Vox and NYT just reported it. From The Times:
Kamala Harris Is Biden’s Choice for Vice President
A former rival for the Democratic nomination, she will be the first Black woman to be nominated for national office by a major political party.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. selected Senator Kamala Harris of California as his vice-presidential running mate on Tuesday, embracing a former rival who sharply criticized him in the Democratic primaries but emerged after ending her campaign as a vocal supporter of Mr. Biden and a prominent advocate of racial-justice legislation after the death of George Floyd in late May.
Ms. Harris, 55, is the first Black woman and the first person of Indian descent to be nominated for national office by a major party, and only the fourth woman in history to be chosen for one of their presidential tickets. She brings to the race a far more vigorous campaign style than Mr. Biden’s, including a gift for capturing moments of raw political electricity on the debate stage and elsewhere, and a personal identity and family story that many find inspiring.
Mr. Biden announced the selection over text message and in a follow-up email to supporters: “Joe Biden here. Big news: I’ve chosen Kamala Harris as my running mate. Together, with you, we’re going to beat Trump.’’
Okay. Let’s do this.
Cheryl Rofer
Jim, Foolish Literalist
MSNBC too. Claire McCaskill started applauding. Me too.
Subcommandante Yakbreath
Hot Damn!
I like Harris as the probable 2024 nominee as well.
Off to donate another $50 to the now Biden/Harris campaign … who’s with me?
Can’t wait for her debate with Pastor Pence.
I am so happy.
Biden-Harris. Are going to win this November.
She is my favorite pick. Bring it on.
Gentlemen and women, start your engines.
Eric NNY
Well damn, what happened to the respite thread? I was first with the Kamala news, and now I’ve been big-footed. Pout.
J/k. I’m thrilled to pieces over the pick. This is going to be one formidable ticket.
He made the right choice. And the timing was perfect as well. They will work well together on the campaign trail and in the White House.
I’m so glad. I think she’ll kick ass.
Guess that explains why my reply to M^4’s post went into the aether. Excellent choice. Now, let the battle for our national soul commence!
I want this global crime syndicate rooted out.
I always thought Kamala was the one to beat, and likely pick. Could not figure out why Karen Bass was so talked up. What is with these media horse race types and their sources, serious or not?
Anyway. It is Vice President Kamala Harris.
All right, HERE WE GOOOOOO…….
YES!!! I am all in and I will have her back!
I’m pissed. Joe promised he would run it by me first.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Harris takes no nonsense. She’ll be great.
mali muso
YES! She was my first choice anyways. Delighted with this news. Let’s go!
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ll put it back up some other time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think she’s pretty impressive, though as a Harris fan from way back, I’m happy with the way things turned out.
And so am I. Let’s work this campaign like a rented mule and save our democracy.
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: That always happens to me — I put up a nature post, and big news is sure to break. :)
I have tears in my eyes. And I am not a crier.
Wanted this so badly for Kamala, and now she’s the VP choice. Superb.
I am over the moon – let’s go!
@SiubhanDuinne: Actually I was but when I went to edit it it put you first !
@Sebastian: Was just about to post – It’s on now! Tick tock, motherfuckers.
ETA. I can hear my wife cheering from the far end of the house.
zhena gogolia
Reposting — go to 7:38 for Maya Rudolph’s great impression of Kamala (or watch the whole thing, it’s good):
I was sort of hoping he would wait to announce at about 5:30 this afternoon, when Dimwit is supposed to have a press conference. But I’ll take it! I’m so happy!
@SiubhanDuinne: Done and done.
Go get ’em Joe and Kamala!
zhena gogolia
And now I’ll be getting my merch.
Alison Rose
WOOHOO!! But oh boy……here comes all the SHE’S A COP!!!!! bullshit from my leftier-than-thou friends. I really just want to tell them all to shove it.
Definitely my first choice. The avalanche of misogynistic bullshit that will follow about her sleeping her way to the top because she dated Willie Brown twenty years ago will be… Interesting. But if that’s the worst they can do, this just might go well. “Kamala is a cop” isn’t going to lose votes from the squishy center, and Rose Twitter can go fuck itself and have its little holier than thou pity party… What are the biggest downsides to Harris? I’m too much of a fan to be objective. (Would have been good with Duckworth and okay with Demings too; the rest of the short list I had more reservations about.)
Betty Cracker
@zhena gogolia: Another great side benefit: more work for the fabulous Ms. Rudolph!
Iam tickled pink, as they say around here. Kamela is going to kick ass. Pence must be shitting his pants right now.
zhena gogolia
I hope they revive her slogan — “DUDE GOTTA GO!”
Wait, are you telling me we have actual good news?
Doesn’t she run people the wrong way?
Haha. Jk. Go Joe and Kam!
Clear the decks for Attorney General Schiff, Bharara or Yates.
zhena gogolia
I think this will still take attention away.
@Alison Rose:
Omnes Omnibus
Good pick. I am glad Joe listened to me.
Looks like the No Bullshit Ticket. Let’s kick some butt.
Mike J
I’d like it better flipped, but I’m ok with this.
I’m glad to see it is her. I have her back and I think she’s going to beat Mike Dense like a rented mule in their debate.
My main concern here is Kay. Hope she an scrape her dad off the ceiling and get him settled down.
I thought Harris was one of the very best candidates for VP and glad he chose her.
My main concern is sometimes she has been inconsistent and slow on her feet in real time campaigning, responses to interviewer questions. But OTOH, she has some dynamite campaigning skills and presence that can blow the roof off, and will do a lot of good in this campaign. She does serious DA gonna get some confessions and kick some ass, and serious general politician I’m gonna get shit done skills, and can put it across.
Of course, putting aside issues of whether as DA she always kicked the right ass, but that is a very minor issue at this point. Way to down in the weeds for Trumpsters to even notice.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
Couldn’t be more thrilled!
zhena gogolia
I really needed this pick-me-up this afternoon.
I was hoping it would be her and had been talking dispassionately about that preference with family and friends.
But then when I saw the headline, I yelled “FUCK YES!” and immediately burst into tears.
I may be more invested in this than I realised.
Damn right! Special Commission for Global Corruption and Organized Crime
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That was a delightful moment. I joined her — as well as some vigorous air-fisting and robust screams of “YESSSSSSSSSS!!”
Cheryl Rofer
I think this is not from today, but it’s relevant
Seems like decades ago but I was at the Women’s March in DC behind the main stage. Couldn’t hear anything but we did get to see all the celebrities and speakers walk by.
I was up against the barrier and whenHwhen walked back from the stage I yelled “There goes my Senator and next President of the United States!!!”
I was hoping to get her to walk over for a picture but she did turn and wave. I yelled, “next President!!!” and she laughed and pointed at me.
Good times.
@zhena gogolia:
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: I can help with that. Just two little words will solve your problem.
