"I think there's probably, possibly drugs involved. That's what I hear." — during interview with Judge Jeanine, Trump casually accuses Joe Biden of using performance enhancing drugs pic.twitter.com/RVWJMqPNhn
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 11, 2020
Joe Biden, meanwhile:
“One man said he heard Biden was bringing beer, something he’d apparently promised at one point. The former vice president went back to his SUV and retrieved six packs of Bud Light and Iron City Beer. ‘I keep my promises!’ Biden said,” via @ccadelago pic.twitter.com/e6kdtq0y5e
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) September 11, 2020
I received a card from the Post Office with a checklist on voting by mail.
“If you Plan on Voting by Mail” on one side and the checklist on the back.
Chief Oshkosh
Pretty half-assed there, Joe. Bud-Lite? Dude’s lost my vote…
Alison Rose
OMG fuck this fucking piece of shit. He’s seriously going to accuse his political opponent of using drugs? And what, the media just gonna be like “thank you sir may I have another”?
Also the fucking hypocrisy of this barely-ambulatory, barely-coherent mountain of turds criticizing anyone else for not speaking or moving well.
I hate him.
Joe promised to bring beer last time he was there, eight years ago. That’s impressive advance work.
@Chief Oshkosh: Yeah yeah. Sorry it wasn’t Bud Light Lime.
Roger Moore
@Chief Oshkosh:
Joe knows how to appeal to working class voters. BTW, does this mean we can start calling him Joe Sixpack?
Re: drugs. It’s always projection with this asshole. Always. To me, that’s definitive that the Tangerine Turd is sniffing Adderall or something.
@Alison Rose:
I think Dump did make that accusation. And in his usual too-chickenshit-to-own-his-bullshit way.
Mai Naem mobile
I’d like to get a couple of strands of real hair of Orange Dbags and send it off for drug testing. Bet it would test positive .
Alison Rose
Yes, that’s…….what I was responding to?
Proof that Trump is taking drugs.
On one of today’s earlier threads someone posted a tweet replying to this that went something like: “An addict is talking to an alcoholic and they’re accusing someone else of taking drugs.”
I like a man who keeps his word. Especially when it revolves around beer.
Susan Collins is down 8 points
@Mai Naem mobile:
Which drugs? All of them, Katie.
@Calouste: Yup, he was talking to “Judge” Jeanine.
Time and again, his way of admitting to an act he’s trying to hide.
@dmsilev: Not to mention the puzzle of just where you’d have to go to find a real hair.
Mai Naem mobile
I still cannot get over this guy getting a 5 percent approval rating on anything forget about 37 – 45 percent . There’s a 90 percent chance that any random adult I pick off the street would do a better job than this malicious moron.
On a more serious note, the Post has an in depth look at the plans Biden and his advisers have been assembling to deal with COVID.
Read the whole thing, and if nothing else luxuriate in the feeling of normal leadership and competence.
Mai Naem mobile
@MattF: I would guess the ones at the lower hair at sides and back are real hair. Especially the back. Rumor is the sides and top are dones in a scaffolding fashion
@?BillinGlendaleCA: i also got one. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court seems intent to fuck with when ballots are mailed out, but i got a hypothetical how to like you did.
Cheryl Rofer
@dmsilev: I was just reading that article. It’s entirely consistent with what I’ve suspected. There are a number of good people available, many of whom have worked with the Obama administration, and I am not at all surprised they have jumped at the chance to help Biden.
Chief Oshkosh
@Roger Moore: For that, you need 3 letters:
Trump can’t vary his bullshit. It’s always squalid innuendo. Something he’s heard. He’s too much of a coward to make any direct accusation.
And it’s always projection. Someone should ask who provides Trump with the drugs he uses. I hear that Trump’s people know all the best drug dealers.
@Chief Oshkosh: My in-laws won’t drink any craft beers so I have to stock some Bud-lite when they come over. Fine, leave the good beer for me.
Perhaps Dump simply realizes that Biden is far superior and thinks that someone else could only be above him by using PEDs. I am sure Joe is hanging out with Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong.
