Here’s a race we should really be get in on: Steve Bullock for Senate in Montana. He’s leading, he’s a great candidate, and it’s a cheap market. I think this is as high impact as it gets. You know what to do:
Update: I like to run this video every 4th. The best version by far.
Been there, done that.
Marvin was a genius.
But he sure gave his backing band a workout on that rendition. He paid absolutely no attention to the measures. Not too bad for the drummer (or machine?) who could just keep it steady and ignore him, but the guy or gal on the bass or keys just had to listen up and change the chord whenever Marvin moved on to the next phrase.
It’s okay — that’s one of the prerogatives of genius.
Amir Khalid
At first I thought you were going to diss Sandra Bullock.
Thanks from NW MT. Bullock was popular as governor and I think this seat is a definite possibility.
I pay rent to a political party now–more than my actual rent; and tomorrow there will be 50 more emails asking for more money. That’s just the way it is, in the land of the brave and the home of the free. Seems like there could be a better system though, in a better country in a better world. (Maybe there would be no money in that world.)
Cannot count the times I’ve listened to that over the years. It’s the National Anthem for god’s sake, but what a smooth, soulful version it was.
Don K
@Amir Khalid:
Nah, c’mon, a Sex Pistols reference gets my attention every time.
@Joseph: I like the Jimi Hendrix version.
Nice, thanks for the find! In for $25 per month. Time to stomp out the nazis.
@Amir Khalid:
I was thinking Det. Bullock from Batman the Animated Series.
It’s a crying shame that his father took him away from us. A radiating heat and light was taken way too soon. Fuck that guy for now till eternity.
alternative national anthem
Another Scott
Let’s get this one!!
The Laker in the shot framed between two players’ jerseys, Jamaal Wilkes, went to my high school, a bit before my time. He achieved notoriety post-NBA for being arrested by the LAPD for Driving While Black, a little before the Rodney King incident.
Wyatt Salamanca
Thanks, another perfect title for a post!
Wyatt Salamanca
@Wyatt Salamanca: I don’t know why the GOP would remotely consider replacing Pence. The evangelicals are their only real voting bloc (if you thought it was no-college whites, or racists, they’re basically all the same people).
If the GOP also lose McConnell they’d have nothing.
Losing McConnell would be a huge blow as is the senate. If Trump wins and the GOP lost the senate and have a fillerbuster proof majority and the house got stronger. I’m tempted to see what kind of pure hell Democrats would do to him and his people.
Of course, knowing them they won’t do that, because they are good people – but going after his people and getting rid of them, forcing him to kneel and humble himself – destroying conservatism. Yeah. I like that.
I read that Trump Jr.’s girlfriend tested positive for Covid-19. I am surprised that I’m not seeing that as a news headline. I guess that is the risk that comes from hanging around Donald Trump Jr. Maybe the $15,000 a month that the campaign pays her will give her some comfort.
Marvin can make you love that song. Genius.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Sen. Tester won re-election in 2018 by around 6000 votes (!)
Montana Senate campaigns are great investments for Dem donors.
So they let Michael Cohen out of prison because they were afraid he’d catch the virus?
And now he’s violating the terms of his release by eating out in restaurants?
This is an interesting take on the Democratic surge: Harry Enten doing some cui bono with the number of internal Democratic and Republican polls that have been released to the public. This year, even more than in 2018, Democrats are the ones who’ve made public the vast majority of such internal polls. Since April, the Republicans have all but stopped releasing any of their internal polls. Based on comparisons to the 2 parties’ willingness during recent elections to release internal polling, Enten concludes that (to use a British idiom) Democratic “chattiness” this spring/summer ought to predict a massive Democratic wave.
You can thank Jose Feliciano for this, in a backwards way. In 1968 for game 4 of the World Series, Feliciano did his, then, controversial take on the NA. Radio stations refused to play his music, after this desecration, although he managed to bounce back from that. The kicker, Game 3 was sung by Marvin Gaye. The Detroit Tiger’s Announcer was given this message
Feliciano’s very publicized effort eventually led to some of the best reworkings of the song. Information from The 1968 National Anthem Performance That Changed José Feliciano’s Life
From a story in the New York Times
I’m old enough that I remember the controversy and yes, the fact that Feliciano was Latinx was a major complaint.
I’ve given some cash to Bullock.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So was I lol
Cheryl from Maryland
My spouse and I picked two D Senate Candidates to support — one with our brains (Bullock) and one with our hearts (Harrison). We are donating to both on a monthly basis.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yup. He’s a moron. Not a surprise. He did willingly work for Trump as his fixer
@germy: First I’ve heard of this. Is there a link?
Ted Cruz is tanned and rested and ready to be every bit the asshole that McConnell is today. He’s been training his whole life for that. Yes, loosing the GOP majority is enormously important. My point is simply that there are no shortage of McConnells waiting in the wings to pick up the baton.
