Biden just now to the Florida delegation to the convention, via Zoom, on Trump:
"I used to think it was because he was callous, but I think it’s because he’s just not smart enough to know what to do. I really mean it. I just don’t think he has it in him to know what to do.”
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) August 18, 2020
Racism. Kids in cages. Manufacturing recession.
Also, remember that Biden was ahead of Trump in polling even pre-pandemic.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) August 18, 2020
Then the DNC did their job right. Conventions, to the extent that they matter politically, are about creating a television show that the networks will carry as much of as possible.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) August 18, 2020
It was 26 million for DNC 1st night in 2016. And 23 million for RNC 1st night in 2016.
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) August 18, 2020
convention was an unqualified success
— counterfactual ?? (@counterfax) August 18, 2020
ETA: (Click on pic to embiggen) —
DNC releases full schedule for night two of the Democratic Convention.
One notable addition: former President Jimmy Carter
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) August 18, 2020
Laura Loomer won the FL-21 R primary…Florida gonna Florida I guess.
De Blasio is the most disappointing Dem politician in my life. Such high expectations, such horrible performance. Did the PBA somehow get to him?
I worked at the county Dem headquarters from 4p to 6p today and the convention was a big hit with our people.
We also had a brand new voter come in with her special needs daughter. She did not say why she connected “first time voting” with “special needs daughter” but that’s how she phrased it. I hope I didn’t scare her off with my detailed… demands about how she has to vote early, in person absentee :)
@Kay: I’m happy Ohio is happy.
O. Felix Culpa
New drinking game: these unprecedented times.
What is the PBA?
Very glad we will be hearing from Jimmy and maybe Rosalynn Carter too.
And here. we. go…
Pete Downunder
@Elizabelle: Police Benevolent Assoc. police union in NYC
@O. Felix Culpa: While my younger self would try to keep up, I’m fairly certain I’d be dead in 15 mins. Bonus Trumpov play rule: unpresidented times.
Ah, a clip from Mario Cuomo’s 1984 address. As much a barnburner today as then. Incredibly inspiring, incredibly strong.
So apparently the RNC schedule is still in flux. Personally, I’m looking forward to authoritarian night when various leaders like Erdogan, Bolsanaro, Al Sissi, Duterte, and Putin will step up to vouch for Donald. I heard Lukanhesko was going to appear as well, but the recent troubles at home have jeopardized his participation.
What do y’all think? Any other ideas for themed nights for that other convention?
@Marcopolo: QAnon night – they’ve got enough candidates now…
Omnes Omnibus
@Marcopolo: Rapist night?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Good! No bullshit talking heads as it should be
Police Benevolent Association. Total misnomer imo
I like the focus on the no-name Dems.
Omnes Omnibus
Big effing deal.
@Pete Downunder: @Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Thank you.
@Marcopolo: well, there will be that special night for the St Louis couple brandishing firearms.
That’s a big eff’ing deal…
Love that that’s still a thing :)
zhena gogolia
Big f-ing deal!
They need to have a great big truck on stage so Donnie can get behind the wheel and yell “Vroom vroom!” every night.
nicely done
Cheryl Rofer
Love this lineup of young elected officials.
In unison: “That’s a big effin’ deal.”
@Elizabelle: PBA = Police Benevolent Association. The NYPD union.
ETA. so many smarty pants got there first. Hooray for BJ!
This isn’t really working for me so far tonight.
Omnes Omnibus
Appreciate ya, man!
Nobody is on long enough to make an impression. These could be anybody saying these things. No chance to get a sense of anyone as a rising star. Disappointing beginning.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So do I! I can’t wait to see clips on Twitter of the RNC convention (if that’s even going to happen) of that snot-nosed Nick Sandmann brat going on about how evil the “liberal” media is or the nutjob couple in St. Louis that waved guns at protesters that were standing on the street and not threatening them at all
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Heretic! Now you know how I felt with the Porter-Stills thing last night.
zhena gogolia
Peter Strzok.
Amir Khalid
@Pete Downunder:
It has to be said, the PBA isn’t terribly benevolent toward people not in blue. Especially if they are brown or black.
@Omnes Omnibus: I chuckled at that.
Stacy Abrams has a nice den.
@Omnes Omnibus: LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT!
@zhena gogolia:
Did they spell it wrong on the screen?
Boater night?
Salute to Normay?
Jackboot fashion parade? (88 contestants, natch.)
I didn’t realize the Professional Bowlers Association had a political agenda.
Stacey Abrams!
With Chernow’s bio of US Grant behind her. I hope he writes one on William T. Sherman next!
And like that “in a democracy, we do not elect a savior.”
Recall how conservatives try to scoff at us on “messiahs.” Uh, no.
zhena gogolia
Not on CSpan, they didn’t.
@Lapassionara: That’s local Chad & Karen night.
