This TikTok is one of the many videos that offers a masterclass in plot and character development that I think a lot of people could use
— nathan ma (@nthnashma) June 29, 2020
Democrats have pushed an election-year package expanding “Obamacare” coverage through the House. The legislation, though, has no chance of survival in the GOP-led Senate.
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 29, 2020
Remember, she’s on the Gang of Eight. Her, Schiff, Warner, Reid, & Schumer know more about this than any other Dems. So to her, this is partly rhetorical. She almost certainly knows some of this answer
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 29, 2020
The mayor of Tupelo, #Mississippi, has ordered people to wear masks in public, starting Monday, to slow the spread of the #coronavirus. He’s not here for any of your foolishness.
— Emily Wagster Pettus (@EWagsterPettus) June 27, 2020
"We have to vote like our life depends on it"
Beyoncé urges black communities to vote in US elections
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 29, 2020
… Dedicating her award to protesters around the country, the star said: “You’re proving to our ancestors that their struggles were not in vain.”
“I’m encouraging you to continue to take action, continue to change and dismantle a racist and unequal system.
“We have to vote like our life depends on it, because it does.”
Beyoncé was presented with her award by Michelle Obama, who praised the star’s commitment to the black community.
“You can see it in everything she does, from her music that gives voice to black joy and black pain, to her activism that demands justice for black lives.
“And she’s doing it all while staying devoted to her children and the loved ones she holds dear,” she continued. “To my girl, I just want to say – you inspire me. You inspire all of us.” …
Finally, an anniversary reminder:
On this day in 1908 the Tunguska Event occurred. An enormous meteoric explosion over Siberia. Possibly caused by an asteroid airburst. Pictures Leonid Kulik.
— ????Only In Russia ???? (@CrazyinRussia) June 30, 2020
Chyron HR
Or could it beeeeee… THE ANUNNAKI??
With all due respect to Tupelo’s mayor, recognizing and taking action based on reality is pretty liberal.
It’s liberal, but it’s not scare-quotes “liberal.”
@Chyron HR: Satan
@Baud: So liberal means not being a dumbfuck?
Va. 5th congressional candidate Cameron Webb was just tapped for the DCCC’s “Red to Blue” program that prioritizes resource to candidates capable of flipping Republican-held seats. Three others were also added to the program- Dana Balter (NY-24), Hillary Scholten (MI-3), Amash’s seat, and Michelle de la Isla (KS-2nd). de la Isla is mayor of Topeka.
Coming on stream this weekend:
We are, however, coming for your damn Elvis statues.
Hasn’t it always?
Jason Shelton:
I almost want to move to Tupelo MS just so he can be my mayor.
@mrmoshpotato: in this day and age, yes. That’s actually all it takes. ;)
Ohio Mom
How did that guy get elected mayor in the first place and what’s his Plan B for after he loses the next election?
A catastrophic asteroid strike would round out 2020 nicely.
Fox still busy defending the two tipsy St. Louis gun wavers first thing this morning.
”Above all else, we MUST defend the rights of (white) gun owners to wave weapons of war at (non-white) protestors!” I’m sure this is playing well overseas.
Seconded. We need more like him in the South.
Filled in the blank for you.
I watched local news on Fox and on NBC last night. The difference in their reports was striking. Fox’s version included statements from the husband saying that he was terrorized, that he feared he would lose his life and his property in a conflagration in seconds, and that he was terribly intimidated. He said one protester held two gun clips and knocked them together in a threatening manner. NBC basically just reported the facts. Both segments included video, and neither showed any threatening going on.
But the wife was definitely more than a little tipsy.
Betty Cracker
126 days to go. I read somewhere that House Dems will get an intel briefing at 8 AM on the Russian bounty issue, and they have a press conference scheduled for 9:30 AM. Looks like this story has legs. Good. Every fake tough guy Republican who has enabled Trump should have to answer for this.
As we know, Trump has been an unmitigated disaster on foreign affairs. Even low-info voters who gave Trump the benefit of the doubt in 2016 don’t like to see the U.S. beclowned on the world stage — that turns out to be a stronger than expected motivator, according the the Pod Save America bros. Maybe the drip-drip revelations about the bounty and the White House’s preposterous excuses (Trump wasn’t briefed!) will prevent them from evading accountability.
