University of Georgia faculty were instructed not to alter the location or format of their class if a student tests positive for COVID-19, according to an email obtained by The Red & Black on Sept. 2.
The email, sent on behalf of Provost Jack Hu and Vice President of Instruction Rahul Shrivastav, emphasized that if faculty are made aware that one of their students has tested positive for COVID-19, they should not report it to the rest of the students in the class.
“Faculty should not notify others about the positive test as it may violate student privacy, even when a name is not specified in these messages,” the email said.
@raven: That is such bullshit. Do you think that policy will stand?
So the UGA administration thinks it’s preferable that the other students continue to do … whatever they do, blissfully unaware that they may have been exposed and need to be tested? JFC.
@Elizabelle: Well, I have tons of faculty friends who are in and uproar (and blaming it on football) and saying it’s that the university administration. the fact is the board of regents set policy for all of the state institutions and they are appointed by Kemp so. . .
Mary G
The book that comes out in five years or so will be gobsmacking.
Keith P.
One of my neighbors keeps reposting the “CDC says only 6% blah blah” stuff on Nextdoor. ND deletes it, so he reposts it along with a screed about how the establishment is pulling the wool over our eyes, etc. The shit gets pretty old pretty fast, and he’s reposted at least 5 times in the last 2 weeks.
Today my kid is two weeks into college. On campus. So far so good but I won’t say it’s not nerve-wracking. The fires didn’t make it there, so we have that.
Teri Kanefield is a good follow on Twitter for summarizations of books you don’t want to read yourself. She’s doing Melania’s “friend” today who claims to have been set up as the fall guy for the theft of inauguration money and adds this aside regarding the usual suspects:
A lot of people are pointing out that @maggieNYT was one of the journalists who “broke” the false story about @SWWCreative.
I should also point out that Ken Vogel, the other author, was pushing pro-Kremlin, Ukraine-Hunter Biden conspiracy theories. . .
— Teri Kanefield (@Teri_Kanefield) September 3, 2020
James Madison U, in Harrisonburg, VA (beautiful area in the foothills, maybe 30 miles as the crow flies (over a mountain) from Charlottesville) — welcomed students on-campus, and just told them to head home and do virtual classes earlier this week. COVID reared its head.
Phew, it’s apparently about a basketball thing in Toronto. [Emily Litella voice] nevermind.
Keith P.
@Baud: Part of me wants to engage the guy with a “Well, *I* have a co-morbidity, so FUCK YOU!” but that’d just be giving him oxygen.
Penn State clarified comments made earlier in the week by Director of Athletic Medicine, Dr. Wayne Sebastianelli regarding COVID-19 side-effects among Big Ten athletes that have contracted the virus. The Centre Daily Times first reported the story on those comments Thursday morning.
Speaking to the State College Area School Board on Monday evening during a prolonged conversation about the district’s own fall sports season, Sebastianelli mentioned that 30 to 35 percent of Big Ten players who tested positive for COVID-19 were also diagnosed with myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart that has long been connected to the coronavirus.
At the time, Sebastianelli referenced a larger study, although which one was unclear at the time.
“During his discussion with board members, he recalled initial preliminary data that had been verbally shared by a colleague on a forthcoming study, which unbeknownst to him at the time had been published at a lower rate,” Penn State saidin a statement to ESPN’s Kyle Bonagura.
@Mary G: Teri Kanefield is terrific (as is Heather Cox Richardson, whom she often refers to). I don’t twitter, but I follow Kanefield on her website,
@Elizabelle: My (undergrad) alma mater! Yup, they just charged right into it – no pre-arrival Covid-19 negative test required (unlike UVA and others), not a whole lot of tough-love guidance to students, no real plans for shifting students into quarantine dorms, etc etc. Oopsie.
And now everyone’s going home ‘temporarily’…the word that went out is that they may resume in-person instruction and campus life in early October. Fat chance of that.
JMU had a great reputation for being student-friendly, always took great care of its students, earned “most recommended” awards, etc. I have a feeling that reputation won’t be the same going forward.
@Keith P.: Yeah, a country where over 40% of the adult population is obese and another 35% is overweight shouldn’t be casual about co-morbidities.
If it’s the same CDC meme I’ve seen, it literally makes no sense if you have the slightest idea how health statistics work. Among many other things, it calculates the death rate as a percentage of the population, not as a percentage of the people who contract the disease.
