62% of adults worry that they or an immediate family member may catch COVID-19. Among likely voters who express this concern, Joe Biden leads 71-27%. https://t.co/Moawda5mjT
— ABC News (@ABC) September 27, 2020
This week, Trump was asked whether lives could have been saved if the country had shut down 2 or 3 weeks earlier.
“Nobody really thought to do that,” he said.
Actually, someone did. Trump threatened to fire her, and he opposed the idea for 3 fatal weeks. https://t.co/gDY3xG8hfW
— Will Saletan (@saletan) September 26, 2020
There was no advertising campaign reminding folks to wear masks, but they're taking $300 million from the CDC budget for a pre-election ad buy to tell us that coronavirus just isn't that big of a deal after all. https://t.co/3boMF2h824
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) September 26, 2020
After 7 months of spread in America & >200,000 deaths about 9% of our population has some immunity against #SARSCoV2 . To reach herd immunity w/80% making antibodies (w/out a #vaccine) would we need to permit 1,600,000 deaths?https://t.co/rD4KqevMc1
— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) September 27, 2020
"They have taken the tools we have to fight #Covid19 and broken them…. Vaccines are our most important tool. We can only hope the Administration doesn’t break this tool also by meddling with the science and approval process." — weekly update from @DrTomFrieden. https://t.co/gTyYbhdy3z
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) September 28, 2020
Factbox: Latest on the worldwide spread of coronavirus https://t.co/Dg7fSRbqwP pic.twitter.com/jB8mtLyRB6
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
China expects a significant rebound in domestic travel over the upcoming Golden Week holiday, with some flights selling out and travel platforms reporting a surge in hotel bookings https://t.co/As08MNUCdz pic.twitter.com/zXloLC9agZ
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
South Korea reports lowest coronavirus cases since new wave of outbreaks last month https://t.co/f6brrDpDSI pic.twitter.com/oyF9kTw6If
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
India’s confirmed coronavirus tally has reached 6 million cases, keeping the country second to the United States in number of reported cases since the pandemic began. https://t.co/0cGczL6tTC
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 28, 2020
Why India needs to worry about post-Covid care https://t.co/QdNppUiHlv
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) September 27, 2020
For Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews, coronavirus restrictions have raised numerous questions about how to maintain their religious lifestyle during the outbreak. A religious publisher in Jerusalem has released a book with over 600 pages of guidance. https://t.co/0rI5TNmlHD
— AP Middle East (@APMiddleEast) September 28, 2020
⚡ Russia confirmed 8,135 new Covid-19 cases Monday, bringing the country’s official number of cases to 1,159,573 and marking the highest one-day increase since June 16 https://t.co/IK6JPsderJ
— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) September 28, 2020
UK reports 5,693 coronavirus cases on Sunday https://t.co/MOMxytGi98 pic.twitter.com/IyDFtYz92X
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 27, 2020
The UK government is mulling tougher restrictions in England to tackle a swiftly accelerating second wave of the novel coronavirus outbreak, possibly outlawing more inter-household socialising, a junior health minister said https://t.co/RYSkQoHCNA
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
UK promises uninterrupted supply of COVID protective equipment to health workers https://t.co/NFcAZUVU4l pic.twitter.com/DeWo400syl
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
U.K. authorities are trying to contain COVID-19 outbreaks at universities as some students complained they were being "imprisoned" in their dormitories. Politicians are also debating whether students should be allowed home for Christmas. https://t.co/kykOJhNNIG
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) September 27, 2020
It’s easy to snipe & scowl at double standards like this – but in a pandemic it’s deadly serious. We survive Covid *together*, acting individually for the greater good. But why would anyone bother when the top dogs play by different rules?https://t.co/YYWi88hWdV
— Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) September 28, 2020
COVID19 could overwhelm France, a leading French doctor predicted. "The 2nd wave is arriving faster than we thought," Patrick Bouet of the Nat'l Council of Doctors told Journal du Dimanche. He says France faces a months-long epidemic w/o a change of course https://t.co/wl2zs6ZkJv
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 27, 2020
French hospitals in the Paris and Marseille regions are delaying some scheduled operations to free up space for COVID-19 patients amid a rising tide of coronavirus infections. https://t.co/wxArQGNG8R
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) September 27, 2020
Australia's virus hotspot sees five new cases, on track for Christmas opening https://t.co/2dE6Ld9yW8 pic.twitter.com/mhRTDCEUmo
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
Rugby-New Zealand PM says All Blacks won't have quarantine leave pass https://t.co/8GMyNdGnUn pic.twitter.com/8wukgqRn3p
