Video of the ACB announcement event on Saturday at the WH featuring Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who has now tested positive for Covid-19. via @bubbaprog
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) October 2, 2020
At least three reporters who were there are experiencing symptoms.
And, of course, someone is making a trace and track spreadsheet.
Updated the White House Covid-19 table with 11 confirmed positives, 28 confirmed negatives and 31 possible contacts for a total of 70 people involved so far. Track updates at this link, which contains information on the events each individual attended.
— Benjy Renton (@bhrenton) October 2, 2020
Joe and Jill Biden have been tested and come up negative, as has Nancy Pelosi.
Out of an abundance of caution, Speaker Pelosi was tested for COVID-19 this morning by the Capitol’s Office of the Attending Physician. Dr. Monahan just informed the Speaker that she tested negative.
— Drew Hammill (@Drew_Hammill) October 2, 2020
Trump was supposed to be on a phonecall this morning, and Mike Pence substituted for him.
Here’s the latest from the White House physician, if you care to believe it.
An update from President @realDonaldTrump's physician:
— Kayleigh McEnany (@PressSec) October 2, 2020
The debate zone didn’t go off flawlessly either.
eta: For the love of Pete, why if I copy the ’embed tweet’ direct from Twittter to I just get garbage?
I’ll try again in a sec. {grumble}
I’d also say the Cleveland Clinic really embarrassed itself with their unwillingness to enforce their mask rules for the Trump entourage.
Mary G
The whole Republican side of the Judiciary Committee was there, no? Can they replace Lee and any others who contract it, or do they have to wait to vote?
I’ve been trying hard not to point and laugh, but karma is a bitch.
Cheryl Rofer
Oh yeah – I wanted to share this with you too
Cheryl Rofer
@RaflW: You have to copy the embed file into the Text box.
Mary G
@Cheryl Rofer: Chris is PISSED OFF:
From below:
How ‘Superspreading’ Events Drive Most COVID-19 Spread
Trump is ‘fatigued but in good spirits’ doesn’t really say much beyond that he’s symptomatic to some degree.
Shocking, this White House is usually so open and transparent.
@Mary G: If he’s not careful, he’ll be joining Shepard Smith at CNBC.
Cheryl Rofer
@Mary G: They were breathing right down his neck
They lost Chris Wallace He thinks the trump clan knew they were positive, which is why Melania wore a mask. Here’s an article about it. Channel 8 ABC
@Cheryl Rofer:
Aha, bit better, thanks. Still doesn’t look like other people’s embeds, as it’s the grey box and not the pretty white twitter tweet, so it doesn’t show what I’m quote-tweeting.
@Mary G: Reporter for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Network is shocked to find face-eating happening right in front of him.
Wyatt Salamanca
Cheryl, this is all well and good to know but Mitch McConnell simply doesn’t give a damn. It’s full steam ahead for this delusional bastard.
Cheryl Rofer
Maggie is huffy
@Mary G: I found an article and the trump clan had the campaign do the test.
Cheryl Rofer
@RaflW: Only front-pagers have the magic permission to post whole tweets.
@dmsilev: Now he has a fever and has been given regeneron antibody therapy. experimental
zhena gogolia
Over 200,000 dead, millions more seriously ill, millions out of work or struggling, children and young people unable to continue their education, so I know this is minor.
But I haven’t been able to have my friends over for a meal, meet them in a restaurant, hug them or even shake their hands for six months.
Watching these pigs yukking it up and kissing and hugging each other makes me physically ill.
Betty Cracker
I co-sign John’s tweet.
Hope all the innocent children and workers who had to look after the goons are spared, but as for the rest, fuck’em.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and we still don’t know why trump was carted off to Walter Reed, almost a year ago now?
And then he still went to that fundraiser in NJ, where aides said he was visibly under the weather. I wonder if a single one of the rich MAGAts who ponied up ten grand or whatever to be exposed to Executive Covid at Bedminster regrets any of their life choices at all?
Yeah, I know. Not holding my breath.
Mary G
Thursday may have been a super spreader too:
We’ll know in a week or two.
Twitter Is garbage. Moving it elsewhere doesn’t alter that.
I saw a third-hand report that Barrett and her family all caught the crud over the summer and recovered.
Is Trump’s twitter feed still silent? Nothing for 15 to 16 hours?
Cheryl Rofer
@Wyatt Salamanca: FWIW, I’ve seen it pointed out that most (all?) of the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee were at the Rose Garden event. We’re just seeing the beginning of the probability curve for symptoms and positive tests.
zhena gogolia
He’s taking melatonin!!!!