As we also know, voters trust Biden more than Trump on the pandemic, as is sensible. Either of my dogs would be handling it better than Trump. But as the race comes down to the final weeks, I hope this tweet becomes more widely known:
That tweet, with an animated marker circling the date stamp, needs to be an ad all by itself that runs non-stop in every swing state. Maybe Bloomberg could get on that.
The last leg of the stool we need to kick out from under the Trump campaign is the misplaced low-info voter confidence in Trump’s ability to manage the economic crisis. The Biden campaign has repeatedly emphasized that Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic led to needless economic pain, and good for them.
But to deliver the ass-kicking Trump and his enablers so richly deserve, we need to find a way to disabuse low-info voters of the delusion that Trump is a competent businessman. Maybe the niece’s upcoming book about the crooked, greedy family will help. Trump’s continued flailing in the face of the pandemic is already delaying attempts at economic recovery and will likely continue to do so.
What else could get this message through particularly thick skulls? Pointing out that the complete lack of planning for reopening schools is an unprecedented burden to millions of working parents?
Good Morning, Everyone ???
My money says there was a martini in her hand not 10 minutes before she was waving her pretty little gun around.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I wondered if alcohol was involved. She looked blitzed, but of course you can find a bad pic of almost anyone.
@RandomMonster: Yellowstone could still blow, too. 2020 bingo has been lit so far. I remember the halcyon days of late 2019 when we couldn’t wait for Jan 1.
@Betty Cracker:
LarryO reported last night that BOLTON knew about the Bounties in 2019!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
It wasn’t very John Wayne of him not to order her back inside where she could stay safe.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: I wonder if the sleazy shit-stain can be arsed to provide details about that. Maybe if someone can pitch it as a way to boost sales of his book…
@Argiope: Supervolcano event would be right in place!
Both the gun wavers were well over the legal DUI limit. It’s a miracle they didn’t shoot a protestor or more likely each other by pure accident.
John S.
@Betty Cracker: Reason doesn’t work on members of a cult. You have to deprogram them, and the only way to do that is to get them away from the cult — which isn’t really feasible.
Betty Cracker
@John S.: I’m not talking about members of the cult. I’m talking about low-info voters who think Trump is a competent businessman because they watched The Apprentice.
Unlikely. However Trump is planning a massive fireworks display at Mt. Rushmore for the 4th.
Mostly likely site for the next disaster.
Chyron HR
Silly civilian, “I feArEd FOr MY LiFE,” is for cops.
If I were more into performance art, I would advise Pelosi to replace the U.S. flag with the Russian flag for
Independence Day.WereBear
They believe fantasy more than reality. We’re talking cult deprogramming now.
We’ve seen senior support sag when the Texas Lt Governor stopped hinting and outright told them, “You olds die for the stock market.” It should have CRATERED. Within, like a DAY.
Some people change their minds with glacier slowness. I only hope we have enough time to make a dent in cement, as I think of it.
The Thin Black Duke
@Betty Cracker: Ain’t happening.
@Baud: And see if he notices.
@Betty Cracker:
To the extent there’s a difference between the two, do you want Democrats to portray themselves as successful business people? Much of people’s impressions are based on marketing, and Republicans aren’t shy about marketing themselves as business people. You and I know that the reality is different, but the low info voter just reacts to the marketing.
@Betty Cracker:
Incredible to me. We’re really going to do this. We’re really going to throw 50 million children under the bus, not because we “can’t” do this but because we aren’t even interested enough to try.
We’re the only country that put schools last. Every single other country put them ahead of shopping and restaurants. We hate our young people. We just cavalierly sacrifice them FIRST every time there’s a crisis. Some of these youngs will have been screwed TWICE- once with the financial system crash and again with this one, and they were already on track for 30% less income than the generation prior.
@Chyron HR:
George Zimmerman would like a word…
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker:
Boy, remember the good old days, when ol’ Mike swore he’d spend a billion dollars to elect the Dem nominee even if it wasn’t him? That aged pretty well, didn’t it?
