“May these nine days and nine nights bring you and your family good health and fortune. Wishing you a very Happy Durga Puja.”“May Goddess Durga bestow her nine forms of blessings on you and your family: Fame, Wealth, Prosperity, Name, Happiness, Education, Health, Power, and Commitment. Happy Durga Puja.”
Wikipedia tells me that “the festival epitomises the victory of good over evil, though it is also in part a harvest festival celebrating the goddess as the motherly power behind all of life and creation.” Politics aside, I am very much in favor of both harvest festivals, and the triumph of goodness.
"Just by virtual of one single election, things don't become perfect. But you get yourself on a pattern, on a habit, of being better represented and getting better served by your government." – @BarackObama
— Karine Jean-Pierre (@K_JeanPierre) October 21, 2020
Democrats to boycott committee vote on Barrett nomination to the Supreme Court https://t.co/HBdGxVZXPD
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) October 22, 2020
My father, @MelBrooks, is 94. He has never made a political video. Until now. #MelBrooks4JoeBiden#BidenHarris#GrassrootsDemHQ pic.twitter.com/yQZhopSbNV
— Max Brooks (@maxbrooksauthor) October 21, 2020
mali muso
Good morning! PBO’s en fuego speech yesterday was the shot in the arm I needed.
Just by virtue of one single election, we either hold on to or lose the dream that America represents.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
If my watch is correct, it’s been nearly eleven hours since Rudy Giuliani has done something unbelievable.
@mali muso: It was great. 44 really stuck it to the rancid meatbag of failure that followed him.
Mary G
I have an ad that “The Republicans Need Your Help.” Ha.
Been a while since I shared a nugget cadged from that hefty volume of curiosities published in England in 1811.
Turns out reading isn’t so fundamental after all.
Oh, one other thing. For those who watch stuff on Hulu, they’re ba-a-a-ack.
@different-church-lady: Be patient. I think it’s Ghouliani’s moose-humping day.
@Mary G: Straightjackets, institutions, slaps across the face with rotten fish, rocketships into the Sun…
Betty Cracker
Two armed men dressed as security guards set up a tent outside an early voting location in downtown St. Pete yesterday. When questioned by the cops, they said they were licensed security guards hired by the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign denies it.
Both the supervisor of elections and the sheriff in that county are Republicans who are running for reelection. They claim they will not allow armed people to intimidate voters. To their credit, they did run the “security guards” off. It’s not clear if they took names and plan to investigate now that the Trump campaign says they did not hire them.
@NotMax: ???? NARF!
ETA – We could’ve known if Bill Clinton still plays the sax. ?
Who’s up for a little nice news story to start your day?
@Betty Cracker:
I’m disappointed the article in your link doesn’t include a photograph of the “guards.”
Pure conjecture but I don’t think it’s oral sax he is reticent about.
Lovely story. Thanks, I needed that.
I also needed my state’s AG on Morning Joe. He is awesome. Took on the Catholic Church and crushed them. Took on UPMC’s move to monopolize health insurance in my region, and eventually the entire state, and beat the hell out of them. Has taken on every challenge to our election and process by Mango Mussolini and his minions in the state leg and won resoundingly every time. So happy and proud to have voted to re-elect him. Josh Shapiro is a superstar.
Pouring here in Chicagoland. I see all the usual underpasses are flooded.
I LOVED Obama with NFLTG .
Will this photo do?
@NotMax: Ha ha.
Original theme
Betty Cracker
@debbie: Yeah, the incident was covered by other local media outlets, but I didn’t see any photos. The sheriff’s office is supposed to provide an update this morning. According to the SoE, the sheriff confirmed the men were licensed guards from a real security company. So, if the Trump campaign spokesperson lied when she said they didn’t hire them, the company should have the receipts.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
The Trump justices blocking curbside voting almost certainly violates the ADA. All the voters who are affected by this should demand the ADA protections, which in Ohio means two pollworkers, a Republican and a Democrat, have to go out to their vehicle with a ballot and a clipboard.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Obummer’s speech was a big disappointment. Not once did he mention oligarchs or Scandinavia.
