There's been a lot of talk about my vetting process lately. Here’s an inside look:
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 5, 2020
For all the Very Online jokes about how Biden ‘doesn’t understand modern media’, he has a really good media team.
I recall a photo of Joe in 2008 where he’s in one of his sports cars and some reporter asks if he is gonna be VP, and he says he absolutely is not going to be VP. And then Barack talked him into it. I thought this was going to be some sort of callback to that. “You can’t believe everything you hear”, or something like that.
Still fun, though!
Nicely done.
Hell, he backs into the garage better than I would.
Flat-shift into second! Yeah!!
Hey Trumpie, do you even know how to drive, much less stick?
He is almost literally Onion Joe Biden here, and I, for one, am delighted.
He’s playing this exactly right. The longer he waits the more free media he gets as the media-ocrites speculate over the pick. Plus everyone on the putative short-list gets their public profile raised.
Amir Khalid
One is tempted to speculate
while idlingidly about how the Trump campaign might attempt to present their guy out-cooling Joe Biden.debbie
Since it’s an open thread, NPR just ran a report on Beruit. They listed the countries providing aid and what that aid would be. The U.S. was not mentioned, and I don’t think NPR would forget to include the U.S. Has Trump refused aid, or is he waiting for Lebanon to repay some long-forgotten debt?
Thanks for front-paging this. From the last thread: IIRC Joe was OK with Onion Joe Biden except they put him in a Trans Am. A definite step down from his ‘vette.
/eyeroll/ I fear the dignity of the office is gone forever. ?
@debbie: As far as I know aid has been offered. Whether the motions to actually get aid to Lebanon have started is unknown at this point.
Yeah, IIUC even Israel has reached out and they’re technically at war. We’re a sad, sad sack of a “first world” nation. Not that we’ve ever experienced a huge fertilizer explosion at any time.
@debbie: They chose not to come to his inauguration.
Love this ad. It doesn’t only appeal to car buffs, but there are some retired gals who remember that car. just sayin
White & Gold Purgatorian
OMG! That was priceless. How soon can I vote for this guy? We don’t have early voting but I need to find out when absentee ballot season opens. Can’t wait to vote for Joe and whoever his veep is.
Patricia Kayden
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
They don’t.
“Biden and the Democrat Party have held police in check while radical Democrats tear our cities apart and tried to use a pandemic against OUR President!”
That’s what they’ll do. I saw an ad to that effect a few days ago. Not that I think it will work (knock on wood). Too many people see past the bullshit
I’ve tried three different Google searches and nothing’s come up.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Patricia Kayden:
This makes me wonder if we’re going to keep having this seesaw-like effect with policy in the future each time a president of the opposite party is elected
Maybe walking down a ramp while drinking water?
Patricia Kayden
The best words.
Patricia Kayden
@Patricia Kayden: Sorry, your entry for “Trump contradicts himself” has been rejected. Although it’s only been about 24 hours since he was promoting mail-in voting in Frorida, the current threshold is much lower. In fact, we can only accept entries with the contradictions in consecutive sentences.
Keith P
@Amir Khalid: Trump did once own a Lamborghini Diablo, but that was decades ago. Trump will probably just claim that Biden rented the Vette (even though Biden is a well-documented Corvette aficianado)
What car would Donald Trump drive?
I think that Joe Biden can outdo Stumpy by any positive measure. Everybody talks about Joe Biden’s gaffes, but I have noticed that what the Rethugs call gaffes, a ton of americans call those plain-speaking. I think if people listen to Biden, and then listen to Stumpy, it’s pretty clear who’s the snake-oil salesman.
Captain C
@Amir Khalid: Old ’70s or ’80s pictures of Donald looking thirsty and out of place at Studio 54.
Research tell me he’s running a 327 the only small block chevy engine offered that year. My 66 chevy truck has a 350 which is also a small block chevy mill. I’m sure he’s running fuel injection and mine is carbureted but they sound very much the same. Go Bowties!
The Thin Black Duke
@jackmac: The only thing with wheels that Donnie drives is a golf cart.
