Spitfire jumps a distance of over 31 feet to create a new world record for the farthest leap by a dog pic.twitter.com/QX14pLDspP
— Domenico (@AvatarDomy) October 5, 2020
You may not need it, but by Murphy the Trickster God *I* do!
In the midst of a difficult year, a moment to celebrate. Meet the 2020 MacArthur Fellows, 21 remarkably creative and inspiring individuals. #MacFellow
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????https://t.co/PLALW0oRKf pic.twitter.com/x0icvBIXkK
— MacArthur Foundation (@macfound) October 6, 2020
N.K. Jemisin, Tressie McMillan Cottom, Mary L. Gray… I’ll bet the ‘Intellectual Dark Web‘ and their downmarket brethren have been soiling themselves ever since the news was released. (Yes, I am sure that the other new Fellows are ‘too progressive’ in their own fields, but you can’t expect someone networking after the cancellation of their NYTimes opinion column to stay up-to-date beyond the bestseller list… )
And despite everything, this made me laugh:
White House aides in the Oval Office today pic.twitter.com/BvNedQKzg0
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) October 7, 2020
Holy cow! That dog! I thought the was going to keep flying.
The dog looked like he did too. Is he a greyhound?
Good Morning, Everyone ???
More like an intellectual black hole.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
AL, you broke the margins.
trump: “Those McArthur Fellows are a bunch of FAKE genuses. They never give money to REAL genuses like ME!”
Anne Laurie
Just from that clip, I’d guess greyhound or lurcher (greyhound cross — maybe part deerhound?)
But a sighthound, to be sure… that open-mouthed ‘laugh’ at the end of the leap is pure sighthound!
@debbie: It’s a Whippet dog, which is part of the Greyhound family. I was worried the pool was going to run out of length!
Betty Cracker
Debate commission announced that the 2nd presidential debate will be virtual. Typhoid Trump will freak out in 3…2…1
Breaking News:
@Betty Cracker:
And cut the feed if anyone talks out of turn.
@Brachiator: Good choice. The academy is giving women a chance this year.
Anne Laurie
@Immanentize: A whippet, of course! — should’ve done my research.
I love whippets (they have such a wicked sense of humor), but even when we got our first dog 30 years ago, I knew neither of us had the speed or stamina to keep up with one!
@Anne Laurie:
LOL, my tired eyes first saw “deerhound” as “dauschhund” — what a combo!
A Ghost to Most
MoJo reporting next debate to be virtual.
Anne Laurie
@Baud: Can’t see anything on my setup (PaleMoon, Windows 7) — where’s the bad line?
@Betty Cracker:
Trump is terrible at town halls and Biden is unusually good at them- it’s a break for Trump.
But I don’t want him around Biden- Trump’s sick and lying about it.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Julian Castro:
I gotta admit that the number of politicians and otherwise feckless media types who now will say “he lies” instead of all the convoluted, euphemisms they’ve resorted to over the years is amazing. The first time I heard Anderson Cooper use the “L Word” I expected the asteroid to hi.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: That’s a huge relief.
@Anne Laurie:
It’s the MacArthur award tweet. All the emojis turn into a string of question marks on my phone because I block Twitter, which breaks the margin on mobile. No worries. People who don’t block Twitter will be fine.
This photo:
@A Ghost to Most: Good thing it’s virtual. These people don’t learn.
Here’s Pence last night, maskless and not distancing
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
I wonder if Trump will say something about this.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Agreed; last night’s debate should have been virtual too, but hopefully Harris avoided the Trump cooties. I think you’re right that it’s a break for Trump not to have to be in the physical presence of non-sycophants. But he’s incapable of faking empathy, so he’ll probably come across like the soulless narcissist he is regardless.
Bruce K
Don’t know if this counts as “respite”, but my mom finally got the download instructions for her absentee ballot, so she, my dad, and my brother can all fill out their ballots from the relative safety of a Greek island, and then put them all in one courier envelope to send in. Side note: the staffers at the New York County Board of Elections, especially the ones at the absentee ballot desk, have been very pleasant to deal with, in circumstances which would probably have three quarters of the jackaltariat tearing our hair out.
As usual with MacArthur grants, every year I only recognize one name (NK Jamison) so every year I get to learn about amazing people I haven’t heard of and should have already known.
I thought it very cool that the Nobel Prize for chemistry went to two women, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna, who are not sharing the award with a male.
There are still dopes who denigrate the contributions of women in science and the arts. I remember telling someone that I wouldn’t be surprised if some time in the future, the majority of recipients in every category were women.
This year, so far, we have women winners of the Nobels in Physics, Chemistry and Literature. I might win my bet sooner than I had imagined.
TS (the original)
hahahaha – brilliant
@Anne Laurie:
I’ve watched that clip at least 6-8 times over the last couple of days, and I never noticed the “laugh” until you mentioned it. I take it that’s characteristic of sighthounds — kind of a “Got it!” as they close in on their prey?
@germy: Megyn Kelly says women aren’t even allowed an uncomfortable smile anymore. Good to know.
I’m starting to think Trump won’t win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Betty Cracker
I do not approve of Democrats agreeing to provide commentary for the white grievance network, but Mayor Pete does that wrong thing in exactly the right way.
@sanjeevs: Nothing says GOP like 4 white men celebrating their collective null.
Awww — Elizabeth Warren was just on MJ, and as she was saying goodbye, Bailey wandered into the room and had a very cute Zoom moment.
Well, Megyn’s not allowed a TV show anymore, so there’s that.
@Brachiator: makes me think progress is possible.
@Betty Cracker:
Let’s make Pete our designated Fox whisperer. Everyone else can focus on legitimate media.
@SiubhanDuinne: Why are half of all golden retrievers named Bailey?
@Betty Cracker: I hate Fox news and watched it destroy my mother as she slowly fell deeper into dementia. But it’s the default “news” source on in public spaces all over, not just in approximately 40% of homes. Boycotting them entirely cedes the entire field to the propagandists and nutters, and hasn’t worked out well for us anyway. Being able to go on Fox and eviscerate their lies while dropping some truth bombs can only help, and Pete is very good at it. We need more Democrats doing that too.
