Vice President Pence does not look well, nor does he sound well. He’s sweating, he seems to have something funky going on with one of his eyes, and his voice is scratchy. Senator Harris isn’t having any of his “butter won’t melt in my mouth” BS.
This look pretty much sums things up.
Open thread!
Love that she isn’t afraid to give her words space and time to land. Pence just vomits out word salad.
I hope voters are turned off by Pence’s going over time.
Kamala Harris: “Donald Trump doesn’t understand what it means to be honest.”
Karen in SoCal
Pence has pink eye or something. He looks like shit.
“It’s about relationships”. This was a brutal answer. I await Pence’s lies in response.
A Good Woman
I thought I posted this below, but will put it here. I am following on Twitter.
Susan Page is a GOP Toadie and even less useful than Wallace. Pence is smarmy but not a toddler.
Pence is as useful as tits on a boar hog, and believes in mansplaining. He needs to SHUT UP!
Kamala is doing fine but I don’t see this debate making a lasting impression on anyone.
Kamala just let go a stemwinder on Americas role in the world, leaving Mikey staring off into space.
Also too, Susan Page is awful.
Adam L Silverman
@Karen in SoCal: Conjunctivitis is one of the possible effects of COVID-19.
@dmsilev: like everything else, it sucked. Word salad.
“You gotta keep your word to your friends. You gotta know who your adversaries are.” –
@Karen in SoCal: pink eye? Could be the rose-colored contacts Mother had surgically implanted.
@JWR: his software needed a reboot.
Adam L Silverman
This look says “I’m taking off my sandal/chancla/shoe and it is coming not for your head, but for your very soul!!!!”
Wow she is going after him.
Omnes Omnibus
Oh snap. Smacking Dolt45 over the military comments!
EDIT: bringing up the bounties!
@Adam L Silverman:
Kamala is fricasseeing Mike Pence and Donald Trump.
And in her allotted time, too.
@Baud: good
@Adam L Silverman: He’s reflecting? I didn’t know vampires could do that.
HE’S NOT GOING TO TAKE THE FUCKING 15 SEC SO STOP OFFERING THEM TO HIM! Your shithead spawn don’t fucking count you fucking soul-less sock puppet.
Goddamned, 1 hour in and she’s now doing the Wallace, “Your campaign agreed to the rules” bullshit. GAH!
And Pence helps himself to more time. So he can lie about Trump’s respect for the troops.
The moderator needs to stand up and tell Pence to shut up. Literally stand up and cut him off.
@Elizabelle: Pence a l’orange.
Great, Page shut Pence down.
So what do you think the chances are that Pence will test positive later this week?
Pence won’t say he wants abortion banned.
Mary G
She killed him on the military stuff.
Might as well have Chuck Todd moderating.
mad citizen
Dense totally dodging his religious nutjob views. They are craven fucks. Oh the Christian martyr bullshit.
FlyingToaster (Tablet)
@Searcher: Zero, because the WH has stopped testing.
Adam L Silverman
@A Good Woman: Tell us what you really think.
Oh, fuck you you smarmy asshole.
He stares off into space a lot.
I totally think he has Covid.
@Searcher: 95% sure. Will they tell us? Likely not.
@Elizabelle: Kamala is fricasseeing Mike Pence and Donald Trump.
Heh. And Pence has no trouble just saying Fuck the rules, just like Daddy T.
Pence passes on Roe v Wade to get back to defending Trump. And Page served that up very specifically, since a USSC decision would affect Indiana.
Now he gets to the question. He likes ACB. And her sizeable family. Not one word about abortion. He’s eluding the whole issue. Talking about Christian faith.
Pence is so oily.
mad citizen
@Elizabelle: But barely.
I think Dense barrelling on through his time constraints once or twice when he thinks he’s on really solid ground could possibly be somewhat effective. But it’s just douchy and kind of pathetic when that’s what he does every single time.
And Susan Page should not let him get away with it every single time.
He doesn’t look well but it could just be the stress of being in that horrible work environment. I myself don’t believe the test results he announces and I don’t know why anyone would believe any of them at this point.
@Searcher: 1 in 1?
@Baud: He would not touch the topic. Not a word.
TaMara (HFG)
@Searcher: I’m not sure he hasn’t already. They self-reported.
#PinkEyePence is trending on Twitter.
@Suzanne: I do, too. Fuckers.
@oatler.: Page is better than Todd, his questions were each three minutes long.
@Morzer: LOL. He sure ducked that abortion question.
Notice that, Hoosier women and women everywhere.
Page reminds me of a line from “The Women”:
She’s about as useful as a diamond-plated douchebag.
West of the Rockies
Le Bland l’Orange.
I’m looking at Kamala taking notes. She’s gonna destroy him.