Fuck and off. Just use them together.
Harris was my fave in the primaries, so I’m a happy.
ETA: And she has always been at the head of the list— “It’s either Harris or… someone else.”
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia:
zhena gogolia
@Elizabelle: Just to be clear, I’m pretty sure Biden would have picked Harris all along so long as the vetting came through and she was willing to join the ticket. So in that sense, I don’t think anyone else was really contending for that spot.
That said, it gives Biden a chance to raise other names to a national profile. I’m glad more people are now familiar with Bass, and Demmings, and are reminded that Rice is still out there. For one, it may simply be generosity to their careers. Remember, if Harris wins in Nov, we’re going to need a new senator and now Karen Bass’s name has been elevated as a contender for that seat (we are so fucking blessed with talent out here in CA, mind you). Further, he has added names for cabinet positions by doing this as well.
It’s a good and generous thing to do. Would not be sad to see Rice back at State. Hell knows we’re going to need all the expertise we can get.
Oh, she’ll fucking eviscerate him, and it will be a beautiful thing to see.
@NotMax: Corvette engines, ideally! ;)
@zhena gogolia:
Hell yes.
Good ticket that people can get excited about. I’m really glad.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
for those of you who like to fight… or, um… seek to persuade on twitter
Good news! She was my choice too. I bet the experience with Beau was a big part of the decision.
Also good to have someone who went through the primary gauntlet.
Woot! Woot!
@zhena gogolia: ♥️♥️♥️
Chris Johnson
Yay! There’s one more mistake NOT made, disaster NOT had, nightmare NOT experienced. I’m not incredibly surprised, but I am certainly relieved.
I thought it was pretty likely Biden was not going to fuck this up.
Nice. Let it be the first of many ‘I guess this timeline is not entirely cursed’ moments, as reality asserts itself.
@MattF: I think policy-wise, Harris was a good blend of moderate and progressive. She was only primary candidate labeled as a moderate who put out necessary policy substance need for effective legislation and successful implementation for some major policies. But i think too late on some issues (health care) to do much good for her campaign.
Harris is a good choice on demographic appeal, campaign presence, and policy substance, and general appeal and smarts.
Anonymous At Work
I feel like many people owe me money. Criteria #1 through 8 billion has always been “Can be President at a moment’s notice”. Hell, Pence can’t do that without Mother’s permission.
Rand Careaga
If there is a debate, I look forward to Senator Harris feeding Mike Pence into a woodchipper.
Quit whining. I’m pissed because getting a date with her just became that much harder.
Same here, 100%. Not really concerned at all, though. Harris does him no harm and probably brings some extra energy, turnout, commitment, etc.
(we’ll worry about 2024 when we get there ;)
As I just emailed a friend, I’ll take Biden/Harris running on Warren’s platform with Rice at SoS and Duckworth lobbing (mostly verbal) grenades at the GOP all day, any day. It all works out very nicely! =)
Joy Reid is just beside herself, based on the sound of her voice.
How I wish that could be a rotating tag, but that would be imprudent. sigh.
@Alison Rose
Stun ’em with some history trivia:
One of Grover Cleveland’s jobs pre-presidency was executioner.
@Martin: I think Biden has been looking for other high admin officials too, and doing discussions and interview. So that might explain the spats of trips of unlikely VP candidates to DE, and variety of names popping up in the news.
That’s fantastic. I’m off to go donate. :)
@Litlebritdifrnt: Pretty sure he’s just called Mother over to wipe his butt.
@SiubhanDuinne: I also wrote a long thing about my glasses getting run over but, POOF!
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Oh, this is gonna be good.
I am thinking that Michelle Obama’s depression is lifting mightily this afternoon.
We are ALL due for some good news.
mali muso
Aaaaand one of my leftier than thou FB friends is already caterwauling. Very sure that the Dems are totally messing it up and definitely going to lose now. Oh and she would never have sullied her pure self by voting for Biden anyways. Sigh. Mute, block, move on.
Brace for a shit-storm of misogynoir – and prepare to defend her from now till the end of her second administration.
Nobody is perfect, and we should not expect a walks on water standard. She’s qualified, she’s willing and she’s going to be good enough for all of us.
Let’s have her back and be prepared to call out the bs as we see it whenever and wherever it occurs.
Smart move Joe – you’re going to have a most excellent partner in Kamala Harris.
@Anonymous At Work:
Um, I hate to break it to you, but: he can’t do it, even WITH Mother’s permission.
@NotMax: “One of Grover Cleveland’s jobs pre-presidency was executioner.”
Cleveland could be a piece of nasty work. Signs he was fit for that job from early in his life, so I believe it.
Damn now I gotta go home and make new bumper stickers.
On the bright side, Maya Rudolph has a parking spot confirmed at SNL for the next 8 years.
She won’t be trying to find her place in a crowded field this time. It’ll be easier to focus.
@Barbara: Except for those people who had her as number one, she was everyone else’s number two.
Damn, I knew the boy was Active-Negative, but THAT Active-Negative?!
Somehow I mistyped my nym and it still worked.
@Mandarama: Harris going to do some chewing up and spitting out of Trump and Pence, and random GOPers who want a piece of trouble.
Another thing is I wonder of Harris ability to just stand up and do some ridicule and smash face during a debate appealed to Biden. He was able to turn that on when needed in the past, and might be very important in this campaign.
This! Take no shit, give no fucks. That needs to be the slogan.
Mo Salad
@NotMax: Senator Schiff. Bharara and Yates for AG and Special Prosecutor. They can has a count toss and sort it out.
@Baud: Baushaus.
This is spectacularly wonderful news.
If they actually schedule a debate, Pence will say he saw someone kneeling during the national anthem and leave the venue. Or does this come under the “can’t be left alone (on stage) with a woman” rule from Mother?
Suffer, Trump, you limp fuckstick.
zhena gogolia
This really speaks well for both her and Biden. He’s a big enough man that the sharp criticism she leveled at him in that debate did not interfere with his decision-making process.
Compare to Twitler, who ran for a job he didn’t really want and couldn’t do because Obama laughed at him.
Man, you had a post up and 98 comments before I got my text from the campaign. I know where I rank, now.
Of course, I AM a bit hurt. I got many texts from Biden telling me I was one of his best, most dedicated supporters and if I sent my info he’d make sure I was one of the first people to know his VP selection and here I am, finding out about his choice with all the other proles.
I even sent him $15 after that text to make sure I’d be in the know! ;)
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I don’t bother arguing with anti-Democrats of any stripe on Twitter, but that link will come in handy as a retort to some folks I know in real life, so bookmarked, and thank you!
Keith P.
