribe to the YouTube channel to get them.
@patrick Il: I had forgotten about that part! (the forensic doc)
The closest analogue to Longmire is Murder Road. It’s an Aussie murder mystery series starring Judy Davis and a wonderful Australian actor named Aaron Pederson, who is aborigine.
The other murder show that is a ton of fun is Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn. It’s about a country-western music loving detective in rural New Zealand. The music soundtrack is fun and so are the characters.
@Ruckus: Yeah, “what can I find on Netflix” went out the window hundreds of comments ago, and that’s fine. I think it’s been a fun conversation for everyone, and we all have lots of ideas for what to watch.
@lou: I don’t find Murder Road on Netflix or on Prime. Where is it available?
I liked Castle roughly up to the wedding/car crash?/explosion? cliffhanger, when I thought I could hear a shark practicing for a jump in the background. And I can’t watch reruns now because I read a bunch of stories about how Nathan Fillion was a dick to Stana Katic.
Burn Notice was enjoyable, although something of a guilty pleasure. Bruce Campbell is always good, and there was always enough other stuff going on to keep it interesting.
patrick Il
@WaterGirl: I just tried episode 1 on Youtube. No one has asked me for any money yet. Thank You.
Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, spy (the Alec Guiness version) and Smiley’s People is also free on youtube . I guess I might start looking for old favorites there.
@patrick Il: Oh, yay! I am so glad to know that. For whatever reason, that show gave me great joy.
patrick Il
@WaterGirl: me too. I think it was the triumph of simple goodwill over evildoers. Doesn’t seem to always work that way in our timeline
@cain: Ozark is definitely a Fargo-type of show, but I suggest giving a few extra episodes of it a try. The character of Ruth absolutely makes the show worth watching! It ended up being one of our favorite series of all time, and my husband and I usually have vastly different tastes when it comes to TV shows and movies. I thought the same thing as you after the first episode, but I’m so glad we stayed with it, and we’re now both going through Ozark withdrawal ?
@WaterGirl: Yes, it really does give a lot of perspective on that era, the politics and the sociology. Both sets of characters are WW1 vets with PTSD and drug problems. And the female characters are so interesting. I think both series have been well researched. They give the viewer a lot to think about. Ha – I’d love the characters to meet each other!
If you like the European stuff, you should check out the MHz channel on Amazon Prime. Loaded with Scandinavian, French and German stuff, plus my all-time top recommendation, the Italian series Inspector Montalbano.
Sheri bernard
@James E Powell:
The best option is Craig Johnson’s Longmire books ON TAPE! 15 (ish) books with all the characters you love, living large in new stories, artfully crafted by a Wyoming ex—sheriff with a PhD in literature.
This is really the only choice guaranteed not to disappoint a Longmire fan.
Try on netflix
“The Tudors”
Its about king Henry the 8th, and his 6 wives, cant stop watching it.
@Steeplejack: Thanks! My fave (so far) Italian series was Romanzo Criminale.
Longmire was originally a book series so you could read new stories.?
@Sheri bernard: I have to second the recommendation of the Longmire books on tape. They are recorded by, in my opinion, one of the best people in the business.
Hmm, now I wonder if there are any new ones I haven’t heard yet.
Ivan X
@Ivan X: le sigh. Well, if the reason you’re not on iOS 13 is because your phone is too old, an iPhone SE is $349 at Best Buy (or $399 at Apple) for something that will be much better performing than what you have (same exterior, but same guts as in The much more expensive 11 and 11 Pro). If your phone can in fact be upgraded, there’s no real reason not to at this point, most of iOS 13’s problems have been ironed out.
Looking forward to (as yet date TBA) Young Wallander upcoming on Netflix. The original Swedish Wallander series was captivating.
Hell on Wheels…Anson Mount and Common are amazing in this. I liked season 2 best.
@MazeDancer: If you like Prime, I’d recommend Hanna. Haven’t seen season 2 yet.
@Chris: I loved the Longmire series. Think they will ever have anymore episodes?