@WaterGirl: Here it is .. Murdoch’s paper the NY Post
@Wyatt Salamanca:
With Sarah Palin still available, rested and (occasionally) sober? TrumPalin 2020 would give us enough Youtube fodder for a century.
James E Powell
If we’re lining up our favorites, I’m gonna say Whitney at the Super Bowl.
It is a news headline, to the extent that being one of 2.8 million Americans to test positive is a headline anymore. Front page of the NYT yesterday:
As a former Montanan, I approve. Montana somehow has produced good, competitive Democrats for decades. Since 1911, there has been at least one Democratic Senator from Montana and from 1953-1989 both Senators were Democrats.
For 20 years, from 1969-1989, the governor was a Democrat and for the last 16 years the governor has been a Democrat. Also, none of the three Republican governors from 1989-2005 were loonies, either.
Bwah ha ha…..
Read the whole thing. They have truly fucked themselves.
@JPL: Interesting! It says the restaurant is “right around the corner from his house”. If he’s wearing an ankle bracelet, I wonder if that happens to be in the allowed range of his house.
I would be so thrilled to be out of prison that I would not be dining publicly or doing ANYTHING that would risk my freedom.
James E Powell
Jon Batiste’s interpretation of the Battle Hymn of the Republic
It is either a violation of the terms of his release or it is not. These things are not written vaguely and “subject to interpretation” and “optics.” They are cut and dried.
I’ve been bullish on Bullock since he gained some sense and decided to run. I can work on the dropping of the scratch when I get paid next. Have to be a mite careful since my lease situation went goofy again. It happens every time I renew. Ah well.
I honestly want to move to Queens now. Or at the very least spend a couple weeks there.
@Kent: I completely agree. But whatever way they program ankle monitors to go off if you go outside of a certain perimeter… if that perimeter included the location where the restaurant is, I can see how that could be considered permissible. Regardless of the reach if it says “residence only” or something specific, then yeah, it won’t matter whether the ankle monitor would go off or not.
We’ll know soon enough, I imagine.
@Kent: If Trump insists on keeping the big party in Jacksonville, and Florida continues its stellar impersonation of the mayor in Jaws, I’ll be fascinated to see how many delegates show up versus how many suddenly realize they’ll be washing their hair that week.
@Kent: @WaterGirl: For clarity, perhaps the ankle monitor should be equipped with an electric shock device. Or an explosive charge.
@Ken: That ankle monitor might not be out of beta yet. We should probably reserve that testing for the Trump family. The entire family.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Schadenfreudeicious! These people couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery. Maybe they shouldn’t have tried organizing an in-person convention during a pandemic? Just a thought
Gaye was a truly great musician. His death was so tragic.
@WaterGirl: The bigger question is whether he gets away with violating the terms of his release because no one in the DOJ has the cojones to piss off Trump and all the people who did got purged.
January 20 can’t fucking come soon enough.
Mai naem mobile
@cain: i think if McConnell wins his race but loses the majority he resigns. I don’t see him hanging around especially if it’s a filibuster proof majority.
@Kent: Ted Cruz is not liked by his colleagues. I don’t see him being electer the GOP minority(or majority) leader. I think it would more likely be an old fart like Grassley who knows how to play Senate rules in the minority. Also Grassley has no desire to run for POTUS which Cruz does.
In any normal year the GOP would have been bad, but not Trump insane bad. Neither McCain nor Romney would have pull this sort of temper tantrum and moved the convention to “own” a Dem governor who was following CDC health guidelines. These fuckers all hitched their wagon to Trump with no quick release option and now they are stuck riding the train until the very final epic trainwreck blows everything up.
I’m not saying Cruz will be the next majority leader. And McConnell was not well liked by Republicans either until he started producing results for them like blocking Garland and pushing through judges and tax cuts. My point was that there are plenty of equally bad assholes waiting in the wings. That’s what the GOP has been reduced to today. McConnell is no particular legislative genius. The only major legislation he has ever passed was Trump’s tax cuts and those were a giant clusterfuck. He just has the balls to be an overt asshole and not give a shit about optics. But there are plenty of other GOPers who are equally big assholes and care even less about optics. To the extent that someone like a Ted Cruz needs to even learn anything about arcane Senate rules, all he needs to do is hire McConnell’s chief of staff and he will get all the institutional knowledge he needs.
Hopefully we are talking about GOP minority leader for a long time in which case it won’t really matter who they pick
As for McConnell resigning after winning? Don’t see it. In Kentucky an open Senate seat is replaced by the pick of the governor and serves until the next general election. Kentucky has a Dem governor.
