locking down the swing states https://t.co/arN8OvV2Hr
— kilgore trout, suburban female understander (@KT_So_It_Goes) July 5, 2020
This is not much more than an hour’s drive from Boston, and so will inevitably re-seed the pandemic in one of the few areas of the country that’s been managing to bend the curve downward. Massachusetts and Maine may have to erect physical barriers to (re)entry at our borders. Does this putz have a sponsorship deal with Covid-19?
Capturing a Trump speech in all its calculated ugliness is not easy on a tight deadline. So when it’s done well, as in this punchy, well-framed story by ??@anniekarni?, it’s worth pointing out. https://t.co/NgRZeKKWMa
— Mark Landler (@MarkLandler) July 4, 2020
The NYTimes — if not Chief Court Stenographer Haberman — has turned:
Standing in a packed amphitheater in front of Mount Rushmore for an Independence Day celebration, President Trump delivered a dark and divisive speech on Friday that cast his struggling effort to win a second term as a battle against a “new far-left fascism” seeking to wipe out the nation’s values and history.
With the coronavirus pandemic raging and his campaign faltering in the polls, his appearance amounted to a fiery reboot of his re-election effort, using the holiday and an official presidential address to mount a full-on culture war against a straw-man version of the left that he portrayed as inciting mayhem and moving the country toward totalitarianism…
The scene at Mount Rushmore was the latest sign of how Mr. Trump appears, by design or default, increasingly disconnected from the intense concern among Americans about the health crisis gripping the country. More than just a partisan rally, it underscored the extent to which Mr. Trump is appealing to a subset of Americans to carry him to a second term by changing the subject and appealing to fear and division…
Most politicians, including former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic nominee, this year were forgoing any of the traditional holiday parades and flag-waving appearances. The vast majority of fireworks displays in big cities and small rural towns have been canceled as new cases reported in the United States have increased by 90 percent in the past two weeks.
Mr. Trump’s itinerary Friday and Saturday, however, had a different message: The sparkly, booming show must go on at all costs in the service of the divisive message and powerful images he wants to promote…
Throughout his presidency, Mr. Trump has tried to bend events to his will, often using social media to drive home his alternate version of reality and, thanks to the power of repetition and the loyal support of his base, sometimes succeeding. But the president’s attempt to drive deeper into the culture wars around a national holiday, during an intensifying health crisis that will not yield to his tactics, risked coming across as out of sync with the concerned mood of the country at a moment when his re-election campaign is struggling and unfocused.
“I don’t think it will work, because what he is trying to do is pretend that the situation is better than it is,” Mr. Beschloss said.
Mr. Beschloss compared Mr. Trump to Woodrow Wilson, who presided over the influenza pandemic in 1918 by trying to pretend it was not happening, and to Herbert Hoover, who in 1932 tried to project that the Great Depression was not as bad as people were saying…
You'd think Russia was offering Trump bounties for killing American citizens or something.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) July 4, 2020
In case you were wondering, it took less than ten minutes for Trump to pivot from talking about the rights of Americans to bragging about jailing protestors.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) July 4, 2020
People this speech helped:
• Joe Biden
• Funeral DirectorsPeople this speech hurt:
• Donald Trump
• ER Doctors— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) July 4, 2020
The most widely-read report on the President's speech last night at Mount Rushmore will probably come from the AP, as news organizations big and small around carry their stories on the web.
The headline: "Trump pushes racial division, flouts virus rules at Mount Rushmore" pic.twitter.com/7YGP9guBpZ
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) July 4, 2020
it is possible that trump turns his campaign around with a demagogic “we must preserve our white heritage” message but i think it is more likely that voters punish him even further for abandoning the country to plague and economic distress. https://t.co/cXKe8RFpCD
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) July 4, 2020
I liked it better when The Twilight Zone was just a television show.
This is for the FrontPagers.
I think for AL.
Someone out there in YouTube land did a COVID-19 based spoof of an OutKast song.
It’s hilarious ??
Cause, it’s true
@Connor: Same here.
“risked”? It was an all-around air-horn message of “I dont give a dirty shit about ~54% of the country, and Barr would arrest them if he could”. The country is completely fucked, Trump spews the basic tenants of Cleeks Law at 140dB and the author uses “risked” in this context? Fuck your concern trolling you second-rate scribe.