I see many of the shows I’ve binge watched are already mentioned but what the hell, I’ll list the ones I really liked anyway :-) (In no particular order)
Travelers, Ozark, Stranger Things, The Sinner, You, Mindhunters, The Society, Lucifer, Altered Carbon (first season, was unable to watch the second) The OA, Russian Doll(This one appears to be only 1 season, but I really liked this show), 13 Reasons Why, The Order, Outer Banks, Space Force, Once Upon a Time, iZombie, Santa Clarita Diet, Haven, Hemlock Grove
Foreign language shows you won’t like if you’re not into subtitles or overdubbing, but I really liked these shows:
Dark (German), Money Heist (Spanish – This one’s REALLY good ), Babylon Berlin (German), If I Hadn’t Met You (Spanish), The Rain (Danish), Better Than Us(Russian)
Swedish Wallander was excellent. The last season, with the main character’s developing situation (no spoilers!), was stellar.
I am leery of a “young” Wallander. The Italians did Young Montalbano, and it was wretchedly vile.
Although as I write that I realize that Endeavour works quite well as a young Morse.
@WaterGirl: The Tunnel is compelling! British but super – the first two seasons for sure.
Late to the party, has anyone rec’d The Five? British, 4 childhood friends reunite as adults when DNA from one of their siblings, who vanished when they were kids, is found at a crime scene. A little violence but not much.
Ripper Street, police drama set in seedy Victorian London. You might like it. Can’t recall if it’s on Prime or netflix.
I’ll have to give Longmire another try, watched a couple episodes and didn’t quite click with me.
@JustRuss: Yes, The Five is on my list. I was surprised to see that it was a Harlan Coben story. Sounded really good.
I tried ripper street for a small number of episodes, too violent for me.
I liked Longmire when it was on A&E, but I think it got even better once it became a Netflix series. I’m not typically into westerns, but I loved the books and the characters are great. Probably worth another try.
@Willie: I had it on my list and then took it off because it probably has subtitles, yes? You said British but someone else said Korean, and I can’t seem to find the place to look to see if something has subtitles on Netflix.
NotMax’s Korean Tunnel is different from the British series The Tunnel. The latter is very good. Haven’t seen the other.
patrick II
Since you watch both shows I am sure you noticed that Damon Herriman, who played Dewey Crowe on Justified, also played Detective Niblet (tweed jacket kind of geeky guy) on Battle Creek. I bet you wouldn’t have guessed he’s Australian. Like Idris Elba, who I had no idea was English until I saw him in Luther, I never thought that Dewey Crowe was anything but American until I saw him interviewed speaking in his native dialect.
I am amazed by good character actors.
Aussie series Offspring.
I haven’t read the earlier comments, so maybe this has already been suggested, but you might look into Peaky Blinders. Just after World War I, Irish gang, I’ve only watched the first episode, but think it has interesting characters.
@patrick II: Totally agree. I’m retired so when a new Bosch comes out within two days I’ve watched the whole thing. Don’t really care for the daughter. She seem so self satisfied n imperious at her age.
Lisa A.
@zhena gogolia: I’d love a blogpost about that! I adore Austen, but have never been able to understand what some people see in MP. Who do you think Fanny “really is”?
(Sorry to thread-jack – long-time lurker with no access to US Netflix, so I can’t help out with the actual OP request.)
@rm: ???so true
@Procopius: so good. but very violent.
@OCD: Loved “persons of interest”. This is the best bet given criteria.
Also Poldark.
Empathize. Longmire is a very “high fav” of mine, as is Persons of Interest. and I have land exactly like the sheriffs. Poldark was good. The Amazing Mrs. Maizel.
@WaterGirl: Hell on Wheels.
Body of proof is one of my favorites.
I loved Anne with an E. Watched the whole series 3 times and then individual episodes to cheer me up. Didn’t try watching from a treadmill though. For treadmill, I do Great Courses Plus.
Hell On Wheels, Marcel, Luther, The Five, Safe.
Try Bloodline. It definitely will draw you into the family drama. It runs 1hr 20 minutes.
@patrick II: I’m not sure I had put that together. Good actor, though.
That’s how I felt about Hugh Laurie, and the fellow who played Walter O’Brien on Scorpion. I had no idea until I saw an interview.
@Dhursey: Thank you! I added it to the list.
@slim: Peaky Binders is the one you are saying is so violent? That would knock it off the list for me.
@Susie: I watched that when it was on TV. Good one.
I appreciate all the overnight suggestions! Added several to my list.
And if you were one of the several comments that were in moderation until I got up this morning, know that once the first comment is approved, other comments go through without manual approval.
