… And fails by every possible metric, because that’s his real skill-set:
This is the most transparent scheme ever. https://t.co/Son3lxkgl6
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) August 13, 2020
We call this "coordination" in the business, and it's a federal crime. https://t.co/VEALNfe6CO
— Reed Galen (@reedgalen) August 13, 2020
Every so often, you get to pick the headline to go with your story. And let me tell you, it feels *great* https://t.co/jSNv6yAzfH
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) August 12, 2020
… “We have no knowledge of what Kanye West is doing or who is doing it for him,” the Trump campaign’s spokesman said at the time. But last weekend, indefatigable Trump cheerleader and former aide Sam Nunberg had no qualms about bragging to The Washington Post that he’d introduced Trump in 2014 to the GOP pol who got West on the ballot in Arkansas last month. To Nunberg, running West was a coup for Republicans. “Does the Biden campaign want Kanye West campaigning in Cleveland, in Cincinnati, in Milwaukee?” he asked. “I don’t think they do.”
Into this maelstrom of racial animus and nihilism strides Kushner, a bloodless man possessed of a singular genius for locating new petards with which he can hoist himself. Last Thursday, Kanye got on Colorado’s ballot; within 48 hours, he’d gotten a private audience in the state with the permanently wincing White House senior adviser, who started his political career by trying to establish backchannel Trump communications with Russia and who most recently was excoriated for completely fucking up the U.S. coronavirus response—possibly, it was reported by Vanity Fair, because he reasoned the virus “was going to be relegated to Democratic states” and Trump “could blame those governors” for the resulting mass deaths.
If one could bracket out the immediately obvious evils of manipulating a man in a mental health crisis for maximum political gain, using Kanye to halfheartedly rig an election would be the perfect Kushner tasking. He has grand ideas about his abilities, as we’ve seen. But this is probably closest to his sweet spot: chumming with celebrities and concocting the stupidest scheme imaginable to keep his extended family’s grift going just a bit longer…
What gets to me is that the point of exercises like this is that they are supposed to be secret… https://t.co/WESaNNrxHC
— Alex Hazanov (@alexhazanov) August 12, 2020
look, if you *have* any kind of connection to Kushner, it is your patriotic duty to call him up and explain that you have a way that, with just a few tens of millions spent, the Trump campaign can be competitive in Hawaii
— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) August 12, 2020
I’ll believe that Jared Kushner is growing into his role as a White House staffer when his friend stop trying to retract embarrassing things he says in conversations with reporters. https://t.co/btfr2WKiVL pic.twitter.com/k6DDDMoZic
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) August 13, 2020
Sure, some voters — even in swing states! — might write in Kanye West. Others will write in Ron Paul, Lydon LaRouche, or their own favorite celebrity. Doesn’t make Kushner’s attempts to ‘encourage’ his ‘friend’ any less despicable, or futile.
‘We had a general discussion, more about policy,’ Jared Kushner said, confirming that he met Kanye West recently https://t.co/qJlo8eHHov pic.twitter.com/JqeL3UHTrk
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 14, 2020
Donald Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner boasts of having a black friend. pic.twitter.com/5pBIc71gbs
— DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) August 13, 2020
Black political reporter, for some reason, not finding this funny:
It ONLY took 3 complaints in Illinois for the State Board of Elections to review the petition by #KanyeWest to be on #POTUS ballot. They determined nearly 75% of his signatures were fraudulent. If Kanye is on your state’s ballot, contact your Board is Elections for a review! ??
— AprilDRyan (@AprilDRyan) August 13, 2020
Alison Rose
Kushner really makes me wish we had excommunication in Judaism. What a shanda fur die goyim.
I want to see Jared in an orange jumpsuit.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I thought it was too late for West to get on the ballot in several states?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Dump = Wile E. Coyote
Meep, meep!
“Does the Biden campaign want Kanye West campaigning in Cleveland, in Cincinnati, in Milwaukee?” he asked. “I don’t think they do.”
I don’t think the low quality Trump hires are supposed to admit Trump’s worried about Ohio. That’s supposed to be in the bag.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It is. It’s not anywhere close to anything approaching a serious campaign, it’s a not so covertly R-financed spoiler campaign to attempt to funnel just enough votes away from Biden in certain states.
And a dismal joke, as if a competitor tried to cut into Uber’s business by backing another company which drives nothing but Yugos.