Today, Covid-19 has laid its finger of death on my family, I’m heartbroken and don’t have the energy to hate these horrible, horrible people.
Is it any wonder why they will happily vote for a disease of a human that calls our honorable military dead and injured, “Losers and suckers”
I’m done for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I can find some outrage…
@Elizabelle: Yes. I don’t have a whole lot of insight into why they were so relatively blasé about the whole thing, but whew. Someone or someones were clearly not following the science, the varieties of problems that were sure to occur, and…well…there they are.
@TaMara (HFG): *hugs* I don’t know if that helps, but I’ll be thinking of you and your family. Feels like not enough, but my sympathy is with you.
@TaMara (HFG): We’ll hate the horrible people for you, and we are so sorry for your loss, TaMara.
mad citizen
@NotMax: Broken promises maybe, but he passed the Veteran Care Act of 2014. Why he said so yet again in tonight’s rally. (See aaron rupar’s twitter for many excellent clips of the superspreader Latrobe event.
@TaMara (HFG): Get some rest tonight then please tomorrow tell us about them. I’m so sorry. My hand to yours.
Oh no, TaMara. I’m so dreadfully sorry. Please take good care of yourself and come back only when you feel like it. In the meantime, may your family member rest in peace, and may all the rest of you be comforted by good memories.
Mary G
@TaMara (HFG): Oh, no. I am so sorry. Let us know if we can find animal videos or help in any way. I know we can’t, but know you are loved.
Following Dolt 45’s train kiddy car of (for lack of a better word) thought, I guess the firefighters who dashed into the World Trade Center were also “losers.”
@TaMara (HFG): So very sorry to hear. Take care of yourself and your family, and please check in with us when you are up to it.
One of my neighbors keeps reposting the “CDC says only 6% blah blah” stuff on Nextdoor.
These are people who are deeply confused about causality.[1]
Joke’s on them, because those people didn’t die of those co-morbidities either; they died of being mortal fleshy humans!
The number of lives lost to covid-19 is roughly equal to the death toll of 60 9/11 attacks…or about 46,000 Benghazis. Somehow, for years, the four tragic deaths in Benghazi consumed the agenda of six GOP-controlled congressional committees and the programming of the most-watched cable news channel. But today, a deadly shock magnified by government ineptitude that has led to 46,000 times as many lives lost “is what it is.”
Similarly, perhaps we could put recent jobs changes into perspective by using much-ballyhooed, Trump-approved benchmarks. For example, shortly after winning the presidency in 2016, Trump took credit for saving approximately 700 jobs at an Indiana plant run by Carrier. Last week alone, though, 1.6 million people newly applied for unemployment benefits. That’s the equivalent of 2,300 Carrier plants.
It’s really well done and a nice return to form – bravo, Ms. Rampell!
trumpov is melting down on Twitter right now, trying to deny/explain/lie about his calling US service members “losers” and I for one am excited at the prospect of him stroking out while doing it.
Keep the focus on Mr. Unfit, nation’s media! All the stories are true, everything out of his mouth is a lie.
Emma from FL
@TaMara (HFG): I am so sorry.Take your time. Hold your loved ones close and grieve together. Breathe deeply. Share happy memories. In times like these, it’s important to step away from the melee and focus on the really important things.
Hillary Clinton testified for 8 hours (11 but with breaks) about 4 Benghazi deaths. If my calculator isn’t broken, for the current death total, that’s 125 years at 8 hours per day and 365 days per year. Is Donald J. Trump up to it? Will we need to work out how to keep his brain alive in a jar? (We’re adding about 250 days of testimony per day.)
@Jeffro: Trump didn’t write that tweet. That’s his crack White House staff at work.
I do not see how he comes back from this. It is too believable, and we have seen pieces of this behavior over and over again. Goldberg’s story puts it all together, with more detail.
Some of those sources might go on the record in coming days. Defeating this execrable traitor is that important.
Trump tells us he does not read The Atlantic. Quel surprise.
Weird statement in the dark from beside AF1. Calls the Atlantic sources a bunch of losers.
I hope this takes Trump down. I think it will. You don’t fuck with dead soldiers.