That’s one of the names he gives Melania in JL Cauvin’s videos.
@NotMax: Tough but fair.
@Cheryl Rofer: Thanks, I’ll kludge on thru!
I glad Biden tested negative today, but the next two weeks are going to be nerve wracking.
it is on Kayly McEnany’s letterhead. No.
@featheredsprite: He’s sick. He’ll probably be at Walter Reed before the weekend’s out.
Biden is on CNN
zhena gogolia
I’m hoping he didn’t get close enough to Trump to get it.
That is the strongest evidence he is sick.
Wyatt Salamanca
Chris Wallace is still an asshole. This morning he was on Fox and Friends saying that Biden’s campaign should not try to score political points off of this latest development. He can go fuck himself.
Meanwhile, Jake Tapper can barely contain his outrage at Trump for being such as an irresponsible selfish prick. He was shocked that Trump’s campaign didn’t give Biden’s campaign a heads-up about Trump coming in direct direct with a staffer who tested positive.
So at CNN, WH saying Trumps had a fever since the morning. Im surprised theyre being that open.
If he has to be hospitalized the shit will hit the fan. They won’t be able to keep a lid on the leaks.
@Mary G: Wait – the Trump team and family weren’t tested at the debate? Seriously?
That’s it. Charge him and his family with reckless endangerment. What the utter fuck.
@JPL: Speaking of Walter Reed, in the huge volume of stuff flying by today, I’d agree with whomever has said that only docs from there can be deemed reliable. Not the WH physician, and certainly not something Kayleigh McNinny puts out on her letter head, even if it purports to be the physician.
@zhena gogolia: I think he was far enough away that the likelihood is low. But it’s not zero.
@LuciaMia: Probably 103° if they’re copping to the fever existing at all.
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a frequent target of President Donald Trump’s, is blasting him for what she calls “actively spreading a deadly virus.”
Omar said earlier this year that her father died of the virus, and she said in a statement Friday that she doesn’t wish it on anyone.
Omar, a Democrat, says the nation has been waiting for months to hear Trump say America “will get through this together.” And she says he’s saying that now because it’s about him.
Trump announced earlier Friday that he and the first lady had tested positive for the coronavirus.
She criticized Trump for holding a rally and fundraiser this week in Minnesota without wearing a mask, saying he exposed hundreds of people in a state where cases are already rising.
(Associated Press)
Biden is talking about taking the virus seriously and protecting ourselves and others.
trump tried to infect him also. It will still be four days before Biden is out of the woods.
it’s inexcusable – another failure.
I cannot imagine taking the word of the Trump Family at this point
@Baud: He needs to hover in the doorway!
@RaflW: If they’re copping to a fever, he’s already lost a leg.
I don’t give a flying fig about Trump or any Republican at this point. All I care about is they didn’t infect Biden. My tinfoil hat fear is they knew they were positive and were intentionally trying to infect Biden. My tinfoil hat is getting pretty worn out by how much I have been wearing it lately.
@Baud: Yeah. Foxcult is demanding that Biden stop campaigning.
@RaflW: …or already on a ventilator.
If he really is a germaphobe, he must be terrified.
Sure, but there could be several Senators missing when the nomination comes up for a vote and Mitch can’t win without getting to 50+Pence.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: He’s fired up too. Sounds like a man who has found his moment.
@JPL: And Fox, of course, is not covering it.
zhena gogolia
Omar isn’t lying.
Biden talking about economy now. But he sounds good. Wearing mask.
I hope Biden is getting tested daily and that they also secure some of the antibody treatments that Trump is taking as a precaution, so that if Biden or anyone around him becomes positive at some point they have one (possibly helpful) treatment. No magic solution, of course, but there seems to be decent results for it so far.
@MattF: There’s a John McCain joke here. I just know it! Now lemme see…
I don’t think Melania wore a mask, though. She had one on as she entered the hall (alone among the Trump entourage), but took it off as soon as she sat down. She certainly wasn’t wearing it after the debate when she joined her husband on stage. She’s no more conscientious or responsible than any other Trump-adjacent person.
Is this anti-body treatment the standard of care for the Coronavirus?
There was a moment, right before the presidential debate began, where Wallace turned around and looked at the audience for a long time. It was sort of a “WTF” look.
I didn’t understand it at the time, but I think I do now.
He was wondering why the trump side wasn’t wearing masks.
So Cheeto gets a big dose of Tom Hanks antibodies that aren’t available to the 200k people who died because they got tested late.
@RoonieRoo: There appears to be some suggestion that he did. The proof is more difficult to prove unless Hope Hicks verifies it, because the campaign gave him the test.
