Doug Jones won a tough race in an extremely red state and he’s been a very solid Democratic Senator. “No” on Kavanaugh. “Yes” to remove Trump. He’s facing a tough race this fall and he needs all the help he can. He’s earned our support and then some. Let’s give his campaign some money.
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Done, although it’s not showing up on the thermometer.
Speaking of Kavanaugh, turns out – who coulda known – that the attempted rapist was the deciding vote in the Supreme Court’s decision to allow employers to deny birth control coverage to their workers whensoever they wish. So far the news reports have neglected to mention that fact.
He wasn’t. It was a 7-2 decision.
So “conservative” employers get special rules regarding preventative care and, therefore, get to control their employees’ choices and introduce extra risk and cost into the broader healthcare system?
Mary G
This would be a good place to start a single payer plan. Then expand it.
Thank you for this one. I will contribute when I get home from work as I don’t really want my Act Blue data to be on my work computer.
Cool beans! I love that decision! Now when can I start not paying for Federally-mandated things I don’t agree with or find morally objectionable?
@Baud: No, Kagan and Breyer did not agree that the lower court was obligated to bend to Kavanaugh’s will. They said Trump had a right to create exemptions but that the lower court should investigate whether Trump’s decision to create this exemption was arbitrary and capricious. The 5-4 conservatives took the position that the case was over and the Christianists had won the right to impose their will on everyone else fair and square.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Would the national political environment help Jones win this November? Especially if Biden’s election is *knock on wood* a landslide?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The black vote is really what pushed Jones over the top last time. He also had a toxic opponent that even turned off some white people. Jones won’t be this lucky this time but he not only did he win Senator he did win state office in Alabama as a Democrat. Granted this was before Trump craziness. I still think his odds are better against Tuberville over the KKKebler Elf (who will be 85 when he takes office I do believe) but whoever it is it will be a fight. But we won;t know for sure until we know who his opponent is.
Done, just to have his back as a decent Senator from a difficult place to stay in office and be decent.
Hoping Trump is so toxic by the end of October that every Dem everywhere, no matter how red, has at least a shot.
Agree that it’s better to face Tuberville, if for no other reason to have Jones’ opponent starting with a strike against him in the eyes of Crimson Tide fans, who I’m told are numerous in Alabama.
Off by a decade, I’m afraid. Jefferson Beauregard was born December 24, 1946.
@SiubhanDuinne: Mea culpa. I thought I saw something somewhere that he was 84. Still 75 is pretty old with him probably not being the healthiest elf.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@SiubhanDuinne: You have to give it some time (less than an hour, I think, but more than 5 minutes) and remember to refresh the page so the thermometer will reload. At leat that was my experience yesterday when I donated.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
I kicked in $100. Thanks for putting this up, Doug. I agree it will take a Blue Tsunami to reelect Jones, but he has been a good D senator. I like the way he is not cowering and trying to pretend he is not a D (as the Blue Dog reps used to do. Maybe he noticed it didn’t work.) I saw him on MSNBC last night and he was talking about mask education, so he’s trying to keep his citizens safe.
fox tells me collins wont say if she is voting for trump and that she will not campaign against biden. Those internal polls must be BRUTAL
I’m sure her brow is only slightly furrowed.
Uncle Cosmo
Hello, Joe-Be-Won Chinese Restaurant? I’d like to order a General Tsu Nami with fried rice and blue sauce. Enough for, oh, 330 million? Can I pick that up in November, or do you deliver?
Cheryl Rofer
Scorched earth.
Got it! Thanks for the opportunity–I like his style.
Another Scott
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Yeah, they’re slow at updating the thermometer. I’m pretty sure it’s intentional – I know I gave multiple times long ago because I wanted to see the thermometer move RIGHT NOW!!1
The e-mail confirmation eventually comes, also too.
@Cheryl Rofer: This is definitely the time for scorched earth. If not now, then when? Great ad!
Another Scott
@mvr: Agreed. He’s a good man with a great history and we need to fight to keep people like him in office.
People need to remember that most of the polling said that Moore was going to win against him.
We’ve got to fight for the future we want to see. It’s not just going to be handed to us.
I chipped in my $10. It is not much, but I’m out of work and not seeing my business (TV Broadcast Sports Audio) opening up anytime soon.
I am glad to chip in now and again, I hope he can win.
Excellent. At this late date, she’ll not convince anyone that she’s really a moderate, and she stands a good chance of getting the RWNJ angry at her – especially if Trump hears about this. And it was on Fox, you say….
I pretty sure no one except maybe Alito thinks the case is over.
Miss Bianca
@Cheryl Rofer: Wow. This is more than I expected from those guys.
What is that, FurrowCon 3 for Susan? Pity.
OK, done. For the longest time I had forgotten my Act Blue password but I eventually got a new one.
Thanks everybody.
I’m not sure what the definition of “solid Democratic Senator” is. If it is the best we can hope for in Alabama, then maybe, yes, he’s been solid. But according to Progressive Punch, Jones has voted with Democrats less than 50% of the time on “critical issues” and barely 50% of the time on all issues. Only Sinema and Manchin (in 2019-20) have a worse voting record among Democrats.
The term DINO is thrown around, but Jones really does qualify.
I doubt we can do better in Alabama, but it’s difficult to imagine doing worse than Sinema in Arizona in the current climate. She should definitely be primaried next time.