Brief reminder that 9/11 is a great day to stay off social media for 24 straight hours
— Keir DuBois (@keirdubois) September 11, 2020
Perhaps we should take a lead from Guy Fawkes, and call this Doomscrolling Day…
Joe Biden plans to attend the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s 19th anniversary commemoration ceremony in New York City on Friday morning.
— Axios (@axios) September 11, 2020
Per the Washington Post:
… On Friday, Biden and Trump will appear on a field that memorializes the bravery and toughness of ordinary Americans, epitomized by the cry of “Let’s roll” as passengers attempted to retake the cockpit. Trump is scheduled to attend a 9:45 a.m. ceremony, which is closed to the public but will be streamed online. Biden’s campaign announced Thursday evening that he would be in New York on Friday morning for a ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, before traveling to Shanksville in the afternoon…
On Sept. 11, 2001, Biden’s daughter, then a college student, called him, begging him to leave Washington. The senator instead marched to the Capitol, reaching the steps before a police officer stopped him and told him a fourth plane — the one that would eventually crash in Shanksville — was heading toward Washington and, some thought, the Capitol.
Biden pushed back against pleas that members of Congress relocate to a bunker in West Virginia. He spoke by phone with President George W. Bush that evening, urging him to come back to Washington…
On the day of the attack, Trump was watching CNBC as it prepared to interview former General Electric CEO Jack Welch, when the network cut away to a scene of the first tower on fire. One of his first reactions when the planes hit was to call a television show to offer commentary.
He later visited Ground Zero, and he cited the attacks to challenge immigration policies, religious tolerance and the need for the very global alliances that Biden has spent years embracing…
… and he’s been waving the sooty shirt ever since. Also, of course, grifting:
The Trump administration has secretly siphoned nearly $4 million away from a program that tracks and treats FDNY firefighters and medics suffering from 9/11 related illnesses. via ?@NYDailyNews?
— Michiko Kakutani (@michikokakutani) September 10, 2020
Speaking of disasters, thoughts & prayers for those already suffering from climate change…
Imagine showing this tweet to yourself a year ago and explaining "oh no, the masks aren't because the sky is orange, that's for a different thing."
— Meredith Haggerty (@manymanywords) September 9, 2020
La Nina, the cooler flip side of the better known El Nino, has formed in the Pacific Ocean, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says. La Nina usually means more Atlantic storms, drought in the Southwest, and perhaps worse California fires.
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 10, 2020
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
Fun fact: Fire kills the virus.
@germy: Nice.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Because of course Trump is stealing money from heroes. Sadly, this is only the second worst 911-type thing he’s done. Most unforgivable was his statement on 9/11/01, just after the towers fell, that his building was now the tallest in Manhattan.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@germy: Suddenly, I’m a big fan of this woman I’d never heard of before, this Maggie O’Keefe.
Just checked: yup, still quietly furious.
Not as unhinged as Arabia yelling “No prisoners!” but about that mood in practical terms.
A Ghost to Most
@Baud: Welcome to the occupation. See you at the book burning.
I just read that KC fans booed the BLM unity show between the Chiefs and the Texans last night, which involved no kneeling.
I meant, the movie Lawrence of Arabia. Now my point is completely lost.
Par for the course…
Betty Cracker
@germy: Retweeted! That’s hilarious!
The Oracle of Solace
Morning, all.
Well, I saw the Dune trailer (on mute), and I’m kind of disappointed. It was just shots of the Harkonnen homeworld, Geidi Prime—vast cityscapes under a hellish orange sky—with nothing about the rest of the movie at all.
No, sorry, was watching San Francisco news with no sound. Gotta go check on my Bay Area cousins now.
@Baud: You gotta love Miserians. Not.
Yes. They steal from them, and I ?? at the excuses from his firefighter supporters
The excuse/justification I heard was that the people who would attend an NFL game during COVID are that type of people who would boo equality.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Today will mark the usual stentorian intonations of commemorations by conservatives regarding 9/11. They’ll talk about the depth of feeling they have, and how fresh and raw it still seems.
The event took place 19 years ago.
Now, juxtapose that with Reagan opening his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi and bleating about “states’ rights”, barely 16 years after 3 courageous young people from more enlightened places were murdered by a police department in a conspiracy with the Klan for the crime of registering African Americans to vote.