Alison Rose
July 11 is my 40th birthday. What a shitty present.
Your only hope is that, having bent the curve down, maybe there won’t be much virus to infect? I think the best chance of avoiding a major resurgence of the virus would be for Massachusetts to stop people at the southern border of Massachusetts on their way to the rally, preventing a superspreader event before the southern bozos have a chance to infect everyone.
The Dolt 45 campaign, in a nutshell: Dread and circuses.
Perfect metaphor for the Trump campaign. Near our house is a large former rock quarry that is being redeveloped into some sort of urban village. Mostly they just have the street and utilities in. It is also where teenagers around here have traditionally gone to shoot of fireworks.
Last night a bunch of MAGA kids with a monster truck with TRUMP 2020 in giant letters on the side and multiple American Flags was parked next to a big dumpster. Kids set the dumpster on fire but there must have been highly flammable construction waste in it because the flames quickly shot out maybe 30 ft high and burning cardboard flew out, landed in the truck, caught the truck’s flags on fire and quickly set the entire truck bed on fire which was covered in fireworks and fireworks debris (all the packaging). So my daughter caught a perfect image of a burning Trump 2020 truck next to a raging dumpster fire.
This is WA so blue state but kind of a purple suburb with lots of MAGA teens mixed inbetween the woke ones.
Unlike the new far-left fascists who would like to ::checks notes:: stop abuse of power by the police.
Object to the re-election of your GOP Senator.
From the release quoted by kilgore trout:
Sounds like the first time wasn’t that great a job, if it needs to be redone before his term is even over. BTW that’s Trump’s press secretary (!), so either he’s being uncharacteristically honest for this administration, or he’s incompetent.
MoCA Ace
You, sir, owe sincere apology to second rate scribes everywhere!
MoCA Ace
Saw on the intertubes…
“Gonna ask my mom if that offer to slap me into next year is still on the table”
Comparatively little polishing of Trump’s turds by typical NYT standards.
We knew he would get worse and double down on the hate rhetoric once the election drew closer. But at this point I’m more interested in who skips and who attends these plague parties. Which local pols decide they can’t afford to show up and which decide they can’t afford not to. It’s the ‘can’t look away from the train wreck’ stage now.
MoCA Ace
@Kent: Get that picture to a front pager stat!
Mike in NC
Why is Fat Bastard holding a hate rally in Portsmouth, NH? I used to drill at the base and it always seemed like a charming coastal New England town. But I’m sure many MAGAts will drive for several hours to listen to him croak out his patented bullshit.
@MoCA Ace: Haha, what’s the context?
So I have a cousin who is quite an amazing prankster who lives in Portsmouth. I will check in and see if he has any ideas.
@Ken: Soooooo he rebuilt the nation (with unpaid Polish laborers), then destroyed it, so he has to rebuild it again (with unpaid Polish laborers)?
I’m so confused.
I believe the person in question assumes we will have a new President next year. H’ronmeer let it be so.
If he’s like this now, what will he be like in September?
I hope to hell the chain of command has had some adjustments lest he order a nuclear strike on someplace/somebody, just because he….just because.
@Suzanne: A really hilarious prank would be to persuade the governor to issue a mandatory statewide mask order.
MoCA Ace
@mrmoshpotato: Facebook retweet from a kindred spirit who has had enough of 2020 already. My wife read it to me and we had a good laugh.
@MoCA Ace: Nevermind. My brain skipped the “into.”
@Danielx: I assume by now the “football” has been replaced with an electronic mockup that flashes impressively and doesn’t do anything.
(And yes, I know the football is actually a code book, but Trump surely doesn’t and expects beeping lights.)
@Kent: Can you share the picture?
Portsmouth? Portsmouth?!? He’s likely to have more protestors than attendees. Is nobody in that campaign even basically competent?
@MoCA Ace: my apologies! Needed something alliterative. “Third-rate trubadour”? “Sixth-rate scribbler”? “Bothsiderist bombaster”?
Could Washington professionals actually stage manage us out of this catastrophic Presidency*? Show him what he expects to see, give him meaningless sheets of paper to doodle what he tries to pass off as a signature, let adults do the real work?
