The Biden shadow presidency continues apace!
Today, Biden outlined his points for managing coronavirus if elected, and condemned the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic thus far.
Here's Biden on his plans ??: pic.twitter.com/qjVbSOYrR1
— Blair Guild (@BlairGuild) June 30, 2020
A not-too-subtle thing Biden keeps doing in this presser is portraying Trump as confused and lazy when it comes to the PDB, kind of a comeback to the last month of Trump messaging.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) June 30, 2020
Coronavirus: Joe Biden will not hold campaign rallies https://t.co/cH7clcOtbx
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) July 1, 2020
As #ImmigrantHeritageMonth comes to a close, I want to make one thing clear: Immigrants have always made our nation stronger — our diversity is, and has always been, our greatest strength.
Donald Trump doesn't get that — we need a president who does.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 1, 2020
Credit where due, this is my jam. https://t.co/kGVxCJIGwF
— Every Billionaire Is A Policy Failure (@DanRiffle) June 30, 2020
Analysis: Joe Biden calls for vastly more coronavirus aid, as GOP postpones talks until after recess https://t.co/IfJV9CXbNn
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 30, 2020
From our new USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll: Two-thirds of those surveyed, 67%, say Joe Biden has "the right experience to be president." Just 37% say that of Donald Trump, who has been president for 3½ years. https://t.co/1QWSd2XUtX
— Susan Page (@SusanPage) June 30, 2020
Woke up to a tweet saying it took Trump 3 hours to delete that White Power tweet because he was out on the golf course and could not be reached. Am I the only one to be skeptical about his being without his phone for that long? I can’t believe there’s no reception.
Good morning.
Ouch. That’s gonna leave a mark.
@debbie: The president is always reachable. Just in case something happens. You know, like nuclear war?
Looks like Hickenlooper won the CO primary in the end. Anyone more familiar with state politics know how all the recent stuff has impacted him? Gardner is still so loathsome that I would think he’s going to still win handily.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’m guessing that 37% is Hair Furor’s effective “base”. I always look at this through the Crazification Factor lense. The 27% factors out racism, we get that from the basic premise. Perhaps the additional 10% is the “he hates who we hate” element, thus, he’ll never go below 37%.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yup. And the idea of no cell service (mobile data) in any sizable town is absurd on its face these days.
The children of Trump are coming.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
I think the 10% are the ones hoping for a second tax cut.
@Baud: Looks like we lost this race by 8% in 2018. Feels like it should be in reach if we are running against a QAnon believer and Trump’s top-level performance will be even worse this year.
The thing with Colorado politics is that it is vote by mail so last minute stuff may sway things some but not that much.
Hickenlooper had a lot of money. Romanoff was near the end of the money he had, and people were using this difference of funds in hand to vote for Hickenlooper as more able to beat Gardner.
We had a fairly diverse field go down to two white men. One painted himself as being more pro-environment than the other. I did not watch any of their debates. I live in a place where people like Romanoff better, but it was clear that people who considered themselves politically savvy were voting for Hickenlooper.
We had a race for county commissioner that was between an “electable” (white dude) and a woman who was pulling in much less money, and that election was still too close to call at midnight.
Happy Canada Day!
This is the second time in days that the excuse has been more disturbing than the initial report. The president* is out of reach for hours on end? I’m sure that’s a lie, but it would be an outrage if true. Just like never having been told about Russian bounty hunting of US and allied troops is a lie, but would be an outrage if true. I’m sure there are many more examples.
Good morning, everyone! Happy Canada ?? Day!
Today is a double “hump day.” Not only is it Wednesday, but July 1st in a leap year means this is Day 183, with 183 days remaining. This miserable year is half over ???
My bet is that the delay was over who had to tell him to delete the tweet. Or he was talking to Vlad and wouldn’t hang up to take a call from whomever drew the short straw in the White House.
@OzarkHillbilly: Why would it matter? He’s worse than useless.
It’s important that Trump be reachable in the event of war so he can decide which country to support.
Not by a long shot. DT had a 100% substance free campaign, sought foreign govt assistance and broke a ton of norms along the way. Biden speaking to people using technology instead of in front of large crowds? Pfffffffft.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanx for pointing out that I am only halfway thru the beatings, really cheers me up.
I missed previous threads on this, but when did the ‘only 19% of Republicans are happy’ poll come out? Because I think the best explanation is the Supreme Court LGBT decision. It blew out of the water one of the biggest things they wanted from a Trump administration. Republican and especially evangelical hatred of queer everything is deranged and obsessive.
In just the “common human decency” category alone, Biden beats Trump by a country mile! His coronavirus speech yesterday was really well done. I still have grave concerns about Biden’s mental brittleness, though. That is why his VP choice is so critical now!!
David Fud
Something amazing happened in Oklahoma yesterday, they passed the Medicare expansion: https://www.koco.com/article/voters-to-decide-if-medicaid-will-be-expanded-in-oklahoma/33016616
@Baud: I find it increasingly hard to read articles that feature the opinions of the professional Republicans with a vested interest in getting Teump reelected no matter how deranged and awful he is. They focus on tactics and strategy as a way of not confronting their status as hostages to a sociopath.
Ooh, that’s gotta burn. A nice judgement on Trump’s inadequacy.
I have none.
Betty Cracker
I wonder if there has been any research in states that conduct elections via mail to see how it has affected campaigning? I’m sure campaigns adjusted, but I’d be interested to see the data and details. Will have to look that up.
Another fascinating research project would be a study to determine if there really is an increase in voters functioning as pundits and voting strategically on the basis of their own analysis of what OTHER voters will do. It sure seems more prevalent since Trump, but maybe it has always been that way and we’re just more aware of it now due to social media.