Undoubtedly, some of the perpetrators of that heinous crime were in the crowd, nodding approvingly and saying “yes, I can support this, this is the candidate for me”.
That should have been the end of his bid, but sadly, it wasn’t.
John S.
@Baud: They were expressing their economic anxiety.
@John S.:
Well, that has me looking forward even more to volunteering as a textbanker.
@SiubhanDuinne: We’ve got good people on our side.
And they can spell.
@germy: Good.
People moving from northern cities to Florida because of the virus, says Today Show.
“Doesn’t surprise me at all. Good ole Missouri is no different from Mississippi”
Yea, but “the South”
As a volunteer textbanker, I will naturally be on our side. It wasn’t Maggie O’Keefe who committed the “baby’s” atrocity.
Uncommon census: a touch of historical trivia. What does a 19th century intellectual who finds time hanging heavy on his hands do to fill it?
The data, tabulated.
“I’ve heard that if you somehow inject it inside the body, it works like a vaccine … [turns to Birx] Someone’s checking into that, right? Maybe if they combine it with bleach [Ed. note: Or, for Ozark: “combine it with blech”], that could work? Can you get back to me or Jared on that?”
@Baud: More than a little truth to that, I suspect.
ETA and considering how much worse Covid is for black folks, I also suspect there weren’t many in attendance.
“The 1969 song “Fortunate Son,” by Creedence Clearwater Revival, blared as Air Force One arrived to crowds of Trump supporters at MBS International Airport in Freeland, Michigan, on Thursday.“
What’s next, You’re So Vain or Sympathy for the Devil?
I thought I read — but may have misread or misinterpreted — that the Texans returned to their locker room for both the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “Lift Every Voice.” If that’s what happened, I’m not sure what their point was.
@SFAW: The smile on the interviewer’s face at that moment. Like the cheshire cat with a canary in his mouth.
from the Guardian:
ETA Pretty weaselly to my ears.
Another One Bites the Dust.
The Detroit Free Press coverage of Donald Trump’s rally yesterday is a beautiful thing:
I wish only that they had also covered the rest of the Trump Family speeches, which were also all lies. I think it’s worth noting that this entire family is made up of pathological liars, including the spouses and the girlfriends. That’s pretty unusual, to have that kind of family-wide inability to tell the truth.
@germy: How’d we end up in the world that had Trump?
@Baud: Maybe he’s in all of them.
Short straw.
They only used CCR because they couldn’t find any copies of anything by Clifford Joseph Trahan, whose songs were, apparently, “rib-tickling satire.”
ETA: The only “rib-tickling” should be that performed by a Louisville Slugger on Trahan’s ribs.
@germy: My God!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kay: Yay for the Detroit Free Press. My mother used to work there. So did Lou Grant.
Seems to me that the only way that could happen is if they only showed up for one of them. Somehow, the Chiefs managed to be on-field for both. I wonder which one the Texans would be “throwing shade on.”
God has nothing to do with it.
Maybe when 45 visits the Flight 93 field he’ll wonder aloud, “What was in it for them?”
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Wait, what? Are they coming for the higher positive test rates?
The governor called because the state is on fire but the thousands of Trump hires never got around to calling her back. 5 hours of Fox news daily, but no time for anyone to return a phone call.
@SFAW: Like I said, weaselly.
Just occurred to me that this is the first national election in which people who were not yet in existence at the time can vote.
You were and are being FAR too kind to them.
@Betty Cracker:
It looks like the NYT did the original story a week ago.
Just One More Canuck
@oldgold: yakety sax
This woman was removed from a Trump rally because she took photos of the maskless crowd.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
The key seems to be pretty simple- you don’t promote the lies for the first 500 words and then add a weak rebuttal after the fact. Flip that around and it not only imparts more information more clearly, it’s better organized.
It’s weird how the cancel culture police force consistently miss actual state threats to free speech.
@Kay: Agreed, although I’ll point out that if a Dem president lied like that, the story and the headline would be about how the president lies.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Oh great, so it’s wealthy shitbags buying McMansions, people who will probably vote for Trump and to reelect DeSantis. And here I thought one upside of the pandemic was its potential to slow irresponsible, environmentally destructive development in S FL.