BriWi has the night off. Steve (gag) Kornacki in.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
they caught trump on the tarmac in NC, a story in a magazine “I don’t read” (as opposed to….. Hustler? Town and Country?…..) just some failures who failed in his administration who he got rid of
smart way to talk about John Kelly when he’s already gone this far
@Jeffro: Doesn’t matter. Seriously. The GOP does not care about veterans. They want to privatize the VA. They run bogus charities that are never investigated to “help veterans” and “support the troops” so that they can claim that its Democrats who spit on the troops when they come home. If I recall one of Trump’s early set of backers were just those types. Had that big fundraiser for him on the Intrepid or something. Bogus Veterans and 9/11 First responders charites that maybe build one ramp for one injured veteran so they can have a video to use when raking in the rest. It doesn’t matter to the emo for the troops types. Because they know its the Liberals who spit on veterans in 1968.
@Peale: I’m done predicting trump’s demise, political or… but if John Kelly wasn’t the source for this (and I’d bet half my quatloos he is), then he at the very least told the source to be a source. Kelly and Mattis trigger Beltway Daddy Issues in a way that Barry McCaffrey and William McRaven (that one being a real head-scratcher) don’t.
Someone speculated here today that W might make a splashy statement against trump. I doubt it. There’s another Bush out there to restart the Oedipal cycle of that well-mannered but terribly destructive family. But i wouldn’t be surprised if Jim Mattis is planning to try a reverse Jim Comey.
Mai naem mobile
The US death toll of COVID19 is about the size of my city. I live in one of the smaller suburbs of Phoenix but keep in the mind the bigger ones are over 300K. Anyhow, when I think of my whole city wiped out, I mean it’s difficult to imagine. I believe it’s around 40 square miles pretty much all developed and quite a bit vertical. I can’t imagine seeing my neighborhood empty much less the whole city.
I even sent Air Force One to bring his body, in casket, from Arizona to Washington.
That makes it all better now, doesn’t it? “In Casket” even!! What more do You People want??! Why are you so ungrateful??!!!
Yet more evidence that he’s brain damaged.
And it’s not even Friday yet… Will he make it to January? Or November?
@Peale: It does matter, on the margins. Will the sort of people who un-ironically enjoy John McNaughton’s “art” be swayed by this? No. Will a “well, I’ve been a Republican most of my life but this guy is embarrassing” type be swayed? Maybe. And it won’t take many of those to shift a swing state or two from Red to Blue. Or to swing a state that is marginally Blue into “safer from electoral fuckery” Blue.
Patricia Kayden
My great grandfather Theodore Roosevelt jr (and his brother) are buried in Normandy. Even as sons of a president, born into privilege, they understood they had an equal obligation to serve this great nation.There is a “loser” here, but it is not anyone buried in Normandy.— Ted Roosevelt V (@RooseveltTed) September 4, 2020
BTW, I 100% support the Georgia policy.
Faculty are terrible at getting these kinds of policies correct – they are detailed and ever changing and faculty have too many other things on their plate. They will fail to notify students that didn’t attend class, they will miscommunicate, they will have no idea what to tell students that have concerns, etc.
It’s much better to have that information go to an administrator who can *guarantee* that the students are told the right thing, that nobody is missed in that information, and can follow it up with correct information for what the other students should do. Student health is an administrative function, full stop.
If one of my faculty notified their class a student had Covid (and didn’t notify an appropriate administrator with that information) I would destroy them.
Another Scott
@TaMara (HFG): Oh no. :-( I’m very sorry. Condolences to you and your family and friends.
….John a loser and swear on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, that I never called our great fallen soldiers anything other than HEROES. This is more made up Fake News given by disgusting & jealous failures in a disgraceful attempt to influence the 2020 Election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2020
Who among us can doubt the sincerity of an oath sworn on “whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on”?
@joel hanes: Yeah, but millions of selfish shithead children got what they wanted – not having to live through 4 years of a Hillary Clinton presidency!
@Martin: Cosign this. We’ve been told, in no uncertain terms, that communication of such things needs to be done consistently and in full accordance with a long laundry list of guidelines and therefore let the designated office handle it. That office has been doing a pretty good job communicating COVID developments with the entire campus community since about April, so there is a fair amount of trust built up as well.
@TaMara (HFG): Oh, TaMara, I’m so very sorry to hear this.
@Elizabelle: Won’t matter. Not really. 6 hours ago the story was Trump telling his base to commit voter fraud (a felony) and now it isn’t.
