The family is holding a private service. Please respect their privacy in this difficult time.
— Jason Kander (@JasonKander) August 3, 2020
What’s he gonna do at Gettysburg, mourn the loss?
— Tentin Quarantino (@agraybee) August 4, 2020
When you dither too long for Plan B to be effective…
… Despite the surging coronavirus pandemic, which forced Mr. Trump to cancel the convention in Jacksonville, Fla., after moving it from its original location in Charlotte, N.C., he and his advisers are counting on some form of the spectacle to serve as a boost to the flagging incumbent as he heads into the final stretch of the campaign.
Mr. Trump has said he plans to travel to Charlotte to thank delegates who are still planning to gather there for meetings and the official roll call, despite the state’s social distancing requirements…
In meetings at the White House, Trump advisers have also discussed the possibility of returning to Mount Rushmore for an encore performance. And they have proposed to Mr. Trump other national monuments closer to the White House that could serve as outdoor vistas for his renomination speech on Aug. 27.
One such venue that drew Mr. Trump’s attention was Gettysburg, a wide-open national park with a built-in theme about a country divided against itself. The aides thought the setting would flatter Mr. Trump by allowing him to draw a comparison he loves: one between himself and Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Trump delivered a speech at Gettysburg during his campaign four years ago, calling it an “amazing place” and suggesting that the country was as divided as it had been during the Civil War. He also said that the election was rigged against him and that he planned to sue the women who had accused him of aggressive sexual advances (he never did).
A White House official said the president was leaning toward a series of speeches that could be held outdoors in different places, and a stage that would serve as the main hub of activity all week in Washington. It is also not yet clear if any of the ambitious plans will come to fruition for a convention set to start on Aug. 24…
So far, however, little except an overarching theme about the “forgotten men and women of America” has been finalized, and Mr. Trump has been characteristically indecisive about signing off on any plans. Tim Murtaugh, the campaign’s communications director, said the convention would still be “a celebration of the accomplishments of President Trump on behalf of all Americans.”…
The group involved in the convention planning from within the White House includes veterans of Mr. Trump’s 2016 election effort. Among them are Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, who is overseeing his entire re-election effort; Kellyanne Conway, the White House counselor and 2016 campaign manager; Hope Hicks, a senior adviser; and Stephen Miller, the chief speechwriter. Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, has also been deeply involved, along with Justin Clark, the deputy campaign manager; Jason Miller, the campaign strategist; and one of Mr. Trump’s go-to pinch-hitters, Tony Sayegh, a former top official in the Treasury Department who also helped the White House communications department navigate Mr. Trump’s impeachment.
As my old man used to say: Almost as much brainpower in that gang to fuel a lightbulb… just not a very bright one.
Unless the #OctoberSurprise is that Trump has discovered a way to bring the 150,000+ people who've died of coronavirus back from the dead, I really don't see it being a game-changer.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) August 2, 2020
And then there’s the TikTok issue, again…
I would say it is government extortion, with no legal basis.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) August 3, 2020
Slumlord explicitly refers to demanding ‘key money’ from a tenant before allowing them access to ‘his property’ (i.e., America’s share of the internet):
This is insane.
It also violates everything Republicans ever said they stood for.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) August 3, 2020
Yes, Chinese ownership raises particular concerns because of state/party influence over business conduct, and geopolitical rivalry. But if anyone thinks these broader issues begin and end with a company being Chinese or not, they're kidding themselves.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) August 4, 2020
If anyone deserves a cut of the sale for creating value, it's the TikTok teens that fucked with Trump's Tulsa rally.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) August 4, 2020
Cheryl Rofer
The convention is and will be a clusterf*** because his toadies always say “Yes, Mr. Trump” and follow his fantasies. Not clear they could do anything else, though
Speaking of TikTok, what is this “fee” that Trump is talking about? Is it in any way legit?
(Sounds like yet another quid pro quo.)
@Cheryl Rofer:
At Gettysburg, of all places. ?
@Cheryl Rofer:
The 2016 convention had low production value.
I expect this to be exponentially worse.
Happy 59th birthday to the last real President of the United States!
Karen S.
http://Donald Trump: US Treasury should get cut of TikTok deal
Nothing but a crook.
I took a look at NWS’s 30-day outlook: wetter and warmer than usual. Oh, boy!