@Baud: I have a secret crush on Buttigieg’s husband Chasten. He actually enjoys substitute teaching middle school kids.
Anne Laurie
Well, it’s certainly useful that way. But Just about every sighthound I’ve ever met takes great joy in being THE COOLEST DOG IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, and that open-mouthed yay me! is totally characteristic.
(Great Danes, incidentally, are sighthounds — originally developed by crossbreading greyhounds and mastiffs. So you can check with TaMara, if you want a second opinion!)
That boy ain’t right.
She has a podcast:
They talk about the media’s hypocrisy on blackface, so it’s kind of niche.
@Sab: He’s such a great guy! And the Buttigiegs and the Harris-Emhoffs have become good friends, they pop up on each others twitter often.
Edited: Pete played Pence for Kamala’s debate prep.
That issue is right up there with separation of powers in terms of what voters care about.
Megyn and Greenwald both use their platforms for airing their personal grievances and disguising it as political commentary.
Bruce K
@satby: Honestly, the only boycotts that’d work at all against Fox News would be boycotts of their advertisers – hit them in the balance sheet, make them hideously unprofitable, and then maybe their influence will start to fade. Of course, doing that is probably going to be labeled as “cancel culture” (as opposed to what they did to the Dixie Chicks, which is just “the free market deciding”).
@Baud: Or he is good at it. One of my great aunts taught middle school and loved it. She said the kids never failed to surprise her. High school kids were predictable and elementary school kids were cute but boring, but middle school kids were unpredictable.
The problem is you have to be very skilled to go up against professional liars. Most of our people, while decent folks, don’t possess that skill.
Betty Cracker
@satby: Dems boycotting Fox News completely has never been tried, so I don’t think we can conclude it won’t work. The network is a cancer on democracy, and Dems appearing on it gives it an imprimatur of respectability that it does not deserve. The network converts that unearned respectability into advertiser dollars so it can keep right on poisoning democracy.
That said, Pete did good.
@Baud: It couldn’t keep flying without a cape,
@satby: Upped her game on how to debate a mild-mannered utterly shameless liar.
@soga98: Get him a cape!
@Baud: True, but skills can be learned. Pete’s naturally gifted at it, but others need to learn it because it’s effective. Every crack in the wall contributes to the final collapse.
I agree with that. I happen to know that a lot of Republicans take media lessons offered by right wing organizations. It’s why they do a good job spouting their talking points.
You watch. All the town hall questions will be about health care/covid, the economy or broad “character/values” questions – “will you bring us together?” I personally would ask a school question, since that question has been inexplicably ignored and there are 55 million school age children in this country and that’s not even counting the college students. Biden actually has a very robust children/parent agenda but these idiots would rather talk about “court packing”.
Not that Pence was as obnoxious as Trump, but Kamala could not have gotten away with “will you shut up, man.”
@Sab: Anyone who thinks elementary school kids are boring has never spent a day in a kindergarten.
We’ll find out for sure on Friday.
I’m ok with children in small doses, but they wear me out quick.
Joe Falco
It’s definitely an opportunity for Trump to accuse the Democratic leadership in NY as Anti-Semitic and being the real Nazis. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone on his staff have already drawn up a strategy for using that in ads.
Biden got a school question in his NBC town hall.
Trump says he won’t take part in a virtual debate
The best thing he’s done for this country in four years.
@Betty Cracker: I agree that Fox and the entire right wing conspiracy spreading media is a cancer on society. Democrats going onto Fox don’t give it “an imprimatur of respectability” because non-brainwashed people aren’t watching (except by accident in hotels, etc) and the core audience doesn’t respect Democrats. But it does challenge the wall to wall disinformation in the only place the audience may hear it. Edited to add: the cure for cancer seldom is to ignore it.
That said, boycotting advertisers and making it non-profitable will finally kill it as a media model, so I do that too.
Betty Cracker
Per WaPo, Trump just now:
@Betty Cracker:
Ha! Chickenshit wants to dodge the debate. I knew it. He got has ass handed to him last time.
@Betty Cracker:
Debating is about trying to murder your opponent. Everyone knows that.
Well there’s something Greenwald should know all about.
Betty Cracker
@satby: The imprimatur of respectability isn’t passed along by Dems appearing in front of non-brainwashed viewers; it’s conveyed when Fox News describes its bona fides to advertisers who might otherwise hesitate to peddle their wares on a racist propaganda network. “See, we’re a real news network — both Democrats and Republicans provide commentary on our shows.”
A Ghost to Most
@sanjeevs: The superspreader needs the debate; Joe doesn’t. Let Preznit Asshole T. Antichrist debate himself.
@Betty Cracker:
More of the Right wing exceptionalism. The whole country is following covid rules and learning how to conduct things remotely except for the top tier on the Right, who simply exempt themselves. They’re special.
@Kay: Yes. My autistic granddaughter is being home schooled this year against Ohio Mom’ s advice from pre-covid times. She can’t learn if her mom isn’t alive.
ETA: sorry, Not a very respitey comment.
You must live in a different country than I, Kay.
To be fair to Trump, being on a TV screen is something he’s not used to and it makes him uncomfortable.
The 12 minute video about Spittie was a great thing to take my mind off MTA delays this morning. Thanks, AL!
@A Ghost to Most: In two days he’s rejected the two most obvious ways he might turn things around – the stimulus and the debate.
That’s some good shit Conley gave him
Biden should issue a statement and mention that they truly understand why he would bail on the debate because he never wins them.
@Baud: So don’t sneer at Chasten Buttigieg. He does well what we cannot manage.
I haven’t actually hugged my granddaughter since March. I am okay with that, but it is really tearing my husband up.
I am more of a dog person.
I wasn’t sneering. I was joking.
Betty Cracker
@sanjeevs: Trump will probably walk this back just like he walked the stimulus rejection back. Like y’all said, he’s the one who has to turn things around. All the data tells us Biden is winning.
The kind of thing new MacArthur Fellow Cecile McLorin Salvant does in an odd moment while waiting for a flight at Charles DeGaulle. Congratulations to all of them!
Edit: With Aaron Diehl!
Sorry. I knew you were.