Conservatives won’t care because Trump still has their back, and that all they care about. If evangelicals will ignore ‘grab them by the pussy’, they’ll ignore this. This is how conservatism works – Trump is willing to punish those they want punished and they think he’ll protect them as well, and that’s all that matters. That he’ll turn on them immediately is something they’re too cowardly to address.
To them Trump is power, and it will either be used to help them or to hurt them, and they’ll side with him believing it won’t hurt them. If demeaning veterans is how they stay on his good side, they’ll go with it. Just because they swore that vets were to be revered at all costs yesterday, doesn’t mean conservatives believe that today.
@TaMara (HFG): So sorry to hear this. Hugs to you and the rest of the family.
Mary G
AP reporter confirms all of the Atlantic story:
A senior Defense Department official I just spoke with confirmed this story by @JeffreyGoldberg in its entirety. Especially the grafs about the late Sen. John McCain and former Marine Gen. John Kelly, President @realDonaldTrump former chief of staff.— James LaPorta (@JimLaPorta) September 3, 2020
President Trump on Ed Markey tonight: "They even elected a person that nobody ever heard of…”Ed Markey was first elected to Congress in 1976. One of his former donors? A businessman named Donald Trump…
The man has dementia. How much more evidence do we need?
Yet more dangerous days are ahead. :-(
Washington Post:
The White House released a sharply worded statement defending Trump — who has insulted POWs, traded barbs with grieving families of the dead and said before he was president that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was his own “personal Vietnam” — against accusations that he doesn’t respect the military.
Another Scott
Here’s my promise to you: If I have the honor of serving as the next commander in chief, I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice. Always.
@TaMara (HFG): I’m so sorry.
Condolences to you and yours.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
mike freeman @mikefreemanNFL ·3h Just remember, as you read this, Trump spent four years saying protesting NFL players were disrespecting the military.
@Jeffro: lets see. 1000 students pay tuition room and board for half a year: $10M lump sum the college needs to pay their employees.
That is if average is $20k per student per year
On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Zerlina Maxwell made the great point that Trump is just digging himself in deeper with his defensive statement(s). “I would never call our soldiers losers,” but then he immediately calls the article’s sources (including military officers) losers. She said that it is quintessential Trump to deny saying bad things about one person and then immediately say (the same) bad things about another person, and at this point everybody knows that’s his pattern.
What Trump says, what people say about what Trump says, and what Trump says about those people. That’s what’s been “news” for four years now in this degraded nation.
It wasn’t even the thought of living through an HRC Presidency to which they objected — they viewed (and some still view) voting as an exercise in identity-creation through brand choice — as if their self-expression was the critical thing, and the future of the nation secondary.
Being able not to care about outcomes is one definition of privilege, which is why Black voters so often get it right and soi-disant leftists sometimes don’t.
My little brother called me yesterday from Alabama, to tell me he has bladder cancer, has had chemo, and will have to have his bladder removed. I told him I hoped everything would go as well as possible and he would be there to argue with for many more years.
I had to really hold my tongue at the end of the conversation, because he launched into a defense of Trump trashing CDC and FDA guidelines for developing vaccines, because, as he put it, their bureaucracy were always slow and Trump just cut through the read tape.
He then proceeded to quote the latest right wing myths on how we were getting treatment under control, and cases and deaths were falling rapidly.
Le Sigh!
I have kept in touch over the decades with both my brothers, who stayed in Alabama (we fled in 1969 after college), but it is sometimes hard, because they have both drunk the grape koolaid of the current incarnation of the GOP.
And, given the current state of little brothers health, kind of hard to tell him to pok gai.
Again, Le Sigh.
Miss Bianca
@TaMara (HFG): Late to this thread, but I am so sorry to hear it.
@TaMara (HFG): Your loss is terrible and you should and must take the time to grieve, TaMara. I am heartbroken for you and your Family.
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Which people?
@raven: That is such bullshit. Do you think that policy will stand?
Chetan Murthy
Fuck. A fuckin’ shonda, this jamoke is. A shonda. I’m embarrassed.
So the UGA administration thinks it’s preferable that the other students continue to do … whatever they do, blissfully unaware that they may have been exposed and need to be tested? JFC.
@Elizabelle: Well, I have tons of faculty friends who are in and uproar (and blaming it on football) and saying it’s that the university administration. the fact is the board of regents set policy for all of the state institutions and they are appointed by Kemp so. . .