You won’t be reading much because they all do it.
Happy Canada Day ??
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@David Fud: It was really close, but definitely worth celebrating.
Good morning.
Makes sense.
After every major defeat, since Nixon, Republicans go more conservative.
@Frankensteinbeck: Don’t forget the abortion case too. Repubs may not be happy, but it has nothing to do with what the GOP does, rather everybody else’s overwhelming reaction against them.
Protests against cops shooting unarmed black people? What a bunch of snowflakes. Whaddya mean 76% of Americans agree with the protestors???? Thathathat’s un AMURIKAN!!!!!
Gee, that sounds familiar.
Because a name change makes a base useless.
Also, “of all people?” How is her heritage related to his love of traitors?
They got some sweet cash yesterday though.
@David Fud:
They did. The GOP chose the June Elections because they thought the odd time would lower turnout. Well, they got a vote about Healthcare in the middle of a PANDEMIC ?
I don’t give a shyt that it barely passed.
It passed
THOUSANDS of our fellow citizens will now get access to Healthcare ????
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Never say never. I live in hope.
While Biden is not my personal first choice, in terms of contrasting with Trump, he’s my #1 pick.
Old White Guy vs. Old White Guy is like a scientific experiment to filter out bias and confounders. We need every edge.
Gin & Tonic
What’s with the random capitalization? I know he does it, but it’s really weird to me.
Dorothy A. Winsor
That’s just bizarre.
But then in order to have the experience, he’d actually have had to be acting presidential and doing such things as reading his briefings.
Adam’s post from last evening points out that the Rs current excuse is he doesn’t read and everyone knows it, so what are you going to do? Can’t get too upset. And that’s what the constant barrage of failure has led us to. Of course he fails. So what?
Gin & Tonic
FTFY. The Republican party has not been “conservative” in decades. They are radicals in every sense of that word.
Chyron HR
I myself have grave concerns that Biden is secretly dead. Are we still supposed to be spreading that meme? I assume Bernie would tell us if it was no longer operational. SECRETLY DEAD!
@Frankensteinbeck: I think that is a good analysis. With Roberts siding with liberals on the Louisiana abortion admitting rights decision and the LGBTQ decision last week, evangelicals have to feel more than a little betrayed about now! I think Trump’s falling approval rating bears that out.
Interesting commentary. Some pundits never let the facts get in the way of a predetermined narrative.
@Gin & Tonic:
Trying to get in touch, with his German heritage?
All nouns are capitalized in German.
Gin & Tonic
@Brachiator: Predetermined narrative is how you get your words in by deadline with enough time to make it to cocktail hour.
Gin & Tonic
@gene108: “Two” is not a noun.
John S.
@SiubhanDuinne: I think most people just want a return to normalcy, and unfortunately in politics that looks like an old white guy (who isn’t Trump or a Republican).
I’m hoping a couple years of a Biden presidency will embolden voters to support a more diverse field of candidates than what we’re seeing so far this year. A solid VP pick from Biden should help with that.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker:
Voting by mail must affect timing at least. People vote enough ahead of time that a final big push won’t have the same effect.
@Gin & Tonic: Does Dump know that?
Precisely this.
The children of Trump are coming.
I see that as a clue to how incredibly Authoritarian they are.
@Baud: OH SNAP!!!
It would be a lovely gift for us all if Congress overrode his veto on this. Slap that fat bastard right back down.
Betty Cracker
The Trump campaign did a huge media buy in Florida, and this is the ad that is running incessantly:
Not sure a 74-year-old’s attack on a 77-year-old for being too old is as effective as they imagine. Likewise, the campaign stringing together clips of Biden sounding addled just invites the listener to recall Trump’s many rambling, incoherent monologues. Oh well, Parscale is probably making a mint, so there’s that.
Totally agree
That abortion is (still) legal and LGBTQ people have rights—to Evangelicals, this means demonic/Satanic forces, ie democrats have dragged America away from god. Trump MUST be re-elected so he can bring America back to god See a minute of so of any JimBakker video
Gin & Tonic
@sdhays: Good question.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
This is some championship level enabling. The lie used to be that Trump was a natural genius who didn’t even need a briefing because he was smarter than any of his advisors. Trump himself pushed this hard.
But Trump supporters don’t even notice the spins, reversals and contradictions as they desperately try to prop up their incompetent Dear Leader.
Betty Cracker
Also regarding that ad, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t associate “strength and stamina” with a chubby Trump waddling toward a golf cart…
@OzarkHillbilly: I can’t wait until that 37% becomes 27%.
@Frankensteinbeck: The exact wording of the poll question would matter here, but wouldn’t Republicans be unhappy mostly because Trump is losing?
Amir Khalid
What is “mental brittleness”, and when did Biden show signs of it?
@rikyrah: 1. There is a bad part of me that assumes “Susan in Montclair” stories are a big part of why GOPers are no longer optimistic about the direction of the country. I mean, when an angry Karen can’t pivot from a lame accusation to “that black dude attacked me,” it’s no longer America at all.
2. About the supposed 3 hour delay in reaching President Replacement Value Internet Troll, why do we even tote the football around if he can’t be reached for hours at a time?
3. The corollary to #2 is, so what happens when Trump is unreachable and decides to launch because someone called him on his miraculous “finding” of a ball lost in the rough, or a passerby gives him the finger?
@Betty Cracker: There is a ramp and a glass on a podium in West Point that are both laughing at that Trump ad in Florida.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker:
I’m also not sure an attack on old people is the way to go in Florida.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
Trump is one of those who came by a university degree without getting the education. That’s why he doesn’t know the difference between a noun and a cardinal number.