10 million watched streaming for day one. I watched (and am watching) on Joe Biden’s YouTube channel and it topped out at about 30,000 viewers. No commercials (obviously)
“Hello Kamala!”
I had never heard of
TracyTracee Ellis Ross, but apparently she is Diana Ross’s daughter.(Spelling edit.)
Sister Golden Bear
@WaterGirl: I agree the opening didn’t help showcase the participants, but I liked it. For me, switching between speakers, with their different speaking voices, was preferable to a single droning speech, and highlighted the breadth of the party
It was an interesting way of playing to strengths of the medium, since it wasn’t something would be nearly easy to do in person.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
“Back the Blue! I’m a mindless authoritarian follower who thinks the police can do no wrong!”
I mean imagine what kind of asshole you have to be to join those Back the Blue protests after several prominent police killings of African Americans. Jesus Christ, it’s always on a MAGt’s twitter profile
zhena gogolia
It’s the Zoom aesthetic. You can’t have one person talking for 40 minutes, you have to break it up.
I liked it a lot.
This is not going to be a year for soaring oratory. Zoom doesn’t allow it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Sally Yates!
Amir Khalid
Wait a minute. How did Bill de Blasio not know that his party’s convention was this week?
O hai der Sally!
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: She is/was excellent on “Blackish”.
I didn’t know she was Diana’s daughter until yesterday.
Sally Yates is up!
@PigDog: Ugh. Where is that district?
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: Biden isn’t a soaring rhetoric guy. So it works out.
@Sister Golden Bear: Wouldn’t have been droning if it was Stacey Abrams.
Omnes Omnibus
Yates is lawyerly.
@zhena gogolia: I watched last night and had no problem with the length of the speeches.
mali muso
I missed last night but my enjoying this so far.
sally Yates is a hero!
Pete Downunder
@Amir Khalid: I know. I grew up in NYC. They have always supported racism and brutality. There were no black or brown cops in the 50s.
@WaterGirl: I think it is easier to get into the flow if you have ADHD. The cuts move very fast. So far I’m liking it—seeing some folks like Malcolm Kenyatta I donated to is way cool—though I admit I did just find Tracee Ellis Ross’ earring a bit distracting.
I love Sally Yates’ voice. And what she has to say.
Sally Yates tellin it like it is.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: Yates was excellent.
Omnes Omnibus
Hi, Chuck!
@Omnes Omnibus: We need to see more of Sally Yates. She is good.
Schumer doing it live. Probably shouldn’t have.
The baseball cap.
I like it.
Omnes Omnibus
Hid in a bunker. Ha!
Sister Golden Bear
@WaterGirl: True.
Anne Laurie
But as the snark ran, even 50 years ago when I was a NYC native: The PBA is endlessly benevolent towards its members, no matter how criminal / negligent / compromised!
“He even hid in a bunker.”
I got a text about 1/2 hr ago that said a CNN poll showed Biden only a one point lead over shitforbrains, donate now and get a 500% match. Five minutes ago I checked CNN latest poll and it’s still a 9 point lead, not one.
So I call bogus on this and bet that it’s a scam text. The number was a 312 area code. I deleted before I recorded the number so I don’t have that to follow up on.
So my advice is to only donate through known sites, which probably most do already. Having crooks and liars running the government and attempting to be reelected so they can continue to steal and destroy seems to be a rather shitty deal.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Schumer’s not doing bad so far
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: I think live with some glitches is okay. Adds authenticity.
America. Donald Trump has quit on you.
Tell it, Chuck!
Schumer is rocking the Spiro Agnew hair. I guess someone made him take off his glasses.
Another Scott
Chuck – “We must take back the Senate.”
Yup. Tell it, Chuck!!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
He’s not a super speaker, but he has some good riffs.
@tokyokie: Gus Lampo Rules!!!
Omnes Omnibus
Never trust the FIBs.
TS (the original)
We will restore a SCOTUS that supports people not corporations! Interesting.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That definitely sounds like a scam to me. I got a text today telling me to request an absentee ballot and had a link. Looked fishy so I deleted.
@Pete Downunder
One nice thing was that Car 54, Where Are You? (1961 – 1963) included black police officers in the precinct.
Anne Laurie
Not that I’ve watched it, but I understand that Blackish is a very popular TV show, and Ellis Ross has been nominated for / won several awards for her part in it.
Biden and Harris first joint interview with People Magazine!
The pics are en fuego! the soundbites are good too but the photos esp this one…are the best thing!
here’s a link to the article:
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: It’s a good show.
@Elizabelle: Saw that hat too!
Little Caroline is… old.
Anne Laurie
He’s so busy single-handedly fighting the pandemic, he ‘forgot’. Which sound better than ‘I kept angling for an invitation, but for some reason the DNC never got back to me.’
Carolyn & Jack.
Pete Downunder
@NotMax: I can still sing the Car 54 theme song: “There’s a hold up in the Bronx….”.
