"We are the United States of America. There's not a single thing we cannot do if we do it together." #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/SLdNN4Oxdv
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 18, 2020
Michelle Obama: "Right now, kids in this country are seeing what happens when we stop requiring empathy of one another. They're looking around wondering if we've been lying to them this whole time about who we are and what we truly value." https://t.co/rZszrWoObu #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/1GSwZ0zUPj
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 18, 2020
“We always hear that line about this being the most important election of our lifetimes, but this year it really is,” Eva Longoria says in #DemConvention opening speech. https://t.co/0UJrAu7xky pic.twitter.com/fpSgfl8j1f
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 18, 2020
This isn't the most important election of your lifetime, it's the second most important. 2016 was the most important and we blew it. But this will probably remain the second most important of your life for a very long time.
— Tentin Quarantino (@agraybee) August 18, 2020
"A president’s words have the power to move markets," Michelle Obama says. "They can summon our better angels or awaken our worst instincts. You simply cannot fake your way through this job…Being president doesn’t change who you are; it reveals who you are." #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/YjDEMyZBZ9
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) August 18, 2020
Kristin Urquiza: “My dad was a healthy 65-year-old. His only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that, he paid with his life.”
Watch full #DemConvention video here: https://t.co/4BZ4fsYUyf pic.twitter.com/31SklQE6MY
— CSPAN (@cspan) August 18, 2020
Sen. @BernieSanders: "To the millions of people who supported my campaign this year and in 2016 … If Donald Trump is reelected, all the progress we've made will be in jeopardy. At its most basic, this election is about preserving our democracy." #DemConvention @Newsy pic.twitter.com/FwDzZDs382
— Lauren Stephenson (@StephensonNews) August 18, 2020
Doug Jones, with the picture of the four bombing victims for whom he got justice. This is very effective.#DNC2020
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) August 18, 2020
‘Action begets action, progress begets progress’ — Gov. Whitmer on Obama and Biden saving the auto industry pic.twitter.com/8daD3h0W83
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 18, 2020
We're 45 minutes through but it's only now dawning on me how much faster this moves when there's no walking to/from stage. No pauses whatsoever, no "huh that was good/bad!" breathers.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) August 18, 2020
Beto "there is no calvary, we are the cavalry!"
— Dirk_Dane (@Dirk_Dane) August 18, 2020
Amy Klobuchar: "The president may hate the Post Office, but he's still going to have to send them a change of address card in January" https://t.co/yradm5wGff pic.twitter.com/kFem5zqYsP
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 18, 2020
It will be interesting to see how these themes contrast with the GOP’s message that Death’s hand touches us all and the brain damage test is too hard.
— Tentin Quarantino (@agraybee) August 18, 2020
Concerning John Kasich:
Every convention, left and right, makes room for prominent opposite-party Defectors. They're like war trophies and the first, least watched night tends to be devoted to showing off who has captured more royal nephews.
It doesn't mean they're writing the platform.
Chill out.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) August 17, 2020
oh, don't give any of them money. Or follow them if they get in a half-decent zinger. They get to speak because there's a small but undeniable bloc of hapless Obama-Trump voters who can be read the right combination of words to flip again.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) August 17, 2020
Joe Biden says this year’s election is “The Battle for the Soul of the Nation,” but we're calling it something else. #LateShowLIVE pic.twitter.com/XERfo0wI4q
— A Late Show (@colbertlateshow) August 17, 2020
It's almost as if there is a difference between a national political party's quadrennial event for the purposes of nominating the President of the United States and a contest between folks from Pittsburgh and Tampa about who can carry a ball further without getting CTE. https://t.co/2eVZKqhEIp
— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) August 18, 2020
I was skeptical about the watchability of tonight’s DNC bloc but that was two hours of pretty darn tight programming.
In a way, this format suits the attention-challenged (e.g. me) better than a traditional DNC.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 18, 2020
Now I’m looking forward to the next three nights.
