The Justinian Plague was likely brought to Europe by the Huns. It wiped out about half the population of Europe.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 21, 2020
Pretty neat how all it took for this normal-seeming swing state Republican to start spitting Charlottesville slogans was to be publicly implicated in a massive Coronavirus blood money stock dumping scheme.
Turns out the real last refuge of scoundrels is white supremacy.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) July 16, 2020
By the end of the month, Loeffler will be walking around in one of these [NSFW] ‘masks‘, for the lulz.
And she still won’t have sunk as low as her Dear Leader this week:
Have you no sense of decency, sir?
— Karen Tumulty (@ktumulty) September 21, 2020
As President Trump continues to cast doubt on #RBG's "most fervent wish," here is the attorney Clara Spera, the late justice's granddaughter, reading the statement, and describing how she transcribed and confirmed it, to @BBCWorld's @raziaiqbal today:
— David Gura (@davidgura) September 21, 2020
Strictly for Kelly.
Spoiler alert: he did not.
Splitting Image
Attila the Hun tried and failed to conquer Persia, Constantinople, and Rome, settled for plundering the smaller cities and rural areas in between the major centres of power, and left his empire on the verge of collapse when he died. Even the Western Roman Empire outlasted him.
I can see the resemblence to the modern Republican party.
Viva BrisVegas
Attila the Hun suffered from economic anxiety.
John Revolta
Kelly Loeffler is married to the guy who owns the New York Stock Exchange. She never held public office in her life until last year when she was crowned a US Senator by Brian *spit* Kemp, who appointed himself Gov. of Georgia, also last year. Y’all probably know this stuff, but I feel it can’t be said enough.
These are the kinds of people we’re dealing with.
Where does the BLM anti-semitism in Kelly’s tweet come from? (At guess I’d say her fevered mind, but who knows?)
Where o where are the cuddly gray pre-dawns of yesteryear?
@Debbie(Aussie): Projection?
@John Revolta: Ironically, I read at the time of Loeffler’s appointment that Brian Kemp had noted the purple trend in Georgia that helped Lucy McBath flip a suburban Atlanta congressional seat held by republicans for decades, and almost put Stacy Abrams in the Governor’s mansion. So Kemp appointed Loeffler, hoping to shore up support among the suburban women he needs for reelection in 2022. Now Loeffler and Doug Collins are in a race to the MAGA bottom, thoroughly trashing each other on the way down. Not good for Georgia republicans, and not good for Kemp.
@Sally: that’s a possibility that didn’t come to mind. RWNJs project like lighthouses, none more so than the conspiracy nut job in chief.
@NotMax: You can always go gawk at the thread of delusion and cray-cray immediately previous to this.
@Geminid: Hopefully Warnock has a chance for a runoff, because the contrast would be amazing. That is by no means assured because it could be Collins and Loeffler. We’d have to wait two years to unseat the whacko.
A nightmare woke me at 3:30 am . In my dream, trump and barr attempted to toss out the votes of those in Seattle, Portland and NYC because they are anarchists. Also Barrett wants to go after our birth control. Either is a possibility though.
John Revolta
@Geminid: Yeah they’ve got Son of Lieberman down there too. What a bunch of idiots.
No kidding. Wow.
@satby:I almost hate to ask but I dread even more going there.
@OzarkHillbilly: Can’t even really recap it, just needs to be viewed in all it’s
Being a walking garbage heap.
@satby: Haha
Tony Jay
Black Lives Matter = Black Panthers = Nation of Islam = Anti-Semitic
Deeply ingrained cognitive grooves allow a surprising amount of unconnected shit to flow downriver to their mouths.
@NotMax: Recently I watched Deadwind on Netflix, and I wondered if you recommended it. Anyway I really enjoyed it.
I am almost certain someone in Loeffler’s campaign confused Genghis Khan, who did attack China, with Attila the Hun, who emphatically did not. “Destroying western civilization” is not something the GOP usually boasts about.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
30 Rock predicted the modern Republican Party a decade ago in Brooklyn Without Limits with candidate Steve Austin (played by John Slattery).
Toward the end of the episode he debuts the new national anthem he wrote which goes: Ooga Booga big! Ooga Booga strong! I’m gonna sing my Ooga Booga song! It’s Steve Austins all the way down now.
In my memory hole, the phrase ” somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun” has never been a good thing.
How times change.
@Tony Jay: you know that you are jumping decades and philosophies, right???
zhena gogolia
@Splitting Image:
Somebody theorized that she got him mixed up with Genghis Khan.
zhena gogolia
He was explaining the thought process of the wingnuts.
Ha! Trump won it last time by NINE. This one is funny too because it’s men versus women. Trump has a huge advantage with men across the board and Biden has the same with women.
Tony Jay
Devil’s Avocadoing for the thought processes that would lead your average Foxified Gooper to easily equate BLM with anti-Semitism.
I could have shortened it to ‘Those People’ are all alike.
@Kay: Men vs. women. In John’s thread, people are worrying about being vulnerable if Trump loses. Probably the people most likely to be harmed are women who live with abusive Trump men who suspect they voted for Biden.
What is the best way to contact companies like FedEx to let them know I will not ship with them until they stop supporting Kelly the Hun? I couldn’t find an email address. I found a “Virtual Support Assistant” page, but I’m not sure if that would make it through.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Splitting Image: It’s sort of like no one wants to be a Nazi in 1946.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well except the Mongols spared people who knew how to do things like scribes and massacred the peasants. Hmm actually, that still works for the modern GOP.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Well, the ad did say she was to the *right* of whichever conquering tyrant was drifting through their uneducated pea-brains.
@trnc: Best way to reach a company is often to tweet at it.
Chris Johnson
@JPL: Well spotted. “We don’t count votes from anarchist jurisdictions because, being lawless places, all the votes are tampered with and invalid”.
Which would be why Barr named the very places you mentioned, as ‘anarchist jurisdictions’ (which I don’t think has any legal meaning at all).
Of course they are already preparing to try that. Would it work? UHHHHH that’s a whole other question. Just because some asshole is fixing to try something truly outrageous does not mean he will succeed.
This is why we have a Lincoln Project. The Trump people are trying to stampede their OWN PEOPLE past what would normally be a line. They’re stomping all over things conservatives normally treat with sanctity, like military dead and electoral process. Republicans are used to assuming that it’s US who violate all that stuff, but they’re being jockeyed into violating it themselves twice as hard, and not all of them play along.
@trnc: Just in case you check back:
FedEx Executive Office, Address (i.e., the corporate HQ)
942 S Shady Grove Rd, Memphis, TN 38120