Life imitates snark!
"can we lift that please?"
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) September 23, 2020
But does it separate?
My work here is done…
Open thread!
by Adam L Silverman| 35 Comments
This post is in: Humorous, Open Threads, The War On Women
Life imitates snark!
"can we lift that please?"
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) September 23, 2020
But does it separate?
My work here is done…
Open thread!
Comments are closed.
Another form of saying the quiet parts out loud.
OMG, that’s too funny.
I can’t tell from the short clip. Are the Fox hosts going to the studio, or working from their basements, as they tell people how important it is to open the country up? I know a lot of their guests are joining from their underground bunkers.
Dammit Silverman…
(Okay I giggled but still)
Tired of waiting on this work phone call. Need shower, food, and coffees.
Biden, or Bust…
I posted this in the last thread, but as this is the comedy thread I’ll repost:
Right wingers practicing their self defense. – h/t Avalune
Good one(s)!
J R in WV
Sweet comedy nuts. Pretty well selected, Adam !!!
Her gestures are really interesting… who knew the on air talent can see the live feed?!?!!!…
That wasn’t how it worked when I was in TV production…
Director: “Camera 2, it’s called face detection.”
Note to self: despite the intervening decades, still fourteen.
I checked, and even Idiocracy didn’t go there. So Fox is ahead of schedule.
tim not so posh
a recurring Benny Hill gag: “Zoom in on the trophies.”
John Revolta
What a pair of twits.
Had to be a dare or side bet between the camera man and one of his idiot friends.
@J R in WV: I worked with an old time director who referred to such a shot as a “Montana”. He explained that he wanted to see the Twin Beauts.
Alternatively he would refer to the shot as a Jane Russell.
Tom Levenson
@Anotherlurker: File this under film jargon I did not know.
As George Takai might say, “Oh, my.”
Adam L Silverman
@Ken: They’re all working remotely with green screens. The control room puts the backgrounds in behind them
Another Scott
@Leto: Self-defense imitates Millennium Challenge 2002.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
A librarian friend of mine learned early in life that when confronted with cleavage it was best to focus on the woman’s eyes and take notice of their color. For some women, that would’ve been a novelty, to not talk to the top of a man’s head for once.
One day a statuesque woman came in wearing a mostly unbuttoned shirt without a bra. He said, “Violet eyes, you never see violet eyes.” She was a student teacher and looking for a children’s book called “It’s Pumpkin Time.” As my friend said, keeping a straight face was difficult, but eye contact wasn’t. He’s passed this on to his nephews and trainees.
Hey, it’s called mobilizing your base to turnout!
Does anyone really ever mature past 14?
I mean we try some days but in the end we always end up there.
Uncle Cosmo
Cue the immor(t)al scene from Young Frankenstein!n!
(NB that’s pronounced “Frahnkenshteen,” as in “Knock this way”…) :^p
Gives new meaning to “Pack the Court”.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ruckus: I’ve been married 40 years and I still get occasionally scolded for where I’m looking so no, I don’t think we males get much past 14.
@J R in WV: It’s called a monitor and it’s pretty common or was when I last checked.
ETA: I don’t know if she’s using a monitor if she’s at home.
Another Scott
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin): Ah yes, violet eyes…
At 0:38 – (4:13)
Ditto. I spit our my iced coffee!!
A Tad Overweight, but Violet Eyes to Die For?
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin): I have non-neurotypical issues which means problems looking people in the face. One trick I use is to force myself to determine the eye color of anyone I’m talking to.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I’ve known a few females that couldn’t seem to hide it any better than most men. Most of the ones that do in my circles are lesbians.
Anonymous At Work
“Can we lift that please?”
“I don’t know, looks like the surgeon lifted those as much as possible already.”
I’ll be here all pandemic, folks!
Fox News? Who knew?
Ohio Mom
This clip might be the most honest moment on Fox, ever. No pretending about their MO here.