Dogs that sniff out Covid, a unique face mask and a bike race with a difference ?♀️
Take a look at these video highlights, that you might have missed
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) September 26, 2020
This week, Trump was asked whether lives could have been saved if the country had shut down 2 or 3 weeks earlier.
“Nobody really thought to do that,” he said.
Actually, someone did. Trump threatened to fire her, and he opposed the idea for 3 fatal weeks.
— Will Saletan (@saletan) September 26, 2020
It's not just that the infection numbers will once again rise over this election homestretch, it's that Trump will hold rallies in areas where Covid is resurgent and act like it's not.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) September 26, 2020
President Fuckopotamus is hosting daily Disease Rallies. Many schools and universities reopened. Florida just fully reopened bars and restaurants.
And case counts are rising in 28 states.
Its almost like there is a connection in there somewhere.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) September 26, 2020
AP PHOTOS: Nearly 1 million coronavirus deaths have been recorded worldwide to date, according to data tracked by Johns Hopkins University. The effects were global — but also personal.
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 26, 2020
I've seen a lot of 'only the US has conspiracy theorists and anti-mask protests'. It's all over Europe too, alas.
— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) September 26, 2020
“The health of every country depends on the whole world having access to a safe and effective vaccine”
UK PM Boris Johnson pledges £500m to new global vaccine-sharing scheme
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) September 26, 2020
Virus testing laboratories in France are under intense strain amid a resurgence in COVID-19 cases.
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) September 26, 2020
Italy’s coronavirus “Patient No. 1” is taking part in a relay race as a sign of hope after he himself recovered from weeks in intensive care. Mattia Maestri, 38, says he's thrilled to even be alive to participate between Italy's first two virus hot spots.
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) September 26, 2020
Spanish government urges authorities in Madrid to tighten coronavirus restrictions across the city
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) September 26, 2020
Czech Republic reports 1,985 new coronavirus cases
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 27, 2020
Moscow is urging its businesses to reinstate work-from-home measures and elderly residents to avoid going outside starting next week as the city sees a new uptick in coronavirus cases, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said
— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) September 25, 2020
Australia's Victoria state to ease COVID-19 restrictions as cases slow
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 27, 2020
No new cases of #COVID19 were diagnosed in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, with the total number of cases in NSW remaining at 4,029.
The last time NSW had no new cases in a reporting period was on 10 June.
— NSW Health (@NSWHealth) September 27, 2020
China gives unproven #Covid19 vaccines to thousands with risks unknown
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 26, 2020
Hundreds of thousands of people have taken one of the four leading vaccine candidates in China.
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 26, 2020
As the global death toll from COVID-19 approaches 1 million, several African countries have not experienced the high toll that had been predicted. That has invited complacency.
— AP Africa (@AP_Africa) September 26, 2020
Mexico's confirmed coronavirus cases up to 726,431: health ministry
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 27, 2020
Tiny airborne viral particles may pose big SARSCoV2 transmission issues. At Univ of Maryland, infected people recite the alphabet, sing or cough into the Gesundheit II cone. Tiny particles can linger in the air for minutes to hrs upping infection potential
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 27, 2020
T cells decline dramatically with age and they're needed to fight viral infections: How the aging immune system makes older people vulnerable to #Covid19
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 26, 2020
Black doctors want to vet vaccine process, worried about years of medical racism
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 26, 2020
World's 1st study comparing immune responses of hospitalized adults vs. children w/ COVID19. Kids fared significantly better. Adults: 37% needed mechanical ventilation but only 8% of kids. 17 adults & 3 children died. Image: How the virus infects
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 26, 2020
I cannot tell you how many times I heard the argument, incl from experts, that masking in the community setting would lead to less social distancing.
In this study from Thailand, people who masked consistently were *more* likely to social distance.
— Abraar Karan (@AbraarKaran) September 24, 2020
Colleges across the country are struggling to salvage the fall semester as campus coronavirus cases skyrocket and tensions with local health leaders flare. Schools have locked down dorms, imposed mask mandates and barred student fans from football games.