Roger Moore
@Chief Oshkosh:
Sorry, but PBR is now hipster beer. Don’t ask how or why.
Catherine D.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Me too, in NY. I applied for my absentee ballot today, because the county Board of Elections sent a postcard yesterday saying, among other info, that I can drop the ballot off at their headquarters as soon as. Deal!
@Alison Rose:
When his presidency has ended, his memoir will have to be a graphic novel titled “Captain Projection.”
Mike in NC
Everything is so secretive about Fat Bastard. His school records are unavailable, his finances and tax returns are hidden, his health issues are unknown. The least transparent person to ever run for office. We may never get to the bottom of his putrid life and discover his true ties to Putin and the Russian mob.
You’d have to grab him by the….
@Mai Naem mobile:
I don’t see many of either side’s political ads. I know Biden is taking it to Trump.
Does anyone know if Biden has hit hard at Trump’s idiotic payroll tax deferral scheme?
The obvious play here is to show how Trump will try to steal Social Security from retirees by undermining funding.
A Ghost to Most
Iron Shitty is not good beer, but it plays in Pittsburgh.
@H.E.Wolf: You first, as they say. I wouldn’t touch anything on that man no matter the price.
Orange is the New Red
A friend who listens to right-wing radio says they’re talking about Trump being pardoned by Pence if it looks like he’s losing the election. Or maybe he meant winning the election? I assume that would only work for his federal crimes?
@Roger Moore: It was good enough for me back in the day.
@Orange is the New Red: It’d only work for Federal Crimes, and Trump would have to leave office for Dense to have that power.
Pierce on a “pre-crime” “program” in where else, but Floriduh!!!
@Alison Rose: That question mark threw me off. Well played. :)
Remember when the cowardly, snivelling shit bags fled the State and threatened to shoot cops to avoid a “vote”,
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, Trump could resign and Pence could then name Trump as the new VP. Then, Pence, as president, could pardon Trump, and then resign.
@Orange is the New Red: The only way that scenario makes even a modicum of sense is if Trump steps down and Pence becomes President.
@Chief Oshkosh: My parents allowed me to drink beer at home when I was a teen based on the theory that it would teach me moderation before I started drinking with my peers. It didn’t work, but I did learn to like PBR, like a good Wisconsin child. I haven’t had it since those days, but I wonder if I’d still like it.
@Orange is the New Red: Others got there first. Pence’s only powers are to act as “President of the Senate” (an office which is completely undefined in the Constitution, by the way), and to break ties in the Senate.
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: Oh, LOL. That was just me expressing my RAGE and the shred of my brain that still refuses to believe that this man………..exists, haha.
@MattF: An appointed VP has to be confirmed by Congress. Both houses, not just the Senate.
I suspect Nancy Pelosi would have the biggest laugh of her life at the idea.
Edit: per the 25th Amendment, ‘Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.’
Bernie Sanders is on Firing Line right now, with Margaret Hoover.
“Trump is a pathological liar. He will say or do anything to get reelected. He must be defeated this November.”
Chetan Murthy
@Roger Moore: During The Before Time, at a bar, I once asked a young man why he was ordering a PBR with his shot. He told me: after the shot, I won’t be able to taste the beer very well, so why bother getting a nice/pricey beer to go with, eh? Made perfect sense. Why anybody with money enough to do otherwise, would purposely drink PBR straight, I have no idea.
@MattF: Of course, Nancy Smash would have to go along with Trump becoming VP.
@Alison Rose:
Come sit six feet away from me.
A drug addict babbles to a drunk…
Heh. Timing is everything, I guess. Just got finished reading CNN after waking up (it’s a weekend, but I’m still on my weekday overnight work schedule), and saw this article:
It’s actually a fact-check, and a good one, but the headline SCREAMS confession about what Twitler and his accomplices (and before they were his accomplices, the GOP crime syndicate) have been working on for twelve years now.
To quote a friend of mine, GOP delenda est
@dmsilev: Ah, but… you’re talking about how things work in the real world. I guess Trump can make the argument that he can pardon himself, and then let the courts argue over it for the next decade.