So it will contrast well with the RNC convention, with the same speaker for three hours every night.
Another Scott
Rosalynn speaking up for 53M unpaid caregivers. Tell it!
The Carters are audio only
Omnes Omnibus
The Carters. I am glad they are getting to speak, but it is sad how weak they sound.
What did we do to deserve the Carters?
How can two people be so damn impressive?
But man everybody got old.
Bill sounds like he smokes more than me.
@Another Scott: And her husband. Frail but still strong of mind.
mali muso
Roslyn Carter!
one of my life highlights was meeting her and president carter when they visited Mali while I was serving in the Peace Corps. They always asked the director to round up any PCVs who were around during their visits to the country so that they could give us a personal thank you. Just amazing people.
@lamh36: Joe has great socks
the put the Carters on first to make Bill C seem young
So grateful to have Jimmy and Rosalynn with us.
And now — WJC!
Oh hey Bill!
Wow what happened to his voice?
Amir Khalid
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I first became aware of the PBA when its president turned to music criticism in 2000, to express his low opinion of Bruce Springsteen’s song American Skin (41 Shots). His anger about the song reminded me of a Malay saying: he who has eaten the chilies, feels the heat.
@Ruckus: Actually there was a CNN poll two days ago “of the battleground states” with a murky explanation of how they did their weighting & mechanics. The folks in the know said better to view it as an outlier & throw it into the average, which I think moved Biden’s advantage from 8.6 to 8.4 points.
However, the politicos pointed out if you are the Biden campaign you’d want to see a close poll every so often so you can keep your supporters from getting complacent & to fundraiser off of—looks like they were right.
@zhena gogolia:
Also, short attention spans.
Omnes Omnibus
My boy Bill. He looks thinner than he did in high school photos. He’s pulling no punches though.
Explaining Trump’s COVID’s failures.
Honestly he is a better ex-president than president.
Maybe both not wearing pants?
Age and heart surgery.
@Yutsano: My understanding is it is related to his issues w/ cardiovascular health.
Somewhere John Goodman is having a heart attack as he looks desperately around for Rosalynn Carter!
@NotMax: They deserve that freedom.
“Zapping people on social media…”
Lots of body blows going on. But I really like how he’s talking up Biden.
Bill Clinton is 3 years younger than Biden.
@Omnes Omnibus: Bill looks bad. His voice sounds like he’s sick.
TaMara (HFG)
@Baud: Oh, I thought he was fine. Very Chuck.
BTW, the planet does NOT need saving. It shakes off this human infection and it will be fine. Temperature will return to reasonable, animals, plants and creepy crawlies will take over, balance restored. It’s HUMANS that need the saving.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Five will get you ten that Bill is pantsless.
Agreed, he was wasted as President.
It is hard to believe that Bill is 3 years younger than Biden. He sounds really old. Kind of sad. :(
Focused message.
Amir Khalid
Bill’s voice seemed rather weak when he gave his eulogy at John Lewis’ funeral. If it’s that again, the problem is probably Anno Domini.
Ha ha. Getting after Trump for signing those COVID relief checks.
Didn’t realize the official nomination was tonight.
Amir Khalid
He was an underrated President.
Omnes Omnibus
Woohoo! Wisconsin getting its props.
Happy 93rd Rosalynn Carter!
Also sad that Jimmy Carter didn’t show up on video. Frankly, he sounded barely older than Slick Willy did.
Poor Milwaukee. Not your fault that there’s no convention there this week, and no, Tom Perez in his lonesome isn’t much of a substitute.
If you’ve been giving to Biden on a regular basis, be sure to reup for the general election. My weekly contribution expired yesterday. Maybe yours did, too.
AOC up now.
I’m still feeling sappy tonight. I just have to live with that.
@Suzanne: I think he has always had allergy problems. I remember because I have the same hoarseness a lot of the time. This whole season has been brutal.
@Amir Khalid:
He’s the guy who defended the eight cops who shot Amadou Dialogue 41 times, so he would be a critic. //
Another Scott
@Suzanne: I thought he looked pretty good. His voice has been bad for years.
I’m glad we have so many of our old leaders still around, and that they demonstrate that one doesn’t have to turn into an angry, nasty, hateful, old crank once we turn 75+.
TaMara (HFG)
If I remember correctly – Bill’s voice issue had to do with intubation during one of his surgeries.
zhena gogolia
It’s been like that for a long time. Like in 2016.
I guess we have to do this, but still, sigh.
Maybe so, but there is nothing on CNN about a 1 point lead and this text said it was new. Also I don’t give my number to anyone I donate to, there shouldn’t be any political entity that has it.
YES, I know, everyone knows everything about you, all your info is public or can be bought/stolen.
He’s nominating Bernie! WTF!!!
Bob looks like Rick Moranis.
It’s AOC! I was hoping for a poem.