@RoonieRoo: That row of Trump spawn, sitting in the front row, maskless for more than 90 mins in Cleveland. I’m just furious. Cleveland Clinic has trashed itself far more than Mayo did in their subservient bow to Pence earlier this year. Idiots.
Anonymous At Work
@Cheryl Rofer: Mike Lee would be out sick and I think the Senate has not allowed proxy voting out of support for Trump’s position. Senate Republicans shouldn’t have the votes to clear The Handmaiden of Coathangers out of committee for 2 weeks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@RoonieRoo: if that was the plan, he would have had one of the Fredos be the rat.
“Donnie, on Tuesday, before the debate, I want you lick some door knobs at the airport and then go cough on Biden”
“Will you love me then, Dad?”
“Let’s see if you get it right first”
@Baud: If Trump had any thumb strength and mental alertness, at a minimum, he’d be tweeting what he saw on Fox. If Dan Scavino starts tweeting from Trump’s account, it means that they think he is out of the woods and on his way to a full recovery.
Until then, I’d say it’s safe to assume that Trump is incapacitated or dead. I do wonder whether they’d keep him going on a ventilator when braindead through the election though, to keep turnout higher than it would be with just Pence and whomever the VP pick is.
@Jinchi: Posted this on an earlier thread, but WaPo reports several Republican Senators have pointed this out to McConnell, and asked for a week’s recess at least until they know more.
Keith P
I expected the doctor’s note to read “In a manner of speaking, COVID caught Donald Trump and is not expected to survive the onslaught. Like Stallone-as-Cobra, President Donald J. Trump is the cure.”
Roger Moore
@Mary G:
The ideal case would be at least 7 Republican senators forced to isolate until January.
@Brachiator: Only for tax cheats.
zhena gogolia
BillinGlendale in the thread below has reminded me what we should look for, based on Russians’ experience with Andropov and Chernenko: if you turn on the TV and they’re playing Swan Lake, it’s all over.
@SiubhanDuinne: There’s several pictures of her in the seat with the mask.
@RaflW: i am thinking more about the SNL francisco franco gag.
Interesting that the White House physician used the term “convalescence” — you’d think that if the Trumps were feeling well, he would have said “quarantine”, which is what they are supposedly doing. If they’re convalescing, that would imply they are indeed sick.
@PJ: I wish I knew the record for Trump’s twitter silence. It’ll be interesting to see how long he goes and how people will react.
Joe’s back to taxes and good for him. Trump needs to stay alive for another month in order for Biden to get out his message.
Another Scott
(Emphasis added.)
@JPL: She’s not wearing it here.
Comrade Brezhnev is just taking a longish nap.
Good (pick your deity), life is ironic.
Mike in DC
If he’s already symptomatic, yes, he could be dead before the end of this month. He’s 74, he’s morbidly obese(he weighs significantly more than his “official” weight), there are rumors of him taking blood pressure meds, and persistent ones regarding an adderall addiction, he doesn’t exercise and is absolutely at risk from this.
Even if he survives, he will experience permanent damage to his heart and lungs and probably his kidneys and liver as well. He might have to retire from office, win or lose.
This is effectively the greatest self-own in the history of American politics. He downplayed the very problem which may wind up killing him.
I think you are right that a pence only ticket would not get Trump’s turnout. But I also think there is a calculation about all the republicans who will vote for Biden rather than Trump coming back home if not forced to vote for Trump. and between the two, it is pretty close.
The “team of experts” in the doctor’s memo is a real tell, isn’t it?
Only if the Trump campaign, by which I mean Fox News, also shuts down all programming.
@catclub: Eghad. Pence. The venal stupidity without the, uhh, charisma.
@LuciaMia: Well, if he’s faking it, he’s out golfing. If he really has it, he’s on a ventilator. This half-assed “he’s feelin’ a bit tetched” sounds less believable than either alternative.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Cheryl Rofer:
McConnell is living up to the nickname given to him by historian Christopher R. Browning: “the gravedigger of American democracy”
Cheryl Rofer
@Brachiator: It’s experimental. Seems to make the infection milder when it’s administered early.
@Betty Cracker: that is a really excellent way to put it – good work JC
@Baud: When she was in her seat. The pictures I saw were with the mask.
@zhena gogolia:
I picture myself punching their lights out.
@Mike in DC:
I don’t want him to become a martyr.
I saw a report that Trump got the Regeneron antibody therapy. (It’s in Phase 2/3 clinical trials.) No reported serious adverse events from the clinical trials that I know of, and their press release earlier in the week was hopeful so I expect Trump will see a benefit from the therapy.
