underlying message of the DNC (unless it’s been actually articulated and I missed it): Biden has had so much taken from him, and his humanity never faltered; Trump was given everything, and learned nothing
— Sam Adams (@SamuelAAdams) August 21, 2020
Because, in the future, we’ll all be bragging about having witnessed this wonderful evening…
The Chicks perform the National Anthem at the last night of the #DemConvention. https://t.co/6DLWHOY082 pic.twitter.com/C71EC3jc80
— ABC News (@ABC) August 21, 2020
Cedric Richmond, Jr., Rep. Cedric Richmond's son, recites the Pledge of Allegiance kicking off the final night of the 2020 #DemConvention. https://t.co/6DLWHOY082 pic.twitter.com/eMqCy4wV3r
— ABC News (@ABC) August 21, 2020
Tonight I addressed the @DemConvention as a proud 35th generation New Mexican and one of the first Native American women ever elected to Congress. Tonight I stood on the shoulders of my ancestors who came before me. Our voice is fierce. Our voice is here to stay. #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/8hZGWe5Wr3
— Deb Haaland (@Deb4CongressNM) August 21, 2020
Speaking is hard for me too, Brayden. But as you know, practice and purpose help. Thank you for your courage and for the great speech! https://t.co/lAkk8tPRXw
— Gabrielle Giffords (@GabbyGiffords) August 21, 2020
John Lewis was a dear friend. He was the best of who we are and what we can become. And he held onto the promise of this country until his final breath. We miss you, John. #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/fRAr5Mijst
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 21, 2020
"Our nation absolutely has what it takes to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic that's claimed tens of thousands of our loved ones. We have the talent, resources, and technology. What we're missing is leadership."
– @Vivek_Murthy #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/JjNzBsGeej— 2020 #DemConvention ???? (@DemConvention) August 21, 2020
Crown of the convention, and possibly the best speech of Joe Biden’s career (so far):
No, no I won’t.
Wonderful convention and speech-and I want to do whatever I can to have him elected.
If Joe was the sundae, Brayden was the cherry on top.
So impressed with the boy.
Jeebus, that Brayden Harrington, more courage than the entire GOP in one 13 year old package.
You go.
Congrats to everyone behind the scene who put it together. It was well done in difficult circumstances.
Thanks for these clips. All the music was great, and the content inspiring. Delighted to see and hear how much Giffords speech has improved – May it continue to do so! Let’s win this.
Every four years I see the incredible difference between the Democratic Convention, which is warm and welcoming, inclusive and aspirational. And the Republican Convention, which is full of hate and division and whining and fear.
Maybe this year, some Republicans WILL watch the Democratic Convention.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Biden delivered last night????
Some speculation to chew on.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
TS (the original)
Doubt there is a better description.
Four days of fishing and one ray to show for it. I knew this time of year was going to be rough and I’m just going to enjoy the chase.
Meanwhile trump is threatening to deny federal funding to California because they didn’t listen to his warnings to “clean your floors”
The news of the devastation at Big Basin has me especially stabby today.
@Raven: Where are you at?
@WereBear: Was talking with a vendor outside the one of the venues at DNC in Charlotte in 2012. He had been at the RNC the week before (Miami?). He said, “That was a bunch of old white men in suits. This,” – looks around – “…this looks like America.”
Betty Cracker
Our stupid internet went out during Biden’s speech, so I missed part of it. But I saw enough to know it was the speech of his life. The “that’s unforgivable” line was the best of the night, IMO.
I saw some Fox News reactions to the speech on Twitter. Chris Wallace said Trump is going to have to run against the actual candidate rather than the senile caricature. Yep. That’s the danger of premising your entire campaign on an easily vaporized lie.
Even Laura Ingraham, a vile propagandist who interviewed Trump’s odious namesake son after the speech, said, “He [Biden] did beat expectations. Everyone expected him to flub every line, to have a senior moment…”
If “everyone” expected that, it’s because the Trump campaign and Fox News beat that drum constantly. And they’ll probably keep right on doing it, despite having the myth exploded before their eyes last night.
A good profile: Brilliant, Troubled Dorothy Parker
I am a little ashamed that I did not know of her, but then I’m not sure how I would have. I certainly would have had no reason to read any of her reviews, her short stories were all published a long time ago, and her poetry was in her own words, “There is poetry and there is not,” but Damn… What a woman, and what a legacy she left. Who has not heard these quips or some version of them:
“Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.”
“If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”
“The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice.”
“What fresh hell is this?”
“You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.”
“Brevity is the soul of lingerie.”
“That woman speaks eighteen languages, and can’t say ‘No’ in any of them.”
“I require three things in a man: he must be handsome, ruthless, and stupid.”
“She was pleased to have him come and never sorry to see him go.”
“Take me or leave me; or, as is the usual order of things, both.”
“Constant use had not worn ragged the fabric of their friendship.”
“If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy.”
And that is just from page 1 of 10 on her Good Reads quote page.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker:
Why? He didn’t do that in 2016 and it seemed to work out for him.
I do not remember how I stumbled on to Dorothy Parker, but I loved her the moment I did .
Cedric gave me my biggest smile of the night.
I think her renown centered in New York City, but she is a treasure. So snippy and snide! ?
How silly of us not to realize that the American Catastrophe Trump spoke of at his Inauguration turns out to be Trump himself. //
“Chicks” is mysoginist. They must shorten their name to “The.”
Watching the Biden bio last night, it struck me that most of our nominees don’t come from money. Al Gore was the son of a senator. Not sure about Kerry’s background, he married into his money.
@OzarkHillbilly: She even brought out the clever in others: at dinner with Calvin Coolidge she said, “Mr. President, I made a bet that I could get more than two words out of you.”
His reply: “You lose.”
Have you made your Voting Plan?
Have you, as Michelle Obama said, helped others to “do the same”?
ICYMI, PostCard Patriots has all the info you need to make a plan.
Michelle’ husband suggests right now is the best time to plan
Betty Cracker
@Matt McIrvin: IMO, there were several factors that worked in Trump’s favor in 2016 that won’t be around to save him this time.
A Dem president was finishing up two terms, so it was a change vs. more of the same election. The “economic anxiety” explanation (rightly) gets skewered around here, but it’s not 100% bullshit. A lot of people were/are understandably dissatisfied with the status quo and irresponsible enough to take a chance on a racist, sexist, xenophobic demagogue to “shake things up.” Well, now we see what comes of that.
There’s also the fact that Biden is a white man, and while the Beltway press has a default setting for Republicans, they haven’t abetted a decades-long smear campaign against Biden the way they had against Clinton, so Trump won’t benefit from that.
The emails story was complicated enough that it was hard to shake as a smear. “Biden can’t complete a sentence” is pretty easy to disprove.
@MagdaInBlack: @debbie: @different-church-lady: So very very much I knew of but yet, somehow never knew who.
@Betty Cracker: You know what, a lot of others were doing so well financially that thay could afford to take that same chance. Trump is a product of our luxury.
Have any Republicans gone after Duckworth yet in regards to her “Coward-in-Chief” line? I am sure they will talk about how uncivil it was and how disrespectful because they are all about civility and respecting your opponent, right? Right?
@Betty Cracker:
I suppose they can restart the Hunter Biden and Tara Reade smears, which requires proving a negative to debunk. But I don’t think that’ll get much traction after they’ve been dormant for several months. I’m not even sure if the media would be interested.
@different-church-lady: Agree.
@OzarkHillbilly: Have you discovered the other members of the Algonquin Round Table?
@Betty Cracker: Also: the explaination doesn’t get batted around as much as the suggestion that we must pander to the anxiety at the cost of ignoring the underlying racism.
NPR’s “Selected Shorts” had an hour of Dorothy Parker readings. I tried without success to find the podcast of it for you. I temember really enjoying it; she’s right up there with James Thurber and Calvin Trilling.
@different-church-lady: Yes, I know I’ve read that Hillary won lower income voters.
Likewise. I recall my parents throwing a few of those lines at me, but I never knew their origin.
Central Planning
isn’t that always the best plan for fishing?
The kid who did the pledge last night was cute the cesspool of Nextdoor was complaining that the democrats dropped “under god” from the pledge on Wednesday night. Easy to disprove, but really? I wonder who started that lie
@OzarkHillbilly: “MEADOWS! Find me a thirteen year old who threatened a bunch of protesters with a gun!”
Gin & Tonic
Meanwhile, Alexei Navalny’s (I wrote about him yesterday) wife cannot visit him in the hospital. You see, he hasn’t given permission for visitors. Oh, what’s that you say, he’s in a coma? Well, I guess he should have thought of this beforehand.