I’m glad he didn’t overthink this. Kamala Harris was my POTUS pick, and as a VPOTUS, she ticked a bunch of boxes….really the only downside IMO is that she’s from California, which isn’t in play. But she should be able to carve Mike Pence into abstract artwork when debate time rolls around.
Would it be rude of me to pre-order a metric fuck-tonne of popcorn in anticipation of the VP debate(s)?
Hell yeah. I’m still a Liz Lad, but if it couldn’t be Warren, then Harris is an excellent pick.
She’s ready to be President from Day One, and before that she is ready and able to shred Pence into little pieces of moronic incompetence.
I am very happy about this pick. Yuh did good, Joe!
zhena gogolia
I still haven’t gotten an e-mail from the campaign. I’m waiting for that to donate, because if I go right to the site it doesn’t have my info saved.
I’m on a monthly to Biden, but I want to commemorate this.
I know how my running mate will be next time.
Baud!/Baus! 20XX!
Cheryl Rofer
la caterina
Fired up! Ready to go!
Chris Johnson
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: it’s only a model
Felanius Kootea
I am overjoyed.
The Thin Black Duke
@Alison Rose: Tell ’em to shove it anyway. You’ll feel better.
@Baud: Sorry Baud, your time will come. Next cycle people will long to just pass the time in pure idleness.
Alison Rose
@Martin: Re: the new Senator – yeah, we’ll have some great contenders for it, which is why I kept trying to chill my friends out in other states who were like “No we can’t lose anyone from the Senate!!!!!” Bitch, it’s California, don’t worry, we’ll send another Democrat. There are like 14 GOP voters in this state, LOL.
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: You coulda had a bad bitch!
Smart pick by Joe.
Now I just need to find a new Senator.
@jl: Yeah, I think in terms of transition, Biden is going to need a team way earlier than normal, and that’s a campaign point – Trump has acting in so many positions, Biden is going to show what a fully staffed government can look like. And I think household names may help in this regard.
@Alison Rose:
Oh, cut the exaggeration bullshit. It’s more like 14,000.
@Baud: The advantages of a purely virtual candidate are not understood yet. Can be the whole cabinet and ambassador to Freedonia as well.
Good news!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@SFAW: You do know she’s married?
zhena gogolia
Stolen from a twitter guy named Tom Joseph:
“[Kamala Harris] brings an advantage the other candidates couldn’t-She knows what’s behind every redaction in the upcoming 1000 page Senate Intel Committee Counterintelligence Report on Trump/Russia.”
@WaterGirl: Michelle said she was suffering from low grade depression.
@ChrisS: Yeah. I just donated a lot more than I usually do. $250. Tapped out for awhile, but I’ll be damned if I’m not super excited about this.
Cheryl Rofer
And it begins –
True story: last year when there were two dozen or so candidates for the Dem nomination (was that only last year? seems like another lifetime), I saw a graphic showing what generation (Silent, Boomer, X, etc.) each candidate was in, and where they were on the timeline of that generation.
Harris, of course, was way to the right end of the Baby Boom generation, which is where my wife is too. So I had to look up her birth date to see which one of them was older than the other.
Turned out, the answer was “neither.” They were born on the same day. So my wife’s birthday buddy is now the Dem VP nominee. And, Lord willing, our next Vice President, and ultimately the 47th President of the United States.
Yeah. Let’s do this.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
anyone else finding twitter (on SafarI for me) has gone wonky– overload?
@ChrisS: The only way she will be president is if Biden dies in office. Just saying.
As long as we have the EC we just kissed 2024 off.
@Baud: run for Congress.
Baud / Baus for a very, very fine house
@Baud: Someone approved your first one, probably.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: Harris for VP was pretty much my one exception to not cannibalizing the Senate.
Wheeeee! KAMALA !!
She was my first choice for Prez; I am uplifted and happy to see her chosen as Biden’s Veep.
I hope she kicks GOP ass.
@Jinchi: God, are we blessed with choice. Schiff is the default choice – he’d win easily. Throw Bass in there now, Barbara Lee, Jackie Spier, Swalwell, Ro Khanna, Eshoo, Ted Lieu. Hell, Katie Porter has made a hell of a name for herself in the last year and a half.
I’m a-grinnin’. And yes, Dude Gotta Go!
@Alison Rose: Fuck ’em.
She worked in prosecution and did what she could. Early stances against the death penalty (and others) nearly got her thrown out, so she toned the obvious stuff down until she could get away with it as a Senator. Which she did.
Now she’s got a great understanding of the criminal justice system, race relations, and she’ll be a fantastic VP pick on those grounds alone.
East Coast/West Coast 2020.
Omnes Omnibus
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): A boy can dream. Damn you for crushing his dreams. Don’t say a fucking word about the Easter Bunny.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@oldster: You speak for me too!
Cheryl Rofer
Aaannnnd The Lincoln Project has a positive ad!
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan):
So? I am too. I assume you have some point you’re trying to make.
[NB: Yes, I knew that before I wrote it. Allow me my little absurdities, please.]
I’ll have to remember that I have a sock puppet nym now. Could be useful.
@zhena gogolia: I bought that shirt. Time to take it out of retirement. :)
Obviously, Kamala Harris is not a cop, but I don’t mind if the Rose people call her that. They might think it’s some heavy insult, but there are a lot of people for whom “cop” is not a dirty word.
zhena gogolia
Anne Laurie
This is excellent news — for Democrats, and the country!
And now, it’s time to remind Mike Bloomberg that he promised to chip in. Frugal little bastid probably doesn’t want to, but he’s lost the figleaf that he just couldn’t bring himself to help Biden while there was any chance that mean Warren lady might be on the ticket…
Just realized I wasn’t even following Joe on twitter. Rectified!
@Mo Salad
Would not be in the slightest averse to Senator Porter.
Cheryl Rofer
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
She’s the pick of the Never-Trumpers.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Alison Rose: My first pick would be Adam Schiff, but Karen Bass would be great also.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Does this mean you and me gotta have a steel-cage match?
@germy: Stiles got it right.
I hope this means they are going to go hard against the corruption and cronyism that’s been such an integral part of the Trump regime. Jared f-bombing Kushner. That pompous ass is a textbook villain that every American has had to deal with at some point in their lives.
@Baud: Ah. So say we all.
@Alison Rose: And my brother is one of them. Haha. He will have to vote for trump next time and not for Gary Johnson. Haha.
Let’s see: She’s an overly-ambitious-cop-who-doesn’t-smile-enough-who-once-was-in-a-relationship-with-someone-before-marrying-someone-else.
Did I miss anything? Oh yes, blackityblackblack.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Nah. I was taking your side. For once. I can see why you were confused though.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): I want to see Schiff appointed for dozens of reasons, but Trump’s reaction ranks in the top ten.
Stroking him out would be an act of patriotism looked upon fondly by history.
Hot damn.