I would commit a heinous crime (to be determined later) for those earrings. Love those earrings.
I don’t recall this happening before Bernie. Did Hillary get this in 2008?
Omnes Omnibus
@HumboldtBlue: Procedural shit. Nothing to worry about.
@HumboldtBlue: One advantage of the virtual convention is that the BernieBros can’t do the boo-bird thing when Biden is officially nominated.
TS (the original)
He couldn’t even withdraw his candidacy – nothing togetherness about this guy.
Pop open a Blatz in empathy.
zhena gogolia
Yeah. Depressing.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It eats up valuable time.
LoL – AOC called him Bernard.
@HumboldtBlue: Procedural formality. AOC is doing the same thing.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I got it, I was distracted.
Damian Lillard is absurdly good and entertaining.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I guess they have to go through this Kabuki of nominating Bernie and Joe and then formally counting their delegates.
I’m sad that this is the tiny and meaningless role they gave to AOC though.
@Baud: She did. When they went through the list of states announcing how their delegates would vote and New York’s turn came up, she stood up and asked that Obama be nominated by acclamation.
Awesome, elevator lady.
mali muso
@dmsilev: so relieved not to have those jackasses stinking up the joint
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Go to the fridge.
I really love this Jacquelyn person – a normal person nominating the next president of the united states.
Yea Jacquelyn.
zhena gogolia
Jacquelyn was excellent.
Ok, fine. I forgot about the tedious roll call of the states.
Did the guy introducing Jacquelyn Brittany actually use her real last name?
@cain: Things that would never happen at a in person convention. Which makes this even better.
Another Scott
The Jacquelyn’s nomination was well done and an excellent touch.
@NotMax: You hating on Blatz?
I am too.. she should have gotten the full 15 minutes. She deserves it. Especially as a contrast to Kasich. Very proud of this woman.
@HumboldtBlue: @Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, it’s on the schedule, click on the tweet at the top. Both Sanders and Biden will be nominated tonight.
@Ruckus: On my phone which ain’t good for cutting and pasting links but here’s an article about the poll:
I give to a lotta campaigns through ActBlue but so far have never gotten a text beg. Let’s hope that continues.
Oh, there’s still doing the roll call. Maybe it’ll be more interesting virtually.
@Baud: The Great State of North East Southern Westphalia Proudly Supports John Smith For President.
Wow. Is it just me or does Caroline’s son look so much like his uncle John!
Apparently Caroline’s daughter looks like Jackie!!
West of the Cascades
Oh my, this roll call might be anything but tedious if Alabama is an indicator
This is how conventions and roll calls should be from now on.
The Pettus Bridge lit up in blue. Love it.
I’m actually liking the way they are doing this roll call. I’ve been to Unalakleet Alaska.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym
For a first term Congressperson, it’s a BFD of a spotlight.
zhena gogolia
I love this roll call!
fuck me, this roll call is going to take until the election to finish.
@Baud: We’re only in the As so far, and early reports are ‘no’.
@West of the Cascades:
Yeah, it’s like the Travel Channel. Definitely more interesting.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Hopefully not the John Smith from The Man in the High Castle Amazon series
This is kind of like watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Wondering how each country’s contingent is going to be dressed. It’s fun. They are definitely limiting their time to keep it rolling. Must all be pre-recorded and edited but good.
I kind of like the mini-travelogue roll-call. They should do this all the time.
@debbie: Stupid autoincorrect strikes again!
mali muso
Loving this roll call!
@dmsilev: Would you prefer the Futurama approach? “The robot polls are now opening… and the robot vote is in.”
@lamh36: The Kennedy “look” gene is astonishingly powerful.
Btw I am loving the live segment quirks like the talking in the background of the AL delegate. Makes it more real.
I like these videos from all over the place.
Bernie was shut out in American Samoa. And it is daylight there.
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: Oh, for fucks sake, she is a freshman congress person from a deep blue district in a blue state. She got what she got because she is a rising star. If she wasn’t who she is, she would have been a part of the up and comer chorus at the beginning of tonight’s show.
I wish American Samoa didn’t have the two army folks there – it seemed like an occupied country :P
West of the Cascades
@Elizabelle: didn’t Bloomberg win American Samoa originally?
The delegates in their home states/territories are WAY more interesting than when they are in a convention center.
Selective breeding. They are VERY selective about their mates.
I just like saying the name.
Jack bears a striking resemblance to his uncle John-John.
mali muso
Ok, the Colorado family got me choked up
Oops. They cut off California.
And this roll call is going way faster than in the past.
Glad so many of these vignettes include masking and distancing
Delaware passes.
I think the tradition is that the candidate’s home state is the one that puts him over the top.
wtf Delaware —
edit — oh ok they’ll go later to put him over the top? nice
Ceci n est pas mon nym
What does “Delaware passes” mean? Can you abstain on this?
Delaware passes. So they can put Joe over the top.