Omnes Omnibus
I just wanted to see this again.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): So far, I think he’s only been able to get on the ballot in Colorado, Oklahoma and Vermont. He got booted from Illinois for too many invalid signatures. Fervently hoping his attempt to get on the ballot in Wisconsin will fail as well.
That’s the great part of Trump hiring all his otherwise unemployable relatives though- if you beat him the whole family is humiliated and fired. Big reward. It’s an incentive. 5 assholes with one stone.
Omnes Omnibus
@Eljai: I took a quick look at the signature forms he submitted for WI. I doubt he will make it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I had thought he had already failed to get on the Wisconsin ballot. It’s a battleground state, so yeah he needs to be kept off. West actually had the gall to invoke the race card for being rejected in Illinois
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
A bunch of them in one state were bs ones like “Bernie Sanders”. I wish his “campaign” would ask me to sign it for Ohio. I’d sign something ridiculous like “Clark Kent”. Unless it’s illegal to put a false name on ballot petition?
Historical tidbit: Perhaps the last time so many assholes were in prominence.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It really speaks to either the GOP’s arrogance that these efforts are so brazen or their (racist) stupidity. Not that this shouldn’t be taken seriously obviously
A Republican lawyer suited the petition for West to get on the Iowa ballot just before the deadline today. His named electors are Republican. The petition gatherers were all at a Comfort in where someone snapped a photo of “campaign ” men going through the petitions. These signatures will be challenged. The gatherers were being followed by local Dems who were interviewing people they approached about what they said.
Wyatt Salamanca
One of the great things about a Biden/Harris victory will be that Jared, this putrid pukestain and pathetic excuse for a human being, returns to obscurity and won’t be heard or seen again.
Adam L Silverman
@Alison Rose: We do, it is called the herem, which translates as The Ban. There are a range of possible outcomes/punishment from ostracism to execution.
Since this is an open thread, I just wanted to share my movie viewing the last couple of days to further everyone’s depression. Last night I watched Threads(1984) for the first time ever. “the film was the first of its kind to depict a nuclear winter. It has been called “a film which comes closest to representing the full horror of nuclear war. its aftermath, as well as the catastrophic impact the event would have on human culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threads_(1984_film)
True that I don’t need to see it again to realize that.
But it is supposed to be the British counterpart of a US movie in 1983. “The day after”. And which is the best depiction. So I watched The day after tonight. It is available on UTube for free.
So which is the best movie to scare the everloving shit out of you? I call it almost a tie, but Threads ekes out a win. I never want to see either one of them again. I get the point.
The pandemic is tame in comparison.
@Alison Rose: We don’t excommunicate true. But we do shun. And I would love it if his synagogue shunned them both. No entry. No words. Just turn them out on the street like the trash they are. And contact as many Orthodox rabbis as possible in the areas where they live to enforce the same shunning. It won’t teach them any lessons, but their synagogue might just regain their dignity.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you. The word was sticking in my brain. I’ve been rather foggy in the brain as of late.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It is part of the influence campaign. Bannon summed it up as “flood the zone with shit”. Create so much chaos, make so much “news” that reporters have to constantly chase, that you create the following effects:
As to Kushner, he doesn’t have any immunity and I hope once the dust settles when Biden/Harris assume our leadership they are prosecuted. So there.
Adam L Silverman
@Winston: This is Lawrence, Kansas… Is anyone out there? Anyone at all?
@Alison Rose: Much as Jared deserves shunning, I have to think that Stephen Miller is ahead of him in any ranking. Miller is far more competent in his evil. And besides, his own family has already signed off on the “he’s a moral monster” thing, so there won’t be any pushback.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I was just talking about this a little while ago. In addition to prosecutions for whatever can be established, All of these people need to be shown that they are no longer acceptable in decent society. Chad Wolf’s neighbors who served snacks to protesters and the people who drove Ilsa the She-Wolf of the DHS out of a restaurant have the right idea. This isn’t about policy differences; this is about the kind of people who proudly put took kids from their parents and put them in cages. They are not acceptable in a decent society or even one that merely purports to be.
Omnes Omnibus
@Winston: No thank you.
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: I’m here for all your nat-sec, obscure Judaica, and comic arcana needs. And emergency recipe posts.
The thing with me is, it’s all over. As soon as I receive my mail in ballot, I fill it out solid blue. There is no need to debate any right wing idiot, or pay attention to their scummy schemes at this point. It’s just over and a lot of my friends feel the same way.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Miller deserves to be scarfed up, black bagged, sedated, and deposited at The Hague for a crimes against humanity trial.