Just One More Canuck
@Baud: right back atcha
@Betty Cracker: I’ve seen that ad a few times (consequence of watching Jeopardy!). Its biggest sin is that it feels tired and lazy. Which, given the administration from which it originates, is appropriate.
@Betty Cracker: Or needing two hands for a sip of water from a glass. I wonder how many hours he spent practicing in front of a mirror before mastering the one handed sip?
@Betty Cracker: FOX news commentary has been ranting full blast about Biden’s supposed ‘cognitive decline’. The Trump campaign is mainly echoing that.
Janet Frick, a psychology professor at the University of Georgia, isn’t happy about her institution’s plans for the fall term. As confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus swell to record highs in the state, which reopened most businesses in May, its public institutions of higher education are pressing forward with aggressive return-to-campus plans. In particular, Frick is shocked that the University System of Georgia (USG), the body that oversees the state’s 26 public institutions, appears to have pressured its member institutions into not requiring masks in buildings and classrooms, despite the fact that they are high-risk environments for transmission, and that masks can reduce that transmission substantially.
@raven: Janet is the bomb!
This is the second time my Android flag emojis show up on the website as letters instead of symbols. What’s going on?
That was supposed to be a Canadian flag.
Anyone else remember the Clinton 3 am phone call ad? Wasnt is basicly “I’ll be there answering and keeping you safe?”
In 90s there was a move in Germany to stop capitalizing nouns. Thankfully, wiser heads prevailed. With often very long sentences, the capitalized nouns provide necessary points of reference, esp for non-native readers,
@OzarkHillbilly: Subaru Diane is just setting the stage for you waking tomorrow morning and being able to think “we are more than halfway through this year”.
@Baud: It’s a Canadian flag on my iPad.
You can’t really be serious. This was a joke, right?
Joe has adapted to at least 100 big things in the past 2 months, and seems to be embracing the new reality.
@MattF: This is what I get on Firefox and Chrome on my PC:
Dorothy A. Winsor
Awesome Brexit tweet thread for those who take comfort in knowing our fellow citizens are not alone in their idiotic voting
Good job Robert. Way to keep the leaks coming.
@Gin & Tonic: I think it’s just that he’s a Moron who never learned or Paid attention in English Class.
@Baud: Same here.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: the couple must have really wanted to “shake things up”…that seems to be a pretty good all-purpose excuse
Betty Cracker
@Dorothy A. Winsor: You’re right — that does seem ill-advised!
@Betty Cracker: Aren’t quite a few old folks in Florida “hiding in [their] basements” too? Due to trumpov’s laziness and lack of care?
Oh yeah, KILLER ad, GOP. Way to go! (eyeroll)
@John S.:
Nobody’s talking about probabilty that a female, esp a black one, will draw barrage of negative, hostile attacks that GOP, media haven’t been able to fling –and make stick–at Biden. She’ll have to be really thick-skinned!
Betty Cracker
@Gin & Tonic: Trump addressed the capitalization issue once, and I know this will come as a shock, but his explanation was stupid and nonsensical! He said he capitalizes the Important Words.
Gin & Tonic
@Ladyraxterinok: And with nouns as long as sentences might be in other languages, what reference points are there?
@Gin & Tonic: It’s not him tweeting, it’s the Holder of the Phone attempting to simulate El Crapo’s style. So you have someone with (or without) high school level English trying to channel a brain-damaged elderly drug addict. Not an easy needle to thread, I’ll grant them that.
Hair Furor, about an hour ago, now with fresh HOAX:
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker: Uh, I know English isn’t my first language, but that’s not how it works, is it?
One more quick note before I have to get back to work: I saw that Ken Jennings, brilliant Jeopardy! winner that he is, has proposed a novel solution to Confederate monuments issue. Since the likenesses of most of the statues isn’t all that great, just relabel/re-plaque them all as monuments to Dave Grohl.
Dave would be happy, Foo Fighters fans would be happy, no one gets crushed under a falling monument, the neo-Confederates wouldn’t know what to do with themselves, and we’d still be honoring a great Virginian! =)
Another Scott
@Baud: I don’t see anything but “CA” in Chrome, but that’s the way it appears here too – https://www.iemoji.com/view/emoji/1547/flags/canada
It seems to be a browser “font” issue.
It’s supposed to be “<code>🇨</code>” (plus a semicolon) in HTML.
@Gin & Tonic:
I SO wish that was short enough for a bumper sticker or a rotating tag.
@Baud: Well, at least now I know what the CA was for.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: Bah. It should be clear enough what I was trying to do with the code snippet.
@Another Scott:
Emojis were supposed to be the universal language!!!
@prufrock: I knew I had seen it recently, and was trying to remember where.
Jeopardy! it is!
I am convinced that he didn’t actually DRINK from the glass, merely held it up to his lips.
Kitchen update! Walls went up yesterday, and the carpenters are here right now, doing . . . carpenter things (probably taping the drywall). Contractor is bringing the Floor Guy at some point today, when I will find out when the floor will get done (everyone is annoyed/forgot about the Friday holiday, so I would say there is some chance that they may actually work on Friday, if it means the floor can get done expeditiously. And I think they’re supposed to deliver cabinets today, too, and pile them up in the dining room. As long as I can get to the fridge (where the beer lives . . .) I’ll be fine. As I see the contractor try to balance this crew with that crew, and fit in this or that task, I am even happier that I just went with gutting the whole thing; it gives him just that little bit of freedom to do whatever can be done right this minute.
Even if they noticed, they wouldn’t care. Anti abortion and anti homosexuality! More far RW judges! Tax cuts for wealthy!