Mary G
@sanjeevs: There is something under Pence’s shirt, just above the belt on his left side. Some wag on Twitter thinks it’s a p&nis-restraining device, since he couldn’t have Mother near.
Betty Cracker
@Sab: The best teacher my daughter had in K-12 was her homeroom and English teacher in 7th grade. The kid loved her, and she was the most impressive teacher we ever met at parent conferences. She understood and sympathized with kids that age in a way that is vanishingly rare for adults.
I knew Trump would chicken out of the debate. It’s not just his incredibly bad performance last time- he doesn’t want to reveal that he’s short of breath. I wonder how long they can safely keep him pumped full of drugs and propped up.
@Betty Cracker: I don’t think he’ll walk it back. I think he’s avoiding it because he doesn’t have the physical stamina to do it.
@Sab: I thought we were supposed to smile more!
@Kay: Not much longer. I was giving him 7 days from his release before he went back in. The more they keep him hidden, the more I think it might well be less.
I don’t think he’s going to go back in unless he’s unconscious, but he’s not well and it’s obvious he’s not well. I keep thinking of those physicians who kill celebrities by giving them everything they demand.
A Ghost to Most
I see there’s another book banger uprising in Brooklyn over COVID restrictions. People need to be disabused of the notion that their sky fairy tales supercede the Constitution.
Betty Cracker
@RandomMonster: You may be right — reporters on Twitter say Trump now says he’ll do a rally instead of a debate, and supposedly he’ll have posted numerous negative COVID tests between now and next week. Good God, what an idiot.
A lot of people were predicting he’d go back to the hospital today. Hard to know.
@Betty Cracker:
It looks like he’s doing his own makeup.
His last appearance, it was really caked (sprayed?) on.
He has a future in mortuary science if he ever grows tired of this whole “politics” thing.
@Kay: The wild card in my prediction is my lack of knowledge as to just exactly how extensive the WH medical facility is. I know it’s up there. I’m basically betting that with his age, weight, diet and exercise regimen, it’s going to be bad for him no matter what they do, and that sooner or later he’s gonna end up in ICU.
@Anne Laurie:
I agree the dog is a sighthound, most likely a greyhound. We have an Itslian greyhound (a miniature variety if true greyhound)., and she has the same springy athleticism and love of taking large leaps at speed as the dog in the clip.
on chilly early mornings when one of us, my wife or i, would get up to let her out to p , whomever stayed in bed would need to keep an esr out for the sound of the door opening to let her back in – lying in bed you had to be prepared for the dog to dash into the bedroom and take a spectacular leap at speed straight into your lap – better have the family jewels protected. Fortunately, itslian greyhounds only weigh aoc 10 lbs
Or Barney.
Love that whippet! My grandmother had them growing up and always talked about them. She had “coach dogs”, too which is what they called Dalmatians apparently.
@Baud: I think progressives are going to be surprised at how quickly Biden turns over the keys, so to speak, after the first few months of the new administration.
trump was yelling that Hillary needs to be indicted because she didn’t turn over 33,000 emails to Congress. Maybe it’s time for the House to start indicting trump’s folks.
@Anne Laurie:
That’s all very cool. I’ve never had dogs (cat person) and have never had occasion to learn these things. Thank you!
Pretty much sums up last night’s debate:
@MomSense: As DEVO used to sing, “Whippet? Good!”
@Betty Cracker: Yup. “Maria, there’s just no point…if I can’t talk over the guy all night and possibly infect him with a life-threatening disease, it’s a complete waste of my time.”
Run ‘against the media’, loosely defined to now include the debates commission, trumpov. Nobody cares. Just cough your way through the finish line and await your indictments.
I watched about an hour of last night’s debate and then I had to quit. And I had no intention of listening to the news anchors’ “analysis” after.
Pundits are often wrong. Here’s a good example:
I love it! Rubio’s tweet from last night, posted along with a GIF of missiles launching
Marco, Marco…this is not the winning issue you think it is. But please explain at greater length across the rest of the week/here, let me give you some more rope.
That’s just science.
Joe Falco
The pandemic and last night’s debate has revealed that Trump and associates were dead all along. Well, I for one welcome this administration’s attempt at providing representation for the most overlooked group in American politics: the dead.
He’s begun the blaming for when he loses.
@Kay: This is exactly what I thought as soon as he actually left the hospital on Monday. They reportedly convinced him to go to the hospital as early as they did by telling him he could either go now on his own two feet or in a few hours on a stretcher. That argument isn’t going to work now.
Just One More Canuck
@germy:Did Megyn say that Kamala should smile more?
Wow! That was wonderful! (“Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most” is just about my all-time favourite jazz standard. Such a great song.) Many thanks for sharing that link.
Chyron HR
I’m old enough to remember when the Working Families Party were neoliberal stooges plotting against Ay Oh See.
It’s the Year of the Woman. They’re giving it to Harris.
@Mary G:
Those numbers are telling.
I had this afternoon in the betting pool.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Today I need to make a 60 second video giving my favorite memory of a long time friend whose 70th birthday is Saturday. Her sons are making her a surprise montage of 70 such videos as a gift. The task probably sounds simple for most of you, but it will be a new skill for me. So yay? Yay!
@Kay: virtual learning is okay for children, but an adult cannot virtually debate. good look for trump. easy ad for LP or Biden.
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: My wife says the treatment protocol is supposed to be 6 mg of dex per day for 10 days. If that’s done for Trump, he’ll be living in a Ralph Steadman drawing before it’s over.
Well, now that Trump has run away from doing a virtual townhall with Biden, I hope that Joe will say that he’s not afraid of the voters and offer to show up and take questions anyway.
Have I missed a comment somewhere that points out that last night was another example of Pense being unable to answer questions on the fly?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Joe Falco:
That would probably work had it not been for the Hasidic community being a bunch of assholes toward women in all too many of those neighborhoods.
@Spanky: Under the fly.
@Anne Laurie: Watch the video again and notice that there’s something dangling just above his head as his mouth is open. Looks a bit like a pork chop.
Political media now live blog all Trump interviews, just in case we’re not watching Fox. They cannot quit him. They’re gonna need a support group if he loses.
