The Guardian liveblog here.
You got this, @JoeBiden.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) October 23, 2020
This post is in: Election 2020
The Guardian liveblog here.
You got this, @JoeBiden.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) October 23, 2020
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I knew we could count on you Anne Laurie.
Only 10 minutes until the critical undecided voters dig into the issues by tuning into Fox News to watch the candidates tangle with America’s Truth Troops!
Okay, I’m ready—full of trepidation but ready. I just finished dinner, and before that I went out to get some provisions and replenish the strategic alcohol reserve.
Deep breaths.
I got a 14 year Scotch – I’m ready to go.
John Cole
I can not do it.
Gosh, I hope we can keep the banter about potato-flavored sodium going up here!
Is it true that Ozzie Osbourne has been teaching Donald Trump to bite the head off a bat?
OK, who had mooning the moderator before the first question on the Bingo card?
@John Cole:
Good, no drinking for you.
Grab a kumbucha or a glass of yoghurt
Gin & Tonic
@John Cole: Me neither.
@Geoboy: That’d be really cruel: the bat could get rabies.
@John Cole: I’mm with you. Can. Not.
my two velociraptors are here as well – we are ready (after they fucking knocked some plants and making a huge mess in the kitchen)
wonder if Biden will ask Trump to explain the extraordinary series of events that took place to illustrate his crimes against the nation…. that would be fun.
I think there is a good chance that Trump has an apocalyptic meltdown tonight.
And I hope that
ifwhen Trump brings up Hunter Biden, Joe Biden unloads on Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric and zeroes in on Trump’s Chinese bank account.Those are my goals for tonight.
Kristen Welker is meh. I hope she does a good job, but I’m not holding my breath.
Doctor and joe biden?
@John Cole:
I got ya.
I got beer and a bowl.
That’s ridiculous: he’ll already be babbling before Biden starts to answer.
Keith P.
I’m watching the Rudy-Borat bit right now in lieu of the debate.
EDIT: First LOL part is SBC whispering to Rudy while he’s being interviewed by the daughter – “If I were you, I’d stick to marrying your cousins”
Omnes Omnibus
So far so good.
I had a beer earlier but switched to seltzer.
@HumboldtBlue: I refuse to waste good weed on trump. Besides, there isnt enough in the world to make him tolerable =-)
West of the Cascades
Is the motherfucking “First Family” wearing their masks?
As we head into the debate (which I will absorb via twitter and BJ, not by watching), I see this
And I think about how, early in the pandemic, it was of course the international gateway cities, and the coastal ones at that, which bore the brunt of early Covid. The hinterlands were months away from the hard part.
The autumn surge is under way, but at the same time that people in most every state are now voting. How that plays out (or if it matters, given the other issues) will be one for the political scientists to digest, I guess. Some day.
@John Cole:
Tell it ?
Take a moment to pity whoever is in charge of deciding on Trump’s medication dosages for tonight.
@Omnes Omnibus: What, the bat is still alive?
Suburban Cook County Early Voting Numbers
131,000 since Monday
is anyone else watching c-span? nothing happening, except a weird sound.
Ohio Mom
The suspense is killing me. What is happening backstage, they should be on stage by now.
@West of the Cascades: Noted liar Mark Meadows said that they would be.
Okay, I can see Michael Steele’s point (on MSNBC): hit Trump once on the Hunter Biden issue and then let it go; don’t get bogged down. But I want that one hit to be a K.O.
I’ll be going over to the plain feed on C-SPAN once the actual debate begins.
@Ohio Mom: The staff needed to adjust Trump’s shock collar. Needed to be let out three sizes to make it around his neck.
And the big WSJ story is…an editorial.
I’m looking at rum and tonic tonight, with a big shmitz of lime.
West of the Cascades
Debate commission announced a ruling that anyone found or seen in the room’s audience without a mask will be immediately ejected.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I can’t actually listen to Trump. Not even for the car crash effect. So I’ll follow a live blog or two and see what jackals have to say.