@Betty Cracker:
I don’t think the tactic will be as successful when used by an incumbent against a male candidate, but Trump tearing everyone down to his own level did work for him in part in 2016. I am still gobsmacked that anyone was able to look at H. Clinton and Trump and think they were both equally corrupt.
Showed up as a Canadian flag here just fine.
Looks like a Canadian flag to me. Using firefox on Android phone.
@raven: Holy shit.
It’s seems to be a problem with computer browsers and not mobile devices or tablets.
Now it’s about this bit, from the Greatest Hits collection.
If you want a good laugh and aren’t allergic to dust, click on thru.
I hope Biden doesn’t have a foundation.
Basically, yeah. Amazing to realise that the 3:00 am phone call commercial was from 2008 — directed at Obama!
Bactrian to the future?
Contemplate that among current GOP Senate incumbents, Gardner is comparatively one of the handful of least loathsome among them – consider how skewed the curve is for that to be so.
@Baud: I saw that comment from you yesterday, but the thread was dead. Seemed like everybody else saw them properly yesterday, was that the case?
Can you check on all the devices you have access to, and let me know which ones display incorrectly?
Can you grab a screen capture on the ones that display incorrectly?
Thank you.
Sigh. I give and I give, and the only response is a hearty Blech!
@Baud: That looks like a Canadian flag to me. Here’s what I see in your block quote:
Betty Cracker
@Ladyraxterinok: Good point. If history is any guide, the attacks on Biden’s VP pick will be of limited utility. Sarah Palin was a disastrous VP candidate, but she didn’t cost McCain the election.
I’m not so sure history is a guide anymore. Trump has blown up historical frameworks. Biden’s age makes his VP selection more consequential than most.
Does anyone know when he’s supposed to make the pick? Is it this month or next?
@raven: that’s messed up. They couldn’t open bars for 2 weeks without fucking everything up and they want us to put our kids back in lecture halls and elementary classrooms next month? Fuck that!
Flag shows up on my Samsung S8 and ipad Mini. It does not show up on my Windows Firefox or Chrome Browsers. A screen grab isn’t worth the effort. What I see on my computer browsers instead of a flag is this (without the blockquote):
ETA: Looks like the “CA” turns into a flag for you. In case you can’t see it, instead of a flag, I get the letters “CA” in some weird font.
Well, hell. Didnt realize it was that long ago.? At Obama.
This article reveals the person responsible for the “I can’t wear a mask because I have a health condition, this card exempts me” scam:
It turns out that the person who originated this card is someone named Lenka Koloma, who publishes claims like this about COVID-19:
@WaterGirl: I see the Canadian flag in Safari on the Mac and iPad.
Joe is demonstrating a nimbleness that’s seems to elude people many years — May, many decades — his junior.
Honestly, I’m increasingly impressed with him every day.
@Baud: Yes, flag on android phone (google chrome), and “CA” on laptop (google chrome).
In 2018, Balloon Juice backed Democratic candidate Diane Mitsch Bush for CO-03. She will be on the ballot again in Nov. 2020.
There’s at least 1 other 2018 Balloon Juice-supported returnee to the 2020 US House races.
As we get closer to November, would there be any interest in another jackals’ list of 2020 candidates to support? (In 2018 we had 3 successive lists, for a total of 94 candidates, and a number of victories.)
@germy: So, viruses are Nature’s way of cleansing the organism.
@SiubhanDuinne: That emoji shows up on my computer Firefox.
ETA: I can see other people’s emojis too. Maybe the problem is limited to flag emojis.
@Betty Cracker: August, according to network TV news.
@Baud: It’s fine for me in Safari and in Chrome on my mac, so maybe a PC browser issue only?
Is it worth it to tinker further with this site so that every last emoji in the world is visible?
This place looks great, loads quickly, and the ads seem less obnoxiously intrusive than they did a few months ago.
You all did a great job.
O. Felix Culpa
@H.E.Wolf: Yes. Xochitl Torres Small in NM CD2 is in a tight race for reelection against a rightwing nutjob and could use help. Thanks!
@H.E.Wolf: Absolutely! I’m eager to share the news about Carolyn Bourdeaux, candidate for the open seat in GA-07. It’s been in GOP hands for decades, but this year I think it might be flippable!
@Gin & Tonic:
The capitalization isn’t that weird. It’s mostly childish. It’s a standard method of emphasizing words and especially phrases, implying they are such important and archetypical concepts that they count as a proper noun. It reads awkwardly under the best of circumstances, and like everything Trump does it badly.
I assume the aides who take dictation and clean up his grammar, or occasionally make up tweets, are trying to copy as much of his style as they can without being incoherent. Or maybe he gets pissed if they don’t capitalize words in a way he feels makes him a brilliant orator like his idol Hitler.
@WaterGirl: I guess, and only certain emojis. Weird.
@germy: I agree with what you’re saying.
It’s important, though, to understand what an issue is and what the scope of the issue is, in order to determine whether it’s something that needs to be addressed.
That’s how I approach it anyway.
If you look at the Unicode emoji list, you’ll note that flags are at the very end. So, maybe it’s just a not-yet-implemented issue.
@WaterGirl: It’s fine with Firefox on Windows 7, but not on Windows 10.
ETA: Edge on Windows 10 works fine though.
@Betty Cracker:
Yesterday he said “early August, not promising August 1st, but early in the month.”
That’s a good approach.
Thanks again for all the work you did, and continue to do.
I’m actually spoiled now. I visit other places and they load slowly, or are overwhelmed with pop-ups, or are badly designed. And then I appreciate Balloon-Juice even more.
