Sorry I’ve been slacking on fundraising! I had to give a talk last week and I’ still recovering.
I wanted to continue fundraising for races in Georgia. The two big ones that already have nominees are one of the Senate races (the other is still awaiting a run-off) and GA-7.
Give here to Jon Ossoff for Senate. I realize he lost that high-profile special election before but he’s a good candidate. And if it’s going to be a rout in November — which is not unlikely — this is seat we might win.
It’s looking more and more like Dems might expand their majority in the House. One of their top targets is GA-7 where Carolyn Bourdeaux barely lost last time and is now running for an open seat. Let’s raise some more money for her.
I’ll do the other Georgia Senate seat after the run-off so I can talk at least a little about the candidate.
Will drop him some coins.
How come we haven’t had pictures of that cute son of yours?
This should be put up on billboards all across America:
@rikyrah: Dark. But funny!
Catherine D.
@rikyrah: I’d wear that t-shirt!
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: Very good point. Where’s Benny?
OMG, that cover art! I had that book as a little girl. One of Carolyn Heywood’s “Betsy” books — I want to say “Back to School With Betsy,” but might we misremembering the title. What a hoot to see that illustration in this context!
We have a winnah!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
“If it’s going to be a rout…”
I won’t believe Trump is out till he’s out, but the Senate looks better and better. They are actively making everything about 2020 worse. Making the pandemic worse, making the economy worse, making the attacks against our own citizenry worse. Not even bothering to put on nice faces this round, they’re all in full cartoon-villain mode.
I always hated that old fable about the scorpion riding on the back of the frog who stings the frog and dooms them both. But with both Trump and the GOP Senate I’m seeing it play out live: “We can’t help it, it’s our nature”.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: One bright spot is that it’s entirely possible the Senate “relief” bill won’t even pass, because there are factions that think it’s too generous.
David Fud
You shouldn’t wait on the other Senate candidate because it is a jungle primary. Whoever gets above 50% wins and there are two Republicans beating each other to death in that race. The highly endorsed candidate is Warnock, the senior minister of Ebenezer Baptist, MLK’s old church. It would not be a bad investment whether he gets 50% or not this time. Top two will run off a short time later, regardless of party. The better shot is to get him through the first time so the Republicans cannot consolidate.
Miss Bianca
@rikyrah: Damn. That’s harsh.
@SiubhanDuinne: I know, I remember those books too!
O/T The fatal shark attack yesterday was confirmed to be a Great White. Wow. We kayak in that area all the time. Now I’m wondering if the yuuuge baskin shark we saw last year was really a baskin. I mean we didn’t see below the fin.
@David Fud: Right and the first round is at the November election.
@MomSense: Yikes!
Anonymous At Work
Anyone want to comment on the “accidental” anti-Semitism that Perdue got caught in his ads?
Anonymous At Work
@WaterGirl: Eh, don’t swim in those waters alone, avoid dawn/dusk, no open cuts or flashy metal items and that’s about 90% protection. It was Maine’s first confirmed shark attack fatality, going back almost 200 years.
Another Scott
@Ken: Moscow Lindsey says that it won’t get half of the GOP caucus in the Senate. Moscow Mitch is already saying he wants the FBI headquarters rehab money out.
The GOP Senate is all a bunch of clowns. Dangerous clowns, but clowns none the less. They should admit they don’t know what they’re doing and just pass the House’s HEROES Act by acclimation and leave town. Let Donnie veto it if he dares.
Like Boehner and Ryan refused to do to regain control of their party, Mitch could just freeze out the crazy-as fuck segment of his party and work with the Democrats to get something done.
Boehner and Ryan refused to go to Democrats to pass anything, unless they were up against a deadline to get a budget passed.
@Gin & Tonic:
With the Jets.
Mike in NC
@MomSense: My dad had any Army buddy from WW2 who lived on Bailey Island. A lobsterman. We visited a few times for clambakes when I was a kid.
@Anonymous At Work:
The lobstermen have been saying for a few years now that they are seeing more sharks and great white sharks. The seal population has been growing and apparently the sharks are having to go further north to find enough fish.
Reid and Popham beaches are not allowing people to go in the ocean deeper than waist height.
@Mike in NC:
It’s really pretty out there.
Surprised how little attention is being paid to WA-3rd, which is the last district on the Pacific Coast (outside Alaska) that is still in GOP hands. Jaime Herrera Beutler is vulnerable. The mail-in jungle primary is happening right now. I just voted. I’m guessing that Carolyn Long will be the Dem candidate this fall. But there has very little local attention paid to this race so I expect it is entirely invisible on the national level. It is a +9 GOP district, but Herrera Beutler is a useless doormat back bencher.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Does Ruben know?