@Betty Cracker:
They should take to the streets, the youngs. “Fuck you, you ‘can’t’ – I want the same free public education all of you got”
Elvis was one of the first black white people in the south – when his early music came out in the 50s, it was widely condemned by the predominate white community as “n*clang” music – crude and sexual just like black music. In fact, lots of southern white folk who hadn’t seen his picture yet initially presumed Elvis was black
Betty Cracker
@The Thin Black Duke: What ain’t happening? US voters who don’t really give a shit about politics and think both sides sorta suck aren’t souring on Trump? It’s already happening. I’m wondering how to complete that process.
Chyron HR
You can’t count Florida, they have some kinda spiders in their brains there.
@Gin & Tonic:
It was pretty clear he was full of shit when he loudly proclaimed he was for gun control and climate change mitigation, while funding loads of candidates who didn’t support any of that, but did cut taxes and lower wages and gut regulation.
No one ever asks him about this insane, blatant contradiction, I think because he’s rich and owns a media company.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Also, I know this is trivial, but those people have terrible taste. I don’t necessarily hold them responsible for the exterior of their house. Maybe they bought it because of the location or something. But the interior was decorated in whorehouse modern.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Yep. And looking at it as a political opportunist, the complete abandonment of this issue is an opening for Biden and Democrats too, and with a population that isn’t sold on the nominee.
Heh. Apparently, the whole video is two hours long.
@Gin & Tonic:
My favorite part of the Bloomberg debate was watching his face as it dawned on him that he might actually have to answer a question. None of the “data people” told him there would be questions!
@Betty Cracker:
They have the PERFECT villain too. DeVos. She’s horrible with people, she’s already universally loathed, and she or one of the low quality hires have decided to approach this pandemic as an opportunity to promote their far Right agenda on Twitter, of course, which is all they fucking do. They Tweet.
Here’s the thing about the Trump people- they don’t work very hard. They lack a work ethic. She doesn’t DO shit. I’m not at all clear she shows up for work.
@Geminid: that’s awesome! Go Webb!
@OzarkHillbilly: good point
@Betty Cracker: I saw in the WaPo that Biden & Co are preparing to ramp up their criticism of trumpo & Co’s handling of the pandemic. GOOD. We’re far and away the world’s biggest disaster, and school will be starting soon…well, I should say “school”, because it’s going to be a loose approximation of actual school, at best.
The Thin Black Duke
@Betty Cracker: What’s “not happening” is people whose support for Trump is allegedly teetering on the edge. After everything that has gone down, anyone who is still ambivalent has already made up their minds. Engaging with these people is exhausting, which is the point, I think.
@Betty Cracker:
I love how they’re busily lowering expectations. “You MAY get one day of school a week”
Know this- they succeed in this and there goes the idea that the US has an obligation to provide a free public education. We’re dropping floors on the elevator as I write, speeding down past “what we now have” and some much-reduced, cheap, flimsy “new normal”. They’ll be insisting you tube videos and a library parking lot with free wifi are “education”.
@Betty Cracker:
You feeling OK? It’s not like you to make irrational statements
If you REALLY cared about us, you’d include a photo of Badger. [NB: I’m a cat person, but I really love seeing Badger, not sure why.]
Maybe I’m too cynical for my own good, but I think that evidence has been presented since 2015 or 2016. And although I appreciate the (theoretical) distinction between the cultists and the morons, it’s not clear to me that his remaining supporters are anything BUT cultists. [I consider tribal Rethug voters to be cultists, just not necessarily his cultists.]
blockquote>well, I should say “school”, because it’s going to be a loose approximation of actual school, at best.
Can I suggest not starting at the lowest rung? Ask for the whole thing. If you start at “maybe we’ll get some cheap junk replacement” you won’t get shit.
They’re bailing out airlines. They can bail out 4th graders. HAVE TO. It’s non-negotiable.
blockquote>well, I should say “school”, because it’s going to be a loose approximation of actual school, at best.
Can I suggest not starting at the lowest rung? Ask for the whole thing. If you start at “maybe we’ll get some cheap junk replacement” you won’t get shit.