She was my vote for president in the primary and she has been my VP pick from moment one of Joe winning the primary. I think she is very good. I would have been proud to vote for any of the picks that Joe had to pick from but this choice is the best in my mind.
Let’s make this happen.
I can’t give much, I was off work last week and all of this week and no idea what next week will bring. I work in a business that can be feast or famine, and we just hit the or button. Lot of quotes for new work but nothing in current as of yesterday. I’m practicing retirement. Not a bad gig but my cost framework was planned to coincide with retiring next year not now.
Betty Cracker
An otter just walked through the yard. I’ll interpret that as a good sign.
Just One More Canuck
@Jeffro: I’d like to see an ad with both of them in Joe’s Corvette
@Sean: oh take it easy…a lot can happen in a couple years…let’s just win this one for now and see how it all shakes out.
I almost want to read Rose Twitter’s whining about this. Almost.
@Betty Cracker:
Haha. That’s how religions start.
I listened to the audio version of The Truths We Hold, Harris’ book. After Julian Castro dropped out, I was looking at who to support next for the Iowa caucuses and she convinced me with that book. It was a good one to listen to.
@NotMax: She would be so good. She’s such a genuine person – there is no other Katie Porter – you always get her.
Lincoln Project has an ad up already.
It’s on!!!
@Just One More Canuck: … an ad that closes with KH putting on aviator shades.
Eric S.
@ChrisS: In for a Benjamin
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@SFAW: I don’t know what the numbers are offhand, but I do know registered Independents outnumber registered Republicans in California.
From the Google:
As of 2018, Republicans represent approximately 24% of the state’s registered voters, placing the Republicans in third place in California behind the Democratic Party and no party preference voters.
In February 2019, California had 19,978,449 registered voters, comprising 79.09% of its total eligible voters. Of those registered voters, 8,612,368 (43.11 percent) were registered Democrats, and 4,709,851 (23.57 percent) were Republicans.
@Betty Cracker:
“And behold, she came before us on four paws and was endearingly cute.”
Schiff wouldn’t be appointed until after Trump leaves office.
@Cheryl Rofer: wow…I thought the coordinated messaging this afternoon on just the Democratic side was impressive…
Thanks LP!
Anyway, I’m sure that any and every politico and interest group worth its salt has had 4-5 versions of these support statements teed up for week if not months now, but still. They are really firing on all cylinders right now!
Relaxing. Having lunch outdoors. Just saw the breaking news about Harris.
I love it.
Here we go!
lol chikinburd
My bus-shaped sticker is still in the car window. Not that I drive much anymore, but still.
TaMara (HFG)
@Cheryl Rofer: My thoughts exactly. I was going to buy a yard sign the other day when Cole posted his and then thought, nope, I’m waiting for Biden-Harris (I was very optimistic).
@Alison Rose:
I wonder if any of these people know that at one time, FDR was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
@Betty Cracker:
I would!
Can hardly wait for that VP debate.
@NotMax: So glad you told me to do something else to pass the time. I must admit that I sent a friend the article that I had read about Susan Rice’s son, so her day was a tad tense.
@zhena gogolia: they just didn’t want Warren, let’s be honest.
That’s ok…Biden’s running on Warren’s platform for the most part anyway ;)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Omnes Omnibus: Exactly!!
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: Yeah, I read that post like the Far Side cartoon about what your dog hears when you’re talking to it:
(ETA: Not that the rest of the post was irrelevant, just that what jumped out at me was the one really meaningful part…)
@zhena gogolia: And inspired by you, I just made a donation to commemorate the announcement. I am also a monthly donor as well.
I’m so happy about this choice for VP.
Fuckin awesome, love Harris. She’s so smart and commands respect.
Granted I can scarcely think of anyone I wouldn’t have been happy with.
Cheryl Rofer
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Martin: My vote is Schiff now, and Katie Porter when DiFi finally retires (soon I hope).
Just One More Canuck
@Baud: that’s because you’re a beloved commenter
@Baud: That doesn’t preclude an announcement contingent on the outcome.
It’s 2020. There are no rules anymore.
@Sean: Abolishing the EC was part of her ‘platform’ in 2019.
(Along with abolishing private prisons and the death penalty.)
@Just One More Canuck: there HAS to be a photoshop out there of that already…lemme go look…nope, what do you know? The Internet doesn’t have EVERYTHING.
Give it 10 minutes ;)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Omnes Omnibus: Sorry!
I get out of physiotherapy, check my phone, and wanted to punch the ceiling! But I was still in clinic so I controlled myself but just barely. Now I’m in the car wash grinning like mad. She was always my first choice. GO BIDEN/HARRIS!!!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Outstanding! Doing my happy dance!
What makes you say that?
Just what I wanted!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@SFAW: We all need our dreams. Mine is called Brad Pitt :-)
Miss Bianca
Oh, yay!!
That is all, thank you.
Betty Cracker
THREE otters! They jumped back in the river. Here’s a crappy picture through the rain and the porch screen of two of them.
???????????????????????????? Love Warren too, but KH is 55 yrs old. What’s Cali’s replacement procedure? Gub (D) appointment for her remaining term? EW’s gov is (R), don’t know MA procedure either; not pertinent now.
Alison Rose
@Belafon: Oh, most of these people also hate FDR. To be fair, he wasn’t exactly the progressive paragon my parents and many of their generation make him out to be (internment camps ahem). But even if he were…he wouldn’t be to some of these people today. Basically no one is good enough for them, which is an interesting political stance to take, but okay.
The Thin Black Duke
@kindness: Don’t do it. Why harsh your buzz?
mali muso
@planetjanet: Let’s keep the momentum going! I just donated as well (in response to the text update from the campaign).
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Betty Cracker: Wow, you live in a really cool place. We have had an otter visit our pond 1x in 9 years, a few years ago. Stayed a few days and cleaned out all the bullfrogs, for which we thanked him/her.
I agree. She seemed like his preferred pick from the moment it became clear he would win the nomination. The two seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and for all the furor over her “I was that little girl” response during the debates, it probably tied them closer together.
Which will make him angry, and the one surviving neuron in that swiss cheese of a brain will say “Biden got attention by announcing his vice president pick, you could get it back the same way,” and Pence is fired by tweet.
I don’t know if this thread will reach TBogg levels, but 220 in 55 minutes has to be some kind of land speed record, yes?
I personally think Xavier Bacerra takes Harris’ seat if things work out.
You are right that we have a lot of talent here in California.
I kinda wish that an Asian American be chosen. There is a bit of a glass ceiling in California with respect to how far Asian American Democrats can ride in elective office, and I would not mind seeing a good candidate get a boost.
But it will be interesting to see what happens.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Fair enough. Just getting used to not having a republican in my district.
Cheryl Rofer
As long as Biden doesn’t bring her into his cabinet. I really want her to stay where she is. We need some powerful voices in the Senate.