Cheryl Rofer
@WaterGirl: I am watching CSpan.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: No one was on stage.
Trump is already whining his head off?
It has begun!
why is Joe “Joe Biden” and Trump is “President Donald J. Trump”?
He just wanted an invite to the debate.
The weed is for you and this collection of misfit toys.
West of the Cascades
@NotMax: Nice!
Observation the first:
Set designers bought up every bit of blue in Nashville.
Kid Rock is there. After all.
Okay, this is what I don’t like about Kristen Welker. She always comes across as a little too pleased with herself. Possibly my personal bias, but I’ve watched her White House reports for a long time.
@John Cole: That’s cuz you stopped drinking. I’ve got me a bottle of white.
Good start so far, I like the energy she is bringing.
I have no stomach to watch the orange ??
Ceci n est pas mon nym
The wife has decided to watch it. So I guess I’m getting exposed.
Oh Lord. I count 5 lies in the first 30 seconds.
Trump got new hair made.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: Given the stunt they’re going to pull with this former Navy lieutenant that Breitbart and Fox News surfaced yesterday and who is now the President’s personal guest at the debate tonight.
@West of the Cascades:
Melania was, at least when she sat down. I didn’t see any of the others.
“China virus”. That didn’t take long.
How hard is “Last time X4?”
zhena gogolia
@John Cole:
Me either.
Omnes Omnibus
He is just fucking lying. Arrrggghh!
COVID spikes in FL , TX and AZ are all gone?
@HumboldtBlue: Enjoy.
“Tonight’s debate rules have been altered slightly. After the first interruption, the offending party will have his microphone muted. After a second interruption, the offending party will have a My Pillow placed across his face…”
They’ve convinced Trump to tame himself.
I see that Trump is lying. No surprise.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s all he’s got.
Sweet mother of idiocy the man is simply unbelievably galling.
@Baud: How long will that last?
Adam L Silverman
@Ohio Mom: They had to give him thorazine.
I’m getting the live feed now on C-SPAN.
It lasted 2 minutes. He’s getting excited.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
He’s gonna distribute the vaccine in weeks! Wowzers! And he saved 2 million lives! And everybody in the world congratulated him on having the best response!
His mouth isn’t open while Joe is speaking! They got the dosage right! Am I using too many exclamation points!
So that’s a lot of words without actually answering the question. Shocking, I know.
we’re rounding the corner, it’s going away. ????
I see Trump went with Nuclear Sunrise for the spray-on tan color.
Keith P.
According to Trump, the COVID spikes in Texas and Florida are “gone”.
Holy shit, it’s absolutely a fuckton of lying.
James E Powell
I’m comfortable with our guy being Joe Biden.
The Guardian blogger says they’ll be doing fact checks during the debate. Their poor little fingers will fall off if they try to keep up with Trump’s lies.
Never a Kombucha for a recovering alcoholic!!
“it’s going away” … just fucking stupid.
Biden: another 200k dead expected by the end of the year. And the Pres has no comprehensive plan.
Omnes Omnibus
Boom! Joe brings it.
Lies. Lies. More lies. And he still hasn’t answered the question. “It’s going away.”
@cain: Milwaukee Beast Ice for me. I’m a tightwad tonight who is out of Boodles Gin.
Biden actually gives an answer to the question that Trump dodged. Again, I know you’re all shocked.
@Steeplejack: Me, too, C-SPAN is fine for me now.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: She’ll be coming ’round the mountain….
Damn Biden was strong out of the gate.
Joe sounds really goooood.
He’s been sedated.
mad citizen
I didn’t really hear a plan for covid from Joe. Though may have missed it ‘ cause reading the blog. Heard him say wear masks. Not that this event matters.
Like how it’s turning on trump’s actions and bs though
@MagdaInBlack: we could be friends. ?
doh, okay sorry – how about a yoghurt drink instead?
Omnes Omnibus
Dear god.
Is trump slurring his words?
Cole is flaunting his bidet again.