Threads is a harrowing watch, one which has lost practically none of its iron-fisted, brass knuckled punch. Nearly 20 years earlier, the equally shattering The War Game was deemed to be too disturbing for audiences in 1965 and held back from its planned airing on the BBC until the 1980s.
In Simon Schama’s 1987 non-fiction book about Dutch history, Embarrassment of Riches, he tells a story of Dutch citizens mooning the British (or vice versa) across the English Channel, some time in the 17th century or thereabouts….
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’ve watched both of those movies. By far the bleakest depiction of nuclear war is When the Wind Blows (1986), an animated film about a older British couple that grew up up during WW2 that bumblingly follow the UK government issued Civil Defense pamphlets from the period.
They took off all the doors to the house (including exterior ones!) to build a sort of an interior “shelter” with them, covered it with throw pillows, painted the windows white, etc. The film makes it clear they’re stuck in the past and completely trust the government.
They miraculously survive the attack, only to slowly die of radiation poisoning. All of their neighbors have died; the main characters, Jim and Hilda, even wonder if someone is cooking roast beef…
The movie ends on a bleak note, with Jim and Hilda climbing into trash bags (because the pamphlets told them to), thinking the British government is going to come to their rescue. But they never do and it’s already been 2 weeks
As for Threads, the biggest issue I have with it is how it has stupid scenes like a woman pissing herself and a man getting off a toilet during the attack. Detracts from the film’s serious message imo. Total realism isn’t always a good thing
I feel sorry for Kanye. He’s mentally not all together. Trump’s people know it and are manipulating him.
I would say ‘At long last, have you no sense of decency?’ No they don’t.
Any initial commentary on this?
U.S. seizes Iranian fuel bound for Venezuela, moves cargo to Texas port
Adam L Silverman
The good news is that Senator Burr (R-NC), at the time still the chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has referred Jared to the DOJ for investigation. Also, Steve Bannon, Don Jr, Erik Prince, Sam Clovis, and several others. If Biden is elected, those referrals will still be at the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Adam L Silverman:
You may have addressed this point in a previous post, so I apologize in advance if I missed your comment, but what’s your reaction to Colin Powell asserting that the media got carried away in its reporting of Putin offering bounties for the killing of US soldiers in Afghanistan.
West of the Rockies
Trump will win Oklahoma with or without Kanye’s “assistance.” As for Vermont and its (checks notes) 23 black voters and THREE electoral votes, who cares. Also, too, Trump ain’t winning Colorado, period.
Mallard Filmore
@Adam L Silverman:
Along those same lines …
.@ElieNYC is always thinking of how to get the handcuffs on, for which America should be grateful.
Promising a Nobel—like a truckload of coke—to get Trump to an Oslo arrest point is an ace operation. I’m seeing a livestream. https://t.co/iZDweZ36jd
— Virginia Heffernan (@page88) August 13, 2020
I got nothin’ other than I just had an online video session with brilliant people and I can’t stop smiling.
Needed that.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I saw the initial reporting a couple of days ago. The seizure is allowed under the sanctions in place, but this, like almost everything we’ve ever done vis a vis Iran since the revolution, is going to have to opposite effect than the one we’re seeking.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
I really think they fucked up with the timing of the Postal Service. It would’ve made more sense to do that in late September or October. Now people have time to adjust, hopefully. The USPS IG is getting involved as well and they can’t be fired so easily. Many state AGs are announcing investigations into the USPS shenanigans too.
The USPS has (allegedly) said it will halt post box removals going forward. Now, we have to hold them to that and force DeJoy to reverse his other “reforms” too. A lot of people all over the country are experiencing mail delays. The Dems are going to have to make sure Trump gets blamed for it. I think he will
@Winston: I’d say When the Wind Blows was one of the more effective anti-nuclear war films I can recall from the 80s.
Not particularly grisly, but very grim in its way.
Omnes Omnibus
@Wyatt Salamanca: Powell, of course, has no history of minimizing war crimes.
Adam L Silverman
@Wyatt Salamanca: I don’t know how read into these things Powell is anymore, so I have no idea what he knows to base this on. I know that the CENTCOM commander has indicated some skepticism, but the reality is that threat was taken seriously enough to lead the military to take additional force protection measures in Afghanistan. I’m not read onto any of this as I’m not working on anything even remotely related to it, and if I was I couldn’t comment, so everything I know is based on the open source reporting. Based on that, I think there is enough that any prudent commander would take implement additional force protection measures and a functional national command authority would push back.