But what happened to “it is what it is” and older people being an acceptable loss?
This guy is good. We need to come together as a nation.
I wonder if Pence has started rehearsing the speech that was to be at the end of the Manchurian Candidate.
Hey if you think that’s bad, Jeff Greenfield was tweet-asking whether or not Biden would be suspending his campaign until trumpov recovers. Yes, really.
Suffice it to say, the responses were en fuego, as they should be. What a Beltway hack
The note is clearly BS. Trump is never in ‘good spirits’
zhena gogolia
What guy?
Mary G
@Brachiator: Not officially, but based on AL’s links and my personal experience of having been on a different antibody treatment for RA for more than ten years, I would say so. Some of the mRNA vaccines they are testing and hyping have never been tried for anything before, and letting someone inject genetic material, however modified, into my body for the first time ever doesn’t strike me as good. My doctors are skeptical, but again they are not virologists.
@zhena gogolia: That is what upset me. I have passed on fist bumps and elbows, and these idiots are behaving like it’s 2019. My wife gets off the phone with friends and wants to know why we can’t go to the restaurant or bar like our old white Republican friends are? Why can’t we hug the grandbabies like they do? Maybe now she will get it. They are idiots playing with fire. My daughter was diagnosed Wednesday. She’s OK so far. 2000 miles distant. Fucking idiots at her work yelled at her for bitching about masks. Now they don’t want her giving their names to trackers so they can keep working, avoid quarantine. Putting quarantine pay in the stimulus bill would be socialist doncha know.
Daily testing is mandatory.
Mary G
@zhena gogolia: Biden.
@Jeffro: If suspending was good enough for John McCain it’s good enough for…
Oh, wait.
Never mind.
WH still saying that mask-wearing will remain optional.
The mind, it boggles…
@Baud: This should give you a ballpark number.
If Trump is still off twitter on Sunday, it’ll be a really bad sign for him.
@zhena gogolia: Biden. He opened his speech talking about this is not a time for politics and ended with that we have to bring the nation together. In the middle he spoke about his economic plan.
Jake Tapper and team praised the speech and mentioned how he always takes the high way.
The Moar You Know
My tinfoil hat fear is they knew they were positive and were intentionally trying to infect Biden.
@RoonieRoo: not tinfoil hat territory. That’s obvious.
Mike in DC
@germy: I think his baseline health is obviously worse than they admit openly, so I wonder whether his prospects are thereby a bit worse than average for someone his age.
@PJ: Yeah, it could be a modern El Cid – The Donald’s corpse propped up in a golf cart, being driven around Bedford while his minions announce he’s back in form and in the pink of health.
Sloane Ranger
Jake Tapper has just expressed his amazement about Joe taking the high road in his speech. In his words, “If anyone has a right to be mad at the President today, it’s Joe Biden.”.
Is it me, or is CNN becoming more Democratic sympathetic?
The Moar You Know
Is this anti-body treatment the standard of care for the Coronavirus?
@Brachiator: no, but the good/bad news is that it doesn’t do anything, statistically.
Did I just miss it, or did hydrochloroquine not make the list of what Cheatolini’s getting in treatment? Can we send him a case of it, and a pallet of bleach?
I wonder what happened in June 2017.
Appears Barr was also there and maybe already exhibiting symptoms?? I haven’t heard about any test results of his, but the doj might be keeping that under wraps..
Eta – he tested negative earlier today. ? Just checked the spreadsheet the Cheryl’s post.
Here’s hoping for more GOP senators being unable to hold hearings for acb, though. ?
@Jeffro: But it isn’t a cult. Really! They’re just respecting each other’s opinion about Covid.*
*Sign a good friend saw at the entrance to the Thirsty Whale in Minocqua, WI this summer. “Please respect everyone’s opinion about Covid”. He was gonna get takeout, saw zero mask use by guests, and fled.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: I remember Roger Ebert reminiscing about the days when he and Greenfield were fairly radical as editors of their college dailies, Ebert at U of Illinois, Greenfield at Wisconsin. We lost Ebert– who wrote a couple of scorching political pieces in the early aughts as I recall– and Greenfield lived long enough to apparently turn in to Ron Fournier.
Are they withdrawing their Barrett nomination for the same reason?
Didn’t think so.
Okay, thanks. Sorry, I hadn’t seen any of those.
@zhena gogolia:
I believe she’s watching Biden on CNN.
Bill Arnold
Ugh, Regeneron did decide to get involved in US politics. If they haven’t offered that polyclonal antibody cocktail to Biden, they they deserve to be destroyed.
