This exchange that just occurred on Fox News between Judge Jeanine and Dan Bongino was somehow meant in earnest. I repeat — this is not a parody.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 16, 2020
Which for some reason reminded me of commentor Another Scott‘s link this morning, from Wonkette:
Gun Nut Blows Own Nuts Off, Is Hailed As Hero By Group Of Men Who Point Guns At Their Nuts
… On August 11, the man, a member of the “Loaded Guns Pointed at [B]enis” group, started posting a live video of himself pointing a gun at his dick and balls, for reasons, when the gun “accidentally” went off, in what’s more accurately called a “negligent discharge” — and how. The video was swiftly deleted, and the man subsequently posted the picture above, showing blood spattered everywhere and the caption “[B]ois, I think I fucked up.” You will note the copy of the Constitution in the upper left corner, reminding us all that it is a man’s Second Amendment right to shoot his balls off if he so chooses.
It was not a mere graze. The man later went to the hospital and discovered that it had actually gone through, which seems … uncomfortable. But apparently he is doing okay for a guy who just shot himself in the balls. He has since been made an administrator of the group, and members have been photoshopping memes of him as a king, accepting the Presidential Medal of Freedom, etc. etc…
Further explication at the link.
Now, sure, this “king” could be a Biden voter, but be honest: If there is not a ‘Fudds for Trump’ flag at the next boat flotilla, it will be a disappointment.
Also, the Oval Office Occupant should absolutely do an interview with his fellow KING during one of his upcoming TeleRallies(tm), possibly with DJT Jr or Eric as moderator, because that would pwn Normie Joe Biden, who has never even considered the entertainment value of shooting himself in the balls.
Trump cites his boater support as evidence there's a "silent majority" for him: "There are thousands of boats, in lakes, rivers and oceans — thousands and thousands of boats…some of the boats have 10 flags on them…"
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 15, 2020
If only boats, or even better flags, had the vote!
Y’know, the Man Without A Country was being punished for treason…
Here’s some British humor.
Also, the heatwave is real. It’s uncomfortable on the coast.
Sigh. I remember the more innocent times when a “negligent discharge” most likely meant premature ejaculation.
Oh, and dogs, bruh.
Holy shit: this is a real group. I just read the Wonkette article, and I am completely stunned there is such a group. Infantile, reckless, and armed to the teeth.
The article says their entire gig is “freaking out the squares.” I’m not freaked out that that they’re endangering themselves (hey, the more of them that blow their balls off the better, I say) – I’m freaked out there are people that stupid.
The silent majority is an awfully noisy minority.
I confess, I’m a bit weird about firearm safety. For example, I really *do not* like the trigger-safety (placing your finger on the trigger also disables the safety – which is fine, until someone or something engages the trigger unexpectedly, at which point YOU WANT A NON-TRIGGER SAFETY!).
Nevertheless, I do want to point out I *did* say that it’s stupid to do this, because:
1) it accomplishes nothing, and
2) it violates multiple, obvious, gun safety rules, and
3) while the odds of an accident, when being very, very careful, are small, the results of an accident are unacceptably bad, and, remember point 1) – IT DOESN’T ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING. Stupid risks, that might accomplish something, are sometimes justified, but stupid risks that accomplish nothing are worthy of scorn and mockery. And finally,
4) YOU NEVER USE A GUN TO COMMUNICATE ANYTHING (except, possibly, “I am armed, and you should assume that means I’m willing to shoot you, if you make me think it’s necessary.”)
Guns are serious tools, often used to protect one’s self from the most dangerous of animals – including largish animals that walk on two legs – and too serious for use as toys or message boards.
Time was, proponents of self defense would assert it’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 (i.e.: better to defend yourself in court, than be dead, with six pall bearers), and in that day, when it was assumed you *would* have to go to court, to present evidence that you were engaged in self defense, I could respect gun owners who were a little too excited by the possibility of having to use lethal force. Now they’re mostly pathetic – pants-pissing scared of their friends and neighbors, and pants-pissing scared of personal responsibility.
Heh. No wonder they support Trump.
Wait, Trump’s winning the boaters? Biden/Harris should just concede right now. No need to have an election.
Carmen Souza singing Horace Silver’s “Nutville”, in Portuguese no less.