The only problem is we’d have to convince Fox News to go along with this. “Today in Washington, Donald Trump was a very good bigly boy…”
*I know it’s kinda late for that
@Suzanne: Thank you for bringing us hope in these dark times.
Magic 8-Ball says “Not Likely”.
Gin & Tonic
Unfortunately, idiot superspreader events are fully non discriminatory. Can’t link from a phone, but look for a Twitter thread posted by one @sha__wn showing a photo from Fire Island Pines this weekend.
If you don’t know what FIP is, the tragic historical parallel will be lost on you.
History lessons can be colorful.
Off to bed but before I go, I’ve got to share the best thing I’ve seen today…LOL.
This is genius! Sometimes you have to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, and this video can help!
OUTKAST PARODY Hey-Ya “Ro-Na” (Coronavirus Edition) https://youtu.be/Bvp0K_-KvqY via @YouTube
@different-church-lady: I’m sure the groupies have already started the RV trek from North Dakota to New Hampshire, like in 2016 and 2018. Thing is, I doubt the campaign has factored in the increased attrition rate this time around.
Well, his campaign manager is apparently very competent at routing contributions into his own pocket. Does that count?
@rikyrah: I thought that was Outkast.
Consider the abstract idea of a competent person. Would this person willingly work for Donald Trump in 2020?
Maybe someone should suggest to Trump that he’d draw a more enthusiastic crowd by relocating from Portsmouth to Innsmouth.
I was waiting for that, night!
Alison Rose
Of course not, that’s a fireable offense! No one on the campaign can be more competent than Trump, which means no one on the campaign can be the least bit competent in any way, shape, or form. MUST NOT OUTSHINE THE MASTER.
randy khan
This is a paraphrase of something I posted at LGM, but one reason that Trump can’t pivot is that he craves the adulation of the MAGA crowd. He throws them red meat because their cheers are like pure oxygen to him (or maybe pure oxycontin) and he lives for that.
@rikyrah: dang rikyrah beat me to it..LOL.
Still make it’s so good it needs to be shared twice…LOL
For those from not around here: Portsmouth is the most liberal part of New Hampshire.
@lamh36: You know that twitter conversation that you and I and about 50 other people were having about how great it would be to make a movie about the three women who played baseball in the Negro Leagues? I am in twitter jail because I mentioned the Museum in KC started by Buck O’Neil by name, at least I think the word “negro” in the name was the problem.
I’m protesting it but this might take a couple of weeks for them to come to their senses.
Live free and die, baby!
@dmsilev: Hmm. Bloated body, pallid flesh, folds of skin around the neck, shuffling gait, misshapen hands, family habit of marrying foreign women… You’ve raised a disturbingly plausible scenario.
(About the only mis-match is that the Deep Ones secretly work to destroy humanity.)
@dmsilev: Sounds fishy to me.
@dmsilev: Trump could even visit his squamous, batrachian relatives down in the deep waters…
@Ken: Look on the bright side. We therefore know it’s only a matter of time before his offspring likewise Change.
Ohio Mom
Whoa — wasn’t PsiFighter about to go on a little vacation to a cabin near Portsmouth?
Or maybe I remember incorrectly and it was someone else, but I swear I read that one of us was headed that way. (I have fond memories of my trip there twenty years ago and am always a little nostalgic and jealous when someone announces they are headed that way.)
I hope they’ll enjoy themselves and be long gone before these festivities start. More proof that Trump ruins everything.
Anne Laurie
Remember, the first time was Trump making up lies about everything being terrible before he was elected, and that the economy “took off like a rocket” after that. The most he accomplished in his entire tenure was managing (surprisingly) to not tank the economy until the pandemic hit.
@Kent: Please Please share that picture.
@Ken: Also, I imagine Trump would get along just fine with Lovecraft, who was racist as all hell, even by the standards of his time. I mean, there are letters that his acquaintances wrote him which boiled down to ‘maybe ease up just a tad on the racism, ok?’. Trump would sense a kindred spirit.
@opiejeanne: sigh..twitter’s rules are so stupid sometimes. like you an’t say “Negro” now?
SMH…so stupid
I suspect the reason he’s lived on land all these years is that he was an embarrassment even to them and they kicked him out.