From the Amtrak station, I guess.
Another Scott
Bernie beat Uncle Joe in Democrats Abroad??!! 10/7.
Amir Khalid
Why are there delegates voting for Wilmer?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hey I want to hear from her – that’s all it is.
@West of the Cascades: A billion dollars we’ll spent, lol.
I love that California has 500+ votes and the other states are, like, 20 votes for this dude and 15 votes for that dude.
Bernie edged out Joe Biden with Democrats Abroad. Hmmm.
West of the Cascades
I also really like how almost all of the states have some “substance” to their statements – not the usual “home of the world’s largest cheese and brewing capital of the midwest”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
It’s not an exaggeration to say the police are often just another gang. They protect their own and don’t like being held accountable or criticized by the public. That’s what that PBA president was angry about
Speaking of the NY PBA, they recently endorsed Trump for reelection:
Police Benevolent Association Breaks With Tradition, Endorses President Trump’s Re-Election Campaign
maybe Delaware is making a bridge card game joke: “after we pass, everyone goes NO TRUMP”
They are locked in during the first round based on primary/caucus results. After the first round (if the Convention goes to multiple rounds) they are free to vote for whoever.
You can go to Wikipedia right now and see how they are all going to vote based on the primary results. This is all pre-determined for the first round.
I love the roll call, and this travelogue version is even better
@Amir Khalid: Because their states voted for Sanders. The votes are representative of the primary votes.
@zhena gogolia:
You forgot the obligatory “and his lover, Lisa Page.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: He won delegates in the primaries.
@Omnes Omnibus:
She’s 93, he’s 95. A bit of vocal weakness is to be expected.
Apparently Kenya gets some DNC delegates.
Is that Diamond Head in the background?
I am also loving the parade of states voting. This is what democracy looks like.
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: Bernie won delegates during the primaries, so they’re being called out. It’s only fair.
Once Joe wins, I’m sure the rest will go by acclimation. That’s the usual process.
Is Iowa going to vote for Pete Buttigieg?
can’t wait for Bloomberg’s delegate count! WOO HOO
(how many did his $400mill get him? I forget)
@Amir Khalid: Because he was nominated & won about, I dunno, about 30-40% of the overall delegates. If anyone knows the exact number feel free to correct me but I’m not looking it up.
Carol Mosley Braun in IL!
This is so much better than a convention floor. I am engaged with the people.
:( Someone could have run a rake over the beach shown in Hawaii.
@Princess: Yes. Really liking this travelogue. Moar of this, please.
Omnes Omnibus
And what the fuck is wrong with that?
Big Pin wields its power sparingly.
West of the Cascades
@Omnes Omnibus: It always ends up with someone reminding the US that Oregon is the Beaver State.
(offensive to all the Ducks fans)
Kansas did not get a signpost. But I guess it’s Kansas.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I know, but in my head I am only about 35.
Anne Laurie
Bernie never released his delegates to Biden; Bernie’s delegates get to nominate him during the convention, even though it’s a pointless performance.
Been that way since forever. (Well, I can personally attest ‘since 1972’, when the Powers-in-Charge conspired to keep Shirley Chisholm’s delegates from speaking until the wee small post-TV hours.)
The BernieBros deserve their moment in the spotlight; it may have been an unspoken ‘reward’ for Sanders himself stepping up to support our actual nominee.
OMG – that little kid with the picture of the glasses – so adorable!
LOVE the guy from Maine. A gay black man operating a B&B.
Love the little kid holding up the sign with aviator glasses on it. Louisiana.
Maryland. Rocking the fedora!
The kid from Louisiana just won the night. Shut the convention down.
Omnes Omnibus
@West of the Cascades: My question was very specific.
@Elizabelle: Apparently all the people in Kansas are giants, or they used a low camera angle for that.
Yup. Tradition. As soon as there are enough amassed to have his home state put him over the top, whichever state is next will yield to Delaware.
Frederick Douglass statue in Baltimore.
Oh my, gosh. That little guy from Louisiana with his shades sign.
That’s one ugly Ford Truck in MI.
@NotMax: More than you like saying Schlitz?
Richard Trumpka (sp) in MI & I think the Lt. Gov.
Por que no los dos?
mali muso
@cain: ahhhh, I loved him! That’s right, little guy, I see you!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I was thinking that too. Giant on the screen. LOL.
I’m wondering what the RNC version will look like, especially after several states cancelled their primaries rather than have anyone compete with Trump.
It occurs to me that this may be a year when going second is a disadvantage. What if they’ve already planned the roll-call, and were going with something like this? People will think they were just copying what the Democrats did.
West of the Cascades
@Omnes Omnibus: OK, specific answer: nada.
Detroit with cars in the frame.
Amy Klobuchar. Minnesota truly socially distanced.
“Massachusetts casts (whatever the number was) votes for Bernie Sandahhs.”