Norma Neal p
If this is your first time watching Longmire, when you watch the last episode, go back and start again after a few days. Not only will you find a lot of things you either missed or didn’t quite get the first time around, believe me, you’ll be glad you saw this humbly magnificent story again.
To me more dark than creepy. Not very gory at all but yeah the characters are all ‘troubled.’ Season 2 is quite different from 1 in that it’s much more a puzzle of sorts. One thing that might put you off (based on liking Due South and Longmire–big fan here of Due South) is very little comedy relief or even lighter moments. First season in particular has a lot of unlikeable and relentlessly sad/dark characters. Also a big Luther fan–but I tolerate a lot of creepy (not gore so much)–I loved Black Spot and it has a lot of weird elements but very imaginative.
We loved Longmire and agree it’s always compelling and the characters are interesting! One other one I think of for a Netflix recommendation would be Versailles – a lot of sex, but besides that, intriguing and gripping!
@Norma Neal p: That’s an interesting thought, especially since I watched the first 3 season in real time, starting in 2012.
I may try that!
@l3000: That’s really helpful to know. I do tend to stop watching if I start experiencing a show as stressful, on an ongoing basis. it can get to be too much, especially in our current timeline.
Sounds like a good show, but definitely not the right time for me to watch it.
@WaterGirl: justified
Watched all episodes of Heartland and Longmire. Try Anne with an E. Watching Dr. Foster now.
@LarryW: What is Anne with an E? Someone else suggested that and I don’t know what that means.
Is there really an actual show called “Anne with an E”?
Paul Sawicki
How about Hell on Wheels.
@James E Powell: Can’t find a way to post an original comment, so I’ll just add to his suggestion list… Shooter, Mind Hunter, Sherlock.
@WaterGirl: Murder Road is actually called Mystery Road. It is on Acorn.
Only thing I watched during the free trial. And it was good. Right in your wheelhouse.
Acorn is an “All DCI” type channel that you might really like.
Alas, I find most British, European, and a great deal of US, procedurals way too slow and plodding. One person’s expositive nuance is another person’s really boring. So can’t comment on the depth of Acorn’s offerings. But you should give it a free look.
Now that you’ve opened to Prime, consider:
Eli Stone
In Plain Sight
White Collar (Matt Bomer! Just mute the ads and keep running. Bomer is worth it)
@Katie: There is a white bar at the top that should always be on the screen. Hit “COMMENT” (on the left) and it takes you right down to the comment box.
All on Netflix:
Rectify – Guy was on death row and gets released pending a new trial. Intense.
The Affair – Couple has an affair and lives gets fucked. Also Intense.
Call the Midwife – British series about midwives in post-war London. Childbirth scenes can be pretty intense, but good character development.
The Americans – Russian spies are embedded into American Life. Intense.
Heartland – Canadian series about horses and people who love them. Heartwarming.
@MazeDancer: I watched White Collar when it was on TV, and I still made it through a couple of seasons on Netflix.
Apparently White Collar has now gone to the dark side. :-(
Loved In Plain Sight! I am pretty sure I watched Eli Stone on TV, but I don’t immediately recall the show.
I did find Mystery Road when I searched for Murder Road. It must have been on Prime because I searched again just now and it’s not on Netflix.
Watch Netflix Knightfall! It’s very exciting historical drama about the Knights Templar in Paris. Betrayal, intrigue, amazing love story and awesome sword fighting that shows how powerful of a group of WARRIORS the Templar Knights really were!
@WaterGirl: Mystery Road is an Acorn original. So you might have to do their free trial.
But, really, Acorn is chock-a-block with that sort of thing you like, so can’t hurt to look. Think you might be very pleased.
Eli Stone is young Jonny Lee Miller, with an impeccable American accent, playing an attorney with a head injury that makes him only want to do good. With some musical numbers every now and then. Not really a comedy, at all. But still fun. Mostly fun watching Miller.
The BBC Sherlock is on Netflix. Rewatched many eps. Surprising how much I didN’t remember.And I could pay attention to the acting. Which is delicious.
And speaking of not remembering, started an Elementary rewatch. Was struck by how great Miller is. And how he played Sherlock’s relationship with Joan in the beginning.
But now they want me to pay extra. So switched to Hulu. Love Hulu. Can watch so much current and historic TV any time.
Mary Nelson
I recommend watching Hell On Wheels. Great program!
Ron Wray
I agree about Longmire!