Two hours. In and out.
Paced well. Good production values.
Well done – especially given the limitations.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 18, 2020
Snark aside, dealt a tough hand, #DemConvention night 1 was a success — focused on ordinary people and the crisis of the country at the front, speeches were mostly tight, production slick, no *major* tech fails and Michelle was a smashing clean-up batter.
— Dave Catanese (@davecatanese) August 18, 2020
the entire political press doing shit tier mst3k during the DNC is kind of a bad look when you are a normal person who is able to recognize that yes, there are actually stakes to this election
— guy caligiuri (????????????) (@mmcgrath42) August 18, 2020
I think a lot of political journalists are feeling frustrated because this American schlock was always the bread and butter of political conventions, but we were too busy schmoozing and reporting to pay attention until the keynotes. Now we have to watch everything. #DemConvention
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) August 18, 2020
I'd suggest they not quit their day jobs, but in reality, we'd probably be better off if a lot of them did.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) August 18, 2020
Checking on Trump-world Tweeters, and if the measure of success here is that they're losing their minds, the Dems did pretty well tonight.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) August 18, 2020
And finally, Billy Porter did an awesome job with the closer, and it’s nice he threw us Boomers a little treat…
Thanks @theebillyporter + Steven Stills for helping us close night one of the #DemConvention! ??
So much more to come! Come back tomorrow ??https://t.co/NEJtNqxFPV pic.twitter.com/vqXfLCUVfk
— 2020 #DemConvention ???? (@DemConvention) August 18, 2020
Betty Cracker
I agree with Weigel and the horseman about the format being faster with less time for bloviating. It’s very telethon-like, but once I got over the weirdness of that, I found it preferable.
In business these days, there’s a lot of focus on the future — what we’ll keep from the mass experiment in working from home, no business travel, etc., after the pandemic ends. I’d broaden that to politics too — not to mention life in general.
We’ve reimagined conventions — good. The campaign season is shorter and less frenetic. Good. Some of the shit we were doing was dumb and counterproductive, so let’s stop doing that?
I have a question -+ if I give Biden (and/or Harris) money today, do I get to reset my maximum on Thursday when Biden becomes the candidate?
Yep, and the Republicans will be sure to run it as often as they can.
Betty Cracker
Trump has announced that he’s pardoning Susan B. Anthony for a conviction for illegal voting. (Voter fraud!) So, suck it libturds — all women must vote for Trump. He’s been good to you people
PS: The first sentence is true.
@Betty Cracker:
Flanking Biden from the Left!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker: Josh Marshall tweeted that it’s not like Trump has run out of criminal associates he can pardon.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Perhaps the Susan B. Anthony pardon will balance out this. /
@Betty Cracker: “Forget the China flu! Your president, me, Donald Trump, the greatest president in the history of president, has freed a woman who’s been dead for over 100 years!”
Another Scott
@Immanentize: Biden’s web page is already set up as one of those “Joint Fundraising Committees” – any excess will go to state parties, etc. Don’t worry about the details – they’ve got you covered.
I understand the sentiment, but I whenever I hear that “We blew it” I feel the need to point out that the majority of us voted against Trump the first time around.
The system failed us.
For the second time in the last 5 elections.
Once Biden is in office, we need to make sure that it can’t happen again.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: If anybody was unfamiliar with the Republican Party, this would tell that person everything they needed to know.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: isn’t one of their anti-abortion groups named for SBA? I think it was supposed to be their counter to Emily’s List
@Another Scott: Thanks!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Immanentize: I was wondering about that– I think I’m maxed out, but that’s still for the primary?
Actually Citibank just issued me a new credit card number, so I’ll have to reset flipping every monthly bill I have. PITA
That would be nice, but a long frenetic campaign season means advertising revenue, so I can’t see this getting any media play.