@Baud: Special characters can be the same way. Most of them work, a few of them don’t. It is weird.
Emojis are always problematic, as even plenty of common ones might display differently on different systems.
@germy: It’s heartwarming for me to read that. Thank you so much!
Betty Cracker
@germy: & @SiubhanDuinne: Ugh, so Twitter will suck for another month. Le sigh…
Thanks for the info regardless! :)
Can you see these?
The Thin Black Duke
@JWR: Alright Donnie, so what the fuck are you going to do about it now?
Uncle Cosmo
@Ladyraxterinok: FWIW – On my first trip to Europe in 1980 I met a gentleman my father’s age (who had a daughter my age) on a train between Geneva and Basel. We had a lovely conversation, first in French & then (because I needed the practice) in German, & exchanged addresses before he disembarked. We corresponded for the better part of a year, alternating languages, & although my French was better, it was easier to decipher his handwriting in German, as I could identify the capitalized words as nouns.
Seeing the name of Mr. Mxyzptlk’s distant cousin,
@NotMax: If I ever meet you in person, you should fully expect 30 lashes from a cat-o-nine noodles.
Another Scott
(Emphasis added.)
Why it doesn’t work is a mystery, at least to me.
Presumably Firefox loads its own Emoji font (if it’s working on the desktop Firefox).
@SiubhanDuinne: Blech.
@Another Scott: Um… except that the current version of Unicode is 13.0.
Saw a Carl Reiner memorial spot on TCM.
Expect this one was already in the can.
@WhatsMyNym: oops – Edge on Windows 10 does not show the flags. I was looking at the image, not an emoji.
@Zinsky: He was very good in his Q & A after the speech yesterday. Sharp, clear, thoughtful, honest, comfortable.
Maybe some perspective here…
In the first months of the primary campaign, Mr. Biden seemed to me very “rusty” and very nervous.
Policy wise, I think he was a little behind in his preparation. And he had to find back his political “mojo” after more that two years of being out of the arena.
As for the nervousness… Being the front runner and the prime target for attacks was a totally new experience for him. I sensed that he was much more nervous than usual. He was having more difficulty to control his stutter, and since the controlling drains some brain energy, he had more laps of concentration.
As the campaign continued, he became more comfortable, became better at debates.
Note: Barbara Boxer has said that Mr. Biden has ALWAYS had little moments, from time to time, where he said the wrong word, or made a little mistake on a detail. This is not a question of age.
While the job is more challenging for a man of his age, I remain confident that he will be good at it. The occasional slip up on a number or on a word is NOT a problem in governance, especially in a big team work that is a REAL presidency.
I’ve listened to numerous interviews, I’ve listened to debates. On the substance, his knowledge is evident. He really knows what he is talking about. And more and more, his work behind the scenes on policy is showing. And this campaign with much less traveling gives him more time to prepare.
On another note, Mr. Biden has excellent people skills and will be a good leader, of a formidable team. He presents a great balance between confidence in himself and openness to other points of views. In fact, the confidence in himself is what makes him able to listen to others.
Obviously, Mr. Biden has, and will have to be disciplined and manage his energy. He knows that.
I don’t know… this Q & A of yesterday was special for me… It had a calming effect. He looked and sounded like a statesman. Intelligence, heart and maturity.
Gin & Tonic
Here’s a perspective on BLM from Russia:
Oh, sorry, not from Russia, but from D.C. That was written by Vitali Shkliarov, a visiting scholar at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard. According to his bio, he’s worked on both the Obama and Sanders campaigns. I’m sure the Obama people are delighted.
The article in which these pearls appeared (in Russian.)
Another Scott
@MattF: I’m just the messenger!!
Seriously, I didn’t do a lot of searching – that’s the first thing that seemed to be semi-authoritative.
I agree with NotMax – Emoji are problematic (though seem to be getting better). It used to be that iOS and Android emoji weren’t guaranteed to be the same (or closely similar), so you could send 3-hearts to someone and they might see a flamethrower (or something). Plus, they’re often so small that who knows what they are. “Oooh, purple and red blob. That’s good, right??!”
(“… and get off my lawn!!1”)
Uncle Cosmo
I guess I’m nobody then** – since I’ve been warning for months that, within a New York nanosecond of Uncle Joe naming his running mate, the Global Oligarchy Project will throw everything they can dredge up (including stuff that doesn’t stick to him) at her, with the justification that –
** On this site at least. Not one of The Blogmeister of Naked Mopping’s Kewl Kidz, won’t ever be, don’t especially care to be.
Perfect, that’s exactly what I wrote.
@SiubhanDuinne: I can’t decide whether you are helping to troubleshoot or taunting Baud by trying to find emojis that he can’t see. :-)
There go two miscreants
re: the Ohman cartoon in the OP, first time I’ve ever seen blinders on the horse’s ass!
Bypass the flag proper. Maple leaf emoji ? is ancient in computer years, ought to show everywhere.
@Gin & Tonic:
“Visiting scholars can be divided into two groups: One is a high earner who says whatever he thinks will please the ruling class, and the other is someone who sinks into obscurity and poverty because his research contradicts the ruling class.”
Miss Bianca
@Baud: Somehow, I just knew this was going to be about my Congressional district.
And her Democratic opponent is the same one who lost to Scott Tipton 2 years ago. *Maybe* she’ll pull it out this time, but give my District a chance between a sane, somewhat anodyne Democratic woman candidate and a buggier-than-batshit gun-totin’ Republican one to vote for, and I’m guessing we’ll be stuck with the latter.
Not on my computer Firefox. I get these letters:
Looks like the browser replaces flag emojis with a two letter country code.
