Seeley Lake, Montana
— Alexa O'Brien (@alexadobrien) July 24, 2020
This week is driving me to potentially toxic levels of Can’t-Be-Arsed… think I’ll go do other stuff for a few hours.
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) August 6, 2020
Take two otters and call me in the morning!
— Ro @?? (@RobAnybody2) August 3, 2020
Oh, to be a rat with a
— Roxi Horror ???? (@roxiqt) August 2, 2020
Jim Appleton
You otter not …
I’ve seen most of those before, but they still bring a smile.
@Jim Appleton: Two otter not…
mali muso
I don’t think it’s meant to be intentionally funny but there is a cemetery nearby that has a sign out front stating “spaces available “. Seems very on brand for 2020
My feelings on the matter exactly, AL.
Time for a glass of wine. ?
Featuring their ducks, geese, chickens, a dog and a little bit of cat. The farmer is good at making videos and seems to love his ducks a lot.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Pet rats like the one in the video can be so cute. And have a ton of personality. It’s too bad they have such short lives. They usually only live 1.5-2 years. Sometimes 3 if you’re lucky
On top of that they have to have companions, and need to have their cages cleaned out frequently
zhena gogolia
@Jim Appleton: you startin a pun thread on porpoise?
Major Major Major Major
I keep thinking about the rat/pancake video lol. So cute.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): my ex had a rat that was pretty fun to have around. Cute little thing. The rat, not the ex. He was tall.
Major Major Major Major
@Benw: I always wanted to write a pilot for a cartoon called Habeas Porpoise. Undersea law firm, you see.
It’d be nice to have an actual respite when you weren’t on Day 150 (or whatever it is) of having to constantly watch a kid, including work weeks. My daughter’s daycare will be opening around Labor Day, and I think it will take an enormous mental weight off my mind to have her there (not to mention that it will be very, very good for her to be around other infants, even if there’s a lot of tears at first).
@Aleta: Around 9m 25sin the farm video is the farmer’s theory about his dog Toby.
Since we’re talking respite: I know this is political, but Kim Reynolds did a good. 40,000 potential new voters isn’t anything to sneeze at, plus eliminating a vestige of Jim Crow law will always be a good no matter who does it. Of course this affected her personally but who cares.
@Major Major Major Major: But he was probably cute
edit: are you still #4?
@Major Major Major Major: That could be the next Sponge Bob.
@Major Major Major Major:
They use Private Investigator Barnacle Jones to help defend clients.
@Benw: Porpoise , eh?
How about seeeeeecret porpoise?
@Baud: their underhanded big $ corporate firm competition is Whale, Whale, Whale & Shark
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That must be a hostile work environment
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I heard that the culture there really blows
mali muso
@PsiFighter37: fellow parent of a young one here (kiddo is 3) and I totally relate. Ours went back to daycare about six weeks ago.
@Benw: They often butt heads in the courtroom of Judge Judy Shellfish.
Old Dan and Little Ann
I forgot to close my side gate after mowing the lawn today. I put my dog outside and a short time later saw him running around with a sneaker (neighbor’s). I went out to get it by shaking a bowl of food before going back inside. Detective fail. 90 minutes later I heard wife and spawn coming back from around the block. They were squealing. The dog was sitting out front and ran to meet them. I went out and was all WTF, did you let out dog? Duh! Went to close gate, brought dog inside, looked out back and saw 2 sneakers this time (not matching). I brought them over to the neighbors (he’s pulled this trick before with one of the sneakers), apologized profusely, and offered to buy the mom a new pair. One sneaker was partially chewed so she said to toss it. She took the other sneaker back because it was not chewed. My old dog would have been 10 miles away if the same thing happened. Thank Dog for Labs. /scene
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
That must’ve been one tall rat ?
@mrmoshpotato: that was really weird/cool. I’m not quite sure how to react honestly
@mrmoshpotato: Just don’t do the long shaggy dog story about the immortal porpoises.
@Baud: how does the defindant plead?
Not gillty, your honor!
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: he was super hot. Turned out a bit square-jawed for my tastes though, not that that could’ve had anything to do with anything when we were twenty.
#12 at the moment. Actually I channeled us for the dysfunctional gay couple in one of the stories.
@Benw: Clearly the next Medium Cool or Sunday night culture thread should be a group collaboration of some sort. Maybe a short story, or something like this.
Roger Moore
Are you sure you don’t mean not gillcup?
So I guess trumpov announced from Bedminister, after playing a round, that he’s going to make sure no one with pre-existing conditions loses their health coverage?
Isn’t that called Obamacare, already?
@Major Major Major Major
Used to be a seafood restaurant in Freeport, NY called The Dolph Inn. Good grub there.
@Major Major Major Major: I take it square-jawed is not a literal reference to his facial structure?
#12. #4 was fun while it lasted! It seems to be a quiet evening here tonight. Maybe this would be a good time to post a link to Wednesday’s thread about your five stories being published, for anyone who missed that in real time.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: aw shucks.
No, really though, he’s too Midwesternly handsome nowadays for my taste.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Our rescue rat lived to about 2 ½. We only had her for about 9 months. Rats are challenging pets though – they’re extremely smart and staying ahead of them is not easy.