I googled Trump boat parade and kept coming across versions of an article that said that Trump supporters were ‘attempting’ to break a world record’ for boat parades – but have seen nothing that said whether or not they succeeded. Wonder what the turnout would be if the anti-Trump boaters put together a parade?
On another subject, I also keep hearing on the news that Trump was initially anti-mask, but now ‘occasionally’ wears a mask. But – does he? I know he wore a mask on that famous occasion at Walter Reed, but has he worn a mask since then? As far as I know, that Walter Reed event was the one instance.
Mallard Filmore
“some of the boats have 10 flags” … and 1 flag – 1 vote!
I’m so awful because I can’t stop laughing at that story. Serves him right.
Modern-day Skoptsy
I been thinking Dems should hire Insane Clown Posse as consultants who could help them understand how opponents think. But this changed my mid. ICP will just say ‘Holy shit! Beats us, they crazy’ and walk off.
@Origuy: Uh…they did know that castrati were the preferred lovers for noble women right?
WTF? Trigger-safety? Do these gun-humping ammosexuals not have thumbs?
John Revolta
These cucks need to up their game. If one of them can shoot himself in the nuts, I see no reason why they can’t ALL shoot themselves in the nuts. Or better still, if the snowflakes got a PROBLEM with that, then they can all shoot EACH OTHER in the nuts. I would be so owned, I can’t even tell you. So come on, soyboys. Show me what kinda men you are and make yourselves VOLUNTARY celibates.
Can “trigger-safety” safely be considered an oxymoron?
I did my candidate research yestoday for the MA D primary in 2 weeks. I’m voting for Jesse Mermell and Joe Kennedy.
@Soprano2: What’s not funny about gun-humping ammosexual Trump trash shooting themselves in the balls?
Ok ok, shooting himself in the peener would be better.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@jl: LOL
ICP would go “We had the sense to cancel this year’s Gathering of the Juggalos. These Trump humpers are crazy and stupid!”
A burdizzo is so much less messy, and proven more effective.
I should say so! Next up, throttle-started chainsaws!
Boaters beget anchor babies.
@NotMax: ?The Kremlin’s bitch is anchor baby?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Dumb shit doesn’t know Esper because Esper doesn’t appear daily on his tee vee screen
Well, that’s one problem he’s not likely to have again…
It’s hot all over. Hell must be full. Either that or the devil is trying to entertain all of us with his last selection for president, whom he got elected by the skin of his pumpkin head.
James E Powell
I’ve read a bit about Markey v Kennedy, but all of it is pro-Markey. What’s the argument for Kennedy?
It seems it might have been. Numbnuts couldn’t have actually wanted to shoot himself there……. could he?
@John Revolta: Maybe we should find a way to get Trump to give him a favorable mention on TV. “Shot himself very strongly”.
That would be wrong of us. But otoh, if a someone wants to point a loaded gun at his or her junk, it’s a free country.
Felanius Kootea
Robert Trump (the youngest of Donald’s siblings) has died in New York after a brief illness. He’d just remarried this year. None of the news outlets have said what illness he had; I’m suspecting COVID-19.
@James E Powell: Last name Kennedy?
What won me over personally, and this is something someone pointed out to me here, is his focus on constituent service, apparently something pushed very hard in their family. It was in the back of my mind, but came across completely as I watched what I could find of the debates (they don’t post them on Youtube for some reason).
I also had a longstanding perception (just my POV, not absolutely certain of its accuracy) of Markey not taking much initiative, but he does have a good knack for signing onto other people’s good work. Not the worst thing. The debates gave me evidence both for and against this.
Truthfully, they’re both quite similar. But in situations with two candidates where one has been holding the seat and I don’t have a clear preference, I tend to favor turnover
ETA: Kennedy has been my Rep for years and if there’s one thing I ever found a little off, calling his Congressional office comes across more like speaking to a campaign office. Strident may be the right word.
Joseph P. Kennedy III
Not awful, normal.
Shooting one’s self in the jewels because you are pointing a gun there and have your finger on the trigger is completely, totally, unequivocally, fucking stupid, to the nth degree. It’s like jumping off a freeway overpass at 11pm on a Friday and thinking all the drunks will miss you, just because that’s what drunks do.