Mary G
The book that comes out in five years or so will be gobsmacking.
Keith P.
One of my neighbors keeps reposting the “CDC says only 6% blah blah” stuff on Nextdoor. ND deletes it, so he reposts it along with a screed about how the establishment is pulling the wool over our eyes, etc. The shit gets pretty old pretty fast, and he’s reposted at least 5 times in the last 2 weeks.
Today my kid is two weeks into college. On campus. So far so good but I won’t say it’s not nerve-wracking. The fires didn’t make it there, so we have that.
@Keith P.: Good on ND.
@trollhattan: Where are they? My niece is a Banana Slug.
I wish the lord would strike down this asshole.
Quaker in a Basement
It’s like the old business about jumping off a tall building: “It’s not the fall that gets you, it’s the sudden stop at the end.”
@MomSense: God puts his faith in Fauci.
Mary G
Teri Kanefield is a good follow on Twitter for summarizations of books you don’t want to read yourself. She’s doing Melania’s “friend” today who claims to have been set up as the fall guy for the theft of inauguration money and adds this aside regarding the usual suspects:
James Madison U, in Harrisonburg, VA (beautiful area in the foothills, maybe 30 miles as the crow flies (over a mountain) from Charlottesville) — welcomed students on-campus, and just told them to head home and do virtual classes earlier this week. COVID reared its head.
I was a little surprised they opened at all.
@raven: Hope there’s no salt around. //
Mary G
Nice pictures of Obama hanging out with injured vets that Velveetamort would run away from.
@Mary G: Everyone knows when the sick and poor came to Jesus he turned them away and said “Losers!”.
Mary G
Not even sure I want to know what caused this:
Phew, it’s apparently about a basketball thing in Toronto. [Emily Litella voice] nevermind.
Keith P.
@Baud: Part of me wants to engage the guy with a “Well, *I* have a co-morbidity, so FUCK YOU!” but that’d just be giving him oxygen.
@raven: That is beyond beyond. So much for any fealty to academic freedom which faculty crap their pants over if they are told to teach before 10am.
@raven: I have given this shit some serious thought. I have to sleep now, so tired, but can I share some ideas tomorrow?
@trollhattan: my son the same. Only Covid and a friggin hurricane so far. But both have happily missed his campus….
@Immanentize: I ain’t goin nowhere.
joel hanes
These people
@raven: Every beautiful smart woman I ever loved told me that.
“And yea, He turned His gaze upon the lame and that halt, and thus spake: ‘Eww, nobody wants to look at that!'”
Verily, stupid fingers.
the halt, not that halt
Gin & Tonic
@Mary G: The “basketball thing” is in Florida, but it involved the Toronto team.
@NotMax: Variant texts of the Book of Trump already?
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: I’ve been blessed to have just one beautiful smart woman for the last 50 years.
@Immanentize: You ain’t goin no where. . .
@Mary G: Teri Kanefield is terrific (as is Heather Cox Richardson, whom she often refers to). I don’t twitter, but I follow Kanefield on her website,
@Elizabelle: My (undergrad) alma mater! Yup, they just charged right into it – no pre-arrival Covid-19 negative test required (unlike UVA and others), not a whole lot of tough-love guidance to students, no real plans for shifting students into quarantine dorms, etc etc. Oopsie.
And now everyone’s going home ‘temporarily’…the word that went out is that they may resume in-person instruction and campus life in early October. Fat chance of that.
JMU had a great reputation for being student-friendly, always took great care of its students, earned “most recommended” awards, etc. I have a feeling that reputation won’t be the same going forward.
@Keith P.: Yeah, a country where over 40% of the adult population is obese and another 35% is overweight shouldn’t be casual about co-morbidities.
@MomSense: This is also good reporting:
@Immanentize: My favorite professor in college scheduled all his classes at 8 am to keep enrollment down. I took every one and aced them all.
@Jeffro: I was surprised Madison opened when they did. They’re a bit of an outlier there, no?
The other umpty-ump thousand would take up half the internet.
40 of Trump’s biggest broken promises
Consider it a one-off engendered by the text of Bill’s comment. The distended frippery I find clunky and monotonous.
@joel hanes: Thanks.
randy khan
@Keith P.:
If it’s the same CDC meme I’ve seen, it literally makes no sense if you have the slightest idea how health statistics work. Among many other things, it calculates the death rate as a percentage of the population, not as a percentage of the people who contract the disease.