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 26, 2020
YY_Sima Qian
Yesterday, China reported 0 new domestic confirmed cases and 0 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 14 new imported confirmed cases and 27 imported asymptomatic cases:
Today, Hong Kong reported 6 new cases, 1 from local transmission, source of transmission is unknown.
Tony Jay
Good Morning everybody.
The relentless determination of the entire British Media to refer to the publically funded but privately run Serco/Deloitte Test and Trace monopoly as the NHS Test and Trace system is a relatively small but very revealing editorial choice that tells you everything you need to know about the partisan slant of our Infotainment industry.
They’ve been told, often and with increasing volume, that mislabelling this badly run shambles of a private body as part of the NHS is deliberately misleading but they keep on doing it. After this long there can only be one explanation for this ‘error’. They want to mislead the public. It’s deliberate misinformation.
I suppose this is how the British journalistic community auditions for roles in the Fox News clone being launched here next year. Just what we need.
I hate these people, and boy, do they deserve my hate.
I hope this extraordinary article can be considered for the front page:
YY_Sima Qian
I am a bit surprised that China has chosen to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of people under Emergency Use Authorization. The purpose surely is not to push forward validation of vaccine candidate along. The candidates in Phase III are already deemed generally safe (or they would not have gotten out of Phase II), but one cannot father data on efficacy no matter how many people one vaccinated, given that COVID-19 has essentially been eradicated in China. To me, it suggests that the EUA vaccinations are risk mitigation efforts, in anticipation of a 2nd wave in the fall/winter, despite all of the control and prevention measures.
Of course, with China’s population, a few hundred thousand is not a large number. The People’s Liberation Army has at least 2M members, the paramilitary People’s Armed Police has 1.5M, the Police force nearly 2M. Other law enforcement organizations, such as the Customs, and Urban Management, also number in the millions. There are millions of medical personnel in China. Never mind the people working in public transportation, education, cold chain logistics, delivery services, markets, etc. The state own enterprises have 10s of millions of employees, and 10s to 100s of thousands of employees of state owned and private enterprises are station abroad in Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia, South and Southeast Asia, and Africa. Maybe that is why China is looking to expand the EUA campaign.
On the hand, even vaccinating millions of people under EUA probably will not have much impact on the course of new outbreaks.
China probably feels confident that the top 4 domestic vaccine candidates are safe, and anticipate at least decent efficacy. The CCP regime is certainly capable of covering up a few cases of severe adverse reactions (hundreds or thousands of such cases would be a different matter). In any case, the regime’s habitual secrecy is doing it no favors.
When an entitled elite person says ‘nobody thought’ they mean they didn’t think it was the right idea at the time and nobody came and changed their mind in time so bygones.
As if 2020 wasn’t already bad enough: Texas residents warned of tap water tainted with brain-eating microbe
There must be a special place in God’s heart for Texas.
A Ghost to Most
@OzarkHillbilly: brain eating amoebas in Texas? They’ll starve to death in short order.
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s daily CoviD-19 numbers. 150 new cases, for a cumulative reported total of 10,919 cases.
146 cases from local infection. 124 are Malaysians. 22 are non-Malaysians. Four are imported cases. It’s past 7pm here and the Health Ministry has still not tweeted the usual full breakdown of new cases so this is all I have. If they do tweet these stats later tonight, I will update.
50 more patients recovered and were discharged, for a total of 9,835 patients recovered — 90.07% of the cumulative reported total. 950 active and contagious cases are currently being isolated/treated in hospital; six are in ICU, four of them on respirators.
One new CoviD-19 death was reported today, in Sabah. This brings the total to 134 deaths — 1.23% of the cumulative reported total, 1.34% of resolved cases.