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
Brazil reports 14,318 new cases of coronavirus, 335 deaths https://t.co/VusqkDAZGt pic.twitter.com/JbySXtiEge
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
The nearly 1 million people who have lost their lives to COVID-19 also have given the world a gift: a better understanding of how to treat the disease. https://t.co/vN7qfAeWNQ
— AP Health & Science (@APHealthScience) September 27, 2020
Long haulers: Doctors are just beginning to grasp what long-term consequences to expect after a patient has been treated for #COVID19. They range from recuperating from stroke to patients struggling w/ myriad aftereffects as they try to regain full health https://t.co/FDnXDEFklF
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 28, 2020
World's 1st study comparing immune responses of hospitalized adults vs. children w/ COVID19. Kids fared significantly better. Adults: 37% needed mechanical ventilation but only 8% of kids. 17 adults & 3 children died. Image: How the virus infects https://t.co/wOUfJmrUGB pic.twitter.com/PoO6b76pxA
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 26, 2020
Australian firm says its nasal spray reduced coronavirus growth in animal study https://t.co/v80bha2BtI pic.twitter.com/oTG3SYsB0O
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
The number of tests for COVID-19 coming back positive is topping 25% in several states in the Midwest. Hospitalizations also surge in the region, according to a @Reuters analysis https://t.co/fM8rSVIlnR pic.twitter.com/bIEzRZPmtQ
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 28, 2020
The fall surge we have been warning about may be around the corner. Cases on the rise in nearly half of US states, many which had stable or decreasing numbers in August. #covid19https://t.co/XrbqWamyCc
— Abraar Karan (@AbraarKaran) September 28, 2020
Very depressing albeit vital thread from Harvard's @ashishkjha on the Labor Day effect now being felt nationwide as #COVID19 diagnoses surge. I'd add to this the jumpstart the prior @SturgisRally in SoDakota gave this, w/460,000 mostly un-masked bikers amassed in a small town. https://t.co/qqg3pC9KkA
— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) September 27, 2020
Turns out the most unbelievable part of the plague-themed horror movies Rec and Quarantine was the part where the government actually tries to contain the pandemic. https://t.co/qCSvYLbRxW
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) September 27, 2020
Breaking—A person who attended Trump’s Michigan rally just tested positive for coronavirus after Saginaw-area rally, Michigan officials say. 10,000 attended the partially-indoor MAGA rally. #COVID19.
➡️We epidemiologists warned it was a risky gathering. https://t.co/YzlqX2KbVW
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) September 27, 2020
4) So footage from that Michigan Trump rally—
CNN @Acosta: “Why are you not wearing your mask?"
Rallygoer: "Because there's no COVID. It's a fake pandemic. Created to destroy the United States of America."
➡️ This epidemiologist wants to vomit. #COVID19pic.twitter.com/QnrBITXtA7
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) September 27, 2020
Uptick: New York logs more than 1000 daily COVID-19 cases. The number of positive tests reported daily has been steadily inching up in recent weeks, a trend possibly related to more businesses & colleges reopening, & children returning to school https://t.co/hzVQbBhwVj pic.twitter.com/utM6fOMy5K
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) September 27, 2020
In a handful of neighborhoods of Queens and Brooklyn we are seeing surges in #COVID19 cases. The common thread is concentrated populations of Hasidim — who generally decline to practice social distancing or wear ?s. #YomKippur could make control even tougher. pic.twitter.com/dbSLNjQQXf
— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) September 27, 2020
What a bunch of fools. Upper crust Brits seem to think that they can maintain their silly little privileges no matter what. This kind of crap obviously undermines national unity and any sense of shared sacrifice.
Ironically, the lower sorts are kicking back against this hypocrisy. There are stories of people rounding up drinks and having street parties after the pubs close. This is obviously stupid and dangerous behavior, but not unexpected when leadership act like fools.
These selfish, stupid shitheads…
ETA – Maybe your Soviet shitpile mobster conman god emperor is the one who wants to destroy the United States of America.
@Brachiator: It’s to be expected of lying assholes who also don’t want to be subject to EU tax laws.
ETA – BoJo should be flipped on his head and used to mop hospital floors.
He’d rather be
Russiandead than Democrat.mrmoshpotato
@Baud: Yup. I remember those pictures. Assclowns one and all.
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s daily CoviD-19 numbers. 115 new cases, for a cumulative reported total of 11,034 cases.
112 new cases are from local infection. 98 are Malaysians. 14 are non-Malaysians.
Three are imported cases. (I will update when the Health Ministry tweets out the case breakdown.)
54 more patients recovered and were discharged, for a total of 9,889 patients recovered — 89.62% of the cumulative reported total. 1,011 active and contagious cases are currently being isolated/treated in hospital; eight are in ICU, five of them on respirators.