@Uncle Cosmo: Note, though, that Trump’s current ‘Pocahontas’ slur against Warren got some pushback (of all things). The Oligarchy can wring its hands, but they still have to deal with the Toddler-In-Chief’s limited behavioral repertoire.
1965 – Carl Reiner hosts the Celebrity Game with guests Lee Marvin, Connie Stevens, Sal Mineo, Gypsy Rose Lee, Louis Nye, Mickey Rooney, and Oscar Levant.
@SiubhanDuinne: I see “CAILJPGBUS” in small caps; Windows 10, Firefox 77.0.1. May just be a missing font.
@Another Scott
Yup. Coupled with older eyes, 90% of the time on the PC’s monitor they are incomprehensible splotches. Oddly, all too often of a vaguely phallic shape.
Don’t have one of them newfangled phones, so cannot speak to those.
Amir Khalid
It almost certainly was. It’s common practice in the news business to have pre-written obits for famous people, which can be quickly updated when they are finally needed.
Even with how terrible things are and how bad the economy is right now, it still drives me nuts that the default position of way too many voters is that GOP daddies are always better on the economy than the Dems. In the USAToday poll I think Trump only leads on that by 1 or 2 points, which is actually a very good spread for Dems, historically speaking. Don’t want to focus on about the only negative in this poll but, jeez, what does it take for folks to realize that the GOP, in reality, sucks when it comes to the economy? And I’m pretty certain that among the folks who say Trump is better qualified on the economy are a number of people who are going to vote for Biden and were always going to vote for Biden. Even some of the Dems own voters fall for this “GOP good for business” garbage. (I’m sure some of this is also “Trump is a businessman so he would be better” even though he’s a horrible businessman)
@OGLiberal: They’re still hoping for the fabled V-shaped recovery. Problem is that Trump’s catastrophic mismanagement of the pandemic response means that’s not going to happen. Ooopsie.
America’s Newsroom host Ed Henry is FIRED for sexual misconduct allegations made by a former employee – four years after a four-month leave of absence due to extra-marital affair with Vegas cocktail waitress
PUBLISHED: 09:33 EDT, 1 July 2020 | UPDATED: 09:43 EDT, 1 July 2020
@Uncle Cosmo:
Yes. And this is why Romney beat Obama so handily. We never should have run Barack Hussein Obama. What were we thinking?
@SiubhanDuinne: Joe Biden has gone through so much, and has survived it. He has found the courage to go on, to find purpose, and still believe in the future. He is resilient.
I have a feeling that while he is concerned, very concerned, he is not scared.
America needs resilience, moral strength, hope, healing and guidance right now. Joe Biden is able to offer all of it.
@Suzy: Thanks for taking the time to say all that.
Biden clearly has a top-notch team on every front. Ads. Domestic Policy. Foreign Policy. Public Heath. etc
I always liked Biden (yes, he has some flaws) and I was SO pissed that he ran this time, but in spite of his age, it sure seems like he is exactly the right candidate for these times.
@Gin & Tonic: I guess the Obamas were one of the “good” blacks.
@SiubhanDuinne: ha!
Another Scott
As usual, God-Emperor Donnie got slapped down for not following procedures.
The SCOTUS will probably try to over-rule him, but maybe it will be too late to do so. (And Biden’s DOJ will reverse such policy attempts anyway.) More chaos, but the end is in sight.
@WaterGirl: I counted Biden out because of his age. But I recalled the sense of relief I felt when Obama chose him– Biden was clearly someone who could pick up the ball and run with it if anything happened to Obama.
@Amir Khalid
Excellent opportunity to again highly recommend the superb documentary film Obit.
Very quick checks turns up it is currently free only on Kanopy, so if your local library is a participant in that service one could watch it that way.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: +1
I’m very glad Uncle Joe didn’t stay home.
@Suzy: That was my take also. He can do this, he just needs to stay healthy.
@rikyrah: sad
hahahahahaha Maybe he’ll go over to One America now or whatever the name of that network is.
zhena gogolia
The debates were so upsetting to me because they devolved into nitpicking over which health-care plan would be best. ANY HEALTH-CARE PLAN THAT DOESN’T INVOLVE DONALD TRUMP WOULD BE BEST. I’ve been a lot happier since Biden got the nomination, even though he was far from my top choice, because now the existential struggle we face has come into sharp focus. And he knows what’s at stake and has been articulating it beautifully.
@germy: I’m sure that Alito wants to be replaced by a young conservative justice, so now’s his chance to guarantee that.
I have paraphrasia and it will be the squid of me.
That was a joke, yes, but I have had lifelong paraphrasia problems. It’s a Thing.
Feeling schizophrenic at the moment.
On the hand, hopeful at increasing signs the GOP in November will get flipped on its collective pointy head and hammered into the ground like a tent stake.
On the other, dread and sorrow for the sickness, death and economic misery suffered by so many – and it’s going to get worse.
Toss in my increasing ire with all too many of my fellow citizens who demonstrate on a daily basis that they don’t give a flying fuck about their own health or anybody else’s. It’s like having a large rock in my shoe all the time. I haven’t – yet- burst into a tirade at a grocery*, but Christ Jesus it’s getting more difficult.
*grocery and hardware stores are the only retailers I’ve visited since March. Fortunately there’s a Menards not too far away – John Menard is an asshole of near-Trumpian proportion but the store has and enforces a rule about masks.
@germy: Among the Names Being Mentioned. I guess Roberts is trying to head off a court-packing Biden Administration, so he wouldn’t favor a stone-cold RW ideologue.
Mrs. Malaprop folding on wine two.
Happy Bobby Bonilla Day!