Gov picks a temporary replacement until we can have a special election, usually around 3 months.
Granted, the legislature noodles with this every time it comes up
Isn’t Harris part Asian (Indian)?
@Cheryl Rofer: This ad just hit me hard. Here I am feeling happy with Harris as the VP. Then I saw the picture of Kamala’s parents as the voice over said “the daughter of immigrants” and tears just flowed down my face. I did not associate Harris with immigration policy, more criminal justice. This hit me hard. What an inspiration after 4 years of hatred towards immigrants.
@kindness: I’m pretty sure you don’t. I posted (on facebook) that I was really happy we got a smart, capable and professional liberal as our VP pick and immediately got yelled at by 3 friends of friends about how she’s “as far from liberal as you can get”.
Too happy to be angry about it. Told ’em they were wrong, she was as liberal as a prosecutor could be and once she wasn’t a prosecutor she moved as far left as she could, becoming the 4th most liberal senator by voting patterns. And reiterated that I was excited to see her on the ticket.
Planning on sticking with this kind of optimism going forward :)
I wish I could find the video but Biden has a genuinely hurt expression when he was told Harris had dropped out and if he had any comment.
Not surprised about the pick in the slightest.
@Brachiator: I’d be happy to see Ted Lieu in the running. And Psi reminds that Xavier may throw in as well.
@Elizabelle: I assume this decision was made a month or two ago and all of the pre-announcement talk was WATB insiders who didn’t like the pick / were mad their own picks weren’t.
The more conspiracy-minded part of my brain thinks that campaign floated random alternatives just to fuck with the overly-online-left and send us all into tizzies for the last month.
Cheryl Rofer
Omnes Omnibus
@Sean: Fuck off.
It’s interesting that Brown recently popped up to suggest that she not accept the VP nod if offered the job.
I wonder if this was a bit of reverse Political Fu to actually endorse her.
A toast to James Clyburn is in order.
That word “liberal” gets abused so much. Pretty much our entire politics is some form of liberal.
Ds are conservative economic liberals and pretty consistent social liberals.
Rs are radical economic liberals and social reactionaries.
Mike in NC
Excellent news. Our white supremacist next door neighbors with the Trump banner in their garage (too chickenshit to have a lawn sign) will be pissed.
Cheryl Rofer
@planetjanet: One of the small things that pleases me about Kamala is that I like to think that her parents lived in the same house I did in Berkeley. It was an older house divided into four apartments. One of the other couples was a Black husband and very small wife. I didn’t pay them much attention, so I can’t say if she was Indian or not. The time was about right.
@MisterForkbeard: The correct approach. They want you to get in the mud with them because that’s their home turf.
Now for the icing on the cake: Appoint Susan Rice SoS and enjoy the sight of Putin having to deal with an African American woman.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Late to the party. Sporting my Kamala hat and t-shirt, though!
I’m a combination of excited and relieved. I didn’t want to get too invested in this outcome, but I was getting there. So I’m relieved – and excited! Let’s do this thing!
I feel like I’m slowly learning to have a little faith again, like I felt on Election Night in 2008 and even more so on Inauguration Day in 2009. Hope is contagious – let’s get this team into the White House.
@Cheryl Rofer: Damn, how fast are these people?!!
This makes me so happy!!
Libby's Person
Yay! I just tried to go to the Biden/Harris (!) webpage to order yard signs, etc., and couldn’t get through. Looks like lots of eager people want to show their support!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: Just as PBO surprised HRC by asking her to be his Secretary of State. A second Dem POTUS not intimidated by strong, capable women. I like this trend.
@Alison Rose:
I confess I wonder if the campaign let Rendell grumble out loud about ambitious women on purpose or if they just took it as a good opportunity to get everyone ready to fight for Harris.
ETA: also, HOORAY!!!! Let’s DO THIS!!!
Remember to vote Biden/Harris. You don’t have to worry about anything else.
Omnes Omnibus
I just donated to the Biden/Harris campaign. I also voted in the WI fall primary today. I am now going to sit over here being happy.
Everyone not from California thinks she’s a moderate. They never bothered to read the page 17 stories about her when she was in state office. She is very progressive. She was also protective of her job, which is where her moderate statements/actions came from – same as with Biden.
That’s how politics work. If the electorate moves left, she is eager to move left with them.
TaMara (HFG)
This photo is so much everything of the moment we are in.
I really thought Biden was going to pick Hillary. I can’t believe the wing nuts got this wrong.
Good choice. My semi-connected friend told me a month ago that even more connected acquaintances were saying that Karen Bass was going to get the veep pick, with Harris for attorney general. But I think Harris is the better veep pick.
And does this open the door for Sen. Adam Schiff? I like the way that rolls off the tongue, although I would hate to see Nancy Pelosi lose a strong ally in the House.
ETA: I dropped my latest report from the coronasphere downstairs.
I’m very happy with Harris on the ticket.
@TaMara (HFG): So much for the grand tradition of tracking private chartered planes to try to tease out who the pick would be.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, I thought you were talking about yourself (re: “a boy can dream”), not me. Apparently my reading comprehension needs remediation.
You haven’t busted my stones in awhile — not even when the Jets traded away Jamal Adams — so I didn’t take it that way anyway.
Sure Lurkalot
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m sure this reply will be in the 300s by the time it posts.
Looks like Joe made everyone here very happy! I was a Warren primary voter but lukewarm on her for VP as I can be ageist ass sometimes. So, yip the hell eee and let’s do this thing like our very existence depends on it because it may very well.
@Cheryl Rofer:
That is so cool.
@Lyrebird: @Alison Rose:
That line could’ve worked during the primary, but the fact is, she’s not Bill Barr.
If anything, “She’s a cop” is a selling point for Never Trump Republicans, and I don’t believe there’s a single person who would’ve voted for Joe Biden, but for the cop on the ticket.
Poor David Axelrod has a sad. You see, Kamala Harris is a conventional pick, not a bold, striking contrast like a Steny Hoyer, perhaps, or a Joe Manchin. Schade.
@debbie: I assume Rice will either get State or Defense.
@Cheryl Rofer:
COOL if true!
(Actually, cool even if not true. But especially if.)
LO to the fucking L
Any numbers on how many are human?
randy khan
I love the choice.
And, as Cheryl suggested earlier, I’ve already posted on social media about how think she’ll be great.
Very happy. She was my pick for the top spot and I’m glad Joe picked her.
Very smart pick. She doesn’t excite me like she does some of you, but I do respect her dignity and toughness. And we have the same birthday (Oct. 20)!
James E Powell
Very happy with the choice. Curious how she will be deployed in the campaign.