@Redshift: Trump had some memorable times when he’d point to the stock market, squawk about how wonderful everything was – and the poor thing would drop like a bird hit by both barrels. And that was before his latest wife Covidia moved in.
Today’s final COVID news from ur friendly neighborhood BJ Microbiologist, just wanted to say that more of our new positive cases of COVID are in young people. We’re talking 25-35 yrs old…not older people like before. The young people are mainly the ones chomping at bits about the stay at home orders. The seniors are mostly masked-up. The young ones are not and the newer infections spikes are reflecting that a bit.
Alright. Good night BJ!
Ohio Mom
I’ve long been under the impression that Portsmouth was the *only* liberal part of New Hampshire.
Maybe you can answer this question of mine: How is it that Vermont is so liberal and New Hampshire so right-wing?
I mean, you expect say, Texas to be different than Minnesota: their histories, geographies, climates, industries are all very different. But New Hampshire and Vermont are neighbors. Why are they so different?
@lamh36: I think someone complained. Someone who has never heard of that museum or maybe thinks that museum has a different name and that I used the word because I’m racist.
Anne Laurie
It’s now a ‘hip’, thriving bright-blue oasis in a (still) red state surrounded by blue states. The campaign is aiming for maximum publicity, with shots of pink-haired young punks in full anarchist cosplay yelling rude words at the elderly Trump cultists in flag gear.
Also, notice the rally is being held *at* the airport — the Oval Office Squatter can be flown in after his morning golf game, and flown out in time to sleep in his own bed, before another golf game on Sunday. Lazy bastid.
I suspect the NH business owners, howsoever Trumpist they might be, are less than pleased with this rally. They’ve been doing (comparative) bank across the southern half of the state, taking full advantage of advertising C’MON MASSHOLES, WE’RE OPEN EVEN IF YOUR LOCAL TAVERN IS NOT. Any suspicion of a spike in coronavirus cases will shut down that ‘lifeline’ more effectively than any mere gubmint office holder could do.
Aziz, light!
Hey Kent, today I watched four MAGA bros get out of a pickup at the Silver Star Mountain trailhead, the truck sporting two large flags mounted in the stake pockets in the bed (the flags tattered by highway speeds). Then I passed three more such trucks on my way back across Clark County. Have not yet seen these over here in Portland. Must be a southwest Washington thing.
Context is for suckers. The algorithm says Twitter jail, so cuff’em and stuff’em.
To be fair to NH, they haven’t voted for a Republican President since 2000 and have a completely Democratic Congressional delegation.
@Ohio Mom: have you ever looked at the difference between Chicago and practically everybody we’re surrounded by. Sheesh, IN couldn’t be more backwards and racist, and parts of Wisconsin are the same. I’m super scared what is going to happen here in the city with all the folks (who sear they would never live here) come to spread their germs acquired in their very open hometowns.
Mike in NC
@Danielx: He’s never forgiven Denmark for not selling Greenland. Prime candidate.
He, very plausibly of course, started making this claim before he had done a single goddamn thing. The really frightening part is that some people bought this.
Mike in NC
@dmsilev: At this point Brad Parscale and his wife must own more cars than Jay Leno has in his collection. You’d think someone might notice the conspicuous consumption.
@Ohio Mom
A part of it stems from New Hampshire being attached at the hip to the legacy of Puritan New England, while Vermont was initially settled (by non-Native Americans) as part of New France.
Also too, a streak of independence as Vermont stood as the independent Vermont Republic (from 1777 to 1791) prior to joining the Union. The Congress under the Articles of Confederation formally recognized Vermont as a separate and sovereign state.
Normally that would interfere horribly with operations. How lucky that air travel has been so sharply reduced.
@Alison Rose:
Day after is my 71st.
Have a happy B day. Such as it is and as you can.
Will attendees have to pass through TSA station procedures?
Gonna be tough on the concealed carriers.
Mary G
@Punchy: I’ll see your second-rate scribe, and raise you this guy:
He gets mugged and his glasses broken by one Republican thug who went on to win a House seat, and thinks they’re untouchable.
I’ll try to get my daughter to share it with me. It’s on her phone.
joel hanes
@Sellius, if you’re here, I’ve made a late reply to your comments in the stale “Virginnie” thread.