Frank Wilhoit
A different kind of respite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgoRsPMoHmY
All I’ll say about it is that it was therapeutic to compose, and I hoe it will also be therapeutic to listen to.
He knows now he’s going to lose. That’s what all the insane lashing out is about this morning.
It’s a dangerous time for the country.
@germy: This. The white privilege, it burns. Rules for thee and not for me.
Matt McIrvin
Trump has been literally demanding that Barr arrest Joe Biden. (And Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.)
@Kay: I feel the need to bathe after reading that paragraph.
zhena gogolia
@Matt McIrvin:
There is going to come a time in the next 30 days where decent lawyers in the DOJ are going to have to stand up. I don’t know that they have it in them- they haven’t had the spine to stand up yet- but they’re going to be the only people who are in a position to act. Keep your fingers crossed that one or two of them have some courage.
So if Trump stays true to his word (why start now?) and skips the virtual debate next week, does the debate still go on with Joe alone taking questions from the virtual town hall?
@zhena gogolia:
You think he’d pinned his hopes on Pence for a knockout debate performance? I guess we can blame it on the dex. If so, he’ll certainly be angry at Pence, so extra schadenfreude for everyone!
Because that’s of vital interest to the public, right? Who gets hired and booked onto MSNBC.
I have never seen people who think their own work is so endlessly fascinating that they not just write and appear on tv for a living, so we see their work there, but have a whole category of analysis that is “me and my work- let’s talk about it”.
@Frank Wilhoit: Thanx.
It’s not the work that’s fascinating. Nothing about Hillary’s emails were fascinating. What they like talking about is how liberals as devious and untrustworthy, elitist and otherwise bad people. Nearly half this country has adopted a subculture that depends on hating us. The specific topic is just grist for the mill.
Good. I’m in favor of law n order white collar crime crackdown.
so he’s entered that stage of dementia where he can’t differentiate the past from the present and doesn’t remember what year it is?
@Kay: Quality of life issue, broken windows.
TS (the original)
From the man who continually goes to SCOTUS to keep his records private.
If he thinks, which is doubtful, he must be petrified about losing the election & all the accusations and congress enquiries that will follow.
A Ghost to Most
If you haven’t seen Mike Lee’s latest tweets, you need to. He’s laying it out there like t** on ‘roids. Barbara McQuade is calling it the scariest tweet ever.
I know we all hate this but the fact is voters keep saying they want more unity. You can’t just ignore it. Maybe they don’t know how to get there but that is what they say they want, with the exception of Pence’s 36, who are the Trump base.
Humanities Prof
@LurkerNoLonger: Insert shrug emoji here?
Biden’s campaign has already said “Our guy’s happy to be there, whether or not Trumpov shows up.”
Jimmy Carter skipped the first (and only) presidential debate in 1980, and it went on without him. Reportedly Carter had refused to debate if John D. Anderson was included, Reagan’s camp had refused to debate if Anderson was excluded, and in the end the debate went forward with only Reagan and Anderson present.
I had been unaware of that prior to today, but bad move on Carter’s part.
The precedent seems to be that the presence of both major party candidates is NOT required in order for the debates to take place.
Exactly. More cops on the beat. Cops with orders for financial records. Accountant cops :)
Total coincidence, I’m sure, but the top article on cracked.com uses a photo of a fly. It’s for “6 Bizarrely Important Operations Hidden Around You“, specifically the screwfly solution – to suppress these parasitic flies which lay their eggs in living flesh, we breed and release millions of sterile males.
By the way, any luck identifying the species that landed on Pence?
@A Ghost to Most:
He’s anti government.
BTW, Jennifer Epstein does a good job covering Biden. It’s just straight reporting, if you’re interested in someone other than Donald Trump.
zhena gogolia
@A Ghost to Most:
That “we are not a democracy” thing seems to be the latest RWNJ talking point.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
COVID is clearly removing his inhibitions on revealing what he truly is.
It’s always good to shame them by quoting their Saint Ronnie to them.
@debbie: I think he is a whippet. They have contests, televised when there isn’t much on.
@germy: That’s a very… primitive understanding of government. Has he read the Constitution? The writers came up with a fairly long list of things that the government should do, relatively few of which have to do with coercive force. Does he think our freedoms are being crushed because we all have to use the same system of weights and measures?
Useless trivia: when I was an exchange student in UK in 1970s, their student slang for cramming for an exam was “whippet stuffing” because you cannot quickly feed a whippet enough to get it fat.
@germy: George Floyd agrees!
Not sure that trump’s closing message that Kamala is an unlikable, communist monster is gonna win over the suburban mom.
btw what happened to the soccer mo
Matt McIrvin
There was literally a hilarious fight on Twitter a few months ago in which some Twitter Marxist was claiming that the use of units of measure was oppressive and un-Marxist. (I think he was hung up on the old stories about using the king’s foot.) I don’t think even the other Twitter Marxists were going along.
Why not let Biden debate Alec Baldwin as Trump for 90 min? -costal elite barbie on twitter
ETA: Not sure I agree w CEB. No matter how low AB goes, can’t out-tRump tRump.
Resurrect the Pottle, the Double Scruple and the Kental!
@Humanities Prof: Thank you. I didn’t know that about the 1980 debate. Now I really do hope Trump skips it, it will be much more pleasant without him.
Eavesdropping on my husband’s coffee klatch. Parochial scholl alumns. Mostly male, but dominated by one retired woman teacher. She is so cool, and they all love her. So do I and I am only eavesdropping.
@JPL: seems they’re breaking pretty convincingly for Biden so we don’t talk about them anymore
Seems that the townhall debate will proceed with or without Trump. Go Joe!
Gin & Tonic
OMG. Freddy the Bore got an op-ed into the WaPo.
No, you can read it, I won’t.
Joe Falco
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Point taken, but it’s not as if Trump goons would ever let the truth get in the way of telling lies, no matter how big the lie is.
@Gin & Tonic: I thought he’d declared himself a bad person with mental problems and gone off to indulge his solitary vices.
@Gin & Tonic:
Jesus Christ.
@Joe Falco: Ha! Jokes on them. The vast majority of mainstream Jews can’t stand those a-holes.