But I’ll bet they don’t have too many protestors. Why is the shark scarier than the virus?
@Omnes Omnibus: What’s the deal on this Wisconsin congress person getting beat up?
Not to mention Perdue trying to go all Protocols of the Elders of Zion on Ossoff in the commercial he had to take down.
I hate these people so much. I don’t know how I can remain living in this country with these people, even if it is all over in January. I’m never going to stop hating them now. I used to lie to myself and say I don’t really hate them and they don’t really mean all the disgusting shit they’ve said and done my entire adult life. Can’t do that any more since they are so loud and proud now.
I’d donate to this, but ended up giving to the DSCC the other day because the woman who called me was so sweet that I couldn’t say no. And I gave to Biden yesterday. So my donations for July have been tapped out. Catch me in August.
Anonymous At Work
@MomSense: Yeah, happening around Cape Cod and similar places. Return of seals led to return of sharks-that-eat-seals. Same in California. That’s a feature, though, not a bug.
@Miss Bianca: I loved the Betsy books and the Eddie books. And “Here’s a Penny.” Carolyn Heywood was the first real author I met in person. I was probably four or five-ish.
@Anonymous At Work:
I was really pleased that Jon Ossoff called him out immediately. He took none of that bullshit excuse Perdue’s people tried to.
@SiubhanDuinne: What, you didn’t find “Oops, ad agency must have used a bad filter” believable?
Just gave yesterday to both candidates, so I’m gonna have to pass today (either way, the candidate gets funded, we just don’t get the Jackal-credit).
A semi-related question, and also goes to one of the recent posts below: What election protection orgs might be good ones to donate to? In the past I’ve been a decent-level supporter of MN’s LVW, and I know they do good work.
But I’m thinking about strategies for funding folks on the ground in the states most likely to be messy, but also critical to Trump’s attempts to muck up the election. ACLU in FL, TX, etc? Or FairVote? Or… who?
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Is this something new or is it Tim Carpenter from a couple of weeks ago?
@Baud: When’s Trump going to announce his running mate?
After all, Pence was in charge of the failed covid response, right?
@Baud: Will he leave his basement to do it?
@Ken: If the RNC debacle is any guide, he’ll try to replace Dense around the first week of October.
ETA: ie. far too late to actually replace Dense.
Because you can see it coming.
@sdhays: We’ve gone from the old front-porch campaign to the rec-room campaign.
Thank you, DougJ, for featuring 2 good candidates in GA! SuibhanDuinne has mentioned Carolyn Bourdeaux here before – that’s a solid referral, in my book.
Basement bunk beds.
Plus, “Covidnado” is totally implausible.
Thanks! She’s a solid candidate.
@Baud: Tiny tiny sharks!
Thank you for mentioning WA-03! It’s good to know that, as a member of that district, you think the Republican incumbent is vulnerable.
Carolyn Long is running a 2nd time for this seat after coming close in 2018, so she’ll have name recognition in her district. She’s an EMILY’s List candidate, so she’s solidly pro-reproductive choice. And she was a Balloon Juice fundraising beneficiary in 2018, so I hope we can support her if she wins her primary in August.
Here’s her EMILY’s List summary:
@Baud: I dunno, have you seen the sneeze simulations? Those little bastards swirl everywhere.
Patricia Kayden
@gene108: no, they’ll keep to the Hastur Rule and not pass anything that doesn’t visit unspeakable on the popes and fire up the gibbering base.
@Anonymous At Work:
Just like Senator PittyPat of South Carolina ‘accidentally’
Gave Jaime Harrison the OJ treatment? (i.e., made him several shades DARKER)
Not even bright enough to just put Nancy Smash’s bill on the floor, tell those vulnerable GOP Senators to vote for it, and then claim BI-PARTISANSHIP.
@bjacques: Hastert rule, after the disgraced Republican House speaker (well, one of them).
Though the juxtaposition of Hastur with “unspeakable” and “gibbering” works well.
Thanks to your recommendation, I went and read up on her, and I’m now a big booster!
Here’s her EMILY’s List page:
Ballotpedia is a helpful info site as well, with links to candidates’ websites and social media accounts. It’s usually easiest to Google [candidate name] and “ballotpedia”, because the Ballotpedia search software wants EXACTLY the same spelling as what it uses, for all parts of the candidate’s name.
ETA: If Ballotpedia includes the candidate’s middle name, for instance, then by golly everyone else had better include it in their query, or get a “not found” message….
James E Powell
The virus doesn’t have the music.