They’re bailing out airlines. They can bail out 4th graders. HAVE TO. It’s non-negotiable.
@Kay: no talk of a national lockdown, to get cases well under control and allow kids to go back to school in a normal fashion.
No mention of raising taxes on the well-off, even temporarily, to keep state/local/school budgets from making deep, deep cuts.
No national distribution of PPE and related to schools across the country, in order to try and make things safer for teachers and staff as well as kids.
No national ‘call to service’ to former teachers, part-time workers, etc to help serve as classroom aides, additional transportation, online tutors, etc. (Not even to the millions who have been laid off!)
No national contact-tracing program going on of any kind.
And half of one party can’t/won’t imagine any different, either. “Donald J(im Jones) trumpov told us this Covid thing will just have to ‘wash over us’…no way to take collective action here like oh most every other country on the planet”
@The Thin Black Duke:
“Yes, Trump is a pathological liar, and a sexual predator, and a failed businessman, and a racist and anti-semite — but that
HillaryBiden, well, I JUST DON’T KNOW.”Jeffro
@Kay: The phrasing might not have suggested it in that one particular comment, but I think you know we’re on the same page here.
The Trump Administration and one pathetically desperate GOP senator are promoting bailing out the tourism industry.
They can bail out schools. They don’t want to and they don’t care but they COULD. We have to make them.
I think these wildwild times have a lesson for us, politically. Which is how people are most motivated by a clearly defined target that is directly causing a self-perceived crisis.
Anything else just gets lost in the fog. Because political extrapolation is obviously a rare skill, or we wouldn’t be in such a mess now.
We policy-wonky Democrats can look at a law or study and say, “Dang, there’s a train coming down the tracks right at us.” But it’s not just low-info voters who can’t do that. It’s a lot of good Democrats who rely far too heavily on pundits and mass media to do their “beware the light at the end of the tunnel” warnings, because they are so busy just staying alive.
But this crisis is so big, and the differences so stark, and the cause so big and everywhere… I think more sense is sinking in than usual.
Drip drip drip. That’s the worst part. We haven’t been given the firehose the Right Wing has.
Drip drip drip.
Right and I know you’re a parent and they’re scared of us politically, and they should be. They need to be threatened with severe political punishment because they’re not doing enough and they’re not moving fast enough.
They got funding to big business in record time. I know they can meet this challenge. They’re all fucking ancient and none of them have skin in the game for public schools but 55 million kids means 2x that many parents. That can swing one of their elections.
In my tiny head, I hear Van the Man singing
“She-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e’s as sweet
As Tupelo antifa.”
I can see them using this to throw money at profit-driven companies for online instruction. And not caring how well or if that works.
Me too ?
Betty Cracker
@The Thin Black Duke: Again, I’m not talking about the base. The voters we hope to pick up — the bloc that we HAVE to win if we don’t want to just eke out a narrow victory but rather give Trump and the Republicans the electoral beat-down they deserve — are the independent / un- or weakly affiliated voters who are politically disengaged. They exist, and polling data shows Trump losing support with that group on every major issue except the economy.
@Kay: totally agree. I have been tweeting and FB-posting about it, but I need to get off my rear and write more op-eds and letters to the editor, too.
The best thing American parents can do for their kids, for ALL kids, is to hit those Capitol Hill phone lines and insist that states and schools get the same speedy bailout that big business got.
After that, we need to talk about a national plan to flatten this curve into the ground, which means almost by definition we are talking about voting D
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Great point about DeVos being the perfect villain. As Trump might say, “she’s straight outta central casting.”
You are, IMO, but time will tell. Here’s a Badger pic anyway.
Just One More Canuck
Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your teeth
You’re an idiot, babe
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe
I just have to say that “asteroid strike” is the only thing I need on my “what the f**k else can happen this year” card for bingo.
@Betty Cracker:
I think Trump loathes her because she’s so incredibly bad at being a public figure, but he’s stuck with her because her grifter political operative family gave him Michigan.