Is that a “wink wink nudge nudge favorite“?
For incipient lyricists, scans perfectly in place of hava nagila.
Is it just me, or the Trump campaign is doing a great job at lowering the expectations for BIDEN in the debates ?
If Trumps stays in the race, he may regret to have attacked Joe Biden on cognitive ability…
Doug R
@mrmoshpotato: There’s at least 2 Secret Service agents following him around, probably a small team around the main building where anybody could call them, even if cell service has failed, the course has a land line.
They’re lying, he told them do not disturb.
Doug R
Same to you, eh.
O Canada
in 11 languages
bilingual and gender neutral lyrics, by Sultans of Swing
@zhena gogolia: That made me crazy in the debates, too. Every single one of them should have said that “of course we all differ on the details” and then hammered home that we need a democratic house and a democratic senate in order to pass ANY improvement, and of course every single one of us on this stage will work to get the absolute best system that can be gotten through congress.
It’s true and the wildest part is Joe Biden will have been part of or the leader of the national rescue from a Republican President both times.
What will be the constant between the failed Bush Presidency and the failed Trump Presidency? The line that runs thru both?
One Mr. Joe Biden :)
What an interesting story. Great story about a nice man.
I loved the Sid Caesar Show
@Suzy: I think the Trump campaign really believes that Biden is senile. It’s their own expectations that are really at risk here— the party line, after all, is that Trump is the greatest debater on the face of the earth.
@WaterGirl: emojis???? As someone who is aware – and has been aware of all internet traditions since ’92 – i can tell you that emojis are the triumph of code over content. Cuteness over communication. We don’t need no stinkin emojis!
homo sapiens have spent tens of thousands of years developing symbolic means of communication which have influenced evolution and culture. Culture has developed incredibly powerful communication computers that enable me to access most of human knowledge anywhere, any time. If trump is lying, i can know within seconds.
And then my kids send me a little multi-colored blob instead of taking the 5 seconds necessary to spell out “yeah, trump sux and we’re all gonna die!”
i thought i had raised them better. you kids GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!!!
Wow! Those are both great. Thank you! (Some terrific voices in the 11-language version, especially the Italian dude.)
I’ve always loved the song itself, but more than that, I love the way Canadians just have so damned much fun with their national anthem without ever being disrespectful of it.
@Gin & Tonic:
Yes it is. https://www.google.com/search?q=is+two+a+noun&oq=is+two+a+nown&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l4.9688j1j7&client=ms-android-verizon-sscr&sourceid=chrome-mobil
@H.E.Wolf: I think a list would be great. Sharice Davids (KS) and Kendra Horn (NE) are two more vulnerable freshmen. And it looks like the Club for Growth is all in on unseating Abigail Spanberger in the Va. 7th. It would be great to provide links to the campaign websites. I don’t know how much detail can be put into a postcard, but the campaign website hopefully would state the issues the candidate thinks is worth emphasizing.
Excellent insight, Kay.
@dopey-o: It is quite curious that we have devices that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars that connect to satellites, but then they don’t work right when we try to communicate by sending each other the kinds of primitive little pictures that ancient civilizations used to etch by hand into stones.
Perhaps this statement is not quite as helpful as Sen. Boxer seems to think it is?
Another Scott
Speech was given to man to conceal his thoughts (La parole a été donné à l’homme pour déguiser sa pensée). – Talleyrand
@JWR: The “he was leaked all the questions ahead of time!” is their new pretend point to explain why Biden was incisive and on-point the whole time. So they’re sticking to a “It was staged!” shriek.
And they can’t even admit that Biden might have a good memory, so they’re going to the “everything was secretly on the teleprompter!” primal yell, which you can literally see was not the case on the video.
It’s sad.
I can’t see an end in sight. (?? o say, I can’t see … ) : )
images etched in stone communicate across time. Very advanced thinking! Kids nowadays just sh!tpost from the mall. To paraphrase both The Bible and Hunter S Thompson, “how the Mighty have been humbled!” By which i mean this whole failed experiment called Humanity.
(I am not a curmudgeon, but i play one on The Internets.)
Just what you want in a president. It’s not like anything important might happen that would need his attention.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Maybe not. Hasn’t “failed to follow procedure” been the basis of a couple of recent sane rulings lately, like the decision not to blow up DACA?
Uncle Cosmo
@germy: If the GOP can’t lay a glove on Uncle Joe, you think they’ll just curl up & die? Of course not. The obvious strategy is to hammer the VP nominee. Especially since Biden is 77 years old & the argument can be made that she is very likely to become POTUS at some point during his elected term, so time to dirty her up. (It’s a pot/kettle/black argument, but when has that ever stopped the Thuglicans?) It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out,
IMO the campaign has wisely pushed that announcement as far down the road as possible, pleading the need for extensive vetting (which for all I know may be the simple truth). I questioned (& still question) – solely on the grounds of electoral expediency – restricting the pick to a woman so early in the process; I only hope the campaign collected extensive data to support that action beforehand.
FTR I’m just as disgusted with the prospect of Joe’s running mate being smeared as you are. But I believe we should face the (likely) prospect head-on, rather than make cleverly snide comments that only show an inability to muster any sort of coherent argument against it.
Then again, “cleverly snide when bereft of arguments against a distasteful prospect” seems to be a Balloon Juice tradition. I stick around here for the cleverness, & the posts from Cole’s SMEs (when restricted to the subject matter in which they are expert), & have learned to bypass the all-too-often inept political content.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ladyraxterinok: I love every story in Reiner’s book and the way he tells them on the audio book. I love the part of that linked story about how “they all agreed Beef Stroganoff was funnier”. Reportedly the writer’s room on the Dick Van Dyke show was based largely Reiner’s experience working for Sid Caesar [*]. I’ve often thought about what it would be like working in a writer’s room with Mel Brooks, Larry Gelbart, Carl Reiner and Woody Allen, making each other laugh for a living.