@Kay: Trump is going full on retaliatory. He’s denied funding for Michigan NG while funding NG in other states. He also just signed a moratorium on offshore drilling that starts in Florida and mysteriously ends at the NC/SC border, excluding NC and VA. In NC it will, if anything, hurt him in a heavily Republican part of the state that relies on tourism and pretty uniformly opposes oil exploration. Maybe it’s a sign that he knows he going to lose and now he’s just acting out.
Betty Cracker
@germy: Ironic, isn’t it? Trump basically tells pandemic-stricken NYC to drop dead, and the cultists cheer him on. But every September 11, they hump flags right on cue. I look forward to the day 9/11 passes like any other goddamned day.
Today is the day they finish the final bits–touching up some paint, putting one wall plate on, and taking away all of their tools (not many here, but some stuff). The tiles are VERY BRIGHT, but will also have stuff in front of them on the counter. The paint guy just informed me he likes it, that he’s used to lots of white tile. And tomorrow my dad turns 90, and I wish I could be there with him; instead, I’m sending cheese (9 varieties–one for each decade–including a horseradish cheddar, because he loves horseradish) from a local cheese store.
The part of MO I live in wanted to secede with the rest of the Southern states during the Civil War. It’s every bit as “Confederate” in many places as Mississippi was. MO was a divided state during the Civil War, but the state government was for the Union. In my city we have what I believe is the only national cemetery with a section where Confederate soldiers are buried.
@Betty Cracker:
They don’t care about New Yorkers. They venerate 9/11 because its the flash point for their war on dark-skinned people and the liberals who love them.
Seconded here. It’s just another yellow-ribbon car magnet for most at this point. If people want to show how much they love this country, or respect first responders, there are actual, concrete ways to do that.
Speaking of which…today is drop-off-yard-signs day here at the Fro household! The combined Biden/Harris/Warner/Webb ones are a little stark & serious but maybe that’s the point this election. Most of the folks on my list have “leave at front door” selected but a few have “put in my yard”. The nerve! What kind of concierge service do they think this is? ;)
If you knew the Chiefs fans at my pub, you’d understand. Many (but not all) of them are hardcore Trumpers who believe racism is overblown, if everyone just obeyed the police everything would be fine, the press is going to stop talking about COVID after the election, etc.
It really bothers me. It really bothers me that California and Oregon are burning and the thousands of federal employees we’re all paying in the Trump Administration won’t help because they’re petty, venal political operatives.
I resent paying them. They don’t do their jobs. I’m sick of carrying this low quality, deadbeat Trump organization. He should pay them. I would never have hired them. They’re the bottom 10%.
Without minimizing the gravity of what happened, or the profound impact it had on people’s lives, our worst disasters are those that have been self-inflicted. Maybe that’s why we find it irresistible to memorialize 9/11 so thoroughly. Yes, I will definitely keep off social media today but probably for reasons other than those that prompted the suggestion.
It’s what happened with ebola. So once again, it’s projection in their part.
The official spokesperson for the US DOJ is a liar:
Check out the twitter. They’ve turned it into Fox news.
Just to recap- they now lie in the pleadings they file in courts, the AG lies in statements every day, and their spokesperson is a Trump zombie liar.
They’re bleeding credibility. There won’t be any left by November, let alone after 4 more years of this. They’re a joke. No one should rely on anything they do or say. If they’ll lie about this they’ll lie about the other.
Patricia Kayden
@WereBear: Pedantically, you meant Lawrence, in Lawrence of Arabia,
unhinged, when he yells ‘No Prisoners’.
@Soprano2: Back in the real world, I fully expect the press to talk more about COVID if Biden wins. “Why haven’t you fixed this!?!?”
Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2020 finalists – in pictures
My favorite: “It’s not safe anymore with all these biker gangs.”
If we win on November, someone should try to bring an action where people who were prosecuted under Barr’s DOJ have an opportunity for a professional, unbiased review of their cases. Just his public statements alone are a pack of lies. Why would his work or the work of the people he supervises be any more reliable? It’s likely all low quality garbage.
A Ghost to Most
@germy: Man has created thousands of gods. All just as false as the rest.
Ethical people won’t stay working for Barr, who is corrupt. What that means is the quality will plummet further as the better people quit and are replaced by people who won’t object to ethical and professional violations. It will be much, much worse six months from now.