Also, let’s face it he hates women and particularly older women. Did you read the Bernstein story about how incredibly rude he is to female world leaders? Germany apparently hid this, probably because they were afraid if the world found out what a gross pig we hired world markets would tank, harming Germans.
@Betty Cracker: Awwww…. Look at that sweet puppy.
Kitchen update (because I have no can’t evens left for the current treason reporting): electric is nearly done–all boxes are placed. Carpenters are here today to put up walls.
@Kay: Doesn’t explain KellyAnne Conway, but then again, nothing explains KA Conway.
“Cruella DeVos” should be used whenever referring to the current SoEd.
@Spanky: I thought Kelleyanne was there so that Rebekah Mercer can keep an eye on her ‘investment’?
@narya: Thank you for these updates! I need to hear non-disastrous remodeling stories these days, as we’re moving from contemplation to action on a massive upgrade around Casa DeferredMaintenance.
@Jeffro: Doesn’t explain why the Trumpovs keep her around.
First that TikTok, then this. My day is complete.
‘I’m high as a Georgia pine’: Dock Ellis’s no-hitter on LSD, 50 years on
@Betty Cracker:
That hurts me to the quick. Sort of. Unfortunately, my cynicism too often is borne out by reality (vis-a-vis the Rethugs, that is).
Thanks very much, I appreciate that! I think my favorite one of him was when he was a really young pup, looking up at you adoringly (not to anthropomorphize him too much).
@Betty Cracker: then perhaps not use the word “low information” voter. You can be politically disengaged and be informed. And I agree with his point about exhausting ourselves by chasing these persons. There is no need to be snippy.
One of my sisters said “she looks like every mean rich lady I have ever known” in this way that made it sound like she has known A LOT of them :)
I was at a yacht race in Lake Michigan once, on the deck of a club, just happened to be a race going by, and this man pointed to one of the boats and said “that’s DeVos”. I was thrilled, thinking he had gossip!
But I scared him off. Too desperate. I have to get cooler. Nonchalant. “Oh? Lovely boat. Do you know them?”
Cheryl from Maryland
@Geminid: Want to support Cameron Webb and Hilary Sholten? There are two sites for postcard writing which already have addresses — &
Postcards to Swing States will be adding more states for postcard writing tomorrow.
I once worked on the house of a Sinclair Gas heiress. That woman was so abusive I walked off the job 3 times. Her husband would come running after me to beg me not to leave. One was the Wednesday before T-day. I told him something like, “No. I want you to look at that half finished handrail all wkend long and then come Monday maybe your wife will keep a *civil tongue in her head*.” She was so bad the contractor I was working for not only didn’t fire me, he was sympathetic.
** Ok ok, it was more like, “maybe your wife will STFU.”
You learn that as you get older. I worked for a rich southern lady when I lived in NC. She cajoled me into help her with her gardens, so I did (for pay) and it was a nightmare. She would follow me around pointing at tiny little shoots coming up amid the pine straw and order me to pull them. Just the level of supervision. I can’t stand that. If i had backed up I would have knocked her over- that close. The family called her “sister” but she was in her 80’s.
I don’t know how people do it. I was incorrigible at 20 so I left one day and never came back. I was intimidated by her, which I covered with sullenness. But you learn to stick up for yourself.
Cheryl from Maryland
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Actually, it isn’t. It’s classic late 19th C American industrial rich, and pretty accurate for the period. I can’t fault them for restoring the house with its proper interior decor. For reference, here are images of the Andrew Carnegie Mansion in NYC before it became the Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Yes, I saw that infuriating report. I’m not surprised that Merkel didn’t make it a thing; she’s secure in who she is and a leader who acts in the interests of her constituents, which is probably why she and Obama hit it off — they had that in common. I expect we’ll see a flood of horrifying tales after Trump leaves the scene.
Betty Cracker
@LAC: Thanks, person who is obviously an expert on avoiding snippiness.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: I remember their first meeting/photo-op in the Oval Office, he sat there in his chair half turned away from her, a bored-adolescent smirk on his face. It was so awkward she finally said, “Shall we have a handshake?”, and he ignored her.
@Argiope: I vaguely remember wanting to put 2019 behind us too. What was so bad that we wanted to start the new year? All the Ukraine stuff that went into the impeachment hearings?