James E Powell
I’m watching Giants vs. Eagles. Just saw my first anti-Biden ad. It’s “if you’re for Trump, they you ain’t black” and the crime bill. Not sure that’s going to work.
For those not following at home… Trump: Lies, lies, lies.
Joe is doing well.
not bothering to turn the TV on. How do folks feel so far?
I had a couple of Pepperidge Farm Double Chocolate Nuntuckets, but I’ve cut myself off. I can’t binge like I could when I was a younger, wilder man.
Swine flu! Drink!
@NotMax: thank god
H1N1 was a total disaster.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Joe didn’t move quick enough to shut down the country
Omnes Omnibus
Whiny rat bastard.
Fucking accordion hands and snorting
YOU ARE LYING MF. Behind you? what the fuck are you talking about? he’s not the goddam president!
Trump is acting as close to normal as possible. He’s lying but it’s not a shit show otherwise.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Given that the WSJ’s editorial page is a bunch of right wing nuts, that they ran the debunking says something about how weak this chucklehead’s story was.
Sounds like Trump is reporting from the weird universe he inhabits. Solipsistic little shit.
@Baud: They are getting better with Trump’s drugs.
P.S. Joe is locked up in the basement, living in the basement.
@mrmoshpotato: What, on a Zoom call?
@Baud: Still got 75 minutes to go and embarrass himself. I hope part of Joe’s prep was to get under Donnie’s skin.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@cain: See, that’s why I can’t actually watch Trump. I already had one heart attack.
What is this whole “the Army will distribute it” thing that Trump has been saying for a long time about the vaccine? It has Big Dictator Energy, but how would it actually work? And wouldn’t it possibly violate the “not deploying the armed forces on U.S. soil” thing? Possible essay question for later.
Anyone who had “basement” on their drinking game card, my sincere sympathies.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh, it’s not a debunking. It’s a ranty WSJ editorial. Apparently.
Joe’s WTF moment! Dammmmm
99.9% of young people recover. we have to open schools and open the nation.
Trump, of course.
700K dead!
@Yutsano: ?
Adam L Silverman
Basement, drink!
By the way the basement reference is a signal to the QAnon nutters who believe that children are being trafficked by Democrats in basements.
Is he looking a bit more BROWN this evening? WTF is up with the makeup?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Please don’t watch, we need you to keep writing books.
Stockyard Oatmeal Stout sitting next to me. I raise my bottle to all of my jackals that can tolerate this orange monster.
@cain: what moment?
Omnes Omnibus
We have two “Come ons!”
Dorothy A. Winsor
Oops. Sorry for the duplicate comment.
I don’t think “taking responsibility” means what you think it does.
AWESOME reaction from Biden.
He’s babbling.
@Quinerly: I bet we could, only children and all =-
Eta: I tried, even with Hal Sparks wisecracking and calling out the lies, I took one look at that orange pouty face, and nope, click, done.
@John Cole: Me neither. I tried and the Orange One opened his mouth and I decided to follow it via live blogs. The Internet will post anything interesting and I am DVRing it, so I can watch later.
I’m pretty calm so far. Almost every word Trump says is a lie, including “and” and “the,” as the old joke goes, but I’ve heard it so many times before that apparently I’ve built up some resistance.
Mallard Filmore
Gaahhh! Trump is whining that China didn’t do his job for him.
“dancing in the streets of china town?”
First “interrupt the moderator”. She’s doing a pretty good job so far keeping things under control.
@Suzanne: Which color is Trump wearing?
Trump is drugged. More so than usual.
Is this thread slow to reload for anyone else? Really lagging for me.
Joe is laughing at him. That’s great.
@SFBayAreaGal: He is much darker than orange this evening.
and a real federal response and mask mandate could have stopped it from getting to them .
@Steeplejack: Yes.
@Suzanne: brownish red on my screen. maybe an extra helping of clay? Avalune and I agree with you: wtf is up with his face?
HOLY SHIT! The orange pile of shit was just all “I was kidding about injecting bleach.”
Ok, done with this.
James E Powell
Trump’s performance actually doesn’t matter much.