@Betty Cracker:
Good. I was surprised not to see any of this nonsense when I voted early.
Betty Cracker
According to our small town rag, a number of Democrats in our county received the “vote for Trump or we’ll come after you” email allegedly from the Proud Boys, which Trump’s DNI toady says is really from Iran. Neither my husband nor I received the threat, so we feel kinda left out…
@debbie: Here you go.
@Betty Cracker:
I find the assertion it was Iran to be suspect. The Boys are grown enough to manage their own mailings.
@MagdaInBlack: Yes. A good mix of rain – DOWNPOUR! – rain – DOWNPOUR!
@Betty Cracker:
Dear Betty Cracker,
It has come to our attention that you’re a dirty pinko Democrat, so you’d better vote for the orange shitbag or else!
Not at all proud bois
Chyron HR
Yes, but if you try to tell progressives that then they just respond, “GIVe mE a rEAsON to VOTe wiThOUt MentIONInG ThE FOUrtH rEIch.”
@Betty Cracker:
It was Iran. They heard Trump was trying to sabotage the Post Office and decided to send some letters to help prop it up.
Pennsylvania AG is good.
Re-upping the convo from last night: I think the voters of Kentucky are entitled to hear some information about the health condition of Mitch McConnell before they vote for senator in this election. The skin around his mouth on the bridge of his nose is showing bruising and his hand is blackened and showing a weeping sore on his thumb.
@NotMax: Wow — I know trailers are filled with the best moments, but if that’s any indication they’re even sharper than they were in the 90s.
@Betty Cracker: Explain to me how this “intimidates” voters? Fuck em.
Time magazine replacing “Time” on there cover with “Vote”
Can someone please explain??
So emails were actually sent to Democrats threatening them and their families if they did not vote for Trump — check
These emails were signed “Proud Boys” — check
So this was a somehow an anti-Trump effort?
Cooked up in Iran?
Help! I’m melting!!!!
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch: No mention of raking, vacuuming or his Daddy Vladdy.
@Immanentize: Yes just like Obamagate was a plot against Trump where they broadcast an investigation of Hilary’s emails whilst hiding the Trump counterintelligence investigation
“You don’t got-a da code book?”
– Chico Marx
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: According to something I read yesterday and am too uninterested to research today, the Proud Boys lost control of their domain name somehow. So no, they do not seem competent to manage their own mailings.
@Chyron HR: Have the dirtbag left called Biden a corporate whore yet who won’t give them free college, free healthcare, and a unicorn butler that shits rainbows out of its eyes?
John S.
@Baud: Voter participation is already through the roof, and likely to be the highest in more than 100 years.
I have to believe people are not crawling through broken glass in the middle of a pandemic and driving record turnout to vote for a shitstain who barely squeaked by the first time around.
@sanjeevs: Roger Stone was friends with the Proud Boys. Proud Boys are notorious dummy thugs. One of the top Proud Boys who was recently arrested has allegedly been singing to the Feds.
Occam’s razor and my magic eight ball do not point to Iran.
@NotMax: Swordfish!
@NotMax: Exactly.
@Gin & Tonic
There’s sketch in there somewhere of Adolf raving “You’re telling me Churchill snatched up hitler.com?”
@John S.:
We gotta keep up the pressure for the next few days. Advertising works.
@Gin & Tonic:
Didn’t the gays snatch it?
@different-church-lady: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama…
The Canary Sang but Couldn’t Fly: The Fatal Fall of Abe Reles
@raven: What do you take for a haddock?
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: The gays took over the Twitter hashtag #ProudBoys. I’m talking about the domain name, like presumably proudboys.com. No, I’m not going to try going there, and I’m not going to spend any more time on this.
@raven: Great cover on that book!
As I predicted
@Immanentize: I was going to point it out. Peter Falk played a great Reles and the scene where they trow him out da window looks just like that cover!
@Immanentize: Talk talk talk, why don’t you go home to your wife? I’ll tell you what, I’ll go home to your wife and outside of the improvement she’ll never know the difference!