My favorite Dorothy Parker line: “If you can’t say anything nice about someone, come sit by me.”
I have taken to calling them GOPQ. This identifies the half of the party that is BSC. This will be the only part left after Nov 3.
@different-church-lady: I think one of the best things about the convention was the report that Trump was watching it, and demanding changes in the RNC less than a week before it starts.
Gin & Tonic
@Central Planning: You probably know this, but the “under God” was not part of the Pledge as originally composed, it was added much later (1954,) to contrast us with the Godless Communists.
ETA: Anyway, watch the kid in the tweet up top, it takes 15 seconds to disprove that allegation.
There were rumors that Reade will be at the RNC, so that’s one half.
And the Durham “report,” which will drop in October (probably), will doubtless will lead Barr to charge Obama and the Bidens (pere et fils) with Treason. [Unless Durham does his job honestly and with integrity, about which I am skeptical.]
I am hopeful that the MSM will not pull the same shit as they did in 2016, and will call bullshit on both Reade and Durham. But they haven’t generally risen to the occasion. But I can always hope.
If we weren’t dying in droves, I’d agree with you. I’m not sure anything can overshadow Covid and Trump’s role in its spread.
Betty Cracker
@different-church-lady: Great point about “shake things up” being a form of luxury (or maybe “privilege” is a better word). I’m glad most Democrats aren’t on board with pandering to that anxiety to the point of ignoring the racism.
@Baud: Yeah, I can’t figure out if our timing has been lucky (e.g., Ken Vogel had the Hunter corruption story all queued up and then the Trump-Ukraine extortion scheme exploded) or if the worst of the Beltway types are just too distracted by the pandemic, economic collapse, etc., or what.
@TS (the original):
Yes. The Trump part has been apparent since forever, but, to my chagrin, I had never thought about Biden in that way.
“And hast thou considered my servant JoeB?” seems apt.
@OzarkHillbilly: My father used to quote Parker’s “Resumé” to me when I was a child:
“Razors pain you, rivers are damp./
Acids stain you, and drugs cause cramps.
Guns aren’t lawful, nooses give.
Gas smells awful, might as well live.”
(He also enjoyed to reading me and my brother Robert Service’s “The Cremation of Sam McGee” as a bedtime story, so make of that what you will.)
I think she’s casting some shade there. I like it.
@SFAW: How the hell they bring in Reade without throwing a big fat spotlight on Trump’s own rape allegation problems I have no idea.
Betty Cracker
For those of you who aren’t on Twitter — this is the most hilarious thing and is best watched with the sound on for full effect:
@Ken: I had never heard of it until reading this profile and know nothing of it other than the author’s claim that iirc, she became disenchanted with that period of her life.
@debbie: Thanx, but I have a hard time absorbing stuff that way. I need to read it, otherwise it’s in one ear and out the other.
@SFAW: I’ve been hearing them all my life and have been known to apply a few of them to life’s conundrums on occasion. So happy to now know from whom they come.
@Betty Cracker:
I’ve heard a few people on the TV use “privilege” to describe not voting in 2016 or this year. I’m glad that’s finally getting out there.
I watched all four nights of the convention, and I was impressed every night. They covered many angles and represented a wide variety of people and views. They shared stories that resonate with humanity, and the best of us. The celebrated the best of us.
I don’t expect to watch the Republican version. I will probably catch some of it just to compare them, but I don’t hold out hope that they’ll be able to present a convention that even comes close to what the Democrats did. I expect it will be dark and threatening, with lots of scenes of violence because the Republicans’ only angle is the fear factor. But at any rate, these past four days were a visual boost for me, a reminder that there are so many good and decent people still here, and we need to vote out the bad ones.
Joey Maloney
I think my favorite Dorothy Parker anecdote is “Tell him I’m too fucking busy! – And vice versa!”
Understood. I wasn’t really disagreeing with you, just pointing out — well, speculating, maybe — some of the ratfuckery I expect will be coming down the ‘pike.
I also expect there will be something completely unexpected, and completely bullshit, that gets dropped on us. At which point we’ll be a little embarrassed that we hadn’t been able to predict the exact nature of the “bombshell.” Maybe something like “Biden helped Killary murder Vince Foster”? I can’t predict with those evil mofos.
Right. We need to be prepared to expect the unexpected.
Dorothy Parker directed that her estate and any future royalties go to a man she had never met but admired, The Reverend Martin Luther King; and on his death, to the NAACP.
And that pissed off Lillian Hellman big time.
In a rational world, absolutely. But this is the “modern” Party of Traitors, aided and abetted by the FTFTFNYT (among others).
Why? [Serious question.] I know next-no-nothing about Hellman.
@Joey Maloney: Hahaha…glad I wasn’t drinking coffee, I would have spit it all over my phone!
@Joey Maloney:
I’d like to think she’d be a jackal.
@Nicole: Heh.
Here’s one of my favourites from DP (from memory, so I may be off a bit). I read her voraciously in my late teens:
All gallant was my first love, glittering and fine.
The second was like water in a cool, white cup.
The third was his and the fourth was mine.
And after that, I get them all mixed up.
Hillary is coming up in Morning Joe.
And Duckworth up now.
I too thought Biden gave a great speech. I was prepared to turn off the DNC on account of being tired, but he held me for the whole thing. And now I want that song by PItbull they played during the fireworks for my running mix.
@Betty Cracker:
That is just excellent !
@Baud: Thanks for the advance warning of the Category 5 tweetstorm.
Speaking of which, neither “Thirteen” nor “Fourteen” has reached tropical storm status yet.
@Joey Maloney: “Ducking for apples — change one letter and it’s the story of my life.”
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: Hellman was Parker’s literary executor; she didn’t like MLK or the NAACP.
No one gave Reade a grift position in the Party though, and the up and comers get those. I’m completely serious- if they think you’re useful to them you get a skim off the donors. They have a kind of payroll and they didn’t put her on it. She’ll know that.
@Gin & Tonic:
I didn’t know she was a member of the economically-anxious White Working Class. Thanks for explaining.
@germy: The epitaph on her grave at the headquarters of the NAACP: “Excuse my dust.”
I never thought of Reade as an up-and-comer, but more of a useful idiot/liar, who would become a non-person after serving her purpose.
@SFAW: So sort of like a George W. Bush, or a Karl Rove?
Like Benghazi Mom in 2016.
I was concerned someone would pull a stunt during the convention as a distraction, but that didn’t happen.
Not really. I know you wrote that as a joke, but those two were the drivers, not the patsies. [No, I’m not forgetting Cheney’s role.]
Yes. I had (thankfully, until now) forgotten about her.
The GOP is like multi-level marketing. She’s not going to be content with buying Amway crap and filling her garage like the Trump base. She wants to be fleecing the rubes on the top line, like the Trump Family, the appointees and Fox news celebrities. They didn’t put her on the payroll.
Not for lack of trying. I guess the Traitor-in-Chief’s super-mega-rally near Scranton yesterday was supposed to accomplish some of that.
That smile at the end ???
@OzarkHillbilly: Her “Tonstant Weader” pieces are biting, as is her takedown of Katherine Hepburn (“she ran the gamut of emotions from A to B”). ETA: I think I knew of her because I became enamored of the Marx Brothers and Harpo hung out w/ her, I think, so a bio of him introduced me to the Algonquin crowd.
@SFAW: The rally was somewhat overshadowed by the revelation that the Post Office can make arrests.
Speaking of which, it looks like the report that Curt Schilling had also been arrested was incorrect. Pity, I was hoping it meant additional indictments against the wall-grift board members were being unsealed.
Another Parker favorite:
“I like to have a martini,
Two at the very most.
After three I’m under the table,
after four I’m under my host.”
Although that’s definitely a Parkerish line, it’s not hers. Alice Roosevelt (Teddy’s irrepressible daughter) had it embroidered on a sofa cushion in the White House.
Two of my favourite Parkerisms: On reviewing Katharine Hepburn in a Broadway play, DP wrote “She ran the gamut of emotions, from A to B.”
And as a book reviewer at The New Yorker, in which role she often referred to herself as Constant Reader, she tackled one of the Winnie-the-Pooh books with the line “Tonstant Weader fwowed up.”
@SFAW: Yeah, I was kind of riffing on the “unperson” status. I hadn’t thought of or seen anything about Rove for years and was only reminded of him yesterday, when someone reposted one of his tweets. He was warning people about QAnon, and getting “and what did you expect, Doctor Frankenstein” pushback.