@Kropacetic: “H’ronmeer”? You just made an aging comic book artist realize a life goal he never knew he had, a creation mentioned on Balloon Juice in a totally obscure post
Anne Laurie
‘Competent’ seems to be one of the characteristics the Trump campaign is selecting *against*. Either because the deep grifters don’t want the competition, or due to Parkinson’s Second Law: The first-rate try to hire other first-rate employees. The second-rate try to hire third- or fourth-rate subordinates.
But I have to assume this particular choice is meant to Tweak the Libs — ‘brave Sir Donald, flying onto enemy turf’ — and garner footage of Vile Rioters Threatening Decent MAGA Heartlanders.
Which I don’t think a less desperate / stupid campaign would be trying this early in the campaign, regardless… the ‘swing voters’ aren’t yet paying attention, and there are too damned many ways for a stunt like this to go horribly wrong to be worth the risk!
Alright BJ.
Good night! See ya on the flipside
??Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da…??
ETA: I always thought of King George in Hamilton being the embodiment of what most of the world thought when we elected Trump, especially at the end, essentially laughing at who the US decided to choose as President. I think President Biden May be our chance to stop the laughter ringing out round the world!
They are from places like Amboy, Battle Ground and Yacolt. Mostly not local Vancouver or Camas folks where I live. Clark County is nearly 500,000 population and the incorporated part of Vancouver and Camas is less than 1/2 of that. Beyond the city limits of Vancouver you get a lot of trailer trash and meth head and MAGA types. Vancouver itself is actually pretty blue and mostly Portland commuter types.
You get them in OR too. You just gotta drive up to places like Clatskanie, Estacada, Molalla, or Vernonia.
James E Powell
New Hampshire bears as much responsibility for Bush/Cheney as Florida but somehow avoids the opprobrium. Unless I’m around.
If it’s a code book we are probably a lot safer than we think. First, there’s reading. Second, he has to do exactly the procedure to get the proper response. The likelihood of that happening is rather slim. Third, someone on the other end has to receive the code and respond with a code and get an OK. shitforbrains frustration level will have been easily exceeded before that and then he’d have to start over. I’d imagine there’s a limit to how many times this would have to happen and shitforbrains would surpass that easily. So that means he’s not going to be able to function. Which may be an issue for some particular moment, but not most of his moments, we are for the majority of moments, better off when he can’t do anything. I mean, how shitty is he now and how would he be if he was anything near effective?
Anne Laurie
The AIDS crisis has been shadowing this pandemic since the first cries for the lockdown to end.
You’re just a fun-hating alarmist! All those nice party-goers can’t be infected, they’re all so clean & fit-looking!
Sometimes it feels like first-time-as-tragedy material…
Another Scott
@Badgetoon: Neato!
@Ohio Mom: Vermont has trees. New Hampshire has rocks.
Other than that, I got nothin’.
Just so I’m clear on this, are you referring to yourself?
You have Supergirl to thank for the exposure. Fantastic show. It also helped me learn of something I never knew I wanted, a Martian Manhunter detective story. Just my luck that such a story was published, brand new, mere weeks before I decided this.
This is absolutely hilarious!
Thanks so much. Really needed this today.
Mike in NC
@Ohio Mom: Not really so different. NH has more glibertarians than hardcore dittoheads. My parents retired to Nashua from Boston to save some money. I visited often and never saw (at least the southern part of) NH as particularly wingnut.
Alison Rose
@Ruckus: I wouldn’t be doing anything special even if times were normal, because I’m not able to do…..like, anything. But I would have at least spent some time at my parents’ place, and I can’t do that, and it sucks. I just want to hug my mom. That’s like the only thing I want right now. Sigh.
But I’m just going to read and play Animal Crossing and try to avoid any news. Hope you’re able to find some ways to make it a decent day, too.
@Kropacetic: Yeah I figured as much, but I drew his first appearance in the Manhunter Mini-series back in the 90s and gave J’onn
the gumby form for the first time
Just popping in to say how much I appreciate the title of this post, AL.
Also, with regard to Trump campaign spending/Brad Parscale–driving from Galveston to Houston today, saw one of those programmable billboards with an approximately 10 second spot: TRUMP 2020! Why would any sane campaign spend money here, and for something that would have no influence whatsoever? Or does it mean (I hope, I hope, I hope) that they are actually worried about Trump carrying Texas?