That Kandor tweet is priceless. Spot on.
That’s going to make for an awkward family Thanksgiving.
Wow, you and Omnes yesterday, and Baud today!
@Karen S.:
Diaper Donald, the career criminal.
Cheryl Rofer
@debbie: It’s protection money, the only business model Trump understands
Should have been in downstairs thread, but –
Freedom to not wear a mask
Editor’s Note: The following is copied from a social media post made by Libby Jones in June and was submitted to the Ledger Dispatch by Kathony Jerauld of Amador City.
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe!
We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.
We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.
We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is fine and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.
Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.
Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.
Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do – and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.
Written by Libby Jones
Submitted by Kathony Jerauld
Betty Cracker
Speaking of train wrecks — that Axios interview! JFC.
Wow, this really is the birthday season around here. Happy day, Baud!
Next year will be even more awkward; I don’t think Leavenworth is too amenable to family celebrations. [I was considering ADX Florence, but I’m not sure Diaper Donald, the Murderer-in-Chief, could be convicted of mass murder/genocide in only one year’s time.]
Asked and answered, I would say.
I am vaguely hoping that Biden sets up a special Office of Trolling that regularly duplicates some Trump policy or proposal, then after the Republicans howl reminds them of the original. Maybe start by not sending any Cabinet nominations to the Senate, and just say that they’re “Temporary Acting with the Duties and Authority”.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Except that the target pays the money, and the Murderer-in-Chief still destroys their business.
I see the the rapidly sagging number of Trump supporters in the suburbs — and racist ring suburbs get neglected by our corporate media since it undermines their “economic anxiety” myth.
I think a lot of people are now where we were in November 2016. All the scare tactics Trump used was fading in the rearview for many.
Who are discovering that whatever they were abstractly afraid of before, now Trump/COVID is the scariest thing.
I have to say, I thought Baud was younger than 59.
Trump must be able to claim he’s won. That’s the end-all and be-all of his emotional structure. Anything other than that is unthinkable and unendurable. And if sustaining that fantasy means dragging down the Republican Party, it’s a small price to pay. Recall that Pelosi bridled at Trump’s claim that he won the popular vote in 2016, and she demanded he stipulate a few facts before any discussion. The interchange was largely ignored, but I’m certain Trump never forgave Pelosi for it.
As always, the trumpistas are worried about the optics and nothing else.
meanwhile, we’re back up to 1100-1200 COVID deaths per day, and “it is what it is” ?
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yes, but a clusterfuck of a Republican National Convention would have a beneficial effect. It would do America a world of good to point and laugh at them incompetent nogoodniks.
Happy Baudday, Birth!
@gene108: The only question that matters to Trump is where to put the smoke machine.
TS (the original)
After 3.5 years I would think the country is more divided than it was during the civil year. There is nothing for trump at Gettysburg this time around.
@Amir Khalid: One thing I’m sure of is that Trump will manage to make a spectacle of himself.
Not that there are any truth-tellers left in his inner circle, but if one wanted to go out with a splash, they could tell him “You could have had your convention with thousands cheering, but you screwed up the pandemic response.”
Amir Khalid
Guys, I think SFAW is kidding about it being Baud’s birthday. Unless he really does share it with a certain B. Obama.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@Cheryl Rofer:
It will be a spectacle ??
No. Not legit ??
TS (the original)
Happy your day Baud – enjoy.
So these republicans think they’ll “split the Black vote” by promoting Kanye. Are they desperate or just stupid? Both.
Happy Birthday ?????
To the fabulous 44!???
@Betty Cracker:
Every interview should be like that.
Every phucking press conference should be like that.
This place will age one fast.
@Amir Khalid: It’s not Baud’s birthday? Even better!
@rikyrah: Good morning.
It’s also the Duchess of Sussex’s (Meghan Markle’s) birthday. She’s 39 today.
Not only that, they’re working on splitting the Black vote in Vermont.
@Amir Khalid:
Yeah, suburu said “last real president,” not “once and future president.”
It’s not my birthday, but I accept gifts any day of the year.
They are brilliant tacticians.
The appropriate place too hold a speech to symbolize Trump’s term is Arlington National Cemetery in the middle of all the have markers.
@germy: Well, yes, we knew that because of all the ad buys they’re making. In the DC market. On Fox.