Just set up my weekly donation to the Biden/Harris campaign ??
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Is Reade even out there trying to peddle her story anymore? It seems like she slunk off the stage after it was revealed that the degree and alleged experience she claimed she had to serve as an expert witness in trials was revealed to be bullshit, exposing her to perjury charges. Haven’t read The Intercept lately though…
@Betty Cracker:
Some people here said she was more active on Twitter last week FWIW.
I’m interested in why the FBI wasn’t the lead. I’d like to hear more about that. Postal inspectors are a hugely powerful police agency and they’re involved in tons of investigations so that doesn’t surprise me, but I wonder about why they were the lead. I wonder if there was some concerns about the FBI and capture by the Trump Administration. We’ll probably never know. The people who know won’t say and the Trump Administration are all huge liars.
@narya: Her column was actually the “Constant Reader” but in a review she wrote: “It is that word ‘hunny,’ my darlings, that marks the first place in The House at Pooh Corner at which Tonstant Weader fwowed up.” Sharpen her tongue, indeed.
Yeah, Harpo was a member of the table.
@SiubhanDuinne: Hah! that made me giggle.
I watched more of this convention than any convention in . . . decades, partly because WaterGirl noted that ratings count–and then I kinda got sucked in. The folks who put this production together did a fabulous job–things went smoothly and quickly, with a minimum of hiccups, and I wish they would ALWAYS do it this way. Yeah, hard to speak with no crowd, in some ways, but I actually think it makes the speeches better; whoever is speaking can make their points, make a case, with less need to throw in “guaranteed cheering” lines, which makes for better speeches.
Things that stuck the landing for me: Brayden was awesome; Duckworth has NFLTG; Obama was better than I’ve ever seen him; and, most of all–the roll call. Damn, that was SOOOO much better than any live convention version of it. It showed such amazing diversity, but it also kept things moving along. Seriously, they really need to always do it that way. IMHO, they could do the whole thing that way, every time.
@Nicole: “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”
@Matt McIrvin:
But with assistance from lazy MSM, Trump and the GOP were able to successfully push a squid-ink cloud of “cold harpy butter emails” caricature of Clinton to the electorate that obscured the real Clinton. They’re going to have a far more difficult time successfully doing that to Biden, in part because the non-Fox MSM has finally reckoned with what Trump has blatantly proven to be, and is refusing to play along with them this time. It’s hard to make a doddery villain caricature stick on a man like Biden who genuinely radiates a Tom Hanks “everyman” vibe, and refuses to cooperate by giving them any “senior moment” scenes to play off of.
@Ken: Johnny Cash singing Danzig:
Bad luck wind been blowin’ at my back….
@OzarkHillbilly: I have been a fan of Dorothy Parker as far back as I can remember. Isn’t she just AWESOME?
I think the connection was as one of the few women at the Algonquin Round Table, through Robert Benchley.
@Betty Cracker:
I think she reappeared to float the appearance at the convention, frankly. I think this was proposed by her and the Trump people have responded with vague “absolutely- that’s something to consider”. She’s job hunting and she didn’t get a call back so she’s following up.
You know how Trump is- you told me! Tara Reade is not from “central casting”.
@Kay: I’ve read in a few places that keeping it away from the FBI and, especially, Barr, was the reason. I’ve read a number of analyses of various things that suggest that a number of folks at the FBI took measures to protect various investigations from Barr, once they knew he was coming in, including the work that resulted in Volume 5.
zhena gogolia
I agree with this totally. I also liked the little videos like the one about national security.
@SFAW: Didn’t Reade say over and over that regardless of the — ahem — “assault” that she was still voting for Joe?
@Betty Cracker:
I read (last week or the week before, I think) that she’d approached various Epstein victims, asking about whether they knew of any connection/friendship between Epstein and (Joe) Biden. No idea whether she was “successful,” but I kind of doubt it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I honestly didn’t know what to expect from a virtual convention and was very pleasantly surprised. I thought it was technically well-done, but even more, it was provided inspiration and comfort. It showed us the best of the country and the best of the party. Let’s go, Joe.
@Betty Cracker:
Speaking of central casting, the funniest part of the Bannon fraud is the foreman. They did a series of videos with a burly 60 year wearing a hard hat who was supposedly the “foreman” on the wall build to better fleece the rubes. I have to look into it because I am so hoping he’s fake. I hope they had auditions.
“Everyman”?? Hah! Soon, the story will FINALLY be told that Tom Hanks USED TO DRESS UP IN WOMEN’S CLOTHES!!!!!!!! What other SECRETS is Joe Biden hiding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@zhena gogolia:
Right. The GOP keeps scoring high on national security despite their many failures. We need to start pushing back. (The economy too.)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: Good quotes, Ozark. I believe she’s the one who also originated the line about how if you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.
So it could be incredibly difficult for a hypothetical candidate who’s all about the crowd response.
(I agree with one of the comments last night – he’s going to give his speeches in front of a captive audience of staffers and family, who will whoop and cheer on command. It will be as believable as a 1950s laugh track.)
@WereBear: I’m in love.
And now a double hurricane hitting the gulf. I swear the second Trump signed the EO raiding the natural disasters fund rather than make an unemployment deal, the fires started…
@Baud: I think there were no stunts (although the format would have allowed them) because people’s minds have been focussed.
Although Warren did slip “DBFH” and “BLM” into her schoolroom scene. ❤️
@Kay: Very few people took my “who is the construction foreman” poll yesterday, but based on that small sample, “Model and sometime gay porn star” was the winner.
No, I was worried about Trump’s stunts, not the Dems.
I saw her interviewed when she was in her 90s. She was “wicked pissah funny.”
Mister Sterling
Who do we think the highest-profile speaker will be at the RNC? For the second year in a row, there won’t be a former president at the RNC. For a Gen-Xer like me, that’s unprecedented. So could it be Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Lindsay Graham, Mike Pence, and the Don himself? James Woods? Diamond & Silk? Ted Nugent (wait, is he dead)? Jon Voight? Rosanne Barr? Herman Cain would have been a speaker, and because it’s 2020, we already forgot what happened to him.
For comparison, look at the roster from 2016. Look at how many people on this list are either convicted, disgraced (Fallwell!), missing, out of politics, avoiding this year’s convention (Mitch!), or on Trumps shit list.
Also, what are the odds that the RNC won’t have any major technical gaffes or issues? Who is their IT guy?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Trump apparently gave a speech last night, in Scranton I think. Nobody cared.
So, did Bannon and company defraud a 7 year old kid, or did they defraud people with a lie about a 7 year old kid
@zhena gogolia: I thought the (relative-to-live) more-focused format made those set pieces (like last night’s WW2 Republican vet who’s voting for Biden) more powerful and less likely to get lost in the balloons and cheers and confetti and panning the crowd. The format also left no room for commentators, while the live format meant there was ALWAYS a talking head saying something.
Normally I can’t watch anything any republican does, but next week is going to be a shitshow. Sound down, maybe?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yeah, I had no wind of that from my news feed. Good.
Amir Khalid
The online Democratic National Convention went so smoothly in this fashion that I wonder if the Democratic party will want to keep doing them this way in the After Time.
@zzyzx: Has any money been taken from the disaster fund yet? Most of the states were saying they couldn’t participate in the plan because (1) they didn’t have funds for the 1/4 share and (2) their computer systems didn’t work that way.
So funny. They really know their audience. Trump supporters were fleeced THREE TIMES on this one wall. First Mexico didn’t pay for it, then Trump took public money to pay for it, then they personally were tapped to pay for it.
@Mister Sterling:
I heard Mitch was going to show up by video. Trump pressured him or something.
Gin & Tonic
Here you go:
ETA: Here he is. CEO of a pipeline company.
@Amir Khalid: I hope so . . . but I doubt it. I’m sure there’s enormous pressure to “go back” to live, but this was seriously so much better.
I’m old enough to remember when she was a victim of cancel culture, for her horrendous version of the National Anthem. Maybe they’ll bring her back for that.
Trump: “Hey, they had a big tribute thingy for Lewis even though he didn’t come to my inauguration. Do one for our dead black guy.”
I expect Jared’s been given responsibility.
The Thin Black Duke
@Immanentize: This is fucking amazing. Thank you.
The problem with his format is that it deemphasizes the delegates.