TaMara (HFG)
Today, Covid-19 has laid its finger of death on my family, I’m heartbroken and don’t have the energy to hate these horrible, horrible people.
Is it any wonder why they will happily vote for a disease of a human that calls our honorable military dead and injured, “Losers and suckers”
I’m done for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I can find some outrage…
@Elizabelle: Yes. I don’t have a whole lot of insight into why they were so relatively blasé about the whole thing, but whew. Someone or someones were clearly not following the science, the varieties of problems that were sure to occur, and…well…there they are.
@TaMara (HFG): *hugs* I don’t know if that helps, but I’ll be thinking of you and your family. Feels like not enough, but my sympathy is with you.
@TaMara (HFG): We’ll hate the horrible people for you, and we are so sorry for your loss, TaMara.
mad citizen
@NotMax: Broken promises maybe, but he passed the Veteran Care Act of 2014. Why he said so yet again in tonight’s rally. (See aaron rupar’s twitter for many excellent clips of the superspreader Latrobe event.
@TaMara (HFG): Get some rest tonight then please tomorrow tell us about them. I’m so sorry. My hand to yours.
@TaMara (HFG):
Oh no, TaMara. I’m so dreadfully sorry. Please take good care of yourself and come back only when you feel like it. In the meantime, may your family member rest in peace, and may all the rest of you be comforted by good memories.
Mary G
@TaMara (HFG): Oh, no. I am so sorry. Let us know if we can find animal videos or help in any way. I know we can’t, but know you are loved.
Following Dolt 45’s
trainkiddy car of (for lack of a better word) thought, I guess the firefighters who dashed into the World Trade Center were also “losers.”Elizabelle
@TaMara (HFG): So very sorry to hear. Take care of yourself and your family, and please check in with us when you are up to it.
My condolences.
Bill Arnold
@Keith P.:
These are people who are deeply confused about causality.[1]
Joke’s on them, because those people didn’t die of those co-morbidities either; they died of being mortal fleshy humans!
[1] Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer – Judea Pearl [2]
[2] Causality is over-rated!
I think we have done this here at Balloon Juice multiple times, but I’ll give Rampell the credit for using her platform and putting together a tight op-ed: Here’s How to Put trumpov’s Failures Into Numbers Republicans Can Understand.
It’s really well done and a nice return to form – bravo, Ms. Rampell!
125 Titanics. And counting.
@TaMara (HFG): ?
@TaMara (HFG): ❤️
Auntie Anne
@TaMara (HFG): I am so sorry! ❤️❤️❤️
trumpov is melting down on Twitter right now, trying to deny/explain/lie about his calling US service members “losers” and I for one am excited at the prospect of him stroking out while doing it.
Keep the focus on Mr. Unfit, nation’s media! All the stories are true, everything out of his mouth is a lie.
Emma from FL
@TaMara (HFG): I am so sorry.Take your time. Hold your loved ones close and grieve together. Breathe deeply. Share happy memories. In times like these, it’s important to step away from the melee and focus on the really important things.
@TaMara (HFG): Oh, I’m so sorry!
@TaMara (HFG): Such awful news TaMara. My condolences to you and your family.
J R in WV
@TaMara (HFG):
So sorry to learn of your family’s loss.
Take care, keep in touch!
@TaMara (HFG):
Terribly sorry.
Bill Arnold
Hillary Clinton testified for 8 hours (11 but with breaks) about 4 Benghazi deaths. If my calculator isn’t broken, for the current death total, that’s 125 years at 8 hours per day and 365 days per year. Is Donald J. Trump up to it? Will we need to work out how to keep his brain alive in a jar? (We’re adding about 250 days of testimony per day.)
@Jeffro: Trump didn’t write that tweet. That’s his crack White House staff at work.
I do not see how he comes back from this. It is too believable, and we have seen pieces of this behavior over and over again. Goldberg’s story puts it all together, with more detail.
Some of those sources might go on the record in coming days. Defeating this execrable traitor is that important.
Trump tells us he does not read The Atlantic. Quel surprise.
Weird statement in the dark from beside AF1. Calls the Atlantic sources a bunch of losers.
I hope this takes Trump down. I think it will. You don’t fuck with dead soldiers.