Snarki, child of Loki
I suggest that Trump go to Lakehurst NJ for his big GOP acceptance speech.
It’ll be a “good people on both sides” moment for Trump, and will make sure that Lakehurst is known for a “flaming nazi gasbag”, and a “burning zepplin” also too.
@Amir Khalid:
You are correct, sir. I was riffing on SubaruDianne’s “last real President” line.
I thought it was obvious, but apparently not. Unless, of course, the commenters were going along with the gag, and I missed it.
Karen S.
“The aides thought the setting would flatter Mr. Trump by allowing him to draw a comparison he loves: one between himself and Abraham Lincoln.”
He’s like the very worst kind of diva—constantly in need of placating and fluffing. Must be exhausting to be in his orbit, but I do not feel sorry for those aides at all. They’ve made their bed. It’s also obscene that he loves comparing himself to Lincoln.
Guessing that Ford’s Theater was already booked.
They really believe that Black people are so stupid that they’ll vote for an unqualified, mentally ill rapper for president, given the choice. In other words, as stupid as the Trump base.
Po-TAY-toe, to-MAH-toe.
So hypothetically if a member of the Electoral College dies (say, of covid contracted at some very ill-advised gathering) before the college votes, is there some process for replacing them?
I remember voting for alternates for a candidate, but I can’t remember if that was for delegates in the primary or for the electors in the general election.
@Snarki, child of Loki:
Where is valued commenter Odie Hugh Manatee when we really need them?
Behold the power of misinformation!
Okay then.
So it’s true. The cake really is a lie.
trump referring to charts and graphs
Reminded me of this:
(Except Robert was charming and amusing)
@germy: Translation: He forgot what he said two weeks ago.
Did a reporter ask about the health plan? If not, someone on Trump’s staff must have put it in the briefing notes. I wonder why; bringing it up again only serves to remind people who might otherwise have forgotten.
The Dallas Morning News reported a Morning Consult poll showing that Democratic Senate candidate M.J. Hegar has cut incumbent John Cornyn’s lead to single digits. The poll showed Cornyn 44%, Hegar 38%. The same poll showed a virtual dead heat in the Presidential race: trump 47%, Biden 46%. Go Mary Jane!
I thought it was already a settled point that they didn’t mean a word of it.
It’s a funny thought, but Biden will nominate competent people so there won’t be any need for that unless we’re cursed with a contrarian senate. If that happens, then by all means …
Hmmm. (NYT)
Sorry, Baud, but the voters have spoken and August 4th is now your birthday. So it goes in a democracy
The voters, I see above, have also decided you’re 59, which hey, means Medicare in just 6 more years! And decades of being told you look great for your age.
It doesn’t sound like Trump to say “the US Treasury should get a slice”. Are we sure he hasn’t bought a failed S&L and renamed it Trump US Treasury?
Some commenter over at LGM said Russia tests vaccines they way they tested rockets. Just blow up one after another until one finally takes off.
@germy: They don’t have to split the black vote. They just have to find enough stupid people in key states to vote for him. There are a lot of stupid people out there, and some of them are just itching to vote for someone other than Biden or Trump.
Oh, so he’s finally gonna pretend he cares about all those people who died from the pandemic?
You’d need an atom smasher for that.
It’s the only tool they’ve had for decades. It’s just that they used to pretend they cared about other things too.
@Baud: In Russia, vaccine try you.
Damn, you are GOOD.
“We’ve run the numbers. Our population is 146 million, so 38 needles ought to do it.”
The FTF NY Times with its Trumpwashing headlines:
TikTok, Trump and an Impulse to Act as
C.E.O.Mob Boss to Corporate AmericaThe president’s interventions in company dealings based on his own
instinctsself-interest and greed are a departure from the arm’s-length approach ofpredecessors of either partyprevious presidents [predecessors of either party?? Really, NY Times.]Although: the article’s first sentence is undeniable.
But: it’s “instincts and inclinations.” Not “greed and self-dealing.” OK, NY Times.
Well, almost …
They mean it when a Demonrat holds power/authority, or when a Dem or other Unerwuenschte/”undesirable” wants something.
@Baud: I don’t know. That sounds too majestic. I think a parking lot with FEMA temporary morgues would be more appropriate.