@zzyzx: And they are both supposed to hit as hurricanes early Wed AM, one at Houston and the other at the FL/AL gulf border. Keeping my fingers crossed for the NOLA son.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Mister Sterling: Mitch has to wash his hair that
@Kay: Have you got a link? I’d like to take look/listen to see if he sounds like any of the foreman I’ve had.
@Central Planning:
I always say “under the Constitution”.
@Gin & Tonic:
Oh, thank you. It’s a remarkable piece of con artwork. They managed to weave in every Right wing slogan and cherished belief.
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: Check out “Foreman Mike” on YouTube. There’s a ton of them. But as I noted, he’s just a CEO of a pipeline construction company, cosplaying as a foreman.
@Baud: Good point. But damn, it was so much better.
@narya: Hopefully, they can find a way to combine the best of both worlds.
Amir Khalid
@Mister Sterling:
I’m kind of hoping the Tiktok and K-Pop kids will find a way to mess with the RNC.
Also, the Democrats have Bruce Springsteen, whereas the Republicans have Ted Nugent. The difference between Bruce and Ted, as makers of music and as human beings, perfectly exemplifies the difference between their parties.
@Betty Cracker:
As a bat lover, I think this is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.
Yes. He has a whole section of the website.
Perhaps he’ll be arrested and we’ll learn more about him.
This story may be apocryphal, but my favorite Dorothy Parker anecdote involves former U.S. Congresswoman Claire Booth Luce. She and Parker evidently despised one another, but were part of some of the same social circles.
Both of them arrived at an event at the same time. Claire Booth Luce gestured for Parker to precede her inside the building, saying “Age before beauty.”
Parker glided through the door, responding “And pearls before swine.”
@Gin & Tonic: I saw the pic you linked to and yeah, I’ve had riding bosses and supers who looked like that but most foremen have to actually work in addition to running their crew.
I always wondered what your preferred “persuader” was, in your “Mob Enforcer” persona. Do you go for the kneecaps? Or are you more of a ribcage person?
Gin & Tonic
I’d prefer that the convention fail all on its own, so the RNC can’t blame anyone but themselves.
(In all likelihood any failure will be because Trump demanded or did something stupid; but the RNC will still have to take the blame.)
@The Thin Black Duke: One of my favorites. The whole “American Recordings” album is just fabulous.
I think “Thirteen” and “Drive On” are my favorites, but Cash’s “Bird on a Wire” written by Leonard Cohen is also money.
@OzarkHillbilly: And for my Houston boy.
As if they’d ever be honest about it.
@stinger: “One nation under Canada . . .”
Dan B
@Ken: Dialogue: “You’re in construction? Ooh Daddy!”
@Joey Maloney:
Had forgotten that one! I also like “If all the girls attending the Yale prom were laid end to end, i wouldn’t be surprised.”
Sarah Cooper does a number on Trump’s attack on voting. I hadn’t realized how wound-up Trump is about this. The link is via Axios because I had trouble making a direct YouTube link.
Betty Cracker
@MagdaInBlack: & @SiubhanDuinne: So funny! I’ve watched it at least 10 times. :)
@Joey Maloney: Another one is about Katherine Hepburn “running the gamut of emotions from A to B.”
@Kay: What’s this? Some sort of wingnut Village People?
@OzarkHillbilly: Dorothy Parker’s bon mots have a kind of repetitive misanthropy gets tedious after a while. But there is no doubt that she would have owned Twitter.
@OzarkHillbilly: A movie about her that I enjoyed: Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle
@MattF: Katharine Hepburn. It was the 1930s, after all.
I think she got fired from Vanity Fair for criticizing a theater performance of Billie Burke, whose husband was an influential friend of her boss.
@germy: Yeah, I fixed it. Must be too early in the morning for me.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: So perfect that he’s actually a CEO. What a bunch of phonies. It’s probably too much to hope that Kobach, Don Jr. and the other Trump trash get scooped up in the scandal. But recall that Bannon sang like a canary for Mueller! I don’t think he wants to go to jail, and from what I’ve read, it seems the feds have a great case against him.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Nope, sorry, that was Alice Roosevelt.
But I’ll bet DP was sick with rage that she hadn’t thought of it first.
From what I understand, she’s said she will not vote for Trump. And she will not vote for Biden.
that was Alice Roosevelt I think
She’s someone I’ve always wished I had known.
Is it true they’re going to display Trump every single night at their convention? ‘Cause the walking-down-the-ramp story and “person-woman-man-camera-TV” are really worn out at this point, and repeating them four nights in a row seems a bit excessive.
@Cameron: I’m sure he’s developed new grievances. After all, it was reported he watched the Democratic convention. Maybe he’ll try to lip-sync to Sarah Cooper. Or mock Brayden Harrington.
@SFAW: I read a Parker biography years ago (I think it’s called “What Fresh Hell Is This?”) and Hellman was involved in Parker’s life in her final years.
This is a transcript of an interview with the biographer:
You think?
@Immanentize: Damn, that’s right. Fingers and toes crossed for all.
@Ken: The Qonald Qrump Qonvention is going to be an ugly, racist airing of conspiracy theories and kookery without parallel in political history.
No hitting below the chin.
IANAL, but will anyone questioning the postmaster general ask how decommissioning/destroying AUTOMATED SORTERS is intended to save $$$? The machines don’t get bennies, vacations etc… are electric fees driving the p.o. deficits? ??????
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@stinger: @stinger:
Perfect! Considered this stolen!
Betty Cracker
@Cameron: I read that too, and Trump loudly criticized Michelle Obama for taping her speech, so he’s going to thrust the Third Lady into the spotlight with orders to outdo Mrs. O.
Plus he’s supposedly still meddling in the content at the last minute instead of leaving it to the low-quality hires. Of course he would — he believes he’s a TV genius.
It’ll be an amateur hour parade of white grievance, and he’ll try to do the big crowd thing somehow because he feeds off negative energy, and that won’t go well. I’m trying to figure out how it can be anything BUT a complete disaster. Maybe I’ll watch after all.
@Betty Cracker:
The more I think about this, the more I think the Beltway media has a default setting for white men, and those that represent white men, ie Republicans.
I think society is wired to defer to white men, and nationally, at least sixty percent of white men vote Republican, so the media is just following what society is programmed to do.
The deference to Republicans from the Beltway media is not based on agreement with their agenda. I doubt Chuck Todd is as passionately anti-abortion as the Republicans he has on to lie to him, and the nation.
So my best guess is they inherit society’s bias, and deference to white men, who Republicans represent.
@Betty Cracker: I expect a dramatic entrance through a wall of smoke. And lasers.
@debbie: james Thurber! I still can’t read “The Night the Bed Fell on Father” without laughing so hard I can’t breathe. And his cartoons! “Have it your way. You heard a seal bark.”
I have the Louis DeJoy Senate hearings on in the background — not paying close attention — but Lordy Lordy Lordy what a whiny, defensive little fart he is. Judging by his body language, facial expressions, and voice, he is lying like a cheap carpet.
If anyone’s interested, both MSNBC and CNN are carrying the hearing live. I assume C-SPAN is also.
@MattF: Hasn’t Trump been involved with professional wrestling? Obviously not to any great extent since it still exists.
And The Thirteen Clocks, which is one of my all-time favourite books.
AM in NC
@different-church-lady: You know, the first thing I thought when I heard that they removed “Dixie” from their name was that nobody blinked at the “Chicks” part; that’s how ingrained misogyny is in our culture.
Kayla Rudbek
@Kay: The comment I had from someone who I know in Federal law enforcement was that it is extremely unusual for a) the FBI not being involved in something like this or b) if they were involved, to not take credit for their involvement.
@gene108: There’s more than that. Many have a long-term animus against Democrats. A Brooks column this morning was actually not so bad, except that he couldn’t resist taking a swipe at Bill Clinton. Seriously, WTF?
We always talk about how our institutions failed during Trump (partially or fully). But almost all of our institutions have been run by white men. Trump is a demagogue who has won over many in that demographic, which has left many white people who are not necessarily Trumpsters adrift as to how to respond. I think that’s a large reason why the response to Trump, although now better than it was in 2016, is different to what you would have seen if an Obama or Hillary had stepped out of line even a little bit.
I was at a drive-in watch party. They brought a big inflatable screen to the fairgrounds and we all parked 12 ft from each other. Lot of fun decorating the cars. It was so good to see some friends (at a social distance) after so long. We were honking our horns for applause. Folks from the DNC were there and I saw a picture of the Jeep three cars to my right in the montage of reactions they had after Biden’s speech. I will not forget it for a very long time.