Ah, for the innocent days when the kids were chucking watermelons off overpasses. (Not.)
At least we got music.
@CaseyL: “freaking out the squares” ? What, are they beatniks?
Keith P.
@Felanius Kootea: That was my thought as well. If that’s what it was, you better believe they’re gonna try to keep the cause under wraps.
@Kropacetic: Thanks for info. I read that Kennedy is a vague centrist. I’ll find their issues pages and take a look.
@Luciamia: Joker X Barney Fife.
I’m sensing a pattern….
I’m sure I can find points where I would disagree with either of their voting records. My preference isn’t a strong one, so it’s still somewhat subject to change. Though it would take something pretty substantial. I’m certain to continue poking around for more information
As far as vagueness, I haven’t watched a huge amount about the campaign. But since he’s been my Rep for years I’ve seen him at work. In settings conducive to a good discussion (like small-time interviews with smart reporters determined to discuss an issue), he has come across as knowledgeable.
@Kropacetic: NPR did a story today about Coast Guard had record year of Search and Rescue because record year of new boat owners. Social distancing and all that. Cabin fever waterborne. My husband was a Coasty in the 1970s. He was horrified by the story. So many newbie idiots out in boats.
As it’s repeatedly been reported that he drives the cart onto and over the greens, Magic 8-ball says: “Yes. Ask me a tough one.”
@rikyrah: It was a miracle when they cut Dan Rather loose so he could say what he really thinks. A lot of us olds have been listening to him since forever, and he rarely disappoints. Not everything in Texas sucks. Good people also from there.
I won’t watch Faux, what are crazy judge lady and friends freaking out about?
@jl: The ICP, while unpleasant to most, have come out time and again as sane rational people who do not advocate any of the things in their music. It’s very similar to the trope of “my 12 year old is playing GTA…. HE’S GONNA SHOOT A HOOKER”
@Ian: What is ICP?
Insane Clown Posse.
Apparently some sort of musical group. Or something using instruments to make noise.
@Ruckus: Thanks. I would never have figured that out on my own.
@Ruckus: All 7+ billion of us will get off your lawn and go get haircuts. :)
@Ruckus: I find them frightening, as all rational people do.
@Origuy: Really, the skoptsy were just just trying to bring best operatic practices to the Tsar’s mighty realm. Obviously, they had to pretend that Christianity was what motivated them, but it was arias all the way from the Pripet Marshes to Kamchatka.
@rikyrah: I suspect Trump is more of a two-foot putz, if truth be told.
Athens is in full throated freak out. The students are back, rush is in full force and people think putting up signs is going to make them mask and SD. We’ll see what happens but it can’t be good.
The Virginia republican party had its quadrennial convention yesterday. Not in person; delegates voted from the various congressional districts. Incumbent chairman Jack Wilson was defeated by former state Delegate Rich Anderson. Lynn Mitchell’s article about this in Bearing Drift was titled, “Party Turns Hard Right.” Virginia has gone from red to purple to blue in 30 years, and the republicans have not won a statewide race since 2009. A lot of this is due to demographic change, but part of it is because the republican party has been turning “hard right” for years. Bearing Drift covers politics “from a conservative perspective.” The writers despise trump. It’s coverage of the Republicans’ intraparty fight at local and state levels is especially good. Bearing Drift’s side is losing.
@Geminid: The Virginia GOP have been the mayor and city council of Crazy Town for at least twenty years. I didn’t think it was possible for them to get more “hard right”. Their rightness must be diamond hard by now.
Sounds more like a sexual fetish to me. In fact, it sounds exactly like a sexual fetish.
@JoyceH: A group I would call the Chamber of Commerce/Country Club republicans used to call the shots in the party. State Senators Jill Vogel, Bill Stanley, and Emmitt Hanger are of this faction. Vogel and Hanger even choose pragmatism over ideology and backed Medicaid expansion in 2018. Congressmen Eric Cantor (Va 7th), Robert Hurt (5th), and Scott Rigel (2nd) were good examples of the type. Cantor lost his primary in 2014, and Hurt and Rigell retired after 2016, even though they were relatively young. I suspect that was because they didn’t want to try to ride the tea party tiger. Democrat Abigail Spanberger now holds the 7th, Elaine Luria holds the 2nd, and Cameron Webb has a good chance to flip the 5th District in the fall. Webb’s opponent, Bob Good, was a Liberty University official. He beat incumbent Republican Denver Riggleman in a convention, boosted by an unholy alliance between tea party cranks and evangelical dominionists. This coalition is starting to dominate the party at local and state levels. A lot of the Chamber of Commerce types went along for the tea party ride after 2010, but are finding the truth of the Chinese proverb, “He who rides the tiger finds it hard to dismount.”
