Trump in a nutshell: Boat Parade is supposed to be a good time for everyone, but actually the guys who own really big boats come out fine while the smaller boats — including the ones owned by die-hard Trump fans — sink in the wake.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 6, 2020
ANTIFA NAVY! HUZZAH! (pic via @bad_takes)
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) September 5, 2020
*Ron Howard voice* it did
— Zach Heltzel (@zachheltzel) September 5, 2020
2020 SCREENWRITER #3 [hasn't said anything this whole time] ….Dumbkirk
— Jonathan (@jehawks) September 5, 2020
Soros has a wave machine!
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) September 5, 2020
Having spent 7 years working at a marina I salute whichever underpaid forklift driver 'accidentally' forgot to put the drain plug in.
— Syndicalist Weedle Collective (@Weedledouble) September 5, 2020
Melissa won today.
— Katrina Berrina (@katrinaberrina) September 5, 2020
tfw you trigger the libs so hard that you sink your $50k boat and rack up another $10k in boating while intoxicated citations
— golikehellmachine (@golikehellmachi) September 5, 2020
The Donald J. Trump Artificial Reef Project
— Max Burns (@themaxburns) September 5, 2020
Also, at a *different* boat parade –
Trump banners are the Coast Guard’s new “Mayday!” flag.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) September 5, 2020
Only Republicans could end up setting a lake on fire.
— Rhino (@RhinoReally) September 5, 2020
J R in WV
So fine, leave a wake that sinks other boats in your parade!!!
Illegal, AND stupid.
Scott P.
I’ll just point out the entire Imperial Japanese Navy managed to sink 6 US vessels during the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
RobertDSC-iPhone 8
A Ghost to Most
I picture Rodney Dangerfield at the helm, blowing his “I’m in the Money” horn.
Taking five. Helping my son paint his bedroom.
Wasn’t there supposed to be another trump boat parade in DC today?
Dorothy A. Winsor
I reported one of Trump’s tweets today, something I’ve never done before. It was the one urging people to tell Steve Job’s widow she shouldn’t support The Atlantic. I reported it for “targeted harassment.”
I’m-a changing my boat’s name from “Gone Fishin'” to “S.S. Schadenfreude.” The number of flagpoles shall remain as before: zero.
I love how they had to be rescued by the government. Swamped and abandoned by their wealthier boat owners.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Seems oddly specific. What did Mrs. Widow Jobs do to Donny?
“The little people” literally look little when peered down upon from the flying bridge.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@trollhattan: The Atlantic published that article revealing Trump’s slurs on the military. She owns The Atlantic
I suspect the Potomac near DC has a lot of movement restrictions.
Snarki, child of Loki
I have a vague memory that some right wing pundit or another, when the boat parade thing first started getting attention, compared them to the Spanish Armada. And not, so far as I remember, trying to make the ‘historic debacle’ connection.
Seeing as Brad Parscale unironically compared the Trump campaign to the Death Star, this doesn’t seem like too much of a reach.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Ah. Does she know she owns it? JK, I know nothing about her other than what I saw in the Jobs biopic and assume billionaires end up owning things they’re unaware of.
ETA Okay, this could get interesting.
Donny is clever but not smart. He doesn’t realize that real, as compared to imaginary billionaires can get his ass in a wringer.
Mike in NC
CBS News just showed some clips of Trump yahoo boat charade on the Potomac. In addition to the usual giant banners, plenty of yellow Tea Party and cop flags visible.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@trollhattan: I actually wondered that too. I don’t know how active an owner she is.
J R in WV
@Scott P.:
So well said!
Of course, we’re talking about much smaller watercraft here and now. Boats, not Ships. Privately owned, not in the US Navy.
Still, HAHAHAHAHa… ha!
@Mike in NC:
How is that newsworthy?
Possibly on-topic, but probably not. Via jwz, a musical video.
Sister Golden Bear
This is my unsurprised, unshocked face.
@Baud: I didn’t see it, but I’ll bet it was footage in their “state of the campaign” segment. They run one of those every day now, and without rallies and candidate barnstorming, the networks don’t have as many pictures as they need for those segments.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
If she wasn’t before, I’m thinking she sure as hell will be now.
What’s that saying about picking fights with someone who buys ink by the barrel? Needs modernized, but still holds
@trollhattan: I found a pair of hiking boots in my closet the other day that I forgot I had.
J R in WV
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
When we went to Cabo in Baja California Sud to whale watch way back in Feb 2019, we saw a really huge yacht moored in the harbor there. It was at least at one time Mr. Jobs’s yacht. Really nice ship, too large to be a boat.
Boats are small enough to be hoisted on board a ship. Jobs’s yacht was closer to ship size than boat size. Huge, did I say huge? I did!
Our tiny boat sailed right by the huge yacht, fascinating to have a glimpse of how the other half lives…
Someone who’s own pixels by the quadrillions?
@trollhattan: He may have heard that billionaires have a club and cover for one another, while forgetting that he’s not a billionaire.