@Chetan Murthy:
Extra Old Stock, 8%, buck a beer nights at the Port Moody Inn, get drunk for $6 and stagger home. With or with out company.
same logic behind Everclear.
zhena gogolia
Me too.
@Orange is the New Red: I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump tries to pull this off after it is clear he lost the election. That said, it would look so transparently awful – even worse than Ford’s pardon of Nixon – that I think the GOP would be consigning themselves to electoral oblivion for even longer. It also will not stop Letitia James and Cyrus Vance (or whoever takes over for him) from investigating him at the state level.
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose:
I do too.
@Alison Rose: He thinks we are all stupid and gullible. Nope, that’s just his 40%, not the rest of us.
I want this awful timeline to be over. This fucking guy is going to take us down at every level.
Alison Rose
@geg6: Masked up and ready to distantly mingle
Alison Rose
@zhena gogolia: And I hate that he makes me hate him. I don’t like hating people. But it’s so far beyond “dislike” or “detest” or anything else. It’s hatred.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: It’s that projection again. Maybe deep down somewhere in his black soul, he knows what a fucking dipshit he is, and so he thus assumes everyone else is also a fucking dipshit. See: demanding Obama’s college transcripts. NO WAY THE BLACK GUY COULD BE SMART IF I’M NOT!!!!!!!!
I sure wish there were drugs to make 70-somethings more alert at night. This might be my last post just because I’m sleepy. Biden oughta promise at the debate to make these drugs free. Actually, he ought to whip out a specimen bottle and say, “I’m willing to piss in this and get it tested if you are.” Trump would just plotz.
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose:
Yeah. I know. I’m a less good person for having had to think about him for four years.
Uncle Cosmo
@A Ghost to Most: And the surrounding regions. Our family summer vacations in the 1955-65 era were mostly spent by my aunt & uncle (who were also my godparents) on Pennsylvania Ave in Fairmont WV. Right across the street was a billboard that never advertised anything but beer, and only two Pittsburgh brands: Iron City alternated with Duquesne (which went defunct in 1972 but has recently resufaced). Never tasted either one.
zhena gogolia
This is actually something I can imagine Biden saying.
@Jay: Amazing coinkydink, ain’t it? Otherwise one might have to believe that Nazi Thiel was a Nazi after all.
@Jay: I’ve noticed that Nemesis seems not to be letting the grass grow under her feet these days.
@Yutsano: Aw naw. *Hell* naw. Me neither.
It is, so to speak, a belling-the-cat problem.
Most generic industrial American beer is not good beer. That’s not even the point. Coke is no good either but billions around the world drink it.
It’s cheap and inoffensive and goes down in great big gulps to wash down pretzels when sitting in a bar watching the Steelers. So good enough.
BudLightClamatoChilada* or go home.
*An actual product; I could not make this up.
Amir Khalid
Trump’s accusation baffles me. To my knowledge there is no such thing as a performance-enhancing drug for situations requiring mental performance. What does Trump imagine Biden is taking?
My parents owned a neighborhood tavern while I was growing up, and our beer on tap was Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. The big sign was right outside my bedroom window, because we lived in two apartments upstairs. (made into one)
My first sip of PBR was when I was 5.
@Alison Rose:
? Yeah. “Is this reality? Is this really happening? Can we reboot the simulator?”
The AQI in Seattle jumped up 100 points in the last 2 hours or so. We’re now in “very unhealthy” as we push towards 300.
And we’re hundreds of miles from the fires. I can’t imagine what OR is like.
@Amir Khalid: Trump has probably been hearing that he needs “smart pills” for much of his life.
Ergo …
And yes, projection. Who needs the movie theatres, when we have worldclass projection every day, courtesy of the deplorable enabling Republicans.
@WaterGirl: Now THAT’S a cool origin story.
November 2016, Wilmer? You ratfucking son of a bitch.
Here’s some wonderful photos to distract us from the ongoing disaster that is 2020.
Putting in a plug for Carl Hiaasen’s brand new book, Squeeze Me.
It is a book about Trump that will have you laughing rather than sobbing, and that’s worth the money/trip to the library. Plus, the dreadful one’s name is never, ever mentioned.