In other news, the enhanced movement control order in the vicinity of Tawau prison including its officers’ quarters in Sabah, which is part of the Benteng Lahad Datu cluster, is extended to 9th October. Also, effectivr today, all individuals arriving from Sabah are subject to CoviD-19 screening and a 14-day home surveillance and observation order, which includes the pink quarantine bracelet.
Chris T.
@OzarkHillbilly: I posted the same link earlier, with a snarky “explains so much” comment…
@OzarkHillbilly: Wonder what else this year will bring.
I’m impressed they warned people. #LowExpectations.
TS (the original)
It has taken Melbourne about 8 weeks to go from its maximum of 700+ cases in one day – to less than 20 per day – and this is way higher than any other part of Australia. Most of our new cases are from overseas travellers in quarantine (compulsory for anyone entering the country) with a few recent cases being people taken from offshore cargo ships.
Despite there have been whinges and a few protests and arguments between the states and political nonsense from the PM & his offsider, people have in the main followed the rules – and been given large fines if they did not.
This does make me wonder a little about the people of my country. Do we just consider we need to do this to get rid of covid-19 or are we ready to bow to authority for virtually any reason? We are supposedly a freethinking, non-authoritarian group of people who do as we please and live life to the full – yet we shut down when told by our political leaders and stopped doing anything that would extend the life of this virus with little complaint.
Not sure what I should be thinking any more and am slightly worried that there may be lots of Stockholm syndrome happening. Personally, despite living in a state with virtually no current concerns about the virus – I am still not going out for other than essential purposes.
@A Ghost to Most: Ha!
@Chris T.: HA HA!
I like both your sarcastic responses better than mine. I blame it on only 1 cup of coffee so far.
Amir Khalid
@TS (the original):
For what it’s worth, I would not equate public health measures against a contagious and potentially lethal illness with political oppression. It is not the government that’s threatening to kill you if you don’t comply, it’s the virus.
If you willingly obey these admittedly draconian restrictions, does it mean you’re becoming subservient? I don’t believe so. We expect government to inform us and tell us what to do in a public emergency like this. That’s the deal between us and the government. And in this situation, if the government is competent, then we aren’t being bossed around arbitrarily. We have an entirely rational reason to comply with CoviD-19 measures: for our own sake, and for the sake of those around us.
Just One More Canuck
@OzarkHillbilly: the amoeba must have been there for a long time
Regarding the US being (essentially) the only place where anti-lockdown protests are happening, or where corona conspiracy theories thrive:
I used to think that, too, early on. But those things have happened, and continue to happen, in Germany, too. It baffles the public here; they just hang their heads.
Thanks, guys. Appreciate the kind thoughts.
Let’s make “Czechia” a thing (short name for the Czech Republic). Proposed in 1993, offically approved in 2016.
@A Ghost to Most: Great line! I love it!
Where I live (Minnesota) many of the elementary schools here are going back to full in-person classes, Big Ten football is starting up again as are many high school football conferences – at a time when the CDC rates the community spread here as “uncontrolled”. It makes no sense and seems destined to fail. My wife was in Target yesterday and there was a flash mob of anti-maskers who formed in the back of the store and started chanting anti-mask slogans and other sophomoric anti-social rhetoric.
And Minnesota is one of the more liberal, well-educated states in the country! We don’t stand a chance, folks….
Amir Khalid
Finally, three hours late, Malaysia’s case breakdown has been tweeted out. Here we go:
146 cases from local infection. 124 of them are Malaysians. 102 are in Sabah, comprising 55 from the Benteng Lahad Datu police lockup cluster, 12 from the Bangau-bangau cluster, four from the Bakau cluster, nine from the Pulau cluster, eight from the Sakong Village cluster, three from Buang Sayang cluster, eight symptomatic persons, one detected in community screening,one person screened before returning to Sarawak, and one close contact of another case; 10 are in Selangor, comprising eight returning from a high-risk zone in the country (which must mean Sabah), and two close contacts of another case; three are in KL, comprising two from the Setapak cluster and one person returning from a high-risk zone in the country; four are in Pahang, comprising one close contact of another case and three persons returning from a high-risk zone in the country; two in Johore, both returning from a high-risk zone in the country; two are in Sarawak, detected in workplace screenings; and one is in Melaka, a person returning from a high-risk zone in the country;
22 new cases are non-Malaysians, all in Sabah, comprising three from the Benteng Lahad Datu cluster, eight from the Bangau-bangau cluster, nine from the Bakau cluster, one from the Pulau cluster, and one person screened with influenza-like illness.