It’s funny isn’t it? 30 years of running on banning abortion and they all dodge it. Trump flat out denied it.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: He’s not a vampire. He’s a ghoul.
How well is Kamala doing, the only thing folks like Megan Kelly or even Axelrock rock can try to comment on is facial expression.
She’s killing it
@Yutsano: yup
@L85NJGT: His WiFi goes in and out, affects the programming.
Okay, I’ve finally decided… Kamala for President!
Omnes Omnibus
She just killed on abortion rights.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Was it Rosalind Russell or Marjorie Main who delivered that line?
Again, no discussion of ripping kids from their mothers? How xian is that??
Covid-19 as a preexisting condition.
Kamala strong on the right to choose. Now bringing up the ACA because, well, she answered the question about abortion succinctly.
@Adam L Silverman: Man, even ghoul’s have standards…
Pence does not look well. Are his eyes red?
zhena gogolia
She really knows how to say a lot in a short time. He doesn’t.
Now Pence wraps himself in the sanctity of human life.
Late term abortion! Joe and Kamala will snatch that baby right up to the minute of birth.
Now he’s whinging about possibly packing the Court.
Good. Don’t take the bait, Kamala.
And fuck Pence for lecturing about not playing by the rules.
Kamala Harris: “Joe Biden and I are both people of faith and it’s insulting to suggest that we would knock anyone for their faith.”
I think he will be hospitalized before he’ll have a chance to be tested. The WH is a virus factory right now and dense looks to be one of it’s latest toys. Either that or he really, really has a problem with women. And could be both.
Schmuck a l’orange.
@Karen in SoCal: Yikes. That is sometimes a sympton of Covid.
@Leto: ghouls just want to have fun.
“If somehow you win this election” motherfucker…
Kamala laying out a history lesson. Court’s in session!
@MomSense: yes. He looks, well, feverish
Uh oh. Kamala brings the Abe.
I’m getting sick of how Mike ignores whatever question is asked and pontificates on whatever is bothering him.
Pence is just trying to get the existing Trump supporters to turn out. That sanctity of life whistling and whinging about packing the court was for them.
Not gonna be enough.
HAHAAHAAAAAAAA she just looked like she ate his lunch.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Or it could be there is a coverup of things being worse than previously known in the White House.
@Repatriated: motherfu… take your upvote and get the hell out!
The Moar You Know
Pence is obviously ill. They need to stop this debate nonsense now. No more. They’re trying to kill our candidates.
Pence leaves himself wide wide open to the Supreme Court stuffing question.
Pence’s strategy of going over time constantly, lying incessantly and repeating his talking points ad nauseum worked well at the beginning of the debate, but Kamala is clearly dominating the last part of it. Especially on the military questions, the choice issue and on foreign policy.
@Kay: always, always, always trying to have it both ways.
Pick a position, any position at all, GOP. Stand by it publicly and loudly and see what happens. They are literally in the minority of what the American public wants for. Every. Issue.
“Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking. Okay?”
Seems to me, based on the comments here, that Kamala is too prepared. That can hurt her and Joe as well. At least I am sure Chuckles would say so.
@Elizabelle: He Just made it overt right there.
It really is remarkable. They’re the dog that caught the car with their far Right justice. The plan seems to be to promote her to the base and lie to everyone else. Like we won’t notice.
Omnes Omnibus
“I am about to” + death glare. Damn.
Now Pence is lecturing on separation of powers.
Fucking shameless.
“She never answered the question” Avalune and I both laughed out loud at that!
@The Moar You Know: I have to believe (hope?) that after tonight, Biden & Co will pull the plug on debates 2 and 3.
genuine thoughts and prayers here for Kamala, having to sit in the same room as #PinkEyePence for 90 minutes. Ugh
I support a 247th trimester abortion, in Mike Pence’s case.
I hope our potential voters are inspired by Pence’s assertion that we’ll pack the Court.
Villago Delenda Est
@mad citizen: Dominionists are utter wackaloons. They do not belong in this country. They should migrate to Russia, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.
Decided to mute Pence and watch Kamala”s reactions. Much better than listening to his lies.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was cut from the movie, but did appear in the stage show. PBS showed a version with Rue McClanahan as the Countess. The line was spoken by the Marjorie Main character.
Isaac Mizrahi did the costumes and they had a 1940’s lingerie curtain call.
But no one could replace Rosalind Russell in that role.
Good that Kamala did not take the bait on packing, but pointed out no African American judicial nominees. (Is that what I heard?)
One of these candidates lives in the real world. The other is just smarmily shameless.
First I heard that Breonna Taylor wanted to become a nurse.
This to me is different though. These people have been scolding Americans on abortion cycle after cycle, for decades. They finally have their far Right majority and the plan is to DENY they ever said any of it.
Let’s talk about packing the courts.