Reporters should publish the name of the security company. I wish the story had been that two people (named) had been arrested for setting up a tent and carrying guns outside a St. Pete polling location, if they were inside the boundary of illegal activity.
I wonder what the the security company charges for such a job, and how they categorize it. I mean, they’re not protecting a person or a private business. And what pay scale did the hired boots settle for? (I bet it wasn’t even nightclub bouncer level.) Does their contract have a clause ensuring they’ll still be paid if chased off or arrested? Somehow I doubt it.
@raven: ”
Murder, Inc. was filmed in and around New York City, and the cast consisted largely of actors from the off-Broadway theater. Peter Falk recalled in his autobiography Just One More Thing that the film was “no big deal for Twentieth Century Fox. They hired second-tier stars, nobody had ever heard of them. The cast of off-Broadway stage actors, including me, came cheap. A few dollars a week and a bag of peanuts.” [4]
Fairly well known that Peter Falk had a glass eye. Less known is that so did Leo (Rumpole) McKern.
Butter Emails
Given recent Supreme Court rulings on voting, I think Congress would be fully justified passing the following if unable to right size the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court Integrity and Transparency Act
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: Didn’t McKern play Number Two?
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Here’s the clip:
Good answer.
Raoul Paste
George Will says this about Trump. “he is about to have an encounter with a surly electorate wielding a truncheon“
Make it so
Bruce K
Meanwhile in Greece, the local flavor of neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn, got the hammer dropped on them by the criminal courts at their sentencing hearing. Thirteen years apiece for the party leader and a number of former GD parliamentarians for running a criminal organization, plus life in prison for the GD member who knifed antifa rapper Pavlos Fyssas to death.
That’s how Nazis get handled in the civilized world.
(In less good news, COVID is spiking badly here. New cases shot up from 400 to 600 to 800 in the space of three days. Curfews and regional lockdowns are being put into place.)
@raven: My boy, get in there and play like you did in the last game. I’ve got five dollars bet on the other team.
Gin &Tonic
Yup, more than once. Also Cromwell in A Man for All Seasons, among other storied roles.
TS (the original)
Given what trump has done to Iran, there is surely no way they would want him re-elected, let alone help him along the way.
The day is young.
@raven: I just had to listen to “Hello I Must be Going.” My son loved that song when he was 7 or so. I still love it
@Gin & Tonic: If you mean The Prisoner, yes, McKern was Number Two in several episodes.
@Immanentize: Our kids were big on “Whatever It Is, I’m Against It,” from Horse Feathers.
@Betty Cracker:
But will a task force that includes conservative republicans agree that the court should be expanded
It is a good answer to give to 60 Minutes before the election. It’s an excellent answer.
After the task force assembles, though, I don’t expect an expanded court. Unless Biden and/or Harris steps in to make the final decision. Every democrat on that committee will say yes and every republican will say no.
@mali muso: It’s funny, I was thinking of watching it all over again later today.
That, and the video of Biden receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
12 days, peeps!
Bittersweet at the time and no less so now.
@Immanentize: I wonder if an “Occam’s Eightball” would sell.
It’s good to see Mel Brooks on the right side of the History of the World, though it’s not at all surprising.
And wow, could he play Miracle Max, looking how he does now, or what?
Kalmar/Ruby wrote some great songs. My favorite was “Everyone Says I Love You.”
“Three Little Words” was their best. It became a jazz standard. I also think “Nevertheless, I’m in love with you” was a masterpiece.
I never saw the biopic about them. I assume it was largely fictional, as most biopics are.
@Baud: I think it’s a smart move on Biden’s part. Kick the can past the election, have the commission recommend the obvious (greatly expand the federal courts; review the appointments of judges who were rated ‘unfit’ or whatever and/or who had never tried a case as a lawyer; add 2 justices minimum to SCOTUS), and move on.
Repubs will howl but they always howl, so who cares?