Our guy just has to look & talk like a president.
Trump remembered he has a son.
Cuomo is apparently the named governor Trump can remember.
zhena gogolia
“I take full responsibility. It’s China’s fault.”
Trump is being a lot more sedate this time than the first debate.. but he’s still a fucking liar.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Steeplejack: Agreed. He’s lying and it’s obvious that he’s lying. Take it to him, Joe!!
HOLY SHIT! The orange pile of shit was just all “I was kidding about injecting bleach.”
Ok, done with this.
@WaterGirl: maybe it’s fascism? maybe it’s Maybellene?
Edit: but color wise, he’s third from the left. Red C*something (I can’t read it, but that’s his color)
“What do you say to parents worried about the safety of schools?”
“Fuck them”
zhena gogolia
I’ve been convinced for a while that Trump doing his adulation tour across red states is seeding COVID amongst his base. Anti-mask behavior and the timing, several weeks before the election, could lead to a worst case scenario for him where his voters, propagandized to not vote by mail, will be too sick to vote come election day.
My kid said the same thing – is he wearing brown face
Omnes Omnibus
Walk and chew gum at the same time.
“Suppose China DID send it here on purpose as an act of war. Why was your response to it still so bad?”
Everything is always “something that they’ve never seen before”
Is DT actually campaigning for Joe now, listing all the suicides and drug use?
@Steeplejack: It’s definitely laggy for me.
Welker is actually doing good.
idk – we should all die for dear leader is a pretty persuasive argument.
@Spanky: the Pepperidge Farm Coconut Cake brings back fond memories.
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: The generals can’t do anything about this in regards to logistics. Unless the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is successful, and right now its trial is suspended because there was an adverse event, the capacity to distribute any of the other leading potential vaccines from Moderna and Astra Zeneca require a delivery and storage system that doesn’t exist. The only one that wouldn’t require it is Johnson and Johnson because it is the only one not based on a new technology/delivery method. The DOD can’t solve that problem any time soon because the military doesn’t have the refrigerated vehicles or storage that would be required. It simply does not exist.
@L85NJGT: This shade is called “Locked In A Tanning Bed In A Horror Movie”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Joe gives specific guidelines on how to reopen. Trump says “he wants to shut down everything forever”.
Also, teachers don’t have to worry, hardly anyone of them will die from exposure to the kids.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Boizhe Moi!
Putting plexiglass that is unbelievably expensive? WTF?
Career military bigwigs have already disavowed that entire thing as non-existent, unfeasible and a fantasy.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: It’s the downers.
@MomSense: Smeared his own poop on his face?
I tried to watch. I really did. I can’t do it.
Thanks to all who have a stronger stomach than me, who can actually listen to trump’s lies.
Joe is outright mocking him!
EDIT: “No blue states, no red states, just the United States!”
Dolt45 is all over the place.
Ghost Town!
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m tough. Although, this could be tough. I had “plexiglass” on my bingo drinking card. ?
Trump’s starting to melt again.
Ha! Now I’m humming that jingle.
@cain: It’s a lot cheaper if you stiff the contractors.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: See my comment at #167.
@West of the Cascades: Would a motherfucking First Family be a genetic Moebius Strip?
The media will give Trump kudos for not interrupting like in the first debate.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Ahhh, that was not clear.
@different-church-lady: His Twitter.
@cain: They’re all over plexiglass and acrylic, now they’re on to polycarbonate, tempered glass, and decorative resin.
i should note that none of that barrier shit works. At all. There is zero evidence, as we do not breathe like Drogon.
mad citizen
@Anotherlurker: Same here. Switched over to last episode of The Vow. A different cult show. My wife watches it closer than me.
One of the things Trump supporters do to distract from covid is to tell you how suicide and drug abuse spiked as a result of the stay at homes. A “normie” thinks “right- problems with covid” but they think it’s an indictment of liberals. They are to the point where they speak in a kind of code. You have to know the whole narrative or you’re lost.
Not watching. Are we talking dark as McConnell’s hands?