I suggest Bloodline, which was then on Netflix. Also Ozark. Both incredible and meet your criteria.
@Ron Wray: Bloodline is on my list! People are saying that Ozark is really dark, so I’m a little hesitant about that one.
@Mary Nelson: Added! Are there characters to care about? Or just super interesting?
Travelers is pretty darn good. If you want longer what about Lonesome Dove
We loved Longmire so much, we were planning to go to Buffalo Wyoming this summer for Longmire Days. Several of the cast members will be there this year. The dates were changed because of Covid19 however, and we have a conflict.
We really enjoyed HELL ON WHEELS..watched it twice (mostly because of Anson Mount who plays the main character!) Unforgettable personalities in an iconic slice of post civil war history.
If it is still on I loved the new SHERLOCK HOLMES with Benedict Cumberbatch. Very fast paced…it is Holmes living today, with our technology! And Watson is a war veteran with PTSD.
BABYLON BERLIN has subtitles and is raw, as were the times, but absolutely amazing with great characters.
Enjoy whatever you choose and stay safe, healthy, and happy??
@WaterGirl: the prime IOS app does remember where you are. I use it all the time on my Ipad.
@IronThorn: Thank you!!!
@Pam: If you ever go to Longmire days, you’ll have to tell us all about it.
I agree on Sherlock Holmes! Babylon Berlin will have to wait until real life is not this stressful!
Hell on Wheels doesn’t really look like my kind of thing, but so many of you guys have recommended it that I added it to my short list. thanks.
Aunt B
@WaterGirl: Thank you Watergirl for posting this question! I too have just finished binging Longmire on Netflix this week, but not on a treadmill. Your precision inquiry and exacting qualifiers are as if I wrote them. I am excited to see the responses that you receive.
@Aunt B: Wow, it seems like this is your lucky day! :-)
@WaterGirl: yes. She wanted to make sure her name spelled with an E. Based on Anne of Green Gables. But a good three seasons. Lots of plots. It is worth it.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@WaterGirl: Please add “River”. Probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on Netflix.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@zhena gogolia: You’re right. It’s tripe.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@WaterGirl: Now on Acorn, I believe. and yes, it’ s just great.
Found it! I should have searched before asking, but it didn’t seem possible that that could be the title. :-)
Added! thank you
@The Fat Kate Middleton: I can’t find River on Netflix.
There’s a Virgin River, but that doesn’t seem to be the same?
Tim Taylor
@Tom Levenson: Watch Longmire again. It’s the best thing I ever did.
Linds Cart
Loved Longmire. Half done season 5.
We liked Bosch on Amazon Prime. But it might be on Netflix.
Also Shetland was a grabber but Scottish accent hard to follow without subtitles.
Rizzoli and Ayles, Bodyguard, Line of Duty, The Widow (really really good!!!!!!)
The Fat Kate Middleton
“Herrens Veje” – Danish family that has led the national church for 250 years. So beautiful.
Oops. Forgot. Yeah, subtitles.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@WaterGirl: No, not at all. I’m sure it’s still on Netflix. Just saw the trailer advertised a couple of weeks ago. “Virgin River” is … OK. Sort of Hallmark-y.
Linds Cart
Try The Widow. About a woman going to the Congo to rescue her husband who turns up after a plane crash. Really exciting and a grabber, really smart.
A really good story. ONE season but well worth it.
Also Rizzoli and Ayles, Bodyguard, Shetland, The Night Manager(Amazon Prime)
Linds Cart
Try The Widow.
@The Fat Kate Middleton: Apparently it left Netflix in November 2019.
@Linds Cart: It looks like The Widow is on Amazon Prime, too.
@patrick II: All American or Riverdale, Ozark
Kathy Moore
The Ranch staring Sam Elliott Great Show
@Kathy Moore: That sounds really interesting.
Amazon Prime : Goliath. Billy Bob Thornton is magic. Justified with Timothy Oliphant
We loved Longmire. Bought the series and watched it 2 more times.
Then started Secretary of State. Smart, strong female lead, believable dilemmas, marriage and parenting subplots too.
We also liked Kyra Sedgwick in Closer.