Four new cases are imported. Three are Malaysians, arriving from Saudi Arabia (two) and India; one is a non-Malaysian, arriving from Saudi Arabia.
Malaysia’s 134th CoviD-19 death was an 81-year-old woman who was diagnosed on 22nd September.
@Josie: I hear ya. But being from that corner of Texas, I can’t say I disagree. The affected area is bounded by 288 (Nolan Ryan Expressway) and I45-South (Gulf Freeway), the stomping grounds of my intermediate and high school acquaintances who suddenly resurfaced on Faecebook a few months to rant QAnonsense at me.
My fam hail from the NASA area, safely east of Gulf Freeway-Old Galveston Road buffer zone.
So…. are they allowing non-student fans at the football games?
@matt: Trump uses the phrase “nobody knew” with abandon.
It was always clear that Trump thinks he’s the only person who matters, but apparently he also thinks he’s ‘nobody’.
Sloane Ranger
@Jesse: It’s not just anti-lockdown and anti-mask protests, a lot of people protesting in both Germany and the UK are parroting Q-Anon conspiracies. I had thought, given the nature of these, they would have been limited to the States. It seems not, Facebook and Twitter have a lot to answer for!
While I’m here, yesterday’s figures from the UK.
There were 6042 new cases, slightly down from Friday but this could be the weekend factor Robert Sneddon and I have both mentioned previously in play. Broken down by home nation,
England – 4639
Northern Ireland – 319
Scotland – 714
Wales – 370.
The Dashboard shows England had about 1000 fewer cases reported, while the other nations all saw increases. We’ll see what happens Tuesday/Wednesday.
Deaths – 34 in total. 30 in England, 1 in Northern Ireland and 3 in Wales. As I said yesterday, there had been an outage in the National Records of Scotland and no death data was available for the 25th. This has now been sorted and Scotland had 1 death that day.
No UK-wide updates on testing or hospitalisations but England had 288 people admitted to hospital on 24th, Northern Ireland 2 and Wales 94.
Total people in hospital on the same date – England 1481, Northern Ireland 46, Scotland 85 and Wales 115.
Ventilators – On 25th September, 227 people in England, 5 in Northern Ireland, 11 in Scotland and 19 in Wales.
@Baud: How long until some enterprising Republican sociopath (but I repeat myself) starts bottling the infected water and selling it in blue states?
Perhaps I woke up too cynical this morning? Or perhaps not.
@Zinsky: It makes no sense to me, either. The only thing I can come up with is that you can’t prove a negative.
So if you take action to prevent an out-of-control virus, and you’re successful, you can’t prove that your actions helped, and the idiots will use it against you. We had all these limitations, and see, it wasn’t even a problem!
But if you don’t limit, you have cover because the president said it was fine, and then if you lock the barn door (after all the horses are out) they can’t blame you for that, you had no other choice.
The short answer is they are willing to let people die rather than step up and do anything hard. The party of responsibility, my ass!
@Jinchi: “Non-student fans” would largely be alumni, right? So maybe the school will limit it to alumni who have made a bequest in their wills.
TS (the original)
@Amir Khalid:
Thank you for the comment. Most Australians believe all their state governments have done well (although the outbreak in Victoria has caused some angst against their Premier). Seeing such a difference between what has happened here & what has happened in US States, I’m beginning to doubt what should be happening.
Whatever – the country is heading towards minimal covid. As NZ discovered it is unlikely to be 100% gone.
Excellent name and design.