Betty Cracker
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Okay, I didn’t think I could be shocked by any actions these clowns could take. I was wrong. JFC
ETA: It’s a joke, right?
I’m pretty sure that was a joke, but I admit I had to double check it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Susan B Anthony was charged and convicted and fined (which she refused to pay) for the crime of voting while having lady parts in Rochester, New York.
I don’t think Trump has any power to pardon her.
Who is trump pardoning? Chauvin?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker: @Jinchi: I am unable to tell truth from jokes any more. I mean, seriously, would you have believed people would come along and steal a truckload of mailboxes to prevent mail-in voting?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The Susan B Anthony List. Somebody who has trump’s ear– Pence? Ben Carson?– has convinced him this is a huge group. Almost as big as boat parades!
mali muso
@Dorothy A. Winsor: WTAF! Please tell me that this is a parody or some kind of joke. I mean, we all know that the RNC supports rapists (look at their avatar in the WH) but…
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: Oh interesting. Once again, Trump proves he doesn’t know how things work. Of course, I didn’t think of that either, but I’m not president so I don’t have advisors to tell stuff. Except for BJ. Perhaps you all are Baud’s advisors and the rest of us benefit too
Glad someone else feels the same way. I wonder what Hillary Clinton is going to have to say tomorrow.
@Baud: 54%.
Trump won 2016 because we don’t have a system designed to deal with more than 2 candidates. He only won 46% of the vote. 48% voted for Hillary and 6% hated both candidates.
He hasn’t exactly expanded his base in the last four years. I don’t think Kanye is going to make the difference for him this year.
54%-46%. That’s my prediction for 2020.
Gin & Tonic
@Jinchi: Didn’t I read that that smarmy asshole Covington Catholic kid was going to be there? Is that a joke too? Is it bad that I can’t tell any more?
Chris Johnson
@Betty Cracker: That actually got a tweet out of me, which is a rare occurrence.
“Give him time, bringing back those laws and criminalizing a female vote might be part of his platform for 2020. Then if you’re good, he will personally pardon you for trying.”
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
She’s funny
@Gin & Tonic: The Covington Catholic kid wasn’t convicted of sexual assault. He’s just an asshole. So perfect for a Trump convention and would probably be the least offensive character in the room.
I fully expect the war criminal Trump pardoned to have a cameo, along with Joe Arpaio and Roger Stone.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I saw last night that’s why there was no mention of KH, the speech was taped before the pick. As somebody said on twitter, if you can bring the virtual house down a week out….
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think it is, to Trump, like his Turkey pardons at Thanksgiving.
Yesterday we shopped to support Biden/Harris and I got a “The Battle for the Soul of the Nation” shirt.
Because we’re living on disability and unemployment, we haven’t been donating as we usually do. But this has been eagerly anticipated and we threw in extra.
@Jinchi: And he got a nice settlement for being an asshole!
Is this a great country or what? He lived every young (and old) wingnut’s dream.
All the progress we’ve made? Has Pouty Asshole not been paying attention to the past 4 years?
@Jinchi: Someone said last night that he won $275m from CNN. That can’t possibly be true, can it? I knew that CNN settled, but the initial reporting was that they payed a nuisance settlement to make him go away (at least that’s what I recall).
@Dorothy A. Winsor: A joke, right? Please?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@dmsilev: Apparently a joke. It’s sad that we can’t tell any more.
ETA: I have to go write. Everybody be good.
@Jinchi: It’s late now, but I’ve wanted to read a collection of responses to “What do you wish you’d done differently in 2016?” asked of all kinds of people. Sanders. RVATs (Miles Taylor and also the ‘regular people’ in those vids). Bloomberg, other Dem candidates in 2020 and ’16 . Anyone here at BJ. (And responses from people we know.) Romney, George Conway. Michael Cohen, T’s generals. (Even if only to say “Gen X never responded to repeated attempts,” put that in.) Bloggers. Lawyers. Journalists of course.