Trump did not look at the camera once, instead mostly facing Biden while spewing SARS-CoV-2 contaminated exhalations (disguised as non-stop lies in violation of the debate rules) in Biden’s direction.
Yes, if Trump is showing symptoms today (Friday), he was infectious Tuesday night. It’s even possible that he (or somebody(ies) closely associated with him) knew he was infected, which would amount to attempted slow (and deniable) political assassination. Trump has already engaged in political assassination, of an Iranian leader, so the relevant Bayesian prior is significantly greater than zero.
Biden better not have been infected. There will be Consequences.
A Reckoning (clip from “Wyatt Earp”)
Metaphorically. :-)
@Anonymous At Work: “The Handmaiden of Coathangers”
@PJ: It doesn’t generally act that quickly. It takes 10 to 14 days for the serious illness to take hold.
@Sloane Ranger: Repeatedly endangering your colleagues with spreader events might just sharpen the mind a smidge.
Could Barr be the superspreader rather than Hicks?
@Brachiator: It’s not standard of care yet. The antibody therapies are in clinical trials right now. But I think antibody therapy will become standard of care if enough can be manufactured and the longer-term data looks good. (For whichever therapies make it to market.) IMO, the big open question is subsequent immune response – whether or not you’d see something like dengue where you can get what’s called antibody-dependent enhancement. That’s where the presence of antibodies can actually make symptoms worse.
I spent a lot of time a couple of weeks ago looking into the Regeneron trials. Someone I know had COVID and was eligible to enroll in the trial and they wanted advice about whether to do it. Of the antibody therapies, I think it’s the best one so far.
@Betty: Herman Cain was ill for three weeks.
A number of notable people have been sick for months (and countless unknown folks as well, of course).
@JPL: Yeah, Josh is calling shenanigans on the timeline. I tend to agree – either we’re being lied to, or they wildly ignored their own protocols, or both.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: NYT has a graphic of those who’ve tested positive and negative, so far, says Barr has tested negative.
Fredo and his nutty GF both had it a few months back, right?
Wait, I thought he took always took Amtrack?
*I’ll see myself out.
@Bill Arnold:
Is this part of the general standard of care for people with the virus? I saw a story from two or three days ago suggesting that claims about this treatment had not yet been peer reviewed.
Wyatt Salamanca
Jeff Greenfield has lost his fucking mind.
@Sloane Ranger:
Jake Tapper has come to the inescapable conclusion that Trump’s arrogance and selfishness are off the fucking charts.
Bill Arnold
No. It is still in clinical trials. If it works (I’ll strongly guess from the reports so far that it will at least help, particularly if used early), then it will be a treatment for wealthy and connected people, because it is hard to make a lot of it. (And a few high-profile charity cases for marketing purposes.)
ETA here’s an article. There is also a Regeneron investor’s release.
‘Provocative results’ boost hopes of antibody treatment for COVID-19 (Jon CohenSep. 30, 2020)
I once had a bad reaction to an IV that was like the worst flu I have ever experienced. If I had been near a gun, I would have used it. As it was, at one point I noticed there was a spider on the wall. I just left it alone, I cared that little about it or anything. My friends still bring that up, knowing how much I freak out at the sight of any sort of bug.
You don’t have to feel that crummy to not want to tweet.
@Sloane Ranger: Watch New Day if you can with Berman and Cameroti. It’s on at six here so not sure what time it’s available for you. IMO Some shows are better than MSNBC
Translation: he died, went to hell, and is currently marinating in molten sulfur.
Good evening, fellow jackals !
Cast my ballot today !
Came yesterday (along with those for thetwo people who’d lived here before me). Had to get up early, run some errands as the day brightened ovr Newark. So got home, had breakfast, took care of ‘do today’ stuf. Opened up ballot. Read instructions, filled out and signed inner and outer retun envelopes. Read thru ballot.
If you were a NewJerseyite, you could vote for these tickets:
Roque ‘Rocky’ de la Fuente & Darcy G. Richardson – Alliance Party
Gloria Estela la Riva & Sunil Freeman – Socailism and Liberation
Bill Hammons & Eric Bodenstab – Unity Party America
Don Blankenship (?!?!?!) & William Mohr – Constitution Party
And for Senate:
Veronica Fernandez – Of, By, For!
Daniel Burke – LaRouche Was Right
and the Greens and Libertarians, too
However, there were no third-party nominations for the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders At Large. Daarn
Also two amendments to the State Constitution – legalizing marijuana, and allowing delaying redistricting if Census data is delayed.