Mike in NC
Watching “Welcome to Chechnya” on Netflix. About the harassment and persecution of LGBT people in that Russian territory, run by yet another Putin stooge. Mike Pence would love it.
Doug R
@Kent: Almost exactly halfway in Napavine, you’ve got the Uncle Sam billboard, always good to keep you awake with rage. Figures it’d be in the last section to get 3 lanes.
@Anne Laurie:
Maybe the Trump campaign is just trying to find a safe space for obese racists that won’t be overrun by the cute 13 year old K-pop hordes?
Something’s up. Site is suddenly r-e-a-l-l-y p—o—k—e—y.
@Aziz, light!:
I don’t see many showy MAGAs, they are there but mostly out of sight. I got some neighbors who are maga people.. two of them put their 2020 flags out.
Waiting to see how long they are going to keep it out there as the death toll start mounting and he does nothing.
ETA: OMG! It’s the 100th comment! HUNDRED!!! Margaritas, HERE I COME!!!!
ETAG – Also gonna light some incense and wave around my Tunch shrine.
@texasdoc: The Trump campaign are running ads in Texas because Trump can’t understand what a colossal waste of time and money it is for him to do this. It’s all about stroking Jabber the Nut’s narcissistic ego.
@Badgetoon: Well, good. I’m glad you reached this heretofore unknown life goal. This put a big smile on my face too.
I recall the gumby form from Justice League. Also a good show, but a little light on character development. Now I’m curious about these stories from the 90s. Before I got into comic books, but everything on Amazon was relatively new.
Anne Laurie
Short answer: Sorting. You know how the oil & vinegar in your salad dressing will separate out, given time? Vermont, by and large, is a ‘self reliant’ state; they chose legislators who would vote to protect the established industries (dairy, ‘outdoorsy’ tourism), which means keeping out big chains & daytrippers. New Hampshire, on the other hand, is heavily reliant on income from Massachusetts & other states further south. A good chunk of its voting base are people who commute to the Boston area for work, or who support those commuters. Its main industry is tourism, but NH has chosen to encourage ‘consumptive’ tourists — cities based around giant outlet malls, vacation RV courts, guns-smokes-booze tax-exemption buyers.
Vermont isn’t actually that ‘liberal’, outside of the college towns. But most Vermonters (cf, Jeff Danziger’s VT cartoons) actually want to be left alone to make their own way, within a community of people they know. Granite Staters know they’re deeply dependent on those terrible terrible lie-bral ‘outsiders’ from other states — hell, a lot of the mouthiest NH voters have deliberately fled places they consider ‘too liberal’ — so they’re as resentful as a bunch of surly teenagers who demand their horrible parents should just LEAVE THEM ALONE, but only after dropping them at the mall, and also they need an advance on this week’s allowance…
@Alison Rose:
Yes, sadly enough…
40th – nice. And here I thought it was an all 50+ crowd and the American Baka. j/k
If this goes through, where will Mark Sanford hike?
My guess? A MAGA-type reported you for trolling purposes. I always assume bad faith; saves me a lot of time.
@Alison Rose:
Family is gone, I was the youngest. And I’ve had what seems like a lot of birthdays. 50 was a good one, half a century, damn. Since hitting 65 I’ve been a real regular at the neurology dept but about 4 months ago the head doc told me that they’ve tried every med in their arsenal and I can’t take any of them so I get to just live with all my crap. And believe me everybody I know, my age or older has issues. Even mom, who lived to the day before her 95th B day. Getting old would suck, if the alternative wasn’t worse. I mask up and stay inside except for work and grocery shopping. Plan on retiring in about 7 months or so, and I’d like to hit 100, just to see what that’s like. OK I don’t want to hit 100, I want to sail smoothly by it. Good to have goals.
Enjoy 40, it’s a great age. And yes life right now sorta, does suck, but if you take care of yourself we can get through this. Besides you and I have to wish each other Happy B day for another 29 years….
Looks like all these pipeline people have grown bold in trying to build pipelines everywhere. We should destroy them and hear the lamentation of their accountants as they crawl before us.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Mary G:
He also completely ignores that Columbus was a piece of shit
I loved my 40s. I’m now hitting my 50s. Damn arthritis.