@Betty Cracker: I suspect Trump is criticizing taped speeches because the Republican convention will have so few because it’s a mess where everything is being done at the last minute.
I sure hope so! Or if they go back to being in-person, have them at satellite locations and not just everyone jammed into one auditorium/arena…spread out the activities, speed up the pace!
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Kerry came from a very well off family. He went to a name prep school and then Yale where he was in Skull and Bones. Basically, before he married Theresa Heinz, he was merely rich. OTOH Bill Clinton really was a poor boy made good. He worked his ass off and got into the best schools. He really was an outsider who made it on hard work and brilliance, and that is why many people couldn’t stand him.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@SiubhanDuinne: I just dropped in looking to see if there was a thread on the hearing.
So how did they compel him to testify? I thought Trump officials could blow off congressional subpoenas with impunity. Was it the public pressure and the fact that the media shined a light on his shenanigans?
@guachi: Huh, here I thought it was because he’s an idiot.
@Jeffro: I’ve heard that one of the reasons for the conventions is to allow delegates to “press the flesh”, and thatprofessional flesh-pressers often travel to the host city to provide specialized services. Spreading out the convention would prevent that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: Robert Benchley is responsible for my poor grade in calculus during my first term in college.
love this…might have to shift gears from the usual ‘trumpov’ =)
The Thin Black Duke
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I think it was the protesters at his house that did it.
Gin & Tonic
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It’s a Senate hearing, and the committee is chaired by idiot Ron Johnson, so he’s liable to get a reasonably favorable reception. The Senate is doing this to pre-empt the House hearing
ETA: By pre-empt I mean take the wind out of the sails of Monday’s scheduled hearing.
@Ken: I always thought ‘pressing the flesh’ meant politicians’ shaking hand after hand after hand at rallies and other events? (but I get your drift ;)
Spreading it out to any number of swing states (until we can rid ourselves of the blessed Electoral College) would also be to our advantage going forward.
@guachi: what are the odds that more than one person will start by saying:
“Can you hear me?”
@Omnes Omnibus: Really? It always seemed to me that Benchley had a fine understanding of mathematics and statistics, particularly as applied in business.
@Ken: Yes. Everything you need to know about Trump can be viewed through the lens of professional wrestling. The fakery, style over substance, caricatures, larger than life heroes and villains, anger and confrontation, etc. Above all, it’s about erasing the boundaries between real life (in this case an actual sport) and fantasy with fake characters and story lines to generate real anger and emotion in the audience. The roots of this go very deep in American culture…all the way back to early religious fanatics in the colonies.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: How are things at Rice?
@Immanentize: I think we can count on it. I also predict at least one person giving their entire speech while muted; and conversely, a group presentation where one person does not mute and all we can hear is their dog barking.
(Why yes, I have been doing a lot of zoom and webex meetings for work…)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Here’s a link to one of his last radio broadcasts, less than two weeks before his death:
(starts around the six minute mark)
Here’s a radio broadcast of Robert Benchley starring as Walter Mitty.
James Thurber said it was his favorite adaptation. Thurber apparently hated the Danny Kaye version.
So FWIW, in my golf foursome this morning there were two 2016 Trump voters who’re now voting Biden. Another dent in the old white guy demo.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but Trump is notorious for slamming someone for doing something and then doing that exact same thing. I’m reminded of that every time he mangles a word on his teleprompter.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I don’t know — but doesn’t it just say everything about the times we live in when I’m suspicious of the motives of a Trump witness actually complying with the law!?
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: I was in that club in London in 1984. I swear to god.
tbh, I thought Trump would go after Giffords post her speech on Gun Control, mocking her speech issues and praising the NRA for making us all safer. Naturally her speech had all the feels for me since she was my former Congresswoman and knowing that outside of heroic actions by the people at the scene and at the hospital she wouldn’t be with us today. By dint of her own determination her recovery to this point is nothing short of miraculous.
I simply cannot fathom voters who bounce around from party to party/policies to policies/candidate to candidate like that…but we’ll take it!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Things at Rice are good so far. Everyone tested before they were allowed on campus. Everyone tested every week. The Immp just had his second test — still failing! (Negative). He got his classes sorted. They all sound so cool. My favorite is: “Virtual Victorians and Steampunk.” Right before “Ordinary Differential Equations.”
But Rice has invested heavily in creating outdoor tented spaces.
Add in a hurricane….
I think that’s right. Plus the whole “Biden was running a corrupt scheme in Ukraine to benefit his son” was such transparent bullshit — not to mention pure projection given what came out at the impeachment — it never gained any traction save among the already-deplorable who would never have voted for him anyway. They’ll keep trying to smear him with this, but it just isn’t going to work.
OT – to hell with leaf blowers
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: I was thinking Berlin.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: Hate to butt in, but does he have a strong calculus base?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: Virtual Victorians and Steampunk sounds amazing!
@Baud: My guess is that they’ll have a keynote speech one of the nights just on Beau Biden. Probably have Ron Johnson give it.
@mrmoshpotato: Unless used on tear gas, you mean?
TS (the original)
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I don’t know why he decided to attend (although this is the GOP Senate, so different to the House). I do know that he appears to be saying everything is great, he has done no wrong, the elections will be no problem at all.
From Wapo
Dejoy said …
Dog’s gift to the Post Office. Why do I have trouble believing all that is being said?
Omnes Omnibus
@narya: @Baud: We do forget, in the TV spectacle, that there is an actual meeting going on. Things like Sanders nomination, they are part of a formal procedure that has nothing to do with the TV show.
I didn’t think anyone could construct a standup routine about tinnitus, but Joe List does:
@mrmoshpotato: have they replaced the bellows in the fiery furnace now?
@Gin & Tonic: Very strong. Took Calc. AB and C APs — both 5s. Which allowed him to skip the intro. courses. He’s a computer science engineering dude. But he has had a year sitting out, so I bet he will be doing some brain catch up.
But, he says his physics AP tests paid off the most for him. Allows him to go right to some engineering offerings.
Nice to see rediscovery of Mrs Parker in action. She does get credit for things she didn’t say, and certainly not enough for things she did, and that includes her poems. The volumes to have are The Portable Dorothy Parker and Marion Meade’s biography. These will lead you down all sorts of New York and New Yorker roads, to Lillian Hellman certainly, but also to Hemingway, Harold Ross, Alexander Woollcott, and her most beloved friend Robert Benchley.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: He’s happy because they are reading at least one Gibson book — and the teacher is rumored to be really excellent.
@Mister Sterling:
As of yesterday Bannon was still on the roster for Tuesday evening ?
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@Nicole: This? https://youtu.be/BBre0xNcr5c
Well. Senator Jacky Rosen just did a lovely job of filleting and eviscerating PG DeJoy. I knew her name vaguely, nothing else, but damn, she’s good.
ETA: I guess we’re not going to have one committee member today, Senator Harris of California. She must be busy.
@Danielx: He’ll give a speech from his cage.
@Jeffro: They’re the ones who proudly state they “vote for the man, not the party!” .
@Immanentize: The Immp might like to browse the Feynman Lectures on Physics, though as I recall from my own freshman engineering year, there’s not much free time.
That was so good. I hate every single GOP Senator. They are such bootlickers. Truly despicable
@TomatoQueen: the oddest character to me was Ring Lardner. Is he read anymore? So much of his work is tied to his era. I’ve seen some really funny and short quotes of his, but I have trouble penetrating his longer stories.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: Benchley’s works were within arm’s reach of my study carrel and were far more amusing than calculus. We had two midterms and a final in calc. and having done no work I failed both midterms and thus needed to ace the final to get through. I did. No regrets though, Benchley was a wonderful discovery and isn’t that part of what undergrad is supposed to be?
Really Baud, Politico? If you are going to be president one day you should be on a straight OANN deit and you know it.
The conservatory at Rice is wonderful. I’ve been wondering what they will do now. I was only able to catch a few recitals when I visited, but my mom used to go to a lot of them.
They make me cringe.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: I wasn’t in Berlin in 1984.
That’s much more charitable that my “Selfish shithead children who failed as citizens of the United States.”
I memorised , as a young child, his “How to Write a Short Story.” Both my mother and father had memorised it years earlier, and taught it to me. Imagine my surprise years later when I read Salinger’s “Franny and Zooey” and found great lashings of it quoted therein.
@Ken: Thanks! I’ll pass them along.
@eclare: It is a racial breakdown. When viewing the population as a whole the Democratic party crushes the Republicans among low income voters. Among white voters the Democratic party does significantly less well among low income voters.