Flotillas are the Fancy Bears of Tea Parties.
@James E Powell:
He’s a Kennedy, he’s a little younger than Markey, he’s a Kennedy, it’s MA, and he’s a Kennedy DAMMIT!
I’m guessing not so great. I seem to remember teabaggers lined up at Chik-Fil-A all over the country on April 15 one year to show their misguided hatred of our main public service funding source. Some lib group made a half-assed attempt to replicate it with no-assed results, so the contrast was news fodder for a few days.
Not to be cavalier, but I think if they’re depending on boater-voters, they’re probably feeling like they’re in pretty bad shape.
The only way any of them could shoot the Murderer-in-Chief’s teeny-tiny eenie-weenie would be by accident, because it’s not as if one could see it with the unaided eye.
The hospital is probably not releasing based on a privacy concern for the family. Considering that cause of death is generally part of the story, an embarrassing death would be the reason for not publicizing and covid would certainly be an embarrassment for this particular family. So, yeah.
I was camping at lake West Point on the Georgia-Alabama border two weeks ago. There were about 40 of them doing their thing. Pretty sure the organizer was in our loop. Rented RV that looked like it belonged to a rock star, and he had the nicest boat on the lake, an obvious rental. Having seen Klan rallies up close a few times, it pretty much reminded me of that. Silly and pathetic.
This guy shooting himself in the nuts reminded me for some reason of the killing of John Wilkes Booth.
He was in a barn surrounded by troops with orders to capture him alive. A soldier named Boston Corbett shot and killed him.
Corbett had, before the Civil War castrated himself with a pair of scissors. He was a religious fanatic. Would fit right in today.
@trnc: Had heard Robert Trump was on blood thinners, and had suffered some brain bleeds following a fall this summer.
So: could have been a stroke. Also problematic, since it’s possible Donald Trump has suffered a few in recent months/years.
One article said Robert was not able to speak.
Maybe the Fuckhead-in-Chief can give Reade a front-row seat to the debates, maybe next to Juanita Broaddrick.
It’s not that I think there is no depth to which those motherfuckers will not sink, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to figure out what new fucked-up thing they could do.
Someone tweeted that we need to try to get in front of any and all potential republican scandals, but I’m not sure how that can be done since they’re batshit crazy and literally willing to do anything.
While at the dump yesterday I saw a t-shirt that said “ban idiots not guns” and had a very strong urge to point out to the guy that since most gun nuts are idiots, this was kind of a chicken-egg issue.
@Kattails: But if we ban idiots, who’ll buy all the guns?
Trump and Epstein were friends. Why isn’t she asking about that?
The press should also be looking into this more.
Well, it’s not as if Trump ever did anything skeevy/scummy, such as “accidentally” walking into beauty pageant contestants’ dressing rooms while the girls were half-naked, just to “catch an eyeful.” Or making vaguely sexual comments re: his teenage daughter. Or wishing Epstein’s girlfriend well, when (almost) every other non-supine woman is “nasty.”
I mean, if he had done any of those things, then maybe I could see your point.
Uncle Cosmo
@Brachiator: Cue the old bon mot about the soldier who dreamed one night of going home to his girlfriend & woke up in the morning with his discharge in his hand…
@mrmoshpotato: “Anchor what?” Tom asked archaeologically.
You LIE-berals, always “pointing out” that his mother was not a citizen when he was born. Hel-LO!! She was white, so it was all good.
@mrmoshpotato: well, there are times when a person will be glad to have a trigger safety, but I think most will be people in a literal war zone. If you’re likely to come under attack, knowing you *can’t* be pointing a “safe” gun at an attacker is a good thing. And if you’re in such a war zone, I hope you’ve been well trained at control and retention of a firearm, so you keep it (and its trigger) particularly safe.