@rikyrah: He’s not a legislator. He never has been. His entire tenure as both Minority and Majority Speaker has been to block any Democratic initiatives and advance whatever causes that will advance his power. That’s it. Judges are easy especially after he changed the rules mid-session to make filling them easier. But judges will ultimately protect him and his wife, if he gets enough in there. He can’t even just bring the House bill as is forward because it doesn’t meet his criteria for bills.
It was another of those trademarked GOP “apologies” in the passive-aggressive voice: Oops, a bad filter was used by the ad agency. Don’t know why that always irks me so, but irk me it does.
Patricia Kayden
@Patricia Kayden:
Someone needs to tell that sheriff not to bother to come into work tomorrow.
@Omnes Omnibus: Carpenter, I had missed it.
Anonymous At Work
@rikyrah: It was in quotes. Perdue can claim accident but…
@geg6: I’m planning on a long sojourn overseas (at whatever country will admit Americans) next January too. I need to get away from all these hateful people, because I’m feeling so much rage.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It was about as believable as Trump’s campaign not vetting that edited scene from Kingsmen 2 where Trump killed all of his opponents at some political gathering at a Trump property
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: You *met* her? Ooh! What were the circumstances? Heywood and Beverly Cleary were my “first chapter book” author/heroines!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Isn’t that (telling the public library not to bother calling 911) dereliction of duty, abuse of power, and violating the oath they took?
I mean, if all it took for the sheriff to get his panties in a bunch was this anodyne statement:
Then maybe he shouldn’t be sheriff
Oh wait, here’s his bullshit justification:
Fucking lies and half-truths, how typical. The police, including Trump’s little green men, have often instigated the violence and inflamed the situation by there mere presence. I wonder if Coverley would welcome DHS goons to beat the shit out of BLM protesters? Probably! How much you want to bet this clown is a “constitutional sheriff”?
@H.E.Wolf: To make a slight diversion, if Patty or Maria decide to call it quits, I am totally behind Representative Jayapal being our first woman of colour Senator from the state of Washington. She was a definite bright spot in the Barr hearing today.
Yes. I think Herrera is vulnerable. She’s a complete absentee legislator that does nothing in the district. No town halls or anything like that pre-Covid. Just conference calls with fundraisers. Carolyn Long isn’t my perfect candidate but she is good enough. Long-time local political science professor at WSU-Vancouver who commuted from Portland for years until finally moving to Vancouver in 2018 to run for Congress. Someone like a POC businesswoman with deeper roots in the district might have been a better candidate but alas, no such person emerged. The other Dem candidates were all worse. Mostly longtime local gadfly types.
WA-3rd is the Vancouver area (suburban Portland) which is fast growing and trending blue surrounded by a sea of backwoods lumber and mill towns that are deep red but not growing. Eventually demographic changes will make the district more suburban and blue. Although a lot of the people moving to the suburbs are also MAGA winger types who think they are escaping from the Socialist Republic of Oregon.
This place is like Texas. You keep thinking it will eventually have to turn blue but it keeps disappointing. This might be the year.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Group of “protestors” beat him up. Same group who took down the Forward and Heig statues.
@Patricia Kayden: One of things that surprised me living outside the US is how much fewer elections other democracies have. I know the “dog catcher” position is somewhat apocryphal (or at least outdated), but it’s a good example of how insane our system is. Why would anyone ever consider having the position of “dog catcher” be an elected position?
Similarly, why would you have a county sheriff be an elected position? Those people work for the county, and it should be the responsibility of the county’s elected government to fill that position with a non-jackass. There are soooo many local elections that it contributes to people ignoring local elections all together – it’s just too complicated.
Patricia Kayden
@MomSense: The sharks moving north along the Atlantic coast is just another predictable result of global climate change. Same thing with the lobster fisheries and fishing. As the ocean warms up all the species that can are moving north in hopes of finding water temperatures that are hospitable. The sad thing is in another decade or two or three all of these critters will run out of room.
@David Fud: Yep. I think the fear atm is that the two Rs (Loeffler & Collins) will take the one & two spots and lock out the Ds since their are 3 D candidates. The most recent polling had Warnock in 3rd place after the Rs. I always loathed & despised Joe Lieberman and apparently the 2nd place D candidate is his son. Anyways, I’ve thrown some cash at pretty much all the even slightly competitive US Senate races but am staying away from this contest until after Nov. 3rd. If a D makes it through I will send them some money then.
There go two miscreants
Done and done.
Little late to this thread, but is there a way to find ActBlue fundraisers for the newly competitive / most needy Senate races?
If DougJ wanted to put one together I’d gladly chip in…