@MomSense: Just last year they opened a brand new performing arts center. It seems so sad that those places will be much quieter than they ought to be.
@Omnes Omnibus:
If you don’t remember it, you probably were.
@Mister Sterling:
This is not a hard question. His name rhymes with “Fondled Dump”, and even the thought of having a “higher profile” speaker any night sends him into a rage.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Pics or it didn’t happen.
My understanding is that a significant (I think about 10%?) chunk of voters are essentially random. They flip-flop around, nothing seems to predict how or why, and they average out about 50/50 D/R when the votes are counted. Keep this in mind with the legendary Obama-Trump voter as well.
@Matt McIrvin:
Wildly different circumstances. Hillary Clinton was facing a 30 year smear campaign implying she’s a criminal, and the national press went all-in during the election. Her emails got more discussion than everything else combined. And a whole lot of people were very uncomfortable seeing a woman run for president and looking for a reason to justify it.
None of those things apply here. It’s the reverse situation, in fact. People think they know ‘fun uncle’ Biden, and they know that lying, racist asshole Trump. Trump generates so many failures and outrages they dominate the news and never stop. But Trump cannot learn, so probably he’ll act like the trick that worked on Hillary will work on Biden.
@SiubhanDuinne: Some of his stage directions were hilarious:
“The curtain is lowered for seven days to denote the lapse of a week.”
BC in Illinois
My expectations for the Republican Convention 2020
@BC in Illinois:
No Kid Rock?
You and your big mouth. As of 9:05 EDT Thirteen is now known as Laura.
@BC in Illinois:
Translated: You should have to pay a lot more to use FedEx or UPS. That’s what capitalism requires.
BC in Illinois
@BC in Illinois:
Oh, and this is how I would market the Democratic Convention:
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have plans to:
I think you could run on that platform. Add in government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and you may have a winning message.
@Immanentize: Not your goal, but I now have Destination Unknown by Missing Persons going through my head. Thanks?
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Nobody took pictures in the olden days.
@BC in Illinois: That list looks very familiar. Did you plagiarize that from Melanie?
Gin & Tonic
@MattF: Isn’t he out on bail? Shouldn’t be a problem, then, right?
@germy: I think Lardner is of his era–certainly his characters and street talk now seem antiquated. But he (and Liebling too) still wrote about people coming up the subway stairs so there is still a sort of universality to them. And whenever a revival of “Guys and Dolls” is permitted, somebody will be led to Lardner.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: Good to hear.
@TomatoQueen: wasn’t one of hers, “Men don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses. “
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: And, thus, I was not in Berlin. Ha! I’ve run circle around you logically.
@BC in Illinois: Also (a la Hewitt), vilifying China, building up military, attacking media.
@mrmoshpotato: I think he got it from some socialist website.
@Ken: My physics classes used Halliday and Resnick but the prof basically taught from Feynman. Who was *his* physics prof. So while I never met him, I’m an academic grandchild of Feynman.
@Ken: Communistitution dot com?
@Gin & Tonic: I guess I was being imaginative. I very much doubt that Bannon will be featured at the R convention, if only because media would then focus on Bannon rather than on Trump, and that’s an obvious no-no.
The do watch it judging from my extended family’s FB feeds. And they get “triggered” by all that stuff like non-white faces, women in positions of power and authority, and [gasp] anything LGBT.
And they especially get triggered by any mention of guns in a negative light.
@MattF: ..and, of course, a chant of “P-Tape in the house! P-Tape in the house!”
Donald Trump will Save the Mail!!!
The big lie. That’s how they do it.
@BC in Illinois: My expectation is it’s going to be three days of GIFs they found on the internet with Trump’s head ineptly pasted onto action-heroes from movies, and then a night of Trump going off-teleprompter.
@AM in NC: Given the current mess at USPS, maybe they should call themselves ‘The Dead Chicks.’
@mrmoshpotato: Children’s TV show.
Frank Wilhoit
@germy: Also, too, Damon Runyon. The style is narrow, but the comic plotting is superb.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Good thing it’s only one circle. Otherwise my head would be spinning.
@Luciamia: Yes: “Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses,” which I think was one of her dinner party mots, as was the Calvin Coolidge one.
Biden should take a play out of Trump’s book. Admit to sexual assault. BRAG about it. Then it all goes away.
@Baud: Somebody’s probably chirped in on this, but Kerry is a member of the (still) vastly influential Forbes clan. His mom was a Forbes–it’s what his “F” stands for. Crikey look at his jaw, already! And when he testified at the Winter Soldier hearings, he could barely get the words out for all the American Aristocracy mumbling around in his mouth. St.Pauls (I think) Yale–a Bonesman and all that nasty stuff. Just a side note: The Forbes family have their own island right next to Nantucket (called Naushon). Their own Private Idaho. It’s where he was photo’d windsurfing, I think. Not that he he wouldn’t have been a better choice, at the time, than Shrub–an equally white shoe + silver spoon creature. But yeah, then Kerry married big money in his Ketchup + Pickles heiress. Christ, why does this stuff take up space in my brain? Begone!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think Cory Booker said it last night. Rose McGowan, who I know is an actress but I couldn’t tell you anything she’s been in, is apparently on some kind of twitter rant about how Democrats don’t do anything for poor people, working people, etc. I think that’s always a tell: Not only do you not know anyone on Medicaid, you have no idea what Medicaid is. Just for starters.
@Frank Wilhoit: “Shut up,” he explained.
@satby: They’re the ones who proudly state they “vote for the man, not the party!” .
The party, of course, makes a fairly substantial statement about the man’s values.
Perhaps they just recognize that Biden is the white man for the job…
Don’t forget comic book heroes.
I won’t vouch for her claims but I’ve always like this actress. She was in Scream, Jawbreaker, Charmed, Planet Terror.
Gin & Tonic
@MoxieM: Naushon Island is northwest of Marta’s Vineyard, across Vineyard Sound. A hop and a skip from Woods Hole, not near Nantucket.
@OzarkHillbilly: Sorry, back from the morning. It’s best to get off the beach when the families show up. We’re at the usual place in Seagrove. It’s very mixed emotions. They are selling the place so we may get one more trip. The Bohdi can’t hack the sand so I found a tiny beach on the bay where I could carry him. We got in the water with the ball and none of it interested him. The old dude is just hanging on.
@Betty Cracker:
They have everything on the internet now:
@Gin & Tonic: I was just telling a guy about “Blues” by John Hershey that is set there.
Not debates. Somehow never debates, just a clip at most.
@TS (the original): “You know all those things that we’ve never done before? They’re ‘typical’? And you know how I set public ballots as Junk Mail, which can be thrown out and will be seriously late? Actually, I’m telling you now that they’re secretly being prioritized.”
The fact that ANYONE could believe this is a real demonstration of a cult.
Gin & Tonic
@Raven: I should read that some time. Blues are big here, of course, and I really like them (for eating.)
I went down some rabbit hole and found out that China Forbes, singer for the group Pink Martini, which my wife and I really like, is descended from the same family.
? Sorry to hear about Bohdi. It’s so hard to see them not able to do the things that once gave them joy.
It was a stream of first-class bullshit. The GOP were enabling him. I loathe them all.
@Gravenstone: It’s unknown!
The Des Moines Register ran this column this morning that is freaking me out. Biden could win by 6 million and still lose electoral college. I hadn’t realized that, in the House, each state gets one vote so that a Democratic majority wouldn’t matter. Is that accurate? Please tear into this and let me breathe again.
@Kropacetic: Rose McGowan is one of the women who brought allegations against Harvey Weinstein arising out of an encounter at the Sundance Festival, and one of the first to go public. She had previous to going public agreed to a settlement but not a nondisclosure agreement. Politically, I guess you would put her in the same category as Rosario Dawson, the girlfriend that Cory Booker joked likes Bernie better than she does him.
@Gin & Tonic: thanks! I’m no navigator, as you can tell. But the general point stands.
@Gin & Tonic: I hate chuckleheads.
Edit: Meaning who G&T is talking about, not G&T of course.
@WereBear: I could not agree more. I think back to 2004 and the difference between the spitting, unhinged grievance of GOP keynote, Zell Miller, and, well, we all know who.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@SFAW: Propaganda only works if it has a bases of truth to it. There is a lot of stuff about the Clinton’s that’s iffy so that’s why that stuff stuck.
Obviously he’s going to mail it in.
Chief Oshkosh
@Amir Khalid:
Oh pretty please? That would be so great.