Of the 50+ judges they pushed through the courst… “Not one of them was Black”
let’s talk about packing the courts
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MomSense: I’m not a doctor, and I haven’t heard this, but…
@Suzanne: that’s a campaign message we can rally around.
@Betty: I am regretting I don’t have a Post It within arm’s length. Was gonna block off Pence’s lying and shaking his head face.
Despite my rage reaching apoplectic levels, I think this debate is a win for Harris. She has done a good job, and I think that Pence has pissed off every woman in America who’s not a diehard MAGAt. And Susan Page is joining Chris Wallace in the moderator hall of shame.
Serenity now.
“Do you have to yell it?”
“The book wasn’t specific.”
I think Democrats should answer the SCOTUS question by pointing out that EVERY SINGLE justice appointed by every single president going back centuries was confirmed by a bipartisan 60+ vote majority. It was only under Trump that the GOP changed their own rules to ram through right wing justices on a simple majority vote rather than upholding the bipartisan tradition of finding nominees that could gain the support of both sides.
They are the ones packing the court by changing the rules to ram through extremists.
@Baud: I didn’t know the 1864 Lincoln story.
I am starting to develop a theory that Mike Pence’s Ferengi genes are slowly rejecting the human material that was implanted into him.
Villago Delenda Est
@Japa21: That is just one of the multitude of reasons why Chuckles needs a tumbrel ride.
@Yutsano: Me either.
The comments come too fast to keep up!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That is true. Pence is sick. With something.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Holy shit. That’s powerful
@Kay: The silence on Roe v Wade is deafening. Deafening.
Dogs who caught the car. For sure.
@Yutsano: Yeah. I’m surprised she pulled that out and it seems to be not well known. Well done.
lawn order!
That would be door #1 and door #2, particularly #2. Because he definitely has a problem with women. Can’t be alone with one other than Mother, because the Whore of Babylon’s devilish influence might override his control of his Holy Member.
And yes, they really do think that way.
John S.
This debate changes nothing. The 40% of Trump dead enders think this debate is a win for them, and everyone else sees a shameless liar.
And Susan Page is fucking awful. She literally lets Pence do whatever he wants and go over time and not answer a single question, and then turns around and tries to make an example of Harris.
Very, very high chance.
My kids are screaming right now: PENCE HAS A FLY ON HIS HEAD!!!!
@Kent: Poor fly.
Dense is sputtering. He can’t answer the question. So now he has to bring up rioting.
EDIT: Gotta say I love how Kamala just bullied over Page like Dense is.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): If you aren’t watching, her delivery was perfect. Deep emotion and perfection diction.
@Kent: He’s decaying before our eyes!
@Steeplejack: Yes. Kamala has been excellent.
Pence is mansplaining. Now he’s hiding behind the thin blue line, none of whom are racist, he will have you know.
zhena gogolia
He sure does!
Apparently whatever he used to shape his hair is tasty to flies.
He’s rotten meat!?!
That fly in his hair knows horseshit when it smells it.
Omnes Omnibus
I will not sit here and be lectured by the Vice President….
He. There’s a fly on his head. May have died on contact.
Bill Arnold
Still has the fly!
ETA just flew off, sigh.
Old Dan and Little Ann
The fly died on Pence’s head.
@SiubhanDuinne: Chance of the positive test being announced much, much lower.
@John S.:
The only thing you can say after the last debate is that this one is thankfully dull.
Mike Pence attracts flies. There I said it. Behold the Lord of the Flies!
There is murder being committed in front of my very eyes.
I will not be lectured … damn girl!
He’s filibustering again.
“I will not sit here and be lectured by the VP on how to enforce the laws of our country.”
Wonder what Pence is writing on his notepad – “she’s kicking my ass — help me Jeebus!”?
Dude you got a dead fly on your head. that’s the OPTICS that gonna stick. Like my friend @JazzySDH flies land on shit…LOL
Why did Pence think the visual of the Whitest Man on Earth lecturing Harris on the nonexistence of racism would go well for him? (I mean, even apart from the fly.)
A fish rots from the head first.
And apparently attracts flies on national TV
Pence has a fly on his head!
Bringing up white supremacism. Stand back and stand by.
Mexicans as rapists and criminals. … remind us of all of Trump’s greatest hits, please.
Amir Khalid
I long to hear: “Mr Vice-President, your time is up and I’m cutting off your microphone.”
fly in Pence’s hair, “Sweet product, Dude.”
“Donald Trump is a racist”.
@Omnes Omnibus: You or did Kamala say that?
I had to turn it off. Wanted to strangle Pence early in the hour, like during the first question.
Ok, I checked back in, only to see a fly stuck to Pences head. How long has that been there?
Not surprising given shit for brains.
Keith P.
My two cents on court packing – leave the possibility open as bargaining leverage. Either Clarence Thomas retires, accenting to being replaced by a liberal justice, or the court gets bigger.