@A Ghost to Most:
Baud, on the other hand, is true.
@Kay: That makes no sense from a legal perspective. And she’s ignoring the real question, which is why is the DOJ trying to ensure that the case is “over”?
They know it’s bad. That’s why they sent out this hack to lie about it.
@Kay: Even the cases where they have gone after the sleezy Trump activists were probably just them being directed by Giuliani to eliminate rivals for Trump’s attention.
We’re footing the bill for the sleazy Trump family’s legal issues. If they succeed they’ll stick us with hundreds of lawsuits- they’re sued constantly.
@A Ghost to Most
Say what you will, the Great Prophet Zarquon kept to his word.
@A Ghost to Most:
Sabbath – a weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh.
(Ambrose Bierce)
zhena gogolia
I’m afraid the people he’s killed and is continuing to kill by reviving the Federal death penalty won’t have a chance to try that.
They manipulated DHS and DOJ information on the protests- deliberate deception. It calls the validity and trustworthiness of the investigations and prosecutions of protesters into question. They deserve a review by professionals who honor the oaths they took.
Find it passing amusing that the instruction booklet for my stove includes a section on how to use the “Sabbath setting.”
@zhena gogolia:
Well, luckily there are lots and lots of smart lawyers. We can easily replace the cowards who went along with this. These aren’t employees at the meatpacking plants who had to come to work if they wanted to eat. These are educated, skilled professionals and any one of them could have stood up and objected- none of them did. It’s assumed that ratting out your corrupt boss might lose you your job. There’s no exception for that. You have to do it anyway. Obviously. If there were an exception for “corrupt boss” the ethical rules wouldn’t mean anything, because they’re designed to cull out corrupt bosses.
the city of St Louis was pro-south, pro-slavery. Lincoln stationed union troops to contain the city dwellers.
outstate Missourians, being mostly Lutherans fleeing the Kaiser, despised slavery and wanted to hold the Union together. They also planted some good vineyards.
times change, alignments change, and Ozark can point out how the City and the County are 98% blue. Unions and black Americans kept us sane.
@Betty Cracker:
I was barely conceived on December 7, 1941 — I’m quite sure my mother didn’t even know she was pregnant (my parents had been married only three weeks). When I was a very little girl, Pearl Harbor Day was kind of a big deal, a sombre occasion everywhere, and a fine teaching opportunity in elementary school. But 19 years later — 1960 — I was 18, paying some attention to politics and public affairs, and I don’t recall anything for PH like the kind of media and ceremonial attention generated each year by 9/11. What attention was paid to PH was brisk and respectful, not the sobbing, maudlin coverage 9/11 gets to this day. Not at all denigrating the very real pain suffered by thousands of families, and the shock that we as a nation experienced; just registering my amazement that a tear and a catch in the throat is still the go-to emotional hook for so many TV/cable anchors*. At this point, it only feels manipulative. Apologies to anyone I might have offended. I’m not denying others’ grief.
*Looking at you in particular, Mika Brzezinski.
@NotMax: Probably for those of the more conservative Jewish sects. Or at least that’s what popped into my head.
Happy 90th to your dad! He and my own father would have fought over the horseradish cheddar — I think horseradish was my dad’s favourite flavour in the world :-)
Unlike George W. Bush, FDR won the ensuing war and did so relatively quickly.
As with wines, my preference in horseradish runs significantly more to the red than than the white.
As a kidlet, a cherished snack was to slap together a horseradish sandwich.
Chyron HR
“Fact: Trump is a king, exempt from all laws”
Wow, you sure showed those loony libs, Kerri.
Good point.
@Baud: Well, we didn’t go bomb Mexico after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
Nope, we went and bombed Libya.
@NotMax: The Libyans know what they did.
Good Morning!
We are still with our friends near Oregon City, where we have been since evacuating from the Santiam/Beachie fire in the wee hours Monday morning. Yesterday afternoon our current haven was bumped up to a level 2 “be set” evac status. Level 3 “get out” evac zone was moved to within 10 miles of here. All this was accompanied by news the firefighters were retreating as their situation was too dangerous. A tense afternoon. We’ve have friends that will take in the cats and us in west Portland if we have to flee again. Slept well last night.