There’s a story about them deciding what number is funniest for a roulette sketch, and they settle it by having Imogene Coca read the different numbers. (I think 37 won). There’s not necessarily a rational reason for why something is funny. It just is. As Brooks has said, “funny is funny.” Those guys had an amazing instinct for it.
[*] I love watching Caesar’s show, but apparently he was kind of a terrible boss, the way Reiner is on that show. I once read a story about him ranting and throwing furniture around the room while Woody Allen cowered and Mel Brooks was riding on his back saying “Down, boy!” Which apparently happened more than once.
@dopey-o: the emoji I hate the most is the big ugly thumbs up. Like it’s so proud of itself! It always feels like
a big FU to mea small FU, the ultimate symbol of “I don’t have even 2 seconds to type a single word like “great” or “yay!” or even 2 words “sounds good!”.A lot of the smiley face emojis feel to me like they were designed by a serial killer. Seriously, that smiley face with the big heart eyes? Totally creeps me out.
I send you a beautiful photo of something I care about, and you send me back the image the serial killer painted on the wall at his last kill. Ugh. I’m sorry I took the time to share something I was excited about.
rant over.
@MisterForkbeard: Mr. Biden had a list of journalists to call out. Press secretaries often do prepare a list. Trump either is 1) devious enough to use that fact and make his supporters believe that Mr. Biden knew the questions in advance. OR 2) Trump is ignorant of past habits with presidential press conferences, how they try to give each media its turn; maybe Trump really believes that having a list of journalists means you know the questions in advance.
Come to think of it…
since Trump also said that Joe Biden read his responses from the teleprompter, something that is easily debunked just looking at the video, I vote for 1. Or both 1 and 2.
Yes, but all that practice paid off in the thunderous applause he got at the Tulsa rally. It was the highlight of his day.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
37 is the funniest number. Imogene Coca is the funniest woman. Perfect combination.
Was Brooks or Reiner the funniest man? There are some things we are not meant to know. Cue Magic 8 Ball: “ask again later when current sh!tstorm has passed.”
J R in WV
On my laptop, which was built to run Linux / Ubuntu, the Canadian flag emoji shows up just fine. Firefox, also. Up to date versions of OS and browser.
@Uncle Cosmo:
As opposed to the reasonable and even-handed commentary you bring to this blog.
I received some e-mail from Tim Scott. He was outraged or saddened or whatever because Senator Dick Durbin had called Timmy’s “let’s pretend to reform the police” proposal a “token process” or “token approach”:
I sent Senator Scott my IOU for the sum of One Gazillion American Dollars, in the hope that it would assuage his horrible and existential pain. [I would have sent One Skillion Dollars — which is somewhat more than a Gazillion — but I’m a little short this month.]
I think the Rethugs should rename their Partei the Grand Old Party of Snowflake Traitors (GOPOST), or something similar, because it would be more accurate.
These fucking guys.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Nice.
(I use “thumb’s up” on comments on MS Teams a lot, simply because I hate the interface and notifications are sometimes problematic and I want the sender to know that I read their note.)
“thumb’s up” is reasonably clear. So many of the others are just plain dangerous because they’re not at all clear and I’m not up on the lingo. If I send someone an Orange Book or a Chair, have I just insulted their grandmother??!
@MattF: I thought there was precedent for not selecting a Supreme Court Justice so close to an election. //
I’m pretty sure anyone he picks crap bigger than Stephen Miller (If you don’t get the reference, see City Slickers with Billy Crystal and Jack Palance).
J R in WV
There you go, expecting consistency from McConnell… not gonna happen, no way.
He’ll move the most incompetent, venal nominee Trump (and The Federalists) can come up with instantly.
Funny thing about that complaint – DT can’t even read one of his own speeches without going off the rails.
I assume every crease in Biden’s jacket during the debates will look like a wire to the Qanon Qrew.
@dopey-o: The magnificent ancestors who bequeathed us shitric asstons of accounting records in their earliest ingenious codes — later expanded to include curses, graffiti and the professional boastings of kings — are having a bit of a giggle.
@trnc: Drumpf will authorize a new base just to name it Fort Putin.
@Baud: And his veto will be overwhelmingly overridden because no one in Congress is going to let that bill die.
@Ladyraxterinok: Yes. this is exactly why they are so “disappointed” and why his ratings are in the tank. THEY haven’t regained sanity….they are just dismayed that the insanity appears to be over…
They are authoritarian to the max, and want nothing more than to inflict it on everyone else…
@WaterGirl: Not what I got…and I’m using Firefox…all I saw was a very tiny CA
@Another Scott: LOL Talleyrand…..oh, yeah, wasn’t he the guy Napoleon called “a bag of shit in silk stockings”?
@Jinchi: Yes…and even with all the practice it probably took, it still looked like he was either faking it or still having trouble…I mean, I’m 74 and I can drink down a small glass of water single-handed without taking tiny, wussie sips lol
The Lodger
@Gin & Tonic: What are the two of you talking about?
The Lodger
@dopey-o: For some reason, the image of an Aztec poop emoji entered my mind when I read this.
Thanks a bunch.
The Lodger
@dopey-o: Not only is 37 the funniest number, but it’s larger than the highest number on a roulette wheel. That’s like saying I went to a roulette table and put all my money on beige.
Barack Obama. Sec of State Barack Obama =)