I heard an earlier story about someone – police officer, or security guard – having a child accidentally discharge their trigger safety weapon, and that was *IT* for me. I’d never been entirely comfortable with them, but that made the point in big, bright, garish neon lights with huge signpost-arrows saying “GREAT IDEA, FATHEAD!”, while the grand chorus of heavenly hosts first whisper “no one got hurt?” then ring out with a great, grand, loud, chorus of “BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! YOU (frickin’) MORON!”, which, to be honest, is enough to make most people feel badly about themselves.
Also, once I sussed out that there was a use for them – in a combat situation, where a safe gun might be a bigger danger than not having one – I realized my use case didn’t match. There’s probably a 99% chance I’ll never need a gun, and if I do, there’s probably a 99.99+% chance that the instant it takes to take off the safety won’t have any effect on my survival. So here, a trigger safety is a pointless risk.
@Uncle Cosmo:
The gods oughta smite you for that one. Swiftly.
the mugster
@Brachiator: Man, you go way back! Your observation reminds me of the time, 25 years ago, when I had to tell my son that when I was his age, “safe sex” meant having a padded headboard.
@JoyceH: Maybe they made him wear a mask at Walter Reed because they were worried that Trump had COVID?
@jl: Kennedy sure sounded like an total dick. Arrogant, entitled, cocky. I wish I lived in that state so I could NOT vote for him
Kennedy sure sounded like an total dick. Arrogant, entitled, cocky. I wish I lived in that state so I could NOT vote for him
Listen to the interview with him and with Markey on Crooked Media’s Lovett or Leave It from a couple of weeks ago.
Kennedy is all about running around campaigning for other candidates because he has the Kennedy name and wants a lot of people to be beholden to him.
Kennedy poo-poos all the legistlation Markey has accomplished as if that doesn’t matter and running around the state and the country is more important.
Listen to both candidates in that interview, and I’ll be surprised if you still want to vote for Kennedy.
On the bright side, here’s one more MAGAt whose days of procreating are likely over.
Oh man, y’know what would REALLY freak me out, gun nutz? If y’all started pointing those loaded guns at your HEAD while caressing the trigger.
Or maybe rename “Russian roulette” to “Trump roulette” and live-stream your winning streak! I’d be soooo owned.
@WaterGirl: If you’d ever had to listen to Markey drone on and on lecturing you like you were a 7-year-old (at Cabot’s Ice Cream, no less), you might really want a change. And, frankly, Markey started this mess about a year ago, dissing Joe3 at a local event.
In Congress (where Markey was since the last Ice Age), he’s known as a nuts-n-bolts joiner of coalitions (and this is not a bad thing; he makes sure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed). Kennedy (similar to Clark here in the 5th) is more a builder of coalitions, finding a bigger fish and doing their grunt work to get people on board. Congress needs both. So does the Senate.
Fortunately, there’s not a millimeter difference in policy between Markey and Kennedy. At Chez Toaster, we’re splitting the vote (HerrDoktor for Markey, me for Kennedy).
@the mugster: What? No, that’s ridiculous. You want wide leather cuffs, with velcro strong enough to hold, but allowing a person to peel free of them in an emergency, and…
Uh, right. Padded headboard. Yep, that’s safe sex.
(Full disclosure: not at all embarrassed, but it wouldn’t really be funny if I didn’t have a TMI double take, would it?)
Everyone knows the greatest threat to the election is boater fraud.
What about the guy who found a boat next to his house after that flood/hurricane, and president was like ‘now you have a boat!’ because that’s totally the way it works.
@FlyingToaster: There are way too many entitled white males in the halls of our government. I say let Kennedy get slapped down in this election and maybe he will learn that he is not owed this seat.
This particular Kennedy is a show horse, and we have too many of those, too. More workhorse, less show horse is what I want.
Oh, and “don’t be a dick” is always a good thing to learn when you are campaigning.
edit: I liked my first Kennedy when I was a little girl, and this is the first Kennedy I have been terribly disappointed in.
Sandia Blanca
According to Noel Casler, who worked with the nut case on The Apprentice, t*&$ is afraid of the water! No photos of him on a boat.
Quaker in a Basement
There’s one recessive gene out of the pool.
@Morzer: According to Stormy Daniels, T has about a 2 inch putz. . .