@Suzanne: Is he anywhere in the Orange range? ?
Okay, Welker has dialed it down a bit, so I’m okay with her now. As if anyone cares.
Is Trump getting more screen time than Biden now? Or is it just that Biden is letting him blow?
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
“Not blue or red states, but United States.”
Biden should have said that he understands why Trump is so upset with China’s response to the coronavirus considering Trump pays more in taxes to China than America.
Fucking accordion hands
Ohio Mom
It will be a surprise to NYC that Trump has so much affection for them.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
OK, enough. Can’t take it. At least not with the visuals. Moving to the next room, listening with one ear.
You can tell Trump has been coached to NOT BLOW A GASKET. But you can also see he’s TRYING REALLY HARD not to blow that gasket.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m sure this is the first time any of the “generals” have heard this plan. I’m sure LTG Williams, director DLA, is like, “Wait, wut???”
Blood (on my hands) orange.
@Anotherlurker: It’s not near as much fun without numbnuts screaming.
Adam L Silverman
@Suzanne: We’re almost two months from Thanksgiving so he’s transitioned to the roast turkey from jack o lantern.
I think my neighbor will be knocking on my door soon. I lost my mind at his “I think he’s a Democrat.”
And we used to call Dubya whistle ass….
Now boasting about how corrupt he could be if only he wanted to.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Oh, he could raise gazillions with a few phone calls. He’s just too honorable to do it.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Had that conversation with a coworker today. He said ” If Biden wins, hes going to shut the country down” I asked him to please A: stop watching Fox. B: check your sources. C: Show me where he said that.
Pointless conversation, I know, but wtf.
@khead: it’s coming. He’s talking about money.
Does Trump always get to have the final word on a topic?
Omnes Omnibus
WTF was the Wall Street thing about? Fucking nuts. Jebus.
Welker gave Trump too much time on that “taking Wall Street money” rebuttal. And Biden should have been given a brief opportunity to rebunk.
Fundraising? YER BROKE DUDE!
WaPo live fact checker:
@dmsilev: lol
@khead: he had a mini outburst right there with, “I can raise so much more money”…
*insert “Sure, Jan” gif
@Kay: I somehow missed that, even being fairly tuned into right wing crap. So once again, awesome for his base while everyone else scratches their heads.
Calm is worse because we all know what a ranty, orange shitpile he is.
@Baud: Doesn’t he have 3 of them?
@Omnes Omnibus: Trump is sensitive about the fact that he’s stolen so much money from his campaign that they’re not able to run ads.
Keith P.
Interesting strategy by Trump to take time during the debate that if he wanted to, he could call up a bunch of major Wall Street companies and beat all of Biden’s fundraising records.
@dmsilev: All of them, Katie!
@Cameron: You may be thinking of the classic Heinlein story “All You Zombies“.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: If we had two more debates, the way he’s darkening the shade of his makeup, he could be running for reelection as America’s second black president.
Shut the fuck up, Donny!
You’re out of your element!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
this mess is supposed to last an hour and a half ?
… which, concerning suicides, as you may have seen, is a bogus claim, according to the data we have so far.
Trump is coming across unusually lucid (for him). Aside from the actual content of his words, of course.
West of the Cascades
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Yeah, it’s definitely better when I can only hear (but not see) Trump. Biden sounds presidential, Trump not so much. “His buddy Rudy Giuliani” ought to get a rise out of the Orange One.
Omnes Omnibus
Bounties and destabilizing NATO. Boom and boom.
Ivan X
I thought that maybe if I read the commentary here I might be able to take it, but even that is too much for me. Maybe because I could only be comforted by news of Hindenburg-like performance by Trump and Babe Ruth-like performance from Biden.
@Ken: Not as dark as Mitch’s hand, but definitely dark. Dark. It looks weird.
@Steeplejack: Joe did manage to say “average $43 donation.”
Anybody on the internet getting out color swatches so we know what to call it?
Just saw the exchange about Big Money Biden. Too bad Biden is too senile get out coherent on-point, concise responses to Trump’s BS.