I did see reporting yesterday that Pompeo has now stated that both he and Secretary Esper pushed their Russian counterparts on this. You don’t do that if there’s no there there.
Adam L Silverman
@Mallard Filmore: Elie has the beginnings of a workable plan.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@West of the Rockies:
I agree. Iowa I’m more worried about. Obama won that state back in 2008. Can’t remember about 2012, but my impression is that Iowa is potentially gettable
@Adam L. Silverman
What happens to the cargo? I haven’t the slightest idea what its legals status might be. Sits indefinitely in the Texas harbor? Sold at secret “auction” to a Dolt 45 crony?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Have I said something to annoy you or have I said something wrong? If I have I apologize. It’s just I’ve made many replies to you that have gone unanswered tonight. I can’t help but wonder
@Winston: There’s another very good US TV movie called “Threads,” also more about the aftermath than the attack itself. Focuses on a single family. Another heartbreaker. Jane Alexander stars, and William Devane is also in it (albeit briefly).
Nuclear war movies were, I guess the word is “popular,” in the mid-80s, thanks to Reagan playing “Can you top this?” with the Soviets.
It makes me wonder what kind of movies will come out of our era.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): What is very publicly removing blue mail boxes, which has generated a lot of attention, obscuring? That’s the real question.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: That’s the question. This is bordering on using the US Navy as privateers with the sanctions functioning as a bill or marque.
If people want a cheerful and uplifting watch, I highly recommend THE SPEED CUBERS on Netflix. Someone on Twitter who isn’t a crying type said they wept, so when it showed up in my scroll, I watched. I hate heart tugging, but this was something a bit more interesting.
A great thing about streaming is that it isn’t tied to lengths having to fit defined schedule slots. This is 40 minutes long. 30 wouldn’t have been long enough, and I’m so glad they didn’t pay it out to 60.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
May look stupid to you in today’s milieu but that kind of verisimilitude simply wasn’t shown on TV then. The shock of seeing such scenes was an intentional device to concentrate the gravity of the message.
@Adam L. Silverman
As well as (to state the obvious) intended as a provocation.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Adam L Silverman:
Adam, thanks for your response. I was disappointed by Powell’s comments, but obviously the main objective is voting this lunatic President out of office on Election Day.
@CaseyL: The movie with Jane Alexander is called Testament.
Adam L Silverman
@Wyatt Salamanca: Powell is what he’s always been: a politician with a finely tuned sense of which way the wind is blowing.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Omnes Omnibus:
Your point about Powell is well taken.
Hopefully, Biden wins on Election Day and Trump, Jared and this entire rogue’s gallery of creeps and morons serving in the Dumphf administration will get swept into the trash receptacle of history where they fucking belong.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: The question is who is provoking who? Or whom? The Iranians had to know the shipments are being tracked. So they let one go knowing it is going to be interdicted. What they’re probably hoping for is that it’ll be seized as it gives them something to make noise about. Remember, the Iranians are descendants of the ethno-national group that invented chess, the President doesn’t appear to be the kind of person that could effectively play CandyLand.
@Adam L Silverman: Lawrence, KS is big enough to have a police department, and the department has a Twitter account which can be hilarious at times.
@SFBayAreaGal: Thank you. Going to watch it now.
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: Okay, I was quoting the tag line from the movie, but an amusing PD twitter account is nice too.
Alison Rose
@Adam L Silverman: Well, hey hey, learn something new every day. I wouldn’t go so far as execution, but ostracism sounds good. And maybe some time in the stocks.
Alison Rose
@dmsilev: Honestly, I hate even thinking about Miller because my brain is just like NO HE IS NAZI.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Speaking of other nuclear war films, here’s one, World War III
A late 80s/early 90s nuclear war is not something I’ve seen a whole lot of in fiction, except for this movie. I’m not sure how plausible it would be for the Soviet Navy of the period to enforce a blockade of Europe, but the fact that WW3 would last only a few days, with most conventional weapons being expended within the first 48 hours is pretty believable
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
That is a good question. It’ll probably be revealed in short order
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’ll be hand-delivering my mail-in ballot even though I can see a mailbox from my front door and could cartwheel to my local USPS office.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I guess. It just seemed out of place. The Day After never had scenes like that in it and it was better for it imo
@Alison Rose
Alison Rose
There we go, let’s decide the election that way. Whichever candidate pair can turn the most cartwheels in a row wins. We got that shit locked. Biden’s old but he’s hale and hearty, and Harris could probably do half a mile’s worth
ETA that I am a frail disabled old lady so normally I wouldn’t even joke about a physical contest, but these ain’t normal times, and Trump and Pence deserve to be mocked in whatever ways we can dream up.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh. You just reminded me of the account.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Alison Rose:
Trump’s doctor has assured us all that he is also hale and hearty. He totally hasn’t had a mini stroke or anything like that
@Alison Rose: That’s not really what meant, silly.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka
Cue Tom Lehrer.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Same. I plan on putting both the application and the completed ballot in the county board of elections drop off box
I’ve voted absentee for the last 4 years by mail. Not this time. I’m not risking it
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: No worries.