Situation at home seems to be stabilizing. As I said yesterday our house is fine. About half the neighborhood homes burned. Got an email from the power company that they are working on power to our house. With widespread power failures to fix I don’t think they bother if it looks like the fires would ruin it again.
Sitting here in limbo waiting for the dice to roll
@NotMax: I had an au pair who spent her first year working for a family that was vigilant about observing all Jewish holidays, even the “minor” ones. They would turn their oven on Friday before sundown and not turn it off until sundown on Saturday. When she first started working with them, she thought they had left it on by mistake and turned it off. When they told her what they were doing she turned it back on (they told her they couldn’t ask her to turn it on). So the Sabbath setting most likely allows the oven to automatically set to on/off based on pre-programmed times, which can be entered before sundown on the Sabbath day, and correspond to when you are likely to be using the oven to cook.
There was a horrifying fire in NYC a few years ago that killed six of seven sleeping kids, which was caused by a hot plate keeping food warm for the Sabbath.
@Kelly: Sending you wishes for good luck. What a horrifying situation. So sorry for your entire community.
@SiubhanDuinne: There’s also an Irish porter cheddar in the mix. Along with Affinois truffle, taleggio, two bellavitanos (one wrapped in balsamic, one in merlot), huntsman, and an 11-year cheddar. They were out of the morbier and the mimolette.
@narya: Tell your father he can come sit by me.
@OzarkHillbilly: He will not want to be sharing. I just wish I could have sent along some venison ring bologna to go with it; I always bring some of that, and a couple of jars of homemade sauerkraut as well.
Yeah, my dad would have loved all those. As would I. What a great gift for your father!
The kid posted a pic on the book of faces of her and her friend on an airplane getting ready to head to Alaska. I’m envious.
@SiubhanDuinne: I was kind of stressing, because I hadn’t even gotten him a card, but then I had an inspiration, and there is a cheese store near them, and the store had JUST reopened after a two-week vacation. So I get to support a local business, too. And I know he’ll love it, and it’s consumable, not a “thing.”
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: It feels incredibly manipulative — well said.
TS (the original)
Live updates on WaPo
12:46 AM
Pence stops by firehouse first to respond to to 9/11 attacks
12:07 AM
Biden, at 9/11 site in New York, shares grief with woman whose son died in attacks
11:14 PM
Trump observes moment of silence on Air Force One
It’s crazy. I know people who lose themselves all day in this coverage and seethe with anger. It’s disturbing. Meanwhile we’ve lost many, many more people to tragedy since then. Just look at the pandemic, it’s like a 9/11 every other day. The obsession is really because this was perpetrated by people with a different hue to their skin and funny sounding names. I mean “Trump,” really? What kind of name is that? Oh, sorry, got my wires crossed and was talking about the pandemic again.
gin & tonic
@TS (the original): I see they adjust the timestamps of the live updates to your timezone. I was confused there for a minute.
This must be the most effort he put into anything toddling down a ramp.
They fervently believe that the only reason the press is talking about COVID is to hurt Trump. I’ve heard this from several regular customers. I keep telling them that it won’t go away after the election because disease doesn’t work like that, and they say “Yeah but the press will quit obsessing about it, they’re only doing that to hurt Trump”.
Captain C
@SFAW: I suspect that Trump Flamethrower Syringes will do as well as his other product lines.
Captain C
@oldgold: Beck’s “Loser.”
“I’m a loser baaaaby/So why don’t you kill me?”
Oh yeah, totally, within a week they’ll start asking why Biden hasn’t fixed it, and they’ll completely forget that Trump was president when it started.
gin & tonic
So Rudy didn’t suspect Derkach was a Russian agent because, wait for it, Derkach didn’t tell him he was a Russian agent.
I’m not making this up.
@Soprano2: Hell, they’ll probably ask why Biden hasn’t fixed it if he wins the election and before the inauguration.
@gin & tonic: Rudy isn’t very bright.
Within a week of his election. They won’t even wait til inauguration, like Trump taking credit for Obama’s awful economy becoming great under Trump.
@WereBear: I got and it’s a searing image. The great O’Toole in the role of a lifetime. Good image given the context. From an almost always lurker.