@Morzer: He’s ready to make a comeback now that Biden is almost certainly going to win.
Empty threats (e.g., “I’m going to sue!” ) are the coin of the twisted realm in Trumpland.
Frankly, I lump all the intimations of challenging votes in the same category.
@Gin & Tonic: I think this lends a lot of credibility to my theory that newspaper op-eds were the original troll posts before the internet. I think they publish a lot of crap in the spirit of “Can you believe what this nitwit wrote this time?”
Either that or there’s something about stupid ideas presented in a convoluted way by hyper-sensitives that really tickles publishers. And that would be a lot worse.
@Morzer: Which makes him perfect for an op-ed gig.
The ^ we see concerns about deficits/debt expressed, the ^ we can be sure the usual suspects realize even the vote cheating schemes of the right won’t put tRump over the top. If their numbers grow dim for holding the Senate, we may even see spending bills move forward. Preemptive sapping of the new admin.
Every single one in D’s direction. He’s still falling. Yippee. I thought it would tighten, go in the other direction.
@Ken: It’s an idiotic libertarian thing (but I repeat myself.) They think it’s a clever rhetorical trick to say that it’s only the threat of force that allows government to do things like collect taxes (because you can be locked up for tax evasion) and so government is thuggish and bad. In reality, it just makes you sound like a teenage boy whining that you can’t make him do his chores.
@germy: yep, that’s all government does Mike Lee – no possibility of coming together to maintain a civil society, promote the common welfare, join together to do the things that individuals and the blessed market cannot
yeesh what a loon
@Gin & Tonic
Andy Warhol got it spot on.
@Baud: No woman or African American man or woman.
@Matt McIrvin: At my Marxist grocery store, fresh produce shall be sold to you at prices based on my proprietary ability/need calculation, so no need to weigh those bananas anyway.
@Kay: Sabato’s updates come out at 2pm today too
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
It was only this week that I learned that a buttload is an actual measurement unit.
@Kay: See, the thing about manipulators is that eventually they alienate everyone around them. Four years ago, it was a kick to help Trump, but now nobody wants to hang with him, nobody wants to defend him, and nobody wants to be manipulated by him anymore.
With everyday manipulators, when this happens they just move on to a fresh group of people to manipulate and the manipulate/alienate cycle continues. But Trump has alienated an entire country, and he has no fresh group to work with.
Or as William S. Burroughs put it: “But if the first one is a fake you can’t underwrite a shit house.”
@Kay: He’s spent the last ten days very very blatantly reminding the country why he’s a disaster in the job. Seems counter-productive four weeks before the election, but I’m no Very Stable Genius, so maybe I’m missing the grand strategy here.
@Spanky: Kay has pointed out repeatedly that Pence seems smart because he has talking points memorized and he can speak endlessly with variations of them, but he is too dumb to think on the fly and spontaneously answer any of the actual questions put to him. It’s an excellent observation.
TS (the original)
I assume he approves. He is part of the government.
@Peale: I thought the Marxist grocery store just distributed food based on need — no purchasing involved.
Also: no food involved.
@different-church-lady: They pay Hugh Hewitt to be a columnist. I read his drivel for laughs (and the comment section) yesterday. It was his argument that “yes you are better off than you were for years ago,” and it ended with him literally saying that you won’t hear about these things from most of the media because 95% of them are lying because they hate Trump.
The idea that the WaPo wants the trolling is a more rational explanation than any I’ve thought of for why they keep him on staff.
I read you all and rotated around 8 twitter sites throughout the debate, because I don’t enjoy watching them live. Then I read the post-game samples posted here and elsewhere.
1. Criticism of Harris seems to be pretty much limited to the fact that she’s a bit uppity for Megyn and the usual white male commenters. I would have her do nothing differently. She lost no votes that weren’t going to Trump anyway, solidified the ones Biden already has, and added a few on the margin. The CNN poll supports that and pretty much no other view.
2. Twitter was severely stress-tested after the fly landed on Pence’s head. I flipped from account to account and it was blowing up. The internet was instantly filled with pics of Jeff Goldblum (which I consider an affront to Vincent Price, but that’s a side issue).
3. They know they’re going to get swamped and that if they steal this it will be in the face of a really lopsided popular vote. Mike Lee’s repugnant message is simply an admission that they’re now going to try to normalize/legitimize the concept of minority rule, in the poll-poison instance of the Supreme Court appointment and secondarily in the individual state shenanigans that will be employed to keep seats. “Minority” in this case meaning old white male hardcore conservative and not PoC. Their masters may be in Moscow, but their role models are from old school South Africa. Killing time once while scouting out a Mississippi judge’s courtroom actions for an upcoming trial, I read a bunch of resolutions passed by their legislature in the early 1960s, and they specifically cited the liberty-loving South Africans as role models. That’s where the current GOP is going.
zhena gogolia
Oh, that’s what I was hoping for. Excellent!
Spitfire is a whippet. Our daughter is active in dog sports and there are two whippets in her family. On Tuesday I sent her a link to Spitfire’s record breaking jump and she replied she was “very aware of spitfire”. I take it he is famous in those circles.
@Shalimar: But is he smart enough to think with the fly on him?
@Sab: you would think it would be the irish setters.
Forgot to add
4. Patton Ostwald posted that Pence and Le Chiffre share the same tell. That was the only thing that made me laugh out loud.
@Matt McIrvin: If Barr thought he could get away with he would arrest them. There’s no doubt in my mind
@Anne Laurie:
Yes, I think it’s a greyhound. Also LOL that the very end is cut off, because 1% body fat is not pretty when it’s immersed in water.
Matt McIrvin
@Kathleen: I keep thinking maybe he’s just waiting to spring the arrest of Biden right at the end of October, Comey-letter-style.