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: I know, but the image was priceless.
@Alison Rose: How’d you know I can’t cartwheel worth a damn? :)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Updated Hitchhiker’s Guide for 2020.
It’s not that small. About the same size as Boulder CO.
Edit.. Oops, you were quoting The Day After. My bad….carry on.
@SFBayAreaGal: You’re right; major brain fart on my part.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I always enjoy hearing Tom Lehrer songs
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It’s not quite too late in Virginia, but it’s soon, and we’re known for requiring an insane number of signatures (you have to get a minimum number in each congressional district), so the chances of meeting that requirement under current conditions are pretty much zero.
This is some really good being high music.
Couldn't Stand the Weather
Fareed Zakaria went full Broder on the Post site on Friday. He blamed both parties for the lack of a new COVID-19 relief bill.
One commenter had this to say to Zakaria’s both-sides tripe, which I felt the need to quote here:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Trivia fact for the day- At last report, Professor Lehrer is 92, but he’s still alive.
Fair Economist
The post-nuclear war film that really stuck in my head was Testament. No big splashy effects, just the story of one suburban family trying, and failing, to deal with the aftereffects of a nuclear war. Several scenes I still think about frequently even though I just saw it once nearly 40 years ago. The movie never even said why there was a war, which to me just emphasized it didn’t matter – no political issue could ever justify something like that.
Uncle Cosmo
Amen. I do disagree that “this is not about policy differences” though. There are certain “policies” that should not be tolerated in “decent society.” Anyone who supports caging kids at the border should simply forfeit his/her right to a hearing for her/his “ideas,” analogous to how the Germans have nixed Holocaust denial.
This is why we, the decent people of the USA, need as large and crushing a victory as possible come November: The closer we can squeeze the Trumpublican vote down to the 27% crazification factor, the more unacceptable the jumble of inhuman and inhumane “ideas” at its rotten core will become in “decent society” & the more consistently they are met with derision and shunning.
Otherwise we will simply have to stand guard 24/7 over the flat rocks they’ll scurry back under, lest their poisonous “ideology” regain traction at some point in the future. And we progressive types are really lousy at eternal vigilance – we’d much rather be home listening to our music & cooking up some ethnic delight for dinner.
Remember how we danced in the streets & high-fived one another when “post-racial America” finally arrived on Election Night 2008? How long did that sweet illusion last, 2 years maybe?
All the forces of fascism have to do is parlay the inevitable difficulties of Democratic governance into general discontent & put up a smarter, slicker Führer-wannabe & win one election – just one – & there goes liberal democracy.
Let’s not campaign like we’re 10 points down. Let’s campaign like we’re 10 points short of where we want (and need) to reach so that Jar Jar Kush and his Botox Barbie bimbo & Reinhard Heydrich’s Mini-Me & “Dis” Barr & the rest of those sick mofos don’t dare poke their filthy snouts out for at least a generation.
Anne Laurie
@Winston: If you want to make it a trilogy, look for a copy of Testament.
I watched both Testament and The Day After when they came out — saved Threads to my bookmarks when it resurfaced, but haven’t found an opportunity when I feel up to watching it.
You think I’m an alarmist about pandemics… surviving a nuclear attack was the *earliest* fear I can remember, and that was even before the Cuban missile crisis. It was actually somewhat reassuring when the nuns at our primary school pointed out that, since we were in NYC, the chances we’d even see the blast that killed us were minimal; their suggestion was that we stay in a state of grace at all times, so we could go directly to the Better Place.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): That scene is played out in Threads, except the mother shits on the bed. The human characterization in Threads is so realistic it makes me puke, almost. It’s just a movie, I kept telling myself.
Anne Laurie
That’s the one I know as Testament.