“If your eye falls on a bargain, pick it up.” — Leonard Q. Ross (Leo Rosten), The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N
There’s a series of ads running on NYC newsradio. Essentially all the same, they target state Senators who voted to repeal cash bail, with threatening music and the same statistics: “police say that 3000 released prisoners committed over 9000 crimes after the repeal.” They also talk up the fear about defunding the police and how neighborhoods will be unsafe (at least two of these ads are for state Senators from suburban areas). At first I tuned them out, but then I listened to the small print at the end, and lo and behold, they’re being run by the Police Benevolent Association and some similar groups, and “were not solicited and not requested by any candidate or party.”
In Michigan, the Association of Police Chiefs is saying that they cannot and will not enforce the ban on firearms at polling places “because it’s not a law.”
Definitely time to disband the police unions. And maybe some firings for cause (i.e., failure to do their jobs) is in order for some chiefs.
Uncle Jeffy
@mrmoshpotato: Ever notice how butt-ugly so many of these RWNJs are?
The film is kind of sappy and slapdash. Red Skelton is not allowed to be Red Skelton and Fred Astaire is restrained form being Fred Astaire.
Citizen Scientist
Good morning everyone. Hoping the low-level anxiety I’ve been feeling lately is diminished once I turn in my mail-in ballot today.
Short, but possibly humorous anecdote: For months, friends, family members, casual acquaintances have been telling me that my dad is the spitting image of Dr. Fauci. I really didn’t see it until a few weeks ago, I walked into one of our local pizza places with my dad to pick up an order, and the guy at the counter yells out “Hey Dr. Fauci!”. I laughed mainly because I finally saw that with a mask on, Dad does look very much like the man himself, similar build, hair, eyes, etc. The main difference would be that my father’s NE Ohio accent is in no way similar to Dr. Fauci’s NYer drawl (that and my dad has a Ph D in entomology, not anything regarding medicine). Later that week, I saw a still photo from that interaction between Dr. F and Rand Paul during his Senate testimony, and it made me finally admit that, yes, dad really does look like Fauci.
Have a great day everyone. 12 more days to hang in there.
@Geminid: I would buy one. You can design your own 8balls on etsy. I was thinking I would get one for my son where every answer is some version of “no” and “don’t try it”
@mrmoshpotato: @MagdaInBlack:
Which meant I did NOT go for a run. But I’ve been trying to build in some strength work, so I did that for awhile.
Not good.
@Uncle Jeffy: Mandatory.
@Uncle Jeffy:
You mean the members of the “master race?”
@Citizen Scientist:
Tell him to be careful!
Did you see Fauci on 60 Minutes? He and his family need armed guards now.
I agree. Kentucky voters have a right to know.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Bruuuuce: Billy Crystal jokes that he could play Miracle Max now without makeup.
Which bugs the heck out of me, as I remember Billy Crystal as the young kid on “Soap” and in his early comedy career.
It’s like going to reunion and wondering how all your friends got old.
Dorothy A. Winsor
So during Trump’s 60 Minutes interview, Kayleigh McEnany showed Stahl a huge thick book that supposedly lists everything Trump has done on health care. Stahl opened it, and all the pages are blank.
That seems like a huge self-own to me, but I don’t speak Republican.
Or it comes up either “Ask again later” or “Do what Dad says.”
@Citizen Scientist: Good on you! Love your nym.
In polls from Oct 17-20, both Quinnipiac and Fox show Biden well ahead in early votes in battleground states, but Trump ahead in votes to be cast on election day. I dunno. So positive news, I guess, is winning for Trump depends on votes NOT yet cast. Those count? Texas tied. Florida within the margin of error.
@narya: Didn’t wanna run between the rain drops? ? DOWNPOUR!
@NotMax: Did I tell you that I have achieved a very serious life goal? The Immp has started asking me for music suggestions. This is a Big Biden Deal!
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I saw him on the reunion, and he doesn’t quite have the Ancient Guy thing going like Mel (long may he wave!).
I wouldn’t wonder about my friends having aged. If they’re anything like what I see in the mirror, there’s no doubt about it.