John Cooper
@oldgold: My favorites – two songs from Pink Floyd’s The Wall:
Run Like Hell “Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters as the cockleshell shatters
And the hammers batter down your door
You better run!” and Waiting for the Worms “Waiting for the queens and the coons
And the reds and the Jews
Waiting to follow the worms”
OR … Shankill Butchers “The Shankill butchers on the rise
They’re waiting until the dead of nights
They’re picking at their fingers with their knives
And wiping off their cleavers on their thighs”OR Theme from The Exorcist
OR Helter Skelter OR Look at Your Game Girl OR Lucifer Rising OR I Love the Dead OR … the list goes on and on – time for appropriate music for this death cult
@gin & tonic: Hasn’t Rudy been selling himself as a security consultant?
“Our first principle of investigation is that the bad guys will tell us they are, in fact, bad guys.”
Emma from FL
@Kropacetic: I think this time they will find there will be push back. Biden’s people seem to have taken the lesson about fighting back to heart.
Gin & Tonic
@Ken: Well, isn’t it the rule that the cop has to tell you he’s a cop?
@gin & tonic: In Rudy’s mind, a high ranking mobster and thug superseded a little whiff of espionage.
Sloane Ranger
@?BillinGlendaleCA: They already have. I don’t remember when it happened or who asked the question but I do remember Biden patiently pointing out that he’s NOT currently the President, just the guy running to be the next one and has no power at the moment to do anything other than set an example and push sensible control strategies.
@Emma from FL: Problem is, people repeat it and it becomes that thing everybody knows that just isn’t so. Lately I’ve been hearing a resurgence of people blaming Obama for all the jobs lost early in his term, even though the financial crisis had started months earlier.
People just casually spread lies among each other in public and if you try to correct them, you’re the asshole.
@Kropacetic: I recall an NPR man in the street interview about 6 weeks after Obama took office. The guy had been a “huge Obama supporter” he said but he was hugely disappointed that Obama “hadn’t fixed the economy yet and I wish I hadn’t voted for him now”. It was one of my early hints that NPR was growing rather fluffy and both sider-ish. Also that some of our allies can be pretty damned stupid.
@narya: What a thoughtful gift for your dad!
I think of today, Nov 22, and December 7 as “National Let me Tell You About my Conspiracy Theory” days.
@NotMax: probably a pilotlight? I think the rule that oven control is under is ‘not kindling a fire ‘ on the sabbath.
I wonder if you could put lights on rheostats, and switch them barely on
and leave them?
@SiubhanDuinne: Great comment, SD.
I hate the phony September 11 coverage. It’s depressing to see a tragedy perverted into political signaling.
I mourn for the lives lost (then, and from aftereffects), and lost in the ridiculous Iraq War that followed. Just learned this week that I have a friend who had 2 friends on one of the 9/11 airliners.
Shame on Mika B. She has none, but shame.
September 11, to me, is a day to reflect on the value of honesty, empathy, truth-telling, and the pain of how that attack was so perverted by US politicians and a lot of Americans who should have known better. (I know a few wised up to the manipulation, after the fact.)
But Bush kept us safe. They told me so.
Saw that on the TV. People suck sometimes. Not everyone, but people who would boo other people who are exercising their first amendment rights.
Both sides were exercising their first amendment rights. But only one side’s message had morality on its side.
With a few very noteworthy exceptions.
Captain C
@Kropacetic: WASHINGTON, D.C.–November 5, 2020:
“It’s Day 2 of the COVID crisis, and Joe Biden still hasn’t done anything to fix it. Maga Haberman and Glenn ‘Serial Harasser’ Thrush look at the total inaction and depravity of the Biden Administration, page A1” — The FTFNYT
While fires are all over the west coast region but the one closest to me, the Bobcat fire is still burning and has grown, in 5 days to over 26,300 acres. Most of the area has not burned for over 60 yrs so the fuel is there, the terrain is very inaccessible and steep so most of the control is around the fire zone and water drops are really the only way to fight it. 7 cities are on evacuation notice, not the entire cities, just the northern sections. But many places have built into the hilly areas over the last 50 yrs so a lot of homes are susceptible to the fire. Home I grew up in is in one of evacuation areas. Ash is still falling where I live and work and my car looks like it was abandoned quite a while ago.
Not sure but given who is president and all the fires, but the concept of an apocalypse seems at least possible.