The uniquely Trump part is starting out his plea the story be quashed by insulting the owner.
Twitter is abuzz over the Antifa submarines Trump insists ruined his boat rally.
Sister Golden Bear
@A Ghost to Most:
I used sailboat a lot of out Marina Del Rey Harbor and stayed far, far away from there on any holiday weekend because this was exactly the sort of buffoon you’d see at the wheel of a multi-story power boat blithely cutting in front of other traffic and refusing to stay within the speed limits (intended to prevent problems with big wakes).
Wow, the fire east of Fresno blew up from 600 to 45,000+ acres overnight, and they’re helicoptering out folks trapped by fire that jumped across the only access road. It’s [checks] 0% contained.
Ugh. It’s one thing to mock the event. It’s another to let Trump to take the lead on the joke.
Trump is not entertainment.
@debbie: By this point, I imagine he’s looking underneath the bed in the Lincoln Bedroom, sure that antifa agents are hiding there. Silly Trump, everyone knows that antifa agents hide in closets.
Sister Golden Bear
@debbie: Wikipedia is on the case too
My absolute favorite post re: Dumbkirk:
Patricia Kayden
That’s how easily we lose track of things. “Didn’t I have a magazine? I can’t remember, why don’t I call my broker and buy one. There, done. Tennis?”
One of his minions mocked up video “proof” of the subs. Turned out it was really Royal Navy footage.
I hate that I can’t retrieve stuff I’ve seen before on Twitter.
Patricia Kayden
@Rusty: And isn’t government assistance verboten for this particular crowd? They certainly deride it when others need it.
“The SS MAGAritaville” :-)
The version I heard was “someone with 50 exabytes of data,” and referred to the idiocy of getting into a showdown with the NSA.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Too funny!
Anyone else want to create a MAGAt persona and go online clamoring for a Trump Bungee Jump? Or is it just me?
Alison Rose
@trollhattan: TBH this is what stood out to me:
Imagine being so rich that not only do people not know how rich you are, but the estimates are that far apart.
Damn, Laurene, can I just get a few grand to pay off my debts? You’ve probably got that under the couch cushions!
Important omission on the story, from @GoldieTaylor (three tweets combined):
ETA: Is it still a water supply? If so, allowing boating is completely dumbass. MWRA, Boston & Eastern Mass’s water source, only recently allowed boating on their backup reservoirs (the ones from before Quabbin) and even then it was their canoes, can’t bring your own craft. The danger is boats bringing new organisms from other bodies of water.
Sister Golden Bear
@trollhattan: I was just there last weekend. I’m pretty sure some of the cabins I saw at Lake Huntington have burned to the ground.
It looks like its reached the Shaver Lake Dam, potentially cutting off the road to Huntington, and the nearby town is threatened.
Life is a series of intelligence tests.
It doesn’t grade on a curve.
Or a wave.
Jerzy Russian
@trollhattan: I remember an episode of the Addams Family wherein Gomez Addams owned an insurance company that he forgot he owned. At the end of the episode Uncle Fester made an insurance claim with that company.
One of them damn Metter firs.
@Ken: Even better
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Apparently, there are legends that Lake Lanier is cursed
This is exactly the sort of behavior from people who drive power boats that scares the shit out of people who sail. Motor boaters have no idea how dangerous they are until someone is in the water and dead.This sort of washing machine effect is typical when you have too many craft in small and shallow bodies of water. Also, too, you can’t just abandon a swamped and sunken boat. If it presents a hazard for other boats – which is likely if it’s swamped in shallow or highly traveled waters – the owner has to see that it is removed. You don’t get to leave your junked boat sitting at the bottom of the lake. Salvage fees are really, really expensive. Dumbkirk indeed.
BTW, flying an orange flag is the universal sign for a boat in distress.
James E Powell
On HBO’s Succession, Siobhan’s birthday gift for her father, Logan, is a photo book of all the houses he owns. Logan pages through the book and says he had no idea he owned them.
@Nicole: Bret Terhune’s “Message from Q-Anon” is pretty good too.
If this doesn’t get you laughing you’re beyond help. Nothing like a li’l helper in the kitchen.
@James E Powell:
Perfect. First watched “Succession” the most recent season and need to catch up on earlier episodes. Taken as a dark satire it’s a very satisfying show to watch and really well cast. These are very, very, very bad people–like a very posh “It’s Always Sunny.”
for baseball fans, Lou Brock has died.
@Sister Golden Bear:
The woods are as dry as I can remember, so any fire starting will probably become a runaway in a scant few hours. They’re still manning and mopping up the lightning megafires of three weeks ago, so resources are stretched to an extreme.
We never know which fire’s smoke we’re breathing, just the AQI number. [checks] Ooh 166 and it’s only [checks that too] 108! Time for a bike ride? #NotEnoughGatoradeInTheWorld
@trollhattan: The way he’s talking about (to) her is so fucking misogynistic, it just makes me want to scream.