Gin & Tonic
@sdhays: CNN settled the suit, but the monetary amount was never disclosed. Unless you’re the kid or CNN legal, you’ll never know.
Betty Cracker
@mrmoshpotato: I hope we’ve heard the last high-profile national speech from Senator Sanders. But he said exactly what Biden needed him to say. Good for him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Aleta: Eddie “Sarandon” Glaude gets very defensive on twitter when people bring up his 2016 opinions.
Right, because no other election has had anything at stake.
1864, 1944, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 are on line 1 to say “Fuck you!”
I’m sure this is just the first wave, so keep your phone nearby.
I count those people as with Trump.
@Jinchi: There are two ways to fix the issues with the EC. One is a Constitutional amendment — and that process isn’t happening any time soon, given the levels of assent an amendment requires (or worse, a Constitutional convention). The other is The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), where states commit their electors to the winner of the national popular vote. We’re well on the way, but are going to need some states that are now red to pass it before it goes into effect, which makes all those downballot elections even more important.
@Aleta: I wish I’d burned more polling places in red districts to the ground.
Ohio Mom
Because he’s local, the Cincinnati Enquirer periodically has updates on Covington Kid. I don’t remember the details (and the Enquirer has an iron paywall that makes googling near impossible), but Covington Kid’s various lawsuits continue on.
The settlements are always secret so who knows? I always assume someone else is paying his lawyers so he is probably making some money.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Wouldn’t be in the least surprised to read or hear the Rs have been beating the bushes to find a Dolt 45 supporter also named George Floyd to speak.
@Betty Cracker:
Only because Robert E. Lee was never charged, tried and convicted. ?
I wonder which Mensa member thought up this one.
Anyway, Dump is still a Soviet shitpile mobster conman who continues to destroy the United States government.
In other electoral news, the Senate Intelligence Committee has released its final report on Russian interference in 2016’s election. As expected, they found no evidence of collusion between Putin’s Poodle’s campaign and Russia, though they do fess up to acknowledging that Russia did interfere. Not that they have any plans to do anything about it, their Glorious Leader and his right-hand accomplice, Moscow Mitch, being up for votes this year. But they’re greatly concerned about what happened.
@Betty Cracker: I muted my computer during his speech. He can now fuck off to the forest and take up knitting even if it’s 4 years and 170,000 deaths too late.
I thought Michelle illustrated a very effective way to attack Trump – that Kamala should embrace.
Trump believes that anything that draws attention to him is good – that’s why he would leak details of his own affairs to the NY tabloids – him being the front story is a form of power. That his affair is highlighted means he’s important enough to earn that. So attacks on him that reinforce his power – which is why ‘own the libs’ works for him, kind of play into his way of thinking. Being ‘evil’ is still a form of power. Kim Jong Un is a winner because look at his authority inside NK (nevermind that it makes NK look like the worst backwater nation on earth).
Anyway, Michelle didn’t feed into that. She made Trump very, very small – some branch manager, not up to the job. A Michael Scott/David Brent. They’re a dime a dozen and you just replace them without any fanfare. She didn’t point to his policies as the problem, the problem was just that he’s a small man in a big job, and of course that happens. No big, just replace him.
To start, it’s a good line of attack, because it doesn’t speak to policy, so it should work pretty well with non-partisans, who generally support some mix of left and right policies (or their perception of them). It just avoids all of that. Additionally, it’s probably very effective against a broad range of white men, and resonates with women. It’s basically an extension of ‘bless me with the confidence of a mediocre white man’, and I’ve yet to meet a woman that disagrees with the blessing. But really, it goes right to the heart of Trump’s psychosis. He is desperate to be anything other than a failure – pathologically so. That’s why this election is dangerous. But I agree with the approach of the Lincoln Project. They’ve identified Trumps weakness, and they attack it directly, and I think Harris should do that as well. A black woman indirectly calling Trump a loser will consume him. The less angry she is, the better.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks. That’s maddening.