I just learned, and this blew my mind, the Weinstein was involved in the production of the Scream franchise. I learned this in the context of the 3rd movie, the plot of which centered around women being sexually exploited in order to get roles in movies.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Propaganda works just fine without any basis in truth. See birtherism.
It’s accurate. It’s also improbable. No point worrying about it.
PAM Dirac
My first year physics class used Halliday and Resnick and was taught by Resnick. He claimed that Halliday was a fictitious person he made up for tax purposes.
Birtherism has some basis in truth. Obama was black, after all, while people native to this country are :: checks notes :: white…?
Thanks. The Clinton’s, Obama and Biden came from humbler roots than Gore and Kerry.
Online news does love these clickbaits. These are ‘Let’s find the most most improbable but theoretically possible scenario’ stories. The odds of an exact electoral college tie are absurdly tiny, the polls show Biden has a majority of votes right now even if he lost all toss-up states, and ‘hidden votes’ models are another way of saying ‘I’m losing.’ Note that the polls in 2016 were actually accurate. Comey swung them by about 2% in the last few days of the election, and that was enough. Trump’s election was such a black swan event that the wildly improbably feels inevitable now, but all of these things are still… wildly improbable.
I was born in a slurry pit at a mining facility just outside West Bumfuck, whereupon I had to walk 30 miles to the nearest hospital for critically needed neo-natal care.
So what would the numbers look like if Trump won exactly the right states to win the electoral college by one vote each , while every other state goes 100% Biden?
We have our headline.
@PAM Dirac: That Halliday fellow was one Schrodinger’s Cat!
Speaking of Halliday — How about some Johnny Hallyday?
Noir C’est Noir
Chief Oshkosh
@Kropacetic: …uphill, into the wind…and it was snowing when it wasn’t sleeting…
@Jeffro: It’s amazing what can persuade the minds of people who don’t pay a lot of attention. I overheard a walmart clerk saying that she wasn’t going to vote for Trump again because of the failed 400$ promise on UI benefits. I was taken aback- This was the straw to far???- then I realized that it was probably the first time she had been personally affected by his douchebaggery. Sometimes the leopard has to be eating your face in order for someone to see that it is a face eating leopard.
@MomSense: Thanks. He’s 16 and lived a great life since we found him as a pup. We’re talking about it, yesterday my wife said she hopes he, and lil bit, go in their sleep but we know what we’re up against.
Amir Khalid
I don’t think we’re doing Four Yorkshiremen today.
@Nicole: Yeah that was real good. Check out this version:
@Raven: Hugs for Bohdi. It’s so hard.
Matt McIrvin
We can do better than that: Trump wins by exactly one person voting, for him, in enough states to win the electoral college, while every other state goes 100% Biden. That kind of scenario allows the winner to have just a few dozen popular votes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MoxieM: Kerry came from a very rich family, but his parents didn’t have much money, IIRC. I remember reading that “a Winthrop aunt”, another Brahmin branch of the family, paid his tuition at all those fancy schools. I forget who owned the estate in Normandy where he learned to speak French when he summered there.
@Matt McIrvin:
@Matt McIrvin: But that’s still winning by one vote so it would have the same affect on the overall difference in popular vote totals. What we could do is figure out how to maximize the utility of every electoral vote.
I didn’t understand that reference at all and I still laughed. Now I will set out to understand that reference.
:: tears ::
Gin & Tonic
@Kropacetic: For your edification.
Most normies are influenced by the general zeitgeist than specific facts. Put another way, the process specific facts within the context of the zeitgeist.
PAM Dirac
It is one vote per state. As it stands now, I think the delegation count is 26R, 23 D, 1T. If the Ds get one net flip each in Florida, Penn and Montana then it will be 26D, 24R. Note that the House that decides is the House chosen in the 2020 election, not the current House.
Chyron HR
The basis in truth of birtherism was “he’s a ni**er”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
one of the reasons I’m not watching the DeJoy hearings, I’d have an incident
Jim, Foolish Literalist
last time I had to buy new tires, I think it cost over $800. I thought the people dumping out bottles of French wine in ’02 were morons
@OldDave: Just think, ghod must be on Drump’s side. It’s aimed at Alabama, without a Sharpie!
I hope he went to the tire place first.
@Kropacetic: I hope he didn’t.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I see a lot of this from people I think are otherwise pretty good on politics. Especially in meme form. This is one that particularly pissed me off and was getting some play:
Poor People: We need help! Please help us!
Republicans: No.
Democrats: No #BLM #BelieveWomen #Pride :)
The inference obviously being that Democrats don’t want to help poor people but just mouth platitudes. Which is fucking infuriating, given that Democrats do a lot, are blocked even more by Republicans, but don’t get any credit from people who want an immediate move to socialism, disbanding police departments, etc. And they try to push that on other people.
The Moar You Know
@TS (the original): Because he is flat-out lying. I SAW trucks filled with pulled out blue boxes in my town day before yesterday, same day this was supposed to stop.
We were watching CBS This Morning. It’s on our local sinclair station. One of the commercials was for “Full Measure” a Sheryl Atkinson show sinclair is always running.
Her latest story is on horrific highway accidents caused by… faulty Goodyear tires. And the massive coverup surrounding it.
She’s a good soldier! Subtle and quick, how she guides the opinions of old folks dozing in front of their local news.
@Gin & Tonic: Haha, thanks, found it on Youtube.
Golf carts vs. boats. It’s on!
There is no reason to believe that any of the propagandists are any more dedicated to helping poor people either.
We can’t help both poor people and minorities. Groups with absolutely no overlap between them?
The Moar You Know
@Raven: Fuck, I am really torn about saying anything about this, but I will, and feel most free to tell me to fuck off as it is truly none of my business.
Just me: I never let it get that far. You know your doggies best, but the needle has been God’s own mercy for my last three animals and I, to this day, do not think “gee, I should have waited another week”. If I’d waited until they were just going to die, at least two of them would have died in agony. And I’ll never do that to a loved one if I have the means to spare them from that.
Frankly would like it if I had that option when the time comes.
You have given those critters an incredible life. We all could do a lot worse than ending up as one of raven’s dogs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I get lost in the hierarchy of the courts. This was a district judge, and trump has, of course, already filed for a further delay with the Court of Appeals. Would the next step be the Supremes?
Wasn’t Rudy teasing a big reveal for yesterday?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The next stop will be the Supremes.
This just dropped in the Washington Post:
It’s a nice refresher on those days in September when impeachment took off. It’s surreal reading how Schiff was shocked the same way we all were. Not surprising, because the release of that “transcript” was so bonkers, but still. Even they had no inkling just how bad it was.
The only news to me was who thought releasing the “transcript” was a good idea:
The lawyers read that shit and had no idea that it was a smoking gun.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: thanks– and how do they decide whether to hear a case? it’s not a nine justice vote, is it?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If enough of them do it, that will be good for economy!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
They’ll probably seek a stay pending a decision by the court of appeals. Five justices would need to vote for it. So it’ll be up to Roberts, basically.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m glad he’s no longer sildent. That sounds uncomfortable.
@L85NJGT: You mean the big reveal wasn’t the wall fraud arrests?
Dog bites man in the Trump administration.
I’m looking forward to the Trump Live speech where he triumphally intones the correct and up-to-date number of covid dead repeatedly, just to show Michelle Obama who’s boss. McDonald’s could no doubt lend him one of those over M-number served signs — might even be a format easier for him to read than a standard teleprompter, plus keeping his attention better.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @Baud: Remember the case went to the Supremes once, and in his opinion Roberts laid out exactly what had to be established for the tax records to be released. From what I’ve read, the judge’s latest ruling follows that guidance closely, so unless Roberts finds a “moops” in the fine print he’s likely to uphold the judge.
Who knows, one or more of the other conservative judges might even join in, since the issue should now be “have the conditions previously set out been met.” But probably not.
@scav: I’m not watching anything where Dolt45 is speaking. I’ll await the contrasts the MSM might make (if any) to the Democratic convention. Otherwise I really don’t care, do u?
PAM Dirac
Maybe, but the the Supremes vote to let this go forward was 7-2 and the esteemed lawyers on this blog can correct me if I’m wrong, but this go around doesn’t really raise any Supreme Court level issues, so it would be pretty surprising for them to take it.
@PAM Dirac: Right. I’m just saying how many votes are needed
@Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!): I give it to you freely! It’s got those extra syllables that draw attention, so be prepared for turned heads.