“I will not sit here and be lectured about what it means to enforce the laws of this country.” ~Kamala Harris #VPDebate
So what happened to Trump’s live address to the nation that was supposed to stomp on this event?
Kamala curbing-stomping the pink-eyed sulker on justice ?
@Kent: Offspring returning to the Lord of the Flies.
Page is a doormat.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: It was always a scam. The white evangelicals cared about reinstating segregation, especially in education, by finding a way around Brown V Board of Education not banning abortion. They’d also like to get rid of Loving V Virginia if they can. But they adopted abortion to do two things. The first was to rope in traditionalist Catholics to expand their coalition and abortion was the key to doing that. The second was to get around the very real problem of campaigning to reinstate segregation in education, housing, marriage, etc.
Every time a Republican president since Reagan has appointed a justice to the Supreme Court the Republicans, the white evangelical leadership, the leadership of the major pro-life groups all say the same thing: we need just one more Supreme Court appointment to outlaw abortion, so send us more money and reelect us. They know if they ever actually deliver then they lose these single issue voters and that’s a major issue for them.
Omnes Omnibus
@opiejeanne: She did.
Pence does not believe any of Harris’s statements. They are published, actually. There is a record.
Pence now blaming the media. And have you noticed how he always thanks Tool Page for the question? Like it’s a personal gift, to him.
Pence thinks that attacking the media is going to somehow get him and Trump off the hook on the racism issue. He’s just crazy.
eat shit! 50,000,000,000 flies can’t be wrong!
Oh now Pence is interested in criminal justice reform. I thought he just said he trusted the system.
I guess the entire Right wing are now going to deny a central issue in their ideological approach, one they told us was non negotiable and utterly central to their belief system. They’re going to coyly dodge it and lie about it and no one can even ask, because to even ask is to attack their “faith”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
where’s Furio from The Sopranos when we need him?
You got a fly on your head
Dense pulling out the Jewish children card! DRINK!
That was a fine moment. And the look on Pence’s face was priceless.
#PinkEyePence won’t shut up. He sounds all mumbly, though.
@Eljai: Good catch.
@Immanentize: Mike Pence – Vice-Zombie
@Adam L. Silverman
Also on their list is doing away with Griswold.
Like a boss. Kamala does cleanup on defending her AG record, and succinctly.
The end is in sight!
Jesus, how would you remove from the White House?
Doesn’t the question speak for itself?
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: The End Is Nigh!
Yes… Kam!
Stand ya azz down Susan…ya letting Pence go over his time, I’m gonna finish wtf I was saying
Big Mango
Kamala has an infectious smile
Pence has an infectious eye..
Kamala is DONE with Susan Page! If Dense isn’t following the rules why should she?
Page: “What will you do, Sen Harris, when you win and DT refuses to leave?” That’s going to be on a loop on Fox.
mad citizen
@patroclus: The fly was awesome!
All the fly comments here: *chef’s kiss* perfection!
Is there a dog at the debate? Or was that coughing?
Ivan X
That question of “what will you do if Trump doesn’t concede”? What kind of idiot question is that? Any answer doesn’t say anything about the candidate’s character or positions.
They had trouble rigging the cables to make his mouth move. They’re going to try to do it with CGI for tomorrow evening.
It may be a legitimate question but no normie voter gives a shit about it. I don’t think most people have any clear idea on what it means, or why they should care.
One of the symptoms of Covid is confusion, and both ends of the Dump/Dense ticket managed to catch it right before attempting to debate, and it’s not really obvious from what they say. Confused Bullshit is no better or worse than calculated bullshit.
Coming up for Pence, his turn for Stupid on Steroids….
Let me tell ya, that THIS is not getting lost by ALOT of people. And Black folk are taking ntoce of it
@Big Mango:
Conjunctivitis can be a symptom of COVID
Mai Naem mobile
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: one of the doctors on MSNBC who got it said conjunctivitis was one of his first symptoms.
You don’t get any more establishment than the Oval Office, Mike. Just sayin’.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Baud: that’s an insult to doormats
Omnes Omnibus
Pence is Renfield.
@Leto: it’s going to get some social media buzz, that’s for sure!
(Ok, NOW I can leave.)
“Rebuild our military” name 1 thing you slimy fuck. Oh, bring out the conspiracy theories. Drink!
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
I SO want to upvote you for this.
@lamh36: The Divine Nine are shaking their heads and saying, mmm, mmm, mmm. I don’t think so.
outside of a few famous zingers/gaffes, when has one ever?
im watching bit of it cause i love harris and hate pence, that’s about all
Good. Remind everyone about impeachment. Thanks Pence
Pence is so sweaty…
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Pense is horrifying.