The Little Woman is wasting all that money her hubby made all by himself and graciously left to her, by spending it on issues she cares about. Typical irresponsible woman who needs a man to guide her spending.
@Sister Golden Bear:
They managed to pen letters before sinking,.
Just saw a tweet the air quality hit 200 in San Francisco.
There’s a lot of bad air out there.
Yeah that really got to me too.
Sister Golden Bear
@trollhattan: When I drove through, it also looked like the bark beetle problems had killed a significant number of trees, making them pure dry kindling.
Just (selfishly) hoping the weather doesn’t breathe new life into the SZC and SCU fires. The air quality is still bad from them, even though they slowed significantly last week.
Mike in NC
Why is this not surprising?:
These parades were organized by Florida man Carlos Gavidia. Gavidia is expected to be charged with a felon for sending a threatening text to a neighbor. According to The Palm Beach Post, Gavidia is expected to surrender to Palm Beach authorities on Tuesday morning. Gavidia reportedly says his threatening text was in self-defense, due to harassment he has received because of his support of Donald Trump.
Floriduh Man strikes again!
Sister Golden Bear
@HumboldtBlue: 200 is really bad, but not nearly as bad as the first couple days of the fire. Down on the Peninsula it was in the 300-350 range.
@Ken: Not to mention accusing someone of squandering a fortune that they had inherited.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I saw numbers from Santa ruz that were off the charts as well.
“You’re right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars next year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I’ll have to close this place in… 60 years.”
– Charles Foster Kane
ah the old boat-owner’s saying “Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash, pick two”!
or something
@HumboldtBlue: He faced Tom Seaver more than any other pitcher, and Seaver faced him more than any other batter. Peace on both of them.
@prostratedragon: Not a lot of self-awareness in the Drumpf clan.
That’s a great stat for two great players.
@prostratedragon: Yes the irony.
Also, she only inherited half of it. She was his wife, she already owned half of it.
@JoyceH: I’ll chip in if it cost you anything…
Sounds like a bunch of Trump trash needed bigger boats.
@Sister Golden Bear: The beetles also killed the George Harrison Memeorial Tree here in Griffith Park.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Ironic.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: The reason he gets so much free TV time is that the networks and cable outfits think he’s good for ratings, which means he generates revenue for them. Moonves confirmed this.
@Villago Delenda Est: Fourth estate, my ass. They have sold out.
Villago Delenda Est
The organizers of this Donald waterborne orgy wanted the fleet to move at 10mph. Which is the ideal way to create all the wake you need to lead to boats being swamped.
Genius all the way around.
Bishop Bag
@Sister Golden Bear: Yesterday was clear and sunny (and HOT) here in Bishop. This morning the Owens Valley was full of smoke. Really bad air quality for a lot of people with respiratory issues. Air quality index is currently 160, not as bad of so many other parts of the state.
@Baud: I thought so, they replaced the tree with a new(not a pine) tree.
@Bishop Bag: Not sure what the air quality is here, but the sky is brown from the smoke from a fire north of Azuza.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Snarki, child of Loki: not sure ice hockey – even ice hockey from the indigo state of Washington- can do much in this situation, though:
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Villago Delenda Est: Agreed!
In Seattle’s Lake Union, all the signs limit all boating to 7 knots per hour (approximately 8 mph)
10 mph would create quite a wake
Mike in NC
These boat parades were organized by Florida man Carlos Gavidia, who is expected to be charged with a felony for sending a threatening text to a neighbor. According to The Palm Beach Post, Gavidia is expected to surrender to Palm Beach authorities on Tuesday morning. Gavidia reportedly says his threatening text was in self-defense, due to harassment he has received because of his support of Donald Trump.
@Nicole: “the SS MAGAritaville”
“I’m safe, I’m on dry land, but I’m still going down with the ship!”
LOLOLOLOL x infinity
@Starfish: OMG
That’s just awesome!
We shouldn’t have all the fun.
@opiejeanne: he’s also tweeted that she has a boyfriend, or, as he puts it, lover, and how disloyal that is to her dead husband. He can’t be loyal to living wives, but if the wife gets the money she should stay celibate. I wonder if that’s in Melanias prenup.
Gin & Tonic
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: Pedantically butting in to say that “knots per hour” is redundant. A “knot” of speed is one nautical mile per hour, so you’d say speed is limited to 7 knots.
@Gretchen: What a vile creature he is.
Trump navy motto.
I was having fun all day yesterday as Antifa submarine commander reporting from the frontlines. It was my sub that sank the SS MAGAritaville and SS Hamberder.
Twitter handle @afs_192 if you want to chuckle.
Soup can torpedoes, wave generators, Antifa Navy Special Forces, the whole shebang!
Got a link for that? I’m not seeing it in Trump’s feed.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Gin & Tonic: and that’s what all the signs said… I had to look up what a knot was. Thks for the correction!
@Steeplejack: Was from 2013 I think.
Okay, thanks.