Looks like we need a new thread.
Someone HumboldtBlue posted this in an earlier thread today. Something good!
These ppl found a baby goat trapped in a pit. They took him home & cared for him overnite.
The next day they tried to find the owner but had no luck. While looking – they found a group of goats with the same white fur.
Then this happened.
— Rex Chapman?? (@RexChapman) September 10, 2020
Open thread.
Awwww. Sweet. See? People aren’t all bad.
If anyone is still catching up on threads and notices who put that in a thread earlier today, let me know and I can add the h/t.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Biden has really good people
President T. V. Fuddlehead
My wife and I watched “My Octopus Teacher” on Netflix yesterday. If you question the likelihood of a human/mollusk relationship, this movie might challenge those beliefs. It was that or “The Social DIlemma” which I didn’t have the stamina to watch what with everything and all.
So cute. Dang that smoke in my eyes.
What am I chopped liver?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Wow, that’s good!
@HumboldtBlue: I couldn’t remember!
Youtube just recommended a live broadcast about the Oregon fires. I jumped in – they were IDing the antifa people they believe were setting the fires.
Jesus fuck, Google. Get your shit together.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: 8 hours of Fox viewing in a day would be worrying for a retiree with nothing better to do. For a President? In the middle of everything that’s going on?
Followed a Twitter thread from a right-wing jackass running for Senate in Oregon claiming antifa people are being arrested all over and are the arsonists behind the fires.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was amazing. Keep firing for effect, Team Joe!
@HumboldtBlue: I have to admit I do kind of love that Oregon republicans are dumb enough to not know the difference between the Bureau of Land Management and Black Lives Matter. I mean, it’s tragic, but given how fucked things are, I can’t see how adding more idiocy to this situation could make it any worse.
@HumboldtBlue: What else are they going to do? Recognize that climate change is real and has real-world effects? Stop following ‘Q’? Realize that their gunz ain’t helping?
Ok, seriously…I hope they get called out and stopped before someone gets hurt.
@Martin: it’s like they’re on a hair-trigger for all the wrong things.
Actually, it’s EXACTLY like that.
Amir Khalid
CNN has this alarming story up about potentially dangerous Amazon Basics electrical products.
Bravo to the Detroit Free Press. Thank fucking God someone there knows you can’t print the lie first and then correct it 500 words later. Composing a paragraph in a rational order that might actually impart the information. For this I am grateful.
I’ve been reading Peter Strzok’s book (FBI former head of Counterintelligence) and posted up my notes on the Clinton and Trump pre-election investigations. Since a couple of people were interested, here’s my notes on the post election to Comey firing chapters.
Post Election
@Amir Khalid: Congratulations on your re-upgrade to K.
@HumboldtBlue: Antifa controls lightning and wind now? Personally I wouldn’t get in their way….
@HumboldtBlue: That was the push on social media when Australia went on fire last January. It was arson, not climate change.
I love you for posting this. It soothes my bruised heart. Plus, I ❤️ goats. Especially baby ones.
@geg6: I cried happy tears.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: They treat fires like they treat COVID-19. Ignore the widespread conditions that cause it to spread and concentrate on blaming somebody else for starting it, because that gives you a villain that’s not you.
Biden ad during the football game.
Just going to say this one more time and then I’ll shut up: it is a TREAT to watch Mahomes, Hill, etc at work. They are amazing. Re-peat!! ;)
@sanjeevs: Climate change doesn’t start fires. It just take what would otherwise be small nuisance fires and turn them into massive fires.
I have a friend who says The Social Dilemma is must see, but I also do not have the heart to watch it right now.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is that what Antifa is? The next marvel/mutant/whatever the fuck movie? Who plays Antifa?
Local news here in Portland area had on the mayor of Mill Creek, one of the towns that was evacuated and burned. They just went back in there and encountered looters going through homes that weren’t burnt. Several were arrested. Of course not an ANTIFA or black person in sight. It’s all white rural MAGA meth-head scavenger types. All locally born and raised.
Of course that won’t make the national news. Cause white looters? That’s not really a thing is it?
@Percysowner: Nice ad. On the other side of the great divide, Republican worries rise as Trump campaign pulls back from television advertising
I trust ‘Trump family grifting’ counts as ‘other spending’.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Amir Khalid:
Amazon’s iPhone charging cords bite ass. They rarely last.