If keeps going like this, the corporate news pundits will talk about the incoherence gap. Good news for Trump?
Trump is being very polite and well behaved. As soon as I typed that, Trump got kind of snippy and now he’s on to hunter biden.
When he’s not speaking, Trump presents terribly in the side-by-side. Shitty, not interested body language, interrupted by frequent head tics and a perma-frown.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
“I never got any money from Russia”. Um????? Paging Eric “we have all the money we need from Russia” Trump.
@MomSense: people think he’s going to Russia, but everyone will be surprised to find him on a corner in Paris, upturned hat and grinder monkey beside him.
@jl: I think he’s definitely in the color range of what I posted at #139.
Joe’s shocked face is kind of amusing – the whiplash is shared by all of us.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Joe hits him with 911uliani!!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
My god, the horror.
The email! The horrible emails!
@Baud: Terrible emails!
@WaterGirl: All of them Katie. He’s wearing all of them.
Bobby Thomson
This prevent defense fucking sucks. Joe’s letting a lot of bullshit go that he could deal with in 10 seconds, e.g.: “unlike you, my tax returns are all public and everyone can see that everything you just said is a lie.”
Dark enough to get deported?
There’s a pillow and sheet Biden scandal? Was that scandal broken at the beginning of the debate.
“Nobody has been tougher than me on Russia.”
This word nobody you use, I do not think it means what you think it does. Also the word tougher.
“I think you should comment on this fake story right now”
Here we go – the hunter biden has come in.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Did Trump just confess via accusation?
“Pillows and sheets!”
Biden: i released 22 years of tax returns. What are you hiding?
I hear it a lot, to the point where I know exactly where they’re going.
Someone nice asked me yesterday about the Hunter story and I actually took a breath to respond and then thought “I don’t have the energy to explain this”. So I asked her about her metal roof.
Can’t be over soon enough.
@L85NJGT: Burnt his face ironing it…
Omnes Omnibus
@Bobby Thomson: He just did all that.
Amir Khalid
I’m watching the NBC News livestream on YouTube. It’s marvelous what knowing that someone can make him shut up does for Trump’s behaviour. But his responses to Welker’s questions are as estranged as ever from reality.
Now he’s making bullshit excuses for his campaign’s lack of funds.
@Spanky: It’s blackface-adjacent.
West of the Cascades
@Bobby Thomson: Like Joe just did??
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Please bring up the bounties, Joe!!
@Bobby Thomson: He just did that.
Just used a “sir”: drink 3!
Tax prepayment!
Tax returns still under audit. Still.
Sir story!
Bullshit on prepaying taxes!!!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Bobby Thomson: Joe just said that.
@jl: someone please call the My Pillow Guy!
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): He did.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): He already has.
Bobby Thomson
@jl: why, hello, person I’ve never seen below vomiting out Russian agitprop. Go fuck yourself.
Good response by Joe about foreign money.
DT: “My taxes are coming real soon.” Riiigght.
@Baud: but forgot he had a brother. A brother who died of Covid
I cannot watch the stupid liar who was installed by Putin with the help of misogynistic and xenophic bigots to the highest office in the nation. I tried and failed. Every time I watch him speak my brain cells die and my BP shoots up.
Adam L Silverman
@khead: Yes and yes.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
The pivot! This is it!
Next thing, Halperin, Matthews and Lauer will have a chat show at 8 pm to talk earnestly about “both sides”.
“The $750 was a filing fee, I think.”
Yeah, pull the other one.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
What the hell is he talking about with 3.5 million from Russia and “somebody gave a press conference tonight”? Is this new “dirt” from Giuliani?
@Leto: before the night is over, my liver will be talking dirty to me.
Bobby Thomson
@West of the Cascades: finally.
how will we know motherfucker? How would we know if you haven’t released it, motherfucker?!
@Leto: Would Uday or Qusay be the grinder monkey?
Omnes Omnibus
@Bobby Thomson: Recalibrate your snark meter. jl has been here for years.