Anne Laurie
@NotMax: To tell the truth, Massachusetts is a much more divided state than our national status indicates.
A not insignificant part of the Vermont/New Hampshire divide, these days, is that Vermont is economically tied to the neglected low-income western side of the Bay State. They both draw some tourist ‘benefit’ from upper-income NYC folk coming up for concerts in the summer & skiing in the winter, but every Clark Institute or Lake Champlain Aquarium is surrounded by miles of struggling former industrial towns that look depressingly like those in the Rust Belt (only smaller). And those towns aren’t necessarily as ‘blue’ as you might expect — but their votes are outweighed by those of us in the actual Bay area.
New Hampshire, which drew the ‘lucky’ wide side of the parallelogram when the mapmakers split it into two triangles, feeds off the wealthy eastern half of Massachusetts (& points south). So they’re much more prosperous… but also more resentful of the ‘outstaters’ they depend upon.
joel hanes
Martian Manhunter
Holy shit. I had forgotten all about the Martian Manhunter.
Time to dive down a google rabbit hole …
@Kropacetic: Up his pants?
James E Powell
Yesterday I saw a guy in the grocery store with a Trump 2020 Fuck Your Feelings t-shirt, with a piece of tape over the word Fuck. This was an adult, at least 50 years old.
What kind of a person wears something like that?
@joel hanes: Hey! Don’t forget the pro who’s classy-ing up the joint!
Anne Laurie
@Alison Rose: Happy birthday, in advance!
I’m (a few months shy of) 25 years ahead of you. On my 40th birthday, home computers were still a luxury item, the ‘internet’ as we know it barely existed, and social media was paper pamphlets mailed to a central ‘editor’ for collation & redistribution, once every couple of months. And those of us who even had cell phones certainly didn’t have built-in cameras, or nationwide texting capabilities, much less access to just about every form of information / entertainment ever invented…
So: Just imagine how wonderful & currently almost unimaginable the birthday messages you’ll get from your friends in 2045 will be!
I believe he outsourced that job
The answer to your question is, itself, contained within the question.
@Anne Laurie
I hesitate to apply the term libertarian to the perceived traditional political bone and sinew of Vermont as a way to differentiate it from New Hampshire so shall instead go with ornerier.
@Morzer: I saw a poll last week that had Biden +1 over der Trumpenführer in Texas. Well within the poll’s margin of error, but with Abbott having fucked up the Covid-19 response as thoroughly as the fellow to whose ass Abbott has surgically attached his lips, Biden has a realistic shot to carry the state.
Anne Laurie
@NotMax: Vermonters, on average, have less money than Granite Staters. They can’t afford the luxury of taking a day off to drive across state lines to wave expensive non-hunting weaponry and show off their MAGA swag.
A mostly unexamined (as of yet) subtext behind the current MAGA rallies is how much they rely on people with spare cash to burn. They’re retirees, or Poujadists who rely on their employees for the day-to-day labor of keeping their franchises and car dealerships and real estate firms running, or folks living on disability or their relatives. It’s not cheap, being a public Trumphead — even the nonofficial swag is comparatively pricey, from what I’ve seen!
@opiejeanne: Reminds me of someone a while back who used “niggardly” and had to issue an apology, even though the word is derived from Scandinavian and has nothing to do with the n-word.
David Evans
@Brian: This kind of thing infuriates me. How long before Tolkien’s “Leaf by Niggle” is off the shelves?
@Doug R: That billboard is in Centralia.
@hervevillechaizelounge: My husband thinks the same, that it was a MAGAt.
@Brian: Yes. That was ridiculous.
@David Evans: Isn’t it usually part of a collection of Tolkien stories and not a stand-alone book?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Anne Laurie: The western part of the state is super blue. Dump got an anemic 26% of the vote in Franklin county, a pathetic 25% of the vote in Hampshire county, 25% of the vote in Berkshire county, and an embarrassing 38% of the vote in Hampden county.
@Aziz, light!:
One of the local bro-dozers that I see usually has an American flag and a traitor flag in the bed.
Last time I saw it they had changed out the traitor flag for a Gadsden flag. If they are feeling a bit of shame it’s a start.