In the sense of inspiring horror, Reagan was indeed… inspirational.
Anne Laurie
I gotta go keep working on the coronavirus update — what year did the music video for 99 Luftballoons come out?
@Anne Laurie: Testament plays out north of Santa Rosa, California. Maybe Ukiah, where I used to live. That’s 100 miles north of SF. So maybe they get a few days.
I subsequently lived about 15 miles from El Dorado Springs Missouri, the southern end of the bombing run from KC. I actually drove by the site of their Minuteman missile silo many times. I know we would have been toast. It was the mid nineties when I saw the movie.
James E Powell
@Anne Laurie:
I was in 2nd grade during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Sister Mary Laurentine was not at all reassuring. She told us that when the communists come, they will kill us Catholics first because they know we are the closest to God.
@HumboldtBlue: And a pleasant break from the nuclear disaster pr0n! ;)
Anne Laurie
The Day After had a scene where the newlywed young wife starts miscarrying in church, IIRC — she stands up, bleeding heavily through her skirt, obviously in shock, before her family carries her away. It drew a lot of outrage from the usual Morality Censors… they didn’t mind mutilated corpses, but lady troubles in a house of worship!?! Won’t someone think of the CHILDREN!!!
Amir Khalid
@Anne Laurie:
99 Luftballons came out in 1983.
James E Powell
@Anne Laurie:
German version was 1983, English version was 1984.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
The Aristocrats!
@NotMax: Well. That was fascinating. Imagine all of those men who died that the king could once again sit comfortably.
Amir Khalid
@James E Powell:
99 Luftballons sounds much better in the original German. As they say.
You don’t really think he still attends do you?
I mean it sounds like something that should happen to him, at the minimum, being shunned. But his exalted view of himself, his family, his inlaws seems like it would sort of be self limiting when it comes to faith.
Yeah that ship, fully loaded with racist haters trying to steal everything except they are the gang that couldn’t shoot in any direction.
J R in WV
So our power was out for 15 hours last light; a tree fell against the power line, somewhere… 150 customers were out. The night of Thursday into Friday morning.
We were ok, the whole house generator keeps the lights and fridge running, the only two things we lose is the whole house A/C ’cause the compressor draws too much power for it to run on the gen set, and eventually, running water, because the well is like 800 linear from the house, and the power drop over that distance keeps us from running the pump down at the bottom of the well. The storm cooled things down, so not having the A/C for that long was not an ordeal.
Then this (Friday) afternoon it rained really hard, probably a couple of inches, and tomorrow (Sat) it’s supposed to rain more than it did yesterday… Flash Flood watch in effect.
And folks are watching end-of-the-world movies for relaxation and distraction? Sound pretty nuts to me, I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, the murder of President Kennedy. Now the election of a criminal and his auto-destructive administration of our government… No, I don’t need any dystopian fiction any more… the dystopian reality is plenty of excitement for me.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’d toss “Special Bulletin” in the mix, about domestic terrorists who try and force nuclear disarmament by threatening Savannah with a stolen nuke.
@J R in WV: I haven’t been able to read or watch dystopian stuff for a couple of years, because it seems to be our reality.
Chris Johnson
@Adam L Silverman: Exactly. This is a plan and we can choose whether we play along with this plan or not.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Something that just occurred to me.does the Trump campaign have a GOTV? I don’t think I’ve seen anything from the Trump people beyond “send us money” and “tell Trump how much you love him”.
@Alison Rose:
@Adam L Silverman:
A famous example: Spinoza was given a harsh version of herem by the Amsterdam Jewish community in 1656.
@Alison Rose:
You assume a) he’s really religious, b) he really attends shul, and c) he would listen to anyone, ever. What type of observant Jew would spend High Holy Days in Paris with his wife and without his kids?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Powell: “What, me lie?”
[OK, he didn’t really say that]
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Well “Give me money and tell me you love me!” is his total rational for living. He is not and never has been a normal, mature, rational human being. His support is from people who also fall into that general nature, most of them not as far gone as he is but some who seem to be the same shade of irrationality if not the same degree.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
He doesn’t need to get on the ballot on all the states. Just in enough to drop a few thousand from the D total in a few swing states
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Depends on the State. Here in Colorado it is illegal to knowingly accept false signatures as a collector, but its pretty damn hard to prove anyone guilty of that as proving intention is difficult.
@NotMax: an act of war.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): “And I’ll be home when the war is over, an hour and a half from now.”