So, filled out circles, inserted , sealed. Decided that taking my predecessors’ ballots to Board of Elections can wait, so walked to deposit box outside City Hall, dropped it in, took selfie. Walked home Beautiful afternoon. EcuaDominican Restaurant had singer and guitar player at their outdoor cafe, happy hour, sounded fine.
One problem, I live in senior citizens’ residence. With NJ going to elections-by-mail, lot of people received ballots here who are no longer on earth to cast them, current residents just tossed those ballots into mail-room trash pile. Temptation to unscrupulous. Suggestions ?
Have a great October, everyone !
@Wyatt Salamanca: about 5 years after most BJ readers. Slow learners.
@Sloane Ranger: More like “reality has a liberal bias,” in my opinion.
It’s certainly looking like the Trump contingent knew they had been exposed (at least) and flouted the testing and masking requirements anyway, which any person of normal morals would treat as, well, evil.
Mary G
@Betty: So why isn’t Trump tweeting? That’s unnatural for him. He is incapacitated – it may be that this is him withdrawing from amphetamines, as some have suggested, rather than coronavirus, but there’s no way he wouldn’t be tweeting if he were able.
And, FWIW, if the Coney Barrett party was the even where he got it, he’s had it for six days now.
@Baud: James Comey was testifying about being fired over the Russia investigation.
Basically things have to be going really badly for Trump to shut up for 2 days.
The more I think about it the more I wish for him (and possibly Pence too) to die. Because the only thing against it is our desire to see him punished. The downside of that is that a lot of his loyalists would keep resisting and obstructing in the hope to get him off/out/back into power. But if he dies? Poof! The whole house of card collapses, all info comes out, nobody is afraid of his asshole mouth because he is no longer here.
It would be the ultimate catastrophe for the GOP and I am very much in favor of it if I cannot get the Hector Salamanca conscious vegetable option.
I will suspend my campaign for just as long as Trump suspended his when he claimed Hillary had pneumonia.
@debbie: Trump does need to feel that crummy to stop tweeting.
More significantly, he must look awful, too, otherwise they’d have a photo of him giving a thumbs up or something.
@JPL: All I saw was them walking in masked and the whole Trump family took them off after they sat down. She didn’t have a mask on when she went on stage after the debate.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@RaflW: Julia Ioffe has been battling it for a month, in spite of several negative tests. Kind of a scary read. I confess I’m less well-informed than I probably should be cause article like this freak me out.
Roger Moore
@zhena gogolia:
Apparently it’s made some of them virally ill. It’s called karma.
@RaflW: ‘respecting each others’ opinions’ and also FREEDUMB!!1!
Wyatt Salamanca
@Mike in DC:
I hope Trump recovers to the extent that he’ll be healthy enough to stand trial once he leaves office.
My fervent hope is that this bastard ends up dying in a prison cell where he belongs.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Oh now, when HIS ass is on the line, he is suddenly concerned about competence.
@Martin: Which accounting for the damage that he’s done, is fine. We just need him to hang on another month.
If I were a betting person, I would bet against that.
Trump’s headed to Walter Reed, per the Post.
Mary G
@Brachiator: @Bill Arnold:
The WaPo article AL linked to the other night is a good summary:
These laboratory-made antibodies are a best bet for a coronavirus treatment, but there won’t be enough
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: that dumb tweet was 15 hours ago…starting about 6 hours ago, Greenfield has been on an anti-trumpov, “my god the man is dumb”, “he won’t get nearly the goodwill Reagan did when he was shot” kind of tweet-tear.
So yeah, still Ron Fournier…maybe just a little quicker at seeing which way the wind blows, though.
Bill Arnold
Technically, you “quarantine” if you were exposed but don’t know if you’re infected, and “isolate” if you know your infected.
When he tweeted about “quarantine”, he was implicitly asserting that he had not yet learned that he was infected. If he was using the language correctly, then if he knew he was infected, he was lying.
Cheryl Rofer
Trump is on his way to Walter Reed
ETA, Cheryl beat me to it
MAGGIE had two sources that he’s going to Walter Reed
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Nicole Wallace announcing that trump is being taken to Walter Reed “out of an abundance of caution”.
He’ll be ‘working’ in a Presidential office that is apparently kept there. I wonder if they have a superTivo
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Don’t worry, it’s just “moderate symptoms”.
And then died.
That’s critical. If Cain had been just healthy enough to survive, he would probably still be sick today.
Trump better hope he’s healthier than Herman Cain. Though if you’d asked me that in June I would have guessed it the other way around.
I don’t know. Germaphobia and hypochondria go hand in hand. Other than Adderall sniffles, I’d think a cough or a sweat or a twinge of chest pain would really set him off.