@Bobby Thomson:
sarcasm, dude. Relax.
I started 30 minutes ago with a handle of whiskey. I have my local place on speed dial and they’re bringing more. Wish me luck.
Who the fuck pre-pays taxes? What the fuck is he talking about?
“Millions and millions of dollars!” Just show us your damn returns! HIT HIM HARDER JOE!
WTF does Mueller have to do with anything?
Trump wins the debate because he’s spinning conspiracy theories more calmly.
@Baud: The media was all in for BS after he won the Nevada caucuses but it didn’t work. Most people have had enough. Of this circus and they just want want it to be over
Joe’s taking him to the woodshed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: make disengaged Americans react to those stories the way I think they should, Joe!
I’m getting a dissatisfied feeling that Trump is getting more air time. But maybe it’s that he’s just putting out such extreme, expansive bullshit and Biden somehow sounds “smaller” because he sticks to, uh, reality.
Shit, I didn’t know that couple (edit: or maybe a lot more, come to think of it) of grand I pay in fed income taxes was just a filing figure.
But, it would really piss me off if The Big Man swiped it all for Amtrak passes. Is The Big Man Biden? Maybe! Some are saying….
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: I’ve known LTG Williams since he was a one star. At that time he was Deputy Commanding General for Operations at US Army Europe and I was the Cultural Advisor to the Commanding General of US Army Europe. He is a very good general officer/flag officer.
You know how historians are going to try to explain this? They’re not. They’re just going to say none of it ever happened.
Bringing up impeachment. Good.
18 Angry Democrats!
Biden has “houses all over the place.”
@L85NJGT: Yup. Easier to do when DT is working against himself, but props nonetheless.
@Gravenstone: I was thinking Tiffany, because of the recent blabber work she’s done, but I’ll say Eric.
Just One More Canuck
@Suzanne: burnt ochre?
It seems like Welker is giving him a lot of time to respond.
WTF? He’s losing coherence!
You pay estimated taxes on prior year’s revenue quarterly, so you’re paying ahead. But the “filing fee” is nonsense.
Thanks to all of you who are watching this live. I haven’t had a drink in almost two years, and I was afraid that if I tried watching this directly my liver and pancreas wouldn’t see another dawn.
zhena gogolia
Ooh, that sounds like too much.
“President Trump, why are you so corrupt?”
New debate thread.
Think of it as more rope to hang himself with.
True. That was a nice, succinct closing point.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Trump decided to play the statesman at the 11th, wonders will never cease.
that slight pause before 2013 he does his lie
Anne Laurie
New post up top, for freshness!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: He’s convinced that Biden has been given millions in donations, in exchange for promised favors if he’s elected president, from the major players on Wall Street. The President, his surrogates, and his supporters are so cocooned in their own sealed informational bubble that they’re just talking to themselves. And what they’re saying makes no sense to anyone else outside of the informational bubble.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Two of them.
Joke or not, some of his cultists actually tried it.
@Adam L Silverman: I believe it. I’m thinking about the phone calls he might be receiving: “Uhm, boss… the president is saying we’re delivering vaccines?” Gen Williams: “I’m glad I’m a Wild Turkey man because this is going to be a loooong night…”
@Just One More Canuck: Yes. Burnt ochre, mixed with some Cadmium red.
I’ll be interested to see the time stats after the debate.
It’s just a big lie. He’s using the fact that you pay estimated taxes to muddle the whole thing up and pretend there was or will be a larger payment later. I don’t think it will work though- the people who know what he’s talking about will also know he’s lying.
Dang phone people, forcing everyone else to open up and track yet another tab.
I see what the problem is now: Welker says we’re going to move on, but then Trump says, “I’ve got to respond to that,” and she lets him.
Moving upstairs now, I guess.
Omnes Omnibus
My husband says he tips his head sideways right before a lie- literally not being straight :)
West of the Cascades
@Kay: I suspect “prepaid taxes” also is meant to refer to payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicaid) which are not what most people think about of as “taxes.”