1. If your into like God, Satan, Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper, Werewolves, Witches, Creatures of the Night, Jekyll & Hyde in a series that has fantastic actors, then the series “Penny Dreadful” is what you should watch. It’s either on Amazon Prime or Netflix (WARNING: THIS IS NOT FOR KIDS TO WATCH. VERY STRONG SEX SCENES WITH COMPLETE NUDITY SHOWN ON MAN & WOMAN)…..(watches the series twice already)
2. “Yellowstone” is another series that’s fairly new. Kevin Costner plays a cowboy who owns a large ranch spread.
3. If you like fast action ER action, with Drs that are to hot to look at, “Night Shift” on Netflix is a series you will love (watched the series 4 times already)
Some of the better shows we’ve found include:
Designated Survivor
Better Call Saul
Happy watching! Nothing will top Longmire?
@Marty: ooh, Nightshift has Scott Wolf. How did I ever miss that one? Added to my list, thanks,
@CARRIE: Was Yellowstone a slow starter that got better? I think I watched the first two episodes and then gave up. Sometimes a show just needs a little while to get going.
I thought the first 5 episodes of Castle were kind of lame, but I loved Nathan Fillion from Firefly so I stuck with it and it ended up being a favorite show.
Dark Shadows. 1,225 episodes.
Vampires. Witches. Campy. Violence. But not that much. Werewolves. Time travel. Romance. Actors who flub their lines….
You won’t be able to binge it in one day, week or month. Available on Amazon Prime via Tubi/IMDB. All episodes are free.
Try Justified! Very compelling story, keeps you guessing! The subtle humor is a bonus!
watch dexter…kept me busy, also Hell on wheels
Justified, better than Longmire
@Gary: Justified was great, thanks! I watched it when the series was on TV.
Scott Clayton
I loved Longmire as well but I liked the books better than the television series. You get to know all of Craig Johnson’s characters so much more in depth. I’d highly suggest listening to the audio books from the Longmire series, starting with Cold Dish. If you like the television series you’ll love the audio books.
@Scott Clayton: I completely agree!
I read the books and I absolutely LOVE the audio books. I haven’t listened to any in 3 years or so – I wonder if there are any new audio books out? I’ll have to check.
It’s like Craig Johnson wrote the books, knowing that they would be read out loud. A lot of audio books have a lot of “blah blah blah, he said” which is kind of jarring or discordant when listening to an audio book. He has none of that!
@WaterGirl: I loved Longmire too and then binged Bloodline on Netflix (about a Florida Keys sheriff and his family issues)
I love heartland,greys anatomy,when calls the heart,designated survivor,haven. Hope this helps.
I recommend sons of anarchy on Hulu it has 7 seasons keeps you wondering and guessing
Queen of Sono, Shadow. South African Dramas. I really enjoyed both.
@Michelle: Wow, I have never heard of either of those! thanks.
Scott Clayton
@WaterGirl: George guidall narrates the audio books he’s considered to be one of the best narrators in the business. If you’ve listened to all the books in the series up to 3 years ago then there’s probably 3 new ones Craig Johnson usually puts out 1 a year.I believe there are 21 in the series the next one comes out in September.
@Scott Clayton: I couldn’t think of his name and I was too lazy to look it up, so thanks for that! Also appreciate the heads up that there are likely 3 new ones that I haven’t read/seen/heard.
Nothing compares, I’m in the same boat and it just ain’t out there, Longmire is the best that’s ever come along, I’m actually starting over again
Jo Pennies
Yes Hell on Wheels. I guarantee you will fall in love.
Jo Pennies
@WaterGirl: i didnt think i would like Hell on Wheels either. It does have nore violence that i wver like, and i closed my eyes sometimes lol. However the characters are riveting. Its also based on historical figures and circumstances which is so interesting.
@Jo Pennies: Okay, I will try it. Not sure that it will be my treadmill show, but I will try it!
The only history books I liked when I was growing up were the “We Were There” books. We were there at the Alamo. We were there with the Pony Express…
So history-adjacent is right up my alley.
We have Netflix and Hulu not sure what one these are on but as a true lover of longmire these shows are great
Are so good too
@TJ: Deputy sounds really good! I wonder why it as cancelled after one season, the Google tells me that fans really liked it.
It’s on Hulu, which I don’t have, but could get for a month, maybe in order to watch it. Or available for 24.99 (!) on Prime.
How about Yellowstone…with Kevin Costner…not sure if on Netflix though but you can search…it’s worth the search!!!
@James E Powell: I am not on twitter. Tell them West Wing
Justified. Watch 3 episodes and you’ll be hooked.