BriWi has the night off. Steve (gag) Kornacki in.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
they caught trump on the tarmac in NC, a story in a magazine “I don’t read” (as opposed to….. Hustler? Town and Country?…..) just some failures who failed in his administration who he got rid of
smart way to talk about John Kelly when he’s already gone this far
@Jeffro: Doesn’t matter. Seriously. The GOP does not care about veterans. They want to privatize the VA. They run bogus charities that are never investigated to “help veterans” and “support the troops” so that they can claim that its Democrats who spit on the troops when they come home. If I recall one of Trump’s early set of backers were just those types. Had that big fundraiser for him on the Intrepid or something. Bogus Veterans and 9/11 First responders charites that maybe build one ramp for one injured veteran so they can have a video to use when raking in the rest. It doesn’t matter to the emo for the troops types. Because they know its the Liberals who spit on veterans in 1968.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
“Only the best people.”
@Peale: Take the sackcloth and ashes somewhere else.
Yes, this does matter. It is going to peel off some Trump supporters. Trump knows that.
Trump has got a floor, and there are some morons who will always support him. Who will not believe this story. But they are maybe 35 to 40%, if that.
I don’t see the swing states liking this behavior from Trump, either. This will not draw voters to him.
joel hanes
1/3 of the entire US combat death toll from the three years in which the US fought WWII
In eight months.
joel hanes
Trump tells us he does not read The Atlantic
This, I believe.
Trump is incapable of reading The Atlantic.
@joel hanes: Yup. No question there.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Peale: I’m done predicting trump’s demise, political or… but if John Kelly wasn’t the source for this (and I’d bet half my quatloos he is), then he at the very least told the source to be a source. Kelly and Mattis trigger Beltway Daddy Issues in a way that Barry McCaffrey and William McRaven (that one being a real head-scratcher) don’t.
Someone speculated here today that W might make a splashy statement against trump. I doubt it. There’s another Bush out there to restart the Oedipal cycle of that well-mannered but terribly destructive family. But i wouldn’t be surprised if Jim Mattis is planning to try a reverse Jim Comey.
Mai naem mobile
The US death toll of COVID19 is about the size of my city. I live in one of the smaller suburbs of Phoenix but keep in the mind the bigger ones are over 300K. Anyhow, when I think of my whole city wiped out, I mean it’s difficult to imagine. I believe it’s around 40 square miles pretty much all developed and quite a bit vertical. I can’t imagine seeing my neighborhood empty much less the whole city.
Another Scott
@Jeffro: Made me look…
That makes it all better now, doesn’t it? “In Casket” even!! What more do You People want??! Why are you so ungrateful??!!!
Yet more evidence that he’s brain damaged.
And it’s not even Friday yet… Will he make it to January? Or November?
@Peale: It does matter, on the margins. Will the sort of people who un-ironically enjoy John McNaughton’s “art” be swayed by this? No. Will a “well, I’ve been a Republican most of my life but this guy is embarrassing” type be swayed? Maybe. And it won’t take many of those to shift a swing state or two from Red to Blue. Or to swing a state that is marginally Blue into “safer from electoral fuckery” Blue.
Patricia Kayden
BTW, I 100% support the Georgia policy.
Faculty are terrible at getting these kinds of policies correct – they are detailed and ever changing and faculty have too many other things on their plate. They will fail to notify students that didn’t attend class, they will miscommunicate, they will have no idea what to tell students that have concerns, etc.
It’s much better to have that information go to an administrator who can *guarantee* that the students are told the right thing, that nobody is missed in that information, and can follow it up with correct information for what the other students should do. Student health is an administrative function, full stop.
If one of my faculty notified their class a student had Covid (and didn’t notify an appropriate administrator with that information) I would destroy them.
Another Scott
@TaMara (HFG): Oh no. :-( I’m very sorry. Condolences to you and your family and friends.
Best wishes,
@Another Scott: Oh. My.
Who among us can doubt the sincerity of an oath sworn on “whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on”?
@joel hanes: Yeah, but millions of selfish shithead children got what they wanted – not having to live through 4 years of a Hillary Clinton presidency!
@Martin: Cosign this. We’ve been told, in no uncertain terms, that communication of such things needs to be done consistently and in full accordance with a long laundry list of guidelines and therefore let the designated office handle it. That office has been doing a pretty good job communicating COVID developments with the entire campus community since about April, so there is a fair amount of trust built up as well.