@Betty Cracker:
It is my fervent hope that you do NOT become one
OK, I feel better now. I was worried you were getting soft.
@Betty Cracker: Merkel probably is determined to avoid as much damage to NATO as she can until trump is gone, so she might swallow the insults for that reason. She may have a way to retaliate through DeutcheBank (sp?) which holds a lot of trump debt, probably laundered Russian money. The bank is German chartered and regulated. But if she can drop the hammer on trump through Deutschbank, she’ll probably wait till just before or after the election so he will have less time to retaliate.
Uncle Cosmo
@RandomMonster: Not so loud, grasshopper:
The Year of the Jackpot
(Trigger warning: If you’re already so upset you’re having trouble sleeping at night, give this a horrid pass.)
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe President Obama can become a special envoy to try to repair relationships with countries such as Germany.
Late to the thread, but I agree 100% with Kay’s view on education. I’m a retired teacher, and I can confirm that the U.S. does not take education seriously. We cannot get it through our thick skulls that our children are our greatest natural resource. Other countries know this. And act accordingly. We don’t.
Two things drove me to improve my teaching skills – pay it forward was the first. I had an excellent public school education. I knew many people contributed to my education, folks I would never know, so I wanted to pay them back. Second, I wanted to give my students the best science education I could (within the constricted parameters of public education) because I really don’t relish the thought of ignorant people being in charge when I’m too old to be in charge myself (selfish, but here we are!). And speaking of science education, I really hope my unit on communicable diseases and pandemics (I focused on the 1918 pandemic and polio) stuck with my students…maybe they will be the ones to champion masks in their very red, Republican county. I can only hope.
@Betty Cracker: has the possibility that a second trump administration will remove restrictions on oil production in the Eastern Gulf been made a campaign issue in Florida? One story I read said removing the restrictions are on the oil companies wish list for a second trump term, and that the administration is willing but is keeping this on the down low for now.
Another Scott
How about a swine flu pandemic, also too?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
It’s totally Trump’s idea of ostentatious design. ? ?
Another Scott
@MagdaInBlack: Someone (supposedly) found and zoomed in on a 2/3 empty pitch3r of Bloody Marys or something in the video of them.
@Spanky: the key for me was getting a recommendation. Turns out the contractor had done work for my organization (which is how the recommender knew of him), and THEN it turned out that the contractor had worked with/for others I knew (an architect i met at my previous job when we were doing construction; people from that previoius organization, etc.). And he’s a mensch, as far as i can tell; he housed a bunch of SE Asian refugees when they first showed up here, then hired them as laborers and encouraged them to learn a trade, by following around/learning from more experienced folks on the job. Some did, and some folks have worked for him for 30 years or more.
Another Scott
@Betty Cracker:
ProPublica (from April):
Federal rescue for me, but not for thee.
Thee should go out drinking and partying and shopping and busing tables and attending Donnie’s rallies.
@Kay: It’s even worse than them not bailing out schools. DeVos ordered public schools to share millions of dollars of CARES money they got with private schools! So not only are they not bailing them out, they’re ordering them to give away the money Congress did give them. It’s horrible what’s happening under the radar.
@OzarkHillbilly: I have relatives in Tupelo; it appears to be the Provincetown of Mississippi. Good music, BBQ, gay people fixing up houses downtown.
If I’m not mixing up memories/information, I seem to recall that the private schools were going to end up getting a shit-ton more money than the public schools. I don’t recall why that was the case, nor if it’s really happening that way.
eddie blake
SO not willing to sacrifice the woman i love so she can go back to teaching in a poorly-ventilated room full of plague-rats.
the fascist gop NEEDS to PAY people to stay home.
we knew that from the START. pay people to stay home, develop testing-and-tracing while social distancing and masks retard the spread of the plague.
the goddamn PARENTS can play their part and enforce the remote-learning, for now.
NO teachers need to be SACRIFICED for GREED.
@Betty Cracker: you are welcome! Anytime. Thanks for not being snide and dismissive. ?
@Uncle Cosmo: The scanner to text errors in that are atrocious.