Early twitter reactions:
Calling Kamala Harris “Kampala,” which I’ve never seen before and do not understand,
People claiming that Stacey Abrams and Elizabeth Warren are angry,
RWers claiming that this will mean a landslide for Trump, but then
People suggesting that Trump should replace Pence with Nikki Haley.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Duckworth at DoD. Except I’m nervous about Senate-stripping.
@Ken: Guessing pretty close to zero, depending on your definition of human.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: I’d fight you over Natalie Dormer, but I don’t think she’d take any notice.
YAY! While there were other worthy potential picks, Kamala Harris will kick ass and take names on the campaign trail.
One of my favourite videos during this cycle was Kamela telling the story of her meeting her in-laws. It is a pure joy and shows how accessable and relateable she is.
James E Powell
Okay, Eeyore, you did your part. You can go away now.
Betty Cracker
@James E Powell:
Until recently, my iPhone autocorrect changed Kamala to Kampala. Maybe they just haven’t updated their iOS?
@Cheryl Rofer: Told you Sanders was a sell-out.
zhena gogolia
@TaMara (HFG):
I waited too. But TBH, I would have put up a Biden-Gabbard sign if I had to.
Thank God I don’t have to!
@James E Powell:
I hesitate to ask, but what logic, using the term loosely, makes them believe Harris is a Palinesque train wreck of a choice?
@Baud: My former congressman. He is a good and great man.
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: She’s a chick.
@James E Powell: I don’t even understand why he thinks she’ll be a drag on the ticket
James E Powell
There is, in fact, a general feeling in the southern portion of our state that the next senator should be a Mexican American from down here. Becerra’s an older person, almost my age. I’d prefer someone younger, likely to be a force for a while.
Good to see Barack weigh in right away. Didn’t he offer her AG and she turned it down? Or am I making that up?
And… Trump thinks Harris is ‘nasty’. High praise, indeed.
@James E Powell: “Calling Kamala Harris ‘Kampala,’ which I’ve never seen before and do not understand”
A play on the capital of Uganda, for that extra dollop of blacketyblackblack racism that Trumpsters both appreciate and demand?
@Omnes Omnibus: Ah yes.
Doug R
@Alison Rose: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2020/08/10/kamala-harris-progressive-pioneer-san-francisco-da-column/3334668001/
Which means the MSM is gonna be terrible…more so than usual.
Omnes Omnibus
@hueyplong: Yeah, like they know the name of the Ugandan capitol.
I see all that you did there, I am steeped in the relevant internet traditions, and I applaud you.
Nightshift supervisor Dimitriy
Emma from FL
Personally I would have voted for Joe Biden/Ham Sandwich if I had to. Most of the other names floated would have been fine by me. However, I am thrilled it was Kamala Harris. And let’s face it the whining of the “of course I would vote for a woman… just not that woman” bunch are as farts in a hurricane.
zhena gogolia
I screwed up — I responded to a message from Gillibrand thinking I was contributing to Biden-Harris, then it told me it was being split between Biden and Get Off the Sidelines or something like that. I never confirmed the contribution but I just got an acknowledgement. Damn.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropacetic: Fuck’em.
I’m hoping the only dealings the SoS will have with Putin is to announce that additional sanctions are being imposed.
Though that might trigger a later interaction, to send condolences to Putin’s family and whoever takes over Russia after the criminal oligarchs express their displeasure.
Very nice. Maybe we can talk Mitch McTurtle into tossing a “Nevertheless, she persisted” Kamala’s way.
James E Powell
OMG! I am culturally warped by my midwestern whiteness and characteristic American ignorance of world geography.
When I saw Kampala, the only thing that came to mind was Chevy Impala.
@rafah: I’ve got money that says they had 3-5 of these ads prepped, just waiting to see which one to put up.
@James E Powell: They’re uncertain of the actual location of Kampala.
@James E Powell
Early twitter reactions:
Fuck those guys.
@Omnes Omnibus: Man, it’s tough when you have to make a guess while assuming away sentience.
Has anybody learned what Mother thinks? What if Kamala and Mike have to debate, did anybody think of how uncomfortable Mother would be?
I confess, I squealed with delight! I would have wished Senate Majority Leader for her. But being the 51st vote is OK too.
@ChrisS: I made it $500 plus $25 a week.
While Warren turned out to be my favorite Presidential candidate, Harris was who I was hoping he’d pick for VP.
Glad to hear this while I was in the car this afternoon!
@James E Powell: If Stacey Abrams was angry, we would never know it, and she use her anger to propel herself toward the next thing.
Disappointed, sure! Same for Warren.
@trollhattan: Mother doesn’t want Mike to be almost alone in a room with an unaccompanied colored female, so no debates.
I just hope Harris isn’t ambitious.
@James E Powell: I would agree on SoCal, given that it seems like Bay Area Dems have run the statewide offices for a while. That said, is there someone who has a profile worth it? Now that I think about it, there’s an embarrassment of riches to choose from…Schiff (if he doesn’t get picked as AG), Ted Lieu, Katie Porter…lots of talent on the CA bench.
Paint-by-numbers assholery from Trumpkins
@MattF: Can’t the moderator act as chaperone?
@James E Powell:
auto correct. my phone did it when I texted my friend.
Thread hardly needs more people chiming in, but here I am to say: This is great. I need to go back and read that post about how to stand up for her, and how to push back against the bullshit.
Already unfollowed one self-righteous ‘lefty’ moron on Twitter this afternoon. (I realize that unfollowing isn’t much of a pushback, but that particular denizen wasn’t even worth swatting at.)
@Ken: The response from his outraged twitter followers has basically been a mix of that or “Bernie please unsuspend your campaign and start running because this is a nightmare!”
I think that’s an exact quote.
I shouldn’t be happy about their anguish, but it’s so childish and shows a complete and utter lack of understanding about our government and political system.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: She’s probably pretty meek. How else would an Black/Asian child of immigrants get to the tip in this country? Of course, it’s self-effacement and stepping aside for others. Duh.
For those looking forward to a Harris vs Pence debate, I honestly don’t know what you do to debate someone who blandly repeats obvious lies as if they’re truth over and over without extemporizing. That’s what Pence did last time, and it’s pretty much what he does in his public appearances now, so I have every reason to think he’d do it again. I suppose if there’s a counter strategy to that, a prosecutor would know it.
Hooray!!! I’m so happy. Damn I needed this.
@WaterGirl: She already released her statement, so the entire idea is a farce.
I think that Biden had a private plane fly to Bar Harbor and back just to mess with me and my stomach. (btw I’m sorta kidding)
An analysis of Trump’s peculiar version of the “Madonna-Whore complex” is a dissertation waiting to happen. Maybe Mary has some spare time now that her book’s done so well.
(Apologies for that word by the way, but that’s what the psychiatrists named it.)