No new CoviD-19 deaths were reported today, and the total stands at 134 deaths — 1.22% of the cumulative reported total, 1.34% of resolved cases.
I think it’s the same guy.
Amir Khalid
Foreign Minister Hishammudin Hussein was in Sabah over the weekend for the socially distanced and masked statewide elections. He was campaigning with a candidate who later tested positive and is now under a 14-day home quarantine order.
Mary G
Limbaugh, Rupert, Roger Ailes et al have completely disconnected a big section of America from reality.
I just checked Orange County’s numbers, just too busy to do it earlier. Quite a change from the first seven months where I was refreshing some dashboard or another every few minutes.
We have inched up a bit again, from a couple of days with fewer than 100 new cases to 246 today. Lots of tests reported, so still at 3.1% positive. Not nearly as good as China or Malaysia, but better than 25% in the Midwest. Hospitalizations are way down – only 64 Covid patients in ICU. Capacity is 703 beds county wide in normal times, so lots of room available, which is good.
Does anybody else feel enraged when Republican politicians show up on TV with masks on? Not Twitler, of course, but McConnell and McCarthy? It seems to have been quietly agreed that it’s a good idea now. They should be required to go without as punishment for downplaying the risks for so long. If Twitler knew and told Bob Woodward, you know they did too.
Misery’s testing is at 11.8% positive. Franklin County- 8%, Crawford Co- 11%, Washington county- 19%.
Amir Khalid
You’ll be amused to learn that the bars on Parliament premises are excused from closing at 10pm because they’re technically workplace canteens*.
*cafeterias, in American English.
Robert Sneddon
@Amir Khalid: One detail about the House of Commons is that all-night sittings are not uncommon when problematic or contentious legislation is being debated and, as the Government hopes, passed. For this reason the restaurants and bars can be open late into the morning or even remain open 24 hours a day. It does vary a lot though depending on the workload. It’s also worth pointing out that the HoC especially is a law unto itself, it’s not the Government that sets or regulates its operating practices.
The hospitality facilities in the House and the Lords are not accessible to the general public (except on invitation by a member) so the chances of cross-infection is more limited than in a typical lager-barn (tm Weatherspoons). It would still be a good idea to limit the bars at least to the same opening hours the rest of the country is faced with, for the look of things if nothing else.
Amir Khalid
@Robert Sneddon:
24-hour cafeterias in Parliament serving food and nonalcoholic beverages to MPs at work in the small hours are obviously needed. But I would agree with the Minister of Health that MPs don’t really need access to 24-hour bars.
YY_Sima Qian
Yesterday, China reported 0 new domestic confirmed cases and 0 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 21 new imported confirmed cases and 14 imported asymptomatic cases:
At Qingdao in Shandong Province, where 2 dock workers were reported asymptomatic cases a few days ago (possibly after handling contaminated frozen imported seafood), a testing campaign continues to make sure no cluster has formed. 234 close contacts are under centralized quarantine, 209 persons have been tested 3 times, 17 have been tested twice, and 8 have been tested once, all results negative. 260 Tier 2 close contacts (of close contacts) are also under centralized quarantine, all have tested negative so far. 213,975 individuals who are casual contacts, community screening of at risk groups, and workers of cold chain logistics have been tested, all results from 213,876 processed tests are negative. 32,341 samples have been collected from working environments and cold chain logistics, all results form the 32,191 processed tests are negative, except for the 51 samples from the contaminated batch.
Today, Hong Kong reported 10 new cases, 3 from local transmission, all with known sources of transmission.
Amir Khalid
Okay, the Health Ministry has finally tweeted the daily breakdown for new cases.
112 new cases are from local infection; 98 are Malaysians: 84 cases in Sabah, comprising 46 from the Bangau-Bangau cluster, 25 from the Benteng Lahad Datu cluster, eight symptomatic persons, two from the Pulau cluster, one from the Buang Sayang cluster, one healthcare worker; 10 cases in Selangor, comprising six from the (new) Jalan Apas cluster and four persons returning from Sabah; one case in Labuan, a close contact of another case; one case in Kedah, from the Sungai cluster; one in Melaka, diagnosed in pre-surgery screening; and one in Terengganu, who had come back from Sabah. 14 are non-Malaysians, all from the Benteng Lahad Datu cluster.
The three imported cases were one Malaysian returning from India, and two non-Malaysians arriving from India.
YY_Sima Qian
@Amir Khalid: What is the reason for the persisting outbreak at Sabah? Is it because of the crowded prison/confinement conditions?
Sloane Ranger
@Robert Sneddon: While it is true that the Government cannot order either House of Parliament to take in regard to facilities such as bars and cafeterias, this is a massive own goal. Most people don’t understand how either House is administered and will blame the Government. Those who do, will just blame all politicians.