You might have discussed this earlier. Breaking news from the NY Times:
New York prosecutors subpoenaed Deutsche Bank last year, a sign that their inquiry into President Trump’s business is broader than previously known.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 6:26 PM EST
@R-Jud: the Onion one or the one from “Hope Never Dies – an Obama/Biden Mystery”. The writer just has Uncle Joe absolutely nailed! =)
@debbie: if only he had driven the ‘Vette while in a tan suit, eating a hamburger dripping with dijon mustard…
@JPL: D’oh!
I’m blushing for them
Joe is clearly not “hiding in his basement”.
Amir Khalid
@Keith P:
At his current girth, Trump wouldn’t fit through the door of a Lambo, let alone in the driver’s seat.
@debbie: His flunkies are probably working on a blackmail scheme as we speak — aid for incriminating Joe Biden on something.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):This makes me wonder if we’re going to keep having this seesaw-like effect with policy in the future each time a president of the opposite party is elected
Once the Republican party starts exploring policy options other than “the opposite of whatever Democrats want”, then sure, we can escape the see-saw.
I’m not really optimistic that we’re going to see that for another several cycles, though.
@Patricia Kayden: Isn’t that how Trump always votes?
Oh wait, he votes absentee, that’s totally different! //
@Amir Khalid: hah .. So if I’m Joe I agree to take the cognitive test at the same time and then get on a scale.
@raven: Why do I hear that in Marisa Tomei’s Brooklyn accent?
Omnes Omnibus
@frosty: Nerve damage?
Among the coverage of the uncontrolled Beirut explosion yesterday, I missed that Space X had a successful controlled one–their new booster stage successfully lifted off and landed. They had one go boom last month but it wasn’t the booster but rather, a facility fuel leak following a static burn.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He also uses the Mar-A-Whacko address, which is voter fraud. Kayleigh McEninny uses her parents address which she does not reside at in Florida. Also voter fraud. I’m sure if we keep hunting we could find all the top officials in the maladministration also vote fraudulently.
EDIT: My kingdom to be an investigative journalist! There are seeds sitting right there and no one wants to take them! That’s a career maker just waiting to be explored!
Chyron HR
@Patricia Kayden:
I’m too old to keep all the “online media outlets” straight. is The Hill just a bunch of stenographers posing as journalists, or do they uncritically boost all of the Trump administration’s lies because they’re active propagandists?
James E Powell
That video brought to mind this one – also featuring Joe in a ‘Vette at the end.
City Hall in Tel Aviv showed its respects
David Evans
@trollhattan: I’m nervous about SpaceX’s Starship. They’ve had several failures, I worry that they’re going too near the limits of the material. Hope I’m wrong. Oh, and Biden has my unbounded admiration for that ad. How can any red-blooded American prefer Trump to that?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@The Thin Black Duke:
$50 says there’s a Hov-around with a special wide saddle and a presidential seal fixed to it right out of camera range
“Beep beep! Vroom vroom! Here comes your favorite president!”
Roger Moore
I think we need to contrast Biden driving his ‘Vette and Trump sitting behind the wheel of a big-rig pretending to drive it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That was such a smooth landing! SpaceX is doing amazing things. It’s just too bad Elon Musk has to be the face of the company. I’d love to ask him how his plans to move Tesla operations to Texas are going, considering how the epidemic is rampaging there. He had a hissy fit over California’s shutdown if I recall right
As a car guy I love this. Make America Gearshift Again!!
They are back to the thievery ???
@Elizabelle: A few years ago someone quipped that the Trump administration was like a bunch of cockroaches got together and formed a pyramid so they could switch on the kitchen light.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You’re probably right, sadly. The California Republican Party has gone into obscurity at the state-level and has only become more extreme
Betcha Trump can’t drive a stick.
My favorite ‘Vette.
Meanwhile, dirtbags,…….
Three day weekend, mid week, been tough, moved, Street Medic-ing, 18 cases of Covid on Tues, Wed so far at one unhoused encampment.
The death toll if it blows up will be horrific. On the bright side, got all of them into Marriots, to self quarentine.
Obviously, the biggest prize, aside from the presidency, is getting control of the senate and keeping the house. Having said that, what will be your biggest win (house or senate)? Mine is a long shot but retiring Trump’s sycophant Lindsey Graham is my biggest get.