It now makes sense that Biden canceled tonight’s event.
@Cheryl Rofer:
If BoJo can bounce back from a vent, so can Trump.
Eta – others beat me to the TRD to Walter Reed news.
@Lapassionara: Because mild, cold-like symptoms put you into a hospital. He must be pretty sick.
@JPL: What did Biden cancel?
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Covidi Amin is on his way to Walter Reed, evidently.
ETA: Maybe I win a prize if I’m one of the first ten people to mention it.
Russian ventilator?
Goddamnit, this fucker better not die before the election! I want him to witness his defeat!
Sloane Ranger
Trump being taken to Walter Reed. White House says he will be working from offices there for a few days. Yeah, right!
@debbie: They’re taking him to Walter Reed. He doesn’t just have a cough or congestion or a headache or a fever, or all of them. He is very sick.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: judging by their looks, and accepting gossip I don’t know is true, Johnson from a health perspective is trump with a serious boozing habit
I’m still surprised BJ survived
I see that he’s on an experimental drug and now going to Walter Reed. It’s serious.
@Mousebumples: yeah, abcnews just busted into the MLB playoffs to confirm he’s heading to WR and took Regeneron!
Sloane Ranger
@debbie: BoJo wasn’t on a vent. Just on oxygen.
He’s also 20 years younger.
Yikes. This sounds bad,
In general, Cheryl, are you saying anything publicly so far concerning Trump being off at Walter Reed, possibly feverish or more ill (who can even trust any of that news), in terms of global actors?
Belarus? Putin romping around Ukraine? A casual goal or two for China or their clients?
@debbie: Ha! BJ is 18 years younger than Trump, and, while fat, is nowhere near as obese as Trump. And I suspect that he doesn’t have the same levels of drug abuse that Trump has put his body through.
@Cheryl Rofer: Finally getting the second half of that routine physical?
He’s going to Walter Reed to distract from Proud Boys. Don’t believe it!
Villago Delenda Est
Donald is headed to the Walter Reed ICU.
This is much more serious than has been let on.
TS (the original)
Quarantine is for those who do not have the virus but have been in close contact with someone who does – like all of trump’s close staff both sides of the white house.
For trump and others who have the virus, the correct term is isolation. They should be isolated & everyone visiting or interacting with them should be wearing PPE. All the problems with hospital staff/nursing home staff contacting the virus earlier in the year, related to lack of PPE.
Going to Walter Reed for “tests”.
What tests? Will he need to go on a ventilator or not?
Trump is not doing well.
Let’s see if he walks to the car when they take him to Walter Reed. If he can’t muster that show of strength for his ego …
Bill Arnold
Something better than the image posted by Conley:
Trump in ‘Good Spirits’ and Treated With Antibody Cocktail (Oct. 2, 2020)
I don’t recall any anti-viral effects for melatonin or aspirin; they may be for sleep and slight blood thinning. Sleep improves the immune system and blood thinning of any sort might help with SARS-CoV-2-caused clots.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Holy shit! Donny is an unhealthy slob and the kind of patient this virus can overwhelm quickly.
Cheryl Rofer
@RaflW: I’m just trying to keep up with the presidential covid right now.
I just got another news notice on the ol’ computer, Trump is taking Marine One to Walter Reed. The patient is being airlifted. He’s in bad shape.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NickM: he’s about to get on Marine
21, live on MSNBC. It’s a long distance shot, I’ll be curious is they let the cameras see himMousebumples
Link /source? The icu thing is new info for me. Seems very plausible but link to reporting would be appreciated.
@PJ: If anyone even loosely associated with the WH has said ‘moderate’ symptoms, that’s bad. The mild cases are like flu.
@NickM: You’re assuming cameras will be allowed anywhere near him.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Can’t the MyPillow guy do something?
TS (the original)
I need talking down – there is a post debate poll out today which has Biden up by only 3 points. It’s supposedly a good pollster and has dropped 538 average by half a percent. Any more of these and I will be hysterical.
Whole bunch of stuff.
I don’t know what specifically would have generated two full days of twitter silence from Trump, though.
Wait is this how we count things now? Because I can’t believe that’s how it’s ever been done before.
I don’t know whether to wish him dead or not. Almost any other circumstances, it would be an easy call. But I don’t want anyone to feel OK voting for Pence after they decided they weren’t going to vote for Trump.
@Cheryl Rofer: I guess it’s time to complete the second part of his annual physical.
ETA: Curse you, Ken! :-)
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
All the networks have picked it up.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@RaflW: My cousin had it– late fifties and obese– and it never got worse than the congestion. Another relative had it and it was like a head cold with loss of taste and smell for a couple days, she’s 24 and in good shape.