“no lies detected” or whatever the clever phrase is right now…
I hope the Biden/Harris campaign will keep pointing out that it is [expletive deleted] McConnell who’s about to defund the police in cities all over the country without any new social services to step in. By cutting state aid out, I mean.
TS (the original)
Especially questions about controlling covid-19. If this No 1 topic is not in every debate, the media is in the bag for trump.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I can not think of anyone in American politics today more on target to deal with the police abuse issue than a woman of color who is a former prosecutor. Well played Biden.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well, I’m game, if it will help you in that regard. But be forewarned, many a knuckle has been bruised by my nose, and patellae have also had contusions from my … well, I can’t say “groin” in polite company. And be sure to bring lots of towels and Purell/Tide to get my blood off of you.
I can see you trembling from way over here.
Oh, sure you should.
@TS (the original):
Not sure you needed the prefatory comment/disclaimer.
TS (the original)
They don’t want to report the news – they want to make and control the news.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s weird how after 3+ years of Trump, during the D primary, the MSM finally found a new group of voters to interview who weren’t in Trump country diners.
These voters were themselves a pretty homogenous group. Of course they would be happy to vote for a woman or POC, but they were…concerned that other voters may not. This despite the fact that the two top vote getters in history were a black man and a white woman. But we couldn’t afford to take the risk.
And that’s why despite our impressively diverse slate of candidates, we only ever seriously considered white dudes for the role.
@PsiFighter37: Having Katie Porter finish out Harris’s term in the Senate would be teh awesome.
Luckily, you’re on Balloon Juice.
I am disappointed in myself that it took me this long to realize that these are not just words, but the agenda is specifically minority equality. Choosing Harris thus does indeed confirm that Biden is running on the extreme agenda of the radicals on the left, if you are a racist asshole and equality for minorities and women is political extremism to you.
This election will be more fun than the norm because we get to beat the entire Trump Family. Even the son in law. The whole sleazy crew have to pack up and move on.
My company has been discouraging use of “Asian” for some time. Even “South Asian” or “East Asian” are overly general.
The lumping reminds me of the famous New Yorker cover.
TaMara (HFG)
JoeBiden.com is back up and I just bought all the Merch. LOL
I feel confident Senator Sanders will win all of the primaries between now and the convention.
@ChrisS: Good call, just chipped in!
I will be making a special video on how to make dynamite kettle corn at home for this very occasion. For reals.
I feel giddy, oh so giddy…
@dmsilev: LOL The Independent from Vermont just tweeted his support for the ticket.
Karina Pierson has always been an asshole. Remember her bullet necklace?
Jen Rubin is all in for Kamala Harris. WaPost: Kamala Harris was Joe Biden’s boldest and most qualified pick
@zhena gogolia: If it was through Act Blue, you can get them to change it, I think.
As long as it puts Putin’s nose out of joint, I’m fine with either.
DamnDang, you’re right!WaterGirl
@Baud: The horror!
On one ticket, you have an old hag with dyed hair, terrible makeup, and flabby boobs.
On the other ticket, you have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Darn tootin’!
@Jinchi: might I suggest Senator Ted Lieu or perhaps Senator Katie Porter?
hells littlest angel
Yes yes yes yes YES!!!
@Elizabelle: Of all the weird and unpredictable things that have happened over the last few years, Jennifer Rubin, outspoken advocate for Democrats, is one of the odder. She certainly seems to have made a full John Cole Transition though.
The Divine 9
The HBCU Alumni Network
About to get in formation
@Frankensteinbeck: Kamala does ‘annoyed condescension’ better than practically anyone. I think that’s basically the right approach to take.
Point out that he’s lying, and that he’s lying to the face of the American people and we shoudn’t stand for it. Then (if you have a ready comeback) lay into exactly how Pence is lying. If she can brand Pence as “liar” then she’s succeeded.
@JPL: There are a good number of rich people, really rich, in Delaware (I grew up there) and no commercial air service. You have to go to Philly, which has always been one of the country’s five worst airports. So there are a lot of private jets at the New Castle airport. Not unusual for an August flight to go to Bar Harbor to drop off some wealthy DuPont scion or bankster. Why national reporters and online political types were obsessing over private flight info was beyond me. Do a little research, you dopesw.
@dmsilev: So it starts, the Poison Clown and his Slime Circus, desperate to throw anything they can find or invent, knowing the opposition is a solid pair of intelligent, experienced, empathetic politicians whose mission is to get the USA back on track. Almost three months of this crud – which, no doubt, will be diluted and bothsidesered by Our Liberal Media.
Will Mike Pence’s mother allow him to debate a woman?
Absolutely love the pick. I think she’ll complement Biden very well, plus she has that infectious laugh that makes me think everything will be alright.
The Traitor-in-Chief Campaign will demand that no debater be allowed to call, hint, intimate, say, or suggest that the other person is a liar or is lying.
You read it here first.
Dan B
@lowtechcyclist: Better being born on the same day as Kamala, congrats!
Beats the day the People’s Republic of China was founded – my birth date. But more people are forced to celebrate my birthday…
Liking Kamala VP a lot, especially since Biden has said he’s only serving one term. Having someone with executive experience at the state and federal level is critical to restoring our government. Joe can’t fix everything in four years.
I have an elegant solution to that. Between Jared, Ivanka, and the long list of “acting” appointees, we’ve now established that running an office and holding an office are completely unrelated things.
Thus the Article I Section 6 prohibition, “no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office,” doesn’t apply as long as Biden doesn’t send the nomination to the Senate.
(Every now and then I wish I were a conservative, making arguments is so much easier than making sense.)
@dmsilev: Right. I’m just thinking “How do you people actually think this works, that this is a possible solution? What does this potentially accomplish?”
And the answer is just “it makes me feel better and also Democrats lose the election”
Dan B
@Sean: Biden has stated he’s only serving one term. He’d be 81, I believe, in 2024.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Haven’t read any of the replies – it’s damned dusty in here at present. Great news to get off work to. I’m so happy for my Divine Nine sister – and my country!! Time to suit up!!!
@SFAW: Well, there goes Trump’s entire debate approach.
@ChrisS: me too
Anne Laurie
New post up top, same happy theme, but with more reax!
Love her infectious laugh! Did you ever see that clip where she related — in the most exquisite Noo Joyseyese — the story of meeting her new in-laws for the first time? I’ll try to find it.
EDIT Litlebritdifrnt has it at #276.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Cute video, thanks! It made me think of one I saw just the other day of Joe Biden’s wife Jill talking with a reporter, and relating the story of the day she got on Air Force 2 before everyone else and hid in one of the overhead luggage compartments. Apparently she’s a bit of a practical joker. So, dare I hope, we might be looking at an administration that can laugh now and again without it being mean and at the expense of others. That would be amazing.
She’s my favorite Never Trumper because she’s so intense and enthusiastic. Not looking back, Jennifer Rubin. Moving on.