I hope Kamala drags him for bringing up the Russian generated conspiracy theory that Ron Covid Johnson helped launder through his senate committee. Oh, not going to get a chance to do that… fuckers.
@SiubhanDuinne: That can be taken multiple ways. Which way did you intend that?
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, I don’t think GOP leadership wants abortion banned. It’s too good of a wedge issue for them. They want to constantly dangle it.
That said, if Dems sweep and eliminate the filibuster, just pass a law reiterating RvW. Dems are never going to win Alabama anyway.
Pence is a grievance queen. “Overturning the results of the last election.”
That reminds us: get rid of the Electoral College.
And he brings up Hillary Clinton.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
He didn’t eat it!
scott (the other one)
For future debates, when the speaker goes over time, the mic should get 10% quieter every second, so that it’s fully off after 10 seconds. (I realize that’s not quite how the actual math works, but you know what I mean.)
Both sides BS for the last question. JFC.
Oh god. Media both siderism in the mouth of an 8 year old.
Once again, he’s not answering the damn question.
Scolding on civility from a college kid.
Learn up, girl.
— ETA: Wait? She’s 8? OK, that explains the level of comprehension.
I let the dogs out and I missed the fly!!’ Darn.
The Republicans can’t call their party the party of life after letting 210,000 and counting people die.
Susan Page sucks donkey whatevers.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
That fucking smarmy bullshit is a waste of fucking time. How DARE Page waste their time with this childishness.
Mai Naem mobile
Wonder if that fly was RBG having some fun.
mad citizen
At least Page didn’t ask each to say something nice about each other
Yes. Terrible question. Answer is we need to investigate how traitorous the Republicans are before we move forward as Americans.
Is the kid’s name “Brecklin”? “Brooklyn”? Freaking Mormon names.
Man, I hope that fly has access to rapid testing. And up-to-date insurance.
@PJ: Better than that question in 2016 where they asked Hillary and Dump to say something nice about the other. But not much.
@chopper: I suspect the big takeaway from this debate will be the fly. My inclination is to say it won’t be good for Pence.
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: He was saving it for later.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Worse. Some smarmy Utah 8th grader.
@Martin: They’ll cave. There are unfortunately plenty of nutter busybodies who want to harass pregnant women who miscarried. They’ll find plenty of volunteers for their local single mother harassment committees as well. Maybe not in the Democratic cities, but certainly, there’s plenty with nothing else better to do.
@Suzanne: I heard Breckinridge. Breakfast? Breakdancing? Got me.
scott (the other one)
@Adam L Silverman: It hasn’t gotten a lot of play yet, but the pop issues an encyclical which seems to say that according to the Catholic church the death penalty is as serious a sin as abortion, and that it’s no longer a matter of opinion but faith that the death penalty is wrong and must be fought against. This is going to make things very difficult for conservative Catholics and could be a serious wedge, the way abortion was used back in the late 70s (only in reverse).
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
It’s fucking insulting.
This is a good answer by Pence. He didn’t mean a word of it, but it was a good lie.
One thing this is doing is making the ActBlue counter go nuts. Adding 10K/every 1 to 3 seconds. It’s gone up over 2 million since the “debate” started.
zhena gogolia
I have it muted most of the time, but it looks from my clicking on it that Pence has gotten about twice as much time to speak as Harris.
I think Dense just broke. He’s babbling like mad now.
Mai Naem mobile
@mapaghimagsik: Donnie was sweaty as well on debate night.
Lacuna Synechdoche
The thing is, Pence hasn’t felt solid ground for at least 4 years. So he’s really not in position to recognize it if he were.
But, if it makes you feel any better, he hasn’t had a moment on solid ground for the entire debate either. So there was never any chance of him being effective.
I’m glad the fly isn’t on the Trump ticket.
@Suzanne: Maybe Bricklin. The Back to the Future car! (Was it??)
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
This is a great answer by Kamala.
Okay, I turned the sound back on, and Harris is making a great summation about Biden.
. . . Glad she got the last word.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: What he said!
Thank fuck, it’s over.
There’s always room for Betty Hutton.
Is it possible a maggot crawled out of Pences eye and matured into a fly right on top of his head? Because that would clear up a lot of things.
@Leto: LOL! I’m going to share that with all my friends.
@zhena gogolia:
I don’t think it was that bad. I’d like to see the breakdown.
Ivan X
@Martin: nice one
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: On target. Fire for effect.
Good point. It appears that the Republicans have decided that rudeness and “domination” of their opponent is the way to go.
@sdhays: I wish they’d ask that question now, because if they did Biden or Harris should just spend five minutes up there contorting their faces: “That’s a puzzler, I’m searching and I just can find anything good about this man. Really. Sorry.”
@zhena gogolia: It feels like it’s at least an additional 30-40%. Minimum.
He’s a thief of time, as is his boss.