Omnes Omnibus
@West of the Cascades: Okay then. ::side-eye::
Another Scott
The Mississippi delegate has a beautiful voice.
Captain C
He started out very well (other than the carriage horse obsession), but he’s basically been checked out his entire second term.
I’ve heard rumors to that effect; even if they didn’t overtly threaten his kids, they probably hinted around a bit, regarding his children. Even if they didn’t do that, young adults of color such as his kids are generally in more danger of adverse encounters with the cops, and he can do the math.
Nice framing of the Courthouse inside the Arch in St Louis. Really liking the travelogue quality of this.
Montana has wind and cows. Love it.
It was so windy in Montana that we couldn’t hear her.
Also LOVE the woman from Nebraska.
@HumboldtBlue: Yes it is better, people don’t have to shout their whole speech from the floor, and it’s more interesting to see scenery from around the U.S.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@West of the Cascades:
Everybody knows the world’s cheese capital is France, the land of smelly cheeses, wine, and baguettes!
It’s the Las Vegas Village People!
Village People tribute band in Nevada.
Anne Laurie
Because there is always an angry minority. It’s deep in the human gene pool!
Trump’s convention will show a boat from every state
Michigan has GREAT DEALS on NEW TRUCKS if you come in today.
Good for the dude in Maine. Living his best life.
Absotively. Also too, Leinenkugel. Although they’re not in Milwaukee.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yes! Grocery store workers and distribution workers are “essential” and yet we don’t get hazard pay. It’s absolute bullshit
Captain C
@Amir Khalid: Some combination of nobody told him and he doesn’t give enough of a fuck anymore to find out on his own.
I like the NY nurse. She could make me take meds.
So, correct me if I’m wrong. But all the other candidates released their delegates to vote for Biden except for Sanders? I’m just curious. Because Warren, Buttigieg, and Bloomberg also got delegates and I’m not seeing them mentioned.
New Mexico. Gorgeous state.
@M31: But the boats will have a lot of flags on them. So there’s that.
NC Cozzie Watkins is completely badass.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, doesn’t matter how many times you send out the instructions for setting up the video link, someone is still going to put the laptop on a table and take two steps back.
The Moar You Know
@TaMara (HFG): You are correct. My voice took a beating after I had my appendix out a few years ago, it was from the intubation, and my singing has never been quite right since. I would say “they should tell you that beforehand” but it’s not like I had a choice and Bill didn’t either.
Omnes Omnibus
The lady from NC was great.
I honestly thought the representative from New Mexico was going to do his entire spiel in his native language!
Getting very close to 2456.
And … the suspense is over!
mali muso
North Carolina not mincing words
Love our native peoples showing up and representing!
It’s Joe Time.
Like that. And like Cozzie from NC. You would not dare not vote around her.
Go Ohio!
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
it appears Bernie’s delegate situation has developed not necessarily to his advantage
Omnes Omnibus
NMI “We don’t get to vote for president, so don’t waste yours.”
LOL @ the guy from Ohio.
Love the lady from Northern Mariana Islands!
Hmm thought they’d go back to DE to put Biden over. That’s usually tradition. Did they screw up?
@Omnes Omnibus: She was very no-nonsense. You have to respect that.
I guess they are not going to skip anyone but let Delaware go last and finish it.
Matt McIrvin
Remember all the brokered convention buzz? “Honestly, it’s more likely than not this time”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
OH! IO! lol
@Marcopolo: They may be waiting until the very end.
I absolutely LOVE this. Sooooo good.
“[When they fall for Trump,] They wind up getting screwed.” Love the candid comment.
@Baud: They’re still using that Obama flag.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
these murals are pretty
“The dual viruses, Covid-19 and Racism..”
I like that.
Yeah. That was the Sanders wet dream. The only way they were going to sneak in. Voters decided otherwise.
I want to see OH union guy’s outtakes. “Trump? fuck that fucking fucker!”
@Matt McIrvin: I know. The chattering class needed to entertain themselves. They seemed to just be getting their input from each other.
Another Scott
@Baud: “What’s high in the middle and round on both ends??” – works better spoken.
@guachi: Yeah! Ohio is out of fucks.
Ha! Oregon copies the kid from Louisana – dig the glasses. :-) Also 2 months 3 weeks straight protesting! :-)
That got me too.
@Anne Laurie:
Yes, I was severely distracted by the NBA.
South Dakota made me choke up
Don’t we all!
“The Calamari Comeback State”. Heh.
Mmm…Rhode Island seafood!
Calamari comeback state – love it!
Gonna be interesting to see how STRAIGHT, WHITE and MALE the GOP Convention will be.
Rhode Island with a plate of calamari.
“The Democrats politicize everything.”
Anne Laurie
The Scandinavian heritage is very strong in Minnesota. Went there with the not-yet-Spousal Unit, some years ago, and a little kid pointed at him and said Look, mommy — that man looks just like a troll!