@Ken: . How many African-Americans live in Vermont? Curious, really.
@Snarki, child of Loki: Two birds, one brick! I like it!
@germy: He probably figures fewer people will need it at the end of August. Wonder why he might think that?
Amazing report from Richmond VA:
Hurricane Isaias turns out to be Hurricane Usain Bolt. It is out of here. Blue skies and no more rain; it’s been clearing since shortly after daybreak. (Forecast had been heavy rain and high winds through late morning.)
Must be high winds aloft — in 10 minutes, our cloud cover with sun behind has become clear blue sky. As quickly as I brewed a pot of coffee. Birds out and warming up out there.
I hope the rest of you are as lightly touched by this storm.
ETA: I mean, there are still clouds out there, but not that many. Winds strong from the west, pushing the clouds away. Gonna have my coffee out on the patio. Wow.
@Elizabelle: Oh, that’s good news. I’m finishing my second cup and getting ready to go run now (in NYC) before the rain arrives. I’m not happy about it. The running, I mean. The coffee is fine and the rain is fine, though I hope it blows through quickly here, too.
@Elizabelle: and thank goodness! The heavy rains of the past couple of days* here in central VA have been really unbelievable
*probably not all attributable to Isaias, but still!
Norfolk got hit by some seriously strong winds as H.I. was on its way out
@Baud: Think Putin might kill off his detractors, like a Stalin purge? It wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Of course, Donnie DarkLord would NEVER copy something that EVIL. AMIRITE?
Calvert County MD checking in. We dodged the tornadoes, but I’m in the basement bailing. Rainwater thru the foundation and now the drain has said “no mas”. I’m keeping up with the it, though, and rain will ease off shortly.
Aaand, the power just went out. Generator time.
@different-church-lady: I thought that also
It’s good to have realistic expectations.
Citizen Alan
@geg6: It’s not surprising. The whole point of Sarah pailin was that republicans literally could not conceive of democrats supporting Hillary Clinton in 2008 for any reason other than gender politics. So why wouldn’t women who supported Hillary simply switch over to Sarah pailin once Hillary was out of the race.
@different-church-lady: Ladies and germs, the Winner of the Internets right there!
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Holy shit. That’s some lame ass spin.
Thanks for polluting our collective consciousness with this fascist-enabling crap, FTFNTY!
@leeleeFL: From the Wikipedia article, Black non-Hispanic is 1.24% of the population, which would be around 7,750 people.
It’s breezy out here. Watching a new set of clouds sprint across the sky; blue sky again in maybe 3 minutes. Clouds on parade, sweeping past.
Should go upstairs and open all the windows for the fresh breeze.
@Elizabelle: it got down to 67 here in Georgia last night!! I was taking Lil Bit to her heart vet and saw a truck with Trump bringing back masculinity and leadership!!!
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: I know. The FTF NY Times’ “unabashedly inserting himself” could be “tyrannically inserting himself”.
Except. Trump is a Republican. Only scream about Democrats.
ETA: unabashedly. definition: without embarrassment or shame. Could be because you are doing the right thing. Could be because you are utterly amoral. We report, you decide!
@Spanky: Have you checked the grade right outside your foundation? I’ve seen some basement water problems caused by the backfill settling over time, creating fall towards the basement wall. Sometimes a wheelbarrow of clay soil, spread and tamped at the wall helps.
@Raven: That must have felt lovely. It is 70 degrees here, right now. Gorgeous morning. Fresh, fresh air.
@trnc: The Office of Trolling will have other duties. For example:
Really the list is endless. Remember, though, none of this would happen. The only purpose is to get the Republicans to shriek and then say “Where were you four years ago.”
I doubt the GOP is supporting Kanye to get a significant number of African-american voters. I think they’re hoping a few thousand teen and 20-something voters of all races in key states will vote for him as a joke or because they hate Biden (or whatever). IOW, he’s there to pick up some of the Jill Stein/crank voters. I don’t think that will happen.
@Ken: Thanks, that is even more than I would have thought.
I live in NW Houston. Other than my yard, the only signs in my area are a few Dan Crenshaw signs. However, they seem fewer in number than 2 years ago. No Trump signs (few bumper stickers) and no Cornyn signs. In fact, I have never seen a Cornyn sign, ever. I have a Hegar sign, a Sima (Crenshaw’s opponent) sign, and a “Dump Trump” sign. Waiting for the VP choice to get a Biden sign. I have seen no other Democratic candidate signs anywhere around me.
