From ‘mostly-lurker’ Gary in CHI:
Fluff has had a rather too-interesting life in recent years. She started life as a feral (her tipped left ear is her badge of honor), and was adopted as a kitten by Terry, John, and Bob. She made herself at home in their Chicago two-flat, along with a number of other kitties, including her brother, Tommy. A few years ago, one of her dads, John, died suddenly, and Terry died in January 2020, leaving Bob and the kitties.
The problem is that Bob’s primary residence is in Texas, and he isn’t able to spend as much time in Chicago as he would like, especially since he has two dogs in Texas (lovely Brittany spaniels that even a kitty might like). Bob has succeeded in adopting out some of Fluff’s compatriots; the only kitties left are Tommy and Fluff. He needs to find homes for them, as the current situation, with Bob gone so much of the time and cat-sitters coming in briefly every day, isn’t sustainable.
Tommy has always been very cautious around people, spending much of his time hiding; he never really has lost his feral-ness in that way. Fluff used to be standoffish, too, but since Terry passed away and Bob isn’t around much, she has become very affectionate with him. She craves attention, loves being petted, and is always near Bob when he’s on the sofa or loveseat. She often falls asleep on the top of the sofa, right behind Bob.
Bob isn’t aware of much of Fluff’s medical history, although he knows she did get neutered and had a rabies shot as a kitten.
As you can see, Fluff is a very pretty girl indeed. She would never reveal her age, though humans estimate it at somewhere around 10 (she looks very youthful, no?) She is a sweet girl who co-existed very well with multiple other cats for many years, although that, of course, is no guarantee of what might happen in a new household. She has had no exposure to children or dogs.
If anyone in or near Chicago is interested…
I’m not in the Chicagon area (I’m in Cambridge, MA) but if no one else can take her, we’ll make room for Fluffy. I’m a sucker for a tortie, even a dilute one, and she’s the same age as my other two cats.
What a floof! Fluff is indeed an elegant one.
I have a college friend in the Chicago suburbs who has other cats. I’ll check in later tonight and if no juicer has expressed interest, i can reach out to her …
Fluff and Tommy together? Or just one of them? and kinda-where in Chicago? (I realize you may not want to provide full info there.)
Gah! I wish I could, shes roughly same age as Gordita. Unfortunately things are so up in the air right now, I dont want to do that to her.
Shes gorgeous, someone will love her.
A green-eyed torbie floof? That’s one-half tortie, so someone is getting half of that ‘tude.
What a gorgeous cat! Seniors are so easy. Because they have all that experience :)
Gary in Chicago
@narya: If you would like both together, that would be wonderful. Tommy is a bit more of a recluse and hasn’t really shed the feral like Fluff has. Fluff and my wife and I live in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago, for reference.
la caterina
If Fluff goes to Cambridge, I’ll take the NYC-Cambridge leg of the drive!
Will help with transportation.
What a beauty :)
Forwarding to a fellow NE IlliMoissan who just lost a kitty. It may be too soon, but can’t hurt to ask.
@narya: Rogers Park is on the far north side of Chicago btw.
What a beauty…someone is going to be a very lucky ducky…
Count me in for any contributions needed, for transport and something I’m thinking would be useful: it sounds as though there’s an attention dearth, especially for Fluff, so if there’s some way to help arrange/pay for some extra cat-sitting and general attention, I’m for it.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
Fluff is gorgeous and I am thrilled to see the interest in her (although normal BJ) but I’m thinking that Tommy needs to be part of the adoption too. As a semi-feral, all his emotional eggs are very likely in Fluff’s basket, and I would feel so sorry for him if he was to lose his last familiar companion.
As for Fluff becoming far more friendly, I’ve seen that before! It’s like their bluff has been called and turns out they really do want pets. Last time with me was when I went on a 3 week trip and my beautiful tabby who had always been a dance away flirt with my husband (and extremely loving with me) took about a week to experience terrible pets deprivation and started to seduce my husband. Now they are great friends.
@Gary in Chicago:
Yeah, I also live in the People’s Republic of RP . . . :-)
I’ve been contemplating a new companion for almost 4 years, and think that maybe a pair would be nice, but I just cannot seem to commit. And, of course, with the kitchen reno either planned or in progress for months now, that is NOT the time to bring pets into a home.
Yet, renov may not start for months. And you are going to have to live somewhere during it. They can live with you. Even if it is just one room.
How often do you get a chance at such a gorgeous pair? So conveniently located.
That said, of course, I’m in for transport.
@MazeDancer: Reno is actually nearly done! waiting for tile/storm door delivery, and final touchups after that, plus some drawer handles. Which is why I”m even thinking about it at all.
Gary in Chicago
@narya: A little while longer won’t be devastating to either Fluff or Tommy, I don’t think. They’ve had cat sitters come in daily (when Bob isn’t in Chicago) to feed and do litter and pay attention to them. Keep thinking about them.
@narya: Ooh. Gary says the fab twosome might wait for you.
Auntie Anne
I’ve reached out to a friend in one of the collar counties.
I have reached out to a north-side friend.
Gary in Chicago
@Kristine: Not nagging, but any word?
Gary in Chicago
@Auntie Anne: Has there been any response from your friend?
Gary in Chicago
@JohnC: Again, any interest from your friend?