@Ken: not really. If they don’t show him walking it’s because he can’t walk.
When do we start talking 25th Amendment?
@Kent: Three years ago
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Their is a robust, extensive medical unit inside the WH.
If they’re flying him to Walter Reed, it’s significant.
@Jinchi: Early on, Florida was making its numbers look better by not counting the “snowbirds” who died there but lived out of state, so I suppose this is more of the same.
Though last I heard Trump didn’t have a residence in Florida, just a couple of business addresses. He had a potential voter fraud issue because he registered using one of those.
@The Moar You Know:
Of course he did. His strategy of interrupting and bringing up Beau was to get Biden to stutter so he could claim Joe has dementia. This man has no bottom.
It is better for the world if he is dead.
@Ken: You don’t believe he really lives at Mar-a-Lago?
CNN saying that McNinny acknowledging in a note that POTUS will be at Walker Reed ‘for several days’.
CNN reporter also saying that the WH physician not being available to reporters is a problem.
It’s how cases and deaths in Maine have been counted from the beginning: where your residency is. People from elsewhere who are diagnosed in Maine are counted separately. I would guess it’s the same everywhere, but I don’t really know.
From the Maine CDC web page
ETA: Of course, whether they actually live in Florida is a separate question. But even then it would be NY and not DC…..?
This escalated fast. 16 hours ago I didn’t even know he was ill.
Just One More Canuck
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I am imagining him shuffling out to Marine One in a bathrobe and slippers, a la Vincent “The Chin” Gigante
And Walter Reed it is per NYT
Edit: Jinchi beat me to the punch
Around mid-2017, as NickM said.
If you’re asking when the people who should be talking about it do so, I would guess around the funeral. Actually, would there be an issue with having too many “acting” secretaries in the cabinet to invoke section 4?
Roger Moore
@Mary G:
From your lips to FSM’s orecchiette.
@JPL: correct!
The Moar You Know
If BoJo can bounce back from a vent, so can Trump.
@debbie: BoJo is 56. Trump is 74.
BoJo has never been the same since that incident. If Trump goes on a vent he will come off in 30 days. When he dies.
Roger Moore
I do. I want every fucking Republican senator hospitalized with COVID between now and January 3rd. I don’t want them to die, because then their governors could appoint replacements, but I want them too sick to even think about voting.
I don’t mean to be cynical, but if that happens, exactly how long will it be before the evangelicals push the line that Trump had finished doing God’s work when he nominated Barrett so God was done with him.
The Moar You Know
I don’t mean to be cynical, but if that happens, exactly how long will it be before the evangelicals push the line that Trump had finished doing God’s work when he nominated Barrett so God was done with him.
@Jinchi: Those inhuman bastards? They’ll be saying it by tomorrow morning.
Trump is over 70, has a lifetime of drug abuse that is likely ongoing, is morbidly obese, and has whatever additional condition caused his unscheduled run to Walter Reed earlier in the year.
A regular flu could kill a guy like that.
This isn’t a regular flu.
Ohio Mom
I just got here and I see the thread has moved on but no use in being angry at the likes of the Cleveland Clinic or Mayo.
These sorts of big hospitals will never do anything that might anger an ongoing or potential donor. So no high-profile calling out of bigwigs, no matter who they are or how much they deserve it. That could miff an important patron.
I remember when Ann Romney and then Melania made our local news for visiting our Children’s Hospital. It was revolting to me but I already know that place is always about the bucks (disclaimer: Ohio Son got mostly very good care there during his childhood).
Bill Arnold
“several” : “more than two but fewer than many”
@Baud: He had two Ohio events and went to Grand Rapids. I don’t know where the other one was suppose to be
CNN just said it was canceled
Plan to substitute Android tRump scrapped when android unaccountably displayed empathy.
Bill Arnold
Evangelicals that push that line would be the ones that are slaves of The Adversary. (Satan, in their belief system.)
Less than a week.
I really want to know how many Trump family members, associates, White House staff, and senior Republicans bought Regeneron stock before his use of their treatment was announced.
Roger Moore
@Mary G:
Might I point out the mild irony that they are not just hamster ovary cells; they’re Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. Given how much Trump likes to point out the origin of the virus, I feel the cells deserve to have their place of origin given equal billing.
Kenneth Krasity
@brantl: Jumped out at me too, you’d have thought he would insist on getting just a tiny bit so it could be on the letter, but no. Trump has hi BP and HCQ is bad for hearts, so when it was his life on the line, he ignored his own advice