@debbie: I can’t wait for all the quid pro quo stories start coming out
And by “can’t wait”, I mean just the opposite. President Sociopath
Jim, Foolish Literalist
trying to temper my expectations on this case, because the Universe is cold and indifferent to justice.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Unless the policies are put into legislation.
There is a reason Barack Obama didn’t want to do LGBT rights as an executive order, and he was right.
@rikyrah: As a dad, I’m furious. My daughter is moving back to Illiinois State on Friday for her senior year. I’m hoping there are no ill effects, but fear this is not going to end well.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@raven: Joe strikes me as a purist, he would be running a carb. I love the small block too, had a 74 Caprice convertible with a 400 (swapped out the 2 barrel for a 4 barrel) and an 87 3/4 ton pickup with a 350 and the first year of throttle body injection. I would be incline to go electronic ignition and TBI on anything I wanted to drive daily. I love the sound of that Corvette. (I still have a 76 Cosworth Vega, but that is a completely different experience…)
Too risky. A fall could be catastrophic.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’sfrom the few remaining sane ReThugs sabbing him over the Hero’s Act stalling. That’s why it’s the “right” side, Nazi Side.
Yurtle the Turtle’s next.
where is our Brutus?
Ellen to Go on ‘Ellen’ to Rehabilitate Her Image
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Trying to temper my expectations on this case, because it’s Vance.
@Patricia Kayden: It literally works in several states without issue. LESS issue than in many republican states where they deliberately cause problems with the number of polling stations in Democratic areas, etc.
Sigh. Such an amoral idiot.
Patricia Kayden
This is the drivel my father has been reading? People are dying of the combination of pandemic and poverty and someone bandying about their big expensive car not funny or charming or relatable. I just want the eviction wave to stop.
@rikyrah: Highway robbery, in plain sight! And they certainly aren’t wearing masks while they do it.
Loud and proud. Un-fucking-believable.
@frosty: Oh dear God that was funny.
@rikyrah: He may end up helping us all, inadvertently.
You know if he took away their testing supplies, he has done that for the rest of the universities in Illinois.
edit; by “helping” i meant that maybe the universities will have to go with all on-line for fall because testing will not be available.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Speaking of Ellen DeGeneres and Kevin Hart:
Then Katy Perry had to open her trap:
I get that these people are friends, but come on! Why do they feel the need to do this shit?
That mayor wasn’t very nice to him. ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s true, which is why it’s important to control Congress and move like light speed.
I have a sinking feeling though, based on what I know of Biden and Pelosi/Schumer, that they will never try court packing, which is what is desperately needed at this time to counter McConnell’s Federalist judges
eddie blake
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
when tim kaine is talking openly about packing, you know the rest of leadership knows it’s going to be an issue.
pretty sure they know if they don’t end the filibuster and they don’t pack the court, they’ll be dead in the water.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It’s like it’s lost on them that some of the accusations against Ellen is that she’s not as nice as she appears and she treats anyone who is not a celebrity like trash. Why do they think talking about how she’s nice to them helps?
@The Thin Black Duke:
A real person has to know their limitations to be a real adult.
shitforbrains doesn’t.
@jackmac: My first thought was that they were going to have to move everything to online, which would be safer. But just bringing all those people to campus is a big issue if there’s no testing.
There’s no way I would let my kid live in a dorm during COVID. Hopefully your daughter has her own place or just one roommate.
@Chyron HR: The Hill used to be a nonpartisan paper covering Capitol Hill. Apparently it went downhill fast when the founder died and his failson took over. He hired John Solomon, who laundered Ukraine conspiracy-mongering through what were supposed to be news articles.
Check out the Wikipedia article, there’s more appalling stuff I didn’t know about. So, yeah, it’s basically a pro-Trump propaganda outlet now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Because they are friends?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I am not really a fan of court packing. YMMV.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): This is not 2019. 2020 has changed everything. Don’t be such a pessimist.
@Yutsano: I expect that many of these fraudulent-voting-address-in-Florida cases can be linked to a not-paying-state-taxes-where-they-actually-reside case.
@eddie blake: And they should also impeach a couple of the unqualified motherfuckers while they’re at it. Let the GOP own the corruption of the judges they rushed through. I’m sure they’ll find a few that are just egregious.
Dad jokes.