1. Everything is an anti-T effort.
2. Both sides.
3. Trump is protecting all Americans.
4. Even the scientists and generals don’t understand.
5. Election results are under audit. He will release them them when Hunter releases his deleted emails.
6. To prevent panic.
@Betty Cracker:
I’m disappointed he didn’t cut the interview short and storm off like a real leader would.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Isn’t this the fifth or sixth time he has pulled that same gag? There was the table stacked with folders full of blank paper proving he divested from his companies. Then there was the tape cutting ceremony with giant piles of blank paper showing all the regulations he got rid of.
@Aleta: I LOLed at number 5
ETA. Living alone has its advantages. Crazy random mirth behaviour goes unremarked.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
She denies that:
@mrmoshpotato: I am not completely opposed to running in the rain–it can actually be quite pleasant–but a complete downpour, with the occasional lightning, and massive puddles along the route . . . not so much. I am old and very slow. It was a good excuse to do the other workout too; I need to build an alternative to running, because I especially do not run on ice. I don’t mind cold, but ice is a strict no.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Total self-own.
ETA – I would feel bad for these idiots if they weren’t such destructive trash.
Congrats. That must necessitate some serious cogitation on your part.
In the mid 1960s I’d watch TV variety shows with my parents. And they were always saying “He got so old!” “Look how old she is!” because the variety shows always featured entertainers from the 1930s and ’40s. It was my first time seeing these entertainers, so it didn’t mean anything to me.
But now I say it all the time! And some entertainers, I don’t even recognize. Like when I saw an elderly Orson Bean in a movie, I had no idea who it was. Charles Grodin was another one.
Emma from FL
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I wish I could be surprised by such a level of stupid arrogance. Trying to play a woman with more than 30 years of experience kicking powerful politicians in the ass with the equivalent of a preschooler’s stunt?
Even if it weren’t true, it’s so typical of this WH that it’s instantly believable.
@germy: That book was way more than 500 pages. I’ve read Knausgaard….
@germy: Let Stahl flip through that phone book on camera then, Kayleigh Frauditrashy.
I really hope he doesn’t disappear again after this election. we need him out there saying this over and over again for every mid-term and state and local election all over the country. If young people want to effect real change they have to show up for every election, not just the ones where their is some messiah running and promising to fix everything with the wave of their hands.
this is why I oppose term limits. if you have a good representative in office you should get to vote for them again, as a pattern, on a habit, to be better represented and be served by someone experienced in government service. the GOP likes term limits because its another way to suppress votes. another way to exploit cynicism and suspicion of government, of us – we the people. another way to vilify competence and glorify ignorance. everyone should get to be proud of voting for the boring, steady, non-charismatic candidate who just gets shit done. enough with mixing politics with Survivor. it’s hard enough to get competent people to run and get them into office. let’s stop shooting ourselves in the foot by accepting the TeaParty premise that you can’t trust someone who has been doing the job for the last 2 or 4 or 6 years. that government is evil.
he was pretty gentle with those guys at the townhall in the next video. he didn’t tell them the price of voting for legislation that they care about, that might help their communities, voting for ACA, might be losing their seat and not being to able to represent their constituents ever again. that they could end up like the Carters, the Clintons, the Obamas, etc-universally reviled by the media and everyone watching Fox News for being smart, competent, and good at governing and getting things done.
Job one for a packed court isn’t protecting ACA or Roe or Obergfeld or even entitlements. It should be overturning Citizen’s United.
@NotMax: it took 19 years of him realizing that as I get older, I seem to learn useful things.
Happy mid-terms everyone. Time to crush more Russthuglican Kremlin trash. Remember these bastards tried to take away your health insurance, and they hump lizard people.
mad citizen
@John S.: “Voter participation is already through the roof, and likely to be the highest in more than 100 years.
I have to believe people are not crawling through broken glass in the middle of a pandemic and driving record turnout to vote for a shitstain who barely squeaked by the first time around”
Yup! ElectProject starting the morning showing 44 million early votes. One of the words that has been in my brain these last few months is repudiate. Thought it would have made a good sign over the shitstain’s visage.
Or a funnier way as the orange sticker on my car says “Flush the Turd on November 3rd” (In the end I couldn’t buy anything with his visage on it, even in cartoon poo form).