Nice cut-off by the moderator on the Trump word-salad about Biden asking for $10 million.
Bobby Thomson
@Baud: it’s extremely noticeable. She cuts Joe off and lets Dipshit ramble as long as he wants.
“Malarkey!” DRINK!!!
Malarkey! Big drink! Oops, I never made my rum and tonic. I’m scraping by on Coca-Cola.
I can’t even listen to him with Sarah Cooper’s lip synch. Brave, courageous jackals, to give us this live feed!
West of the Cascades
“It’s not about his family and my family. It’s about your family.” Joe FTW
@HumboldtBlue: Well, I have to file quarterly, but that doesn’t change what’s on the tax return. It still tells me the bottom line, I just get to subtract out what I’ve already paid. I can carry over any overpayments to the next year.
No, Trump paid $750. That I’m paying 100x that is why I can’t watch the debates. It’s rage-inducing.
Bobby Thomson
@Steeplejack: exactly. And letting him get away with that loses votes. This is all very primal shit. What people say doesn’t matter.
Amir Khalid
I don’t understand why Trump is dragging the late Clarence Clemons into this.
Make China ‘pay’ for the coronavirus? Does the moderator mean take them into the ally and beat the crap out of them, bust up their bike? Or make them pay like Mexico pays for the wall?
If this debate continues to be Trump spewing smears against Biden for every question, and the moderator asking dumb questions, I won’t last much longer.
‘Strong’ email’? China paid up? What? Biden good on the substance, ‘taxpayers’ money’, but wonder how many viewers will believe it if no time to explain.
@Yutsano: “No states! No states! You’re the states!”
Sister Golden Bear
Malarky! Drink!
@West of the Cascades:
Maybe, but paying estimated taxes is something some of his supporters might know about if they’re self employed or own the business. It’s just that it’s still 750 dollars, which…wouldn’t be enough :)
You don’t just pick a low number. It’s a real thing. It[s based on the prior year, so I supposed he’s telling us he never has any revenue.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: He’s not getting them. There’s an Army one star that has been seconded to the Operation Warp Speed staff and that’s the guy he’s referring to. The President makes him out to be the end all be all of logistics, because the President doesn’t know anything about logistics in general and military logistics in specific. The truth is that yes, this one star is a logistics specialists. But he’s not “General Logistics”. He’s somewhere between a baby brigadier and a one star halfway through to either 2 stars or retirement.
Sister Golden Bear
Need some mic cutting.
@Ken: I have not read that. Thank you!
West of the Cascades
@Kay: Sorry to be unclear – I think Trump and his people may be able to accurately say the Trump Organization has paid “millions in taxes” if it refers to SS and Medicaid taxes paid on behalf of employees.
(* does not refer to any other payments the Trump Organization may be paying to the SS or its modern equivalents)
I pay almost $750 in taxes every fucking paycheck.
The man ain’t good for my blood pressure and I’m broke as fuck.
“Joe didn’t do anything about health care.” I guess if you don’t count Obamacare, which they are literally discussing in real time.
The Moar You Know
@HumboldtBlue: I had to one year. It fucking sucked.
He’s a very confused guy!
Big question for post debate pundit blabber: Biden too coherent and on-point for the average voter?
Is he going to lose the ‘roid rage’ vote?
I can’t watch this much longer if they don’t figure out a way to stop Trump from lying every time he opens his mouth. But, Trump’s lies are getting so ridiculous wonder how many will believe them.
Now Biden explains how primary elections work. Biden the explainer! (Edit: Chuck Todd will worry if the topic of how primary elections work is too wonky for the white working class voter)
Edit2: Biden also explained how presidential election P and VP tickets work. Todd is even more worried now.
Joe: “People in Scranton don’t live on the stock market.”
@Suzanne: I was watching, had to get a break, but that expensive plexiglass made me really LOL.
@Bobby Thomson: Biden actually said that. I was watching. And he went right to Trumps Tax returns. What channel are you watching?
Seriously? Self-employed, freelancers, independent contractors all pay estimated taxes during the year.