@TaMara (HFG): Oh, TaMara, I’m so very sorry to hear this.
@Elizabelle: Won’t matter. Not really. 6 hours ago the story was Trump telling his base to commit voter fraud (a felony) and now it isn’t.
Conservatives won’t care because Trump still has their back, and that all they care about. If evangelicals will ignore ‘grab them by the pussy’, they’ll ignore this. This is how conservatism works – Trump is willing to punish those they want punished and they think he’ll protect them as well, and that’s all that matters. That he’ll turn on them immediately is something they’re too cowardly to address.
To them Trump is power, and it will either be used to help them or to hurt them, and they’ll side with him believing it won’t hurt them. If demeaning veterans is how they stay on his good side, they’ll go with it. Just because they swore that vets were to be revered at all costs yesterday, doesn’t mean conservatives believe that today.
@TaMara (HFG): So sorry to hear this. Hugs to you and the rest of the family.
Mary G
AP reporter confirms all of the Atlantic story:
@Mary G:
She’s good. I don’t have a Twitter account, but I signed up for her blog. Looks interesting and well-written. Thanks for introducing me to Teri.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Another Scott
Donnie’s people can’t do anything right. Fortunately, in this case.
We still have to vote all the monsters out.
James E Powell
@TaMara (HFG):
Very sorry for your loss, T.
Another Scott
The man has dementia. How much more evidence do we need?
Yet more dangerous days are ahead. :-(
Washington Post:
Another Scott
This is how a President talks.
138 days to go…
@Martin: Doesn’t matter if its the straw or not.
It’s more like death of a thousand cuts. Every new story, every sin peels away a chunk of his support.
In the meantime, we still act like we’re two down and this news will do nothing. We work like hell AND BURY THE BASTARD.
Tom Levenson
@TaMara (HFG): I’m so sorry.
Condolences to you and yours.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: lets see. 1000 students pay tuition room and board for half a year: $10M lump sum the college needs to pay their employees.
That is if average is $20k per student per year
On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Zerlina Maxwell made the great point that Trump is just digging himself in deeper with his defensive statement(s). “I would never call our soldiers losers,” but then he immediately calls the article’s sources (including military officers) losers. She said that it is quintessential Trump to deny saying bad things about one person and then immediately say (the same) bad things about another person, and at this point everybody knows that’s his pattern.
James E Powell
What Trump says, what people say about what Trump says, and what Trump says about those people. That’s what’s been “news” for four years now in this degraded nation.
@Steeplejack: “No puppet! You’re the puppet!”
joel hanes
It wasn’t even the thought of living through an HRC Presidency to which they objected — they viewed (and some still view) voting as an exercise in identity-creation through brand choice — as if their self-expression was the critical thing, and the future of the nation secondary.
Being able not to care about outcomes is one definition of privilege, which is why Black voters so often get it right and soi-disant leftists sometimes don’t.
Quit blaming the kids. Old people voted overwhelming for Trump. Young people voted for Clinton. You know this.
Agency, how does it work?
@Mary G:
@TaMara (HFG):
so so sorry TaMara. We love you and are here for any support you need. And after your struggles with Covid,
fuck 2020,
fuck Covid,
fuck Dumph and all his enablers.
My little brother called me yesterday from Alabama, to tell me he has bladder cancer, has had chemo, and will have to have his bladder removed. I told him I hoped everything would go as well as possible and he would be there to argue with for many more years.
I had to really hold my tongue at the end of the conversation, because he launched into a defense of Trump trashing CDC and FDA guidelines for developing vaccines, because, as he put it, their bureaucracy were always slow and Trump just cut through the read tape.
He then proceeded to quote the latest right wing myths on how we were getting treatment under control, and cases and deaths were falling rapidly.
Le Sigh!
I have kept in touch over the decades with both my brothers, who stayed in Alabama (we fled in 1969 after college), but it is sometimes hard, because they have both drunk the grape koolaid of the current incarnation of the GOP.
And, given the current state of little brothers health, kind of hard to tell him to pok gai.
Again, Le Sigh.
Miss Bianca
@TaMara (HFG): Late to this thread, but I am so sorry to hear it.
@TaMara (HFG): Your loss is terrible and you should and must take the time to grieve, TaMara. I am heartbroken for you and your Family.