@different-church-lady: in the pre-internet days, writers would get an op-ed gig for being decent writers and for supposedly representing a particular constituency. George Will would get hired to represent the “principled, intellectual” conservative, while Cal what’s-his-name would get hired to represent the “raving batshit loony” conservative. But now they seem to get hired to present very niche perspectives – E. Bruenig is the “convert TradCath Texan right-winger who wants Medicare for All and student loan forgiveness”, Russ Douthat is the “convert Catholic right winger who thinks sex is icky”, Freddie deBoer is the “thin-skinned provocateur with ill-thought out pseudo-left-wing policy stances who hates women and will gladly libel anyone who proves him wrong.” In other words, they are weirdos. There’s nothing wrong with that, per se, but none of them are insightful or even self-aware writers, and so the papers are elevating these very strange perspectives as if they represented something significant in contemporary life, when they are far from it.
@ Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
One man’s butt is another man’s … something.
@hueyplong: On three, their loyalty to Trump even to the point of supporting him as he claiming that his case of COVID was personally sent by God, makes me think that they are moving towards something more akin to the type of monarchy where everyone worships a deified emperor. Something like pre-war Japan or Thailand.
Humanities Prof
@different-church-lady: Dammit. You beat me to it.
@Kay: electoral-vote.com has moved Texas from “barely Republican” to tied! Florida and Iowa also moved toward the Democrats.
The favorable moves for Republicans are Montana from “likely Rep” to “solid Rep” and Arizona from “likely Dem” to “barely Dem”.
@Anne Laurie:
Looks too big to be a whippet.
@Ken: Does the AZ one include polling after the debate this week? Hoping not, because it seems like Kelly outperformed McSally. Hate the idea of an “AZ voters are coming home to the GOP” meme.
TS (the original)
There is going to be some serious voter suppression in regard to voting by mail. It may not even be deliberate although the GOP are not fighting to alleviate problems, quite the reverse.
A LOT of mail-in ballots are being rejected in North Carolina.
With higher rates of mail-in voting comes a higher number of rejected ballots for mistakes such as a missing signature or other minor errors, a total that is also running a bit less than double the entire 2016 sum. Disturbingly, it appears that Black voters’ ballots are being rejected at a massively disproportionate rate, according to University of Florida elections expert Michael McDonald.
The saving grace is that North Carolina allows voters to cure mail-in ballot deficiencies. But that process has been held up pending court action. The board of elections agreed to allow voters who had not met witness requirements to sign and return letters certifying that their ballots are genuine. But President Trump’s campaign and other Republicans have challenged this procedure in federal court. A ruling against the board of elections might force a more complex process, obliging voters to complete new ballots.
Trumpov was complaining earlier this morning that the electoral college means that the Democrats already start with New York, California, and Illinois’ votes.
He’s upset about all the Republican votes that count for nothing in those states.
People, there’s never a bad time to ramp up the national conversation about abolishing the electoral college!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I just had an interesting thought – a thread where we all LARP commentary in this election like we’re Chris Matthews, Mark Halperin, Matt Lauer, etc.
Is whippet huffing still a thing amongst the youngs?
“You mean it doesn’t involve sniffing dogs?”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Baud: Hence the reason most health professionals recommend going straight to grandparenting and skipping the parenting step.
@Redshift: My husband goes straight to the comments on HH’s columns for the humor.
@Baud: I was thinking the ‘intellectual dard web’ isn’t so much dark as just dim, but black hole will do.
@Matt McIrvin: Part of me would not be surprised. Rethuglicans are rabid jackals with teeth bared and mouths foaming. They are being driven by something deeper than hatred or irrationality. To paraphrase my favorite line from Casablanca, the devil has the Rethugs by the throat.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@TS (the original): Just saw a new YouTube spot with Wanda Sykes going over the procedure for PA ballots in detail and emphasizing how important it is to get every step right.
Nice relief from the pro-Trump YouTube ads. The one that always makes me want to throw my computer across the room is the lady who says “It’s undeniable that President Trump has built the strongest economy in history…” I settle for hitting the mute button.
Sorry: See story link See his Facebook page.
@hueyplong: Arizona poll is Ipsos, Sep 29 to Oct 7, so both sides of the AZ debate. It has Biden 48%, Trump 46%.
They also have two AZ Senate polls, Ipsos (Kelly 51%, McSally 41%, same time span) and High Ground Inc (Kelley 50%, McSally 44%, Sep 28 to Oct 5).
@Jeffro: Does he realize that it’s only because of the Electoral College that he won last time? Or is he still clinging to that fantasy that he actually won the popular vote last time?
Or has what’s left of his brain finally melted?
@Ken: OK, thanks.
Miss Bianca
@germy: Has Pete B always been this good at trolling the GOP and I just hadn’t noticed before? Or has he just upped his game in recent months?
@Eunicecycle: Hugh Hewitt, Henry Olsen, Gary Abernathy, Marc Thiessen. All well worth reading just to watch the WaPo commentariat rip into.
Edit: For instance, from Thiessen’s column on the debate:
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I contacted my local BOE in Hamilton County to ask what process was for handling mail in ballots when information was missing or questionable after citing my concerns about what was occurring in North Carolina. The person I spoke with said I would be contacted. I dropped off my ballot at BOE yesterday so I’ll start tracking it.
Miss Bianca
@Jeffro: So, Mike Lee, you gonna quit your job in the REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT now that the ‘rona has caused the scales to fall from your eyes? No?
@dmsilev: no, yes, and yes
he is just reaching for anything that he thinks might improve his losing hand here. He interrupted Maria Baritomo at one point just by blurting out “arrest Hillary Clinton!” He was offering free drugs – “a CURE not a therapeutic!” Yesterday in that wacky video. It is sinking in with him that nothing he does or says will turn this thing around for him, and I am SO here for it.
Miss Bianca
@Shalimar: “on the fly” – yeah, I see what you did there…
I think an incumbent is different than an open seat in two ways- it’s more difficult to get to the point where people will take the step to fire the incumbent, but once they’ve decided to fire him it’s also more difficult to get them to not then follow thru and fire him.
@Kay: Amanda carpenter on Twitter: “ So the president can call in to a TV news show and talk all morning but can’t do a virtual debate. OK, got it“
@dmsilev: Abernathy sets me off even worse then Thiessen. “ Voice of the forgotten man in the heartland“, that’s our Gary. ?
@Miss Bianca: He’s always been this good. He had to grow up in Indiana, after all.