@PAM Dirac: I’m not a lawyer, but isn’t the question now just whether or not to grant a stay while Dump appeals the District court’s decision? So the question is not whether or not Vance gets the tax returns (yet), but whether he gets them immediately or has to wait for Dump to completely exhaust his (likely) doomed legal options
It’s a Supreme question because the defendant is the President and we have a conservative Court. That’s it, as far as I can understand.
James E Powell
Overall you’re right, but one thing. The MSM was not lazy, they were energetically and enthusiastically pushing “cold harpy butter emails” and “everybody hates Hillary” before Trump even entered the race.
Concerning considering the weight Rudy has in the black community.
@James E Powell: They were lazy because they didn’t actually have to do any work for those stories. They just edited the version shoved at them by the right wing. Win-win – got to be lazy and appear to be working.
@Baud: From that article, one reason they’re endorsing Biden is to “restore the dignity of the presidency”. If any Republican ever uses that against a Democratic administration again, the only response should be a picture of Trump hawking canned beans on the Resolution desk.
@Yutsano: Oh indeed, not for personal viewing! Just for the thought of him standing at the podium, squinting at the teleprompter substitute, smugly struggling to read large numbers in order to own the libs and fill up airtime preening over deaths. It somehow seems magnificently him and 2020GOP.
@Baud: When Trump is offering “abject terror”, I would think “fear” would seem pretty attractive.
Of course, that’s not what Biden is offering at all.
Yeh. I certainly am not going to sit down and watch the complete convention, but I will read summaries, see who speaks, and check out the overall reaction of supporters, etc.
I will look for signs of how the GOP is going to react to and attack the Democrats.
I might actually watch some of Trump’s speech. I don’t expect anything from it, but reporters and pundits might try to clean it up in their reporting. This is Trump’s last stand. I want to see how desperate he is. I kinda want to see what lies he is going to emphasize in his campaign.
@Betty Cracker:
As we all seem to keep repeating, it is always projection with them. They know what they see in the mirror, even if they are too ignorant and self involved to admit it, but they are also so full of themselves and know that without massive shielding of themselves from reality that they are failures as more than just shells of human beings. They have to hate others to be anything, even in their own minds.
This reminds me of how the Gore/W debates broke my desire to watch debates live. Watching the media invent their own outcome opened my eyes that it didn’t really matter what actually happened – what mattered was what the media collectively decided happened.
I used to love watching debates, but after that, it was like “why bother”?
James E Powell
I’m sad that I got here too late for the Dorothy Parker discussion. She’s a part of my English classed whenever I teach 11th or 12th grade. She would be a major star on today’s social media. Dorothy Parker’s twitter would have a gazillion followers.
@Baud: Also projection, projection, projection.
Gin & Tonic
I know we’re not supposed to like Slate here, but this is a good backgrounder on the Belarus situation.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
O, Our Willard, you’d like to believe this, wouldn’t you? And it’s too late for your to put some truth into it
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@James E Powell: Big Blonde? I know she wrote other fiction, and I’ve read at least some of it, but that’s the only one I remember. I think, somewhere, I have a “Portable Dorothy Parker”, or something like that.
Wasn’t this one already kicked backwards from the Supremes back to the lower courts? In other words, “you guys deal with it, we’re not taking the case up”?
I expect the RNC to be 4 nights of shitforbrains bloviating about, well nothing other than hate and his own massive inadequacies.
So no thanks, nothing new, nothing worth listening to, just the rantings of a moron who was elevated by haters.
@Ruckus: It’s projection, but it’s also a consequence of an extremely limited set of personal perceptions. So, they mock liberals for being easily triggered— but the world they see is all triggers, so there simply aren’t other options, like, e.g., empathy. In terms of the old adage, all they see are hammers and nails.
It will be titled “Leave it to Butthead.”
Simpletons. Led by the #1 simpleton.
Yet another way for Trump to be a failure as a leader. He won’t be able to sharpie his way out of this one.
They’ll have a hard time demagoguing this one.
@James E Powell:
I’m also sorry that I missed it. I had just recently read the piece on her that was included as a link, and had intended to offer it up on a respite thread soon.
She and her buddies were certainly an interesting bunch of personalities.
I had some pretty good English teachers, but still had to discover the realm of wit and satire on my own, with Mad Magazine being foundational.
And one of my personal saints is Oscar Levant, whose example here I still try to emulate:
Mr. JACK PARR (Host): You’re going to be all right. Listen, you’re going to be swell. We just keep moving around. What do you do for exercise?
Mr. OSCAR LEVANT: I stumble and then I fall into a coma.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Or see the Clintons.
@Brachiator: Levant is mostly known as a conversationalist, but back in the 1920s and ’30s he was famous for his music. And not just the classical stuff.
Co-wrote some great popular songs, and played on a bunch of old jazz recordings.
I didn’t know that one of the voice actors on The Simpsons did a play a few years ago about Oscar living with Harpo Marx.
Thanks for info about son. And Rice
Had read about tents,
Don’t think there was any hurricane near Houston during my time there—fall 57 to spring 61
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: I love that.
@Baud: Internals must be really bad for an incumbent to want more debates.
Central Planning
@Gin & Tonic: I did know that. People on Nextdoor pointed that out to the moron who made the initial claim, and had no idea that was true. Sad.
Dorothy Parker was bitter, ascerbic and absolutely unsentimental. My favorite:
Every year, back comes Spring with the nasty little birds yapping their filthy heads off.
She played the part of the irrascible hung-over misanthrope, proving Jung’s point that most of us use phony sentimentality to disguise our ugly sadistic natures.
I think maybe you are 2-3 feet too low in your licking area. And off by 2 letters.
@Gin & Tonic:
I remember when I was a little kid watching the Superman TV show from the 1950s. “Truth, Justice… And the American Way!”
I didn’t discover the animated Superman cartoons from the late 1930s, early 1940s until I was an adult. “Truth and Justice!”
The “American Way” bit was added in the 1950s.
Brayden Harrington for the win. There was crying.
Biden getting caught up in a bad stutter during his speech or one of the debates could hurt him badly, as his public service career has been largely stutter-free. This was an inoculation strategy in addition to a humanizing moment about a sincere politician. I think the nation will take a sincere politician who can listen and delegate even if he isn’t as sharp as he used to be, but the “Biden is too old” thing is all they have so expect it to keep coming.
Uncle Cosmo
@PAM Dirac: Just FTR, nearly every time DougJ puts up another ca$h bleg I ask why we don’t do one for Kathleen Williams, the Democrat running for MT-AL, who in the last polls I saw was within the MoE. And every time I’m ignored.
So let’s ask yet again: Why aren’t we fund-raising for Williams in MT-AL? Seems to me that would be a fairly straightforward red-to-blue delegation flip, one that we might well might need.
@Chief Oshkosh: heck, with any luck Brad Parscale might fuck with the RNC convention.
@Uncle Cosmo: I don’t know that DougJ reads every single comment on his fundraising posts.
Have you tried sending your suggestion to him via email?
James E Powell
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Not exactly. Propaganda can thrive in the absence of knowledge and feed off pre-existing beliefs that may have no basis in fact. Like the belief that there is a lot of stuff about the Clintons that’s iffy.
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
I can’t believe Vogel still has a job, any job, in any media shop. He proved he doesn’t care about the truth of his work in front of the whole world. He is a despicable piece of crap that should be in a flaming paper bag on Trump’s threshold. Oh, wait, he works for the NY Times… I believe that shit!!!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@OzarkHillbilly: I may have encountered her poetry earlier, but I have a copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker I got in a Woman’s Study class in college (early 70s). She had a way with words, huh? And she left her estate to Martin Luther King Jr, and his family gave it to the NAACP after he was assassinated.
J R in WV
Hollywood!! Who could believe that Dustin Hoffman could be transformed into a good looking woman? What an actor that girl… er, excuse me, man, is!!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@waynel140: I thought that was Alice Roosevelt (Teddy’s daughter)
@germy: I think Sinclair broadcasting is a much greater danger than Fox News. Their local news pieces are anything but real local views. Pure propaganda. Locally they own both the Fox and ABC affiliates. We really need a new Fairness Doctrine and some stronger anti monopoly laws vis a vis media companies.
J R in WV
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
The only “iffy” thing about Hillary Clinton is her husband.
The only iffy thing about Bill Clinton is his propensity to screw around on his very attractive wife, for which I at least cannot blame her.
I don’t know why you keep telling this lie, but I will never see it again, because you have turned into a bag of Sea Lion Chow. Fuck you and your misanthropy, your hatred for Ms Clinton. You should be posting at Alex Jones sites where your lies will be appreciated.