One could go through that line by line and point out errors, prejudices, effects of the spread of his assumptions, whatever; and online publish it for him.
“It is not enough that Hillary Clinton might be our first woman president”
No one on her side ever suggested that, certainly not HRC.
Last night NPR was our only TV channel with coverage (we don’t have cable, but ??). So we switched to online. But the first part on NPR was much more commentary, rather than making the convention available to watch. After two “Hillary lost because” explanations that ignored the actual reasons, I was spitting too much on the furniture and had to walk out.
Correction: a grand jury did bring charges against Lee.
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s the spirit. It would be a useful primer for high school and political science classes.
@Ohio Mom: When I’ve googled (simply) ‘Washington Post’ under News, lately “Post settles with what’s-his-name” (story by faux) comes up twice in the first 7-8 results.
They’re probably looking through the white pages. And, no, I’m not joking. They’re probably looking for a Klansman (and are bummed they can’t bring George Wallace back from Hell).
@Betty Cracker: what? Should we prepare ourselves for a sincere Newsweek opinion piece on significant questions surrounding women’s right to vote? Informing us that “scholars can, and do, disagree on this point.”
Ohio Mom
Aleta: The Washington Post is just one of Covington Kid’s lawsuits.
IIRC, his name is Nick Sandman.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom: If the settlement was more than $100K, I would be shocked.
@Ohio Mom: I wasn’t clear, but I meant I’m annoyed that Fx continues to float that settlement story, which is old, to the top of the results to imply his vindication.
@Aleta: I stopped listening to NPR about 10 years ago because their political coverage was just so terrible. It made me sad because I have nice memories of listening to it in the morning when I was a kid and I generally like their non-political reporting.
But fuck those morons in the political desk.
Miss Bianca
@Aleta: I did just about every damn thing I could think of during 2016 to help get HRC and other Dems elected. I caucused, I donated, I joined the central committee of my county’s Democratic Party, I phone banked, I was a delegate to my county and my state’s conventions.
There isn’t a damn thing I would go back and do differently. Except for “indulging the fantasy that my country would elect a strong, accomplished, brilliant Democratic candidate who happened to be female over a weak, feckless, stupid, ignorant Republican candidate who happened to be male.”
We watched it on C-SPAN youtube, which had no commentary at all, and played it all the way through until the end , including the great Billy Porter / Stephen Stills version of For What It’s Worth…
Finally, a GOP loser and extremists, approved by the DNC, get to define what a “good” democrat is by trashing the one rising star in the party. Tone-deaf unity message or just plain contempt?
“People on the extreme, whether they’re on the left or on the right, they get outsized publicity that tends to define their party,” Kasich told BuzzFeed News. “You know, I listen to people all the time make these statements, and because AOC gets outsized publicity doesn’t mean she represents the Democratic Party.”
Most important election in my lifetime was the 2000 election. We blew it. Second most important was 2016. We blew that also. Not looking to make three out of three.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@taumaturgo: I sometimes consider that you’re not an act, and I just… marvel at it.
J R in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I got a pretty cupcake, which was marvelous !! ‘Cause who here needs to debate about the reality of a commenter’s intentions?
Miss Bianca
@taumaturgo: Has anyone told you to fuck off yet today? No? Fuck off.
@Miss Bianca: Not today but I notice it comes from those who despise having an open discussion and only seek validation of their beliefs no matter how misguided. When you think about it, not so different from the tribal behavior of the MAGA types.
VFX Lurker
I just added taumaturgo to the pie filter. Problem solved.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Betty Cracker: I’m not a big Bernie fan (that’s my husband) – I like his policies and we owe him for moving the entire party to the Left, but he annoys me with his shouting and his pointing. BUT, I fell in love with his giving his speech in front of his woodpile, instead of his kitchen or bookshelf like everyone else these days.