Set in Palm Beach, home to the ancient wealthy and expensively spoiled. And the Winter White House (“Casa Bellicosa”) of code name “Mastodon.” And his spouse who detests him, “Mockingbird.” Mastodon was so thrilled with his manly Secret Service code name that he demanded they lay on a visit to the National Zoo so he could see a live one. They tell him that, regrettably, the Zoo’s herd is on longterm loan in Christchurch, New Zealand.
No William Barrs or Giulianis or any other deplorable administration officials. Just lots of appalled Secret Service members. (“A pathogen,” despairs one, as he catches the latest impromptu Mastodon press conference.)
Don’t read the Washington Post review — it’s favorable, but way too many spoilers.
Since we are stuck with “Mastodon” for the immediate future, might as well laugh at the asshole. Hiaasen sure does. And at the Palm Beach gazillionaires who suck up to him. It’s a fast read, and a fun one.
Yer book reviewer,
Bonus: Fresh Air interview with Carl Hiaasen:
Author Carl Hiaasen Skewers Palm Beach And Florida Life In ‘Squeeze Me’
The Miami Herald columnist’s new novel is a mystery featuring wealthy widows, the president and first lady, a scrappy wildlife removal specialist, and some gigantic Burmese pythons. (transcript, and audio — 37 minutes)
Book Passage bookstore hosted a virtual event this week, with humorist Dave Barry interviewing Hiaasen. Click on “Read More” and register (it’s free), which will give you access to the hourlong program. Book Passage has great archives, and some upcoming events (Chasten Buttigieg, Jon Meacham on his John Lewis bio).
That’s certainly not something either of those two could play out in their heads, and it involves trump resigning. IOW actually quitting. He’s never done that before and he’s not into new, even new cheating. He is a character of his known. He ran for president because if Obama could do it it must have been simple. And all he ever does is simple. And that was when he was mentally far more stable. Which he seems to be anything but these days. I’m thinking vlad has a lot on a lot of republicans and going back quite a ways and that’s why they all fall in line and protect shitforbrains. It’s not just his ass on the line.
I drink Pabst every day.
Barr has a history of prosecutorial hitjobs. He attempted an October surprise on Clinton in 1992
Time was Pabst was for when we had enough money and didn’t have to buy Rolling Rock but couldn’t quite afford Schlitz. Iron City came in people’s backpacks after Xmas, or its variant Old Frothingslosh, The Pale Stale Ale With the Foam on the Bottom, a treat.
Just One More Canuck
@Jay: Molson Brador at the Beaver in Victoria
Mike in NC
@Amir Khalid: I imagine that in his younger days, Trump swallowed plenty of Viagra.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I am not the only one who thinks Trump will resign so Pence takes the blame for the election loss.
@Mike in NC: If we ever do I have no doubt we learn just how much more damage he caused than the Rosenberg and Walker spy rings put together. And for how little.
I would not be surprised he has in essence given away our birthright for what amounts to a mess of pottage.
@Alison Rose: Yep.
Tax cheats always assume everyone else cheats on theirs too.
Philanderers always assume everyone else has something on the side, or that any interactions with a woman is a maneuver to line it up.
White racists always assume Blacks will treat whites the same way if they were the majority and held power over their lives.
And so it goes.
@Amir Khalid: Trump imagines Biden must be taking such a drug because Biden is older but sharper.
Therefore Biden’s acuity must be due to some drug.
It’s what Trump would do if such a drug existed.
This orange fucker, he’s so transparent. He’s one huge fucking relentless and unmoderated id.
@Chief Oshkosh: He did bring the local favorite though, Iron City.
Chris T.
I remember the view from the windy day that exposed that big scar on his head. It’s evident that he had scalp-reduction surgery, which is where they take a chunk of skin out of the bald section and tighten up the remaining skin to spread it out, and probably also has had part of his scalp rotated in the process. This means that what was side-scalp is now front-scalp. This also explains the crazy hairdo.
Anyway, all of that means that at least some, and perhaps even most, of what’s on his head really is his hair. It just grows in weird directions.