First time I read this sentence I totally missed the numeral 8, and was wide-eyed with admiration for American ingenuity.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: I’m really glad he seems to be thriving at Rice
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: It is a sweet and gratifying moment when one’s young adult children genuinely solicit their aged parent’s advice and opinions. My sons do that from time to time and it makes me very happy that they care.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
No lie? That is … astonishing.
Citizen Scientist
@germy: Yes, and it has made me a little concerned. I’ve told him to be careful.
@Immanentize: Lydia is my fav!
@Princess: death is coming for him and I really don’t care- do you?
Matt McIrvin
@germy: For some reason, the one that really hit home for me was seeing a visibly elderly Elvis Costello.
That, above all, must sink in. We have abundant evidence that their howling is a tactic, not a good-faith effort.
@Matt McIrvin:
Yes, me too. I remember when he was 22!
I was reading about him in Crawdaddy magazine in the late 1970s.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@germy: Yeah. And Mel Brooks, who started this conversation at #77. A couple years back, I watched an episode of Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee where Seinfeld goes and hangs out with Brooks and Carl Reiner as they watch TV (how cool is that?). It wasn’t Miracle Max I was thinking of watching Brooks, it was Yoda. Or Yogurt, the Spaceballs version of Yoda.
The other shocker is finding out how old some stars are when I look them up, after seeing them and thinking they don’t look that old (to me anyway). We’ve fallen in love with The Kominsky Method on Netflix. Michael Douglas is 76, and Alan Arkin is 86! A few years ago there was a movie with Dustin Hoffman as the director of a boys choir who is past retirement age but doesn’t want to retire. I was thinking, “he’s too young to make that plausible”. Turned out he was around 80.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
GoDaddy says you can have the domain for $25K. So it does looks like somebody grabbed it. But there’s no content to speak of (I peeked in a private browser window). If the Proud Boys can scrape up $25K from their beer money they can get it back.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The other weird thing (at least to me) is realizing how old certain entertainers would be if they were still alive.
Like Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Lenny Bruce, etc.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@germy: Did you ever look up actors in a 1930s movie on IMDB? If they were playing a 50-60ish person in the 1930s, they were born in the 19th century. Frank Morgan for instance, born 1890. That kind of blows my mind, thinking “we’re watching a person who predates radio or the telephone.”
Sometimes I wonder if it was weird for actors like that to see and adapt to the new media, but then I think no weirder than for us pre-cell phone, pre-microwave folks to have adopted those technologies.
Edit: LOL. I type Frank Morgan into Google to get his dates, and in the sidebar it tells me this “American character actor” wrote these books: Real Analysis, Riemannian Geometry: A Beginner’s Guide, Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner’s Guide
Pretty sure that’s not the same guy.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yes, and some of the elderly actors we’d see in the 1930s had been doing theater in the 19th century.
Groucho Marx was born in 1890. Robert Benchley in 1889. So they didn’t really remember that century, but the oldsters of their day certainly did
And when I see TV shows from the late 1950s-early 1960s (like Perry Mason), whenever a guest star is an elderly dowager, it always turns out they were pretty young stars of the silent screen or the Broadway stage.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@germy: My favorite surprise like that (slightly later era): Mae Questal, the dotty Aunt Bethany in Christmas Vacation, was the voice of Olive Oyl and Betty Boop. And played Betty Boop in some live films as well. As I recall she turned out to have had a pretty amazing voiceover career.
@Gin & Tonic:
Yeah, I saw that. What jokers! They still can shoot their guns though.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I remember when I learned that Uncle Fester from the 1960s Adams Family TV show was the kid in Chaplin’s movie “The Kid”
If Trump is protecting all Americans – what is this about then:
@Immanentize: That Is a BFD! Don’t booger it up. ?
J R in WV
This is a repeat of the original Trumpian strategy to cope with the Novel Coronavirus plague. Which was:
And now here we are, the whole nation struck down by the Trump Plague.
Uncle Cosmo
@Geminid: No, but you could probably make a bazillion hawking a Tragic Hate-Ball on Faux, Stinklair and the Original American Nazi Network…