Omnes Omnibus
Spouses, mask and no mask.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I’m aware. But the real two gets for white evangelicals, specifically the leadership, has always been Brown and Loving. They really don’t care about Roe or Griswold. But they’ve indoctrinated their congregants to care about them because they 1) need to stay partnered with traditionalist Catholics and 2) they can’t say they want to reinstate segregation and reoutlaw interracial and interethnic and inter-religious marriages.
@Kay: most voters don’t know how many judges are on the supreme court now.
Kamala’s expressions are every woman who had to refrain from throat-punching a man-splaining shitgibbon – or god forbid raising her voice, or not smiling. ???
Doug wearing a mask, MOTHER showing face. /headdesk
randy khan
Not watching, as is my custom. (Saw a live-streamed Suzanne Vega concert instead, and I know I’m much happier as a result.) But I think I will have to look for the fly, which is such a perfect metaphor for this administration.
By the way, Pence is not violating the rules when he doesn’t answer the question. He’s being a monumental jerk, but that’s also not against the rules. (And remember that Biden’s best moment in the debate last century, uh, I mean last week, came when he specifically said he wasn’t answering a question about expanding the Supreme Court.)
Okay, over to MSNBC for the sweet balm of Rachel, Nicolle and Joy.
. . . Oh, fuck, no. Brian Williams. ? Okay, wait, he was just doing the intro to the trio. Whew.
Real talk, Kamala Harris triggers some white women and it’s showing up in lotsa comments (not here on BJ, but on SM) masked as “constructive” criticism…it’s also in Susan Page’s “thank you Mr VP” while Pence is disobeying the rules…while she instructs Kamala to follow them…smh.
Winner: Kamala Harris and that fly on Pence’s head
Loser: Pence
Pence looks like a stick of clarified butter, but is not nearly as useful.
Mai Naem mobile
@Suzanne: its probably Breck Lynn and I have known a kid whose name was Breck.
Memory of this debate won’t last past the morning news.
That was a DeLorean.
@sdhays: Harris: “He would have been a better president than Trump”
Kamala did so well. Killer.
John S.
@lamh36: I’m a white man. I noticed it, and it drove me fucking bananas the entire evening.
The fly will get the most (and best) press.
@lamh36: So are some white people. ?
zhena gogolia
But she made use of every second. She is so pithy.
I really do think Kamala Harris has grown as a politician. Her primary campaign was not impressive, but she looked poised, effective and ready to be a president tonight.
Amir Khalid
@zhena gogolia:
And he still got his clock cleaned.
@NotMax: Oh right. DeLorean.
The 70s and 80s had some cool cars. Some ran better than others …
@Leto: Jesus is her anti-viral shield.
Mike is awful (and sick)
Kamala is awesome
The Dodgers are whumping the Padres
The universe continues on its majestic dance…
zhena gogolia
She landed more punches than Kaine, at least.
@Adam L Silverman: Loving is the one I don’t understand, especially concerning Thomas. It was outlawed via the Supreme Court, but LGBTQ was overreach. Idk. I stopped trying to think about that tortured logic. It’s too dumb.
@khead: The fly will be a superspreader tomorrow.
I don’t have a problem with the 8th grader question. Good chance for Kamala to point out that Joe actually did work with republicans before, although I wish she had said before they started shitting on every norm and process.
There is already a Twitter account called Fly on Mike Pence.
Norah O’Donnell claims Pence won since he didn’t actually answer any of the questions! The stupid. It burns.
@Martin: I thought he was her driver… says that on her bumper. He can be both places at once???
@zhena gogolia: Yes. And Kamala got better and tighter at it, throughout.
Pence threw out his red meat in an attempt to keep the rightwing base and placate his addled and diseased boss.
@zhena gogolia:
People who are already fans of Harris and Pence will like their performances. That’s about it, I think.
Which is fine.
Bill Arnold
So, what’s the consensus: did that fly lay eggs?
Flies are not normally attracted to white. But they are attracted to, well, shit.
@Kent: yes. That’s the answer to the court packing question I wished she’d given.
@Mai Naem mobile: Wasn’t that a shampoo back in the 70s?
@scott (the other one): yes. But it was the Pope, not pop, although many call him Il Poppa
Of course they don’t. It’s an eye-glazing discussion. I mean, “pack the court” is catchy and it sounds vaguely bad but these are the same “undecided” voters who were absolutely shocked that Donald Trump is an insane asshole- a fact they apparently just learned when he went crazy at the last debate.
scott (the other one)
@randy khan: Excellent call on the Suzanne Vega show. My kid also watched, although she initially had trouble getting in.
Central Planning
Lol, my 19 year old had no idea Pence calls his wife “mother.” She wishes she had that last 30 seconds back so she wouldn’t have to know that.