I’m sure this will go over well:
Trump says Gold Star families could have given him Covid-19
(siremphasis added)
What I’m here for is when the steroids are discontinued/wear off and he goes into deep depression.
I guess they could just keep them going. Certainly no one will pause for something so preciously obsolete as medical ethics.
My head fills with this when ol’ Spitfire breaks the record:
@satby: Agreed. Glad to see him be more visible. I hope he stays in the spotlight.
He might want a position in the Biden administration, but he’s so good at messaging I’d hate to see him stop doing that.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I am not sure I have ever seen a youtube ad,
is that if you have youtube TV?
@dmsilev: Trump declared that he’d been cured and that he’s enjoying COVID as a gift from God, so why the need to wish him good health?
Miss Bianca
@satby: I apologize for every nasty snarky thing I ever said about Mayor Pete. Yeah, he may be a white guy, but he’s one of the good ones.//
@Baud: Press Secretary! I’d watch the *hell* out of any press briefing he gave!//
Good morning all.
What is your guess on whether Trump will eventually slide into participating in the virtual debate? I think he needs the debate more than Biden does, and that might eventually sink into his Covita brain.
Although, maybe his health will not permit any participating. For reals.
Making the next debate virtual is the first good decision this year’s Debates Commission has made.
@Sab: I was pleasantly surprised that I knew two people, Jemisin and Larissa Fasthorse, who I interact with occasionally in theatre circles. Really deserving laureates.
@Baud: Depending on what he might be offered, he could easily stay in the spotlight and be a powerful voice for us.
@Kay: If anyone demands that Pete apologize, the followup can be “I apologize, I forgot the president’s weakened physical condition.”
The difference is that Fox does not cut his mic.
@satby: I hope so.
@catclub: Neither have the debate moderators. Both so far have been wishy washy.
Uncle Cosmo
In the immortal words of Tonto, What you mean “we,” paleface?
I would like more unity. There is more that unites us than divides us, for “us” = the non-RWNJ 73% – and if we can focus on where we either agree, or can calmly and respectfully disagree, we can asphyxiate bigoted/Nazi memes by rendering them unacceptable in social discourse.
We need to do this because those memes aren’t political so much as they are cultural concepts of status and tribalism – and if we don’t do our best to eradicate them, they will surface in every election until our inattention and laziness allows the fascisti to sneak through, at which point democracy dies.
He shouldn’t apologize and he won’t. It’s true. Trump is afraid to debate Biden.
@Miss Bianca: Think about it: a closeted gay kid growing up not just in Indiana but attending Toxic Masculinity U (aka Notre Dame) for undergrad AND serving in the military in a war zone. He’s had lots of practice honing those skills.
plus Chasten’s no slouch in the wit department either.
@dmsilev: So I take it they didn’t invite the Gold Star father who yelled at Trump and blamed him for his son’s death, after Trump ordered a raid that Obama had nixed as being unacceptably risky. IIUC he hasn’t been back to Dover AFB since.
@dmsilev: are you KIDDING me. Can’t help but think this is preemptive, esp if some of them became infected. It’s heartbreaking. And Pence, chair of Force-Covid-Operation-Victory let it happen, stood by w/o a mask or one for his wife. (He maybe got it there too.)
@Kay: I was trying for a non-apology that pushes the knife in deeper.
Steeplejack (phone)
I stand corrected!
zhena gogolia
Anybody who’s even taken a routine course of prednisone has an inkling of what he’s in for.
@NotMax: A very important benefit of working in a fancy restaurant with whip creme cartridges.
Falling Diphthong
@Elizabelle: I predict that he will talk big about a rally, that won’t happen, Biden will do the debate, Trump will rage tweet for a while, then he’ll try to call into the debate like he does to Fox news shows.
Non political: I will never understand how Netflix makes decisions on what to renew. Another wonderful, fun, fantastic, and well-received show bites the dust. Sometimes I wonder if Netflix really does have a thing against shows with queer women. My daughter and I loved Teenage Bounty Hunters so much. :/
I voted! Drop box was a ten minute walk from my front door, the box said ‘DROP BOX’, and had a ballot-sized slot in front– so it was only a minor feat of logic to figure out. Now, I live in a blue zip code in a blue county in a blue state– but you gotta do your civic duty.
@Miss Bianca: He previously ran to be head of the DNC. Not a bad gig when your team has the Presidency. I assume he could have that job if he wished and his skills suit the position.
ah, whippit huffing
A friend had someone she knows die of covid last night. Mid-60s like us, was on a ventilator 15 days, but her lungs kept filling with blood clots. Her husband apparently never got it, but the kids (early-mid 30s) both did. My friend said to me “how are we supposed to deal with a disease that’s so random in how it hits?”
Other than trying to avoid it, I got nuthin.
@Frank Wilhoit:
Frank, I loved listening to your Serenade. The whole thing is wonderful, but I’m especially partial to the Presto movement. Just a delight all the way through. Saved for future repeat listening. Who are the ensemble performing? Would love to know a little about the recording process.
Well done! Thank you for that.
wow CNN is not buying Trump’s shit:
Another Scott
@sanjeevs: “OANN – November 4, 2020 – God-Emperor Don-John was rejected by His people on election day. He said in a statement on Twitter – “AFTER ALL I DID FOR YOU INGRATES, HOW DARE YOU REJECT ME!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, 10 TIMES OVER!!!! MAGA!!!!11” Several ambulances were seen speeding to the White House. Weeping and lamentations were heard coming from the GOP Senate cloakroom, while throughout DC a rising chorus of pots banging and “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” was heard. 3-Percenters, Q Anon, and Russian troll workers are in mourning. Stock Futures are up 15% in Europe,. This is truly a sad day for America. Stay tuned for more updates…”
Miss Bianca
@satby: so sorry to hear it.
Meanwhile, the wicked appear to be flourishing like the proverbial green bay tree…
I fucking hate this timeline, where, just like Republicans, I’m actually rooting for the *right* people to get sick and die. It’s just that my idea of the right people and theirs seems to be vastly different…
@catclub: And, btw, accused Hillary Clinton of treason, demanding that she be arrested and indicted
ETA: Oh, wait; that was on FOX Business. My error.