@Baud: Shoot, I was just getting set to wish you a Happy Birthday! Well, take it as belated or advance best wishes, then whenever your birthday is it’s covered.
@Nicole: Enjoy the run and keep us informed on NYC’s brush with Isaias. I hope everyone gets off lightly.
@Jeffro: Yeah. No drought this year.
@Spanky: Oh no. Hope the flooding did little damage. Yikes.
@germy: Healthcare is so complex. Who’da thunk it?
A tornado watch has been issued for New York City and the entire Tri-State area until 4:00 p.m. Source
I wish the media would jump on Trump every time he compares himself to Lincoln. It’s absolutely obscene, and it’s an insult to every American that he does that and they just report on it as if it made sense.
With respect to Gettysburg, let’s just remember that Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was short and so memorable it’s been memorized by generations. There is nothing Trump has ever said that belongs in the same league as that. If he had any sense (spoiler: he doesn’t), he would keep as far away from that kind of comparison as possible.
@Spanky: Why are you bailing out your indoor swimming pool?
@Raven: 59 here this morn.
66 at the moment.
Northern Calvert here, just up the hill from the Twin Beaches. Yard fortunately has excellent drainage, didn’t even get damp during Isabel in 2003.
Needless to say, I don’t envy you. Good luck in keeping up with the water.
Just voted here in Missouri. I live in a really tiny rural town, so voting took no time at all. As this county is redder than a baboon’s butt, I had to ask for the Republican ballot (threw up in my mouth a little, ‘scuse me) so I could vote for a former student for Treasurer and the current Sheriff (decent guy, does a good job) and, more importantly, Medicaid expansion. I left the other choices blank. Bunch of mooks, including our idiot Governor. At the county level, the primary basically determines who wins the office as Democrats don’t generally put anyone in the race. As for masks? Ha. One women and I were the only mask wearers. There was plexiglass between the voters and the poll workers, and you kept your voting pen, so better than nothing, I guess.
Chris Johnson
@different-church-lady: In fairness, the guy is really torn about it…
Eric S.
@Karen S.: A fourth grader stealing a kindergardener’s milk money has more subtlety and tact than Donnie.
@different-church-lady: They also used to not say the whispered part out loud, at least not in public or where they thought they were being recorded, Trump shouts it with a megaphone and so do his cult followers.
Absitively — “McConnell and Ryan will make sure that he doesn’t overstep his bounds”
It’s 10:30 in the morning and I want some rye.
I’m not so far gone that I’m going to have rye, but just the desire for it this early in the day is… disconcerting.
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s where the cat boxes are.
The cats are very concerned.
Rain has eased up a lot, and I can rest my back a bit now.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: I think this might be the worst and best part of the last few years. None of us can pretend that we have a post- racist, completely re-constructed, truly equal Nation. No wool-over the eyes BS from either end of the spectrum.
We are still occupied by a white supemecist faction that is going to fight a truly equal rights-based society till the last man or woman.
We have to accept the mantle of warrior, refuse it, or leave. It’s that simple.
@SFAW: and thank dog for that!
We often forget that the rest of the world takes action independently of the US. I was expecting the first vaccine to come from some autocratic country willing to skip delays like safety trials. Russia was top of that list. October is too late to do Trump any good. He won’t be able to get it manufactured in the US in any significant quantity, even if he manages to get it approved. It would be a challenge for a competent administration. Trump’s people will fuck it up spectacularly.
He already has. One of the things Trump has said he loves about Putin is that Putin has journalists who speak ill of him jailed or killed.
@Amir Khalid: People are going to be wishing Baud a Happy Birthday (!) all day. Maybe we should just “lean into it” as people are starting to say, and I should put up a post for it! :-)
J R in WV
Wow, I would surely allow them to inject THAT “vaccine” into my body — NOT!
Daily Trix via Anne Laurie @ Top:
Or … we could use the money to pay for funerals caused by Trump/GOP negligence and incompetence.
@WaterGirl: Happy Not Birthday, Baud?
So if the Treasury gets paid, does Trump get a finder’s fee for getting that money? It fits right into his concept.