@Mai Naem mobile: Alan Breck was a friend of the protagonist in Kidnapped. “Breck” means “spotty”, as in having acne.
@Baud: What debate?
When a fly bothered Obama during a TV interview didn’t the proto-Trumer loony bin declare him to be a demon?
@Bill Arnold: Mike Pence – the Father of (F)lies…
and Lester Holt wrapped it all up by saying “we’ve just watched the first and only VP date”.
Mary G
@Suzanne: There’s at least 3 accounts, with more dropping soon.
Joy Reid pointing out what a number of women have here said: Pence just talking over the women is what sooooo many women have experienced and that it was a problem.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: Accurate.
@Mary G: Fly’s response: who said I was his friend???
@Mai Naem mobile
Had siblings named Toni and Clairol?
@Kay: my favorite question to first year law students — what was the vote in Roe v. Wade? They have no idea — 5-4, they assume.
Nicolle Wallace carving Pence a new one. Pointing out that he himself wouldn’t answer questions.
Mary G
One of you front pagers, please post this:
ETA: I am still laughing.
ETA 2: Coming up on 200,000 likes in 10 minutes.
@Mary G: Love it!
@Mary G: excellent!
ETA although I bet Michael will say H. Caine was.
@Mary G:
@jimmiraybob: When a fly bothered Obama during a TV interview…
I remember during one interaction where Obama was watchig a fly in the room, and he snatched it in midair! It was awesome.
Adam L Silverman
@scott (the other one): I read it yesterday.
@patroclus: Maggots in the brain.
Uncle Jeffy
@Mary G: ?
The Republicans have made abortion extremely difficult, if not outright impossible, for many women in red states. Repealing Roe is almost unnecessary, but would be symbolically important. And it would free conservative states to enact more extreme laws relating to abortion.
The Court would next go after birth control and otherwise intrude into the lives of women and families.
scott (the other one)
@khead: I mean, it’s not an inherently bizarre take–that IS one of the debating techniques which is often very effective. But it’s a staggeringly stupid thing for a member of the press to say, since it rewards candidates for bad behavior.
Which is to say: your mainstream media 2020, ladies and germs.
@Adam L Silverman: Those Jesuits just live to needle. Don’t they?
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: Thank you.
@Mary G:
Fly in Pence’s hair: clear evidence that he’s a Fop man.
@Omnes Omnibus: Renfield! Beautiful shot, Omnes. Straight to Pence’s craven, groveling heart. ?
@Leto: He looks more like a reanimated corpse.
I don’t really blame them- they don’t have proof he’s sick but it was obvious to anyone watching his White House stunt that he was having trouble breathing. I just don’t want to play along anymore. They pumped him full of drugs and that’s how he’s functioning for those Soviet-style propaganda videos. That’s what’s going on here.
@Karen in SoCal:
He sure does. Are we sure he was tested on site?
Oh my. Joy Reid’s dress is an exact replica of the design on the framing around the ATM at one of the local banks.
Maybe she made it up. Fair’s fair.
Mary G
@WaterGirl: Thank you!
Somebody posted that he needs to give his social media manager a raise right now.
TaMara (HFG)
I’m dead.
@Aleta: Maggots are the brain.
@NotMax: Who wore it better?
zhena gogolia
James E Powell
Norah O’Donnell is a Village courtier. Whatever Republicans do is clever and savvy, while Democrats are extremist and shrill.
@Bill Arnold: They’re attracted to corpses as well. Mike Pence, dead man walking.
@zhena gogolia: Accurate.
Mary G
@Leto: I noticed that, too. Some Leona Helmsley “rules are for the little people” action again. Can’t they read a poll?
@Luciamia: Voldemort, from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, with a nose.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Thomas is weird.
Citizen Alan
@jimmiraybob: IIRC, Obama literally plucked the fly out of thin air with superhuman reflexes. It was awesome.
Mary G
Nancy SMASH sticks in the shiv:
To the extent that there was any substantive takeaway from this, it’s that Kamala explained that Trump wants to take away the ACA and Pence had no real response to offer.
Now, back to the fly.
@Suzanne: @Leto: @Mary G: AHA! The liberals knew about the fly in advance!!! How else could they have so quickly created twitter accounts and video ads!!!!!
– Fox and Friends tomorrow
TS (the original)
I agree with Clare McCaskill on MSNBC – Kamala smiles – she has a wonderful personality and it showed through the debate. As with the Obamas – she has a natural inclination to smile. Pence & Trump 100% the opposite.
That tells me they know they’re losing badly.
@Mary G: their house is on fire and they’re asking why people aren’t volunteering to just run into the fire. Just so stupid.
Adam L Silverman
@jimmiraybob: Alex Jones did.
Pence totally came across as the kid who pesters the teacher that he/she forgot to assign homework.