I like that Biden’s response to a question about the shitgibbon dodging the debate includes the phrase “he changes his mind every second”. It emphasizes that the shitgibbon is unreliable, and that makes him irrelevant in decision making. And it will strike a chord with parents who have (had) kids who change their mind every second.
Amir Khalid
So now Trump is accusing people who had to be tested and proven to be negative before they were even allowed in his august presence? What grace he shows here, what empathy, what class.
Whippet good.
As with others, I was afraid he would run out of pool before landing. We don’t quite get to see that.
Amir Khalid
Truly, Spitfire is the Bob Beamon of dogs.
@Frank Wilhoit:
P.S. Couldn’t edit my comment @SiubhanDuinne but wanted to ask what else have you written? And how may I listen to it?
PPD (Please Post Discography) ?
Did y’all see this?
@LurkerNoLonger: The good side of this is Biden should get an hour and a half alone on all the channels.
The bad part is that the moderators will be searching for the most insincere, (actually hard core GOP) undecided voters and their ‘questions’.
@Amir Khalid: Buttiegieg got in his final line about ‘maybe he does not care about other people’ on Fox news. Ha!
Obviously, normal people would.
A Ghost to Most
@MattF: I suppose there is a non-zero chance these assholes will set up fake drop boxes in blue zones. They’ll do anything.
@zhena gogolia:
“Normally I don’t go on social media because Mother calls it ‘the Devil’s telephone.” LOL.
Joe Falco
@Ken: If it’s on camera, he needs to make sure he really emphasizes the “weakened” part when he says it.
If you visit his youtube video, and then click on his name, there’s a bunch more compositions.
@Frank Wilhoit: Heyyy! Yours? Going to have to run and catch the whole piece later, but I’m enjoying the spritely opening movement.
Amir Khalid
CNN has been laying into the Scheißgibbon like this for months now. They didn’t start as early as many of us would have liked, but they don’t hide any more that they think he’s full of shit.
TS (the original)
Speaking of Nobel prizes, I have no idea who chooses the pictures of the winners to go to the press, but the one at the Washington Post is the same as the one in the Australian media.
I love that as well as showing Louise Glück, it shows a President with a deep love of the Arts. It reminds me of what has been missing these past 4 years.
(Also, too, the orange one can’t even get into a picture related to someone else’s Nobel prize)
@A Ghost to Most: The county issued a map, the drop box was around six feet tall, and, fwiw, located in the middle of a very posh residential neighborhood. A pickup truck with a confederate flag in the rear window would spur a call to the local constabulary.
@catclub: About the only thing they omitted was “where he continues to take a steroid with a long list of known physical and mental side-effects as part of his treatment”
A Ghost to Most
@Immanentize: Coming attractions.
I keep waiting for a call from the FBI, asking about my brother and cousin, and their activities.
Another Scott
@Spanky: Eeeww… No wonder that fly was hanging around Pence so long.
@zhena gogolia: Because of a bad case of poison ivy, I received a prednisone shot and five day pack. I just can’t imagine anything stronger.
@Immanentize: Kind of a roundabout way to describe the Republican party.
Ivan X
@dmsilev: I am amazed that you can wade through the slew of idiocy that is the WaPo commentariat. It seems to be 90% trolls, from every side, with the usual playground taunts about another commenter’s intellect or mental well-being. It’s not really much better than YouTube comments.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: I remember Beamon’s leap, but if I’m not mistaken, Mike Powell’s world record has stood for longer than Beamon’s did. And in the meet where Powell broke Beamon’s record, Carl Lewis did as well, and only got second place.
I’m on my phone and can’t research in detail, so I could be wrong.
That’s cause you haven’t tried dex, man. See if you can score some. You’ll feel top of the world and ready to bomb Canada.
Meet them halfway, use the anonymous tip hotline.
@Immanentize: Don’t know if this is related but this morning FBI raided a home in a northern Cincinnati suburb and spent a lot if time there. No comment from FBI regarding why. My spidey sense kicked 8n when I read your comment.
Frank Wilhoit
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s synthesized. The toolchain is Sibelius and NotePerformer. Exporting the audio and synchronized video is one click (of course the score has to be repaginated).
I’m very glad you like it. It struck me that it was time for something light(ish). There is much more at broadheath.com .
Lets keep in mind that like everything else in our society, there is a lot of money to be made because of cancer. Just look at the “jobs creators” sponsoring the propaganda that spreads this cancer.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Frank Wilhoit:
Very nice!
What software do you use?
Frank Wilhoit
@prostratedragon: Glad you like it! There is more on the YouTube channel and on my personal website broadheath.com .
Frank Wilhoit
@Steeplejack (phone): Sibelius and NotePerformer. There is nothing else remotely like that combination at the price point — and I’d never have time to learn to use any of the more expensive toolchains.
Thanks. I never know what to click to get what I’m looking for.
@Frank Wilhoit:
That’s amazingly good synthesised sound! I mean, since I’m listening on the phone, everything has a slight edge to it, but I truly thought it was a live wind ensemble. Really nice. Bookmarking your site.
Another Scott
@Humanities Prof: Probably already corrected, but for posterity:
It was the 2nd debate where “there you go again” and “are you better off now than you were 4 years ago” entered the lexicon.
@Aleta: I knew what song that had to be before I clicked!
Ohio Mom
It is true that I think public school is vitally important for kids with disabilities but now, in Covid times, everything is thrown to the wind.
As you say, just keeping everyone in the family alive and healthy is the only priority, not to mention, enough of a challenge.
I can assure you, if Ohio Son was younger, he’d be being homeschooled as well.
As it is, as a young adult, he is stuck at home. No more working with a job coach, no more meeting with his “Community Builder” from the local nonprofit that aims to help their clients um, build a community for themselves.
And all this unstructured time is bringing out the not-great side of him. So I can imagine how hard it is for your granddaughter.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@OldDave: Thanks for the link. What a great story. What a great partnership. I have never heard of diving dogs before, just agility competitions. Very cool.
Kayla Rudbek
@Frank Wilhoit: a good respite indeed. I think that you should send this to Modern Daily Knitting for their music recommendations.