And she said, happily, Yes, honey, he really does! (in the happy folkloric Norwegian-genes sense… )
Scandi coronavirus joke: Six feet? Why so close?
Rhode Island is the “ocean state.”?
There’s Jaime! And going strong.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: It’s an island. Amirite?
I loved the South Dakota delegate.
I feel like I just hit a prom…
One abstention?
@Omnes Omnibus: Needs brats.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Rats. Tennessee should have got Taylor Swift to do the roll call.
joel hanes
[Bill Clinton] has always had allergy problems
Yes, and fairly serious asthma.
Which is the real point of “I didn’t inhale” — he really didn’t inhale dope smoke, because he can’t. He knew the reporters would fail, knew he would not be believed … so he said it, told the truth, and laughed at the rest of us, because nothing he could say or do was going to affect the narrative, and he knew it.
Another Scott
@Baud: There was an earlier state with an abstention, also too. I don’t understand it either – especially this year.
A plug for voting by mail. From Utah. Yea.
Finally, a teacher
Hey, I wouldn’t argue with the big dude holding the calamari.
@Baud: Long Island Sound is kind of like an ocean. Attached to one, at least.
Bernie and Jane in the background. Masked up.
whoa – bernie shows up for vermont :-)
Hey, it’s Bernie and Jane.
Omnes Omnibus
Khizr Khan.
Oops. At Minnesota, I realized that tomorrow is garbage day, and I had forgotten to clean the litter box and to take the garbage out. I returned in time for Utah and Vermont.
What did I miss?
edit: Besides 84 comments!
Good to see Khan back. That is a very subcontinental gesture. :)
Khzir Khan is an inspired choice for Virginia.
OK, Virginia got me crying
The best part of this convention is not wondering what the fuck some group is chanting.
Mr. Khizr Khan for Virginia. From Cville.
Totally loving the Tour of the States. It’s crisp.
Anne Laurie
As I understand it, yes.
Sanders didn’t release his delegates because ‘his passionate supporters deserved their place at the convention.’
As Michelle Obama might say, It is what it is.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: N through T
@WaterGirl: Big upset; turns out Sanders is the nominee after all.
Another Scott
Khizr Khan was an excellent choice for Virginia.
So much unfinished business. Let’s get started!!
@Baud: It’s the fine Corinthian leather. Or 2 Corinthians?
TS (the original)
@cain: I got some dust in my eye watching/listening to him
Incredible drama. Dozens of delegations in a surprise move have backed Sanders, he’s now likely to get the nomination. Democrats in disarray.
Seriously, the only notable thing is they didn’t pause the alphabetical roll call so Delaware would put Biden over the top. Speculation is they will go last.
Tenn. wearing a yellow rose was a nice nod to the anniversary of woman’s suffrage.
Are the abstentions delegates pledged to other candidates?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
2 Corinthians walk into a bar….
I’m casting my likes for the great folks from Louisiana and Puerto Rico and North Carolina and Nebraska and South Dakota and the Virgin Islands and Charlottesville, Virginia …. .
Manchin too chickenshit to show up on the video for WV’s delegates. That doucheturd is so annoying.
Matthew Shepard’s parents for Wyoming has me a bit misty.
What, they didn’t get Cole to announce the West (by God) Virginia delegate count?
Matt McIrvin
@Kent: People started carrying networked cameras and as if by magic, the UFOs all went away and police brutality suddenly appeared everywhere.
Delaware goes last.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The whole ‘wearing pants’ requirement was a deal breaker for Cole.
mali muso
Ok who is the guy from Wisconsin? He has a good speaking charisma
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He’d be mopping naked.
But a John Cole at the convention would be AWESOME!!!!
As expected, from the Amtrak station.
Delaware. Train station named for JRB.
Astonishing groundswell for Marianne Williamson.
@Matt McIrvin: Yeah. That was supposed to be a post on the bigfoot thread upstream. Apparently I can’t multi-task.
Joe with balloons!
Omnes Omnibus
Biden at the library is a nice touch!
@Matt McIrvin: So you’re saying that the UFOs were preventing police brutality?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Baud: i guess you can only vote for a person who’s name has been placed in nomination and since only two were officially nominated, people committed to warren or someone else stayed true to their original candidate.
@mali muso: The Lieutenant governor. I could see him mounting a challenge to Ron Johnson.
What was missing was a running total of delegates.
I gotta say. I was skeptical about how a virtual convention would work. I’m very pleasantly surprised. They are pulling it off.
As long as they are not green balloons!
@guachi: Cole went to the 2012 DNC.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Love that Joe is at a public library
Tearing up. From happiness and relief. (OK, no surprise. But we have a winning ticket.)
New thread maybe? This one’s getting kind of long.
@Omnes Omnibus: I thought about subtracting N from T, and that would have been too much work. I don’t have that memorized. :-)
room rater is going to be busy.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Was he naked?