@Martin: Hopefully that will be the lasting take-away from this event.
@Mary G:
And please add Obama Mr Miagi Fly Snatcher to the post!
TaMara (HFG)
Shiny new post-debate thread up top.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G:
@WaterGirl: no shit. They are good!
@TS (the original): Trumpov, and everyone within a solar system’s orbit around them, are just ugly, ugly people on the inside. And it projects out. They don’t know joy. They don’t know life. They don’t know soul. Joe and Kamala project that at every turn. You know that if you told them a dumb joke, they’d laugh. And if it was a belly buster, they’d laugh from deep down.
Nicole Wallace’s facial structure reminds me a lot of Tatum O’Neill.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: You don’t mess with the Society!
Anne Laurie
New post up top — TaMara FTW!
@Mary G: “Send me 5 bucks or the fly gets it!
Many people are having fun with that fly.
@Kay: So, basically their only strategy is to say everything is fine while hoping that Trump recovers enough by next week that they can roll him out onto the debate stage without everyone else running away shrieking ‘unclean!’
mad citizen
@khead: Yes, I saw that awful Norah O Donnell take too. I tweeted them. It was right after they were talking about how people need to hear about the issues. Then they had Reince Priebus on and he mispronounced Kamala. Fucker. Tweeted him too.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G: First interview with the fly.
J R in WV
I didn’t watch, but I heard the moderator pleading with Pence to follow the rules, pointlessly. He nor Trump have any concept of following any rules.
Wife did watch, said Pence had a bug on his head for much of the debate, right on top of the silver hair. No surprise, I said, we all know what bugs are drawn to. Wife said what’s that — Shit I said.
I hope he is coming down with the White House Plague… if that makes me a bad person, good.
@TS (the original): Clare McCaskill on MSNBC – Kamala smiles – she has a wonderful personality and it showed through the debate
PBS had a female reporter from the Washington Free Beacon say that Harris maybe not realizing she was on split-screen and she was making all these weird faces!
They’re called SMILES, honeybun. Look it up..
I am the great and all powerful (and extremely healthy) Don.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Harris also knew that she had to introduce herself to some voters who don’t know much about her, or who only knew the right wing spin. And she needed to counter the lie that she is a fiery leftist radical just waiting to unleash commie leftist cooties on God Bless the U.S.A.
I think she did well here.
@WaterGirl: Okay, that earned $10 from me.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, but not Tom Waits as Renfield, Squirmy, off-putting Dwight Frye as Renfield.
Didn’t he like kill the fly in the middle of that interview? That was bad ass.
Grover Gardner
I thought she did great. Won’t change any votes, IMO, but she did a fine job and Pence looked evasive and smarmy. And that fly!! Like Nixon sweating profusely.
@Suzanne: Sorry, pet peeve. You abort *PREGNANCIES* – or, more generally, processes (including, e.g., missions).
You don’t abort, for example, “fetuses.”
It’s a pet peeve because I feel it is an implicit trap – it equates the ending of a process (for health or other reasons) implicitly with death. And, sure, there’s a distinct entity that is going to die as a result of almost all abortions (remember: PROCESS! A dying or dead fetus is also removed as a result of an abortion), that’s focusing on the wrong issue.
At 12 weeks, a fetus is about as big as my thumb (or maybe, both thumbs put together). Unlike President Puny, I have decent sized fingers, and my thumbs-up actually points, you know, *up*. If all that remained of your brain was that size, you’d be in a persistent vegetative state, *if* that was enough brain tissue to sustain even *that* much. We could imagine that you can’t stuff personhood into a space that small. And that’s *precisely* why banning first trimester abortions is a travesty. That’s the state taking one of the most personal of choices, and decreeing they know better, even though all but the most hardheaded can at least *imagine* feeling differently. It might be based on secular dogma instead of religious, but that’s no better than a state religion.
You can haggle back and forth in the next two trimesters, and you can worry over what *really* counts as “health” for a pregnant woman, and yeah, it always hurts heart and brain more, the further in the pregnancy it occurs.
But I believe the key thing is the process, and only the biggest liars (possibly, lying to themselves first and foremost) would argue that it’s clearly and objectively wrong to abort/terminate the process at its earliest stages.
(Oh: the other reason it’s a pet peeve is, anything that prevents a fertilized egg from implanting *can’t* cause “an abortion.” I don’t know of any forms of birth control that work that way; Plan B, for example, can’t work that way – the timing is all wrong, there’s no way it could prevent a viable egg from implanting.)
Nobody did great in this “debate”. To me, it is not a debate and unconvincing, if nobody even attempts to answer questions of the moderator or to reply to the opponent.
90% of the time both blathered (unrelated) talking points. The format is broken and useless.
Why are the democrats so scared to present plans, visions, birds-eye view explanations? They come across like they (also) don’t have a plan.