Just wanted to say that Barr’s said he’s going to release Durham’s “report” about the whole Obama unmasking bullshit thing before the election. He’s going to try to Comey this shit. That’s coming and something for which we need to be ready.
@zhena gogolia:
Waited for Joe’s email for the same reason. Then donated to the Biden/Harris campaign.
I can not donate much, I have no idea what my work situation will be, was off most of last week, will be all of this week, have no idea when I’ll be earning a paycheck again. I expect to be back at my job, probably soon, but I’ve been in the same line of work for 40 yrs, not all contiguous but for a lot of that I owned my own business and I’ve seen how it can go sideways rather easily even when you do everything right because of republican economics. Which is steal everything not tied down and cut the ropes whenever possible.
I think the Trump campaign has already gone past that. They did give out that list of acceptable moderators, and they were astonishing hacks. For Trump, it’s not enough to not be called on his bullshit. Any competition that isn’t heavily weighted in his favor is not ‘fair’.
EDIT – @Leto:
I’m not worried about it. Comey was seen as impartial, building off of the overwhelming media narrative of the campaign, that Hillary Clinton is a criminal who hasn’t been officially caught yet. Barr is like Nunes now. Let him release another of his infantile documents. No one trusts him enough to give him the benefit of the doubt until the actual document is analyzed and we find out he’s incompetently released something that doesn’t support his side. (And Barr really isn’t all that competent, he just looks like a god compared to the dipshits that Trump normally hires.)
Chyron HR
Oh well, maybe by 2024 the “progressive left” will figure out that their strategy of pre-emptively vowing never to vote for the Democratic candidate actually diminishes their influence in the party.
@NotMax: Schiff stays or moves to Senate. Both of the others are great choices! And currently very public!
Luckily they’ve been pushing this nonsense long enough that most politically active people on our side already knew full well why this is nonsense.
@SiubhanDuinne: I think I did, it was pretty funny; I keep thinking back to her doing the cooking with Mindy Kaling, telling Mindy not to “call her Auntie”. Seriously, that whole thing was just so good!
Mindy cooking with Kamala: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz7rNOAFkgE
@Frankensteinbeck: @Kropacetic: No, I totally agree with both you guys; we all know it’s bullshit. But low info voters (white, non-college educated males), people who want “teh purity” vote… just saying, we need to be aware that it’s coming. Hopefully the dingdongs in the media will not try to act like it’s a “bombshell” or give it more than bird cage liner attention.
hells littlest angel
@Leto: A truly beautiful laugh.
I’m thrilled. And it sure seems that this choice is injecting even more energy and enthusiasm into the campaign.
I like Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff. He showed his human side when the big man-bunned Vegan activist at the Roots Action forum grabbed Harris’s mic. Emhoff got up and helped wrestle the mic away. I saw a close up of Emhoff’s face; he looked like he was ready to try and rip the activist’s head off. But Emhoff also showed his civilized side, when he did not in fact try to rip the guy’s head off. Even though he wanted to.
Anything is possible, but that seems unlikely to this CA resident. We have some really good people in the house and replacing one of them would be easy, senate is a bit tougher but the number of people ready, willing and able is not in any way short or lacking. A lot of the names mentioned in this post would be great and better than the current AG. And yes he served in the house for a long time, but he’s not really any sort of household name.
Matt McIrvin
@Leto: At this point I’m not worried about an October surprise so much as a November/December surprise: what specifically Trump is going to do to fuck with the election and how we deal with it. He’s so completely open about considering it his prerogative to rig it.
Captain C
@Jinchi: The thought of Elizabeth Warren in a Democratic-majority Senate, and therefore with subpoena power, fills me with joy.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Now, now be nice. You forgot please.
I am so happy right now I could just scream.
This is the most excited I’ve been in 4 years (although the midterms were pretty damned cool). Really, this is a mood-lifter and I feel hopeful that we can get this done.
James E Powell
Assuming all goes well in November, what are the chances Newsom appoints Kevin De Leon?
I’d go with approx 4.9 mil. Doing the math, let’s see, divide by 6, add 3000, multiply by the sq root of 1, multiply by the vlad, and I come up with 80 mil bots.
@James E Powell:
I’d say slim but that’s just my reading of the situation, no one else’s.
@Leto: I agree. I just meant to say that most of us have a ready answer for it.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker: Otters, WHEE!!
J R in WV
Will never have to see another post from you, dumb ass.
Thanks to Watergirl and cleek and Major^4 for the new Pie filter, which turned you into a bag of Sealion Chow!!!
And in 2024 Ms Harris will elected President, no problem!
Captain C
@Alison Rose: I have a feeling I’m going to have to unfollow a nontrivial number of my friends in the near future.
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, this !!!
TS (the original)
All the reality of trump on display – you must hate anyone who doesn’t fall down at your feet with adoring statements.
The division this attitude has caused throughout the USA (and the world) is what my tears are made of. Even continents away I can no longer be friends with anyone who thinks trump is any sort of a world leader.
@Ruckus: I second his sentiment, and I never promised to be nice
ETA: and I won’t say please.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dan B: Source?
J R in WV
@zhena gogolia:
If it was ActBlue, they will fix that for you ASAP… but they might be a tad busy tonite…
They will fix it no matter how long it takes for them to get around to it, if you can’t go in using the links at the bottom of the acknowledgement email and fix it yourself…
Dan B
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t have a source off the top of my head but will search.
It may have been after spicey food… aa in wild dreams.
Uncle Cosmo
There ya go! Or as they say in Putinia, BOT!
You do understand I was only poking Omnes don’t you?
My use of 4 letter words hasn’t quite, maybe, sunk in yet?
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Unwanted touching is unwanted. Just saying.
Amir Khalid
Just curious. How would one describe, say, a Malaysian of Indian heritage?
The Lodger
@Ken: Agreed. About the only term less descriptive than “Asian” is “Human.”
The Lodger
@MisterForkbeard: Pence bare-facedly lied his way through the VP debate and Tim Kaine wasn’t prepared for it. We’ll be ready for Pence this year because, face it, he doesn’t have any other tricks.
@The Lodger: Perhaps African is less descriptive. It is the most genetically diverse continent as far as I understand.
Uncle Cosmo
Really? Where the hell did you see that? I haven’t, & it would’ve been splashed all over the fucking Net.
Prove me wrong. Link or retract. NOW. Not tomorrow or next week. NOW.
@Sean: The only way she will be president is if Biden dies in office. Just saying.
As long as we have the EC we just kissed 2024 off.
Comment makes no sense. If Biden did not run in 2024, we don’t even know who the nominee would be. Harris doesn’t automatically become the nominee if Biden didn’t run. She would have to win a primary against other Democrats. Ignorant statement.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Pence should me Mirandized, before any debate.