No Malarkey.
@Omnes Omnibus: Bill Clinton is jealous.
You are watching the wrong network I guess. They showed a running total on the CNN banner I was watching.
Huh. Only 40 minutes left to go in the night.
@Ken: But Delaware didn’t go last, did they?
Mary G
The Bidens are in a library and all the people clapping at home give me chills.
@NotMax: ha!
joel hanes
Leinenkugel got bought out by a major some decades back.
If you go to Wisconsin, you want New Glarus.
@WaterGirl: They did.
mali muso
@Yutsano: I like him. Hubby says he got Obama vibes
Oh my. She could cut glass with those shoes. Must be awfully uncomfortable.
TaMara (HFG)
@mali muso: Mandela Barnes, Lt. Gov.
And I agree with you.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He had to go shopping for pants in Charlotte
Watching the official DNC channel on the Roku.
@Baud: I missed it!
Anne Laurie
New thread, same topic, up top!
joel hanes
Rhode Island seafood!
Rebecca is right there with you
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
He actually did forget to pack pants.
This is the roll call vote from the 2008 DNC. The Clinton column is all the delegates who didn’t vote for Obama.
Omnes Omnibus
Showing Biden listening to regular people again.
@WaterGirl: Easy to do, it’s a small state.
Same on MSNBC.
New Mexico was really good
zhena gogolia
This convention is so gripping I can’t tear myself away to kibitz on BJ!
Anne Laurie
Well, he said he’d forgotten his pants…
(So he wore his cargo shorts all weekend. And embarrassed his long-suffering mother, again.)
Doug R
@Ruckus: A lot of cell phone providers let you forward spam/scam texts to 7726 (SPAM). I know mine does.
I danced when Biden was declared. I admit it.
joel hanes
Manchin has been doing great work on the USPS fuckery.
@NotMax: there was a running tally at the bottom of the screen on MSNBC
@joel hanes: How now Spotted Cow!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Hah! That sounds very much like Cole
Ady Barkan is making me cry.
wait – Cindy McCain is speaking? good grief. I hope her daughter doesn’t show up.
Another Scott
This convention is going very, very well. It’s engaging, it is interesting, well produced, and should be the model for conventions going forward. The party junkies can still have their week-long meetings if they want, but the broadcast presentation for the public should be modeled on this. No pundits interpreting things, no behind the scenes stuff, no embarrassing camera cutaways. Let the party control the image and stories that it wants to tell at its convention.
@Baud: Because of all the bays, inlets and islands, Rhode Island has a lot of coastline. Also, this means over ten percent of the state is water.
Lotsa calamari! But seriously, Rhode Island has a shit ton of great restaurants. Johnson & Wales culinary school is in Providence, and a lot of students decide to stick around.
Omnes Omnibus
@guachi: It’s really dusty in here. And some motherfucker is chopping onions.
zhena gogolia
@Another Scott:
ALS man – poor fella.. I am a bit surprised that his computer voice wasn’t more natural given all the advances in AI and machine learning.
joel hanes
Spotted Cow is my regular, but I really like Two Women.
@Another Scott:
I totally agree.
@Another Scott:
I agree – it is in good digestible bites – sets a good pace and great speakers – and just a lot of great, feel good power of democratic politics.
When the RNC starts, we will see nothing more than grievance politics.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A HS teacher I had was diagnosed with ALS. She’s been living with it for 6 years now. The life expectancy is 5 years. Her husband is also a public school teacher. I don’t know what he’s going to do this fall
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Love Letters to dictators
Hiding in the WH bunker
oh Kay…You didn’t scare her?
John Kerry
Yes, so much better without folks like Cokie Roberts and Tweety opining on every thing while they cut away from the action. And without all the microphone in the face interviews of random delegates.
@guachi: god I thought it was only me. I’ve been tearing up all night… who knew?
Another Scott
The video after Kerry was very powerful. People who claim to care about national security and respect to our military and diplomats should watch it.
She was sweet. The people who come in there don’t usually need voting instructions so I was slow to figure out what she was asking. She said “polling” so I was thinking she wants to do a POLL? I don’t think we can afford that :)
Polling PLACE. Which is the correct term!
I’m so glad that Jill Biden is recognizing what kids have lost in the pandemic. I really do worry about them. They’re taking such a big hit.
@Kent: He was a pretty damn good president, measured against any Republican after Theodore Roosevelt.
@Anne Laurie: That’s incorrect. The reason why Sanders was nominated and Warren, Buttigieg, etc. weren’t is because of delegate thresholds. Convention rules required that candidates with 300 delegates have their names put in nomination, and candidates who did not reach the 300 delegate threshold would not have their names putiput nomination. Warren finished 3rd in delegates with 63 – she couldn’t have had her name put in nomination even if she had wanted to have her name put in nomination. Same for every other candidate besides Sanders and Biden.