@Benw: Porpoise! Porpoise! Porpoise!
Seriously, Caitlin’s channel has a lot of very interesting videos. I highly recommend browsing.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I can just imagine how Omnes is going to react when he sees this comment thread
@Roger Moore: hahaha!
@NotMax: Was it co-owned by the Duke?
@WaterGirl: my kids play a road-trip game where they take turns telling a story where each person gets 3 words per turn. Could make a thread for people who are interested and give everyone 3 sentences?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): he’ll be in a frenzy
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Good thing there are no clownfish.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I follow an artist on Tumblr who has always has a couple pet rats (names them after types of cheese) and they definitely are a lot of work to take care of
@Benw: If we do this After Dark will we end up with this?
I want to be that rat.
She’s great! I subscribed
@Benw: That could be fun!
I wasn’t clear. I meant it was a good thing there were no clownfish in this thread.
(Up until that point, anyhow.)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
Those baby otters are so cute they should be illegal.
You left out a Whale. The most important one, too.
I believe I have identified John Cole’s German uncle:
Holy Hungadunga, Batman!
@NotMax: You left out a Hungadunga, the most important one!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It’s Nemo!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Heh. More like make some pithy remark about how stupid we are. But in a nice way that shows he has a heart of gold
Didn’t OO mention he hates clowns once?
@SiubhanDuinne: What do you have against sequential hermaphrodites anyway, hmmm, hmmmm?!
@Benw: It could work, but wouldn’t we need….
(checks carefully to see if Cole is reading)
…threaded comments?
@mali muso: Wouldn’t be surprised to see a few “closed” ones opening up again at least for those related to those already buried there. I’ve been seeing a lot of funeral home advertising lately and they are in fairly heavy rotation. They must be doing a lot of business these days.
I’m this kid today.
By the way, although I have no objection to wasting his campaign’s money, the front page keeps showing an ad to become a member of Trump’s “Executive Team”.
I assume it’s just a way to get my email address and some money, though I suppose there’s an outside chance they’re recruiting for the White House staff.
Haotong Li is a Chinese golfer leading the PGA. He finished his round 5 hours ago and is still out practicing!
@frosty: I’m not complaining
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Hey, did anybody have “Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate gets bit by a rabid bat” on their 2020 Bingo card?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: After the last three and a half years, I can no longer tell when someone is kidding.
@Steeplejack: ooops. Sorry you have every right to be groucho
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Yes. Yes, he did.
@SiubhanDuinne: Let’s not pour salt water on that wound okay?
Speaking of clowns, bad idea in a bottle?
Harvey Birdman spin-off,
or Sealab 2020 tie-in?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I, for one, welcome our new Libertarian undead overlords. Although how can you tell if a Libertarian is an undead?
That cat looked like it damn well knew what it was doing. It was taunting us stupid humans and our silly ways.
Okay, I know this is a respite thread, but what stunt did the Shitgibbon pull tonight? I keep seeing mentions of something but missed the whole thing. Media sound not happy or completely bumfuzzled. Or both.
@geg6: Trump held some sort of self-pleasuring substitute for a campaign rally at his golf club in Bedminster and, when asked by a reporter why no-one in the room was wearing a mask, described the event as a peaceful protest and did his best to whip up a mob against the questioner.
Apparently, Whitmer met with Biden about Veep.
Also, too, Trump is going to ban preexisting conditions in health insurance.
Attention New Jersey: suspend the place’s business license.
@SiubhanDuinne: All rational people find clowns terrifying.
@NotMax: Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom did commentary on the whole babbling deranged exhibition on Twitter and this was his take:
Sonehow I got the impression he had called a presidential address or something and the media felt trolled. But, admittedly, I was opening wine and only listening with half an ear.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“The bat followed up the bite by writing a 50 page treatise on the virtue of being a self-absorbed bucket of shit, and then fluttered off in search of its homeland in Galt’s Gulch in order to hang out with other bloodsucking parasites.”
@raven: Wow. Thanks.
Make it a waffle and I’m in.
I pray to god that’s a pet rat and not a rat rat caught on surveillance.
Trump rambled incoherently from one topic to another in front of a room of obese white buffoons who had chosen not to wear masks because, after all, it’s only a pandemic that’s killed 160,000+ people in the US so far. It might charitably be described as an “address”, but there was nothing presidential about it. Just another episode in the Shortfingers Shitshow.
@NotMax: I’m horrified and intrigued at the same time…
I saw this developing on Chris Hayes, I think it was, and there was a guy in a suit passing out masks.
Until then, there were only two or three masks in the room.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
How’s the bat doing? I think we should be concerned about its welfare.
So it’s a day ending in ‘y’.
Rotating tag nominee?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Methinks that might be too long. Perhaps, “Trump rambled incoherently from one topic to another”?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
That’s not shorter than the comment at #88.
ETA: Not #87.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Oi! Don’t take away my one shot at glory young’un! Kids these days I swear…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Whoops! Thought you were talking about 87
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
LOL. 88 should be a rotating tagline
Even fundys have limits, i.e., they sense a threat to their income stream.
Somebody’s in the market for a new pool boy.
1. Free market
2. ????
3. Marcus Welby, M.D.!!!!