I think the Speaker Chairs the Committee that oversees the administration of facilities in the Commons, the Whips from all parties need to get on to him pronto and strongly suggest the bars be closed at the same time all other pubs are.
BTW – I think there is one bar in the Commons that is open to registered Lobby Correspondents without a specific invitation. The British version of access journalism.
Now for the British figures from yesterday,
There were 5693 new cases, a reduction from Saturday but this may be due to the weekend issue. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday will tell us.
England – 4800
Northern Ireland – 187
Scotland – 344
Wales – 362.
Deaths – 17 deaths recorded. 16 in England and 1 in Scotland.
Testing – 245,363 tests were processed on Friday, 25th September out of a capacity of 270,965.
Hospitalisations – The latest nationwide data on admissions is from 16th September. 266 people were admitted to hospital on that date. A total of 1727 were actually in hospital on 24th September and 262 people were on ventilators on Friday, 25th September.
Today, three more areas in Wales were made subject to enhanced restrictions, Neath Port Talbot, Torfaen and Vale of Glamorgan. This means that about two thirds of Welsh people are now under some form of added restrictions. If it goes on like this, there will be a nationwide “lockdown” even if the Welsh Government don’t want to call it that.
Chris T.
These guys should be forced to do scutwork in the hospitals, morgues, and cemeteries. Let them see, right up close, people who are sick, dying, and dead from the “non-existent” “fake” disease.
Amir Khalid
@YY_Sima Qian:
The Benteng Lahad Datu cluster is actually seeing a gradual reduction in new cases. My guess is that the illegal immigrants rounded up in Operation Benteng were out and about and spreading, including in places other than Lahad Datu, for some time before they were arrested, which may also account for the other new clusters in the state.
@Chris T.: I agree. If they don’t “believe in” the pandemic (what does that even mean??), they can dig graves or do trash and biohazard collection. I wouldn’t want them in care facilities or hospitals since they’d probably spread the virus, but outside with a shovel they can’t do much harm. Or more harm than they’re doing.
Robert Sneddon
@Amir Khalid: Why limit beverages to being non-alcoholic in the House of Commons and House of Lords facilities? The people who frequent This House and The Other Place are adults, not children or Americans for whom the Demon Rum is to be abhorred. The bars and dining rooms serving alcohol operate in the same manner as any such hospitality setup elsewhere in the UK other than having flexible opening times, that’s all. Even saying that there are special rules for hotels and the like where the bars can stay open all night and continue to serve residents — I’ve white-nighted many a time at conventions when the hotel didn’t close the bar at all until it was time to serve breakfast.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
We need to keep pointing out that 200,000 deaths is 50,000 Benghazi’s, and climbing. That’s the only math MAGAts seem to get.
Amir Khalid
@Robert Sneddon:
Bars in Parliament are fine by me, but I think it’s only fair that they be subject to the same restrictions as houses of libation elsewhere in your land. By the way, do workplace canteens over there typically sell alcohol?
Robert Sneddon
@Amir Khalid: At least in the UK a works canteen providing on-site catering would require an extra and expensive licence to serve alcohol and generally they don’t do so. Canteens are a rare beast these days though, most factory workers nowadays slope off to the local Greggs and get a hot “steak bake” and a cardboard cup of Throatripper coffee, or they grab stuff from the vending machines operated and serviced by a third-party catering company. Me, I brought my own sandwiches in when I was doing stuff like stewarding or call-centre work.
I’ve done IT support work in executive offices where there was an actual dining-room and catering facilities and alcohol was available in those locations but not to purchase, only to be dispensed.
Sloane Ranger
@Amir Khalid: When I first joined the Metropolitan Police, we had a full service pub at New Scotland Yard. At Christmas you sometimes literally had to step over the “tired and emotional” people lying on the floor. There were also bars at a number of other large office buildings in the Estate. These were closed several years ago by a somewhat puritanical Commissioner.
Also, at the larger office buildings, there was a cafeteria, which was counter service and didn’t serve alcohol and a waitress service restaurant where you could buy wine with your meal and a liquor afterwards. That was still there when I retired.
These were remnants of the British/English class system. The restaurants were originally the Officers (Inspectors/Civil Staff equivalents and above) Mess and the cafeteria for the other ranks (PC’s/PS’s/civil Staff equivalents)
At the Yard there was also a Senior Officers Mess for Commanders and above, but I only went there once, when the Director of Personnel retired and threw a bash.
@Robert Sneddon:
I keep trying to wrap my head around the idea that in some respects, in the UK, the government and Parliament are considered to be separate entities.