Came late to the thread this was in, but for anyone interested in Lilith – she wasn’t cast out of Eden. She got fed up with Adam’s asshattery, spoke the secret name of God, grew wings, and flew off to the Red Sea where she spent her days frolicking and fucking sundry demons. Eventually Adam whinged God into sending 3 angels to fetch her back, but she refused, so God made Eve to shut him up. Got blamed ever since for killing children and stealing the seed of sleeping men, cause she was jealous of Eve. As if!
Couple of feminist theologians wrote a piece in the ’70’s/early ’80’s about Lilith going back to the garden, to whisper wisdom and encouragement to Eve over the wall.
Before her cameo in the Bible she was the Handmaiden of Inanna, who danced through the streets calling people to the Temple for sacred sexual rites. Lilith is ?
@Amir Khalid: No mention of Underwriters Laboratories in the article. Not surprising.
@dmsilev: Members of Congress can no longer keep unspent campaign funds for their personal use on retirement. Did they bother extending that restriction to the executive branch?
(Not that it matters, the campaign can just spend all the money on a big farewell party at Mar-A-Lago.)
white looters – yes it’s a thing
The baby goat story was very charming. I kid you not.
Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
@dmsilev: ? It’s great not having any Trump ads on my tv. What a mess that an incumbent President can’t even get his campaign together.
@Brachiator: My dad would have approved of that comment.
@Ken: Well, I was thinking more in terms of real-time looting. Trump family members and various hangers-on as salaried campaign workers or consultants, many many stays at Trump hotels, he or Jared or someone is probably getting some sort of kickback on whatever space the campaign is renting for an HQ (which, you note, was on the list of untouchable expenditures) etc.
I am glad that Trump is having problems, but radio and regular television is not as important as in previous years. Except maybe with older voters.
Even though it is the Devil’s playground, social media is where you want to get your political message seen.
I am relatively ancient, but the only time I see any of the political ads is when they are linked here. I have not listened to conventional radio in years. I even listen to public radio via podcast, where ads are typically stripped out.
I have noticed ads for both parties on YouTube. I avoid the Republican ads like, well, like the plague. But I notice that some of the Democratic Party ads are old fashioned. But I love how Biden is taking it to Trump.
Awe, the goats???
MoCA Ace
So? there will always be lightning, idiots burning leaves, careless smokers, and arsonists to start fires. Climate change makes them blow up and gives us our recent fire seasons.
Fire science is hard.
@lashonharangue: Not only do you got white looters. You also got a high-speed car chase cross country through a fire zone and across a golf course. All the Hollywood elements right there if they were black.
But it will be crickets on Fox news because they’ll too busy talking about some knucklehead firebug with “tats” who tried unsuccessfully to start a fire down in Douglas County someplace so…maybe ANTIFA!!!
Patricia Kayden
@Matt McIrvin:
It gives people a reason to point at so they can fundraise for it, but also it gives a people other than climate change to blame all these. By seeding stories of antifa and blm causing fires, they are trying to sow doubt.
ETA: and you can bet that Facebook is the number one purveyor of all these conspiracy stories.
Thanks, Humboldtblue and WaterGirl. I needed that today.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Anker all the way. Plus I was surprised at how much more I like the 6' length than the shorter ones. Way more convenient than you would think at first.
@WaterGirl: I bet he got your goat.
Eric NNY
As a feller with goat kids, that makes my heart smile. My does are sweet nd good mothers,, but afer 20 minutes they lose focus.
ghost cat
A longer version of the goat story can be found here
Chris Johnson
@Amir Khalid:
I am currently being sent garbage products by Amazon, to almost-exactly-my-name and my address but not the account I use, in what they call a ‘brushing’ scam: someone is sending around shitty physical products so they can leave five star reviews and win the recommendations.
One I threw away, one I didn’t open, and one is in packaging revealing that it’s a Miroco Light Therapy Lamp retailing for a little under $40. That product is ‘Fulfilled By Amazon’, and its reviews were already locked for suspicion of review faking.
But not before that very product got to #1 in its category. It, a fake being pushed through brushing scams, is the top Amazon recommendation for this category. #1.
CNN is on the money. This is a BIG problem. A lot worse than ‘I randomly got sent garbage products’. The by far largest retail outlet for products, which dominates mail and shipping and crushes other businesses with a CEO that is a bigger billionaire than anybody else and who’s prospered significantly as COVID turned people to online shopping, this unavoidable retail outlet is completely and totally untrustworthy for identifying, not just what’s good to get, but even getting things that are bare-minimum safe. This is dangerous on a whole bunch of levels.
@ghost cat: Sweet, thank you.