Just read a great Independence Day article in the Post (published on the 2nd.) I’m pretty knowledgeable about history, but there’s plenty here I didn’t know about how the revolutionary spirit changed things even before the war. The subhead is the real headline, “Colonists drove the revolution from the bottom up, and they challenged power structures of every sort.” (The actual headline, “Trump’s idea of the Fourth of July is totally wrong,” isn’t terrible, but the article is much better than that.)
I just wonder if we have the national wherewithal to actually “follow the money” and see where it all leads and just how many GOP Senators and Congressional Representatives will/would actually remain.
These folks have shown an inclination to disregard the rules or rewrite and interpret them in ways, that benefit themselves to pretty much an nth degree. I wouldn’t be shocked to see the rot shot thru the entire party and into the media arms of the Murdoch and Sinclair empires (not to mention how many foreign national interests may be competing for their attention). I really don’t think that they’ve ever truly believed that they would ever be caught, much less prosecuted.
I would enjoy seeing them disabused of those beliefs.
Uncle Cosmo
i.e., 60 votes for cloture. With the current 45D/2I/53R division of the Senate and 35 seats up this year (12 D, 23 R) the Democrats would need to win 60 – [45 + 2 -12] = 25 seats. Presuming Doug Jones goes down in AL, and the Dems hold all their other seats (including Tom Udall retiring in NM) they’d need to flip 14 of the 23 GOP seats in play. With 10 of those GOP seats in states of R+13 or worse, it’s gonna take one helluva blue wave.
Thanks everybody! These kinds of donations are changing the game of politics.
Another Scott
@Uncle Cosmo: If it were easy, it would have been done already.
But the stars are aligning, the wind is at our backs, and there’s no time like now.
Is McConnell’s COS from one of the better Ivies? If not, Ted won’t listen.
Question: why the fuck is Joe Kennedy primarying Ed Markey? Markey is a solid progressive. There are plenty of Democrats in Congress who deserve primary challenges, but Markey isn’t one of them.
And unfortunately, it looks like Kennedy will probably win. The Kennedys have been great public servants to this nation, but don’t kid yourselves – if Kennedy beats Markey in the primary, it won’t be raw political talent that puts him over the top, it will be having a famous grandfather and famous great uncles.
@janesays: I know, it bums me out. Markey is a good progressive.
@Kent: You’re surely not seriously suggesting that Ted Cruz would be the Republican minority leader in the Senate should McConnell be defeated in November, are you? Because that’s not going to happen
ETA: I see that you were not. I usually read further down the thread before commenting, but not this time!
@Uncle Cosmo: My sense is that in a big enough wave, we can get to 57 or 58. I just don’t see how we get to 60.
It’s still pretty early in the election season and all kinds of shit will be coming out I reckon. Plenty of things to drop to make those folks reluctant.
The real problem is that – all those R+13 Dems are gonna be blue dogs and it’s going to suck because once they are in, they will want to stay in. I rather they go in a blaze of glory and vote for some basic things like healthcare and vote by mail – lots of things to change. Give em a good post in the federal govt as a reward.
ETA: OMG OMG! I made the magical 60th post! Do I get a prize?! shit.. I’m bawling right now. Gotta call my parents.
Uncle Cosmo
@Another Scott: Brave words, but “aligning stars” & “winds at our back” don’t necessarily translate to votes. Which of our Senate candidates do you think will – or even might – break through? I myself would be pleased with a net gain of 6 seats (51-47 with two independents caucusing with us) & overjoyed with 8.
Our time is NOW, highlander!
@WaterGirl: In terms of policy there is not much difference between Markey and Kennedy, although Markey is trying to pin the label “Progressive In Name Only” label on Kennedy. Kennedy’s main appeal besides his family name seems to be youth and energy- he’s 39, Markey is 73. Carole King is campaigning for Markey; Congressman John Lewis signed a fundraising letter for Kennedy. Kennedy has a lead in most polls. The primary is not until Sept.1. I expect the “PINO” label to be thrown around a lot after the election. Probably to little effect.
Ted despite the shit he gets is rather smart – I would rather some other goofball get it like John Cornyn or Burr.
@Geminid: I will say that if John Lewis is backing Kennedy, that holds sway for me.
I also did not know that Markey is 73.
The more you know…
Another Scott
@Uncle Cosmo: I don’t know.
I’m going on the way Reagan’s [1980] landslide ended up getting the GOP +12 seats in the Senate. A result that was not expected. Success breeds success.
And that things are going to get worse for Donnie and the GOP before November. Rescue funding is running out. Schools will either be closed or open in highly unusual configurations. And more and more people are going to be getting sick and dying.
We should fight for every seat and ignore what the pundits say is an impossible or a safe seat. This is our best opportunity to change the shape of government that we’ve had in many, many cycles. And given redistricting, it will determine much of the shape of the next decade. We need to fight for every seat.
@WaterGirl: I’m ok with either Markey or Kennedy. It’s a family fight for Massachusetts Democrats. Not an especially divisive contest so far, which is a good thing.