Right now, I would be very very happy to have a presidency overflowing with Dad jokes.
@Omnes Omnibus: Have you seen the proposal to make Supreme Court justices serve a fixed term on the Supreme Court and then get rotated to a lower federal court? I find that attractive because it also deals with the problem of gaming the system to put your people on the court. It should be that if you want to put judges on the Supreme Court, you need to win elections.
Roger Moore
One thing we need to do is to get as much stuff as possible into statutory law rather than regulations. That would make it harder to undo by executive order- not that the Republicans won’t try- and also harder for the Supreme Court to do away with by making rulings about the Administrative Procedures Act.
Roger Moore
Lindsey Graham would be great, but I want Mitch McConnell gone even more. Out of the Senate would be wonderful, into prison would be even better.
Omnes Omnibus
@Roger Moore: Why not both?
ETA: Fuck it. I’m greedy.
@Omnes Omnibus: What did you think of Pete Buttigieg’s plan to expand the supreme court?
I think part of it was that each party got 5, and then the 10 had to agree on the remaining 5, for a total of 15.
@Omnes Omnibus: Come sit six feet away from me. I want as many as we can get. I even want fucking South Dakota. Rounds is a milquetoast and Ahlers is pretty solid. South Dakota is a cheap market. We can probably get him in for cheap.
EDIT: And oh do I want fucking Johnson gone in 2022. I might even consider moving to Wisconsin just to vote him out.
Roger Moore
@Omnes Omnibus:
Because the question was who we wanted most. I would love a clean sweep, not that I think it’s remotely likely, but McConnell is the one I want the most. I wanna party like it’s 1932.
@Roger Moore: Oh yeah: I think I want Cornyn gone the most. I can already tell he’s miffed at having to actually work to keep his seat, much less a woman might have an outside shot at getting rid of him. Go Mary Jane!
Roger Moore
@Roger Moore:
Though I realize there are things that will make a 1932-scale wipeout unlikely. 1932 was a very special case because it was not just a redistricting year but a redistricting year after Congress had been unable to agree on reapportionment after the 1920 Census, so the reapportionment was way overdue. Hopefully we’ll be able to get an additional swing in the House in 2022 when we can undo some of the Republicans’ gerrymandering.
@Roger Moore: When I managed my IT group at the university, my “right hand man” so to speak would say “which one of these #1 priorities would you like me to focus on?” :-)
This was by agreement, after we talked once about how sometimes he felt overwhelmed.
I was totally guilty of that – and you really can’t have more than one #1 thing at a time.
@eddie blake:
And that all begins with winning the senate. And no blue dogs.
Roger Moore
Fuck that shit. I’ll take a blue dog over a Republican any day and twice on Sunday.
Joe’s ‘Vette? Joe’s vetting process?
Clever wordplay, Joe!
J R in WV
Was a Great Show of Biden’s love for Corvette, muscle cars in general, and American industry. With Joe, loving his car, that his dad gave him, that his sons restored to like new condition. Great contrast with Trump, pretending to drive a big rig… as if~!!~
@Rusty: I had an electronic ignition installed two weeks ago, I’m running a 2BBL Rochester and a 3 spd Saginaw so it’s a lot of fun to drive. The google says this is the mill in Biden’d ride
It’s hard to beat the classic 383 “stroker” for Small-Block torque, but Chevrolet Performance engineers found a way by matching it with the driving convenience of electronic fuel injection. The SP383 EFI also features a high-performance roller camshaft and lightweight aluminum, and Fast Burn-style cylinder heads with modern valvetrain technology that includes beehive-type valve springs.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I honestly don’t care for any of the plans.
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: Anyone who tries to enforce multiple #1 priorities is likely to end up with a whole lot of #2. Just sayin’.
Uncle Cosmo
Hate to bust your bubble, but you ain’t getting the Senate without a bunch of cerulean canines like Joe Manchin. (Who just for the goddamn record has been a much better & more reliable Democratic vote than we had any goddamn right to expect from a West By God Virginia that’s still trying to crawl up the mine shaft into the 20th century.)
@Uncle Cosmo: On this, we agree!
Which was the point of my asking him to ask the “which of these #1 priorities would you like me to focus on” – it helped me see when I was dong that.